Ar largo Newfoundland dog wns carried over tho American falls at Niagara a few afternoons ago, and suc ceeded in getting to tho iccMjridgc, but .got so jammed amongst tho ieo that he could not extricate himself. From the weakened statu of tiio ice-bridge peo ple cotdd not rescue him, although several attempts were made. The next morning tho whole of tho ice-bridge was carried away, and the poor dog with it. He stuck to a large piece of ice and lloated down tiie river and passed under tho railway suspension bridge on it, where a largo number of .iuujuu witnessed me novel ietuurc. iVhen ho and his ice-boat reached tho whirlpool rapids the ico crumbled into a thousand pieces, tho dog making a bold attempt to swim ashore, but tho current proved too strong for him. The registration of letters in the post-ollico is an absolute protection against loss, because every letter is specially marked, handled, delivered and receipted ior by every person into whose hands it may come, so that any misplacement which might happen would u5 at onco detected, and any theft would bo discovered immediately. IiAjs tho certainty of detection which prevents crime, and, although a dishon est dork might steal a registered letter, lie would no tletccted without fail. Loss in all othor ways is impossible. This fact docs not at all conllict with the other fact that registered letters arc forwarded at the sender's risk. Loss is impossible, and theft is certain of dis covery, and so there is practically tic risk whatever. N. Y. Times. Iwthe Times, of Philadelphia, we observe: Mr. John McGratli, 123(1 Christian street, was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of severe rheu matism. i "Dwo vab sliocwt enough, built dree vas too blentv," remarked Hans, when his best girl asked him to take her mother along to a da nee. i Gave Instantaneous relief. St Jacobs Oil. Neuralgia. Prof.Tlco.-b'f. Louis Tost-Dispatch. It docs, not always do to credit people with over-sensitiveness. The other day one of our 'rising young pianists," jays a Sa;i Francis co paper, was giving his opinion of tho vul garity and meanness displayed by our gold ilsh aristocracy. " Why," ho said, " for In stance, I was invited to attend a mustcale at the house of old Fullbags, on Nobb Hill. Of couise I played a good deal to entertain tho company; and, when I loft, old Jf., as he shook hands, slipped Into my hand a twenty dollar gold piece." "Why, the old humbug I" Bald one of his auditors indignantly, ' what did you do?" ""Why you just bet 1 got even with him 1 I threw tho moncyon tho floor and left, after exchanging the coin for a coun terfeit twenty I happened to have In my pock et just then; don't you seel" "Capital idea that I Served the old vulgarian right I" "Yes, it wns a huge ldc:r; but the trouble was that his twenty turned out to boa counterfeit toot" Spring Fever. Tcrsons should not think lightly of that feeling of extreme debility, so common in the spring of tho year. It Is often the forerunner of a yiiar of 111 health. It renders the system very susceptible to disease, and is caused by the blood being filled with poisonous humors. Tho blood, by all means, should be kept healthy, otherwise Its power to assimilate nu tritious food becomes impaired, and dyspepsia, liver-complaint, headache, nervous debility, extreme languor, weak kidneys, want of phys ical and mental endurance, and general pros tration Is the result Since prevention is bet ter than cure, dou't wait for the llnal result of Bprlngtitno indisposition, when the first symp toms of languor arc manifested, but begin using Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsapa rllla. As a spring medicine, It excels all other remedies, gently but surely expolllng the poisonous blood humors with which the sys tem becomes Impregnated, by the Incidental cilYct of changeable winter weather. It makes the blood red, rich and pure, causes It to cir culate with more vim, enables It to renew tho wasted tissues, and carries strength and vitality to every weakened part of the human system, restoring Impaired bodily functions, and checking all decay of the urinary, digest ive, and pulmonary organs, which, If neglected, too ofteii cuds In a premature grave. A lapy says that It takes many men a whole lifetime to learn to carry a ten-dollar bill home without bi caking It Jioiton Olobe. Mu. ItonniiT B. IUhton', of Dayton, Ohio, writes: "Iwlfhevcry one to know that Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla has cured mo of severo dyspepsia and urinary troubles. It has made me very strong." A i.amh.M)Y advoitlspg that she has "a flue, well-furnished bed-room, for a gentleman twelve foot t-quirc;" another has "a cheap and desirable suite of rooms for u respectable mmiir in goou repair;" still nnotiier lias "a , hall bedroom, for a Mngle woman eight by -.twelve." Chicato Tribune. "Is tii khi: any opening heioforan intel writer!" asked a seedy, icd-nosed in- A HTV-1 i,, i. ; uprooted by a recent i(,iPu,'V:i1v8..fplv.!l iuunda to have tdy in the S nJ T W-lio was probably not j ... .. uiiircc. motion iraiuerijii. mT."',TV."riV'Vloll'"wIlli)urchaso all tho i ante . , Tin ? f0,r.,a u" ladr to go Into ean".i ?...? th! ,il.a,UM CHn ba warranted to Dress to death on lBh.-.JMroU Fne nn niiWrB on" nAN oneo rny,nf wr cousin, an ollkcr, on his courago, sahl; "Now Harry, do you really mean to tell me you can walk up to a cannon's mouth without feiri" eV' was tho prompt reply, "or to u Utichanan's, either." And he UW It. T up. breezy burglar's evening pleasantry: "I always raibo tho wind when I blow open a jfe." - ' ii I.awvehs In Mnssaehusetts carry green bags to show that tliey ilong to " The Old Haizo UbillU .. wI.p l rcst l rust'" ,s fierinon proverb. If I trust I bust," Is the American version. Jloclmter Lxpre.s, Til e old man "exploded with laughter" when the young girl "burst Into womanhood." Tents bijtlny. '- How can man and wife bo one, when tho woman Is won herself 1 Salon Sunbeam. III II -Si-P !.. Tiik wheel of fortune runs slow, becauso Itr felloes are tied. Whitehall Times. " .""juti oi an euitor. " i es, my mend," re I" c'1 vUe liiuu of iiullls. "a considerate ear- 1'"". ''tycscohig your visit, left an opening lor Jou.j'Ura thc 1iI10b ou the rjgi,t, ' AN UNUSUAL FURORE. A Recent Kxrttcinrnt liivefttlgnted by tho Herald unci tho Results Mndo 1'iiliUc. (Cleveland, 0., Herald.) A few wcoks ago wo copied Into our col umns from tho Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Ck-ontele "A Kemarkab!o Statement," made by J. 11. Hcnion, M. D., a gentleman who Is well known In this city. In that 'arti cle Dr. Hciilon recounted a wonderful experi ence which befell him, and a few days there after wc published from thosamo paper n-scc-ond article, giving an account of tho "Excite ment In Rochester," caused by Dr. Ilenlon's statement. In the first artlclo Dr. Hcnion stated that for a numbor of years, up to last Juno, he had been nllllcted with what seemed ntilrsta most mysterious trouble. Ho felt unaccountably tired at frequent Intervals; ho had dull and uulrflnlto pains in various parts of his body and head, and was very hungry one day and entirely without appetite tho next. However, as a phvslclau he thought, and so did his fellow physicians, that ho was suffering from malaria. Hut ho grew worse, and was finally obliged to ghe up a large and lucrative practice. Still he was not conscious of his danger, nor that a monstrous disease was becoming ilxcd upon him. although all his organs had beeomo gradually weakened. Tho symptoms above described continued, accompanied by others of an aggravated nature, and he noticed a pecul iar color and odor about tho fluids he was passing; that they wore abundant ouo day and very scanty the next, and were covered wiiu irotn or lined witit uricK-unst sediment. ; Rut even then ho did not rcallzo his real and i alarming condition. At lust, however, ho was brought face to faeo with thy fact that he was a victim of a most terrlblo disease, and he made heroic efforts for recovery. He traveled extensively and consulted the best physicians, but thoy could give him only temporary rc 1 of, and that principally In tho form of mor phine. And so he grew steadily and con stantly worse until his life became a torture. His pulse was uncontrollable. Ho lived wholly by Injections, and for six days and nights he had tho hiccoughs constantly, which are the sure Indication of coming death. When hope ond life wore nearly exhausted his pastor, tho Rev. Dr. Footc: rector of St. Paul's Church, strongly urged him to try a means which the reverend gentleman had seen used with remarkable results. He objected at first, but finally consented, and was conscious of an Imnrovod condition tho first week. Ills pains gradually disappeared; his stomach re sumed digestion; his heart became regular; his headaches disappeared; ho had uo nioro chills and fever, or acidity of the stomach; ho gained twenty-six pounda In three months. ana is a wen man to-day, being entirely cured of a most pronounced case of Rright's disease. Although conscious of tho consequences from his professional brethren, still us a duty io ins ionow men, ana according to a vow no mado on what he thought was his dying bed, ho published a card detailing his Illness and remarkable cure. "Since my recovery," ho says, "1 have thoroughly reinvestigated tho subject of kidney dlilicultlcs and Rright's disease, and I believe sioui! than onis-halv TIU2 DKITIH WHICH OCCl'lt IN A.MKllICA AHI5 CAUSED HV RlMOlIT'8 UltiHAM: Ol TIIK KID NEYS. It has no distinctive symptoms of its own (Indeed, It often develops without nny pain whatever In thc k'dnoys or their vicinity,) but has tho symptoms of nearly every otlior known complaint. Hundreds of peoplo dlo dally whoso burials are authorized by a physi cian's certificate of "Heart Disease," "Apo plexy." "Paralysis," "Spinal Complaint," "Rheumatism," "Pneumnonla," and other common complaints, when In reality It was Riight's disease of thc kidneys. Fewphy.-!-clans, and fewer people, realize the extent of this disease or Its dangerous and Insidious na ture. It steals into thc system like a thief, manifests Its presence by tho commonest symptoms, and fastens itself upon the life he fore tho victim Is aware. It is nearly as her editary as consumption, quite as co union and fully us fatal. Entire families. Inheriting it lrom their ancestors, have died, and yet none of tho number knew or realized tho mysterious power which was removing them. Instead of common symptoms it often shows none what ever, but brings death suddenly, and us such la usually supposed to bo heart dlbeaso. Tho second article entitled "Excitement In Rochester," was made up of Interviews with Dr. Hcnion himself, who confirmed all said In his card, and also with Mr. II. II. Warner. The latter gentleman did not regard Dr. Hen Ion's case as particularly exceptional, because ho had known of very many such cures by tho same me.ins In all parts of tho land. Kidney diseases, he said, are carrying oil tens of thousands every year, while Rright's disease Is increasing 'J.'jO per cent, a decade, and yet the peoplo do not realize It or seek to check it until too late. He related how a New Orleans medical professor, lecturing on this disease, thinking to show his class what healthy fiulds were, subjected some of his own to a chemical test, and although he had no suspicion of it befoic, dlfcovcrod that ho, too, had the dread ed disease, which proved fatal In less than a year. There was albo an Interview with tho celebrated chemist of tho Now York State Hoard of Health, Dr. S. A. Latthnore, who said he had analyzed the remedy which cured Dr. Ilcnlon, and found that It was "entirely free from any polsouous or deleterious sub stances." Wu have matlo those condensation1! In order that all the mater' al fucts may be set before our readers. Since the publication of thoso two articles, having been besieged with let ters of inquiry, Ave sent a communication to Dr. Hcnion and also one to If. H. Warner ci Co., asking If any additional proof could bo given us us to tho validity of the statements published. In answer thereto wo have re ceived tho following letters, which add Inter est to tho entire subject and wholly verify every statement hitherto made: Rocni'.STEit, N. Y., Feb. 2. 18S2. Gentlemen: Your favor Is received. The published statement, over my slguature, to which you refer, Is true in every respect, and I owo my life and present health wholly to tho power of "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. It Is not surprising that people should question the statement I made, for my recov ery was as great a marvel to myself as to my physlclaus and friends. J. R. Henion, M. D. Roche3teii, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1883. Sins: Acknowledging your favor duly re ceived, wo would say: The best proof wo can givoyou that tho statements made by Dr. Ilcnlon aro entirely true, and would not havo been published unless strictly so, Is the fol lowing testimonial from tho best citizens of Rochester, and a card published by Rev. Dr. Footc, which you arc at liberty to use If you wish. II. II. Wauneii ii Co. To Whom it may Concern: In tho Rochester, N. Y.,Dcmocratand Chron icle of December ill, 1881, there appeared a statement lu the form of a card from Dr. J. R. Henion, of this city, recounting his re inarkablo recovery from Rright's disease of the kidneys, after several doctors of proml in.mco had given him up, by tho use of a prep aration manufactured in this city ond kuown as Warner's Safe Kidney and I.Ivor Cure. Wo are personally or by reputation acquaint ed with l)r. Henion, and we bellevo ho would publish no statement not literally true. "Wo arc also personally or by reputat'on well ac quainted with II. H. Warner & Co., proprie tors of this remedy, whoso commercial and personal standing In this community Is of the highest order, uud wo bellove that tliey would not publish any statements, which were not literally and strictly true In every particular. C. R. Pahsons, (Mayor, Rochester.) Wm. TunCELL, (Editor Union and Adver tiser.) W. D. Biioaiit, (Surrogate Monroe County.) Edwaiid A. FnosT, (CloYk Monroe County.) E. R. Fenneh, (District Attorney Mrnroo County.) I)ANintT. Hunt, (Postmaster, Rochester.) J. M. Dayt, (Ex-Member of Congress, Roch ester.) John S. Mohcun, (Special Co. Judge, Mon roo Co.) Hiium Stm.EY, (Capitalist and Seedsman.) W, 0. Rowley, (County Julge, Monroe County.) John Van Voouhis, (Member of Congress.) E. Fitch, (Editor Democrat and Chronicle and Regent of tho University.) To the Editor of the TAvini) Church, Vhiciyo, DU: Will you allow tho following card, personal to myself, to appear In your widely-circulated paper I There was published In tho Rochester mo crat and Chronicle of tho Hist of Deccmtior last, a statement made by J. R. Ronton, M. D., narrating how ho had been cured of Rright's disease of the kidneys, almost in Its last stages, by the uso of Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure. I was referred to lu that statement as having recommended and urged Dr. Henlou to try tho remedy, which ho did, and was cured. Now tho republishing of his statement in many of tho leading Journals of the day has been thc cause of an lnccssntit flow ot letters to mo making many Im ulrles, but chlelly whether thc statement Is truo, or a mere ad vertising dodg etc., etc I beg, therefore, to anticipate any further Inquiries and save time and labor, and somo postage, by saying that the statement o f Dr. Henion Is truo. so fur as it concerns myself, and I Lcllovo it to bo true lu all other re snccts. Ho Is a narlshtoncr of initio and I visited him in his sickness. I urged him to take tho medicine und would do tho same again to any one who was troubled with a dis ease of tho kidneys and liver. Isiiael Foote, (D. D.,) Rector of St. Paul's Church. Jlochestcr, y. Y., January 23, 1SS2. A man with a felon on his hand Is entitled to sympathy. How mucli more tho keeper of the State Prison, who has a great many. Lowell Courier. "Now "Well anil Stronp." Siur-MAN, Illinois. Dn. R. V. rir.itCR, Rulfalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir I with to state that my daughter, aged 18, was pronounced Incurable and was faat falling as tho doctors thought, with consumption. I ob tained a half dozen bottles of jour "Goldon Medical Discovery" for her and she commenced improving at once, and is now wen ami strong. Very truly yours. Rr.v. Isaac N. Auqustin. "Discovery" sold by druggists. ' Anew shodo of feminine goods Is "crushed carrot." No doubt a color called "mashed custard pie" will bo brought out hi season for plc-nlc wear. Xorristown Herald. Youno and middle-aged men, suffering from nervous debility uud kindred affections, as loss of memory and hypochondria, should In close turco sumps ior ran vn oi onus Dispensary Dime Scries of pamphlets. Ad dress WOUI.D'S DlSI'ENSAltY MEDICAL ASSO CIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. Tun latest esthetic slang tho ladles use when reproving their admiring gentlemen friends Is: " i ou flatter too awfully perfectly much." Boston I'ost. Slck-IIciulnchr. Mns. J. 0. IIbndriibon. of Cleveland. Ohio, writes: "The uso of two of Pierce's 'Pleasant Purgative Pellets' a day, for a few weeks, has entirely cured mcof slck-hcadache, from which I formerly suffered tcnlbly, ps often, on un average, us once In ton days." Of all druggists. Avoidino the vulgar: MIssAramlnta Gush lngton speaks of the "solemn season oi loaned." She never could bring herelt to say Lent It Is so' painfully vulgar, you ktiow. Boston Transcript. New style of Western Joke: Suppose there was a mau named Icular, and ho had a dog. When they were together they could not He down because they would havo to remain purpand-Icular. 'New York Graphic. Father 'is Getting Well. My daughters say, ,l How much better father is since ho used Hop Rlttcrs." Ho is getting well after his long suffering from a disease de clared Incurable, and wo are so glad that he used your Hitters. A lady of Rochester, N. Y. -UtU-a Herald. In its fashion notes for the week the Hoston Commercial Hulk tin says: "Coupons aro not cut hv us." Jteacucd from Death, William J. Uoughlan, of Somorvllle, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1WiJ 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lunos, followed by a severe cough. I was admitted to the City 'Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as blsr as ahitlf dollar Igavouphope, but a friend told mo of Dit. Wm, Ham.'s Rait 8AM Fou tup. Lunos. I got a bottle, when to my surpriso I commenced to feel bettor, and to day 1 feci in butter spirits thin I have the past three years. I write this hoping that every ouo nllllcted with Diseased Lungs will take Dh.Wm. Uai.i.'h Rai.sam iron tiik Lunos, and be con vinced that Consumption can iik cuitnn," Also asure remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Chest uud Lung Diseases. Sold by druggists. "PitnsrMPTiON begins In Ignoranco and endsTii ruin." On tho other hand, the pro duction of Kldnoy-AVort began with wise cau tions and sciciitille research, and its uso cuds lu restoring shattered constitutions and en dowing men and women with health and happiness. "My tormented back," Is the ex clamation of more than one poor hardworking man and woman ; do you know why It aches I It is because your kidnevs aro over-tasked and need strengthening, and your system needs to bo cleansed of bad humors, ou need Kidney-Wort. s Quitkau could nover sleep at proper hours, cursed with abnormal activity, his nerves Were always ou tho qui vive. Could ho have had tho soothing benefit of Dr. Renson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, his wretched brains would not hao raged with Improper fancies. Dr. Rcnson's.Skln Cure Is already becoming as famous as his Tills. It Is u sure euro for 11 diseases of Skin aud Scalp. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Rencwer" re stores health aud vigor, cuies Dyspepsia. $1. Womhn that have been bedridden for yearn have been entirely cured of female wcakncbi nave been entirely cured of female weak by tho uso of Lydla K. Plnkham's Veget Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydla 13. Pinkli 23!J Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for j egaiuui1) 'hiklmin, or nam- PUIOIB. . , , , t3T Diamond Dyes will color anything any color, and never fall. Tho easiest aud best way to oconomlzo. Only ten cents. Bold by all druggists. Sou) everywhere Is I'mcr's Axle Orcaso. Superior to all others. Try it and be happy. " Rouou on Rvts." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, gophers, chipmunks. 15c - ' ' Ik afllicted with bore I3yos, uso Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. DrugglBtaoll IU 20c. Snvn nnmo and address to Cragln & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., for cook book free. TOLLS, BIOHABDSOIT&CO'S NEW DISCOVERY. ForioTcil year w haro furnlthcd tho Tjalrjmrn of America with an rxcellent Artificial color for buttcriio merltorloui that it mtt with (Croat tuccM ererywherf, rccelrln tho hlgheat (and only) prize at both Interna tional Dairy ralra. Rut by patient and clf ntlflo chr mica! rctearch wo haro Improrvd in toreral points, and now offor thU naw color " WELLS, RICHARDSON A- C0'8 Tho Advantages Aro it wrxT. fTOTcor.ort Tim nnrnntMniTC. IT WILT. yOT TtnuT KANCID rr oivES a nnicmTEit coron. IT Ifl TUB CKEATEflT COLOR MADH. It h.M IIipm (rood (inntltlcibecftuiifl It 1 tho utronitrst and briRhtftt color, and, whllo prcarod In oil, it U to compounded (hat It UlmpowIUo for It to bocomo rancid. E WARE of all imitation, and of all other oil col on, tor orcry other onoUILible to becomo rancid and poll tho butter Into which It I put Atk for W. H. ts CO.'SIMrilOVr.D COLOR and tnko no other. It you rAnnot cot It wrlto to u to kuow vrhoro and how to cot it without extra cxponM. (10) WKLU), IUCIIA.IIDBOX JL CO., llnrllnctan. VU ON 30 DAWTRIAL. Wo wilt send on 30 Daya Trial DR. DYE'S MEBIMTED Electro Yoltaic Belts AND SUSPENSORIES, And other r ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TO MEN Buffcrlnir from Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality, Vlitor and Manhood, resulting from Abuse Riiif other muses; or to any perton afflicted with Klicitmu tUra, Neui'iilsln, IiirlyaU, Hilnul llimcul tie, I.ume Hack, Liver und Ittdttey 1'rnu lir, Kiipturet, and other dlmiui'i ir tho Vital Orgiiua. Speedy relief and complete restora tion to litallh guaranteed. 'riire uvr, the only J'.lectrlc Appliances that tuvn ever been can trurtod upoa NclentlUn principle. Their thorough eftlcaoy baa been practfeaUr proven with the moil wonderful mccca. We linre tho leitl mony of llioimiud who linre been iiulvkly und radically cured liy their mr. All ulc of nny person Is to idvu them u trial Tor UO daya und he convinced t-enrt t once for lllntralrd Pnntpklet, Riving all Information, Tree. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., BIAIISHATX, MICH. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF COMSTDPATBOM, No other dlseaao is bo pro valont In thla coun try no Constipation, and no remody has ovor equalled tho oelobratod Kldncy-Wort an a euro. Wlmtovcrthacauso.howovorobflUnato tho csuio, thla remody will ovcroorao It. rann ktcs tjiib cmtrossinir com' r & Tjlolnt la very nDt to bo complicatodwlUxooiuUpatlon. Kldnoy-Wort otroncUicna tho weakened parte and aulaltbr cures nllKincuor i'lies ovcnwnsn physicians ana tncaicinca uavo oaioro laiica. t 3"1I you havo cither or thosa trouble PRICE $1. USE I DrURglota Soli T EMPERANGE REVOLUTION price suited to Kencrul distribution. Dollar books for fts. Monthly papers, to Individual addresses. Sets. a year (11 kinds), l'lniis to sow whole towns wllh t Pitt rjsrn nits lltnriWlltxt ttt miiimI fnp nann. Alan HAM) UK lIOI'i: Roods, Wcokly Taper, so cheap peiin; buys them. Thirty-sir colum ... ... . .. . , . . ......... ..u , ... , y U..U . u . IK. -. as, incmuina i.iorary ana iiiiT collection inuru than iliimii cutnlocue free. Sonrt us muni's of live Temperance workers, so we can reach them. Address The .'TEHPEKAME ItEVOLUriO.V 148 Madison Street, Chicago, III. WILBOE'S C0MP0USD 01 PUEE COD IXVEE OIL AND LIME. To 'oniiinptlrr. JVf nny lmv, liM-n happy to give tliclMctliiiuny In favor of tho use of " Mil. bar's Pare Cnil.lAter Olland fAine." KTiM'rlcncfhai proved It to bo h valuable rcnu'ily for UonHuimitloti, Asrliin.i, Diphtheria, and all disrates of the Throne and J.unK" Manufactured only by A. 11. WILUOU; Chouilut, llosiun. Sold by all druia'lstx. PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS $!B$,U itlood, and will completely change tho blood In thu en tire system In threu months. Any person who will take 1 pill each ntKht from I to 1 weeks may be restored to sound health, It sudi n thine ho possllilo. Bold ev erywhere, or scut by innll for M letter stnmp. 1.8. JounboKiICo.. Hoston. M'ais., formerly ilanuor. Mo. BARBLESS FISH HOOKS tl'ut. l)et. a), 1H77 ) CERTAIN TO HOLD EVERY FISH. BOc.pcrdnz. 5c. pertloz. -lOc. pordoz. Nos. i.,:t, 4, r,, , t, m. For Trout. Forllasi. For Pike. Dealers send for Price I.Ut. Mantifac turcrs and Proprietors, VWILLIAM MILLS St. SON, l-inill.-VM '1-A.i'lLt.K. 1 AVurreu tit.. New Tforlc. Ask your dealer for them or send foi Descriptive I.lst. lowaR.R.LandCo, Cedar Rapidf , Iowa. DIPHTHERIA! .JOHNNON'H ANOIIYNK LINIMI3IT will positively prevent thl terrible disease, and will pos. llvt ly turo nine cases out of tin. Information that will save many lives, sent free oy mall. Don't delay a mo ment. Prevention Is better than cure. I. b. JOHNSO & CO.. IHlSION. MAH8.. funneily IIakuor. Hi, Pa k sons' Puhuativk Pills inaku new rich blood. Employment for Ladles. The Queen City Ruteniler Company nfCIn clicniti ji now manufatlur Intf and iiitruduclni; Je ' w rl(.ll hutiivrlf n for Udlnand (ItllilrrH, and llieir iiueiiualcd Htlrl ftuiuradtn for Uitln, and want reliable lady aKcniktotcll i thcni in cTtry IicumIioIiI, Our aitcntt every iwhert ini with ready tuccett and make hatid. some taUnev Wrli at our r... tr,n aiwi ... curccicluslva Unilory, Ailitien Qattn lltr bH,uar fa.. flM.Ua nKiM (t7 Leadiatr Phyklciaut icccuiiuciid tlicic Sup)iurtcit. JO) HII EICI BLQQD ! I J fnfBWjnUairMlllion HOWBHWW 3D W 1TfI roR sale vr tiik I IB Inl I I H t" liri Vm III OL iUAiiAlsl1 Stt MUSICAL BEADING FOR THE MILLION ! i . Dltson it Co. ptiblliti a very d 'light M serlei of standard and neic6ooU, destined to iIm, tnat ah traettte llteraryform, oil needed information about musical Milury and soms portions q Ma study of" Jtu tie. Tnwri I lhrarla rl11 "nfrr a trreat favor om IUWI1 LIUIHIIKS the musical pi'ople of thc com tnunlly by addliiR th.'se book to their lists. Rnmanni laremcmbi'trdlntlin lllottraphlcal Uo the Komahllc IlioRrnpliy of MO.AK1' (11.73). llotll closely follow facts. TUm I altarft OF MRNDRI.flSOtm CI vols, rarli Ictusmto the Inner life of the Rrenl masters. Tlia I liAe Of 1IKBTHVOVKN HI), of C1IOP1M IIAKDKIi (rt.W. orilOSSINI (f .(31, of BCitllJ MANN (SI D. of VON WKHKK (i Vols, each tl.W) and of MKNDKt.UBOllKlM.Mj). are standard, exceed injly well written ana very reaaauic ikioka. capllnl collect on of UUmosiTlKStll' MliaiO (111. n. "ne rnlertalnment. . Urtilno's lllOOHAPIllCATa BKErOIIK8 Of KMlKKNl'COMPOaKUS ill 73), In cludes tho history of ioin hundreds of notabilities. M niillmallla VOCAI, PHILOSOPHY Itl.tO), Id UUIimBlli S DAVli-iVOICKAHAMUHICAf, INH'IKUMKNT (40 ceiils), and hlebcr'i ArtT K BlNtUNO ( 0 cents), wn hava molt directions for tho cam and training of the volrtn LYON & HEALYf5Woago, HI. OLIVER DITS0N & 00 Boston. MAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for KIDNEYDISEASES. Doosalama baolc or disordered urlno lndl- oato that you aro a TloUm P TItEN DO NOT lLKUTATEi uso juoney-wort at onco, (oruff elals recommend It) and It will snoodlly over- oomo tho dlioaso and restore healthr notion. D 91 f a c r oomplainta peculiar B"C4V4li to Tour sox. such aa rain anaweoitnesios, juaney-wortu unsurpaaaea, aa It w HI not tiromptly and safely. Kiworuor. inoonuuonoo.retanuon orunno, brick dust or ropy dapoatta, and dull drncelnc pains, au spaooiiy yioia to it curatlvo power, O. '. CJ) HT AlJCi DltUaOIBTO. lMeell. i FoiirHuporb Oil Plcturcfl,, 4 Ins. by o, each, ot clinico Roscb for ISaHtor Cards.. will bo found in Demorost'H Monthly for A 13 C3 I i i utltlitiou to tiio UHiml F ITV I Lm quantity of excellent illustrations and reiullnir. Prico, twenty couts ; to bo bad from nil BookHcllcrH and Nowsdcalors. V. Jknninob Drmoukot, PubUsliiir, 17 East 1-lth Street, Now York. Ultniu ' wr reprented by KITTKU8 Ilia nlSIOlY TOUY OF MU81U (3 vols, etch II. Ml), mniHirt .nd co in nl t-ie. wlillti Kisnn serves un In hit nudcd OXXXO.A.OO RCftDEWlY OF FINE ftRTS ' Sy W. Cor. Stato rtnei Monroe Ste. Boliool of Drawing and Painting, The Fall Term will open Oct. 8, after which Pupils) mny enter nt any limn. Instruction Is Klvrn n'Riilnrly in DruwlnK from tho I-'lnt, tho Aiill'jm-. mid from I.lrb, Perspectlvu. Crayon nnd Cluircunl Drawini;, Fifteen nilmitu Hki'lchliiK, PalntlnKlii till and Water Colors, Artistic Anatomy, Pen uud Inlc Drawing, und Etching ou Copper. Tuition Fee, WVI5 Tor Three, Montlu. Special arrangements for shorter terms. Tim tuition tea Includes any or all the uImva brmu-hr. and alio tho uso of tho School I.lbiury on Art. Th ' tenchem ure: Henuy V. Bi-iikai'amI.1. Itov HonRKTaoN. Profess ors of DrawliiKiindPHlniinct .1. II. Vaniikhi-oku In structor In Drawing! N, II jAitrKNTicii, Instructor In Pirspectlvui W. si. It. Khknom, Director and Lecturer ou Artistic Anatomy; 11 us. F. N. IIond, Teacher oi Vror&ar to W. M. H. VllKSCtt. Bocretary Chicago Academy of i Ino Arts. RAILROAD GAZETTE, A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Engineering and Railroad Norv rnbllshtd at 73 Broadrrsy, Nerr York. 4.SOer nnnum iinsttsze !. NATIONAL GAME OF PRESIDENTS. This la in entirely NKWOAMK. oonslstlna of Pletunw and Bkctche of thu Prosldelil and thn HTATK HKAI.H of the Vlco-Prosldents, Ouly CiU rent. lir'Hcud, Mr clronlnr. AHI5N Tfl. WANTKD. FICANIl . TilOMWO.V, i41UMichl(nn Avenue. C'lilcugu, 111. AGENfiTWAHTED7ft Uxduslvo TcrrltnrvKlven. I'. K. OWIINH. fitIO Fulton Nlrrct, C'IiIchko, III. STAMtAltll IKIHII Icr.AIUKtlN ANI ItlX'lTATIONN.IlKBl plect'M In prosu aud terse, acts, Any newsdealer or bookseller. CONSUMPTION I have a positive remedy for tho above dlsensoi by lts usctliousnnila of can'sof ths wnr't kind and of ioiik BtAnilluvbavobeen cund. Indeed. sustroni; Is myfulllit 10 Its Ullcucy, that I will send TWO 1I01TI.K.S PI (Kit. to!ftlierwllliaVALirAlll.ini(lJA'riHK on tills dls euKCtoanyauilerer. Oive i:xpnsn mid P.O addn-ss, Jill. T. A. M.UCUM, JH1 Pearl Bt New Voile 4 The four finest Cabinet Steel EnRrnv. liiKSim tinted card board with (lilt Jleveled Kiljicii, r.vir printed of 4 JAS. A. GARFIELD MRS. GARFIELD. QUEEN VICTORIA nnd PRESIDENT ARTHUR. 30 cent buys Uio 4. AJWltKUN .1: II.I.I.VU IVOJCTJI, liockford, lit Dlt. A. V. HANKS' TASTJiXKSS, CJCUTAIIJ' Tape Worm llt-iiiouTl $11. (10 per iaikai;e. Itcferciiecs: A hi Baxton. John C. Cai.houb, Hankers, J, A. Pinku. Mayor, Br. Josneii, Uo. SAVVWILLStSSi. write TIIK AUI.TilAN' ATA VLOH CO., MansQcld. O. nnnuTcncciT unucv wwiiint ukB. nut dress for Ufte.sainplea PIC of our irooila worth Ms. wlu uuuiiihiii us s muiibi wo win semi to any ad ndo eoti'ly, NO RlSK plalncaHt.,Cldi Mo, III. WKiTIiix 2,'ovKLTr (JO. , U4 8. Dea 6, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES. TOTH, NOTIOXM, Ac. Catalogue fret. OAKY, FULTON & CO., HO bummer Bt, Boston, Mass. ,-to iVC J'ornuslness at tiio Oldest ftHest r-Comrnerelal College. Cireularfree. yCOCOCoCt Address C Da vliks, DuLuquu, la. laOOXA MPNTH-fGENTS WANTEO-00 hcsA T) A ACb ,ell"K artlclesln tho world : laainple fres. H'fWrwtF Address Jay Itroiison, Detroit, Midi. HAIR Win nit UVirMSontn.n.u. anvnhnrtf. WI10I0. sale&lletall Prtcnllit frm, MikkIs truarun. U-id U.l'.hrHr.uul57 WubAih-av.,(;hlcago. 11, KecelprtlonW. Newly n-vlxed and en lamed, lly mall. S3. Address Chatu I'ub'g Co., Toledo. O. 4 Varieties Flower (mpfB Wm. N. Kowb. l fA IV Elegant Annuals UafklUuarandK.iplds, Jllrhll.OU JC 1. ton nerdarathome. 8ainpleoworth8,'V J 10 WU Irtxi AdilreuSTlNsON Udo., Portland, Ma. ll1ITtTflilENTEflPnSECflnRflGEco.,ciN.,o. Hl'l'l'IIIM lrrllurrJlvnu.OMlKu.l.-rei. ftft A WEEK In your own town. Terras una J) UU IS outfit tree. Addr'sHIIalletttOo. Portland.M. wathu. zsTjaTjir. st. Louia, mo. ff 70 A WEEK. $13 a day at homo easily made. J) lb Costly outfit f roo. AduVe Truo U Co. Augusta, 1I, A. N. K. Ri 800 wiinx to AisumtTisisna, plinne huh W" P tlia Aitvcrtiacment lit fia jiMjter, ""