Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 06, 1882, Image 5

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tsjsussstHgagaiieJuwasraaBrsgsasrMsansaacte mniiupumj mwjqaara
hlUihn Advertiser.
T - '
8. VT. TAIRBROTnER k CO.. Proprietor.
This now and rapidly growing town
is not yet ono year old, yot it ua at
this tiino about ono hundrod and fifty
houses within its boundaries res!-'
donees and business houses. It has
two hotels, ono of which whs built
purposely as such, two storios, 80 x 70
feet, which is well constructed within
and without.eoinfortably I'umished.and
as well kept as any in tho Slate, but
lias already been found to bo too small
to accommodate its guests. The other
' Hotel is small, but well kept, and tills n
presonUneed. Jt has also tluoo dry
goods and grocery stores; two drug;
stores; two lumber yards; two agri
cultural implement stores; two black
smith shops; ono hardware and furni
ture stro; one grocery and iurnltuVq,
stoi'o: ono exchaugo bank; ono restau
rant; two llvory stables; one barbe
shop; ono meat market; one priiitiu
olllce; one shoo shop; ono news depot
jujil music store; ono. jewelry store and
. UI1U UIUIUIU IliWI. it Mill IJU Hl'Ull U
linking over the above list, that wliilo
Cuetown is remarkably well supplied
vlth business, lor its ago, thin: nre
many brandies that it lacks that would
prosper, and some that wo have needs
1 competition. Calvert is located on tho
'. & M. railroad, is a favoiito of the
Jihieoln Land Company, and backed
by their money, tho ,t6rn sito being
owned by that- company. It is at, or
, a.0 near the junction of tho Union Pa
ul lie with tho JJ.& M. as to bo available
for all practicable commercial purposes.
' JiV, connection with these advantages
' fls well to bear in mind that Calvert
is situated at the center of Nemaha
county, ono of the oldest, best cultivat
ed and richest counties in the State.
Xemaha county is in the southeast
corner of he state, lying m the iSIis-stAu-r
river. Tho .locality, it will lie
observer!, enables tys citizens to boast
of tho must genial climate Nebraskn
nffyrds. Calvert being at tho center of
the. county and accessible by wagon
1 S2& '''ie sl)0'v"03 1" ll m,0 il,ld by rail
wJtEfrom north, south, east add west,
isXJHure to become, when united with
ijprsistor town of Sheridan, the shire
town of the county. For tho informa
tion of thoso who may not kuow, ami
now readers at a distance, we will say
that I lie town sites of Calvert and join, Calvert being directly on
t the south. The matter of uniting' the
'"two towns under ono name is now be
ing considered, untlit is cmilhjuntlvj though, they strike ut against torn:
expected that this union wiIPTfo uon-fubleTdriipetltilion, they will meet w
Humiliated ere another twolva mouths
rolls around. Sheridan wo may add,
having the direct advantages of the
M. P. depot, as Calvert lias of that of
tho JL & M., is also booming, and con
sidering thu growth of the two towns
as but one, the strides in building,
business and wealth is, to sav the least,
immense. When you comoto Nebras
ka, conio and look at these towns and
vou will certainly bo suited, in what
ever business yon want to engage.somo
where in this locality. Our climate
and water are good, wo have immense
(iiarries of good' buibling stone, splen
did material for brick, and our crops
noerfail. Wo repeat that wo are on
tho 11. & M. and M. P. railroads; on
the great through lino of the former
that runs from Chicago, Quincy, ia
liepublican Valley to Denver. The
former road runs north to Ouirha and
southward to Atchison. Kailsas City,
lit. Louis and anywhere else you may
want to go or send freight, south,
southeast or southwest, Query: Now
what can hinder retard or obstruct the
boom at the center of Nemaha county,
Gr O 3CM
Who is always ready to show you the
finest lino of
S 1 It I TV 03- GOODS,
at the lowest possible prices.
Dry Goods,
Boots, Shoes,
and Notions,
in tho Hank Huilding of 1 W. Samuel
son, at Calvert, 1 am now ready to in
vito old ifnd young, small and great, to
call and seo my stock before buying
elsewhere. 1 am also ready to take
in exchange for goods.
Thanking my Wends and customers
for past favors, I solicit a continuance
for the future, Yours Resp'y-
" The above named firm aio now in
Chicago purchasing thu largest, most
varied and best selected stock of drugs,
medicines, perfuineiy, stationery,, no
tions, etc., over opened in tho city of
Hrownville. liesides their ample stock
of fresh, ptiro dings, they intend to
make a .specialty in tho attractiveness
and olegauco of their miscellaneous
stock, which will comprise every
branch and variety of goods compatible
with such establishments. Mr. lhiiney
having had an experience of sumo
years in this branch of business, and
being adapted by ultimo to tho business,
will enable hrin to select a stock un
surpassed in tasto and elegance. II.
& it. wore fortunate in securing the
Lownian business room to occupy with
their immense slock. It being without
doubt the most handsome, elaborately
finished and convenient store room in
the county, it is on th north side of
Main street, first door west of Alex.
Robison's. When their now goods are
displayed in that room and properly
arranged by deft and practiced hands,
as they will be, the show will be a bril
liant one. Wo do not over color, nor
over-estimate the talent of thcjo young
gentlemen to do a good thing in the
line they have adopted, hot If for them
selves, tho city of Ikownvillo, and the
public, and w do not doubt that, al-
the success which their energv, enter
prise and experience demand and
Plow Shoes at
McGee & "Moore's.
"We were pleased to make the ac-
15. Fisher, of Shel-
law of Mr. Darrah
ity, and will withili a
wee(i. ui oni'ii. :i lurirn slock of drv
m''1 tms 1,U,Q0, ft" W'N occupy
Mr. paraifa lurgo store room on Ceu-
oiintauce'of Mr. W. Ii
'"willQ, Mo., son-ln-hn
wis in tho city, at
A. W. Nickell, the JJrownville
Druggist, has just received an immense
stock of wall paper, the most beautiful
patterns at 121. cents a bolt. Window
curtains all styles and kimjs. and cur
tain rollers of most every make. It is
astonishing how nice a room can be
made with so little money. Ho also
keeps a full line of books, both school
books, miscellaneous books, aim blank
books, writing papers, all kinds and
sizes; envelopes of every shade and
color. When you go to Rrownville do
not fail to calf in atNickell's drug and
book store, and if he has anything you
want, he will sell it to you as low as
ean lie afforded and yon can depend
upon tho quality and of getting exactly
what you buy. Those who buy of
Nickell will never regret it.
mu a w
Shelf and Heavy
i . W'A Kf
ii J M W
aaebi r
rj& u ' ni wm K& yaw
1 1 PI I M m m B II i
xLqgg Memnqnts at
McG'be & Moore's.
If you want a goal photograph or
gum. Peru is the placebo to got it.
W. P. Abbott, of that ptaco. will take
as good a picture as you dun got in tho
State, and at reasonable nites. Do not
fail to fall on him. Ho will refund the
money if you are not satisfied.
If you want a good
of clothes 0
Geo. Eiechers'.
Lust Friday night Dr. A. L. Fulton
went to Pawnee City, being called there
by a telegram that Ins brother was dy
ing, in returned Wednesday, leaving
hiu brother in an
Thanks to Seymour llowo and .John
Barnes, of Nomaha, forronovul of
"suosufiptions: " "'
The celebrated
Glidden Barb Wire,
Willing Bros. & Jordan's.
Mrs. K, Monahan, of Marysville.Mo.,
will bo at tho Iloldrego House, Calvert,
on Monday, April 17th, and remain two
days, yhe will bo propiirod to treat all
forms of eye diseases. Tier treatment
is a ponuanent cure or granulated eye
lids and all forms of inflammation of
thooyus. Conio and seo her.
Siwinff Patterns at
McOec 8f Moore's.
It rained all day Tuoiday, and all
night, which was good for the w'lioat
after so much wind.
Jesse .lames lata been killed again.
This tiipo there wjiTs no foolishness
about it,' and- lib- TsVdead for certain,
lie was killed atlns own residenco in
a suburban part of the city of St. Joe,
Mo., on Sunday last. Two young men,
brothers, named Itobert and diaries
Foul, old friends s)nd cousins, by mar
riage, of James, had been about Jaiues'
house for soulo time, fur tho purpose
as they say, of get ting the drop on Jesse
and killing him for the rewards offered,
and fohud no tiino when they dared
make tho attempt until Sunday morn
ing. They claim to have taken the job
of destroying the noted train uibber
by the governor of Muaouri. Hohert
Ford fired the shot, shooting James in
the bank of the huad, the ball coming
out ot tho forehead. He died instantly
on tho llpor in his wile's arms, who
was in the kitchen when tho shot was
fired. The Fords immediately sought
tho officers of tho law and gave them
selves up. Great excitement In St. Joe
and Kansas City, lit) lived in St. Joe
since November last, and went by the
nauio of Thomas Ilowaid.
School Meeting;
At the first annual meeting of school
district No. no, at Sannielson's Hall
Monday eening, Apiil.'ld, a full board
being present, the following business
was had and done:
J. 1). Croan was elected treasurer;
voted to levy a 10 mill lax. Messrs
Erwin, Fowler and Cornell were up
pointed as n committee en plans, speci
fications and expenses for school rooms,
and ("Saskill and Moore were appointed
as a committee to locale school grounds.
Committee to report at tho meeting on
the first Monday in May.
On motion it was decided to have
two months of school, to commence
immediately, and the bo.ard was in
structed to expend the suni of (10 for
On motion it was decided to have
niuo months school during the school
J. M. Fowu;u, )
A. Mooiuo, Doard.
Groceries at Cost.
Wo aro closing out our Groceries
will bo a teacher's institute
held at Peru. Aiuil '2lst and 22nd
Tliero will be an informal meeting
Friday afternoon, a lecture in the
evening and an excellent programme
for Sat u i day. The patrons of the
schools in tho county are cordially in
vited to be present. Programme will
be published next week.
the immense
We propose to keep to keep the largest
and best stock of goods in Nemaha co'unty.
33QlflE3SS jk.W"X3- JS3ES3E3..
Every man in town In any sort of
business should have an advertisement
or u card at least, in his local paper
according to the kind and extent of
hi blibines". IIohIiOuIiI do. this oven
though ho may not bo able to count in
dimes or dollars the "profits "f t lio- In
vestment, yet that it would pay in
various wujs no good business man
can fail to seo, It shows to distant
readers the business of the town. It
gives support to tho paper which goes
out to tho world weekly as an adver
tisement of tho town, and no town
ever did or caii prosper without live
btuiness men and a live newspaper.
Head our brief article on Calvert, its
business, prospects, etc., and then mail
the paper tfo some friend. Copies can
bo had at this olllce, ready to mail, pos
tage paid, for five cents a copy. There
is no better or cheaper way to adve'r
tisoyotir town than to send your IhciiI
miner everywhere. You may think
thu paper of little worth, yet it limy
contain something amongst items or
advertisements that will attract the
attention of a friend- just tho tiling ho
wants to seq that will cause him to
come here and locate.
T&o Wonder of tho Nine
tcontli Ccntttry. '
It Attaches to any Plow. .
It Decreases the DraH of the Plow.
It nill not Choke.
11 Economizes Labor.
It Is a Complete Harrow and Pulver
izci (Combined.
Simple in CoiistriictIi(i;;iiiot Expen
sive. Solilfliy:
H. I. BR1TAHT, Prop.,
Brownvillo, Neb.
Also ISaiiiil;tclurol am! Sohl by
JT. ,F. IHI2ECCJKR, Jftrownvillc.
Proposals for .Military Bunpilcp,
HeaikjMarten Department of the PJatte,
Chief Quattctnustcr'i ollice,--Omaha,
Ncli., March 7' 1 881.
SEALED PROPOSALS. In triplicJtq subject
to the iiiu.ii condhlom, wilt lie rcCt1vcJ at
thli oHice until 1 a o'clock, M,, on Tuesday,
April 18th, 188a, or at the lame hour, (allowing
for the ilitl'ctciKc in time) at the ullicc of the
QoaitertitJitcrs at the foil wing named ftationi,
at which place and time they will he opened In
the pretence of thebtddcrt, for the furnishing and
delivery of Milittuy Supplies during the )car com
mencing July lit, 1882,311(1 ending June 30th,
1883,3s lollows, Wood, hay and charcoal, or
such of said supplies as may he required at Oma
ha Depot, Kort Omaha, Tort Niohrar.1, Fort Sid
ney, Cheyenne depot, tort Rusiell, Fort Sanders,
Fort Steele, Fort Hall, Fort Douglas,' Fort Cam
eron, Fort Robinson, Foit Ihldger, Fort Laramie,
Fort Fettretman, Fort McKinny, Fort Washakie
and Fort Thomburgh. I
Proposals will also be received at this Mice up
to the day and hour above named, for the' delivery
on the cars at the point nearest to the mines on
the line of the Union Pacific Railway, of 8.000
t. ns of coal, of 1,140 pounds to the ton. Also
for the delivery at the Omaha depot, or at stations
on the main line of the Union Pacific Railway
east from Kearney Junction, of two million pounds
corn and one million pounds oars. Jlids for grain
should state the rate per too pounds not per
Proposals for either class of the stores men
tioned, or for quantities less than the whole re
quired, will be received. Each proposal should
be in triplicate, separate for each article at each
station, and must be accompanied by a bond in
the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) executed
strictly in accordance with the printed instructions
and upon the blank form furnished under this
advertisement, guaranteeing that the party mak
ing the proposal shallnut withdraw tlie sajrie
within sxty dajs from'tlfe date a'nnounceiT'ror
opening them; and that; If said proposal is ac
cepted and a contract for the supplies hid for,
awarded thereunder, he will within ten Days after
being notified of the award (provided Sudh'norifi
cation be made within the sixty da)s above men
tioned,) accept the same and furnish good and
sufficient sureties, at once, for the faithful per-
lormanceyoltlie contract.
The Government rcser
any or all proposals.
A preference will be given to articles of do
mestic production. .
jllank proposals and printed circulars, stating
the kind and estimated quantiales of Wood, Hay
and Charcoal required at each station, and giving
full instructions as to the manner of bidding, con
ditions to be observed by bidders and, terms of
contracts, Ac, will be furnished on application trf
this Office or to the Quartermasters at the various
stations named.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
marked; ''Proposals for ' . .. . ac
New dress goods at
Geo. Riechers'.
Peoplo in town are planting out lots
of trees, and the walks of Cajvert will
be beautifully and pleasantly shaded
ere many years. Fruit trees should be
planted 'oil tho interior of lots. A
cherry, poach or npplo tree will grow
where a cottonwood or maple will, and
produce something bosido shade and
A big stock of
spring chilling at
McGee Sf Moore's.
We are requested to say that the
Blake Dramatic Company, .assisted by
several of thu Kendall company, will
produce a play, at the opera house,
Hrownville, some tiino dining this
month. Namoofplay and date, will
be announced next w eok. We anxious
ly look for something good.
-.!'. jfo 'AT? ' J " 1'
reserves the right to reject
and addressed to the. undersigned or to, the respect
ive Post and Depot Quartermasters.
Chief Quartermaster,
X 3ft. Q$tfoi3ke'ip9
The Best Assorted
Stock of Hamburg
Edging to be found at
Geo. Eiechers.
AtBrownville, Nebraska.
Missouri River.
Jttes Low, Camps Sliady,
Jiomls Good,
JnrtciMiIt ' Ample.
Connects with all Trains.
ItroirnviUc. Nclir.'txlui.
and ilnulorln
KIiibKiisIIhIi, KioiicIi, Srotrli anil I'unrjr Cloths
Venting, Ktc, Kte.
Mndo innl r)iili(t 11 h well nn can Im dona
nnywlioro, on Hhort notlco, iuhI
- - - ' '
eneraS ;
Nomaha City, Neb.
-AU oallNfor
tended to
Hurvpytntf promptly nt-:il-l
OonfreS House
plnco in the qity to got it square