& fc. M 4 i lite I Tr&Jik n: h' U ;,'! .-, K m:m fir- wjM 1W "?i TI ii.i d 0. W. FAIIlDnpTIIKirA: COjFproprlrtori. ' CUAT.qT. : : NRlWASK V. ' LOVTPfi LOQlb)'! ",My lovo muitbo a hlKli-lxirn liyfl," A I.onl eunsf, trotirl iinu Kiiitj ' Kim tiniHt bo fair, wltli bfidity ruto, The lovo fornvhoiril wait. 'sfftfnJUttud wloll(findlcntlt)bo, " "And pure dm NiUiIio'h hwiit. Jfll prlp litirwnrlh, and naught on earth Hlmlt coiiio between to purl. 'ii ' "Bliu meat bo vnifieil In worldly ways, And loiil to Truth and Love; And, o'en an hIiii, hur ruco munt bo Ah puiu iw Blurs nbovo:" I'M , i ' ' Jiovo ovnr Imiiflm at inortal'H words . , Wlieii thby If-fj h'H orrctf. '' ' If loikW tilicut,'ftnditioUKht 1) roUt ii. , 'I he jolo wM a (Joed. ,, , f ' HM Hiolrb foil on a wlitlotn6'lii8 ' ' Jfiut thin,'1 Hul. I Jio, "Jn willed to pa nt , vrj.. r hejpful iilni qoneflved tlio,df;d4i .in. IK ill-nil iiur jn lllllllUj Tint khudilirtl ilAtitflit Idt'crand thilttaucltt i, Xlnf Htwpsj (n'muiald tp wife, , , ,, Thl-ro Rlmid'n punioito Id hor ti'yfisj .'Thou (fnotor: livrffiui. . ,. ii )Vhopo fa.th In hopu hud bioadoflt (J6io ' 'JhatthoiiKhtandwlHb6illriil. '' ' " piio hold wlUiln her tlrelrsB pilnd As romn tt art, hrr fiioo and'heart .: . . ,Kiii1che(itUV',yMU(lr()Muibu,f, ,, Mil tlrnrfthdladbontlow, aitlnvo -lr.. i ' - illvpealU Mil) J)Ve-(lod'fl urt: .., ,, alien yhiit wiy birth, or lyyo o oarth, r 'I'd hddbnlovtt of Heart ' ''i ' t i -' 't ,,.,.' i' ,, , , , j .Ila.oiircil not for her raco or rank ' Aiidclw? Ahl WvodothbHiK? " ' ( ,U'ho old decroo. of Htronir deirruor ., tHer heart luid envnei bur Knirf . . , , . CMcaun 'Irtbunc ' " I til I .;i..ii ,i i. - A'Story"6f the Vand and Spa. iw it , iv IV WAIUIl JIKsAT fiXU JAMBS IlIOEU Truo Tiovo arid Wdmhh'a D6rotloriHa. folo BolflUiiorlflooThfl- 'iliippy HA '"wai'd'of'BorrbWBorno Bmvoly, i 4 ul of I'aJtli, Jjoynlty, Courtmb and Patient Trust., ,,l(i , , 1'rom All tho Yoar Hound. CHAI'TIfl.-OrfsriKUKn. 1 Oif 'another occasion tlliriilg that hap ,)J " iintl novcr-to-bc-forgotten thruo weeks, Hex earned tho girl aoiv)sslliO' nvgr and showed hur his own. Nhpjy ingin tlmKast India Docks. whieh.,8hu was fain to confcus, nvo flnor than, tho. onunoruinb Uooks. Ilg took hor nil over tho, great- aiul. (jieuditl vessel, Hhowed ,her tho salrtou with its Velvet couches, liauuiug lalnps, gilt oi;nnliibnts' and lonif tabled in tlio (Juicers'1 miiivtors: nntl anijdsliips, a.h(l tho sailors' for'ard; look her down to tm ongiiip-room by n' stoop ladder of ilolishl'd ii'On bars, Hhowed her tho bridge, thu steering iaokib, ttild tho1 Captain's" cabin, in7 which' ho "lowered his Voitio frotn rder eneof agouti. AooA in Ii clifireh. When ho had seen everything, lio iiivltcd hbr to rcinm to tiio.Hiuo(iu. whero hIio found n npbloj.ri'past spread, and tho chief oIlU . cor, the third mattf, tho" purser mid tho doctor waiting to, bo introduced td hor. Tlioy paid' 'lfor feo nicli itttdnllon and loforoneo; 'they 'dtiid6 nihny1 kind things Ihbout htir . odUrngo ,juid presence of niimh'tiiey Avaitcdion hor so iealous- 'y.iMioyyrc wdnd to, !ier,t jthat thp girl was as,luuuqd. ,Sho was sp very ig- miui iHuuiiguu, uiuj Jiuy mi uraiiK to nor oiuL'theil Id-ltoV.'WirdblusRed aiid lititffr hirf heall'.11 Xhoti i -appeared thliteverp' imtnthiid'sohibthing yflM ho aVdchth" iieaiui. oowimr r ' r . r uptt smiling, lirst to hor ltdtrotl4hoift'6' nccupt, and Hvlibtt! 'Liil cj(mo- ftwty To. had his army full of prctty'Iildia'h things, smollin'gdf sautlal wbod,'pks('nts,toli6V h-om hlsA)rdthOr oflleertV' 'J'liisV shd' f hough was vory kfn'd dfthnlH, nsbdially iff- tllbfr' liafl liovorrtfcoivhorbufoVo. Andthoha)l6k, tlto otllt'oiy' ntowtird, tho. ddafitijlfl dumb Malay, whom fcho hlub lielpwlv to pull ouUof'thd water, camo amUiJcLsjud hor harid'hrntiblyliu tokun of gratitude- Aj beautiful lumhwondcrMday. , Yet What, oui tlio doctor mean whwuthoviqaiuol mvayr" lor wliUiwtboluiyer stood at tlibVoat, nnd'fehld Uio should bq glatl hear"'br)g6ad luck for him. lTut onhv blushed and'.miidb ho iVply. tt'o ho '(Jno'of tho'thlnL'SWhiolr'sho brono-ht hbmo after this Visit' was" a 'certain gray parrot. He had no partltfulfti value as u iarr6t.' l'hbr,U-6ro mUnymoro'vulU-' nblo parrots already -about the house, nlive or stiyTedij liviWhVrkW had ac complishments, and among other thlmw.'ho knoV his mh3t6irt8 hrtme.'-anil wUuUl6ry,fto 'eVUfybody'if 'fulnirVMlblir " PooiMWArntigot'! ' TddrAto.-i' A.ruil-' gcr!'-'i ' ' i ' jt f t ,i ., ,, Wlien BalOffrhofOtislvi aocentod this gift,(tho yduiimanUook it tinxn "favor- Muioisign. iaiio nas . niroutiy, no kndw Bcntiaway a dozoa.. Captains at loafet, and ho (warf only second uxmlA. Vcvt,, still, when a girLUikesuch u preeoirt Bliqjneiuia Mi9( purely means, to mivko tlio Just opportunity thift Rex colli find before they stilled. Hb had lfaVq' for a Vlidlo' da'; the lading was cdm- Eleted,th jiassongors wero sending on loir boxes and trunks; the Purser and tho stewards wore taking in provisions Bioranyou aey. i tho noYer of bjymy, T!?VWc,r clmininmio. ii drink which Lai had hoard of but hover srien. lit m irijalui: n V'o w saf4 nes. tho' doct'of, Jbft ljeltliid' -on board Hjnppod Kb- loudly 'pn the bpul(1dr aiid laiisrlied.'sitViiltrt k ' ' ' GaA oxTOPro a lucky folldwV How Was ht IlinkvP nIio AiliMi?,, tw "0iS.?iWTOl FK. 1 nen 11 910 was onp uay moVq tha uist tiav out ono before the tfliln tmlliwl m Vmounlaips of provisions, with bleat- t m ng78bcep'inilcnicbw8; cocks htl . liens foruho Iho voyaged Sirt thS : If for tlffi ; I Was bustle ..arid V"l0rt second but there vtls no wortf olllccr. Ho presented himself nt Scvon Houses nt ten o'clock in tlio morning, witliotil any previous notice, and pro at night. ; Clover, was projipsnl unoro rcvoluflonarv. 1.eilUlL "All day long?" sho criod, hor great cyeHfullof fiurpristkand jpyj,4? - "All day," ho said, "if you will frust A-ojirf nit with inc. , WtyqwebulJ we tro" "WhoreP" she rejieatcd. I Bupporfo-Jhaj.. 'iibV4iUid,.thetu, fiftmo echoes rtdVcli iwlhet-l.itlic5 bf1 th'd 'iliter world and its amusements. I'rosuma bly there are native's Vli'dliKvo seen the Urystitl ralaco aiUrolhcr'iplaeoBj.liorb: aim there migliJjo- louml qno,,qr tyoJ wno nave. scon n theater, .Most of them, however, know nothing of any place of mritisohion't WhatoVtr.Iti'fa city withL out any shows. Punch p,iul Judy go not, near Hi .Ctyeap Jack passes. It by; tho wandering feet of circus horses nev er pass that way; "gVpsioV Ichfs have .novOr" bpeu- fleirit ' thorb tho btys of 4lotherhithqlo not evou.know the tl-av- ,'"& camvan, with tlio flro-eator. To conjurors, men with ojitertainnienLs (aiid lecturers it is all untrdildoh field Whoh Lai 'dinnti; ifi a' papori upon tU& pcbouit of ostive doings,, she' j)u.ssed Miem,over, mid, tunied to the eptulitiou of tho markets In South Afrinn. nr rtiui- bod as bOihgri'sUbjoct more likejy to in- ,thj'r were plenty of things to interest her. Shqtknew oniothmg. about the whole round world, or, at least, its har bors; but of London sho was"1 ignora'ht. 'WlioreP" sho asked, gasping. ".Therp's tlio Urystal I'alacq and Ep pmg.Korest; there's tho National Gal lery and Ilighgato Hill; there's tiio top or St. Paul's and the Aduariumj thcro's Kow Gardens and tho Tower; there's South, Kensington, and Wjndsor CusUo" Hex bracketed tho place according to somo dbkcilrt) arrangoinqrit in his own 'mlrwl 1its df placl's. 1 Thtf only thing lawhprq?'' ( A : i J ? ,,,,ni!ivosqonn6ho'of thoni," she re imTx" nymyou ehooforirioP" "OH!" 'lib grdrtnud; "Hero isnjionso fdll bf n'oat h llkitib-' Skinners, juwl hIh, ..... w hv,t, h,iij.ui nii world herself td de.-ith lot them, ahd not i; i. . . n .. ' i: '. -, one' among' them all hits oVer had tho grace to take hor to' go thing!' ' ft lid sl'p some- " Don't t'all thorn nhmes," she re- lici gently; "our people never go anywhere, except td Poplar add Limo lijaiho One" of theni'Wcnt ono eVeniii" to Woolwiell Gitrdenst but lid did not liko tttt Hosaid tliomaunnrs nf ilin nun. .pic worelfnrwiird, and he was cheated out of hall-a-orown.'' , "Then; Lal' hd jumped up and maddia gt-eat sliow of preparing for jm inodiato'tleparturo with his cap; " then, Lai, let us wastw.no more timo in talk ing, but bo, off at once.". "Oh, I can't!" Hor face full, and tho.tcars came into hor eyes as sho suddenly recollected n reason why shy eouUlnptjgq. "Whypan'tyoupyj ,,,.,., " . "Jllccauso on. because of the nnd. 'djng. X, can .trust her with the pota toes,,, una s)m wiH.bpi! ,th,o 4grj?mii 1,0 a turn. ,But thu pudding I ulwyg make, alul nq pn$ else, can, mak'9,it bptnio." The lady, referred ,to, jvas npt hor mptlicr, but tho assistapt thp, ,' ser vice," , . , ' f.'pan'f, ttypyjo wjtliout' pudding, ior once?',' J , , Lal.sbpdlcliqrhqad, ' ''They atwuvs oxpect' nudding. and they are very parJtleular alioul Iho qur- rnntfl, Yqu' qnirt thiik 'what a qhan: 'tltj; 6f cm-hints' tlnly 'ant3'lii"tbeir 1 ud- ' ; Do il'alw'a gvo'thqhl pKim-dul)', Except when thov- have rolv-nolv ov amlo dumplings. , Sometimes ifc 'is bnkbrt u(t'pium-dunv-snmcthnq il'isbojlcd, aqmetuneswith samie, find sometimbs' Willi brandy. ' But I 'think :thoy would never lorgivp nv 0 it there was no pud- ding. ' . lU'x Ubddedliis' himd, put on hirf clip" this"eUnvbl-slition ' todlc nlaeo in thrt .kitehen and nmivOuwl vrcliinNr stntfglit'lnto' tlib Cantains robm. whefo tln'ouof thenvwere at tliat-moment sit ting in conversation. KauluiYlson.' - V Ono was Captain j ' Gentlcmfcn.V ho said politoly salut ing, "Lai wants a whole holiday Hut; sho'.8iiyHBho cdn't take it unless ybu Will kindly goi without your puddlii" to day." ,n 1 ., They lboked at teach btliof. Nn mm for a time spoko.,i. The gmvity of the proposal was aucji timt nuone liked-to iaku tho resnotiribilitVof neoontimp u Ai.dinnor at Hydquists without pudiug .1 (c, n mui jumiuvM iniiiearu 01. , 'Why," asked Captain Zaehariason fioveiely "why, if -,m plCIl8e, ir Anniger,-does Lai wuut a holiday, tt tlayP AiulAvhy .jqannot she bo Content witkiil!Rl(iholi(hiyr,Do Xtn-or Uko-a whole day?" "Ik'oauso flho wants to - go spmp Yhqre witb mp,",repliqd ltqx. stoutly; "npdjif shq doesn't gp to duystyqw't gq at all bqoauso wq sail the. day aftor to-ijiorrow." " Under these circumstances, genllo nipu " said Captain Zaehariason. soften- ( ing, un fooling that liq had said enough f fpr tlio iish'ertiqp of priviHu rights, "see- oligipg girl, and does, hor duty with a, willing spirit, 1 thhik-ypu aro agrqod W mogetlemqu?" p ' ' "Tho other hvo nodded thqlr head?,, but with somq sadness. "Then, air," salcf Captjiin Zach'avla sqii, as if hd wore addressjng hk "pliief onicorat'hlgffnoon, ''makoTt'so." r''' "Now," bald Kox, iw they passed ing tnai.i.al is. for tlio most, nnri .... posed, If you please,' nothing jihgrt df, a wjiqlo. day ' qutwA whk ;lay, mind you, from that moment until ion o'clock Rolhcrhitho parish church, janddrew near unto Th&mcs 'ijihn3l SmtibnP'Pvo made up my mind whefo IoIhkg you to. As for tho British Museum. it's sticks and Htoius,1tnd Soutff Kensing ton is painted pots; the National Gallery is saints and signboards; the Crystal Palace is buns, and boards, and tringcr- beert 'witty -ah qr'gan tlitf Mp)uihieil6 pf 'Where wo 'Will goLul -whoro wo will i-iotition is no bettor tliaii mo crosstrocs. go lor our (layout is to Hampton Court, and wo will have such a day as you shall', There had been, ns VOtfnp word Sfi & lovo; but he call horJLiiiJimd.slfe fcllled Ft Jiim Hex, which W nn' 6xe"c)leiil bogiu-i h ntng. They did have tiint day; they did go to Hampton Court, l'irst theFdrove in a Jiansom bal thought-nothing could be more delightfulf hutf this method of .,., .',.... ...... , tlwy iroin liour, and by that they went to Hampton Court. mrm It was InAhncarJv davs fof the month of JundJ KvhiclPiin Knirbind Iiiih two vnrr In! filce all glorious with sunshine, soft airs, and warmth. Then the young uur Jiiimia iliac, roses, luhiiriiiiin. mr uur springs swiitiy into vigorous man Ji0od, wit thfra. grayee and Hf wife Jdgejrltt fumes, and ho Icolintry liediri er- splendidnitliithcl aro Ir wealth of iiufousand wuu uowers, aim tuo birds Mug abovo their nests. Men irrow vouiif 3(1 again, iplidaysf to talk ft walks in thoountry ))accs, of rest on hill-sides, of wander ings, rod in hand, beside tho-Htreium, OI H!1U( traiKiu iiiiisi, icei lt.everr v tlio old simple lovo for earth, geneitJiis etirlli, motlier, nurse, and fosterer as Well as grave; they mjjoy the slmsliiho.; Sad autumraiaaB volfiirw. iiiffiUsoiima mue!ifartI(pr;'tlieyaro' not yet nl!arfurto tlio thiysVhoirthoy ahiflfsay, olm & W oiner: "Lo! the evil days aro conlojkvhonws may sa', I"hayeno ploiisure iiftheln " Tlio train sned forth from tliifcrowdcd muses, anil prosdntly passed Mn to. tlio ields and woods of Surrev. Itnv uml Lai wero alone in a second-class car rlaire. and slio looked nut. nf HnvwSniim.f. while lie 'lokddl at hor. Aid sq tj Hamntoij,whero the .Mole joinsHlieailii 'ver Thainot). niwl tli'r nnlnm. ufa...i9"i... Hjdo tho river bank. 1 have always thought that to possess IlltllWsttt "'! l So. vutao ..t.ll -i .. t 10 exception of Fontainebleau. wlnoh is too big, thoro is nothing liko it ex- eppt J c Jiung witnpictures, and 111 thb gicat ehipty hall, whero tho Queen nhVhtdinn i-ptumorsilJRftl sho J,'hen ono may wall H tides lk over nlntin fnrf round ucus ot flowers, or down long ave nues of shady trees, which make ono ,think of Wilham,tho Thirdsor one ipay, oven lpokrover a W)doiijjgftrilen4gatOi .. . : - lpiuvi'i'wa-j me garquniai ineiipiesi boforo'Cavdinal WolsdyHOiiKd 01 1 th s qldottntry grange iiiid,iiintl6 itihto wvf alaee. Young people espceiallyyoung l- ture ever formed by a benevolent Prov idence, enjoyed all these delights, tlio firfctHiniq; In her flife.f Uotllorliitlie. and th6rdoeks and I shii)?, Mft'cWhffi -Small to her. Slio had one niui never bcloro known tho Splendor of stately, halls, pictures or great gardens. ? hbjfolt, humiliated 5jy her strangoifes&, MillJtoafi&dSfiiUifcHMi now snu -. lias seen ngrenrdiauvsiiorinid 'iysplorinii places, she regards Hampton Court as the most wonderful and the most ro mantic of all buildings ever erected. and I do not t Jiink steJivwng... f J Tlion they lilbiHorltogoiojTinJijt' luuiu jiuu UlUJWS.lHdgUirJgpiuUOwn the long avenue of IbisRcy, wtiertf tfie 00111 whoso Yiiuiovs.lpi)ktHrig)ie,dovu, chestnuts wore in all their srlorv: and lifter dinner Upjtopkjior on tho river. It was the same rivpffs hiit of Hotlier hitlie. Put wlio would havo thought that twenty miles would make, so great the tho silent current. Tho warm sun of summer. afternoon, lay lovimrlv immurattornopn lay lovingly on MidowB, J It wasntj a J Saturday. 0 was on the river but tlieinselves. tho me:i ,No one Tho very swans sat sleepily on tho wa 4 t tl.m... ...... jl I lYi "lvlv was a-gonwo swisn ami sioy .rqeds iWOro IVlIKPJnnmi on1 0 waters fi 1 A! Itt Lai held tho ropes and Hex the sculls; but ho lot them lie idle and looked at. tlio fair taco before him, while sho gazed lten.ly ;aut' tJiPKK hW .I'M SPHipwbor; nfifl by whatVthlt flus wontlorful diiy, tllH bcauUfiilflV&r t lis palace, and this gontle rowing in the light fM A'sfthYlo-pketl Uie smilo faded out oPhor facoblnd'her byes lillcd with tears. nioodSrtlr OifpJisytho dSjccled, make-yoimsolf-iiB-misentble-as-ybli-cau mood, wliBlftlio Rdii'falK dripplffg all the day, ami i no leaves, which hae hardly yet fuljyfprniol qn tho trees, begin ttgot, , (allhieottft That mood of "ff une ilsKiQti . del Shtfuii sra, xn...r iWiit.lffB roiieiuoeioro.tlie rJt mn. and 1 1 dnkt fif prohFnbloaisYtlial.m wliiefflUioinifiiith! .comcs.WltlfaTtrabfSii.t smilfl! finii Hampton Court is' a raru and J precious privilege which LgnXiSiflirs eannotre gartl witli sullluient' gratitude, (for, 'witli. , jiorhaps, in Holland arivwlnlrd! is delightfUH to Wander inltlioicpdL oisters. fhhoiit rtbiT ihnrn 1if.i.iV.n..u l every day. if sho chose, her crown upon hor hcad.wUht braying of ffumpfcts. ' scraninir of-liddles andfridnin offMcnrb.r' --r- 1-.T "-- I- T -w w notunicasdjh n . 1 n peojiio,!!! love -iuayAiso seeK tlio wim ..Vil JJlM seemed to him tho most delightfiil crea girl lost 111 wuaksooined to hora dreajn, QLwondoiW jWifyhaiUshu fiuyer seeiH an'ytof ftircfefb'e: tjitifaiOlo&SpJl For tiff! dpoJ;S,0i5lii'bR.o1 rig .Titiifg5io ham fiSsriAhiitfiifrpuBifflo in tiio bSittsF TireV(lF.f31(nvlIown will. WnW UU'OiCurrqita ong the? ,lU KJrus P1 ''IP lyauK; icniusdn and BlS3Pftvos hnnBveg Ui rlvfir;4Ufo iiuiiiiAiuiiiiu lines "Why, Lai?" hoWcJi. wSIio made' no renlv for a mlnuto or two.thinklngwhaUroalson' she might truthfully nliogo for. her teffi winch had risen unbidden at tho touch 6f somo secret chord. "I do not know," sho-flft'ld. "Ex cept that everything is so now and stntngftv iud ll in quite liappy and it is all kpbcailtlfnl."' Rbx rctlectbd on tho euperior np.U'Cfl of women who can sktu tears as v. r,vt of happinesi' ' ' 1 I Q t "1 mii so happy.y ''lie said, 'Ud fihouhl lik6 to dance and' sing1, eee . , .1 ..1 . .. .. .!... at t Dt Wt I am afraid of-apsiziii tjieiofn rnffc, i wiien to Davy's locker w4 shdultl go.jfpri want of your (Jingy, Lai." But thoy 4oii'ldihot, btayon tho river nlliAhoJ Wr!g.Thquh began to descend: clouds x-auio un frpintho sduthwes tlib winHff fesliencdr a hiist arose, and tho river became sad anil inystorious. Then Pcx turned the bows and rowed brick. npniM7iiO A .'tKl uptil r olinll TiiU'or tnftrnt. if " dlio aniil 'nbrer. And now it is all over." " Will you remember, with this-day;. your companion df tho-.tlay PJViaskqt' uex.i , 4 " Yes," she replied, with tlio frank end truthful gaze which went straight ffco tlin young man's heart; "-I shall aiovcr forget tho da or 1113' companion. Thoy went back to the palace, and iwliile the shadows grew deeper, walked !. .1... ..1.1 f.. ..!.!.... ...1 .. ....!.... Ar in 111 IIIU UIII-iil9IllUIIt'll IllllUIl Ul IVIIIg WUliam bencatht arolj of .branches, old now and knotty and gnarleil. r'' " Hex was td sail in twtrdaVB' time. Ho would havo no other chance. Yet ho foiir.xl l(. l.i'i.'ilr ffin r.Ut.i't.i it, 4 Wemustg6,'i' libjsMd'r "Y6s;iisj all bver'1 ' ifthenVbtVa'mlgUty stgli. " What a day" wo Jiave Jmd, And it is gone, it is growing dnfk, .Tn .now d wo niustgo, And this is the last timo Jishall- seo' you, "Yes, time'' Lai;"" .- hl. i:i: Vt ' .,!. I ml. i....i ouu iimyiiiutu, inu liisi, Years af tgnyard sho remqmborcd thoso' words and tlio thought of ill emeus and What tliev may mean. , , " Thp last time," she repeated. , . " I suppose you know, Lai, thai 1 Idvo youP" said Hex-, quite simply. " You must know that. Put, of course, every body loves you.'' "Oil!" she laid hor hand upon his you love nut?. You miglit be,mistakou,V "Sure, LalP" " u-.fl.'l arm. "Arc von sure, mule sum that. ' " Can you roal love mep'?v i . O " My darling, have not other men told you the same thing? Have you not list ened and sent thejn away? .Do not send rod ilway 'too? Ltihv '! u ( "They said thpyf7T-,0h,' it was non sense. They could not really have loved mo, because I did iiptjovo them at all.'' "4And4in(hc!"'V ask'cMniex? witli ' lino uioro-aid orj-upnunir-.. "Oh, no, Rexr'Itlb'hotwimtftoscnd you away not if you really lovo mo; and- -iujx, nex. you nave liis&ed mo enough. -h " .. ? ' T 1 J They could .not go .away, quite then; they stayed tlieretill they were found by tlio custodian of tho vine, who igno niiuiously lcd tljeu) to the palaco, gates and dismissed them with severily. Then lex must hifdds hiivol 'suppor; intorder to keep his sweetheart with him a little lgor.- Auuitwas not till the,, ten o'cldck'tVain thattlie'turned'totdwii. Lai (piict and a little tearful, her hand in hor lover's;Rpx! full of hope, and past Home. lUwas vorwlato for .Potherbithn: itho Capfains wore mostly in bod"by'ton, niui un inu nguis out, out to-nignt Airs. Hydqpit sat waitjpg for her daughter. "Mrs. Hydquisl," 'said tlib young man, beaming likq ,afjup-god between tho pair of candles over which the good lady sat reading, "slio has promised to bo my wife Lai is going to marry mo. Tho day after to-morrow we drop down tho river, but J, shall, bq homo again soon homo again. ' 'Cpmb, Lai, my darling, my sweet, my queen," ho took hpr in, ljis ;rms and kissed Iter again, this shameless young sailor "and as 8.oon as I get my ship whyT-whyr- why " he kisseil lier once more, and yet onco more. '''. '! yi?1 y" young man," said Lai's luinnoiyin iiinercai'i tone's, a better fato hands of it. My mother's lost husband. and mylrtisbaiuh lie.dead aOtli'elbottom of tho sea. Also two of my first pousimi' lujsbandsindajSepoud cousin's once-removed husband. We tro lin 1111 lucky(fiinHly; but, pcrluios, my daugh ter's husband may bo moid fortlinato.1" "Oh. mother," cried poor' Lai, " don't makg us down-hearted!" . ViP$mY tte,j;shq.fJ1)ljed,,fqhU ing horlmnds wjtll-a1 kihloPTesignaX tion to tlio iiievitiible; V L said that I hope Jveanay bo mom nrt iinato. I epn, noesftrTnoroj'irt'cAlim 's!iy?mdro I would say it, If I-think lie may.not ho niore fortuiuitq I will upu.sav it; .,or win i rrivo you nam" M'Arni ;nvi nropnesying tliat you will add list."' . j i ' i t v , ..'.. I ' -. -iSi ev "J o. ' 1.1. to our t A " Never mind," said Hex; "we sailors are mostly as safe, t sea as the land ubber 011 , jdiorp. mily T .people yoji't think fco. HcaW t Lhl!Miehrt uji; my sweet! Comoioutsldo ind t say good- y' - r ' j - . TO 11R CONTINUED. An Irish main lirmnllnl tuicn !.,. askiyyhijt, ciq juldsjward he deemed to the ease of hur inu uiusi uangerous, i, nolnled with a grin gical iiiAtrumoutd on I tiie table, and said, "That, stir." qpb JW j-cimnty, ana lis Happy as if he AyoUfinJlfell, reGlsjtotrus tfiejluifg ofWworrfjV jft If I f 1 At half-past eleven ho broiWit her tiian nas bqf alien all tye men wlio fell mhvifwi1 113-. 1?1 llYO i'tlnmdy-givou nisli uIyolfr, fatbf 'but T 'wS W FACT?, ANDIOURKS. ft. Pitttield (Mass7)i manufactory is to furnish slecfyng-carWiinkets for an ItalianFailr3adJ. F aa When Kansas ''school-lands nro sold the Stato will have an "endowment fund of $10,000,000. Chicago Tribune. It Is csti'niatctf' JlYal '$9 rgttltq of Louisiana 'contains O,Upq,$p;0p0feet of good lumber, moro" than Uvjco as much as Michigan ) ' tMfUlx llDcnt Grant, Tho consideration named I t . 1 1 dnr 1 luecn 11 was ;jiu,uuu. 1 i " 1 -Tho city bf Otlca?N.wY. Ms fifty1 years" old the other diiy; Slhll 6f tlio 10,000 inhabitants yhoylivpd, theye when tho,eJty charter w.a?,' ,oUtpiied, .p;tly'47.5J remain in the present populatiqn 4of yi.ooo. v .. Duringjtho, pnsminetpenijNyears. Ilmpklyft basYiaitl for. tfiq "lifiiirilunanco oMtcr public dbliools nearly $20, OOOjWOS One half of this amountf was, paid to teachers. About $200,000 werp used, in providing f req books. T,lio expensqs of tho educational board havq increased from $307,720 in 1801 to $1,42-1,805 in 1882. ; 3 -i rr.f w ? The Frr9ll3aptisU5hurcfi ofKoston, . atRtjtlnnd'strcct ajid mwrnutjiycnufj; 'has purehased, for $ldb,000,iho edifice ntC)runddii htrooUand Commonwealth, 'avoiiijcbrectcd by the old Battle Square1 Church, Society a "few years ag"o at n tost of about $J50.0,000. It was sold nt! auc tiou a.yearThgo andMlsJiJiuhiyjydJ. Mqntgomqryeara. who .has.gbld it Jo. thd'lfiptistS. i,v; mmV 1 Statistics' shdw that the Annual con sumption of eggs jn the United States is about 10.G00.000 barrclB. Tho poultry npirketed or consumed is estimated, at 680,000,000 pounds, at SGS.OOO'.OOO. and yet there are some that say that chickens uon'tpay them anyhow. If this is so, somo one mtistfB6 fofeing.moue in dis posinj of tlio vast amount of chickens sSioN l co'nmca www. Tlio packing business in Maine has reached immense proportions. Thero aroiWH?.nft con inenii -.wim an an anintni abiiut'lTOOjdOO caM V 4li6pil nslns rougldy -estimated at, 1,500,000 cans of lobster, 750,000 bitris 6i mack Qrol.and WO.Opo-caUqf chims annual ly. Tho sardine bu"siilessr which had its origin fobr"br JiVA VeilM.'air(fin.!i 'small shop at Eastnort. has ftii.ininnil aro projected. Sqvpral factories, aro also quite extensively engaged in tlio canning of meats, fchiotly mutton. Others at present aro canning apples, while immense quantitiesof blueberrries and other small fruit aro put un at tho ""- tnbhshmen.ts throughout thd Stato during UifemrueHasoii. " '- 1 t r ll 1 ,,l,?fAVriAID 1 ..."-? M t U' uoiu.. &ir , A bodk witli, a loose 1 lcnOlmti uuiiiiu over 10 Keep tne piece. A Frenchman lfa-s tinvS'ntdd airii chmo for "caressing" t'ats.-'idisfoi-med a la bdot do Jatjucs and pnliJheiiirco from any elevation. ,. ' ' ; -l Scientific mammas arefeeding,,eir daughters on phosphorus, because t is a good thiqg, or .making .matches'. liaUimorc Hrvdrij'Srtthrdai. ' l r It costs a llullnlo-nian $10 to hit huothor qirthohead' witlrubiHiardi Thus Vi?o lJyno'tirfbtle-A cue. tlio NeV Yol-k' 811 SaftiTda?, lib Uns killed. .iUisthoiirat timq ,ap .acpident ot this kind hris ocetirretl. UY. V. Com vicrqial AUv-lUr. , . u i( , t, In tho temple of fame, it is said, thero is a niehn in iA;-A i.,cf ,.,.. "Wl'arutJ compels us to add that in thaWamoftomplQ tiero tfffi Jlnffitatifrw me A. '.Wl ',"V.uvVli t-.is.gonpralLy somo ofliciainii.Jt s mm-'mitRWphia aYewa. A man yho loft Syracuse tjh'jrty.ono years ugp witlioiit. a word tp anybody returned last month and tried to make folks think he'dloiily boqnmshingnnd was dJUfrminodo staunlil'ho9got tw Mu. Detroit Free Press.. 1 r fl.... Ir I. ... .. uont to near a celebrated lecturer. hen ho returned lio explained ' to his inquiring wifo that ho had'been outUo get some Gough medicinb. No place, no pompany, no a"-o, no porson, fs temptation free. Let'ifo litau. boast (hut he was never tpmptod: Jot him bo high-minded, but ferns for hd may bo sWPriBfd in that very insnt, .whoroiu oboastethtliathowas never tempted at all Home Treasure. f i lccturqr-askiup- on ,a rainwdav whyllio Aj Iho audidne AftSl tho admission fee and come in and slept all the while:, "1 will tell you,". said the iu man, wiiir itaiiWwdwinK of his oye. I was out in tiio rain, and as I had no iHuiueiiii 10 Koe and iulAiUi Xro mm umnroiias are seyehty y.ij" r;'j'-.t:.u,u!"n !"' 4 i,,7T rfiVi a V',8 "PS to hor sllihing ha raifd then suddenly withdrew them ' :"? m -V i nl'lletl wrpriw and dis- fully: "Clarendon, you didn't use to act that wav." "Tm " ,.,...i m.. cdM "but when thesjveobollgot too """"J1 f(?r uu ljd)h you didn't, use to soak lomon.peel in it andclapMtou your hair." Chicago Tribune. The Long II ranch, prqperty of, ex Prqs,ident,U. S .toK WfJfel4wh,??I ansicrreii 10 ins wue, iurs. iJiuia aunmg .estalilish- imrotitifct bnarfi icksihgWl yast proportions, UibtoJ now boiri" Jif teon ,or niprq faetprfes jiv operation AuY differentfpoints in Uie State, and others i-TL1?"!?1"8' iwho V.Liov;c(l hearty. lqMKK9KM JhW fills thiB ilesTf H lfV,? KV.Mlalasev(k UwlBSl P n, frpni.gotting wqt, , oK hvqityTfit'pf cents ive',T'SllvcU ti y J- - .