Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 30, 1882, Image 7

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    Just before llio New Orleans light
niru' tniin pulled out from tho depot at
Louisville, a few days ago, a very lifiml-Bomoly-drcssed
and pleasant-featured
lady created a wild sensation by rush
ing through tho ladies' coach, scream
ing: "Save mo! Oh, help I For God's
sake, savo me I" Everybody in tho
vicinity supposed somebody was trying
to murder her, and almost instantly a
crowd of gentlemen surrounded and of
fered her assistance. She then stated,
In a frightened way, that tho engineer
and lirenian wanted to kill her because
tlioy know she had killed a negro at
Klizabothtown. This statement satis
fied the crowd that there was somothing
wrong about tho woman, and sho was
convoyed to tho City Hospital. While
en routo there sho becamo wholly in
sensible, and was at last accounts in a
precarious condition. Sho said her
namu was Fannin Duncan, and that she
lived at Elizabethtown. Sho had two
trunks and a pet dog.
It will bo news to most people that
ostrich farming is attended with dan
gers to human life, 'although men en
gaged in tho business aro not always
free from assault from some vicious
bird. In tho districts of Victoria West,
Cape Colony, somo weeks ago, n, man
.Ayas actually kicked to death by an os
trich on tho public highway. Somo dis
pute arose between them as to tho right
of way, and beforo they had settled it
the bird hail kicked and trampled on
him until ho was dead.
Tho California Alia regards the
harmless and useful umbrella as "a
moral and physical blight upon human
ity," and declares that 'it creates an
irresistible tendency to kleptomania."
a t
I havo not an aohe or a pain, am in
perfect health, and tho only thing that
makes mo mad is that I havo seventy
two years behind me. P. T. Jiarmtm.
Broadway, New York, is now tho
noisiest place in all tho world. It's got
so bad you can't hear yourself think.
Chicarjo Journal.
m a
Bwa tho Brooklyn Eagle Mr. R. C. Moore,
of Messrs. Vcrnata & Co., at New street, New
York, was almost instantly relieved by St.
Jacobs Oil of severe pain following an attack
of pleurisy. The remedy acted like magic.
" Were 1 to be candled, I would B.iy you
were just about the nicest fellow I ever met,"
Bhe said, while leaning on his arm In front of
a confectioner's. He bought the tally.
The art connoisseur and exhibitor, Prof.
Cromwell, was cured of rheumatism by St.
Jacobs Oil. Norfolk Virginian.
ISTniaboyn hcrol Let us sen. lie lies
stretched across tho master's knee and whim
pers not. Every second tho cruel rattan rises
nnd falls; every second there Is a dull sound
us if somebody were threshing mud. The
dust flies, but the-victim utters no sound,
he pcrspira.iou stands out on the master's
Frow, and he begins to wonder if thut boy's
badcnicnt Is coimtructcd of sheet-Iron. Noth
ing of tho sort; it is a wild, foolish couject
urc.AThc lid's life has been passed in tho full
blnze of the nineteenth century civilization.
Ho is no fool. Ho knows that nobody knows
what u day may bring forth. lie doesn't ven
ture across the dark gulf between the now and
the may be unprovided against contingencies.
The lantern that guides his footsteps Is tho
light of experience. There Is a great future
reserved for this boy. The rattan goes upnud
the rattan comes down; who cares for tho rat
tans? When he left homo In,tho morning ho
took his father's last rcnialnlngllver pad with
Jilm. It's tho right liver in tho wrong place.
Yes, tho boy is a hero. Denver Tribune
Health mill Strength.
When you wish to renew your health; when
the various organs of life are weakened by
long sullcrlug and distress, then uso a medf
ch, that will act in perfect harmony with Ih
entire system. Uso u medicine that will build
tip without tearing down. Uso a medlclno
that will create a healthy appetite. Uso a
medicine th,at will strengthen every part of tho
body and remove all blood impurities, thus
giving disease no opportunity for reaction.
Such a remedv Is Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock
and Sarsaparilla. It Is a true strengthened a
sure reviver, a perfect enrieher of the blood.
It contains nothing hurtful to the most deli
cate constitution. Its principal Ingredients
are Yellow Dock, Sarsaparilla, Juniper, liuchu,
Callsaya Hark nnd Celery. Try ono bottle.
Its cllect is charming.
Tnn Boston Toit can't boo any object in
walking with a girl unless you can put your
arm around her, and millions of fern do voices
are crying out over tho land: "Neither can
we I Detroit Free l'ress.
Mit. John N. McFAiii.ANn, of Ashland, Ky.,
writes: "I will say of what sickness. I was
cured. My back nched so, I could hardly bend
it. My urine was dark colored and lull of
sediment. My liver and stomach gave mo
great pain. My bowels were sometimes loose
and sometimes constipated. I was very nerv
ous. I could not Bleep well nights. My
di earns were horrible. My memory was bad.
My whole system was run down and my blqod
seemed poisoned. I took no pleasure In eat
ing. I found no joy in living. Dr. Guysott's
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla cured me of all
my distress. I think it is tho best medlclno
in the world."
"Do too know, miss, that young Sehlnrter
haunt's 1ms been sentenced to ninety-nino
years imprisonment!" " Poor fellow," sighed
tho joung lady, "he will havo to wait bo long
beforo ho can mnrry."
To Consumptives.
Reader, can you bcllcvo that tho Creator af
flicts one-third of mankind with n disease for
which theie is no remedy l Dr. R. V. Pierce's
"Gulden Medical Discovery" has cured hun
dreds of cases of consumption, and men aro
living to-duy healthy, robust men whom
physicians pronounced incurable, because ono
lung was almost gone. Bend two 6tamps for
Dr. Pieice'fl pamphlet on Consumption aud
Kindred Allcctlons. Addiess Wom.n's Dis
I'ENSAHV Mbuioai. Association, Bullalo, N.Y.
What could ho said if a lawyer should
charge only n nominal fee I It could be said,
and said truly, that It was phenomenal.
Youko or nilddle-ared men suffering from
nervous debility, loss of memory, prematuio
old nge, as tho mult of bad habits, should
send three stamps for Part VII. of Dime Scrle
pamphlots. Address Woulii'b DisraNSAitr
Medicaj. Association, Buiuilo, N. Y.
Patmck (dressing for a party) "Hedad
now and I shan't be able to git on these boots
till I've worn thlm a tolme or two."
.1ni?mM,,EVCK'8 "F?vFrt0 Prescription" Is tho
UebllltattsI woman's best restorative tonic.
A rnw osnn at Chicago tried to commit su
icide the other day becauso tho turnkey
teemed to feel above him In society. This is
evidently going to bo a dreadful summer.
Detroit Frit I'reu.
" Wems you hurt near any ono of tho vcrto
brtot" asked a lawyer of a witness who want
ed damages. "No," was the answer: "I
was hurt right on the race-course, closo to tho
Judgo'a stand." Boston Globe.
No Moro Hnrtl Times.
If you will stop spending so much on flno
clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy
food, cheaper aud better clothing, get moro
rcal'nnd substantial things of life csery way,
and especially stop the foolish habit of cm
ploying oxpensivo quack doctors or using so
much of 'the vile humbug incdicluo that docs
you only harm, but put your trust in that sim
ple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; that cures al
ways at a trilling cost, nnd you will seo good
times and have good health. Chronicle.
" A i.onsTnn never comes ashore," said an
old fishmonger, "without great risk of getting
into hot water."
to-day chorlsh gratO'
of the help derive! from
Thousands of ladles
ful remembrances
tho use of Lvdla E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound. It positively cures all fema o
complaints. Send to Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham,
233We6tcrn A cnue, Lyuu, Mass., for pamphlets.
"Qimmtt comes beforo Quantity." And
there is where tho grent beauty of Kidney
Wort comes in. Its quality Is uncquulcd as
a cmatlve for all liver, bowel nnd kidney com
plaints. It acts ilrst by overcoming in tho
mildest manner all tendency to constipation.
Then, by Its gieat touicandinvigoratlngurop
ertlcs, it restores to hcultU tho debilitated and
weakened paits.
"Rough on Rvts." Clears out rats, mice,
flics, roaches, bed-bugs, ants, vermin. 15c.
If you have any skin diseases or diseases ot
the hair or scalp, any Itching or dlscnloratl ms,
sun bums, freckles, pimples, rough or dry
harsh skin, you have In Dr. C. W. Benson's
Skin Cure, n sure, perfect and elegant remedy.
Sold by all druggists. Also Dr. Benson's
Celery and Chamomile Pills, tho standard
remedy for all houdaihcs aud nervousness.
" Snap," a great Border Story by T. Buchanan
Price, is mi Intensely Interesting and thrilling
book. Critics class It with the great Cooper's
famous Indian tales. Immcnso sales uro pre
dicted. First edition going like wild-lire.
Price U ; bound in cloth. W. B. Smith & Co.,
Publishers, 127 Bond Street, New Yorlc
J3y For one dlmo get apack-ngc of Diamond
tho druggist's, 'lncy color any tiling
Jis a Standard 'Family Kcmedy for .!
Pi! 11 T 1 , Vl
Sand Bowels. It ia Purely jk4 L
; Vegetable.--It never .ja ff Ti
gDobilikteo It ia jtm 1 1 t
.wrYi: rF'
q ifti
JOfttharho and
a m
k m r
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m i Mr
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in my nrootiocS
aud by tho publics
for moro than 35 vcara.S
Vmlli HiiMninj1nnln.l ... 11
jWr 100 Pago Book sontfroo. t
(no, I, WiSANFORDj MiDi) new tohk city?
Dyes at
any color. The easiest to
desirable colors.
Ubc, uud tho most
Send nnmo and address to Cragln & Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., for cook book frco.
"Buchutaiiia." Quick, comploto cure, all
tunoyiug Kidney Diseases. Slat Druggists.
Johnny wanted to go to tho circus, and his
father said: "Johnny, I'd rather you'd go to
school and stud)-, and maybe you'll bo Presl
dout wine day." Said Johnny: "Father,
there's about 1,000,(MO boya in the L'nited
Stales, isn't therol" "Yes." "And every
one of them stands n chanco of being Presi
dents' "Yes." " Well, dad, I'll sell out mj
chances for a circus ticket."
Wo will no nil on 30 Dajt Trial
Electro Voltaic Belts
And other
Bufferlnc from Nervous Debility, Lou Vitality. Vlitor
and Manhood, resulting from Abusci anil other
pui-Hon nuucicu wiin iiuriimu.
Tun brewers or Uoeliestcr publish n card In
tho JiriirAig of that city announcing that they
will net advance thu prico of beer. In conse
quence of this decision tho paragrapllst of the
Jijrpresn has concluded to lemaln In ltochestcr
for the jireacnt. What a little thing wil'
Bometlmes change the whole couibo of a mau's
lif o lNorrMowit Jftrahl.
Fiiist Swell: "I nover did Hko 'May,'
not nearly so pretty as 'Mary;' wonder they
don't change the name of tho month to
'Mary.'" Second swell: "Clevaw Idcaw,
baw.lovol make aws taws good to Juno, you
know!" J
RcTitANSLATEii from tho Omnibw: "Mary,
why hast thou to tho gcntlotnan there nbovo
a kiss-hand to thrown!" " I have to him only
that which he to me thrown Ins, back given,
mciciwui iiu iiuuBL'ii iiu iaise noiK'8 may vws
t i tain."
ATMoai-ncuto knowledge is not thoroughly
d.b.. .. u.4 to our schools. A boy being
asKed "What Is mistl" vaguely replied:
"An umbiella."
A Ponton paper says: "One of the might-have-been
lives at Little Falls." A great
many of tho must-havo-beans live in Uostoit.
l'ankec Jlcjwlcr.
A Justice op the Peace fined a mau twen
ty bhdllngs for beating another, because it
was the value of a pound. Waterloo UMerivr.
Undeu tho head ot "Musical'1 a Clovclaud
paper gives an account of a horse trot. Pre
sume it wjb an attempt to beat time.
Mil. Connrc'ontly married Miss Webb ; ho
knew thoy were intended lor oaeh other as
soon as he spider.
- -.
Irene dog (an bo placed on a scent, tow
many can bi. placed on a trade doHar. N. 0
Dttion A Co. publish a wru tltllghtful strlei af
ttandarAandneitStiouks, tleiijneil to give, in an nt
tractiie Uttrarifunn, all needed information about
musical Ma torj onU tome portion of tin ttudj oj
TnUfn I Ihrnriac wl" confer a great favor on
IUWI1 LlUrarieS tliamuHlcalnroulo of the com
munity by adding these hooks to their list.
RnmiHna Is remembered In the Hlographlcal Ilo
nOmanCe manco nKBriIOVKN'p(fl.W), and
the Ilomnntlc IlloKraphy of M0ZAU1" (11.75). Both
closely follow facts.
Tha I aHopc OF MKNDKLSSOHN (2 vols, rarli
HIS LBIieiS s 7J)tM07,Alirvol.ertclHl..VJj
let us Into tho Inner life of the great masters.
Tlsa I lunc 0' HEETHVOVKN (), of CHOPIN
I lie LIVES ( of GOTTbCHALK (11.10). of
HANDKL (.0O). of UOSSINI (Si.lSi, of SCHU
MANN (SI. N, of VON "VVEHUIt U vols, eucli II. S))
and of MKNI)ELNSOHN(IJ.OU). arc standard, excecd
Ingly well written and very readable books.
Wcfnvu Is well represented by It IT TEH'S HIS
niSlOiy TOUY OK MUS10 vols, each II .Ml),
compact ana complete, whllo Kison serves up in liU
capital colloetlon of CUKIOH1TIKSOKMUSIU (ID a
JIiih entertalniniiit. Urhlno'a IIIOOlCAriUUAl,
eludes the history of sumohtindredsuf notablMiK's.
In niillmnita'e VOOAL I'HIt.OSOI'IIV (II. W).
Ill UUIlltlQltS S Davis's VOICE ASA MUblOAL
INS1UUMENT (W cents), and Weber's AitT V
blNOINU (U) cents), wu bae most directions fur tliu
care and training of the volce
LYON & HEiLfTOhioago, 111.
OLIVER DITSON & 00 Boston.
Tli four finest Cabinet Steel Encrav.
Ingion tinted card board with nut
lleveled l'ilKe, eAT printed of
"RESIDENT ARTHUR. 80 cnt.buys the 4.
AADUt'H Jt 111.1.0 WOUTII, Ilockford, 111.
ur to any
tlulit, l'ltriilyali, Hntnul lllfncill-
tUiu. Nuiii-h
tie. I.uiun ltuck. I.tvcr and Itlducv '1'riiii
IiIpn, JCllttllra, nnd other clUeuara r tho
vl nil UriritKs. Speedy relief and complete restora
tion to lit aim Kitaranti'Cd. 'l'lire are the only
JElectrlo A.iplluiice that havi! ever been con-
trurtetl upon Mclcntlllo urlucltle. Their
thorouRh cftleacy tins been practlcslly proven with tlio
most woiitlvrliil ancceas. We liuve the totl
muiiy ol" tlioi.aiinila who luive been quickly
and radically cured by their line. All we ask
of any person Is to Klve them a trial lor UO duy
nnd tie convinced
end at once 'or Illustrated IiiiHhlct, Ktvlugr
all lut'oimutlon, Tree. Address
MARSIIAI.T,, sncir.
Tviichers', Btu
dentil, and oth
er Wo r k e t s,
W n . n d an
tJTfldillen, 1
103 SUt o-st, Chicago, 111.
SALES ARE uvianursrsin t
It will Pat
us I Kxci.u
sivk Tmiiii.
lth stamp. B B III1D HIT
The only known Speelllo llemedy forKplleptlo Fit.
Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions. BL Vltm
jianre. viniRo, iirsicncs. innaiiity, Apopli'xy.rumly
si, llhetnnatlsm, Neurahtta,nnd afl Nervous Illnesses
Thtslntallnlile remedy will positively eradicate every
aim uiiretnem awny
came, never to return agnln. It
species of Nervous Derangement, anil dilro them awn:
rer to rrti
dlseasn h;
It) the system, and thor-
and utterly Ueitroys tho
Ir in whence thr
utterlrdestrovitha cerins of
the hereditary taint or poison In the sysi
uuKiiiy crauicaics iub uiscasc,
Cures Female Weakness General Dchtllty, I.eucorrhaja
or Whiles. 1'alnful Menstruation, Ulceration of the
Uterus. Internal Heat. Uravcl. Inflammation of the
Madder, Irritability of the Madder, For Wakefulness
atNlKht, ther ts no better remedy. DurltiR tho ch.iuira
of life no Female should bo wllhuutlt. It miietatlia
Nervous System aud gives rest, comfort and nature'
icct sleep.
Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness' and tlis habit ot
Opium Eatliic These degrading habits aro by fur ho
vorstovlls that havu ever b fallen ufferlnghunnuliy,
Jh in ands dlo annually from theso noxious drugs
The It bits of Opium Eatlnir and Liquor Drinking are
precisely what eating latoallmentlvcnesi as over-eat-Ingll
at Inflames the stomach which redoubles lis cray.
Ings until It paralvzes both the stomach and apprtltu
bo every drink of Itnuor or dosa of o, linn Instead of
satisfying, onW adds to Its Heron fires, until It con
sumes tun vital force and then Itself. Llko thn glut-
tonous tape-worm. It cries "Give. give. clvelTbut
net crennugn until its own rapacity devours liself. Sa
cans. Net
this Invaluable r
.nnnlrv itrvniira likftlf.
marttail Nervine irlvrfl ttialnut. rMlff.f In all iih-rnai'a.
It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nerv
ous system, aud restore! body and uilnd to a healthy
condition. c
Cures Nervous DrsDcnstn. I'alnltntlon of the Heart.
Asthma, Hronchlils, andall diseases of the urinary or
ervous denillly permanently cured by thu uso or
iluable remedy. Tovtiu viiniiff.inlitdtrt Munilitnil
old men, who are covering your sufferings as with a
mantleby silence, look up.yuu can be saved by timely ef
forts, and make ornaments to soelety.and Jewels Intha
crown of your Maker. If you will. Do not keep this n
secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and destroys
both body and soul If you are thus atnicted.take Dr.
Richmond's Samaritan Nervine, It will restore your
shattered nerves, arrest premature decay, Impart tono
aud energy to the whole System.
Is for saleby druggists everywhere, or may bo had di
rect from us. Tlioso who wish to obtain further cvl
denceof the curative properties of Samaritan Nervine
will please enclose a 8-cciii poitngo stamp for a copy of
our Illustrated Journal or Health, (riving hundreds of
testimonials of euro from persons who have used tho
medicine, and also their pictures photographed after
their restoration to perfect health. Address
Ml. H. A. ItlOIIMUNll .fc CO.,
World's Epileptic Institute,
C! eriiiiiii ANthmii Curo Hour'7?7togjYo7m.
mnaire(ietuUio worst ca8oa,liiBUrcs comfort-
a i no aiccp ; ciicols euro where an otnira ran. A
mat enntinect tM innii $ktptieal, l'rico fiOc. and
urwviHii or oymau. nmniiio Jfitiiii
IJIl. K. MUHU''l''MAN,Ht. l'lllll, Minn
,mf A Month For
HtliUmiLj.. .ullllLf
lluf-lnrn. flemf forClrciiUrniitl
Men and Lad let, in
llli n in
Ouiirnntertl for Tone nnd IlnrnbllHy.
ltr.r.D'ai Tj:."Il't.i: ur MUIsIC, Chicago.
Tap iVorm Hrmoert $.'1,110 per paikage.
References: A. M. Baxtok. John C. Oaliioitx,
Hankers, J. A. 1'iNKit. Mayor, St. Joseph, Mo.
Publishes te mnrrnnni lltpratnre. In shann anil
irlca mlted to general distribution Dollar hooka for
ct. Monthly papers, to Individual addresses. Sets.
a year ( knls). IMans to sow liolo towns with
temperance llirrnttim itiu year round for n aong. Also.
11AN1I UV UOl'U Roods. Including Library am
Weekly l'aper, so cheap penny collection moro than
buysthem. Thirty-six i olumn eatalogun frrp. Bend
tisnameiof live Temierance workera, so wo can reach
them. AddNM na TEUrERA,CB RBVOLDriON."
148 Madison Ntrect, Chicago, lit.
n ffl
n, nnn
lltood, and wilt completely change the blood In the e
tiro system In three mouths. Any person who wllltaka
1 pill each night from 1 to la weeks mar bo restored
to sound health. If such a thing be possible. Sold ev
erywhere, ur sent by mall for r) letter stamps. 1. 8.
Jounsom ACo,. Uosiou. Mass., formerly Dangor. Mo.
Heat In tho World. Get (ho genuine, fir
ry liurkiige has out' Trmlr-ii'iirk nnrt l
luikul Fiuzei-'a. NOI.l) RVIIKYWIIKUU
I have a positive remedy for the nbovo dlseasot by lla
usotnotisaniisof cascaor tlio worst Kltm nnd of lot
togetherwIOia VALUA1ILE 1 IlEATIE on Ihlsdli.
Handing have been ourd. Indcist.sostrongla mvfiilt
In Its rtlleocy. that I will aeml TWO IIOTTLK8 FltKK.
ease. tn nnvsurTnrer llivi lt!tnriaa mil 1 n ntltin.aa
lilt. T. A. Ml.OUUM, 11 I'earl St., Now Yurie
IN Tlt
improve, i and tin
Come or wrtle for lutrtlculuia to
ukkSii: .is itAitTi:r.T,
Junction City, Davis County, Kauiu.
With Hest Hcfcrcnce
New York & Liverpool.
First clan Steamers weekly fiteorage lit Oabln 3
dsltu. J.Trrkulle.Uen.l'asi.ARtuL 4511rondway,N.Y.
laurs A gallons ot
eaomc. stiark
alTeinperanee beversar. Ak.vourdntBglt,or
byiuallfiirXCc. O.K.Htuci, 4H N. Dclu. Ave., 1')
Engineering and Railroad Nowg
rnMlsheil at 73 Hroadirsy, Nerf York.
.20 per annum poitpiio Tree.
p- 4 ipspnnurn
ITSr IT" USn. nanuaKn makes a callous i
aa -aiv . inl,m ., IwilnaniHn im11Ii t
n u itivtii y iivn-mniin i'isi ruti
YO., l'Ull.
A Treatise on their Dli 1 111 I
speedy cure 8KNT FIIKK IR. J.a
HorruAN, V O. Ilox IM.Chlcarfo. 111.
Cxduilve Territory given. K. K. OWIWN.
CUO l'ullon Htrcet. Chlcngo, III.
For pamphtcta dcicrlb'g
the grrai Allonan Vlnv
tr nulling Attachment
write THE AULT.M AN TAYLOH CO., Munslleld.O,
tE ia Oft por day at home. r3amplesworth85
JO iO SZUlina. AdilrtsHTiNONfaCu,Iortland.Mo.
JK S, S,r selling artlclesTn t tie worldt 1
VfWiWCJ Address Jar lli-anson, be
sample n-M,
trolt, Mlctu
for Sealers Medium Work,
00., Cincinnati. 0. Catalogue free.
li 1 1 1 1 .1 1 r iNFrleea. UNION CAHRIAQE MFO,
' 'Farm and Home Crclo.
pags,2uHirirustratlons. Address dlxiul'
U nlii.i''inflliipni'.)oflli
l'UBt.isiilxoCo., Wright's Ulouk, Indianapolis, lnd.
(CCC A WEEK iu your own town. Terms and
2) 00 5 outfit tree Addr'iILIIallett&Co PortlamLUe.
Coin mntirir with Ur-. CUnmm 1tfn,
lElPlllt. ltftnlx. Vjtwlv .nl nn.
largrd. Hy mall, 15. Address Chase I'ub'g Co., Toledo, O.
(P7QA WEEK. $13 a day at homo easily made.
J) I U Costly outfit free. Addr Truo U Co. Auguita, Mo.
A. N. K.
Walnut or Ebonized (Gold Laid) Case as desired. 5 Octavos. I O Sots Reeds, 27 Stops.
Price, delivered on board cars l
here, with Stool, Jloolc, Music ( S !Vw I D I 1 1 I
complete musical outjlt) ONLY& vvVv
Tlieltrethnren Organ enn bo shipped tn K minutes nntlrr, (now shipping'
ovcriiunuuy, uviiiumi iiicreaHiiig,; tyurKiiignigiiis ur iiisoirs Mveino i.miiviu
r t?W8&TJM If! I lit- Zm k- wNHzMM
ffmlmmm3Smmfmymmwi:SSiSir.'m'mM Vw
WmSmntSMmm mTlBBlmmWmttmmmVml2SHmm JM
W 'WMbjl larvTflHJmJll ii'l'mlPffl flam
tSfo IHiTO9r Ri w ,sJHfiX.jiiiP IW 'SmVTMgfJm'R S
IV 1
fill orders for this style promptly. ItcmlUunuca mur ho inuiln by HnnU lirufW
OlllcuJIuiiey Order, JCrglstcrcd Letter, or by Aprvaa J'rcpuld.
Sntlnfuctloii Giinrnntcccl or JTIonoy Ilufitndod
If tho Il-etlioveu Organ, after ono p earV. uso, does not give you cntlro sntlsfartlon.
It lull oduced Into e cry home In this country. Every onosold Is sum to Mil another.
kindly re turn Itat my I'xpensoanif I will piomptly refund you tho (DO with In
Nothing enn bo lulrer. )1y object in idavhig this organ at tW. sto hovo
luced liitii e orv home In this countrr. Every onosold Is mini toatUanotliar.
Often fiu galea can hn traced from tho llntonn Introduced. All that U keiloC
tho pun humus after Kllmr tho Instrument a fair trial, kindly hi Inn; friends to r It
and hear its iiiuilenleireets, havlnirnoaRents, no v.arerooms In JniKO cities (Mlllair
direct only), I icly mlrly on tho merits of tho liecthaven to rpcak for itself and
kind words from KitblUil iui chasers, w hlch I am proud to y aro many.
fTIelKht, 75 Inchest Unth, IS luclu-s, Uepth, XI Inches.) Ir, ns the cut "shows,
tho most inatrnlllct nt uer mado, Tho view Is ot n vnluut earn, highly polished,
and ornnnienteil'Wlth Kold, but when preferred, jou ran onler an chonlxeil cao
In puro black, Inlay ui namentatlons In uold, which produeo a tlno cITcct, now 1 err
ln.hloiiHblc, and ia furnished at tho Kama pilee. When ordcitnir, sncciry
Uellnltely which casu Is wanted. Tlio deslKiis art) aliko and no case as beuutlful
was ever put uon tho inai ket for any such money, o en whrn ordinary music as
used by other builders was put In them. Head thu following dcM-rtptfnn tit.
Heeds and btop Uomblnatlons carefully, and then give this mom than llheiul olToi
a trial by ordering one. Tlio World tiun nut cquut this llfuutltul Oreuu
for uiiylliliic llko the money ustcd.
Ten (10) Full Seta Golden Tone no lEccdn.
It contains ft Octaves, 10 full sits of (.oldx Tonoik Hry.w, as follows i (1)
Manual Hub-IU... Ill Iret tunet W IHupiison, H IV ct Imict (.1) llulelmm.
H feet lone I (1) Cello, H IVlt tonel (Q) J'ri-neli Hum, H IVt tone I (0) Hin
plioue, H Iret tnc (7) Vulx Cclrslr. H levt tonel K) Ylolu itolce, 4lret
tunul (U) Mullnii, 4 feet Imirl(lU) I'leenlu, t feet tono also, Coupler Ilsr
monliiuo, Harp jKollue.Uraud ilipmssloue, Vox Humana, Vox Jubilant, and other
gland accessory elf eels.
There are no Heed Organs made In this country, but what when the stops aro used
wronff, somo will iilvu no sound, hencaie then duminhs. ir uud ua directed
every utopln the Ileethovenlsof pruelUuI use. Don't bo flieelved by mlsreprn
veututloiisof MonoHillsta or thtlrKeiils. '1 hero are It perfect combinations on
this oruau, ctiual to it common organs urtiully sold by agents combined, and tho
full etlct cannot m product il with less than 87 Htups aud not tlien, without my
Ktop Action (applied tomy lUcdbouidjwhkhi fully coned by pktents, and can
beuecd by no olher uiauufaituier,
(1) Cello, mtleloOln, (3 i-iaraucua, tn Manual but lia, (01 Uoiirdon, (0) busa
inonr.tTi vioit
ixnch I
n uainoa, isi i'inxuKii,ti iiuik uuice, tiuj urauii i-.xpieMiono, till
lorn, (12) llaip -omii', ui vox iuiiiiuua, (ii)i-jiio. (ID) Dulcluna, (1C)
, (U) Volx Celeste, (IS) Vollna, (Iti) 'N ox Jubilant.', (M) piccolo, III) Coupler
ie. tzziurt'iiesirai tonn. lajurniui uiiran Knee Htoii. (Ji) I iiiriit km
t'Sj(lrand Oi trail Knee Ktiiu. fit
utoinstlo Valve Btop, (M) Klglit liuplex lamer, (27)U It Implex iiamticr.
uy i aetoiy was entirely ao
but ttttas rciuuliilnit wuci e
"T M E7 ETI V (C "" Hepleiiiber lVlli, 18SI, my Iaetoty was entire!
IB ill, ka stroyeii vr lire, nouiing t
wm nnn ur lha larinat faetorlm of the kind In the oi ill.
DCabllll "t Threodaysalterwards.wlthmyonnliandslllftedout
t b luB wlb ineiirsiiciio wnei.ii stoou, aim ny me am or vast
capital, perfect knowledge of what was wanted, and kind woidsot cheer from
thousands, 1 was enuiiii u in i.-u nays to pui tin steam anu nan moi o mat mnery, Iu
uUtgerandbettcreiiulppeill'ttctoiy thaiioveron themo ground. Tho present
establishment covers lit ui ly I acres of space, and Is now turning out a larger num.
ber of letter instruments daily than uvcrbeforu. Tltlsuthleveuicnl Is uuiur
Plmenslonsi Height, 76 Inches, Length. IS Inches, Depth, SI Inches.
r C WW C RM DCDT Br the addition of the very latest approved wood-worklng inaehlnery, (which no old establishment has), vast Capital, anew fac
ia, iu in n b a tory nuiltattcrlong eiiKTitnee ot tne waniaiotio worx well una reonomiem, ra ma wmuun m ini.uic uniune
pusstil In the hl.tory ofenterprl.e.
i am now rveeirmK "'".i" " 110 .r..,, j... ii'i iv. cwj nt oio rnia oi orrr
1,000 per mouth, and as I run luygrtut wot ks far Into thu night by tl.o uio ot KUO
the only Organ and Piano Factory In the world that uses It, lean fill all orden
promptly for this style as IhavonowwltbaSttMiorso power engine, driving over
1UU WOOU'wurMllig inaeiiiiir. ii iiivii i.wi,.iMivMvti,
torv litllItnrtfrIonir ex
tracks to the various doors of the factories, 1 am now enolilei
inese raciuties. tjjrTo provo the tn
to visitors always. Five Dollars (ti)
ait traini
lies mid railroad
octories, 1 am now enabled to build better Instrument a for less money than ever before, and my patrons ha re all the advantages of
truth of tlieaitatcments made In this advertisement I Invite all to come to Washington, see for themselves. My manufactory la open
15) allowed for your travelling expenses U yon purchase. Come anyway. You are welcome, A free coach with ollte attendants, meets
ir.r.iiiuvr..l on inai
oji vun ean aave nothing from this nrlct, bv rorreirMiiiitpnri. nurl 1 Lum.
you kindly coll the attention of your fiicuds to LLlj advertlsemut, you will bo doing
rains. If you can not call, write for catalogue, or, better still, order a IIKKTHO!
will be delighted with the Instrument. If you do nut wish to buy yourself, will
n a real servlca. II.I.ITMTILATi:il OATAl lit: ir V. I'llKl'
Address or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey.