Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 23, 1882, Image 2

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Blackleg In Cnttlc.
Sovoral inquirers ask how to provont
nntl how to euro blacklog, ami though a
subject on which tlio Tribune hag often
advised it seems needful to tako it up
onco more. First, thoro nro two varieties
of the disease both dopendont on tlio
prcHcnco in tlio system of inlnuto vog
otablo organisms (bacteria) which liavo
acquired tlio dangerous fneillty of living
nnd increasing in tho blood and tissues
of tho animalbody. One form of tlio
malady is tlio malignant anthrax proper
tho malignant postulo of man
caused by an organism which exists in
tho blood and vital fluids in tho form of
mlcrosoopio stall-shaped bodies ns well
lis spherical ones. Tills typo is readily
oommunloablo to all species of warm
blooded animals unless thoy have
already been rendered unsusceptible by
nn earlier attack. Tho second form is
associated with a microscopic organism
which is found in tlio spherical form
only in tho blood and animal lltiids, and
winch has not been found to attack
readily other animals than cattle.
lioth aro on u ally dangerous to cattlo;
the first is qulto as dangerous to man
and other warm-blooded animals.
Whether tho germs in both diseases aro
iiut varieties of tlio samo organism ro
mains to bo seen; what is more imme
diately to tho point is that both appear
to follow tho samo law of development,
nnd to depend on tho samo gonoral
conditions for the maintenance of thoir
virulence. This is most invotorato if
fiooludod from air, but is gradually lost
tho prosence of frco air and moisture.
Hence, tho germ onco introduced or de
veloped in a soil of a close, impervious
and compact kind, in one overcharged
with tho remains of animal or vegeta
ble life, or in ono habitually water
logged, is preserved indefinitely, whilo
In ono which is naturally dry, open and
porous, or which has been thoroughly
underdrained, itsoonor or lalor losos its
virulence. In accumulations of littor or
manure, in liquid manure tanks, in
oloso cellars and tho like it is mora like
ly to bo presorvod than olsowhoro. To
chock tho progress of thoiniilady, there
fore, and nrovont now attacks, tho ex
posed cattlo should at onco bo movod to
.soil which is thoroughly drained and
porvlous to moisture.
Tlio carcasses of tlio dead and all tho
products of tho sick should bo burned,
or if buried at all it should bo in a dry,
porous soil, with a oovoring of quick
lime to favor speedy decomposition, and
securely fenced in so that no othor eat
itlo can approach tho placo, nor oat tho
.grass grown upon it for sovoral years.
If damp or imporvious soil only is at
talnablo for burial, thpn burning tho
carcasses is far to bo preferred. Whon
a pasture has onco had on outbreak of
.blackleg it cannot bo considorpd safo
ioraovonil yoars to come. Tho purifi
cation of such pastures may bo oxpo
ditod by placing them under a rotation
of crops and stirring tho soil as fre
quently as possible, so as to exposo tho
germs to tlio air and lcsnon and romovo
their vlrulonco by changing tho medium
in which thoy grow. Tho grand princi
ple is never to bo lost sight of, that it
is tho habit thoy 'acquire of using up
littlo oxygon in thoir growth, which fits
thoso gorms for growing in tho blood,
nnd it is tho habit of using up much air
that unfits them for survival in tho ani
mal fluids where littlo air can bo found.
Tho stock which has beou exposed to
infection of blackleg, whether from sick
animals or infected pastures or places,
may attain somo moasuro of protection
from taking daily in tho food or water
flomo disinfectant which will chock tlio
development of any gorms that may' bo
present on uio mouth, throat, stomach
or bowols. For this purposo ono drachm
oarbolio acid and throo drachms sul
phate of iron may bo dissolved doily in
tho drinking Avator of each adult animal
or sprinkled in its food. Or ono drachm
of iodldo of potassium and ono-half
ounoo chlorato of potnssia may bo used
In tho samo way. If thoro is any
tondonoy to oostivoncss it should bo
counteracted by roots, apples, potatoes,
j?oft moshos, or by daily dosos of two or
throo ounces of Glauber salts. Con
stipation usually bogots fovcr and
fovor strongly prodlsposos to tho
reception of tho anthrax germ. Youii"
animals aro always most ltablo to tho
disease, partly bocauso thoir tissues aro
Hoft and impressible, but largoly no
doubt bocauso thoy have not had an op
portunity to becomo insuscoptiblo
through an earlier mild attack. Youn"
growing animals should theroforo be
kept opart from pastures wlioro blackleg
habitually occurs, and if thoy must bo lit
any time oxposod to ovon tho slightest
extent care should bo taken to keop
thorn in tho most vigorous health, and
to prevent thorn from becoming sud
denly plethoric.
To provont tho ovll oilocls of a rapld
'fly increasing plethora it is desirable to
feed well ot all times, and novor allow
tho subject to got into too low condi
tion. Tho mo in this connection of lin
seed cako has tho doublo oil'oct of kcop
ingthi boost constantly thriving and
counteracting all eostlvonoss and fever.
Some seek tho samo result by givin
yearling cattlo weekly or soml-wockly
doses of half an ounce of saltpotor, or of
two ounces Glauber salts; while still oth
. era insert taoos or strins of lontlmr or
.cord tiirough tho skin of tho dowlap,
. nnd smear them frequently with emtio
lturpontino (plno gum) or other irritant,
iso ns-to keep up a running sore. Thoso
aro kopt in for weeks or ovon months,
and though not nn absoluto protection
against tho dlscaso, yet thoy sorvo to
materially reduoo tho mortality. Cattlo
strange to tho postures shoul'd bo sub
jected to tho snnfo precaution as young
growing cattlo. After it has onco sot
m, blaoklog runs such a rapid courso
thot treatment is raroly of any avail.
In mild casos tlio use of oarbolio acid
and sulphato of iron, alternately with
olilorato of potnssn and iodide of potas
sium, ns odvisod above, for prevention
and to tho swelling oil of turpentine, or
carbolic aold in oil (1 to 10) may givo
good results. 1'rof. James Law, in N.
Y. Tribune.
Tho Tcn-rirlng rroccas.
A description of tho proooss of curing
or firing tho too will givo your readers
an idea of tho intense licot theso women
work in, and that for about tlio sum of
eleven cents of American money a day,
and a full day at thai. Theso establish
ments nro fitted up with doublo rows of
Iron or copper kettles, or rather deep
conical pans, Placed ovorfurnaces which
are kept fired up to tho limit of 212 do
groes Fahrenheit. Koch pan has its at
tendant operative, who bonds to her
labor as a woman at tho wnshtub, only
she bends more, to stir tho too which is
being fired. A quantity of loaves, say
five pounds, aro placed in tho pan and
moved 'rapidly with tho hand of tho
operative for about twenty minutes.
Then a littlo soapstono, linoly pulver
ized, is sprinkled over tho loavos, and
for twenty minutes moro tiio rapid
movement of agitating and stirring
them is continued. Thou moro pul
verized soapstono or gypsum and
tamarak baric is sprinklou upon tho
mass, tlio stirring process again con
tinued for twenty minutes longer and
tlio firing process is ended. That tho
tea may liavo a finer polish than it has
rccoivod during this stirring, t is put
into a cold iron or coppor pon and con
stantly rubbed against its sides for an
other hour; then it is tho tea of com
merce, and ready for packing into boxes
as soon as it, has passed over n series of
screens or scries of different sioves, that
all tho dust and stems nnd rofuso may
bo extracted from it. This process of
firing onuses a loss of weight of about
ton to twelve per cent, Tho work must
be dono over fires at a tonipcraturo of
212 degrees. Every thirty minutes
tho gangs aro changed, giving tho labor
ers an opportunity to oniorgo from tho
building into thoyard attached thereto for
tlio purpose of bathing. It is liko going
into a licdlam to visit ono of these es
tablishments. Such a constant bubble
and clamor of tho human voico, pitched
to all notes, Is seldom heard olsowhoro;
tlio chattering and laughing can bo
heard outsido tho promises, sounding
liko tho roar of trallio in a groat city,
and tho aroma of toa is borno upon tho
air, so you can novor Bo mistaken about
tho location of a tea-firing godown. Tho
United states consumos very nearly tho
ontiro surplus product of Japan tea.
The total value of tea exported from Jo
pan last year was $7,959,910.82, divldod
as follows: United States, $7,750,G0G,73;
Knglond, $.'19,179.10; Franco, $8; other
countries, S170.21G.99, and this whilo
England sends of hor products to Japan
$18,0-14,o38.81 worth, and tho United
States only $1,741,83.S2 worth. The
bulk of tho tea is shipped from Yoko
hama and Kubo. Yokohama Cor. San
Francisco Chronicle.
Young Daniel Webster's. Tnblo Manners.
When Daniel Webster's fathor found
that his son was not robust cnodgh to
mako a successful former ho sent him to
Exeter to proporo for college, and found
a homo for him, among a number of
othor students, in tho family of "old
'Squiro CHflord, as avo of n younger gen
eration liavo always heard him called.
Daniel had up to this time led only tho
secular life of a country farmer's boy,
and though the New Hampshire farmers
liavo sent out many heroes, as firm and
truo as tho granite rooks in tho pasture,
thero cannot bo among tho hard and
homely work whkjh such a Ufa implies,
tho littlo finenesses of man nor which
good socioty demands. Danlol was ono
of these diamonds of tho first water, but
was still in tho rough, and needed somo
cutting and polishing to lit him to shino
in tlio great world in which ho was to
iiguro so conspicuously.
Nono saw this moro clearly than tho
scnsiblo old 'Squire. Tlio boy had ono
habit at tabic of which tho 'Squire saw
it would bo a kindness to cure him.
When not using his knlfo and fork ho
was accustomod lo hold thorn upright iu
his fists, on cither side of his plato.
Daniel was a bashful boy of very dell
cato fcollngs, and tho 'Squiro feared to
wound him by spooking to him direotly
on tho subject. So ho called asldo ono
of tho othor students with whom ho had
been longer acquainted, and told him
his dilommn. "Now," said ho, "I
want you this noon at tho tablo to hold
up your knlfo and fork as Daniel does.
I will speak to you about it, and wo will
seo if tlio boy doos not tako a hint for
Tho young man consentod to bo tho
scapo-goat for his fellow-student, nnd
sovoral times during tlio meal planted
his fists on tho table, with his knife and
fork as straight as if ho had received or
ders to present arms. Tlio 'Squiro drow
his attention to his position, courteously
bogged his pardon for spooking of tho
mattor, atui auucu a low kind, words on
tho importance of young men correcting
such littlo habits "before going out into
tho world. Tho student thaukod him
for his intorost and advioo. and prom
ised reform, and Danlol' s knlfo and fork
woro novor from that day seen olovatod
at table.
When, after a vocation, Danlol's fa
thor brought tho lad for a second terra
to Exeter, ho put in his saddlo-bacs a
good fat turkoy from tho Franklin farm,
trtilili lift ivn trn r tint 1fimiltffc no n t -.v-
ItJllVit 1IU illJ b Wtv fcrtjiatu iio till VIA.-
firesslon of his grotitudo for Danlol's
mproved mannors. Wo liavo nevor
heard furthor particulars, but wo liopo
tho sclf-socrillcing studont got tlio
"luoky bono" when tho fowl was
served. Mary Gordon, in Chicago Ad
vance. -IIo who rolgns within hlmsolf and
rulos passions, desires nud fears, is moro
than a King. Milton.
Tho fingsr-rings of Amoricn nro
said to bo wc :th $58,000.
Thoro n -o manufactured 12.000
shovels week y in tiio United States.
Sovcnty patents woro issued to
women froir tlio United States Patent
Oilico lastyeir.
In Gold ilill, Nov., houses and lot3
which a few years ago woro valued ot
from 52,000 t6 $5,000 oach aro being
rallied off.
Major Eaton, the corn poppor nnd
seller of Lowall, Mass., has popped, in
thirty years o business, throe thousand
bushels of corn, seasoned them witli
three barrels pf salt, and mado $3,000
a year.
Tlio fastejt passago over made un
der sail from llong Kong to San Fran
cisco, has bebn accomplished by tho
Wnudering Jfcw, a Maine built vessel,
which covered 'tho distance in thirty
four days.
Tho oyster fishing and pneking in
dustries of Mnryhuiunud Virginia givo
employment to 40,091 hands, who re
ceive wages to tho amount of $0,950,
441 yearly. Tho amount invested iu
this business is $9,000,970.
Under tlio liccnso system Now York
receives annually $537,178,22, Phila
delphia, $103,010.82; Chicago, $203,
31G.G5; Boston, $2G7,815; Louisville,
$234,203.21; San Francisco, $120,
717.20; St. Louis, $580,030.99, and Cin
cinnati, $.10,393.27.
According to Hcrr Richard Andrco
thcro aro 0,139,000 Jews in tlio world.
Five-8ixtlis livo in Europe. Asia 1ms
182,847. Tho greatest proportion is iu
Koumania, or twice as high as in Rus
sia. Norway, ho soys, contains only
During 1881, at tho Philadelphia
Mint alone, 59,174,035 now coins woro
mado, viz.: 2,200 doublo eagles ($20);
8,877,100 eagles ($10); 5,708,800 half
eagles; 550 $3 pieces; 580 quartor
eagles; 7,000 gold dollars; 2,103,975
silver dollars; 10,975 half dollars; 12,
975 quortors; 21,975 dimes; 72,370 iivo
cent pieces; 1,081,575 three cent pieces;
39,211,575 cents, and 900 " trade dol
lars." Total value, $70,970, 165J. To
count theso pieces, twenty-four persons
would have to work nearly nino hours
overy wcok day in tho year, and count
ono piece ovory second.
Thoro aro 300,000 dogs in our State.
What is fed to thoso dpgs would mako
90,000,000 pounds of pork not. At six
cents por pound this would bring $5,
400.000. This sum would build 5,400
school-houses at $1,000 a piece. Nush
tiillc Banner. Yes; but just iniagino
overy man waking in tho morning to
find himself without a dog no dog to
kick. Allowing onp dog to ono man,
thcro might be 800,000 suicides as tho
result of tlio disappearance of tlio 300,
000 dogs, not to mention tlio universal
despair of families and tho starvation of
millions of llcos. Onco you go into sta
tistics, there is no making an end.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
In old England thoy used to hong
a woman for merely "hooking" a dress.
Moonbeams aro tho strongest tim
bers used in building castles in tlio oir.
N. O. Picayune.
Milwaukee is still tickled ovor tho
fact that sho is tlio windiest city in tlio
United States. Sho doesn't liavo to
keop a dish-cloth out on tho lino all tho
week to dry it. Detroit Free Press.
An Ohio journalist fired twenty-six
shots at a stuffed alligator lying on a
sand-bank, and then paid a boy two
shillings to toll him whothor ho was
cross-oyed or only stono blind.
If you would relish food, lobor for
it beforo you tako it; if you would en
joy clothing, pay for it beforo you wear
it, if you would .sloop soundly tako a
clear consoicuco to bed with you.
A colobrated lawyer said that tho
threo most troublesomo clients he over
hod woro o young lady who wanted to
bo married a married woman who
wanted a divorce, and an old maid who
didn't know what sho wonted.
It's, a deep mystery tho way tho
heart turns to ono woman out of all tho
rest lio's seen in tlio world, and makes
it easier for him to work seven years for
her, liko Jacob did for Raoliel, soonor
than liavo any othor woman for tho ask
ing. Teacher John, what aro your boots
mado ofP Roy Of leather. Teacher
Whoro doos tho leather como from?
Boy From tlio hide of tho ox. Teacher
What animal, theroforo, supplios you
with boots and gives you moat to eat?
Boy My fathor. Exchange.
Just imagine tho feelings of thoso
females wanting oilico when David Da
vis odvisod them to learn to cook and
wash and mako thoir sorviccs valuable
as household help! Thoy wont out on
tho gallop mad nisuuou uosporttio.
Tho idea that a "lady" should know
how to do housework! Go-whlt-takerl
Detroit Free Press.
"I dccloro, I don't know what I
shall do, tlio thermometer vorles so,"
said a Now Haven woman this morning.
" Ono day it's as high lis.forty, and tlio
noxt it is down to nothing at nil. I don't
seo why thoy can't mako thom perma
nent so wo shall always know just what
tho weathor is." New Jiavcn Jtcgtsicr.
" Can pa mako a circus, maP" "I
don't know, Johnny. I supposo ho
could if ho had a groat deal of monoy to
buy horsos and wild animals. But why
do you ask, Johnny?" "O, nothing
much. Unly 1 saw that uaston iouow,
thot you told sis not to novo anything
to do with, standing with his arm around
her at tho book gato last night; and ho
said to sis, Is'poso if your old man
camo around now ho would mako a cir
cus;' and sis laughed and sold: You
boU' " Chicago Tribune.
An Anecdote of Aucrbach.
Tlio following nnocdoto of Borthold
Aucrbach, tho deceased novelist, has,
wo belioro, novor boforc appeared in
print. In 1815, ho wooed, and after
ward won, tho daughter of M. Sehrel
ber, a groat lottory-tickot broker in
Breslau, tlio capital of Silesia. Attor
bach hnd till then novor tempted tho
wheel of fortune. In fnct he had al
ways had conscientious scruples con
corning that niodo of increasing ono's
wealth. Prevailed upon by his prospect
ive fathor-in-law, however, ho con
cluded to " try his luck."
Being much exorcised by tho un
wonted idea, it constantly filled his
mind, and ono night ho had a dream in
which ho clearly saw tlio figures 17,680.
That was ovidently tlio linger of fato.
IIo aroso noxt morning, told Schroibor
of ids dream, and said ho would play
that number and none othor. Schroibor
looked over his vast stock of tickets, but
was unable to find tlio ono in question.
IIo thereupon wrolo to the chief bureau
nt Berlin, and after a time received an
answer to tho effect that tlio ticket re
quested was an heirloom in tho family
of a largo, property-owner in Pommc
ranin, had been played by thoso parties
for over sixty years, and, although not
as yot drawn, thoy rofttsod to part with
it. Tho agent, however, took tlio liber
ty of forwarding two half-tickets, tho
one 17,685, tlio othor 17,587.
Schroibor informed Auorbach of tho
offer and insisted that ho should avail
himself of it. It was unlucky, ho said,
not to toko numbers thus sent. Aucr
bach refused to acccdo to tho proposal,
however, and as ho could not liavo tho
ticket ho wanted determined upon mak
ing his own selection. From a largo
pock ho drew number one. Now it bos
always been supposed that tho King ol
Prussia ployed from ono to thirty-three.
Fortune wos, therefore, apparently in
tent upon pursuing tlio neophyte.
When tho drawing took placo number
ono did not mako its appearance, but
17,585 came out with the capital prize.
Auerboeh hod thus had tho sum of 150,
000 Prussian dollars virtually in his
possession, and had turned them out of
Many years afterward, in 1878, tho
writer of this notico had tho honor of
dining with tho poet. Ho informed him
of this incident, and assured him that
never afterword hod ho permitted him
self to be lod into temptation. St. Louis
Washing It Down.
English travelers nro struck by tho
rapideating of Americans. Wo eat,
tlior say, " as if in a hurry to liavo lit
over," which is in part a truo state
ment. Business drives: and wo drive
everything that stands in its way. Wo
allow but littlo time, at longest, to our
meals; and this littlo wo aro apt to
shorten ot both ends. Thcro is not,
however, always this seeming necessity
for our haste. Our nervous tempera
ment is unduly developed, ond it in
clines us to do everything Under a pres
sure. Ono consequence is, wo do not
go to our meals with tlio restful feeling
essential to digestion and to tho normal
secretion of tho digestive fiuids for it
should bo remembered that a feeling of
unrest and core is often sufficient wholly
to arrest these secretions. Another ro
sult of our rapid eating is, that when
tho food is thus "bolted," tho stomach
fails to givo tho signal " enough!"
whoit enough has been eaten; for, when
food is hurriedly eaten, tho feeling, of
hunger continues oven after a sullieient
quantity lias Decn taken into tho
stomach. Then follows tho later senso
of oppression, a feeling of heaviness
and undue tendency of blood to tho
Out of this hurried eating has grown
tlio practice of "washing down" food
with toa or coffee Tho fact is nature
has furnished the necessary fluid saliva
for moistening all food taken into tlio
stomach. This is poured into tho mouth
ns it is wanted, and in any quantity
needed, from tlio glands which stud
tlio sido of tho mouth, whoso oflico is
to furnish it. Now, this saliva is just
ns really a digestive fluid as is tlio gas
tric juico; and it is as essential to tlio
proper digestion of alt starchy sub
stances, tho; gastric juico having no ef
fect whatever on thom. "Wash down"
tlio meat you eat if necessary, but
don't wash down your broad. Youth's
Curious Capture of u Doer.
Lost Monday morning whilo our citi
rions woro gathered in groups in tho
squaro of tho court-house, talking on
tlio events of tho day, a wild deer camo
bounding in among thom, and beforo
thoy could rocovor from thoir surprise
lie was making desperate efforts to jump
tlio fence at tho opposito corner, near
tlio old Recorder's oilico. A crowd of
persons frightened him out of that placo,
and when iio arrived near tlio Assessor's
oflico Judgo Duooto fired nt him with a
shot-gun from outsido tlio fenco, throo
buckshots taking elVoct, but by no
moons " bringing him to." Then tho
pcoplo present took It upon tliomsolvos
to catch his deorship. After capsizing
sovoral persons engaged in capturing
him, tho doer wos caught and immedi
ately bled. IIo was a nico, youngs fat
buck, and venison was on that and tho
succeeding day sorved on many toblos.
Tho high wator in tho swamps has com
pelled tlio dcor to seek tiro highlands,
nnd thoy aro seon almost dally in our
Woods. This ono must ovidently liavo
boon pursued by hunters, and in making
Ids escape ran toward our town, whoro
lie mot tlio fato related abovo. Marks
villc (La.) Bulletin.
"Tho baby elopliant isn't an res
thotlo, but its front legs aro two and its
hind logs two too." Philadelphia Chron
Itcmorlng tho Capitol.
A fow years ago it wos tlio fashion
among a cortoin cliquo of politicians
whoso utterances were echoed by a por
tion of tlio press, to clamor for tho remov
al of tlio Capitol from Washington to somo
representative Western city near to tho
geographical center of tho country. Tlio
topio seemed to prove a soven days won
der, however, and was booh forgotten in
tho rush and requirements of tho Nation's
urgent business. Now whothor tho Capi
tolwill over bo removed or not is not near
bo interesting a question to somo pcoplo
as whothor rheumatism can or will be re
moved from their bodies. Tlio subject
of tlio removal of this disease from tho
system has very successfully interested
myriads of people, and from the extend
ed expressions convoyed by tho almost
innumerable statements received from
representatives of overy class of tho com
munity, we append thofollowing brief se
lection, premising for tho benefit of tho
reader that tho discaso referred to is
rheumatism or neuralgia and tho romedy
is that grand old pain panacea St.
Jacobs Oil Tho Rt. Rov. Bishop Gil
mour, Cleveland, Ohio: " Excollont for
Rheumatism and kindred diseases. It has
benefited me greatly." Hon. Carter II.
Harrison, Mayor of Chicago: " Has been
usod in my family and neighborhood with
remarkable results, and 1 think it an ex
cellent remedy." John Carr Moody,
Esq., CounSclor-at-Law, Vallejo, Cal.:
" Tho relief afforded in a short timo was
bucIi as to mako mo disregard tho evi
dence of my own senses.' Capt. Paul
Boyton, tho World Renowned Swimmer:
4 ' I do not see how I could got along with
out St. Jacobs Oil. "-Mr. d!V. McDonald,
Sorgeant-at-Arms of the House of Com
mons, Ottawa, Can.: "A splendid reme
dy; cured rheumatism of my wrist and
liand."-Commander J. B. Coghlan,U.S.
N., Maro Island, Cal.: "Complete and
wonderful cure of most painful attacks of
rhoumatism."' Win. II. Waroing, Esq.,
Asst.Gonerol Supt.Now York Post-ofiico:
"Proved all that is claimed for tho Oil and
found efficacious. Ready relief forrhou-matiopalns."-Ex-PostmasterGen.
whilo Postmaster of New York, tersely
nnd charactoriscally endorsed Supt.
Warcing's report by writing: "I concur."
5 s0.f4?.A-
Is a roslttvc Cnro
for all tlinto I'nliiftil Unmplnlnt nml Wenlcneiie
oeouuuoil louurlie.lfeuiule population.
It trill euro entirely tlio wont formotIeniiUCom
plJnU,nlloTrlntroiiMo,lnnaninitttlon and Ulcer
tlon, railing and l)Iilncenicnt5, ami tlio coniequent
Spinal Wcnkncu, auit li particularly adopted to tha
Change of IJfe.
It will dlisolro and expel tumora from tlieutems In
an early ttago of deTelopuiont. The tendency to can
ceroui humors Uierole checked very speedily ly Iti ma.
It remoroa falntneM, flatulency, dcetroyialt craTlnff
fontlraulantf, and rellore weakness of tUoMomach.
It cursi moating, Itendachee, Narvoui rroitrntlon.
General Debility, filcejilciinen, Depression and Indi
gestion. That feellnp; of bearing down, canitna; pain, weight
and backache, li always pei inanently cured by Its use.
It will at all times and under all circumstances act In
harmony with the laws that goTern tho femnle system.
For tho euro of Kidney Complaints of either sezthla
Compound Is unsurpassed.
FOUND Is prepared at 233 and 835 Westorn Avenue,
Lynn, Haas. I'rlcoQl. Six bottles for 35. Bent by mall
In the form ot pills, alsolntho form of leienRes, on
receipt ot price, $1 por box fox either. Urs. riukham
freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pampa
lot. Address as above, ilmtlon ttilt Iipr. tt
No family ehould b without I.YDIAB. TINKnAU'S
LTVpU TILLS, They cure constipation, biliousness
and torpidity ot the liver. Si cents per box.
7 Sold by all DraffirUta. -Ca
r 1
Tor the Cure of Couchs. Cnlrta. TTnarnrnrsa. Asthma.
I Bronchitis, Croup, Inllucnza, WhooplnB CoiiKh. Inclp
J lent Consumption, &c l'rlce only S cents a ootuc-
The lurircst dealers In Hand .anil Mllltury
Uniforms In tin United Btat s. Sond for
Plate and Circulars. In
CletenlformcoaC Pnts. hit epaulettes and
mnuuin HIS and 81 H? 8mp n suit s-nton receipt
S?h1j. a. guarantee of faith. Established , luilncst
t.n vranuS i as Accnta for our Custom C'lothlnir
OAK nAU OUTI.INK IIOOK, for iuvf nlld
artists, with book uf superior Water Colon, llruilies
"FouVboxes and books for 81.00, oxpres; Pld to
anr address. Single book and color box. UO cents.
Duplicate books, lo cenu. The prettiest thtnu fo
children eyer Issued. Address
wu" ' a. W. 8IMMON8 ls BOMf.
Oak Unll. -Uoiton, Must.
lu . ki.i n,iiflt. win iio well to examine.
i 1