Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 16, 1882, Image 5

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cbntrslm $dvcrftecr.
V 0. Vf. yAfllBROTHER k 00., Proprietors.
Como In and bco us.
Wo need our money. Pay up.
Fresh seeda ut Nlekell'a Browri
Tille. As an artist, Ted Huddart is ira
' mennu.
A. W. Nickell, the booksell.r.
Urownvlllu. lion. H. Iloadloy, of Brownvillo,
was in tlio eltv Monday.
ALFALFA everlasting clovor
jeed for sale by B. Ottena.
Insure your life in tlio Centennial
Mutual Life Association of lowu.
Visit Dillon, Croan & Coa drug
tore for low prices in everything.
Xxtra copies of the Advertiser for
ale at Dillon, Croan & Co'b. drug store.
Our old friend, Joe Huddart who
makes the popular Hour at Glen Rock
- iuIUb, called on us Wednosday.
Wo understand that Hill Dally
tailed on the Post the other day and
ordered his bull out pf the paper.
J. B. Berger, of Brownville, is
building a residonco on lots one and
two, block twenty-six, on Carson street.
Mr. George 1 Munagon, editor ot
the Humboldt Hentinel, was in the
city last Tuesday accompanied by his
CUV li
J. B. Herger of Brownvillo, has
tlio contract for building a due resi
dence for the M. 1 station agent at
Sheridan. Our genial friend, Patrick Daugh
erty, of Bedford, was in town last
Wednesday ami gavo this olllce a very
pleasant call.
There is no improvement that
pays so well for the time and money
invested as fruit, forest trees, and
- Father Fitzgerald was called to
Nebraska City, Wednesday morning,
to attend tlio funeral of Mother Heat
rice, one of tho sisters in the Academy.
Tlioro will bo M. E. services in
Samuelson's Hall by Father Lyloovery
alternate Sabbath, beginning next Sun
day at 1 1 o'clock, a. m., and at 7 p. m.
-Dr. C. F. Stewart, of Brownville,
has received the appointment of exam
ining pension surgeon. Honest and
competent, thorefore a good appoint
ment. Uncle John Maxwell, our good
i old Scotch friend is in tho city these
times. His smiling countenance indi
cates that he is very well pleased with
L. R. Bethel, a ploasant gentle
man from Dorchester, Saline Co., Neb.
was visiting this, the" big end of the
center, Saturday, with a view lo open
ing a stock of general merchandise.
Rev. II. Frey tag's store room was
finished last week and that gentleman
immediately commenced opening lib
goods, which had arrived some time
before. lie is iixed up asjsnug as you
Col. T.J. Pickett, of Lincoln, lec
tures in Brownvillo on Friday even
ing next. His subject being "rein
enicencesof Abraham Lincoln." Col.
Pickett was an old friend of the mar
tyred president, and those who attend
may expect a treat.
J). B. Slovens and A. W. Arm
stong from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, arrived
in our city one day last week. These
gentlemen are old brick makers, and
will engage In that business here. They
make their brick by the good old plan,
and dou'go much on pressed brick.
Mr. R. T. Crossley, an old subscri
ber of Thk Adveui'Iskh, called Mon
day of last we'ek, paid for tlio paper,
and ordered it sent to his future home,
near Raymond, Neb., where he will
make a farm on a lino quarter section
of H. & M. land. We wish friend
Crossley much prosperity in his now
homo. s
Many porsons will tako no medi
cine until prostrated on a bed of sick
ness. This is folly. Nature always
calls for assistance when needed to
throw off impurities. With our hab'ts
of life, it is necessary to render this
assistance. Piuokly Ash Riitkus
will not force naturo, but acts mildly
and renders tho assistance required.
W. D. AniioTT, tho Peru Photo
grapher, takes the boss pictures. That
is a conceded fact by all who have pat
ronized him or seen his work. People
have been going to Nebraska City and
Lincoln to got photographs. This they
need do no longor, as Abbott can com
pete with tho best artists of either
place, or any other place In the west.
Abbott guarantees satisfaction. Try
him and if you are not satisfied lie will
refund the money.
J. L. MoGeo, ono of the most
prominent merchants of Brownville,
was in tho city Tuesday, and made ar
rangements to open a largo general
merchandise store. Ho has routed tho
store room of Mr. Buchelo, just north
of our olllce. Wo understand that
Win. Conyos, ono of Mr. M.'s gentle
manly dorks, will have chargo of tho
businoss at this place. Wo take great
pleasure in welcoming such business
men to our, town, and bespeak for him
a gooditrade. . , t y.
New Store!
New Goods!
The under si?ied has
opened a general store, con
sisting sof dry goods, gro
ceries, boots and shoes, hats
and caps, etc., in the town
of Calvert, and would so
licit a share of, the patron
age of the public
Take Notice!
Mrs. E. Monahan, of MarysTille.Mo.,
will be at the Holdrego House, Calvert,
on Monday, April 17th, and remain two
days. She will be prepared to treat all
forms of oyo diseases. Her treatment
is a permanent cure for grauulated eye
lids and all forms of inflammation of
theoyes. Como and see her.
New dress goods at
Geo. Biechers'.
For Sale.
A fine quarter section of land
v,ia cheap by J.S. Stull,
Finest groceries are kept
by J, L. ,f cGee, Brownville.
Tho Sheridan Post last week made
an attack upon Tin-: Aovkktisuk that
we should deem sulllcleutly unjust and
false as to deserve a declaration of war,
andacastlgatlon of the severest, na
ture, were It not for the fact that wo
estimate its author as unworthy of but
a small portion of our attention, and
the further fact that wo have been in
formed by representative men of Sher
idan that said attack was not indorsed
but deeply regretted by the better
class of Shoridan's business people.
Theroforo wo will let the matter pais
with this explanation to our citizens
who are indignant over tho mutter.
Moreover, wo want peace, knowing
very well, as overy reflecting citizen
must know, that a quarrel between
the papers, which must necessarily
lead to a bitter feud between the towns,
would benefit no one, whilo it would
retard the progress of both. It should
bo tho business of tho papers at the
center as well as that of every citizen
to work for its growth and permanent
prospeiity. and thi- can only be done
by working in hormony. Let the
Post picture tho beauties and advan
tages of its town in its most artistic
colors, and wo shall not abuse it for so
doing, for that Is what wo will do for
Qalvert, and we thus can each perforin
our mission,"" we think, withoutabusing
or hurling opithets at each other.
Don't you really think so, Mr. Fellows.
All concede that J. L.
JlcGee, at Brownville, car
ries the best goods and
largest stock in the county.
If you want a good
suit of clothes go to
Geo. Eiechers'.
Brownville Itouis.
Dikd, in Urownvillc, March lath,
1882, Cynthia Lippitt, wife of Joseph
Lippllt, aged 70 years, 11 months and
11 days. Funoral services woro hold
at tho M. E. Church Tuesday, March
14th at 2:110 p.m.
John Thompson, of Pullorton,
Nance County, Is visiting his parents
in this city.
Donavin's Original Tennesseans
next Tuesday night.
From Chancellor Edm. H. Fairliold, S.
.S. D.,L. L. D., of Nebraska State Uni
versity: University of Nebraska, )
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 18, 1881. f
To tub Puijlio: I tako pleasure in
recommeitding to the public tho com
pany of slngors known as the "Original
Tennesseans," under charge of Messrs.
Donivan. The singing is most excel
lent, and tho character of tho singers
Is such as to mako them eminently
worthy of the pationage of the public.
I hear this testimony iron' personal ac
quaintance with them, as well as from
a reputation long sustained.
Edm.U. Kaiuitkld,
Chancellor, &o.
Tho Tennesseans will bo at Marsh
Opopa House, Hrownxille, on next
Tuesday evening, March 21st.
Go to Judkins for On
idns and Onion Sets.
Dr. Andrews was In ilio city Tues
day. - Henry Carsov of Nemaha, was in
tho city Tuesday. Mr. C. returned
from a trip to Chicago last Friday.
- Miss Cora Clark, of Nemaha, Is
visiting friends in this city this week.
It is rumored that another paper
will bo started In this city booh, with
John C. Thompson as editor.
Hen. II. Thompson, doputy post
master, Is on duty again, after a weoks
Go to the Opera IIoubb Tuesday
New Store!
E3I A. IR 3D "W .A. IR, IE I
announce: to the
Citizens of Nemaha County
That their Stock of llnrritrnre Is now on Hand, nd thnt thejr are
Now Prepared to furnlah anything In the line of
At Prions that will Suit, Ilemcitiber that you qm get
Agricultural Implements
Farm Tools, Stores, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc.
In Connection vlth the more. A No, 1 Workman In Charge. Custom
ivork n Specialty.
IHnnoIuIIoH Notice.
Calvkut, Nun., Fob.0, 1882.
Notice is huroby given that the part
nership heretofore existing under tho
linn namo of Gilpin &Skillmiui is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
( F. U1I.1MN.
I. W. Skillman.
Mr, Gilpin retains possession of tl
Bon-Ton, and oppresses 'tlio determin
Hxnrcsses t in determina
lion to innko the best hoard hit: house
and restaurant In this city. Go to tho
lion-Ton for a square meal, a good
smoke, or anything usually kept in u
lirst class restaurant and confection
Have just received a nice
line of Spring and Simi
liter Clothing, which will be
sold very cheap.
J. I. McGee, Brownville.
For Sale.
One good wheat drill.
One Excelsior Mower,
Ono Malta Cultivator,
Ono Wood wire Self binding harves
ter, almost new.
All of which will bo sold very cheap
for cash or on time, purchaser giving
note with approved security. For par
ticulars inquire at the drug storo of
Dillon, Croan & Co. .1. D; Ghoan,
Calvert. Neb.
A Foolish MlMlakf.
Don't make tho mistake of confound
ing a remedy of merit with quack med
icines. We speak from experience
when wo say that l'arkor's Gingor Ton
ic is a sterling health restorative which
will do all that is claimed for it. Wo
have used it ourselves with tho hap
piest results for Rheumatism and
when worn out by overwork. Seo adv.
'J' imes.
It is a, well known fact
that no house undersells J.
L. Met ee, Brownville.
ft raw Cut to InvalltlN.
Florestou Cologno is grateful to In
valids, because it is refreshing without
the sickening of most perfumes.
For sale by F. W. Saniuelson, at the
Nemaha County Hank.
TJie HIIlicHt Hank.
Mado from harmless materials, and
adapted to the needs of fading anil fall
ing luiir, Parker's Hair Halsain has
taken the highest rank as an elegant
and reliable hair restorative.
New Cavpattijust received
at J. L. MeGee's.
18 00 per ymr oin '" tftwlly iiiimIh nt
noma working for K O. Hideout A Co., in
Unrclny Btroel. Ntiw York. Bond Tor tliolr
catalogue nml full pnrllcuUrB. 10 ly
- Call at this oflice and oxatnino our
specimens of job work, and prices, be
fore ordering elsewhere.
Bet place in the city to get a Square Meal.
pAT 0LIX13,
CUSTOM WOIIK nimleto order, anil flti ul way
UHranteed llejmlrlnit neatly and priiinplly done
Brink! Brink !T
Central House
New Goods!
M. It. Mutt Meson.
Matthieson Bros.,
Calvert, Nebraska.
Horse Shoeing,
Plow Work,
iGeneral Repairing of
Physicitan Sf Surgeon
Nemaha City, Nebraska.
Calls in the Country Promptly Atltnd
ecl, day or night.
r iHni-iikcn of vroirjoti anil Htirnlcnl illnrntek
of th eye.
rtn.l'iitli'iitM from ndronrt onn ln fiirnUhrd
wltli iiIphkioiI room nml Mcoommixlatlnnii.
".jritcf v"T '"- ;K7-;irirM
Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St.
Special Accommodations for
Driver Furinshed
when desired.
Horses boarded by the day or week,
and Farmers' teams fed and cared fo
at fair rates.
lforyour AKrlcultural Implement, Koto
t'Karmlnnd Hprlntt NVajfnn, Bulky I'lowe
Htlrrlnti I'lown, Corn IMautorn, Harrows
Itnaperij, Mower. Uilltlvutorn, CornHliolleri
and tho lions Toiiguule. Cultivator ZZZ
GSSoiyASEXitiY &&
Will In tn.ll, J rnfci in .1 MDitlknnl, nu A btci.l tti.ri iKk4ut
ord.rthir It It vohaJi, flft rolnr,l pdl.i, .1 frtrlnrt,
buut Jij r,i, tn. I fiiil U.,crlitl"ii, prU., n4 ,r tlcni !
f lnllc Ifxu Tirl.ll.t n( Vri.uM mil f lir Sxdi. I'Unli,
Vc.ilTrt.i, tc lluLI. io.ll. Fo4(,rlt. Adlw.
D. M. PEUYt CO., Detroit, Mich.
VHlv I Liw itt l. i. mii iw.
Til , llk (J lit.rrn. . firi.Uk il.c.tll fr.
ni ll. ynm. Ihkl will l.r Ktiitr trr til Mwlk
AMfMtnKllAlTt4iXAt.rtU.mar HM. l. Uw. Ml
c-sAi jkr
'J- r..TW JJ visiv V
Notice to Farmers
Tho undcrnlgnod hai for te th
Harrows, ,
Well known to bo tho boat, vrhloh ho .will
Belt oheanor than tho ohonpoit.
Farmers, Call and See. '
Noinivlia county, Null., Jan. 23, 1883.
To ElUu Melllolu You uto llonsuy notlUod
that tho following donor I lied ria caIMo, vU:
Thn north hall uf tho northeast qunrtor.con
lalnliiK SO aorcn, und nUo- tho nouthwret
(Uartnr uf tho norlhnnt quarter, ootilnlnlnK
40 Bon-n, nil In nootlon lourtoon, lo unship
four, north of ratmo fourlixui caM. Minuted
In NoIuhIiiv county, Nebraska, and taxed in
tho namo nf KIik Molllolc, wiia on tho 4th
day of November, IN7H, mild for tho delln
quonl laxi'H, 1877, tho L'tKhty aore tract for
mo vim and 80-100 dollar, and alno inxnM palu
by hint for Ihu yenm IH7rt. IM71), ISM). IH"I
Also nu tho forty ncro tract the rati ot'
four and 5 100 dollarn and nil the Uxo n
crulDK thcriMMi to date. And Hint In. iltnA
lorthe reileinptlonof ttioHulnprotuirt atiova
deiicrlbod, from nuuh'tax nate, will uxplrn om
tha '21th day of May, lHS'i, nt which time th
uiiderHtgiu'd will apply for n tax UoimI,
Owner or mild oortlllcati'M, by litp nuenU,
Mado and repaired w well iin can bu done
anywhere, on Miort notice, and
Noxnaha' City, Nob.
County Surveyor,
tHSAII calNfor stirvnyln promptly at
touded to ;-4I
Propoealsfor Military Supplios.
Headquartrn Department of the IMatte,
Chief Quartermaster 1 olllce,
Omaha, Neb March 7 188a.
SEALED PROPOSALS in triplicate tubject
to the usuai condition!, will be received at
thi 1 oflice until 12 o'clock, M., on Tuesday,
April t8th, 1881, or at the lame hour, (allowing
for the difference In time) at the offices of the
Quartermasters at the foil wing named stations,
at which places and time they will be opened in
the presence of the bidders, for the furnishing and
delivery ofMilitnry Supplies duiing the yea com
mencing July lit, 1881, and ending June ,30th,
1883,11 follows. Wood hay and charcoalor
such of said supplies as may be required at Oma
ha Depot, Fort Omaha, Fort Niobrara Fort Sid
ney, Cheyenne depot, Fort Russell, Fort Sande rs,
Fort Steele, Fort Hall, Fort Douglas, Fort Cam
eron, Fort Robinson, Fort Uridger, Fort Laramie,
Fori Felt e man, Fort McKinney, Fort Washakie
and Fort Thornburgh.
Proposals will also be received at this oflice up
to the day and hour above named, for the delivery
on the cars at the point nearest to the mines on
the line of the Union Pacific Railway, of 8.000
t ns of coal, of 2,140 pounds to the ton, Also
for the delivery at the Omaha depot, or at stations
an the main line of the Union Pacific Railway
east from Kearney Junction, oftwo million pounds
corn and one million pounds oars. Bids for grain
should state the rate per 100 pounds not per
Proposals for either class of the stores men
tioned, or for quantities lets than the whole re
quired, will be received. Each proposal should
be in triplicate, separate for each article at each
station, and muit be accompanied by a bond in
the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) executed
strictly in accordance with the printed instructions,
and upon the blank form furnished under I hi
advertisement, guaranteeing that the party mak
ing the proposal shall not withdraw the same
within sixty days from the date announced for
opening them; and that if said proposal is ac
cepted and a contract for the supplies bid for,
awarded thereunder, he will within ten days after
being notified of the award (provided such norifi
cation be made within the sixty days above men
tioned,) accept the same and furnish good and
sufficient suretiei, at once, for the faithful per
formance ofthe contract.
The Government reserves the right to reject
anv or all proposals.
A preference will be given to articles of do
mestic production.
Blank proposals and printed circulars, stating
the kind and estimated quantiaies of Wood, Hay
and Charcoal required at each station, and giving
full instructions as to the manner of bidding, con
ditions to be observed by bidders and terms of
contracts, &cM will be furnished on application to
this Oflice or to the Quartermasters at the various
statiuns named.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
markedj ''Proposals for . at
and addressed to the undersigned or to the respect
ive Poit Jiid Dcput Quartermasters.
Chief Quartermaster,