Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 16, 1882, Image 4

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    Q. VT, 7AIRBR0THEK Jt CO., Proprietor.
, Suoi)rioM $2. Pm Yf am m AovAxri.
wrm in. . i i
- CojiI,
J. W. Kerno.
- Cull ut UiIh ofllce for vIhUIiik
A. W. Nlckell, reliable dnigBlst.
For 'Lumber Lhno and Coal go to
, ,, " .1. W. Kl'HKH.
' A,)V. Nickel!, reliable nowodealor,
Tho Room 1h al Calvert and don't
you forget it.
' Tubfeand jtocket cutlcrjr at T. L.
Jonon' Urowavlllo.
' Dlank .1(!(k1h, notcn, inoitgngos
etc., for Hale at this olllcu.
-For first class groceries call on
T. L. Jones -Hrownvillo.
Uliie flnwa, Timothy, and Garden
Seeds at Niokell &SliiirlH.' .
Extra coph'H of Tun Advkhtisku
A. W. Nickoirs, Hrownvillo.
School books und all iniHcolluii
ousboukH nt Nick oII'h drug Ht ore.
Lamps, LantcniH, queensware und
glassware, at T. J.. Jones, HrOwnvillo.
Fresh Dread, plus and cakes at
ways on hand at A. Palmer's, Hrown
villo. For nobby letter hoads.stateinonts
receipts, notes, envelopes, etc., call at
this olllco.
For Sale Ciikai. A good house
and lot in Calvert. Apply to
X. D. Wkiit.
Urownvjlle matter for tho Ad
vehtibi:u will recoivo prompt atten
tion if left at the postofllce. M. Hurvoyors arc
maneuvering between Calvert and
Nebraska City looking for the best
route. A good ono is not hard to fini'.
Insure your llfo In the Centennial
Mutual Life Association of Iowa.
You can make no butter investment;
tho money paid is for the benefit ol
your family, and will return to them
at a time when they most iiihmI it.
"It Ib generally understood" in
Soward county that the Reporter doe-i
not hesitnto to lie about a contempor
ary, or anything else, whoji a Ho will
will suit Its vicious nature as well as
the truth.
Reference given to Hon. John II
Gear, Ex-Uov., John Knitter, Mayor,
isurungton unity iiawticue. Dally a
zctte, and Merchants' National Hank,
of Hurllngton, Iowa. Frank Ilatton,
of Washington, I). 0 and First Na
tional Hank of Chicago, as to reliability
01 uioi-eiuonuMi mummi J-iiio Associa
tion. Vennor brought on tho bdow
storm of last week exantly on tlm ,
If ho Is as successful for tho balance of
the mouth, March will bo a rough one.
He promises heavy snow falls tho third
week. On tho 11 th and lth cold
weatlior in northwest. Fourth week.
blustery, Btor my, and biiow falls in
many sections. On mid iiftqr 23d
milder with rain and sleet storms.
Tht Centennial Mutual Life As
sociation, ot Iowa, now offer the people
of this State safe and reliable insurance
at loss than one-third tho rate charged
by the old lino companies. Tho Asso
ciation Is organized under the laws of
the Stuto of Iowa, with a paid up caw
Ital of 82(H),0u(). During the past five
years over :?4(K),0Q0 have been pahl to
beneficiaries. The association nrau-
ticos upon the principle of a careful
selection of risks and economical m-in-ngoment.
Tho cost of carrylng-a pollev
outside of the sum charged for ex
pense Is strictly governed by tho actual
iosB03 experienced.
Go to Geo. Riech
ers for .your trim
mings in silks, satins,
and velvets.
"Tho Western Historical Com
pany," of Chicago, have now a corps of
writers in Nebraska, gathqrlng factB,
statistics, incidents, etc., preparatory
for tho compilation of a complete his
tory of tho State Co tho present time.
A detail of tho corps are now writing
up Nemaha county. Messrs. W, O.
Stetson and II, L. Wood, engaged in
this work, arrived in Calvert Wednes
day morning, und immediately proceed
ed to tako in the history of tho town.
Tho historians above named called on
TriK ADvanTisEn, and wo wore pleased
in making their acquaintance Their
work is done with manifest ability,
system and , thoroughness. They are
old hands at tho bualness.Miavlng pub
lished neatly one hundred like histories,
and beforo us are many testimonials
of their eflloloncy and correctness. Wo
liavo looked over the list of sub
scribers for their book of Nebraska
and Und that nearly all of the old set
tlers and best and most Intelligent cit
izens are subscribing for it. We think
jtll will bo plasd with the work.
Tho following appoarod In the Oma
ha Republican last week an an adver
tisement: KOIl 8AI..K
If the Good Tomplars of tho state
were as prompt to pay their bills, as
they are to berate all who arc not of
their way of thinking, this olllco would
he more happy. Ono Gen. A. II. Howon
as representative of tho state organiza
tion inducod us to print tho proceed
ings of their Htato convention, and
there is due us from said Howeu and
said stH'o association 8:15.00. Wo ftro
now ready to rocelvo bids for said
This coming to tho notico of John
S. Mlnlck, Grand Worthy Chief Tem
plar of Nebraska, ho immediately
wrote tho Republican that ho would
glvo ono hundred cents on the dollar
for any and all propor claims the Re
publican could present against the
grand lodge of Good Tomplars, for pro
ceedings printed or any other printing.
Mr. Minick reminded tho Republican
that the "Templo of Honor" and "Good
Templars" are separate organizations,
and requested the amende honorable.
to which tho Republican responds as
follows: '
We are nlcased to know that the
Good Templars pay their bills, and ask
pardoli of that organization for our
"for sale" article. Will tlie "Temple
of Honor" now come to tho front?
I lie claim is still for sale,
Now what has "Gen.'' Howen to say
about that unpaid bill, which tho T. of
II. doubtless made due apptupr'iation
to pay, and believed to be paid up to
this time? It behooves tho "General,"
in tils lordly and most dignitled man
ner, to arlso and explain why this is
The finest line of
queensware at Geo.
A. W. Nlckell, the Hrownvllle
Druggist, has just received an immense
stock of wall paper, tho most beautiful
patterns at 12Ji cents a bolt. Window
curtains all styles and kinds, and cur
tain rollers of msst every make. It U
astonishing how idee a room can be
inudo'with so little money. He also
keeps a full line of books, both st'lioo'
books, miscellaneous books, aim blank
books, writing papers, all kinds and
sizes; envelopes of every shade and
color. When you go to Hrownvllle ih
not fall to call in atNickell's drug and
book store, and if ho h:ts anything you
want, he will sell It to you'ns low n
can bo afforded and yon can depeui1
upon the quality and of getting exactly
what you buy. We buy of Nlckell be
causo wo find him reliable.
Peku, Nkhr., Jan. 12. 18R2.
Notlqe'ls hereby given that' we, the
undQrsifcued, have formed a. co-part
nership, for tho purposo of engaginc in
the practice of Medicine and Obstetrics,
tho co-partnership being limited to tin
practice of tho above named prcfens-
ons, and shall In no instauco be. meant
to include tho praef Iqe of Surgery.
J. F. Nka'l, M.
,T. M. Havdkn. M. D.
Cases In Surgery will bo attended, to
by Dr. Huyden Individually, and not'us
ik member of the foregoing co-part
Shelf and Heavy
The celebrated
Glidden Barb Wire,
Willing Bros. & Jor
. dan's. :
Two Organs.
Rogulatotlrstthe stomach, second the
liver; especially the first, so as to per
fouu their functions, perfectly and you
will removo at least nineteen-twenti-eths
of all tho ills that mankind is heir
to, In this or any other climate. Hop
Hittero is tho only thinfc that will give
perfectly hoalthy, natural action to
theso two organs.
Quick aiiu aut j.
Many mlsorablo peoplo drag them
selves about with falllngstrength, feel
ing that thoy are steadylly sinking into
thrir graves, when by using Parker's
Ginger Tonic they would find a euro
commencing with tho first doso, and
vitality and stremrth nnii-klv mui unm.
ly coming back to them.
Dr. 11, Hell Andrews has got back
from his visit to Astoiio, III.
--Titus & Williams sell butter and
eggs at tho same price they pay for
them, and glvo more goods for a ten
dollar bill than any store in Nemaha
The threo or four clerks of Titus
& Williams, aro always busy- bocauso
they have the goods to sell and tho
customers to buy.
The life insurance man was in
town this week.
Mrs. Harriet Hoover will soon
move on to tho farm of J. 1'. Hoover.
Nowly married people can save
money by purchasing tlioir house
keeping outfit of Titus & Williams.
Clothing! Clothing! made a spec
ialty, by the suit or piece, by Tltuo &
If you want a good suit of clothes,
call and see tho Btock of Titus and
We have tho promise of Nnmaha
news weekly, and hope to glvo it inoro
fully when our correspondent gets
down to business. En. Anv.J
lOfiW "yards of
spring prints at Geo.
Kiechers'. Go and
see them.'
Mrs. E. J. Moniihan, of Maryville,
Mo., will bo in Hrownvllle on April
tfith, and remain threo days Call on
herat the Unloil House, where she is
prepared to treat all forms of eye dis
eases successfully. Her treatment in a
permanent cure for granulated eye lids
and all forms of inllammation of the
Surgical operations will bo perform
ed by Dr. I). C. Wilson, of Maryville.
Gn ilea ii
Will Be I-Iung-!
And still It. P. Hutchlns will continue
to8oll implements from the largest and
best selected stock in Nemaha county,
ut the lowest living IrgiireB.
Go to Geo. Blech-
to -.
ers tor yonr dress
The Nursery portion of tho Furnas
Fruit Fann, Hrowiiville, Nebraska.
will be cleaned out the coming spring,
tlm ground being required for other
purposes, jsanjalns can be had,
wholesale or retail. Those wishing
anything in this lino will make money
by seeing this stock before making ar
rangements elsewhere.
-i ' "
Wall Paper.
at Nlckell tRhurts. '
Groceries at Cost.
We aro closing out our Groceries at
Linn & Cooper.
Cal voit, Neb., are now ready to re
ceive grain or all kinds, for which they
will pay tho highest market price
Call at tho elovator.
J. G. Gaskill,
Wall Paper.
Dillon, Groan & Co. have just rev-
colved a larco invoice of wall tiiinnr
latest patterns and best quality,
which they propose to sell as low as
any other firm in Nomnha county.
Gall and seo them.
A good team of horses for sale or
trade. Will trade for young cattle or
stock hogs. Apply to
John IIigoins,
Sheridan Neb.
and Stamping.
I nm now prepared to do all kinds of
Dressmaking, of the latest fashion,
also Stnmpjng, which I make a special
ty of. Rooms over Billon & Croan'a
drug store. Mils. Maijy Dillon.
The Best Assorted
Stock of Hamburg
Edging to be found at
Geo. Riechers.
, ,
Extra copies of This Advkutihkn (
for sale at J. W. Kont's music and news j
.For the immense
siiisra- stock
Which will arrive in a few days,N
We propose to keep to keep the largest
and best stock of goods in Nemaha county.
H ho is always ready to show you the
finest line of
at the lowest possible prices.
Dry Goods,
Boots, Shoes,
and Notions,
in the Hank Building of F.W.Samuol
son, at Calvert, 1 am now ready to in
vite old and young, small and great, to
call and see my stock before buying
elsewhere. 1 am also ready to tako
in exchange for goods.
Thanking my friends and customers
for past favors, I solicit a continuance
for the future, Yours Resp'y.
Geo. Riechers.
ESTABI.1JS HED 18 7 0.
Manufacturers of the Conover Bro'iJ
Patent Uoright Pianos,
(And Wholesale Agents for
Kranioh &:Baoh,
liindeman, Fischer
and Haines Pianos.
Publishers of Music 1 I Jobbers in Musical
and Mucic Uouks, Merchandise.
01 Ji Main Street, KAtiSAS C1TT, Mf.
AtBrownville, Nebraska.
ok: THE
Missouri Tiver.
litesLow, Camps Shady f
Roads Good,
Indemnity Ample.
Connects with all Trains.
Jacob Marohn
Its ou'iivlllc. lVf;iniNka.
ass r ? inP- -
and dealtrln
V'lMKKKllih.Ki.nfh, Voteli nrt Fnf t'lslhi
T.itlaMi Etc., Kte.
Harness Shop
A. J. Williams, Proorietor.
Ho Imii ftmWlloH, hrlillrs nntl haltem to Mill,
And Hint tlicy ureull right no una w. -Uk.
Ila Iihb Koori harness loo, both sluglc nl
l u Mo.
You can hiv what you wrun without any
Ho hnH cotlitra and harneim nnd whips and
nit such,
oruood hiirucHs oil ho hns ovor so much.
Indeed ho keeps all that iiertntna to his line,
In nil ol which goodness and qunllty com
Ho works good material and does his work
And you ned hare no fear that there's any-
thltiK wrotm.
Kor thin Ih n mutter wo would have under.
All that's made In his shop in warrant
It your horses or muisn nro subjeot to fret.
He oun keep on the flies with a splendid fly
And If they are sktttUh and Inclined to do
He has lines that will hold them and his
bridles nro strong.
If your hnrno needs mending you need not
get seared, '
Hut hrlnjt them to him and have them le-
He'll mnkeorhn'll menil as you mny desire,
And do It as well us where prices nr higher.
If you want anything madojir mended come
About prices nnd styles you hnye nothing to
To do his worV right he takes special enre,
And we arc qui tenure his prices are fair.
Now to farmers and horsemen ws have thin
to mi j ,
Williams gives the full worth of all that you
At some other places you may do pretty
But you'll find at this shop they are hound
to exiol. CU8T0Mnt.
,1S. . Ml i ,! J.,, ,
' ''I ' I !i
.1 f I
One of 230 Acr1 '
One of 240 Aor.
On of 160 Acres.
One of 80 Aorei.
Church Howe & Son.
, a
. w