jxM:-Jiim ehmzkn 111 I. iff iii i ,i 1 1. ESTABLISHED IBBQ. 1 CALVERT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1882, VOL. 26, N0:'38. , OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. U lli Jlfl A h A BUSINESS CARDS. II. BROADY, Attorney nd Oounielur nt lur, IUownvlllt.Nab T S.STUIL, .0. ATTOIINK.VJI AT IjAAV. Olltcoof County Jadgo. Jlronvlllo, Nebraska. r'K .S. II OL LAD AY, r W tr, Phylolnn,ritlrgeoHt Obttrlolnn. V " Graduated In. IBSi. I,oc.td In HrownvlllelMJ. l)incc,t Mliistrefit, Drown vllle, Neb. , G. W. CORNEIX, J' fc& . CALVERT, NEB. JQgFICE. Qne door Worth of the Nemaha . , W1' County Dank. Will practice in all the Courti iV ' ' and attend to Collectioni. X " L. H. BATTLES" l. uctioneer. fl'HOHKwlio nro nbout to luwo ft nlo will ' Hurt It to ttiolr Into rent to oonRUlt htm. Terms ronnunnbtc. ItCMldonoo In IHclforrt precinct. ZMn3 A. L. PULTON, M.D., Physician and Surgeon CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE At Shurtz & Swartx Drug Store Fablinger Block. RESIDENCE With E, D. Wert; on Nemaha Street. '" D. J. WOOD, NOTARY PUBLIC -AND- Insurance Agenl, Calvert, Neb., 37 m7 fowler, Justice of the Peace and Real Estate Agent, CALVERT, NEBRASKA. jSTSpecial attention given to collec tiona. Olllco for tlio present with the. CoviiiKii. 27yl GEO. BOOL, FJiSHMOlVJlBEE Boot & Shoe Maker, CALVERT, NEBRASKA. CtlStoiIl Work Mdc to order and Satisfaction Guaranteed. J -pairlllE Neatly and promptly done at .xiijonable Rates. Shop on Nemaha Street c. tofhot)J, JOHN HARMS, PROPRIETOR FARMER'S HOME RESTAURANT CALVERT, NEBRASKA. Warm meals at all hours. THE PARIS HOUSE, CALVERT NEBRASKA .I.JK, Parisy Prop. This popular house lias teon recently opened, and travelers will find every appointment flrstclass. MARLATT & KING, TJKALK'IB IN General Merchandise Dry Goods, aroeerl, Hearty Mado ClotliliiK. Hoots, Hhoi'H. HatH, Cnp", nnd a Qerjprrtl An oortment of Drug and Patent Medicines. Fence nostH and wood nlways on hand for sale, &. Highest prloci paid for batter and ASP1NWALI., NRBttASKA. 8. A. Osborn, Notary Public 0. W. Tayloi Osboen & Taylor, ; ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert nnd Brownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED. ERAL COURTS. mt, ft .: -' i . Special attention liven tt collections jni tale f 4 -', REAL '.ESTATE. ' J.B. BERGER CARPENTER and BUILDER, Calvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A. Opporrnann, Physician ami Surgeon Has been located in Nemaha County since 1868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES, Afflictions of the Ear and EyO Skillfully -Created. ffgrArtificial eye always on hand to"g Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. aoyi ESTABLISHED IN 186 OLDEST RealEstateAgeiicy IN NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Does n gonem! Hani Kntnto HuHlnenri. Hell Lands on Qomtnlnslon, exiunluux Titles, rnnkes Deeds, Mortgnicft, nnd all Instru montH portnlnlng to tlio transfer of Ileal Es tate. Has a Complete Abstraot of Titles to all Rynl Estate lu Nemnlin County. F. W. Samuelson, J). J. Wood, President. Cashier. Nemaha County Bank, - Calvert, Nebraska, Does' a General -Banking Business. Particular Attention Giv en Collections. Monev Loaned on A'Tnrov ed Secnity. Exchange on all parts ot V. S. and Europe. Armstrong & Scott, PROPRIETORS LIVERY & FEED STABLE Calvert, Nebraska, GOOD RIGS AT REASONABLE" GIIARGES. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Horses boarded by tho day or week and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at Reasonable Rates. lllTIIOItIZKI Y TIIK l). M. (H)VKItNMKNT First National Bank O V B R O XV NVILL E Paid-ujt Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 506s000 IS PIlEPAIlKOTO TUANHAOT A! General Banking Busines. BUY AND SKLL COIN & OURBENOY DRAFTS n nil tlieprlnclpnlcltles of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED lln knnrnved necurltv onlr. Time Oraftl dlacnunl ed.andRiecllncanmmo1iktlonNHrnntedtoilepolt ra. Dealers In OOVKIINMKNT 1I0NDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS UecnlTPd pyhlQoin1mnni1.ttn(l INTKItKftT a owed on tlmocertlllcateiiordeposlt. DinKOTOKH.-Wm.TTnen, P. M. llalliyr, M.A llaniUer, Frank K. Johnson, Luther Hoadley Wrn. Kralalier. JOHN L. CARSON, A,n. DAVIROr.Cahlr. Pr.ildent J. 0. McNAUUUTON, Aat. CaaUler, . Zcbrivikn Sivvrtiscr. zc I ' 1 0. W. FAinBUOTUER k CO., rroprUtora. CALVERT, : : NEMUSICA. I i i . r - - ' -- i m i rti i - -i - -1 . Mr.liradlatiKh has buon re-elected. .. . Tlio water at Cairo is 53 feet above low water mark. Necessary to a eltoicoln tlio electoral college, 1201 votes. The Odd Fellows hall at Jackson, Teim.. has been destroyed by lire. Lossj, 8110,000. A cyclone destroyed Valley Mills, Texas. 28th tilt. Every liouso in town was destroyed but one. Tho Iowa Senate has voted to sub mit the prohibitory constitutional amendment to tho people. Roscoo Gonkling was confirmed As sociate Justice of the supremo Court, iJlid hist., by a vote of 31) for, 12 against; four Republicans and eight Democrats voting negatively. We were premuture in giving the Nobraska Farmer credit with leaving politics nnd devoting itself to bti a strictly farmers' journal- Vrtte Stand ard. Thorois just enough partisan crank iness in the Farmer to spoil it and render it lit for nobody. The whisky traflle anil tho education of the youth of tho nation nro not likely to bo sent, to thefuturo hand in hand. The junior Senator from I Hi noise (Logan) might as well make a noto of this, and lose no more Bleep in advocating a measure repugnant to every man and woman who loves the race.- filter Ocean. Tho committee to audit the expenses attending tho sickness and burial of Garfield, mado allowances as follows: To Dr. Bliss, S2.-),000; Afjuewand Ham ilton, 816,000 each, Reyburn and Hoyn ton $10,000 each, Mrs. Dr. Edson, 6r,,000; Steward Crump, 13,000; and other employes of thoKxeeutivo Man sion, two months extra pav. A lengthy answer to Bullock's charges on tho professors, appears in the Stale Journal, signed by several prominent citizens of Lincoln, the most conspicuous of whom is Hon. O. P. Mason. They write a strong let tor, and each and every one of Bul lock's 20 charges are denied. They ar raign tho three regents, viz: Carson, Fifield and Pershingor, saying they are on trial now. q Q - Now if Conkling accepts, the cry will be, "We told you sol The idea of his not taking anything ho can get." If ho declines, ureat will be the indig nation that tho President should send it nomination in "just for effect." Other men have been nominated for positions and have declined, and no one objected, but of couise there must bo a different rule for Conkling than anybody else. Inter Ocean. Another attempt to assassinate Queen Victoria was made on tho 2nd Inst. She was fired at at tho Windsor railway station as sho was entering her carriage but escaped unhurt. Tho man who fired at tho queen was about to (Ire again when ho was seized and disarmed. lie was a hard looking wretch, poorly clad, by the name of Roderick McLean. Tho citizen by staudors would have killed him had he noV been protected by tho polico. Ho is said to lie a clerk and a native of London. I for intiiHst.v wiih rtinidlv driven away, and did not know sho had neon shot nt until afterward, and did not seem at all shocked over the affair. She has been shot at so much that she Is getting used to it. Tho Eogenta did not Violate tho Law. Immediately after tho Jate mooting of tho Regents of tho University it was declared by tho Lincoln Democrat and others, that tho manner adopted by tho Regents in disposing of those three professors, was in violation of law. This charge although soon corrected, and retracted, oven by tho Democrat, Is still harped on by some people 'whose only source of information is what they hear other ignoramuses say. The truth Is the Jtcgenis nan run au thority of law for what thoy did and tho way they did It. The newspapers that have been pltchlnglnto tho Re gents, although they may not liave mado tho dlfect chargo of violation of law, know1 that such an impression is abroad, and if thoy mean fair play and tho whole truth, thoy wll say some thing in their columns that may re move tho falso impression from tho minds of their readers. Number Two. Editor AilrortUor. In your issue of Fob. 10th I find n reply to No. l by an old church mem ber. Now, for his sake and his kind, wo would say that Plaindealer is not u salaried preacher, and has not been for ton years, and noVei4 expects to be, con sequently all his efforts to show that Plain Dealer was a mercenary nnd elovonfooted preachor, falls to tho ground with all tlio rest of his batch of nonsouso. We did write what, wo bo liovo was right, and soo no reason to change our mind. Wo would also any that as it is posslblo for Plaindealer to liccomo Old Church Mcmbors' pas tor, he need not feel any alarm about his family starving, or going half clad, or being driven to tho barn to freozo. No, no, Old Church Member, pay your preachers better and God will never let you or yours Buffer. Ho loves h cheerful giver, but ho that gives spar ingly will receive sparingly. Again, Plaindealer has been pastor of stations in cities of second, third and fourth olass; pastor of circuits of towns nnd villages and country, and ho novor had such insinuations thrown nt him be fore We presume the reason was he never preached for such enlightened and liboral hearted members and peo ple as Old Church Member May tho good Lord bless Old Church Member. May ho live long to do good in tlio world. Ainon. More anon. Pl.AINDRAI.Rn. George W. Hart, who killed Michael Cross, at Grand Island, Neb., was sen tenced by Judgo Post to be hung Juno 16th. Tho prisoner requested tho judgo to not delay his execution, but to hang him within ten days. Tho judge Informed him that the law of Nebras ka provides that a person ronvicted of murder shall not be hanged until nffer tho oxplration of 100 days from date of his conviction. He then asked the judgo to not fix either Fildny or Satur day as tho day of his execution, which request the judge allowed, making it Thursday. mm Senator Hoar abused Conkling in secret session. It leaked out. however, much to Mr. Hoar's chagrin, and he wont over and apologized to President Arthur, declaring that his words Used against Mr. Conkllng's confirmation were much more gentle and gentle manly than those renorted. Tho Pres ident said, "Ah -Is that so, Mr. Sena tor?" Miss Emily Numbers, a school teach er 17 years old, noar Salem, Intl., was recently most brutally murdered in liei school room, whither she had gom early in the morning to start the Ore Sho was found dead on tho school room floor, with her tongue cut out nuc many bruises, cuts and stabs on hei person. Congress recently appropriated $100. 000 to aid tho sufferers from higl waters on tho lower Mifisissimil. Tin distress of the people is terrible to rear about, some are eating drowned mux meat, and many are absolutely dyine of starvation. President Haves nominated Senator Hoar's brother, Hockwood, as an Asso ciate Justice, and Conkling opposed him and he was defeated. That ac counts for tho fight Senator Hoar now makes on Conkllng's confirmation. In tho will of Charles A. Reld. de ceased, of Newton. Mass., 850,000 are queathed to tho treasury of the United States, to bo applied on tho reduction of tho war debt. Benj. Jones, need 80 years, was killed by cars at Fairburry recently, while walking on tho railroad track. Ho did not hear tho approaching train. Gen. Rosecrans didn't like Blnlno's eulogy. Tho gonqral must feci lone some whilo reading tho thousands of eulogies of that eulogy. Tho total number of hogs packed in Cincinnati for the winter of '81 was 2,848,078. Nearly one million less than previous winter. -i ma m Tlio wator in the Mississippi during tlio recent flood down nbout Cairo was higher by sevoral Inches than was over known before. The Inter Ocean made a center shot at Senator Hoar when it said : "There 1b always ono refuge loft tho small dog; ho can bark." Tho coinage executed at tho mints during February amounted to $0,040, 870. of which 2,300,000 were standard dollars. i Nebraska City lias a "Whist Club." composed of ladies and gentlemen. They hail a banquet recently. A popcorn peddler named Beccraft, at Kansas City, was shot dead and robbed of 8800 in money. PERU. Tlicro has, been a great amount of sickness in PoriFdurlng thu past win der, (mostly measles and mumps,) which has interfered with tha Normal School, to some extent. Abbott, the photographer. Wila. Majors repeats the story' con cerning n Brownvillo boy and "Rough on Rats'' with a groat dwl of pleasure. Pronty is thoroughly dfoguated with life- Everybody is working against his traitor and even Mrs. P, is making preparations to put in a stock of agri cultural, Implements, David Jack, wo found busy as usual, selling general merchandise nnd agri cultural implements. Jack alwayn has a good trade. Wo found A. J. Williams nnd his two workmen buiy as bees, pinking harness. Abo advortises in Tiiu Ai VRiiTisuit, has a good trade, ot course, and is happy. Our friend Thos. llutchiuson was busy selling a young married couplo a nice lot of lurniture. but found time to pay for Tins Advrktiskk h ye.r in advance Mr. II. has a splendid stock of furniture, and as his pricos are al ways rousonablo ho enjoys a largo pat ronage. S. P. Majors and John, doalors in general merchandise, have a large stock of goods, and if Thursday was a fair sample they also havo a largo trade Jno. Patterson, druggist and book seller, patronizes Tins Advkutishu and always lias lots of customers. Jno. Meutz, furnltuio dealer, has a good stock of everything lu his lino, and is doing a good business. Wo met Lewis Fisher, who took the necessary steps to securo Tins Auvisn Tisisii another year. E. M.Lippltt, professor of music in the Normal, gave us somo finiiueinl en couragement and tout us on our way rejoicing. Wo were glad to moot our old friend Daniel Preston, now clerking for F.' .1. Pronty. He is the samo Dan. Moin Skinkle was busy putting uj medicine for tlio "flick and asHlcted, but not too busy to call on us foruomo cigars wo lost on the fall election. Annas Ury, now of Bfownville, will open a barbar shop at this place in a few days. IX O. Cole, Ben Coy, Chns. Wey, and others, wo were glad to meet, and to llud locking healthy and happy. Commissioner Redfern was in tho city Thursday. Peru has a easo of wifo desertion. Dr. Neal we found looking well, as usual, and ready to visit the sick. Hon. Tom Majors is still in Wash ington. ' Dr. Reed was tho only sick man vot saw. Wo wore pleased to meet our lormer county clerk, Samuel Culbert--un. on the street. He has had consid erable sickness in ills family tho past winter. Mrs. Loufbourrow will soon Join hor husband in Colorado, Mr. L. ' will go into the sheep raising business in that Stato. Ex-Gov. Furnas, of Brownvillo, in a letter to J. T. Allen, Omaha, says: I am just shipping 200,000 wild grape cuttings to Franco, which, With 00,000 already sent thoro, Is just an even "mil lion of Nebraska grapos sent to tho gieat wino growing region of tlio world. Our American varieties improvo in sizo and quality with a chango of cli mate. Tho Sherman county Times says that a recent decision of the supremo court has pronounced worthless $42,000 of Sherman county bonds, which, with tho interest, relieves the county' of 800,000 indebtedness. Tho meanest man lives in Fair Haven. Ills little boy played an April fool joko on him, and ho turned the clock back twenty-four hours and mado tho boy bollovo that, it was tho last day of March. Come and see Calvert and Sheri ilan, at tho center of Nemaha, tho "Garden county" of Nobraska, aud "pay your money and take your choice." Senator Van Wyck has introduced a bill to compol railroads to pay state taxes on patented lands donated thorn by tho goverement. Wymoro Is talking of erecting a first class opera house. Ring out the new, ring in tho old.