Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 02, 1882, Image 7

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One of the first things a farmer1
wife should loom, if she lias not already
learned it as a fanners daughter, i to
drive and, harness a horse.
Nover carry scissors or a crochet
needle In your pdckcl without taking
the precaution to put the point
o put tlio point of the
scissors in an empty spool; and the
nocdl'e can bo inserted in a cork.
A ilauncl cloth dipped into warm
soapsuds and then into whiting and ap
plied to paint, will instantly remove all
grease and dirt. Wash with clean water
and dry. The most delicate paint will
not bo injured, and will look like nev.
A larpo number of planters aro en-
faged in tho cultivation of iigs in the
tate of Arkansas, and so far with suc
cess. Mr. G. M. Wilson, of Drew Coun
ty', has a fine orchard, and pays that bin
experience goes to show that figs can bo
grown in Arkansas at a much cheaper
rate than any other place.
German Way of Frying Beef Stoak;
Found out the steak a little, salt it
,and fry quickly with hot. lard on both
sides. Pour off" ho lard and plrtco tho
steak on tho dish. Put into tho pan
sofno fresh butter and fry with it soma
fmoly-out onions, and pour this over tho
Chopped cold cabbage and potatoes
wanned up together, with vinegar, but
ter, salt mid poppor. mako a pice relish.
Equal quantities of mashed potato and
mashed tarnip, warmed up in the same
manner, arc also nice. Boiled carrots
sliced thin and fried in pork fat, like
parsnips and potatoes, arc, equally as
good for dinner or breakfast.
When the corn on tho car is fed to
horses they masticate it much more
slowly than if tho corn was shelled. As
a consequence, that on tho ear is better
digested. A horso requires more timo
to cat corn on tho ear than if fed cither
meal or shelled corn. If tho horso can
not have timo to masticate a full feed of
unshelled corn, then it is best to food
something else.
It may be well to remind those who
grow wiifdow-plants that by removing
them away from tho window, and ar
ranging a cover of newspapers over
them, they may bo preserved from harm
in severely cold nights. With tho plants,
as with ourselves, it is not so much that
cold comes in, as that the heat goes ont,
and often a slight protection will pre
vent the escape of heat.
A good freckle lotion for tho cure of
freckles, tan or sunburned face and
hands is made thus: Take half a pound
of clear ox gall, half dram each of cam-
1)hor and burned alum, one dram of
)orax, two ounces of rock salt, and tho
same of rock candy. This should bo
mixed and shaken well several times a
iday for tlireoi weeks, until tho gall be
comes transparent; then strain it very
carefully through filtering papor, widen
,may bd had of the druggists. Apply to
.the face through tho clay and wash off
at night.
One of tho strongest cements, and
very .readily made, is obtained when
equal quantities 6f giltta porcha and
shellac are molted together and well
stirred.' This is best dono in an iron
capsule placed on a sand-bath, and
heated either over a gas-furnace or on
the top of a stove, it is a combination
possessing both hardness and tough
nessqualities that make it particularly
desirable in mending crockery. When
this cornont is used tho articles to bo
mended should bo wanned to about tho
melting point of tho mixture, and then
retained in proper position until cool,
when they are ready for use. Ex
cJiangc When n tree stands so that the shad
ow can bo measured, its height can bo
readily ascertained as follows: Sot a,
stick upright let it bo perpendicular by
tho plumb line. Measure tho length of
the shadow of tho stick. As tho length
of its shadow is to the height of the
stick, so is tho length of tho shadow of
a tree to its height. For instance: If
tho stick is four feet above the ground,
and its shadow is six feet iu length and
tho shadow of tho tree is ninety foot, its
height will bo sixty feet G: 4: ,00: GO.
In other words, multiply tho length of
the" shadow of tho tree by tho length of
the stick, and divido by the lenth of tho
shadow of the stick.
Fig pio makes a delicate dessert.
"Make a thin, rich crust for tho bottom.
Let it como to tho edge, and bond it up
ward just enough to hold the filling, but
do not mako a thick ridge of crust; it
will not be oaten, and will' spoil tho
good looks of tho pie. For a medium
sized pio take half a pound of figs, ehop
them fine, and cook with tho addition of
a cup of cold wator, or part cldor and
nart watf.r. If you cannot get cider, a
littlo brandy may be substituted. When
the figs aro soft and smooth, put in tho
crust and bako. Mako a meringue of
tho white of the eggs, beaten stilt, with
two tablospoonfuls of sugar beaten with
them; flavor with vanilla, and without
taking the pie from the oven, as soon as
tho crust is dono, spread this over tho
top, and let it form for a minute or two,
not longer.
Silk Soda Crackers
as Dinner Cards.
At a recent dinner party fh this city
some odd. dinner cards were used. Thoy
wcro exact . imitations of. square soda
crackers, made of pale silk, filled with
down and sachet powder. The edges
wero slightly colored, as a cracker is
browned in the taking, and tho print of
tho cutting stamp was copied by tho
silk being stitched together in placon.
In tho center, where tho name of the
manufacturer usually is, was tho
name of tho guest. As they lay upon
tho pure white linen by the plates, tliey
looked like such fresh, good soda crack
ers that it was a disappointment to find
that they would not break and crumble
into brittle raouthfuls. N. V. Bun.
Remembering Her Lorcr with, a For
John F. Neubor, a son of Rov. J.
G. Nouber, of Philadelphia, has just
como into a snug littlo fortuno under
rather romantic circumstances. In
1875 ho was eighteon years of ago and
a stuuent at uv. orris- classical insu
iutc Ho became acquainted with Miss
Mabel A. Kennedy, aged fiftcon, and a
year or so later thoy wore engaged to
bo married. Young Nouber was poor
and it was understood that ho was not
to marry Miss Kennedy until ho gradu
ated from tho Pennsylvania University
and was nblo to support a wlfo by prac
ticing a profession. Miss Konncdy lived
with her paronts at Villa Nova, on tho
Pennsylvania Railroad, and Nouber was
a frdquont visitor to tno house, in
1877 ho summered with tho Kennedy
family at Lake George, and spent the
noxt summer with them at Saratoga
and Long Branch. In the summer of
1879 Miss Kennedy was then slok, and
Nouber was with her when sho died a
few days later. After her death tho
Kennedys moved from Villa Nova, and
their intimacy with Ncubcr ceased.
Last week, however, Neubcr received
notice from C. A. Zoos, an uncle of tho
dead girl, who lives in New York, that
sho had loft her affianced husband $10,
000. Tho remainder of her fortuno,
amounting to $70,000, sho left to hor
brother and two sisters. N. Y. Sun.
Tho Hcrdio coaches find it hard
work to get along horo. Streets aro so
bad it is a wonder that milk carts do not,
take water and go out of business.
New Orleans Picayune.
Tony Paator In Trouble.
Tony Pastor, of New York, who Is now wltb
his Inimitable variety combination, Diking a
tour of the principal cities of the Union, Is
recognized as the leading character vocalist
and rarlety performer of the United States.
He owns and runs a first-class theater on
Broadway, New York City, and has gathered
about htui the best troupe of variety artists
that could be obtained. The company has
Just completed a brilliant engagement at the
Walnut Street Theater, Philadelphia, and aft
er the present tour they will reappear In Tony
Taster's own theater In New York City. Mr.
Pastor Is the originator of his peculiar school
of character singing, and has made himself
Immensely popular, having realized by hi
talents a large fortune.
The writer of this article met Mr. Pastor re
cently ct tho Bingham House, In Philadelphia,
and found him as genial in private as lie Is
amusing before the public. During our con.
vcrsatlou I inquired us to his physical health,
and he replied that, notwithstanding the
strain upon him in the discharge of his pro
fessional dlitlcs, It was excellent. He had oc
casionally severe pains, either the result of
rheumatic attacks orcolds, but any complaints
of that character never troubled him long, a
he had fouud out a remedy for all such annoy
ing affections. I asked him what the remedy
was, and ho replied, " St. Jacobs Oil." I then
learned from Mr. Pastor that he considered
tho Great German Remedy ancxccllent prepa
ration for the cure or relief of rheumatism,
and that it was about the only thing used
among professional people for that distressing
complaint. He took bottles of it with him
whenever he went traveling, and would not be
without It, and knew that it was very popular
with a number of members of his own com
pany. A conversation held subsequently with
various members of the organization revealed
the fact that St. Jacobs Oil had been perform
ing most Invaluable service for them in the
way of curing them of rheumatism. Nearly
every artist In the troupe used it, and was en
thusiastic in its praise, and the writer was
really forced to the conclusion that Tony
Pastor was certainly in luck in having so valu
able an article known and employed by his
inimitably good company of performers, for it
enabled every one to be always iu his place,
thus insuring comfort to the management and
genuine satisfaction to the public Tony
Pastor would certainly be in trouble without
St. Jacobs OIL At least, other managers
whoso artists have been temporarily unsup
pHed, have noticed tho difference between St.
Jacobs Oil In stock and St. Jacobs OH out of
stock among tho members of tholr compa
nies. iV. Y. Clipper.
Nkw Yokk, February 18, 1883.
LIVE STOCld-Cattlo $8 75 $12 25
Suoun 4 ft) Gb 0 50
Hairs 0 00 (To 7 25
FLOUK-Opod to Choice li CO 8 75
Putonts 7 ISO 8 75
WHEAT No. S lied 1 SUtfGi 1 30',4
No.SSprlmr 1 IK 137
COltN No.2 IH& 08i
OATS Western Mixed 47406 40
ItYK 88 K)
l'OHIC Mess 17 HO & 18 00
LAUD Htoam..... 10(H) ft 11 00
CHEESE It 12tf
WOOL Domcstlo 30 48
BEEVES-E.xtro $ 50 W 80
Choice 5T5 0 15
Good 5 40 5 05
Medium 5 00 5 25
Butcher' Btook 340 4 85
Htoolc C'llttlo 3 25 C4 4 25
HOOS-Llve OoodtoChoIco 5 50 7 IK
SHEEP 350 5B7h
ni'TTEll-Creamury 40 40
Good to Choice Dairy 28 40
EGGS-Presh 10 17
PLOUH Winter 0 50 7 00
fiprlmr 4 50 0 50
Putonts 7 00 8 0)
GHAIN-Wheut, No. 2 Spring 1 22 1 22tf
Corn,No.2 57 57'4
Outi,No,2 40 404
Bye. No. 2,,.., 82 .,
Burluy, No. 2 10 1 00
Ited-Tlppi'dllurl.j 0 0
' Kino Green 9 9ft
Inferior 7 8
Crooked 5 7
'POBK 17 05 17 70
LAUD Htemn 10 80 10 85
Common Dressed Siding. 10 50 20 00
Flonriiur 32 00 IB 00
Common Hoards 10 00 17 50
Fencing 13 00 15 00
Lnth ,..,.... 2 50 2 75
Bulimies Sip a 70
OATTLE-Bcst ,.... $0 10 fOTTTH
Fair tpaood..... 5 50 tTOO
HOOK Yorkont 0 50 0 80
Philadelphia!! 7 40 7 60
SHEEP Best , 4 25 0 00
Common 3 50 4 00
CATTI.E-Bost fO 2', t 75
Medium 1 50 (i 25
HOGS 8 50 II87W
BUEEP-Poor to Choioo 3 70 0 25
To soften the hands, fill a wash ba
sin half full of fine, white sand and soap
suds as hot as can bo borno. Wash the
hands ' in this fivo minutes at a timo,
washing and nibbing them in tho sand.
Tho best is flint sand, or tho whito pow
dered quartz sold for Hitters. It may
be used repeatedly by pouring tho wator
awvy after each wasliing ami adding
fresh to' keep it from blowing about
Rinse in warm lather of fine soap, and,
after drying, rub them with dry bran
or corn meal. Dust them, anil finish
with rubbing cold cream well into tho
skin. This effectually removes tho
roughness caused by housework, and
should boused every day, first removing
Ink or vegetable stains with acid.
"Oh, papa, thatplaquo is just too
too," said a lovely young girl as sho
stood looking iu a shot) window in Main
strccU '.'Only $2,021" said tho old
gentleman in surprise. " I should think
that was cheap." You'd bettor buy
it." It was a natural enough mistake,
but the old gentleman bought the plaque
all tho samo, though it did cost him fif
teen dollars. liangor commercial.
Sweet Nuisance: What should a
lady do if sho wants to sneeze In
church? Why, sho should take somo
cayenno popper to church with hor, and
inhale some. Then Bhe'll sneezo hard
enough to loosen her tooth, and maybo
break up tho service.
Musical : Jones, on hearing a band of
' picked musicians " torturing a tune at a
rcceut concert, tald: "Ah, I understand;
they were picked before they were ripel"
"All through advertising," remarked ex-
Mayor Gregory to us as he went homeward
with a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, " that I bought
this. Your paper contains so many w onderf ul
cures of course they aro facts and so I
thought I'd try a bottle for the rheumatism."
Xadlton (Wl.) Dally Democrat.
Gknkiul SitenMAN ought to be happy. Ten
deserters wero captured last week. This In
creases the regular army fifteen per cent.
Jiurlltifftoii Hawkey e.
Somebody's Child.
Somebody's child is dying dying with tho
flush of hope on his young face, and some
body's mother thinking ot the time when that
dear luce will be hidden where no my of hope
can brighten It because there was no euro lor
consumption. Reader, if the child be your
neighbor's, take this comforting word to the
mother's heart before It is too Tate. Tell her
that consumption Is curable; that men are liv
ing to-day whom the physicians pronounced
Incurable, because one lung had been almost
destroyed by tho disease. Dr. Pierce's " Gold
en Medical Discovery" has cured hundreds;
surpasses cod liver oil, hypophosphltcs, and
other medicines in curing this disease. Sold
by druggists.
"There!" triumphantly exclaimed a Dead
wood editor, as 11 bullet came through the
window and shattered the inkstand, "1 knew
that new 'Personul' column would be a suc
cess." Han Francisco Post,
Truth Is Ml Rlity.
When Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo,N.Y.,announced
that his "Favorite Prescription" would posi
tively cure the many diseases and weaknesses
peculiar to women, some doubted, and con
tinued to employ the harsh and caustic local
treatment. But the mighty truth gradually
became acknowledged. Thousands of ladles
employed tho "Favorite Prescription" and
were spccdlly.cured. By druggists.
Esthetic editors have their paste made
from sun flour now. Uoslon Commercial JiuU
In the cure of severe coughs, weak lungs,
spitting- of blood, and the early stages of Con
sumption, Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discov
ery" has astonished the medical faculty. While
it cures the severest coughs, It strengthens tho
system and puriJUs the blood. By druggists.
' I'll (rive yotf ten dollars or thirty days."
"Well, Til talfe the ten dollars, 'Squire."
Whbn we consider the number ot human
beings that die with Consumption every year,
the importance of a medicine that will cure all
Throat and Lung Diseases tend to this
complaint, and even to the destroyer after it
has indicated its presence in the system, must
be admitted to be beyond all estimate. This
wonderful power Is claimed to be possessed by
Allen's Luno Balsam, which is introduced
to the suffering public after its merits for tlis
positive cure of such diseases have been fully
tested. The formula from which It Is pre
pared is referred to by the leading medical
journals as bclngr equal to any preparation that
can be made up for such diseases by the medi
cal faculty. The Balsam I), consequently,
recommended by physicians who have become
acquainted with Its great success.
tor sale by all mtdlclue dealers.
For Diphtheria, don't fall to use Dr. L. E.
Townk's Du'hthkhia Kinci. The Great Pre
ventive and Cure. Sold by all druggists. Mor
rison, Plummer&Co., Chicago, Gcn'l Agents.
Call for L. E. Ransom Butter Color.
Bist on your merchant getting it for you.
acid or alkali; harmless as butter.
No kmgajejflQ
Curos Coughs, Coldw, Croup, Asthma,
Consuiniiilon. Pur-uiuoiila. Whooii
- 1 m.
Ing Cough r-uiiff Fever, and ItlcasIcH.
Prepared by C. Wakefield A Co., Illoomlngton, 111.
For Snlo By All XrtiarBrltai.
a wMvutf 1
Blaod, and will completely change tho blood In the en
Ure (yitem In three moiitbi. Any penon who wltaka
1 pill each night from 1 to IS weeki may be reitorcd
to iouud health, If auch a thing be potalule. Bold ev
ery where, orient by mall for M letter (tampa. 1.8.
JojiuiOK A Co.. tloitou. Ma. formerly Ilangor.Ma.
Tcachcn, Stu
UmiUd at
It will Par
vil Kici.u.
aiva Tram.
Ur Aifiirew, with itamp,
103 8Ut-it, Chicago, 111.
But be mre yon receive the origin! sod only true
Richardson's Hew Method
For the Pianoforte,
It In the ntt aacaeeafttl Inatrtietlon txoU ever
rmbluheil, and although lth been bf fore the pntiito
or nearly a quarter or a century, during which time
wore than a
. Third of a Million
conic have been aold. It how no Mgn of loalnc Its
hold m a public favorite, but l (till lined and recom
mended by the belt teacher. It li a
having been many time revloed. and by theaddl Ion,
at virion time, ot muol. valuable material, I con
ceded to be limit complete, thoroughly practical and
prorrtislve, and without tupcrtar a an Iniiructloa
OLIVER DITS0N & 00 BoBton,
Katabllahed 103.
LYON & HEALY, Ohioago.
"Wo will send on 30 Daya' Trial
Electro Voltaic Belts
Anil other
SufTrrine from Nervous Debility, Loit Vitality, Visor
and Manhood, reiultlnff fmra Abuiea and other
raiuesi or to any peraon afflicted with Khenaau
ttam, Neiirnlitl, lMriljrl,, ftntnal UIMcal
tlc, Littne JlucU, Liver nnd Kidney Trnu
M, Kunturei, and othcii .dlauuae of tha
"VI tut OrKuni. Bpoedy relief and complete reitora
tlon to thallh cuaramecd. Theae are the only
Klectrle Applliincra that hare ever been con-
tructtl upon Nclenllflo nrlnelplea. Thi-lr
thorough efficacy has lieen practically proven with tin
mo it wonderful ancccia. Wo have tha ttt
mony of thouauiuU who Iikto been anlckly
nnd rnilloully cnerd tiy their nte. All wn oik
of any perion la to kIyo then n trial lor 80 dnye
nnd lie convinced
end at once for Illnatriatnd Pamphlet, Riving
nil Information, fret). Addrcia
labia an
fry tfiviiu I1
arrant il
nnn.l will not b.
beaten. 1 have ulc
larirrt nnd lu-t
Ktnri; and fiO.OnOniBfnm
S9.000 ritte,
New aorta.
era to pre It. Indies and
(lrdener ay theyni-ver
n,,uV.ri ilrower.Idefyalleompotl
order free . on , Rlre'mnre extrn,
with ordrm than nomcflnnn cll. IhareAO.OCO
brautlful IlltiHtnttcd Ouldea K1IEE. Hundred!
1 I,, In .11 " HIT IIIO a oei
or portly envrarlnea. KTery one
crlbed A priced, many pitta aa low at 3o..poat.
aire paid. Cheap an din hr the ounce, pound,
Ac Mr beautiful free Oiildonnd fntalncrorla
worth many dollars, E. H. BHUHWAY. Rockford, IU
I have a poittlve remedy for the above dlieaiei by Ita
me thouiaiida of caaea or the wont kind and uf'loai
Handler have beeh cured. Indeed, 10 nroncli tnyfalth
in Ita efficacy, that I will aend TWO IIOTtLkS FKKl
tocetherwlihaVALUADI.KTKKATIKK on thli dli
eaae.toanyauffcrer. Give Eipreaa and P.O addrcia,
DK.T..A.aL04JUM, lttl I'earl Bt.,NowTurlC
The AaaiavaTnT
Complete htitory of hli hameful life; full record of the
oil notorious trial In the annala of ciiiiv. Prof uiely
llluitratcd. Low priced. Outfit Oil cetita. Kor circular
MM lerma. aaarcaa uuuuaiw uiiud., vuiu(u, iu.
CJcrman AstbinuC'urnceYcrulIitoidTeiv
mttUait reUfa the wont caae,lnaurea comfort.
mil eiecD t en ecu curea wuere ai 1 oinera lau. J
trial enntinect iKt mo$t iktpHeat, Price live, and
B 1 .OO.of Drngvlrt or by mall. Bamil l'U KB
foratamp. HOHIFKMAN.HL I'aiiT. Minn
eiiiuBaniciea mine world 1 laan
di laample ,
, Detroit, Mich.
Auareu day Hroaaou,
JC 1. (On nerday athome. 8arnplesworth$3
I J 19 IZU free. AddreuSTlMSON it Co., Portland, ale.
ATTENTION! 6aday In your own town. HendK)o
Is no other Medicine that Tastes so Good aa PfSO'S CURE
FOR CONSUMPTION. It Should Bo Kept Always In tho
House, because It is a CERTAIN and SAFE REMEDY for
It will Curo CONSUMPTION, consequently it will euro
these lesser complaints, which aro so often the Forerun
ners of Consumption.
r cjX & w emhi
The fitati" uf MlchlKnu, having fU year of Improve- ,
mii.. mlllcjiiilntiii litrue iraclt qunixvinilrd Uinilt
iiimbiv fur funii iuiii 1 of tb -m aubject to free m ttlo-
eiht uuilt'i holm law, and all uf them for rule at
w nrliva. A 1 auiphlel. prtpartit uml' r uvtHrUu uf
IV Aiil'.niHlccmulnliiBuump.d crtp'Joui uf Kiclliii
aie roll Indtlitrli a.ciopa and rrtourcra,and an account
of ll lnna. will l. 'nt frr lOMnynnewrtlliiBforlt to
COMUlUtilONKU OK lMMIUltAl'lOK.UetruluMlctk
pHlnt';, Ulevu Ktmnlard Sign Writ r. .. Stan
dard ticrull Hook, II. Scrolla and Orimiu nt(Loudot
phe), l Japam-ae Ornnnii'iilatlon. ti. Hlgn, Carriage
Car. I're;o and I)cirutlve Painting, to eta. Cheap
llook of Alphabet, tit ct. Of iKiokaHlnr and paint
er'a iiipply tore or by mall. JUBSK IIANKV CO.,
lit Naauiu bt,, N. Y.
& MOIIPHINE nimrtri
A Trra Ue on ihelr HA I 111 li
jpe'dy cur 8KNT yithK. Dn.J.0,
liutiui. P.O.Box llI.fl,-j-Q. liu
cures tits. m
The only known flpeclno Itcmedy or Kpllepllo Fit.
Cum Kpllepllo Kit, Bpaama, Cnnvulitona, Bt. Vllnt
ftamv, Vlr in-, llynlrrlca. Inanlty.AM)rlexy,l'araly
li, Itheuinaitim, NruialKla.and allNirvoualJIacaie.
Ihlilnrallaliloreuifdy will piirltlvely eradlcale every
tpecleanf Neivou Deranxrment, and drtVetllcm awajr
fr m whence III y ciinc, never 10 return again. Jl
utterly deitroya 1 (in K'-ruii of dlieaar by neutrallitnf
thn hereditary taint or pillion In the ayitetn. MdUior
ongiily eradicate! tho dneaie, and utterly deitroyath
Curea FeiiMle Weakneia General Ueblllty,lueonha
or Whllii, Painful Menairtiatlon, Ulceration of the
Uterut, 1 menial Heat, (Iravel, Inflammation of tha
Bladder. Irritability of the "ladder. ForWakefnlnca
at Nlulit, Hut lanutwltrr remedy. DurlnjelheehanM
of life no Keinale ahuuld be without It. It uilletath
Nervoui Byitem and glvca reit, comfort and nature
tweet fclcep.
Cu'ei Aloiliollim, pnmkrnneit and the habit ot
Opium KatltiK 'Iheied.xradlntfhablta are by fartba
ont evllitliat hare river rfallen ulTerlng humanity
Tb u anda die an ually from theae noxloiia dtyga.
The dru Itaidilrlnki Manor not hecauaa e like II, bill',
for the phaiiire f dnnklne and treating bla Mrnda,
little thinking that ho a onlili road to ruin. Like tho
Opium Kater, he fltit uie the drug In imull quantltlr
aaahar lea antidote The n otnlng Influence, of fio
drugiako itroug hold upon It ilittm. leading him (
to lil own rtiairurtlon Tne h bit of Opium Kdllni.
and Liquor Drinking are nrectiely hat enln I o all
1 e ilveur aa overheating fl it Inflamettho omacn,
which redouble It era vluga until It DralTtcbolhthO
tlomch and appetite ho every drink f liquor or rtoi
ofo lutii lmttadof tlnfylng. onl. add to It flerca
nn a, until it uie vital lorcr ann incn iiiit.
Like Ib'-guttonom tape worm, It crle "(lle, give,
glel ' but ncier enough until It own rapacity devour'
luelf. Bamarltai Nervine glrra Initant icllef In alb
uchcae. 1 produce leep,quletathenrirvi.a.bulld
t p the nervou ivitem, and reitore body and mind to
a In alt by condltlm.
Cure Ncrroui Dytpepala, Palpitation of thollenrt,
Aithma, Bronchltl. and alt dln-aie. of the urinary or
ran. Ncrtou debility permanently cured by tho ue of
thin Invaluable rrmedy. Toyou young,mlddle-age land
old men, who aro covering your aulterlng a with aw
mantlobyillence, lookup, you can be aved by Uiuelyef
forta. andtnakrornamenlato loclelv.aud KiWrlatn the
crown of your Maker, If you will. l)u not keep thl a.
aecret longer, until It apa your vital, and riritroy
both body and autil It you are tho afflicted, Ukc Dm.
llionuoMD'anainarltan Nrrvln. It will n-atom your
ihattered nerve, arrrit prematura decay, Import ton.
and energy to the wliole Hyitem.
liforialeby drugglit everywhere, or may be hnd di
rect from u. Thuw who with to obtain further evl
drncf of I lie curative propertleaof KamarHanrlervlne'
vrlllnleaeencloea 3-cenl poitago itanipfor a copy of
our llluitratcd Journal of llralUi, giving hundred of
teallmoulal of cure from peinon who have uied the
medicine, and alio their picture photographed altar
their migration to perfect health. Addrot
World' Kitlleptlo Inatltutr
k Lending t.audoa Fhyat
clua ealMblUhc aa
Ofllco la New York
for tha Curo of
Ftom Jm, Journal UiHIcUiA
Dr. Ab. Meerole (lateof Ixindonl. who make pa
clalty of Kpllepiy, haa wlthonl doubt treated and cure
more caie 1 than any other living Ill iucccm
ha lmply been aton!h!ngt we hye beard of cc of
over SU year"a tandlng. u. criifulfy cured by lilm. lie
haa pubflihed a work on thl dlieaie, which he end
with a large bottle of hi wonderful cure free to any
ufferrwhomayendthelrtipreaa4P. O. addrrt.
We adrlie any one wlihtng cure to addre
Dn. AU. MEHttItOLB.No. M John BU. Vn Tork.
A a"VI"l4r We want the Dame and nd-
AlirN I XdrcMofrTrrrMOOKAOKN'r
flVlill I Wi. tb UNITJCa TAT1.
Bend your nam and other you know. Will tend to
aibu "'!
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If AniUli&UWwUii
Diarv Free i-s&jfflw
IVIUI J I IUU Hem M u; addrea onr
cetpt or two Three-Cent Ntaaapa. Addrea
CHAHLE3 K. UlIlEo. AM N. Delaware lv., Phil.
AGENTS WANTED. Official Life and
BciidttOsfiMi. la . furoutnt, Book now ready,.
yonnuiiu a aicWAaiLw, ciiil. o.
any lie, In India Ink ur Water Colon, ftom any kind
of a Hnwll Picture, Agent Wanted every where Send
fur Catalogue. Conkhaut CorriNO Co., Conncaut, O.
TKe ne.itit ChtaB.
rf !lrcular and I'rirea
writ THK AULTMAN ATAYLOHCO..jlanincld. O.
Ralary and Heady work. Clontf
r i.auira. rnrcniz Manur mo,.
as W. Adam lit., Chicago. IlL
v jmmim
ra aVhl'AY TILIj CIIRKD. ftufleraraof
M MM M" aQd Uroocbial CATAKKII d
Wfl Wring a aur, pvrmaneut cur, without
H Bw rlik of failure or expen, until a euro
UerTected, will addrct at one for Clr
colar. Dn. WM. UAIHlOHK, Oontravtilo, lad.
DCnY ANI FIIEK, I'f.ce llitof !., riant.
nCAU I biirulu. Vluea. In amail Iota atWIioleMlet
Packed la mot. Addrct It. H.TIlltAl'P, Tllula,llL
A WKRrt. Ilndflv hnmA AaaJU -...-
CuaUi oulflt free. AddraTrua iiOo. Augusta. Mt,
irriifi rvii.
,"";v with Br. Chiua'a Nev
i.r..,i itn.iiTVi .'!;! ll'wiy rrviaeu ana en
larged, lly mall. tl. Addrea Chaie Pub'g Co., Toledo, O.
TVUIwil I f Mffclnt Itottlf . V.tUrlw h..l.a,l --J A
fift A WEEK in your own town. Termsandi
UIUUI6 outfit free. Addr'alLHallettliCo Portland, lie,.
A. N. K.
iniKS vritirrxa jfo aivkrtihi:iis
plrtme rniiy Vu,t Mir ie AUvrtinteil4
r,nwpar Minnnr r ror, ana circulars
tHtiw huuil aiuTCKMStoijirnu,
IKS, rudeni young men and ladlea. addreaa
lJ JIm VU.III. Ob. V.lllbBU III.