Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 02, 1882, Image 2

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    ffibntshn $dvcriircr.
8. -W. TAIRBR0TK2R 0., Tnftiin.
Compilod from Latest
Ilnxn were- pusscl In the Senate on lhc Kith:
To provide for tbo sale of tbo land of the Mi
ami Indlaon tfi Kansas; to nmwid tho article
of war Imp nsrH limitation of two years from
tbodstooi onl'stncntafitlust proM-cutloirs for
docrtoti; to jir vldo lor tho d.snislUon of
Koit Larnol inilltirr n serration, khiiss. re
storing land to settlement and cultlvullon: to
prom ito Uio cmcl"iicy of tlio Nov)-. Hills
worn Intro luro It Hv Mr, Iugnlls, to adjust
tho claims of Uio onnfedf ratod Poorin Indian
of Kansas, by Mr. Hill, to provide suitable iur
riuiiltunU ) inds for Uio B utbcrn U t Indiana;
ly Mr. Pmtiih, to regulate nr motion In tho
nrrnv uti 1 increaso lu cfflelcner In tbo
Honso tbo Supplemental Cousu LIU, making.
available uio nppropr ntion tor pur m ctnim
employes, was passed. A rcsoluton writs
adopted culling for information concerning
tho perils of Am rienn Missionaries In
Persia, etc HUH were introduced: JJy Mr.
Hcnidnu. proposing a Constitutional amend
ment limiting tbo number of Members of tbo
House to JtK; by Mr. Pnyson, prohibiting u
pohgHtolst or bigamist from voting or bold
Ingoiuooln tlio Territories; by Mr. Ellis forn
ship nmal to connect Luke Ponohnrtrain nnd
tho Mlslslppl lUver;Ty Mr, Carlislo, to it
duo" tbo tax on whisky to lifty cents; bv Mr,
West, ton'din orootlnir monuments on Kevo
liitloiuiry bnttia-floMn; by Mr, Vwiiit, to
abolish National Hank. Mr. Anderson (Kan),
from th Ouiitnltti) on Agriculture, reported
a bill enlinr,inr tbo power ol the Department
of Agr culture, Mr. Hatch (Mo.), from tbo
snmo ouinnuttoc1, xcportrd u bill to preer.t tb
spread of lnf"oUoui or contagious dieuos
among nil ma'.
I.v Uio Senuto on tbo 14th n motion by Mr.
Edmunds to take up Uio anti-Polygamy bill out
of It regular order wus defeated " to 'J& but
tbo motion subsequently orovallcd, and the
bill wim til W oil tip and laid over ns tbe next
business In order nftor Mr. Call should have,
on tho 15th, UnlHbed bin remark on the Pension-arrears
rewoluUon. Mr. Cull intro-
flit.,.,.1 ,1 tilll In nviMntkt 4.ui.1a tT Ij.uu fKtiti
twenty-tlvo tons on Inland water of tbo Uult-d
States, nnd not carrying passengers, from In
spection and lioenscu Mr. Morgun fifferod i
u resolution requesting tho President
to bring In 'be nttenUon of tbo Gov
ernment of Nicurutrua the :iwicnlty of
iiminpo for tbo lluul pettlemeut
of all unndjUHted datum existing Itetween th
Unit dKtHles and Niof.rairuH In tho Houho
Mr. WIIIcUd reported u bill tti prevent polyjru
uilfla from bolaimr civil olllce In Uio Tcrrl
toiieH or M'r'ittrna delejrat'jH In ConcreBjL Mr.
Ortlj made an advurno report on the resolu
tion !ulllnjr on tho Attorney-Orneral for an
opinion an to tbo unimision of tho writ of
hab HMeorpuHln Qniut Iiritaln. Tho Appor
tlotimutit bill wiih taken up, and Mr. OiiU'b at
iruod lu favor of llxliur Uao number of Hepro
Bentat.Ti'HHt5a On the 36th Mr. JuukHon Introduced in tbo
Pmmto a bill npniriutliiKr SlWl.fKlO to inukti
eiod tbo Iohm mmtu tied ut tho handM of Federal
troopa, in 1HIVI, by the MethodlNt Hcxik-htiUHo ut
NiiHhvUld. A resolution was panned to prmidu
ineoHiMifruni for aerou loiidlnir oominltt'iew at
fMliO per year. The untt-I'olyuamy bill was
debaUid for noino time, but no aotion taken.
Mr. Call MHiku in aupport of bin atuoiidinout to
tho J'oiiHloiHirruurH reHOlutlou. deolarimr In
favor of potialousto aurvivom of Indian warn
prior to JtHf. . . lu the HounedlMiUHHiouis upon
tbo Apportionment bill nocupled tbo euUro
In tbu Senuto on tho Kith a uommuniaitlou
waMnoehtid fnnn tho Bouretary if tbo lnto
rlur. roooinmendintr uu ivjnroirlutUm of tfv
(KW.IIOO for Um exilorutlou of Alaska. The bill
authorltlnirtherontniaHteiOeneni". to itclluxt
certain claims of I'oaUnaater from Jcihh by
bunrlard, lire and other unavoidable luiHuultlex
van' reported favorably. Tbo anU-l'olyjramy
bill was tben taken up, and after debate
It wan pmaed by n unanimous vote. Tho bill
aa paod taakus polyjfamy a penal offence,
dlnponncusca tbo polyguinlut ollloe-hold-er
uod dlfrancb(sea tbo oolygamiat
voter In Uio Houho blllg wcru
reporttwl favorably: lly Mr. Uurniwn, to
admit Dakota aa a State; by Mr. Hooker, to
provide additional traltilng aebools for Indian
youth; by Mr. Dunncll, to fix tbo terra of In
tenial IteveuuoOolloctorfl at four years. Tho
Apportionment bill ww tben taken up. and a
resolution was pmiHod that tho baalK of dlvlwlon
f hall lw Uiut unod In tbo Forty-Sixth Congre'ta.
Mr. Andorson'a amendment, flxlnir tbo total
memuerbtp of tho Houau fur the next ten
yeuni at 3& wiw thou panai d 103 to 101. Tbo
Hcnato bill gruntlrur a peiuilou of f5,0U0 to Mrn.
Uaiileld waa piuMcd.
TiK cltlsenaof Greenwood, Steuben County,
N. Y., Lave ruslBtod tbo aaloof projicrty to pay
Interest on railroad tiondu, and Governor Cor
lell ou Uio 14th declared the township In a
itate of lnsurroctlon, and warned the people
lo desUt from unlawful acts.
The propeller Wjfconsln, of tho Goodrich
rranDporUUcm Comiany, was wrecked at
Grand Haven, Mich., on tho Hth, No lives
were lost.
Floods In the rlvcra tributary to the Mis.
lUsippi aro Rrctttly endangering tho levees of
that river. At Delta, Miss., ou rho Hth a
crevasse 400foot long was reported.
ArinBatTny, (N. Y.),ou the 14th destroyed
Gardner's laundry, with 25,000 dor.ou collars
and cuffs.
Onh Bmeal, a colored man living near
Athens, Oil, being suspected of stealing a
horse, waa whipped by u mob ou the Hth un
til he confessed, and ho was then hanged.
Tub second trial of Johnny Liimh for the
murder of Oitlcer ltuec, in Chicago, resulted
on the 14th In an acquittal. On the first trial
he was convicted and sentenced to bo huntf.
Lamb had bcon In jail over three j-ears.
Hbv. Gkouok a Mils, pastor of Unity
(Unitarian) Church of Chicago, having in a
recent sermon disavowed his belief In a per
sonal God tho elllcacy of prajer and tho im
mortality of tho soul, tho Church Society held
a meeting on the evening o tho liitli and
adopted a resolution 118 to 3 Instruetliifc
the Trustees of tho church to at onee give
Mr. Mlln a notice in writing that his connec
tion with Unity Church, as Its pastor, Is to
teriiihmU) at tho expiration of three months
from tho delivery of the notice to him. Mr.
Mlln demanded that the Trustees should bo In.
strueted to furnish him with spccHlc reasons
for dismissing him from the pastorate, but
this the meeting declined to ifb, saying that
after mature delllwiatlon they had determined
that tho reasons were sulllclent.
Skcuktaht Hunt on the 15th brought about
a conference at his olllce of the Naval Com
mittees of the Benatc and House, three Ad
mirals, nnd other otllcerd of distinction.
Chalruiau Harris, of the Houfo Committee,
urged tho Immediate construction of seven
vesVels, at u cost of 310,000,000, two of them
to ho of tho largest and fastest tyjie. Admi
ral IMrtcr gave a hearty Indorsement to tho
Onb man was killed and several received so
rious injuries by a rulho.ul coillslou at Akron,
0., on the 15th.
A tjuoic death Is reported from Osniburg,
Sttrk County, O. A telegraph operator named
Lincoln Murphy, aged twenty-one years,
boastfully bared his breast and Invited Daniel
Klce to strike him. Klce did so, and soon aft
er Murphy sank to the ground and died.
A M.ICB half a mile square has fallen from
the peak of Bald Mountain, In North Carolina,
to the fertile valley below.
The rejiort of the State Secretary of Inter
nal Affairs shows that thero are ltlT2,7M taxa
blcs In l'eunnjlranla; value of taxable real,
estate property last car, l,M0,f.W,27H. There
was $1(,010,531 worth of property exempt.
Thkee students of WIlllton Seminary,
Eastharnpton, Mass., were recently suspended
for hazing, anil tho two upper cI.ismis refuse
to attend recltat.oni until the supeuuVd
students are relustatcd.
Jacob (Iemseiit, lately Superintendent of
Police at Cincinnati, killed himc f with a re
volver on the 15th, leavlug a wife and nine
The report of the Commission ou the cattle
plague, which was peut to the Senate by the
Secretary tif the Treasury on the Hth, showed
that no lung disease existed in the Western
centers of live-stock trafllc.
The stcamslAp Bahama was lost on the 10th
on her trip from Porto llleo to New York.
Twenty-five persons were drowned, and thir
teen escaped in a small boat and were picked
up and brought to New York on the 15th by
the Glenmorag.
The town of Columbia. Tex., on the 15th
was inundated from the Brano HIver. The
luhab.taiits had gathered In the churches and
were supplied with Jowl by boats.
Kailvues were anuouncd In Chicago on the
15th of H. O. Ken; on & Co., a Board of Trade
linn, for r'iVI.OOO, and ,7. A. DIx A: Co., fish
merchants, for $20,000.
Hoiiinsok, Kan., had a $75,000 fire on the
Kith hlch destroyed the buslnos portion of
the town, Including two hotels, the Matonlc
and Odd FellowV'Halls, the Post-otllcc and a
dozen stores.
At Macon, Mo., on the lflth, the City Sav.
lugs Bank and the Farmers' and Traders1
Bank sus;cnded paymcut.
Since the decision of the New York Courts
against the immigrant head-money law, tho
steamship companies have withdrawn their
offer to pay fifty cents for each passenger
lauded, and the Commissioners of Castle Gar
den arc left without adequate funds to aup
tKirt the Immigrant Institutions.
AccoitwNU to the estimates of the Depart,
merit of Agriculture, the cereal products of
1881 will show a reduction of twenty-four per
ceut as compared with 1H&0. The total vnluo
lu lbSl Is estimated at $1,405,000,000, ugalnst
$1,!U,000,000 in 1BS0.
Thehe wore 111,713 arrests made by the
Killce of Chicago last year. IUvek, just lielon tho Falls, could
lniaston the 10th of the lurgest Ice-bridge
ever known there. It was over a mile long,
extendiug f nun the Horseshoe Falls to a point
lielow the swift drift.
A rnvr days ago the County Treiisurcr at
Detroit was robbed of $770 Uy a sneak-thlcf
and his confederate.
At Brooklyn, N. Y., by the explosion on tho
lflth of two boilers at Jewell's mills, adjoining
Fulton Ferry, one man w as killed and several
A rniE !n Louisville on the 10th destroyed
over a hundred thousand dollars worth of
It was announced on the 10th that negoti
ations were pending In New York City for tho
consolidation of the Au.erlcan and United
States Express Companies.
The Military Aculomy at Chester, Pa., con
ducted by Colonel Hyatt, was destroyed by
lire on the 10th. Lobs, $135,000.
On the 10th Enos Sylvester, of Providence,
It I., had au "Inspiration" which told him to
'offer uphls str-year-old boy as a burnt-offering
to the Lord. Neighbors Interfered In time to
preveut the consummation of the sacrifice.
Pergonal nnd Political.
Colonel Huckkh, the fiithcr-tu-law of Gen
eral Sheridan, has been confirmed by the Sen
ate as 0.uartcrmater-General In phieo of
Melggs, retired.
John C. Nkw of Indiana, was apjiolntcd
Assistaut-Sccretary of the Treasury on the'
Genkuai. Cahk was released from arrest ou
the 14th, President Arthur declining to order
a court-martial on the charges preferred by
General Wlllcox In Arizona.
Acnt Jt'uv Powkm. (colored) died lu Pitts
burgh, Pa., a few days ago at the alleged uge
of UU years. She remembered leading events
of the Revolutionary War, and saw Gcuorul
Washlngtou Just ufter the YorJUown surren
der. Ex-Fhksident Wooi.skv, of Yule Collegei
who passed his eightieth jeir on tho
15th, was presented by sixty profe-sors with a
gold meilul, In recognition of faithful service
for half a century.
JohnE. MoDonouoh, the actor, dledof star,
yutlon in Philadelphia ou the 15th, cancer in
his throat making him unable to take nour
ishment, Mits. E. T. Weston, of Peterhoro, N. H., In
excellent health and with unimpaired facul
ties, celebrated on the 15th her 101th birth
day. The Chinese professor at Harvard Universi
ty died at Cambridge u few days ago of pneu
inunla. Tm: death of Bishop Wlghtman, of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, is an
nounced. A LATE Washlngtin dispatch reports Mr.
Scovlllo us hard ut work on lilt bill of excep
tions in the Guitouu cute. The argument be
fore the Court In bane will be made lu April-
The New Yoik Assembly elected K. M.
Johnson, RcptTullcan, for Clurk on tho 15th.
The Tammany members supported hint.
Ghnkkai, F. A. Walker, President of tho
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was
arraigned in tins Municipal Court in Boston
tho other day and lined one dollar for not re
moving snow from tho sidewalk In front of
the school.
CoNTUint'Tiovh towurd the establishment
of a Garfield professorship ut Williams College
had reached f i'.'.OOO on tho 15th, and only $3,.
000 more was required.
It is stated that Mrs. Scovlllc, the sister of
Gitttcau, has written it long and earnest letter
to Mrs. Garllcld, asking hor to intercede to
save his life.
Chaules Stankohp has been nominated by
tho Republicans for the Now York Senate, to
1111 tho vuciiney caused by thedoathof Webster
Wugnor lu tho SpuMen Duyvll disaster.
Ret. Dk. Hansen, of Philadelphia, has ac
cepted the call to. the pastorate of the First
Baptist Church of Chicago,
AnotT twenty years ago the Wisconsin
Leg.slat ure abolished capital punishment. On
the 10th a bill pasaed the Senate providing for
Its restoration.
The National Honce of Repmcntatlves has
passed the bill granting a pcnIon of $5,000 to
Mrs. Oarfleld.
Tickets to represent the full capacity of
the hsll of the House of Representatives have
already lcn Issued for the Garfield memorial
service, and requests continue to jour In
from every part of the Union.
A Jewish family, consisting of a mother,
a daughter aged seventeen and a son aged
fourteen, were massacred by peasants In the
District of Ananlcff on the 13th.
A TANto prevailed in the Madrid stock
markets on the 13th and 14th. There was a
similar panic at Barcelona.
AlbkktD. 8hav, United States Consul at
Manchester, reported on the 15th that the prac
tice of placing sand in bales of cotton was be
Ing extensively carried on at American ports,
to the serious Injury of the trade. Frauds of
this nature already discovered aggregated
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal
has served notice upon all tenants of church
projerty, who are engaged in the liquor traf"
fie, to stop It or get out.
A co.Nsi'itiAcr has been discovered ut Cairo
to replace the ex-Khcdhc.
AN Alexandria (Egypt) dispatch of the 15th
says a detachment of Yemen rebels was ad
ancltigupou Mecca, via Suadeh, to proclaim
thero the spiritual Uepositlou of the Sultan of
Turkey und tho restoration of the Arabian
A late 8t. Petersburg dispatch said Gener
al SkobclelT hud announced his Intention to
Joiu tho Herr.egovluluiis lu the war with Aus
tria. The British Admiralty office has informed
the Royal Geographical Society that It. will
contribute $25,000 touurd the expense of a
prlvuto Arctic expedition for tho relief of
Leigh Smith.
A concession for a railway from Teheran
to Resht, to run for sixty years, has been
granted by the Shah of Persia to a French
At Edinburgh, Scotland, two boxes contain
ing Infernal machines v,crc delivered to two
different addresses on the 15th, und ujmjii
being opened Injured eight jwrsons.
Five buronles in tho county of Rof-common,
and twelve lu the county of Waterford. Ire
laud, hac been declared under martial law.
Bv an explosion in a colliery at Trlmdou
Grange, Durham, Eng., ou the 10th, 130 ml.
tiers were entombed. Thirty had been res.
cued, but It was feared that the others could
not be roadie l In time to save their lives.
On tho Kith Russian Jews near Klehlucf
were attacked by peasants, ten of the former
being nearly beaten to death. At Odessa, pe
troleum was poured ou u Hebrew's head und
set on lire.
Tin: Egyptian Ministers ou the 10th dc.
elded upon the total abolition of shivery, and
to enforce It Kader raslm wax appointed Gov
ernor of the Soudan, aud a special department
will be created ut Culro
Pri:isTEit Bitos., of Munich, fulled on tho
Kith, with nubilities exceeding $1,000,000.
Thavel on tho Halifax it Cupe Breton Rail
way has beeu altogether suspended by reason
o u heavy snow-full.
Rival editors of Guadalajara, Mexico,
fought a duel w 1th pistols on the 17th, both
falling dead simultaneously.
Mum. Gahi'IEI.ii on the 17th acknowledged
tho receipt of a letter from Mrs. Scovllle, and
authorized the statement that sho cherished
no mullce toward Gulteau, and felt profound!
pity for his sister und other members of his
fuuilly, but nuked to lie left alone with her
The boiler of tho cur-works at Cartersvlllo,
Gu., exploded ou the 17th with such force as
to kill seven negroes aud injure Superintend
ent Lucus.
The Garfield Auditing Committee at Wash
ington received ou tho 17th from Mr. Jen
nings, of Boston, u hill for $5,000 for the con
struction of the cooling uppurutus in tho
White House.
V. W. MacFahlane it Co., of Now York,
lurd refiners, suspended ou the 17th. Liabil
ities ubout $200,000.
Flvmes broke out ubout midnight on the
17th lu the business quarter of Haveihlll,
Mass., und the lutest reports stated that u
tract of ten acres was being devastated. Tho
loss promised to be several millions.
Jambi G. Allison was hanged at Indiana,
Ph., ou thel7th, for the murder of his father,
Robert Allison, ou tho 18th of June, 18S0.
Foiity bodies had been recovered from the
colliery at Trimdon Grange, Eng., on the 17th
aud It was believed that the loss of lifo would
be seventy.
A hand of colored singers were recently
denied aduilcblon to every hotel in Washing
ton, and until after midnight did not find a
place to sleep.
The mildness of tho winter In Sweden has
prevented the transportation of produce, and
there Is grcut dlstiess among the farmers. '
Ax explosion occurred ut tho pyrotechnic
works ut Chester, Pa,, on the morning of the
17th. About fifteen persons were killed and
fifty otheis wounded, some of the latter fa
tally. The building w us usod for tho manu.
fucture of dynamite.
The number of business failures in the
United States', during tho seven days ended
February 17, ere 151.
IN the United States Senate on tho 17th Mr.
Kellogg Introduced a bill to appropriate $1,
775,000 for public buildings and other Im
provements in Louisiana. Colonel Rochester
wus confirmed us Puymuster-Gcueral of the
army, Edward Ferguson to bo Pension Agent
at Milwaukee, and Mnrsden C. Bnrch to be
District Attorney for Western Michigan. The
President sent in tho nomination of Wake,
field G. Frye, of Maine, to- bo Cousul-Geucral
ut Hulirax. Adjourned to the 30th. In the
House tho Apportionment bill, fixing the
number of Itenresentutlves in Conirress after
I Murch , 18ty, at 335, passed without u di
vision. Memorials against poiyganiv in L-ian
und Jewish malti eat ment in Russia were
presented. Mr. Valentine renortcd the Aerl-
I cultural Appropriation bill, which calls for
i $!5O3,480. A message fiotn tho President waa
presented, transmitting further documents In
, regard to the wur in South America.
Km. Scovlllc te Mrs. Garllcld.
Mrs. Scovllle, sister of Gulteau, has tent
the following letter to Mrs. Garfield:
Chicago, February.
Mrs. Lucretlu Garfield, Cleveland, O.:
Dkah Mauam: Humbly I addross you, trust
ing you will not turn a deaf ear even upon
despled Gulteuu's sister.
All these weary months I hnvc patiently
waited until the timo should come for mo to
speak; when, nfter the verdict, which I be
lieved would bo "Notjpillty, by reason of In
sanity," I could say without shamefaccdness:
"My heart bleeds for you und tho sainted
My poor brother wus not his own master
when he fired that shot. Forglvo him; look
with compassion upon him aud mo.
I have counted the hours for tbo timo when
I could boldly say to you, in I have said from
tho moment when th'i terrible news was
broiiKht me on that dark day in July: " Ho was
brain-sick, deluded, cru.yj forgive him, even
on Christ shall forjrivo us all."
Both our mnrtyred President nnd h's fum'ly,
hnvlnir shown such nn example of Christian
fortitude and tnut In the Mod JIlKh as tho
world may well revere, led me to hope that tho
sensoof wrong suffered would, when tho truth
wus shown, bo tempered with Unit meriolful
forgiveness which Is Indeed Chrlst-I kc
All theso drcodrul wo-ks of the President's
sultcr.iiK I prayed that tho Fat'ior nbovo us nil
would npuro hit llfo. Day uu I night my be-s'-echlngcry
went up: "God savo tho Presi
dent." I thought bo could not die.
When tho people of thi whole world cnjled
mightily unto Him to lnterpoo In his behalf,
1 said: "Surely Ho will sh'iw forth Ills
irlory." Hut, alas I tho t ndortut c.iro of wlfo,
family nnd f r ends, the prayers of tho people,
could not movo tho Ruler of tho UnUorso to
countermand tho decrees of III all-wlt'e and
mysterious ProvldoncoMcould not keep In h s
poor, despoiled iHxIy his grandly b'uutiful
Despite tho vlglN, tho tears and thn prayers
of his family, of tho Nation, of tb') world, tho
midnight bolls were tollod, thn midnight cry
was hcuid: "Tbo President is deud."
In July, when it was reported that the suffer
ing Presideut was likely to recover, I wrote a
letter to you stating tho facta in my brother's
llfo nnd ever theory of tbiscuso, thinking that
both yourself und the President would bo glad
to know that it itoor crazy man hud dono tho
deed, instead or tho burdened wretch ho wua
painted. At tho timo It was reported tho Presi
dent was Interested In anything rcgurdlng tho
terrible affair, that he oven said one day: " 1
wonder what that poor fellow would think If
ho knew that 1 bud forgiven him!-" Oh! that I
might know from his own wlfo if that woro
truo. My heart, bo still I
In Heaven wo know, us wo are known: tho
sainted Garfield knows now Unit ho " had todo
It;" und I feci sure if be could speak ho would
say: "Forgive that deluded man, even as I
forglvo him: safely Hcop him from doing any
mora harm, but (orgivo."
i never sent me leiier. uno re port enmo in
most Immediately that tho President wus
worse, and I know you would not wish to bo
troubled with anything from Gulteuu's sister.
I had hoped by waiting to como beforo you
with a better showing cUulkatal - so fur us In
sanity is an oxcuho for crime, but my heart
burns within mo. and, notwithstanding that
unjust verdict and barbarous sentence, 1 must
speak. My poor brother shut away from tho
world for months In u tomb-liko cell; not n my
of sunshine, not a blade of grusi, not a tiower,
not u bird, not a friend to speak a kind word:
who Is thero to speak in bis behalf, if not his
honrt-brokoii sistor? Did I not speak, tho very
stones would cry out!
His sainted mother, tho purest and noblest
of women, that mother who gave her life for
his, who suffered torture lor seven long years
because of bis birth, until death uiiulo hor
free: that father, tender and kind, but mis
taken lu his direction of tho bov, would, if pos
sible, mnko their voices heard from boyond
tho gruvo. Even, as I verily bellow, would
tho glorious Garfield cry out in horror at that
verdict. What of that verdict? Was It ac
cording to truth, justice and morey? Verily,
I hud boned to bo ublr to cast myself at tho
feet of Judge Cox; to Mi able, so long us I hud
brent h, to look up to him us tho grand, tho no
Mo, thu Just Judge, who could stand as firm us
tho everlasting rocks for the weuk and dc
lensclesB against rho whole world. Hut, alas,
my Idol I
And that Jury! God only knows how I hud
trusted In their honesty und steadfastness. L
hud wntehed tholr faces day by day, hud seen
their eager, absorbed, solemn interest when
my brother was reading his lastuddress. When
bo cumo to tho recitation of those fuw lines of
tho story: " John Brown's body lies a moldcr
iug in tho grave, but bis soul goes marching
along," commencing In u low. sad melody of
tho song, breaking up and ending in tho weird,
hysterical laugh, tho awful laugh, of tbo in
sun'o, ono could feci the silence. I thought,
surely It is enough: no power on curth cun
firovtill upon those inonto say that poor luna
le, without royeuge, without motive except
to obey wliat he deemed tho will of God, com
mitted a willful murder.
Hut they did. Thoy must have reasoned, us
some do, that it is a good thing to bung u cnusy
mmi, as nn example to other crazy inon.
Knowing him, understanding him. as 1 claim,
Ix'tter than any ono else, 1 assert and can prove
that my brother has always Intended to do right
and live honestly. His shortcomings have been
those of un unbalanced, distracted bruin, rath
er than a bud hentt. His heart has over been
kind and tender as that of a woman. Hut bo
hus been most unl'ortuuuto; ho wus neither
bom right, reared right, nor married right.
Even with his defective orgunlJitlon, had ho,
Instead of being forced into thu Oneida Com
munity, bocn allowed to obtain u good educa
tion, entered upon some practical business,
so that his mind would not drilt into 'vaga
ries; und, most Important of all, had be, when
married, found In his wife u helpful, hon
ost woman, ho might have gone through
llfo comfortably, happily, and respected
to its close, as did his father. But,
alius 1 his mother died; father married
a wnmuu who disliked bis children, and
Charles, tho only ono needing a homo with
them, was almost turn d uwuy trom his fath
er's house; tender in years, weak lu body aud
mind, no one to guldo him, no ono to euro tor
him (but mys If, I did what I could, It was but
little), tho boy dilttcd out into th cruel world.
Everything went wrong with him, and now,
with sorrow unspeakable, 1 look upon tho
wieck of whut might have been.
HIiull tho true story of Charles Gulteuu's llfo
ever tie told, tho worjd will seo that he lias
been more sinned ugalnst than sinning. He
bus never smoked, or drunk, or gumbled, or
lied, or been profuno, or beon in uny way
vicious. Detectives scouring the country for
mouths have found, whut? That ho did not al
ways pay ills biard, that lie borrowed 10U
from a minister which ho never returned, that
ho pawned a watch for $, that ho siiui'd
against himself, and only himsdf, tigivo an
unworthy woman a legal divorce. I.lttlo did I
think tho time would over como when sho, tho
woman who could not snv bo had ever
wrmged her, would travel ucn s the conti
nent to swour his llfo away. When hn dis
missed tho woman be bad onco loved, with his
blessing, 1 wus moved to terns. If ever my
Mior broth r proved Hint tho blond of a gen
tleman Hows In his veins, ho provd It then.
Wreck though ho Is, 1 wus proud of him.
I cannot close this letter without ono word of
explanation or o.xouso tor tho strange testimo
ny of my brother, J. W. Gulteau. 1 very much
fear, although uiifitciiff'miJ, that, through his
dotermlnut.on to protect tho family name
from tbo tu.nt of Insanity, ho has sacrificed
his own brother. In this ho has been ably sec
onded by tho stepmother and her family. Veri
ly, the lxior, Insitno boy has beon grlovously
sinned uguiust.
My dear madam, I write this to tho widow of
our deud President, In bohulf of u man not
himself in condition to roullzo tho extent of
tho terrible wrong or to understand your suf
ferings or mine. Never can I rest satisfied un
til I be allowed, upon my bended knees, under
tho weight of this humiliation nnd disgnioo, u
few brief moments In which to pour forth to
your merciful heurt tho pleadings of one who
must ever feel u sister's lnvo for an Insano,
motherless boy, oven though by tho whole
world condemned nnd despised. I beg you let
mo say to you and yours what ho would say, if
in his right mind: "Forgive, oven us Christ
shall forglvo us nil."
With tho utmost a irrow and respect, I remain
sincerely yours, Fuancks M. Scovillk,
US West Monroo street.
DoLeng's DicoTcrIcs.
The Jcanncttc expedition has, notwithstand
ing wreck and sad disaster affecting bravt
men, resulted in n very great advancement of
Arctic knowledge, aud much of this increased
geographical Information is of such a practi
cally useful nature as to afford good ground
for a continuance of exploration in the remote
regions of the North. Through the apparent
ly meager statements heretofore received re
garding the voyago of the lost Jcinnettc, and
later movements of Dc Long and his heroic
companions, very great factn arc revealed
which show how the meagerness is npparcnt
rather than real. Dc Long wan the first to
demonstrate the fact that Wningel Land is of
a very limited extent northerly. He has
shown the Inaccuracy of tho theory of the
late Dr. Pctcrmuun, tho distinguished Ger
man geographer, th t Wningel Land
was the eastern extremity of un Arctic
continent. He Iium discovered tho ex
istence of a vunt polar ocean
northeastrnrd from the New Siberian Islands:
he has first discovered at least two islands In
the great ocean basin of thu Arctic iolc. Be
sides the original discovery of these islands
he has proved, in his observation of a third
island ut tho northeastward from Now Si
beria, the verity of thu claim by Hcdenstrom
and Saunlkov in 1810, that laud ex sted there
which had been seen. He has proved the ex.
lstenco of n mighty current swooping slowly
around the curth ut the north of Asia. Eu-
rope, Greenland aud AuicjUa, with a great
b anch diverging southwesterly around the
eastern promontories of Fnuia Josef Land,
which is but an extension of Greenland; hehai
proved that the temperature of the high lati
tudes he attained hclow the Arctie pole is not
incompatible lth good health and compara
tive comfort, when suitable food und shelter
are provided for explorers.
He has completely disproved tlieussuinptloa
that a "palcocrystlc1' sea, or area of ancient
and unthawable ice, cxist-s hi tho high north;
for, while caught amid fragments of Hoc ire
forming an Immense final Ing field, he drifted
about in a vast, open, (Hilar sea during consid
erably more than a year und uhalf of tune, und
still did not during that period Bight the shores
of the lonely ocean uikju which he wus swept
and whelmed about in icy armn like n waif in
the dreary abvss. As tho experience of Wcy
precht and Payer in the Togethoff, while
caujjhtln u vast ice Hoe off northwest capes
of Nova Zembla und drifting ubout during
long mouths in the sea of Franz Josef Laud,
proved to those' unacquainted with the fact
that this part of the ocean was known to lie
navigable bv Norsemen in the fourteenth,
fifteenth ami sixteenth centuries, that it wus
a sea iucrusted by ice over but a part of Its
surface und during a part of tho year, so Dc
Long's dreary but important voyage has
proved like conditions existing away ut the
north of New Siberia. Moreover, the Jean
nette expedition has apparently determined
It to be a fact that there is no very great body
of'land in the extreme polar sea near Aslu,
and that climate conditions in the near vicin
ity of the Pole are more genial than further
Arctic shores facing tho north do not pro
duce icebergs to uny considerable extent. The
almost total absence of Icebergs in the whal
ing seas north of Beliring's Strait nnd in the
wide expanse of the huge basin north of
Asia lead to the belief that thero may lie no
place farther north than Franz Jotcf Laud for
their formation and dispersal at our " top" of
the world. Besides these points specified, De
Long has shown tho case, of Halliner from the '
Lena to New Siberia. The known facts in the
Jeannetto's experience confirm the conclusion
that Franz Josef Lund divides the grcnt lolr
circult current, which Booms to lw largely de
tlectcd northwesterly from Wningel Land by
the shore and the shoals likely to exist near
by. Ho hope can bo reasonably entertained
that tho pole can be reached mainly by
laud across the lonely mountain wastes and
fiords of that anciently known part of Green
land now known since Its rediscovery as Franz
Josef Land. Equally futile will prove any
blind efforts to reach the pole by sea at the
north of Spitsbergen. The great gulf there
was explored In the thirteenth century and
found to be bounded by icy, barren nnd dismal
coasts. The fact seems to lw altogether over
looked by modern navigators. Leigh Smith In
his Elra voyage bus demonstrated the reullty
of the discovery of a part of Fruitt Josef Lund
early In the eighteenth century, and since
called Gil lis Lund. If not wrecked the Elra
la probably wintering icc-lockcd in the gulf of
Northeast Greenland, northward from Spltz
bergen, or possibly In the recess of open
waters not far away from Markham Sound
and the other channels of Franz 'Josef Lanl
explored by Payer of the Tcccthoff.
It ought to bo understood by Arctic naviga
tors, and would be but from a neglect to study
the earliest records of Arctic exploration and
colonization thoroughly, that Franz Josef Lund
is not rcuiiy now wiiuin u vcrv lew years nrsi
known to men. A prosporousllttlo co ouy ex
isted there for centuries, and one of the most
noted of the early historians of Northern Eu
rope was born there. Tho inexplicable igno
rance of our modern geographers regarding
the historical geography ot tho Arctic regions
seems as general us it is surpris ug.
The voyage of the Jcanuotte has not only
resulted in the Important direct discoveries as
indicated, but besides largely inci easing the
general interest in northern exploration has
led, through the exped tious for the aid of Do
Long and his companions, to a tolerably com
plete knowledge of Wrungcl Land and the
ocean heretofore little known In Its immediate
vicinity, Mr. Bennett's unsurpassed enter-
prise and graud mun'llcence will beor good
fruit not only ftir the cause of science, but for
commerce aud the whaling interest. lioxlon
A Conductor's Practical Joke.
A few days ago a promising young merchant
of Butte left for a visit to 8an Francisco, and
by a happy coincidence met a lady on the train
who was going a few miles down the road to
seo her mother. Being slightly acquainted
they became engaged in conversation, aud
soon afterward fell Into blissful slumber, the
lady ou one scat and the gentleman on tho
other. Ou the train was a Sheriff, who liaj
peucd to huvo with him a pair of handcuffs,
and tho conductor of the train being well ac
quainted witli the travelers above mentioned
proposed to the olllcer to play a practical joke
on tho innocent slumbcrcrs. Assent was
given, and tho conductor, taking the hand
cuffs, cautiously approached the unconscious
pair and attached their listless arms by the
otllclal jewelry. He then raised a racket, and
the sleepers awoko with a start, only to find
that in their sleeping innocence they had been
Joined together, nnd that no man without a
key could part them asunder.
They all joined merrily in the laugh, and
though t he gentleman gallantly avowed his cap
tivity a most pleasant one, thoudy had lmost
arrived at her destination, and asked for a
separation. Then and there the trouble arose.
The Sheriff had lost the key, and the situa
tion, which had beforo been regarded as a right
merrily conceited Jest, grow embarrassing in
the extreme. The key oultl not be found,
aud at tho next station tho conductor was
obliged to procuic a file and go through the
tedious process of filing the wristlets so that
the travelers could proceed on their separate
ways rcjolciug. The conductor statos that
the next time ho plays a practicU joke he w.ll
rigorously avoid the gentle handcuff. .lb
taim Jitter JluiutUtln.