Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 16, 1882, Image 5

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A choico lino of toas at Gates'.
District court, March '28th.
Pure Sugar Syrups at Gates'.
The maple trees arc in bloom.
Itlcrm pounds sugar for 61.00 at
Hei'horcho fandango at opera house
The Brownville Temple of Honor
is flourishing.
This weather gets away with the
oldest inhabitant.
Blue birds aro hero, the honey bee
basks in the gonial sunshine.
John Bennett, near this city sowed
20 acres of wheat last w.ok.
Maplo Syrup and I locker's Self
liaising Duck wheat at Gates'. '
See partnership notico of Drs.
Nou! & Ilayden, of Peru, in this issue.
Wo have communications in this
issue from Regent Carson and Hon.
Church Howe.
The Journal says that "the scare is
over and small-pox has been stamped
out in Lincoln.
Profs. Church, Emerson and Wood
berry have a joint letter in last Sun
day's Omaha Herald. Head it.
Sunday evening last the Missouri
ans over the river shooting at wild
goeso reminded us of old bushwhacker
The man who can drink a half
pint of whisky at one snort, and yet
claim to 1)0 a temperate man might
oulinarily bo called cheeky.
Do you need a cook stove. Call
on us and we will sell you one trimmed
out in iirst class style, and at a very
low price. Stkvknson & Cross.
Head the two notices headed "Por
Sale," in this issue. If you want a
good houM, and a cheap one, you can
not do better than to call on Dr. Curry.
It is feared that this warm wenth
er.vrill so advance the peach buds that
a trout will kill them, and make a l'uil
.uro in the peach crop. The peach crop
will beAabundant if the spring is favor
able. Whilst the Slocumb law put up
numerous and divers bars agninst the
saloon business, it threw down ono im
portant one in the repeal of the whole
of chapter 58 of the revised statutes,
section 580 of which provided that
debts contracted for intoxicating
liquors in retail quantities were not
collectable by law. There was a case
in point before Judge Ilulburd this
week in which a saloon keeper was pur
mittod to offset a laborer's account for
work, with a whisky bill which the la
borer had contracted from time to time:
the court holding that as the Slocumb
law repeals, without exception or qual
ification chapter 68, whisky debts aro
valid as any other debts. And Judge
H. was doubtless correct in his judg
ment, t
Wo publish in another column a let
ter from lion. John L. Carson, ono of
the Hegents of the State Untveisitv.
It is conclusive in exonerating him
from tho charge of violating pledges
made at the time of his nomination.
Falls City Journal.
There should not a doubt exist as to
tho truth of what Mr. Carson says
about promises and pledges. There
should not a doubt exist that Mr. Car
son lias acted conscientiously in voting
vfor tho removal of thoso throo pro
fessors, that ho believed there was suf
ficient cause, and that ho was not in
any degree controlled by malice or other
niotivo than tho best, with tho good of
the institution and his oath of ollice in
the foreground. Knowing Mr. Carson
intimately for tho greater portion of
inoro than twenty years, and novor
knowing him to do any act in business,
politics, or otherwise, that did not con
form to the strictest rules of honor and
integrity. we could as well doubt that
tho sun would fail in its rising to-morrow
morning, as to doubt that John L,
Carson acted without tho best of mo
tives and, to him, ample reasons, which
would embraco something more culpa
blo than honest religious convictions;
and he is certainly a man of good mind
logical and deliberate, and what ho
would do thousands of others would do
wore thoy in his placo. Somo who do
not know him may doom it strange
that Mr. Carson did not anticipate tho
storm that his voto would create and
the criticisms it would elicit upon him
self. Hut thoso who know him know
that Carson dares to do right, and if ho
fails, his error will be of tho head and
not of tho heart when ho Locarno con
vinced thnt nrofessors Church, Em
erson and Woodberry ought to go out,
.that was sufficient for him to fix upon
a courso to pursue regardless of what
tho world, tho flesh or tho newspa
pers, might think or say about it.
...VWftl. '- ' ".!
X r-T-T-r- - T-i t I
-Miss Lu Alderman is very sick
tliis weok.
Dr. Andrews of Somalia was in
tho city Tuesday.
Mrs. 1. F. Sanders is visiting at
Calvert this week.
S. C. Ilitte returned from his visit
to Indiana Tuesday.
A. M. Horst,Peru, pays for Tin:
Advkktiskh another year.
A. J. Williams, of Peru, was it the
city Saturday and Sunday.
Josiah Khodes.of Nemaha precinct
paid us a visit last Thursday.
Elder Howe, Nemaha, will read
Tiik Advkhtisku this year.
Jos. "Wynn, London, adds his
name to our subscription list.
Dolos Smith wont to St. Joo' Mon
day, returning Tuesday evening.
John D. Hainoy, Niokoll's gentle
manly clerk, visited St. Joe this weok.
--Win. Henson, of Howard, will boa
reader of Thk Advbktisku hereafter.
Mr. Craddock, son of Father Crud
dock, of this city, is visiting here Hub
St. Clair Hogers joined tho Temple
of Honor last Monday night. Good for
Hiram Kelley,this city, brought
us a load of good wood on subscription
Mr. S. S. McDowell will road the
Advkhtim'.u for another year, and has
our thanks.
--'Squire Taylor united Go. C. Lash
and Lydia A. Hunt, of Peru, in the
hojy bonds of matrimony Tuesday eve-
Mrs Doc. Fort is visiting at Peru.
Doc. is "batching," but wo notice he
visits tho Tnion House throo or four
times a day, about meal time.
W. II. Hhodes, superintendent of
the Chicago lumber yard, Nemaha City,
with his young wife started on tho 1st
inst. from Netnalu to see his parents at
Madison, Wisconsin, arriving there
without delay. Last week a telogram
was received by friends lieie that Hert,
as he was familiifrly known, was dead.
He died of congestion of the lungs, imd
was sick but two or throo days. His
alio was about 25 years. Mrs. Hhodes
is a (laughter of Mr. Jeff. Campbell of i
A snug little property, situated im
mediately north of the Dormitory
building, being lot No. 7, and its ap
purtenances, in block No. 20S in Neal's
addition to Peru. The house, which is
a neat two story frame, with a shingle
roof and brick and stono foundation,
contains four finished rooms, and a used as a kitchen. Tho
building is newly painted, and being
located in a natural grovo, in a good
neighborhood, and supplied with a
lightning rod, complete spouting, and a
good cistern; is, everything consider
ed, a very desirable property for a
small family, or for a group of stu
dents desiring to board themselves
while attending tho Stato Normal
School. It rents readily at tho rate of
$100 a year. The title is perfect and
clear of all incumbrances. Will be
sold cheap for cash, or exchanged, on
liberal terms, for a small farm, or for
live stock. An insurauco policy for
6875, paid up for 5 years,' in an excel
lent company, will go with tho prop
erty. Por further particulars, in
quiro of
HOHEHT CUHHY, Peru, Nebr.'
The one residence formerly known
as tho Cooper property, situated on
tho corner of California and Sixth
streets, Peru, Nebraska. The prem
ises comprise six largo lots (half a
square) two of which aro in cultiva
tion; tho remaining four aro well set
with grass, and havo on them a group
of forest trees, a variety of shrubs and
fruit trees, an excellent well, ami a
cistern, surmounted with a pump, and
furnished with supply pipes; a good
barn, stable, corn-crib, cow-shed, hen
house, pig-pen, and other out-buildings,
and ono of tho best dwelling
houses in or about tho city, containing
soveu rooms, cellar, porch, and kitchon;
all comparatively now, in good condi
tion, and enclosed witli a neat fence.
The buildings alone aro said to havo
cost about 31,800. Titlo porfect and
clear of all incumbrances. Tho prop
erty is now offered for sale at a low
prico. "Would oxchango for a desirable
farm, or for live stock.
A $1,000 insuranco policy, paid up
for flvo yoars, goeB witli tho building.
Tho property rents readily at $150 a
year. For further particulars in
quire of
Buy tho Bain Wagon for service.
Stkvknson & Cross.
- W- mmrm90 n; mwifiyM -v' WW ' ,-
wwacmM.'uwwi.Miiuw-t mawwauuijc.imu'im.'-nj.mutm mi'umm
For a Cook Stove,
- Go to Stevensori y Cross.
For tho Bast Sowing Machine,
ffb to Stevenson tj- Cross.
For your Furniture,
Go to Stevenson V Cross.
For your Hardware
Go to Stevenson Cross..
For a Collin,
Go to Stevenson Cross.
Pur your Groeeiios,
Go to Stevenson $ Cross.
For your Nails,
Go to Stevenson $ Cross.
For Anything,
Go to Stevenson $ Cross,
Who buy thoir goods in bulk from the
manufacturers and sell at the lowest
1 rollts.
Will pa ! cash for Butter
and Eaqs.
' ' jr. a. jumuxs.
On and after Maich 2d the Ni:
tutAsKA Advkutiskk will he printed
and published .t Calvert. Same pub
lishers, G. W. Fairbrothi-r & Co. Will
our exclmngo cotempoi alios please
notico tho change, and send their pa
pers to Calvert instead of Ihownvillo.
The olllco will be removed to Calvert
the latter part of next week. The Ad
vkutiskk and Coukikk will be con
solidated, or rather the latter will be
absorbed by the former. Tho;e who
now take both papers will lie furnished
the Advkhtisku and fully credited on
tho latter subscription for over pay on
fho Commit. The old paper will main
tain it's present form and size, with
improvements in make up and typo
graphical appearance, ami will be en
larged when business will justify it.
' Wo will have more to say of the
"whys and wherefores" of the removal
by and bj.
Crown Sewin Marin no
the best, lieptbij . L. McGev.
Pkiu. NKim., Jan. 12. 1S82.
Notico is hereby given that we, tho
undersigned, have formed a co-partnership,
for the purpose of engaging in
the practice of Medicine and Obstetrics,
tho co-partnership being limited to the
practice of tho above named profess
ions, and shall in no instance be meant
to include the practice of Surgery.
J. F. NkalM. 1).
T. M. llAYDKN. M. D.
Cases in Surgery will be attended to
by Dr. Ilayden individually, and not as
a member of the foregoing co-partnership.
New Carpets jnst received
at J. L. McGee's.
Guilty of Wroiifc.
Some people havo a fashion of con
fusing excellent remedies with the
largo mass of "patent medicines," and
in this they are guilty of a wrong.
Theru arosonieadvertisoil remedies ful
ly worth all that is asked for them,
and one at least we know of Hop Hit
ters. The writer lias had occasion to
use tho Hitters in just such a .climate
as wo have most of the year in Bay
City, and has always found them to be
first-class ami reliable, doing all that is
claimed for them. Tribnuo.
IVo More (Hard riiucx.
If you will stop si ending so much
on fine clothes, rich food and style, buv
good, healfhv food, cheaper anil better
clothing; get more real and substantial
things of life every way, and especially
stop ttio foolish habit of employing ex
pensive, quack doctois or using so
much of tho vile humbug medicine
that does you only harm, but put your
trust in that simple, pure remedy. Hop
Hitters; that cures always at a trilling
cost, and you will see good times mid
have good health. See another column.
See p rices o n ea n uetf fra its
at J. L. McGee's.
Tho county commissioners meet
Thunday tills week to decide whether
the railroad suit shall be withdrawn.
Mr. Daily wo presume is exceedingly
unxious about tho matter, as are tho
people, of Brownville and London.
Witli the latter it is a matter of great
general and local interest, while with
Mr. Daily we understand it is more of
selfish and peional nature.
A Womun'M Experience,
Mothers and daughters should feo
alaimed when weariness constantly op
presses them. "If I am fretful from
exhaustion of vital powers and tho
color is fading from my faco, Parker's
Gingor Tonic gives quick relief. It
builds mo up and drives away pain
with wonderful certainty." Buffalo
- - -f
Buy New Homo sewing machines.
Light running and noiseless
Stkvknson & Cross.
Dr. Jni lies' Oitiiihii Worm Cnlcos stand
uiirlviilod hi ii worm mcNllclne. (Hvo ihmn
n lilul. Hold by nil Di'hkkInIn.
. w ,-fcWT
Tho B, & M, in Nobraska Proapoctivo
DawBon to Aspinwall.
A correspondent of the Chicago Times
recently furnished the following news
from Pawnee City:
Your oorrospo.ident to-da inter
viewed a gentleman prominent in con
nection with railroad building on the
subject of railroad construction by the
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy in l82.
In substance his statement was as fol
lows, ami is accurate, as he speaks by
the books:
"The contractors now, pushing I ho
Denver extension of the Chicago, Bur
lington & Quincy not onlv havo orders
to crowd that woik as rapidly as pos
sible, but also to holdall tho large force
and he prepared to begin grading on
one of tho four branch lines in Nebras
ka and Kansas, which arodeeided upon
by the authorities. These four lines
are the "cut-on" from Hastings. Neb.,
to Arapohoo; from Chester, in Thayer
county, Neb., to Great Bend, Kan.;
from Pawnee City, Neb., to Topeka,
Kan., and Kansas City; from Dawson,
Nel to Aspinwall, where the Mis
souri will bo bridged. The last men
tioned line will bu the last connecting
link on the great air-line through
nouthrn Iowa and southern Nebraska
to Denver."
Which of these lines would ho built
first my informant was not able to say.
In answer to a query as to the policy
of building the load front PawneeCity,
on the through line mentioned above,
in southern Nebraska, to Topeka anil
Kansas City, the gentleman made tills
"The 'cut-off' from Hastings to Arap
ahoe will .shorten the line from Omaha
to Denver thirty miles, giving the Chi
cago. Burlington & Quincy tho advan
tage in the Omaha, Lincoln and Den
ver business. Tho Pawnee City and
Kansas City branch will give them the
advantage in the Kansas City and Den
ver traffic, as competing with the
Gould roads, placing Kansas City, To
peka, Leavenworth, and Atchison in
the shortest possible tlistuuco from
Denver. But the line through south
ern Iowa, crossing the river at Aspin
wall, and passing through the southern
tier of counties in Nebraska, is tho
shortest line from Chicago to Denver,
and must become the great through
route for all truffle between those two
points. The company esteems this line
its most valuable property."
It is singular that tho "prominent
gentleman" who knows so much about
the B. & M. omitted to tell what great
end was to bo achieved by building tho
road from Calvert to Tecumseh, now
being vigorously worked. The p. g.'s
knowledge of a great through Hue is
probably more imaginary than real.
The logical conclusion, from events
matured and maturing, is that Nemaha
City, Calvert, Tecumseh and Beatrice
will be points on tho "shortest lino
from Chicago to Denver."
McGcc & Moore
can sell you the best
Plow shoes made.
Church Howo will soon be as great
a newspaper monopolist as Jar Gould.
He is supposed to own a controlling in
terest in the Brownville Advkktiskk,
Calvert Courier and Sheiidan7'.s7. If
ho only had the (1 runner ho would bo
solid in Nemaha county. Falls City
So far as the Advkhtisku and Coi'K
iku are concerned Church Howe does
not own a dollar in either of them.
Will the Journal give us the benefit of
this correction V Mr. Howe, a few
days ago, paid off a lion that Win.
Daily had against the Poit and took a
half interest in thatofllce to secure him.
As to the Granger, tho olllco, we under
stand, is owned entirely by.the brother
of the editor, who resides in Maine;
and Mr. Howe only owns a controlling
interest in the editor, who always does
in olection matters just as Howo tells
him to, and this li does regardless of
what he pretends to do, This i why
he Bupportcct McGrow at tin. last elec
tion in an underhanded way, for coun
ty clerk, while openly ho pretended to
(support Docker. This is why he al
ways supports Mr. Howe when the lat
ter runs for olllco. So tho Journal can
count tho Granger for Howo, when he
want it for him, juat tho samo as if ho
owned a controlling interest in tho
type, ink and presses. And by the
way we will say for Mr. Monro's credit,
that in always supporting Mr. Howe
lie pays a debt of gratitudo, for Howe's
is tho hand that has been generous to
Moore in keeping tho Granger nlloat,
and without which it would have went
undor. Mr. Moore however has the un
pleasant habit of pretending to get
down on Howo occasionally and then
coining around all right for him at
elections the samo being hypocrisy.
Want butter and eggs. Highest
' price paid by Stevenson & Crass.
-. -K- rA
.mintava i uui.,.uui.iiii iVLi3Ztsn-xruc?.i.jrec,
U.. .T- i
Wanted, a Harness Maker.
Call at ynco on . , '
Witli P. A It.. Nonmlm CityuNa. .
fHrmorn Slum!.
Bain wagons, $70,
Corn planters, tho best, $:lo.
Scotch harrows, with teeth, $5.50.
Two liolo Keystone corn Shollovi
baud wheel, $22.
Hay Hakes, Powoi'Shollers, etc.." bj
Stkvknson & Choss. j, Pob. 10, 1882.
I'M I lor AtlvrrliNcr.
in your issiio of Fob.Oth Iread tin
article from "Pla ndeiiler." I could no.,
help thinking how characteristic of a
tliird-grado preacher. Every word in
that article showed the extreme merce
nary disposition of tho writer, whoe
or he may be.
1st. IIu wants n good salary, then a
comfortable home furnished him. Now
you see lie is finding out that ho has
been living too fast.
2d. Fulfil your promise, not stingi
ly but libeially. Now you soo ho is go
ing to show his cloven-foot.
Thirdly, let him know that you re
spect him, and visit him often, and
never go empty-handed. Now that
means for you u steal from your hard
working husband and needy children
that you may give to him, the well paid
pastor of an indulgent church, audit'
ho bores you to dentil by coming to
stay all night, why take your tender
babe and go sleep in the barn. Make
him comfortable If every member of
the family perish; for Is he not your
well paid pastor? What is your com
fort to bo compared to his, when he
takes a notion that ho is going to crowd
you out of your bed in mid-winter.
Fourthly, anticipate all his needs.
Don't let him havo to ask for anything.
Why if that is tho way you want
preachers lionized, my own John will
want to bo a pastor, too, which Heaven
forbid 1
Fifthly, be sure and 1111 your placo in
tho chapel every time he is going to
murder tho Bible, whether yon have
anything left to buy clothes or not. Ho
does not expect you to appear well
dressed; he knows you havo given all
to him and you are expected to bo hap-
Fuither, he says if you do these
things faithfully ami he is a man of
God, you will havo a good preacher and
pastor, but if you don't do thoso things
he is going to' let you know that ho is
not' a man (if God. For ho is only a
man of God just so long as you give
him a good salary, comfortable homo
and carry him something evory day and
keep him in luxury and idleness while
your own family are destitute and your
husband overburdened witli care. No,
Mr. Fiaindealor, live within your sala
ry ; so says
An Old Cjiukuii Mkjihkh.
Private Hoarding IIoiimcv
On tho first of March Mr.. Worthing;
will open a privato boarding house at
her residence in Urownvillo. Her fa
cilities aro such as to maUo her Hoard
ers comfortable, and her terms will bo
as reasonable as can possibly bo afford.1
ed. Ladies and gentlomen desiring
comfort and convenience) at a privato
boarding bouse are requested to ciUU
and see her.
- Married, in tills citv. bv T51(lMx '
Cornell, on Tuesday, Feb. 1882..
Hubert Melon and Mollio Hhodes,. oC.
Nemaha City.
Kid Gloves at McGee
& Moore's.
Eluffunce and Purify-
Ladies who appreciate elegance and'
purity aro using Parker's Hair Balsauu.
It is tho host article- bold for restoring,
gray hair to its origiiiKl' color, beauty.
and luitre.
At Napoleon, Ohio. Peter D. Colo
was sentenced to fifteen yoars In tho
penitentiary for killing John Harmon.
Cole killed Ilarmoji for supposed crJnii
iual Intimacy witli his wife.
A n oth er lad if m it do h appj.
Slie boii(,it the- Crown Sew
iny Machine, tho best in- the
market at J. L. McGee's.
Saur kraut and pi oleics-at Gates!.
G. W. Faiybrothor, Sr., and. Jr., and;
Ben. Sanders own "tho controlling in
terest" in tho Advkutiskk and don't
you forget it.
Whafc'S. tho difforeneo botweon a
moderate' drinker and a sot? About
the same difference as between a pig;
and a hog. Tho littlo fellow will soon!
grow to lie a hog if lie takes liLs aw ill
Kncntvpil in Line ami Btlppln from n photo
irriipli approved hy Mrt. OortloM us a correct
llkenrHR. bountiful tnri of art. No com
pittitloi., Hlro lHx'.M. KoihJ for elreulhrii ami
t'xira terms. Tint Honry Hill IHibll.ihltitt Co.,
Norwich. Conn.
ftfiFMTf9l WANTED i