-,iiuMjejiamHlxxeitmB&K3?tavmmt&irua3KiB usflrancsogaaftwir i -MOTTrvm-CT.&-jr3gw:-.snwav "seu-n! .NEBRASKA ADVERTISER OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE, a. w. FAinunoTHin, an. u. r. uANor.iis. BY Q. W. FAIRBROTHER 8c CO. Subscription, $2.00 Per Year. ONLY ft. GO, IF PAID IN ADVANCE. Huml the urliclu on need wlieul. A. W. Niokwll, reliable (Initial. Dr. ('(iIIIiih will lit; in his olllco in Urownvlllu the lii-Hl nevun Uuy.4 In Kohrimry. Nfsiimliii City Ima ruculvwl a nm olilnu lor ninlUnir "int'.ssod brick." It irt Hits propuily ol' Jiundur and Mulvin, wo boliuti'. Cu.ll in and pay for This Advicu tisisu In udvanco and wo will mako you a ptusunl of KoikIiiII'h "TtouUhb on tho llorao." Oscar li. Hiilihvin, tlio oinbi'zliiig cuslilur of tlio McclmnleH Nalional Hank of Now York, lias been Hcntonccd to in yours In tho st'ito prison. Thoro is a vigorous uiovoinctit on foot In Wlconsiii to rovlvo capital ininlaliinont, which was abolished in that stiito tweiity-llvu years ago. Humcinbor it is only lliosu who pay in advance that jjK our paper at 9 1. fit) a year. Look at thu ta on your iiapcr and hco when tlio liinu paid for is up. ' Tlio Catholics of Culvoit will give a concert in .Siunuclsou Hurl On tin (iVoiiiugof tin) 20th Inst. Soino good MiiiKois of Nebraska City will aid by Miolr presence and music. T. r. Ponton denier in groceries couitir tltll and Main Street, has for niilo the renowned White sewing niu cliluo. "ttlso tho UoiiHohold sowing ma ' ehino. llftty (ire both very light rniinin,' ndalnioatuoiseless, warranted for live years. Cull and see tiiom. Tlio Headjuster Legislature of Vir ginia is coimnuiicliiK well, as tho III si. bill !t passed was the uppropiuitiou i)i 100,000 fur a public odiool fund, and SlOO.uol) for the eslablisliuieiit and inaintenaueo of a normal school I'm colored teachers. Tho "homo talent" of Calvert will appeal befoie the public on the evening (Jof the IJUIi Inst. Their "piece" is en titled The Flower of the Family, which is lull of interest and fun. The pro ceeds will be applied for tlio benolil 01 tiie Library Association. Mrs. l)oi rls, tho old woman who was murdciud by her grandson at St. Lotito bust ,veek, made her great wealth by dealing in slaves before tho war. Her husband gave her all tho babies of Ids slave women, which she sold, and ap propriated tlio proceeds to her own use. Mrs. AV. E. Majors presented Wils with a bouncing baby boy one day last weeiq'and in answer to a postal from S. A. Osborn, who suggested a name for the little fellow, Wils says, "1 am very muub pleased with the namo of 'Sioph,' liut Mrs. M. is determined to call iKJutUi.' ., Those who read the Sheridan Pout, of the tiOth ult., will see the point to the following, which goes to illustrate how few there aio duly quulillcd to cast stones at Ids. neighbor, or whoMc'nowa,. In tho swiftly turning whoolf tlrne, how soon bo may have the tables turn ed upon himsolt: Wuhuvo it from "headquarters" that a largo interest in tho Sheiidau Post has gone into the possession of Hon. Church llowo. who "put up" and took up u largo claim that Hon. Win, Dailv held against that establishment. This was a very commendable, act on the part of Mr. Howe, and tho editors of tho Post may be truly thankful that they have found in Mr. Howe n friend ship whi-li, if merited, was by their abuso of hui). and urn thus in their time of uoud able to roalizo a beuelll from so simple an act as that of selling out Daily and taking in Howe. We con gratulate Messrs. Fellows and Taggurt tho latter in getting out oven over their good fori mm for their own sake and because wo can now ruadily see, as can tha readers of the Post, why some tilings which wo may have occasion to refer to in tlio future are likely to bo tliusly! that whereas tho Pout fonn orly did buck most vigorously for Daily, it will now leisurely proceed to disembowel him, while it rends its nether gnrments in tlio interests of tho man of lied ford. OHaiiKe ofK.iH'utloii. Mr. H. CL Whittoinoro's friends juid customers will bo interested in learn ing that he has removed his stock of groceries ami sowing machines into the Swan building, south side Main street, first door enst of MeOroery'sdrug store, where ho will bo glad to greet all. and nttond to any wants In his Hues of bus iness. 'Remember tho place and call. Fit rm fur ft cut. Inquire of'fi. W. Falrbrolher, Gnlvort.Xebraflkn. I)'., rGo to Wliitlemoro'H sewing machine tjiiiporinni apd grocery, for anything jonvnnt, clfcjarjjfor cash. ,, Guitcau'B Soutonco, .Judge Cox (to tho prlsonor) Stand up. Have yoil anything to say why sentence fihotlld not bo passed upon you ? (luiteau (still sitting) - I ask your honor to postpone tho sentence as long as possible. .Judge Cox -Stand up. Have you anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon you? THIt l'lllHONHU SI'KAKS. The prisoner then arose, pule, but witli lips compressed and desperate de termination stamped upon his features.' in a low and deliberate tone he began, but soon his manner became wild and violent. Pounding upon Ids table ho delivered himself of tho following ha rangue: "i am not guilly of the charges net forth in tho indictment, ft was Cod's act, not mine, and Cod will take caioof it, and don't let Hie American people forget it. He will take care of it, and every ollicer of this government, from the executive down to that of the marshal, taking in every man on that Jury, and every member of this bench, will pay for it, and the American na tion will roll in blood, if my bod goes Into the ground and I am hung. The Jews put the despised Calliiean in the grave, ror the time tlicy trlumpnct, but at the destruction of .Jerusalem, forty years afterward, the Almighty got oven wi.li thorn. I am not afraid of death. 1 am hcicasCod's man; kill mo to-moirow if you waul. 1 am Cod's man, and I have been from the start.'' PASSIM! SKNTKNCK. Judge Cox thou proceeded to pass sentence, addressing I lie prisoner as follows: "Von have been convicted of a crime sotenible in its eireum-danccs and so far-reaching in its results, that it has drawn upon you I lie h.orior of the whole world and llioexecralionof your coiintr) men. Tho excitement produced by such an oll'ence mado it no easy task to m'ciiiv you a fair and iiuiuutial trial, but you have had the power of tho United States tieasury ami of the gov ernment in oiir hcrvlcc to protect your person i loin violence and to procure evidence Iroin all parts of the country. Vou have Had as fair and impartial a jury as over assembled in a court ol pisiico. Vou have been defended by counsel with a zeal and devotion that merits tho highest encomium, and 1 certainly luivu done my best to secure a fair presentation of your defense. Notwithstanding all this, you have been fcund guilty. It, would bo a comfort to many people ii the verdict of the jury liad established the fact that our act was that of an irresponsible man. It would have left lli'. people under beliel that the crime of political assassination was entirely toreign to tlio constitution and construction ot our euuiiiiy. l ins ieuit lias denied them that comfort. Tim country will accept L as a tact that erinio can lie committoil, and the court, will have to deal w.th it with the highest penally known to the criminal code to serve as an example to oihers. Your career has been so oxtiaordiuary that the people might well at limes liuvo doubted yotu sanity, but we cannot but believe that when, the. crime was ooinmitted 'you thoroughly understood tho nature' of thoi crime anl its consequence Clilleau 'lA was aiding as Cod's mmi.'Puml .Unit yon luiil moral sense and con science enough to recognize tho moral iniquity of such an act. Prisoner Thai's a mailer of question.' Vour own testimony shows that you recoiled with horror fiom it. You say that you prayed against it You say that vou thought It might be prevented. This shows Unit your conscience' warned you against it, but by the Wretched sophis try of your" own mind you worked yourself up against tho protest of your own eonserenco. What motive could iave induced you to this act must be a matter of mere conjecture. Piobably men will think that some fanaticism or morbid desire for self-exaltation was the real inspiration lor tho act Your own testimony seems io controvert the theories of your counsel, The) hao maintained the thought, riuiutMh. be lieve, that ou was diiven against your will by an Insane impulse. "The testi mony showed that you deliberately re aohed to do it, and that the deliberate and dhguised will wan some impulse. This may seem insanity to somo people, but tho law looks upon it as willful crime. You will have an opportunity of having any errors I may havu com mitted during tho comae of the ujal passed upon by the eourt, but mean while it is necessary for mo to pro nounce tlio sentence of the law, that you be taken to the common jail in tho District, from whence you came, and there be kept in conliueinent, and on Friday, the aoth day of June, issa, you be taken to the place prepared for your execution, within the walls of said' jail, mid llieie, between the hours of ly and 'J p. m., you bo hanged by the uoek un til you are dead; and may tho Lord have mercy on your soul," - During tlio reading Guiteau Ptood apparently unmoved and with his gaze riveted on the judge, but when tiro lluiil words were spoken ho struck tho tnblu violently and shouted, "And may the Lord have mercy on your soul. I would rather stand horn than where that jury does, and where your honor stands. 1 am not afraid to de. T stand here as Cod's man, and Cod Al mighty will ouiso every man who has had a part in the procuring of this un righteous verdict. Nothing but gool has como of Garfield's removal, and that, will bi tho verdict of posterity on I . - fill ( 1. B iratlon, I don't caro a snap -e.d.ct of thisco.rupt geneta , would rather a thousaiul tiines for tlio Vei tion. 1 bo in my posiiion than in that of those who have hunted me to death. I shall lmvo a glorious flight to glory ,,but that miserable scoundrel Corkhill will have a permanent job down below, where the dovil Is preparing for it." Five years hence: First Citizen How is tliecaiHo of education nourish ing in your state? Second Citizen Weil, we aro short of funds. The corn crop was a failure last year, and whisky was high, and the temperance fanatics are seriously interfering witli the cause of education, If tlicy can break up the business they do not seem to care whether the children aro educated or not. Let's take a drink in aid of tlio cause. Here Is to the youth of Aineii ca. The more whisky the nioro educa tion. lnlvr Ocean, It scorns to us that that sentiment is already prominent. The educational question in thu west Is the most potent one, in the maintenance of saloons, in small towns this in cspf chilly true and wo remember of reading a few weeks ago in a proclamation of the ma) or of Omaha, a warning that tho welfare of tho city schools depended upon the amount of money received from saloon licenses. And gentlemen of Omaha drink in aid of the cause. The Seed Annual for 1882, just' published by 1). M. Forry & Co.. De troit, Mich.,. .and supplied iree to all upon application, is a most valuable work, and wortliv of a place in any li brary. Not only arc its illustrations of IliHt-i'lass order,' but its pages aro full to repletion witli information of the most valuable kind to all who grow anything from the tiniest flower to the largest garden crops. Being them selves seed growers on Hie largest scale, they bring the work an amount of practical experience hardly equaled by any others, whllothoy are thus enabled to supplv seeds of the puiost quality and most vigorous growth Hint can be obtained. We gladly call attention to their advertisement in our column else wheie. List of Lattors Remaining in the postolllce at Urowu vi lie, Xobraskii, for week .ending Feb. oth, l2t: Hrunier, L'liiilip. nruuhuw.Chi'isi'laii E.irle. A. II. HutchiiiM, Chin-lie. Iluichius. Sarah C. I'ierce, M. .-iheriuan. .lames..' Taylor. William. Taylor, Hannah. 'J Kenningtou,.7!'. .12'. C. rosTAi. i-Anns. Davis, A!T. .Johiibon, .J. W. 12arle. A. II. Williamson, .lames L'ersons oallhrt for any of the nbdve will please Riiyhlvvrtised. Olllco hours dJi. m. to 8 p. in. Sun days, from I to J i'. m. and 4 to 5 p. in. T. C. ll.WKKH, 1'. M. A man proposed to Scoville that when tho lito had been choked out of ois biother-iu law' that they pot his body intourolrigeator, to prosonu tho n.itural likeness .of tho assa-siu, and travel over the country exhibiting it, :it so much a head, to the morbid curi osity of i lie people. Scoville when told thai his share of the receipts would amount to live hundred thousand dol lars, was favorably impressed witli the plan. I III' Mill!. Airs, llutehott's restaurant, only one in town. Only reaou for felling is the proprietor desires to go into other business. tVunU'il, A good reliable man and wifo to work on farm and do housu work. Good wages and steady work thu year round. Cui'itC'ii'lIowK it Son. --Household Sewing Machine for aale by T. F. Se.iton, corner tfth and Alain. A VTOJNl t( flJOtlKTN. Mothers should remember it it: a most important duly at litis season to look after tlio health of'their families and cleauso the malaria and impurities from their systems, and that nothing will tone up tlio stomach and liver, regulate the bowels and purify the blood ho perfectly as Parker's Ginger Tonic, advertised in our columns. Post. See other column. XotUu?. Mrs. E. .1. Monahan. of Maryville, Mo., will bo in Brownvillo on Feb t nth, and remain threo days Call on her at tho Union House, where she is prepared to treat all forms of eyo dis eases successfully. Ilor treatment is a permanent cure for granulated eye lids and all forms of inilummation of the eyes. Surgical operations will bo purfdvir. ed by Dr. D.C. Wilson, of Maryville. fTU-jnrtvt wamsuawctxsatamMXmuBaTiitirt vtenmnma LEGAL NOTICE. Flnrnli II. HwHii.dnfeiMlunt, wilt 00u potUio Hint mi tho SOilt iinv or.lnniiury, IRSJ, r.miln M.Hvv'All, plalntltt. horoln II led Ills pntlMon' In thu ilUirlot court of Ncijmlm ooiiuiy., No. tirnnlcn, amUum nnld defendant. I ho object and pruyor of which In to olttiilti a divorce from deftmdunt. cm ti.o i-roimd that defend. my inspi nnt luu Ihhm willfully iilment irnm plnlntltr for More limn throo yi'iri int piut rltlnnt nnyjuit runup, UullfT prny for a ilonrru thut he ho illvnreuil from dofonilnnt. Vou nr required to answer ild petition on or brforo thntlth ilny of Mnruh, It'.'. J)atod Jnntinry 'JO, wi, 11w i,oi;i.m. SWAN., Jly liU Utornry, , H.Ntui.u f71 , fH ' -, H 1 1 PI tT APJl P,S i. lllv'VJ J JJJl IfO J'loiirt of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Orlid unU Ounueil Fmlli In Variety, Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of Cvjara and Tobuvco, and a full stock of Candies at For flrat clas3 jroceries call on T. Iv. Jonea. Extra copies of the Advkktmeu at A. W. Nickoll's. n Now supply of nico cuke and pica at Aaron Palmer's. LnmK), Jiiiitternsqueensware und fl.tBBWaie, at T. J.. .Jones. C'liune nnil Infect . The niitiii cause of nervousness is iii digeslioli, and that is caused by weak ness of tlio stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Hitters to strengthen the stomach, purif'v tin blood ami keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry oil all the poisonous and .waste matter of tlio system. See other column. $1 300 por year una ln wiinlly iniule nt homo wnrkhiK (or K. O, Hideout A Co., 10 llarelny .Street, New York. .Send lor their uat iloRiie and full particulars. 10 ly AIivivy CStirri'filihiK. A delicious odor is imparted by Flor eston Cologne, which is always refresh ing, no matter how freely used. Whon horses and untile aro inplrlllesn -oraRiry and, fudiilu tney need treatment with UiKdo Siiii'n Condlllon Powiler. It purlneM the lilooil, Impr veH tlio appetite Cure eoliKand dlsletnpern, luvlKornles tho K)trii uud will keep the milnial In aliulihy liandhome condition. Sold by nil UrUKglnlH, nioTicK. To whom It mny concern: This eel-lilies that IT. W. Crane lias spent twoanil one-half years in my of fice, as student and assistant, and that I have found him to be a careful and eflieient assistant. I would recom mend him to those desiring dental work, especially those desiring artifi cial teeth. He will do your work well and honestly. 0. 11. Colmns. II. W. Crane can bo found at the rooms formerly occupied by Di Col lins, and will be pleased to seo all who need tiny work ju the line of Dentistry. Fresh Bread, pies and cakes at ways on hand at A. Fal liter's. NEMAHA CITY. jT'iirjifSE," UVE.-.T AND FEED STABIE. flood hu io; Ins anil horses, chnrifus rons onnbte. IlHMt.ofenro tnkonof trauxlent stock .v.v.r.. vjti .;. lQljfaSi 11 SOOTS, SHOE X -. AND HARNESS. .vrilo nnd repaired as well as can bo done nn.vwiieie, on short i.otlee, nnd VliltY RliASONAltLti TNltMS. Ofty HotCoI, LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR. Nt-iHA CITY NJCU., Centi-itlb located; flood laie.iinif nolnu I in spui-eil tn luiiki- cuesiH comloilable, flood b.irn for hoiMCMinil ' Vltartrcs Jicwsomtbln. ATTEHTIOH. FARMERS! For your Aurleulturnl IinplnmeulK, nolo DAVID A. MORTON, Farm nrel Hprlut: Wat? ns. Sulky IMowi. MrrltiK. 11h-a-, Horn I'iuuters, Itnrruvs ltenp'r., Mowers, (Juiilvniorx, O rn Shtdlors and tho lions ToiiKiieles Cultivator. JOHN S MINICK, Oeneral iorcnanoise. Nemaha City. "Nob, B. BELL ANDREWS. M. D.( " Physician Sf Surfeon, Numalm City, Nolirnsljii. Vails iu the Country Promptly Attend- td, day or night. Ql'KCIAI. ATTKNTtON jilrnn lo surKlen VT) lleiifes uf woiiitm and Mirlertl jllsenses of the eye: .l'iileiits from ntiroad esti be furiitihed rltn pleasant rooms and uceomiuodutlous, GEO. I. HIIOOLC, County Surveyor HILLSDALE, NEBRASKA. 3 All ciillnfor HiirvnyltiK promptly nt tended to, 31 U A. J. Williams, Proprietor. Harness Shop Ho tin inddle, hrldlen nnd hnllora to milt. And Hint they ar all rleht nooiiu will din- puto. Iio lint ood harnes too, both cIiirIo nnl double, You enn hnro whnt you want without ny trouble. Ho turn collion ntid hnrnens nnd whips and nil Htioh, Ofisoni) linriiemoll Do linn overdo niuoh. Indeed bo keeps nil thut nortuln to bli line, lu nil of which Hoodness and ijuullty coin- bine, lie work.i Kood material and due Ills work utroiiK, , And yon need havo no ftnr tnnt thuro't any- thtnu vronu For this la a mutter wo would )ikyo undr. Hlood, All tbat'H made In IiIh id) op li warruutod v Kood. -yv If your hoiscB or inuUsnro subject to fret, Ho can keep olf the lllen with a nplendld fly net. And If they aro skllllsb and Inclined to do wrotiK, Ho luiH lines that will hold them nnd IiIm hrtdlcN uro strong. If your hnrnoNH needs muiidlni; you need not cetsemtd. Ttut hrlriK thorn to htm nud bnve tbntn re paired. He'll make or he'll mond nt you mny dsslre, And do It nn well as whoro prices nro lilglur. If you want anything made or mended uome here. About prices nnd styles yuu bnvo notiilns to fenr. To do IiIh work rli?)it he tnkes spcelul cure, And we are qiittestire his prices are fnlr. Nnw to farmers nnd horsemen wo have thin to nj . Williams iclves the full worth of nil Hint you pny. At smuc other places you may do prutty well. Hut you'll find nt this shop they are bound to excel. CUSTOMER, ill Cl 7 St. Charltt Street, St. LonIa,H. X i1m (rnduat of two Mtulledl OOlltsaa, hu mnx IhwwImiIUm ny oOnrllilcU U .lUja (SWr prjr hiTr and nil oM rWdnU Icaow. Brvhiila, Ck or. lawi, OIt, Cfcrletur. Orchitis, Kupturs.aJil Urlu.rr SyphlHtlo w Jfwourlai AffctlOLU TftroaV. OkInorJ4vtaniMd BJlr, I'rtTiUlr. tprrtorrha,Cxuia Dtibllltr aad Inpotwi? Uiuiillof Solf-Abooo, miuiImmmmU mliw j.r.oroTr arslniwotk, rodaalcstrTUMf,MnWi tl tailM&ira, (labllltr, diJaiaMOflhl,darMUTMa4n "T, phjritlMl ltr, arsnloa to xxUtr aoafsalvft ot .., ioof iiiilpowr,nliHM,radrlainiar r. ( -i I'irropjr.fira Bsrmaouilx nri,d. OoaialtaM si olDi fir r mall froe and lnrltad. rHklal ua limi. Medicines soBt lr naU or aiaraa. Oar liarastMn. itnarauoitDt tint it u rrsarir mt. xa. Airc5)KaifrK: aei i PAG&& COIDEI 1 bo wliolo iUrr. wall told, U UamatolUa, llu lallowlu bji: Wtan tjr rairr, wki ut, vkr. KunUoo.l, Wnuiaithood, I'hnW! ftaoair. Wh ini warrrilioirllfHaad bapinfviniarbolntraMOd-.airt. wii iiu-i i tin ah ii uaptnu.i ninfu. anf-r-JM9H ;ai..ca4 . of cculixnr fuid oxu, aud mui moro. Ilioaa MxtU4 T or t.iUid olfitlax m.trrikMO ahonld read It th kaop Ma i.r c.HV-.ui',irwjtx Mi..rriMjiu lunwniu rvauiktoait aaop V il too nad kar. 20cts.limallla mouroi ia. mstiwn uinaw-yruieii raaq ana r-l;qi. PKFCPRESCRIPTIOM d Via ?jMlti Wonkneai, Ixwt Majthood, Marro'atnaat, -omiNnmnOMlii-igii of IJtsi, Arantsa la AotUr Ul.itlT TamorrantlI)Uordtrabmacllonbr n- A'man. Zayilrnwlilthaalha ltrfdlmmm ati Jul',Sfll Ht.(lliarUvi.Bt. Iuli. Mo 8t.I.-4 By.JAOQUES 70S Chnr.nut 8t, St. Louis, Mo. at old , et atli.ti to cure ipomistorrhcaa, Kaniln-vl "Wa-tir- Imuotaocr.sll forma of SyvhlUi.Qcxiorrh-wa., Qlxt, Urinary orDlaclr dlaoaaoo. i.aoat -i.c nrrl Iiik f-iwdnra. All tho Uttawat ronaltiac Un wl( lut, exwbiripourauurdforll.'owiUiMl xli'llitlar. Adrlso fra. Cliarpaa low. Cullornrlu Ik nt:t l ttaatUnio. Brrnptom Book for tnnaUwy, lx. 8. W 5 B A r CT f t H R & E? Ji'.-Hf ..ir.i-.iiiriiuikk, wbwi5.i net I not mmMmw i. u rmr ". itrn-. i TsOlA' S3JBW 'JPsVi i4i6Jii. J - - ' atKT - li r -"4T.. f??P '1 Tho mrjority vf tho ills of tit lumam body i' from a ttragMHt thw I.ivcr, nfftelltiff Loth tht ittmaeh tnd bemtlt. Ju artlm- effect a ur, It U naretinry tn removt tha tnutt. Irrtgu lr and aiugyith nrllan of the Bmml$, ni(tdHeh,RMcnainttlfZtimnch,I'mlti in th ltuehnnU 1,oln$,t,)UAtnt thai tha Llvtr ii at fault, anU thitnmtuvra iiiI'j afSJtii fn tnubl thit offftttt. t Uirouf off Itityurlliei. Jfrlcltty Aali s:itteratirApi('ly uiiij)OMiirfI or thin yurptt. Xhu av axild in thtlr utUun ana) tjfettive m tt our! rplaimt to tho tstHinl tmhn emillv by bth children audi uttultM. Xm htn atnllnff to Unctln, ihnV aro a tafomndpUu$nnteureforlyaitcpls, OunerMl Ucbitlty, Habitual com. tlpnttou, Ulaccaniecl ClUitn, etc., etc. J 2!ood IPuriScr ihy art ii)iro- to any othr medMn; oleautinp tho ayfltui tlmrughli, nnd imparling utir If ft am mtrtv io tho in valid. Itiu a modlcliiu Mild not an IntoxIcattllSV btevrmga. All YOUR DRVB&CT FOR FRIIKIY ASH IITTIM, aj4 takv mo othar. VSLICB, (1.00 r Battle. MEYER BROS. & CO., - JSLE PROPRIETOR, St. I1i aj. I ". ' .. W. Do not ncirleot n Couuh or Cold until it !. too Into, try Kllert'n Extrnet or 'r,.r ...i Wild Cherry, wo nro mro you will bo eon. Ylncod ol It tuorlti, Gnronlo CoiikIin nnd even ConimnptlrM nro I'tireil by roowlnK DB.WHITTIEB PKieKLY f . z utw.' 'jf.-i, MfWr7iJM'.wji. :..isjri)-vi LVrffiKSi(l;aaja M Oa&jL iL uirt'ciiiiiiN, every hoiiiols wurrniitril to Klroaatlifaotltin. IV V. A I A- .