Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 09, 1882, Image 1

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    .miAiA utf .. MM4MMMMMV'nnPravwMaaaHgviHvw"MiHHHaMm
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ESTAniASH"LIl lRfifl.
VOL. 26, NO. 34.
Oldest Pnpor in tlio State
in jj.i.LLLuiiijinimiiiiHiiii'Miiiii iihi "nrTrin i n n inn n ii u in in inimimi
aMMM if I JiliaMli I I lll'H IIMW 1W' 'PI1 ' i i 1 At . SiaJlBSaW '''
Em uT f i i
H. K R 0 A D Y ,
Attorney unit Counselor at Ijivw,
Ilrovvnvll. Nob
T S. S T U L L ,
0. A'l'l'OlliNKVS AT JjAW.
Oillcoof Cotmlr Judge, Hrownvtllo, Nebraska.
A S. II 0 h L A 1) AY,.
Ii IMiyalclrxn, Surgeon, Obstetrician.
OrAfluated In ISM. I.ocut -A In llrownvlllo IMS.
)nicc,ll MMuntreot,lrownvlllo,N'b.
j"Vr6 Eli SO N,
Workdoiio to order and satisfaction miaranlced
VtM Hreol, between Mnln Mid Atlantic llrowi.
aTohiioiw, Notary Public, O W.TAYl.on.
Attornoys and Gounsollurs at Law,
Brownvillo, Nobraska.
P'lAOTlcr. In too Statu nnil Federal courtK.
Special attention glvon looollootlontinnd
sales of real estate.
pA t c r7i x is ,
OUSTOM WO UK inadclo order, nnd fit nlwny
Eunranteed Hopnlrlni; neatly and promptly dotif
bliop. No. 27 Mnln afreet. llrownvllle.Neb,
Farmers, pleaso call and n;otprlceH; I waii.
to handle your stock.
OIllceFlr-a National Buik.
"Wo continue to net as Solicitors for Patent;, Caveats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, cto., for tlio Uultcil States,
Canada, Cuba, England, Franco, Germany, etc. Wo
uavo had thlrty-llvo yearn experience.
Patents obtained through us aro noticed In thoPci
intifio American. This largo and uplondld Illus
trated weekly paper, $3 .2 0 a ycar.shows tho ITogress
of Sclenco, Is very Interesting, and lias an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN it CO., Patent Solici
tors, Pub's, of SriKNTiFio American, 87 Par!: How,
Mow York. Hand booknboutPatonts free.
O L r 1J S T
- K891 tsfateAgency
- William H.Hoover,
Dooh u K'ul It iul KKlntP Uunlness. SelU
LnmlH on Uoiniulhslon, examines Titles,
mattes Deeds, MoitKiiKOH, and nil Instru
inputs peijttlnln;; to tno transfer of Ileal Fn
tatt. Hnsa
Oompleto Abstract of Titles
to nil l' KhIiiIc Hi Noinnha County.
itrcrTratt; s.viaiazxia3aEasxPtmn
10 1 raritasJ Deit Xedlein sttrMzde.
A ecV'n-.l.hintli of Hnni. Hnnhu. Mnn-
drak v a ami Dandelion, with ail tus txt ornl
moitevftnr.MlTe i !i.,pntiri of ill other Dlttcn,
mikk ci tlizre.uriv Blood Purlflar, Liver
Ho (llitniio o'V' J,ossll''y lo"ir "' whcr IIoP
mttn iir,i,,
TiinlTi nwUfiaTlj;:rMtsiguina innna.
To nil wlnm ln)pl'jjmfiitifiis Irreenliirl
roftl..joTrlioruilnary onrani, or wno re-
quill nn Apell:ii- . uuumuouuiiu.i,
HopIlittiri-rliiT-.l i)."'.n.iioui niiu-
loatlns. utuj-h.
No mittir nlntTour fnAUniri or ymntnmt
art nlmUiiiOUiibici-BllWatni Ii nao lloplllt-
tiri. Dun't wilt until 7u.i nut jf yon
onlr f ! 1ji1 or mlifinl)Je,Hust"iiii t nr.
Itimr i&n join-lift. IWmiU vn juiiurd.
Itinn rrlU li mid ill tllir nlll tint
tuixirlielp. 1)0 not iTir Vv Jornnui
urfar.biitUMandui'Ka tliamb. u Hop El
Keiiiral)r.Ilon llltlm li iioVtU. drura
dmnkinnoitruni, but Ui l'u Mt"; tt " Ht
MKlloillliTirmiillllhl "1.1TlfJDK rIWH
and nor" ml na i.crfjn or fruljA, Jl
iLoiild l.i without tliin. ti'JlvSWSKl.i!
D.I.C.Ii m n'noluti i(1 Irrcilitl'jlr oure
, W UinUI.llUrIll'.vu. wiiihiiii .i(wnt.w UU
A 1 rcotlei. Ali M by i1 niylm. HmU
m f or ( In-uur nip uiiuri ms. i.,
m Hehnttr C T v1 T r. .- ()t
wmw iii '1111111 iiTirrnr-nTT'rrrnTi
First National Bank
n O V TVVI Lt. w
t(tifl-(tp Capital, .fiff 0,000
Authorised " 500,000
General Banking Busines.
n nil tbo principal cltlen of tlio
Unitod Statos and Europe
On approved soenrlty only. Time Drafts discount
Hd, and ipruliilHCQOuitnodittlonHKrnnterttodepnilt
ri. uauiernin tiuvisuMMisftT numm,
Xscftlvrd payublnondomnnrt nnd INTKHKHTal
aired on tluuiohrtllluatepiofdepo'ilt.
IUKCJTOH.1.-W!ii.T7lon, It. M. llulley, M. A
Hundley. !'rnk K. Johnson, Luther Hondloy
Wia, Frlib(r.
A R. OAVIHON.Oasliler.
J o.MaNAUnilTON. Ait.Caailar.
rpiIOSK wiio lironbotit toliavo a calo will
1 Mini It to their intorcr-1 to consult liltn.
ToruiH roahoiiahlo. Uewldenco In llo.lfonl
preclncl. 87 ma
Jacob MaroSin,
Ifi ownvlllo. IVliraHUu.
and deftlorltC
FiiiftKniflliti, Ftench, Scotch and t'Ancy (Jlnlli's
Voi t Iiiki, Ktc, Ktc.
General Merchandise
Dry UooiIh, (Irocorlrn. Heady Made Clothing,
JJodtH, Shoes, IIiitH, Capi, ntiil a (Jeiieral A
Nortment of 1)iuki anil Patent MedlolneM.
Fence poils and wood always on hand fo
V. Highest prlo. h paid for butter and
TlieHs vised
AGENTS WANTED to remomber
that wo ottor thein tho l.OW'KHT IMtlt.'KS
tho griiteMt viirb'ty. ntnl ln-t ti-rni.; onilJt
only M eenlh. nhowlng FlflHT lltrreiu
Myh'K and prlct-H, I tit-ltiill tiir new Parallel
Kdlt' .n with lioti. OI.II AVI) MlV WAX
HHIN'H SIIIK HY mim for ennparlHon
St. I.onli, Mo.
Oiiposit Jiiiinbcr Yard, Main St.
Special AcfoiumodiiiWms for
Co3Qixiiercial Mon,
D river Furinshed
when desiri'tl.
Horses boarded by the day or week,
and Fanners' teams fed and cared for
at fair rates.
B. F. 8 A XJDER,
Mannfaetnrcr nnd Dealer In
; Kft?sT
v. ' ftvuuS'.i tn lAtf " 4
C,XHM.-': Sh J-T iamB&m.
111 .rf-M-v:.'jri,.Lir"iivi''.
"C3 C::Wm&&A CD
WIi1in, liiiNhcN, lurry C'oiuIih,
Itrtm!iu3, B:c, VAc.
Aguiit for tlis Oelcltrnlnil Koy City
Cnrrlns Tops.
A SI.pHKP pamphlet mnt froPto any addnii, lv
In prlcp or our tireinliuu wuioIiph and books; nlso
npoolol trim to cunvuinliitf huciiU.
Hnniplii copies of the Jotirnul of AflOultiire-a
lr H.piigK IH-eolnmu AKrlcultiirut. Htock mid
Katiilly pupur. only 1.10 por year sent froe to any
add rent. AkoiiIs Wniited. Pt-tr. Chkw, Publish
er, 713 ChCHtuul Bt., rit, Lonld, Mo.
One Dollar
a. via ATI.
Tho IlcHt Story Pnpor In tho Wear. 48
Qolmnnn &f original and eholcoly-Auleoted
reading mattor, printed upon larKo. plain
typo. iBHiied Weekly, and mailed to any ad
ilreHKln tho United HtateH, pontauo paid, fir
One Dollar a Venr. Kvery now NllbHCrl
bor KetK a premium. Bend for wimple copy.
OMlOAfK) I.KUniCK, ChlcnKo, 111.
wi-wra uamted rr ik. phi . r
ml t fl PH I
WW b Kara $ I la & 1 if
i f5i IAb.ll I V xniif ri'ooii ui.m ,m iv.
I 3 i rii.4rJfril. l-t', f, ,i. .
n .... m j-v 7 -.- ... ...
INow Kngland had viyy heavy snow
storms last week. .-
, o
Tlio coinuKO at tho mints during Jnn
iiury iH$l0.40.0U0. of which L'.HOO.OOO
wore standard dollars.
It is thought that Senator Kdmnnds
will succeed Juilgo Hunt on tho U.S.
Snpronio boncli that 'tho ll-csident
will tender him the position' at any rate.
The !7th inst. is llxed liy Congress
for the memorial services in honor of
ex-president Garfield; at which time
J. 0. Mlaino will be tio most noted
- ist m
The state of Nebraskif nercr intend
ed to make provision for the- foundim?
and maintenance of a theological semi
niirv, and it will resist every effort to
change her university into a sectarian
institution. Omaha Jice.
Notwithstanding tho .Slocumb law.
and Kansas prohibition, there is yet
in tho United States, according to in
ternal revenue reports, r7!,8()(t,J)H taxa
ble gallons of whisky, atyout t0,()00,o()0
more than there were last year.
The Eastern papers all speak of Tues
day, 2-ltli ult., as "tho Coldest dav for
over thirty years." Thjj thermomelei
in Massachusetts, Now Hampshire.
LTew York and Yermont utnged be
tween lo and a (I degrees below zero.
A tramp named Win! Steele recently
outraged the person of widow Huell
near Logansport, Ind "after she had
kindly given him supper. Tho neigh
bors immediately caught the wretch,
and hiinjj; him. Thov t!$n piled brush
under him ami burned him beyond
General Grant, when risked the other
evening where was the swoul lie wore
it i.eo's surrender, answered, the New
York correaponlent of ihe Imston
TrareUcr my: "I didn't have any on.
I seldom wore a sword. I did wear one
at the battle of Shiloli.jfajJt iLr'iiv.etl my
life. A ball struck fnfcirb1-oko the'
scabbard, which dropped on the Held. I
believe Airs. (J rant has the blade. Sin
is butter at saving tliingsthan I am."
Last March a girl of nine e;irs wa
adopted by a German couple named
(Mawson. twentv miles southwest of
Lincoln, Nob. The child suddenly died
two weeas utro and rumors of ill-treatment
prevailed. The body was ex
humed by the coroner, and the
examination revealed the fact that the
child was literally beaten, staivi'dand
frozen to death. The Hawsons were
bound over for trial and the feeling is
Tho sixth annual convention of the
Northwestern Hotter and Gheese Asso
ciation will be Ijeld at Cedar Kapids,
Iowa. Feb. "., and tho announcement
says: Farmers, stock raisers, mer
chants, mechanics, dairymen, profess
ional men, butter and cheese makers,
manufacturfirs of dairv implements,
transportation representatives, and all
good people, without distinction of race,
sox, politics, religion, or locality, will
be welcome.
In tho absence of famiharity with the
old statutes applicable to the practice
i,u the criminal courts of the District of
Columbia, there is cause of uneasiness
over the point raised b Charley Heed
in tlio Guiteau trial, that tho continua
tion of tlio trial from one term to an
other if illegal. We can hardly think
that finch a point as this would have
escaped the Judge and District attor
ney, and it will be cause for intenso
dissatisfaction if such prove? to be the
case. Fnior Ocean .
On to tlio Mississippi,
Adipatch from Q'tinoy, Illinois, as
serts that the Quiucy, Missouri &
Pacific road will bo leased by tho Union
htcitie companny. It is said that the
Union PncUlo has partially porfoeted
arrangements to build a lino from
Trenton. Missouii, to tlio torminus of
tho Quincy, Missouri & Paciflo to St.
Joseph, to connect with tho St. .foseph
fc Wostern division of tho Union
Pacific, which runs to Kearney. Tills
done and tho control of tho Quinoy
road obtained, would give tho Union
Pacific a through line to tho Mississip
pi river at Quincv. Tim "Wabash &
Pacific aro said to bo favorable to this
project, as it would greatly benefit them
in through business. If tho lease is
perfected tho Wabash will, it is said,
build an lndepeudntlino into Quinoy
from tho cast. Of course tho connec
tion of Omaha with the proposed lino
would bo quite as favorable as would
that ot St. Joseph, Omaha lippubiicav.
If tho abovo is true, it would soom to
obviate tbo necessity for building tho
contemplated road from Burlington
Junction via Hook Port to Hrownville.
Tbrtt Butto Oity is All is of Montana,
Cheyenini Sun.
Brrn: CVty, Moil, Jan. 20.
10. A. Si,A(;k, . KKtj.:--Dear Sir As
you published my personal letter of tho
17th, 1 hope j on will publish this,
which is intended for publication. So
much has been said about Butte that
many people seem to think that Butt is
Montana, and about all there is of
Montana is Butto. Such, however, is
not tlio case. The territory of Monta
na is a Hue, prosperous country, and
for a few years to como will increase
rapidly in population and wealth. The
railroads that are now being built lire
penetrating every corner of this north
west The Utahand Northern is send
ing several branches into tho finest re
gions, both mining and agricultural,
anil will in time liavea perfect network
of lines wheiever business will justify.
The result of all this will be that Mini
tana, in less than live years will be suf
ficiently populous to be admitted as a
stale. 'This i a llrst-class place for all
hinds of laborers. Skilled laborers can
do well anywhere in Montana. Ar
rangements' can be made with the
Utah and Northern to get fares at
jroatly reduced rates for all classes of
laboieis, and m case a laborer works
six months or more for the company ho
can arrange to return to his eastern
home at a very reasonable figure -such
us he can afford. There me no doubt
ver, extensive mining districts in Mon
tana that have only been partially pros
pected, anil will soon be well developed.
The grazing interests of this territory
arecoiniimtobo erv important. Slice),
cattle and lioises do well, ami stock
rowers aro getting rich as fast as in
On tlio whole. Montana may be. set
down as one of the territories that is
".rowiuu most lapidly. and tlio one that
will soonest become a slate.
(J. W. Cokicv.
Give ub a Koat.
Some time ago the lien asserted Mr.
Valentine Imd introduced a bill pnnid
ing for tho election of congressmen in
Nebraska tins yearandageneial ticket.'
Against litis tho lrjubli:an placed
MrYnluuUJH&j denial, over
liis own signature. Still tho Jlce stuck
to its lie witn all the j'U.imeity of
truth, and refused to give itself the
the benefit of the explanation with tho
people ot tho state. Tho bill that Mr.
Valentino did introduce has since been
published, and tho people of Nebraska
now know lor a fact that tho Jftt-'x
statement, was false in the beginning
and a lie in tho end. Tho same siieet
is now charging Valentine and Majors
with a conspiracy in getting Maioi
admitted, to secure and divide netween
. . ii . .1 il
i hem DacK pay "a nack pay sieui.
the live terms itfor tlio last congress
as well as pay for tho present congress.
This assertion, too is false, ami if here
after insisted on by tlio lUe it will add
another to the category of lies. We
can inform tlio Jlce that after Mr.
Valentino made his argument two
weeks ago before tho house judiciary
committee, in favor of Mr. Majors' ad
mission, a member of that coinmitee
called on Col. Majors and asked him, ex
plicitly, for what length of time lie pro
posed to ask pay. Mr. Majors replied
oromptly and emphatically: "Only
from tho dav on which I am sworn in."
Will tho Jh-e now acknowledge itself to
have been mistaken, and so say to its
readers, or will it wait for tlio event to
again prove it, before the people of the
state a manufacturer oi lies out oi
whole cloth ''--Omaha HepnbUcav.
A Printer Robbod and Assaulted at tbo St.
O.Mahn ttupiiliUeati.
Last evening a young printer named
Liuquist. who ought to have known
belter than to go into such a place, en
tered the St. Kliuo theater saloon, and
while drinking a glas.- of beer, a young
kid slipped up and picked his vest
pocket from which lie secured a dollar.
Linuuest made a fuss about the mat
ter, and was dually ejected. Shortly
afterward he was passing by the place
when the thieving kid said something
to him, and tho two had some words,
whereupon the kid called' to his assist
ance two or three thumpers from tho
saloon, one of whom gave Linquest
quite a severe blow in the face. Lin
quest knows the kid by sight, as well
as tho follow who hit him, and he pro
poses to have them both arrested.
Manager Nugent ought to clean out
that gang who bang around his place
and give it a very unenviable reputa
tion. No sympathy, however, is tender
od anyono' who gets caught in bad com
pany in which ho is robbed and as
saulted. NOT ICE..
Tho undersigned has rented and has
full control of the Nemaha Valley
Mills, formerly owned by F. J3. Allen.
Tho Mills havo lately been repaired
and are capable of doing as good work
dm any in the State.
H-iW Wi. D. Bit v a. vr.
Now Kngland and "the Athens of
America" will scarcely bo prepared to
believt that Toting Nebraska leads tho
'United States in the ratio of intelli
gence, yet this fact will bo shown by
tlio census reports. Only 1.7J1 per
centum of her population aro illiterate.
Ohio comes next, with il.17 percent of
her population illiterate; then como in
order New York, with a percentage Of
.l.2fl; Pennsylvania, JUl, and then Mas
sachusetts, '1.24. The highest percent
age of illiteracy is in South Carolina,
where !12,,!l2 per cent of the population
cannot read and whore less than 4f
cents per capita per year Is expended
for educational purposes. It may bo
sufd of all tho States of tho Northwest
that they brought with them thoir old
Now England notions c f education and
impressed them upon tho communities
where thoy sot tied. And it cannot bo
less then gratifying to note tho results,
especially when wo take into account
the large foreign population found in
ovory now State and the struggles witli
poverty that aro always tho lot of tho
jdoneor. Inter Oetan.
A late Washington dispatch nays
"Senators Saunders, Van Wyck and
Representative Valentino, congression
al 'delegation from Nebraska, called up
on the president, and urged upon him
the appointment of ox-Senator Pad
dock to somo important position under
tho administration. They reminded tho
president that Nebraska was a reliable
republican state of the growing west,
and stated that the people of that stato
thought they ought to be entitled to
ropiescntntion in tho cabinet. They
said if tho appointment of secretary of
the interior lias not been positively de
termined upon they would name Pad
dock as Nebraska's choice for the. posi
tion, and would assuro tlur president
tiat tho appointment would bo ac
ceptable to their state."
We would bo much pleased to hear of
tlio ex-sonator's appointment to a cabi
net or other position. Ho certainly
would bo an excellent man for tho .Interior.
Professors Church, Fmnierson and
Woodbury of tho Nebraska State "Uni
veisuty, were informed rt the recent
would have to get out of tho institution '
by ihe llrst of Juno noxt. Wo have
not seen the evidence that seemed to '
make it necessarv.that theso gentlemen
should leave tho University. Hit v ,
understand there was nothing impeach
ing their scholarship or efficiency as ed
ucators, and that the "bounce" mine
purely brcauso of their religious opin
ions, thoy being free thinkers, timer ,
i.on, we helieve is a sort or treo tiiinic:
ing Presbyterian, but doesn't pass
muster amongst the orthodoxy. U.e is
also son-in-law of Brooks of tbo Oma
ha llinthlirnn. Church is broad gauge
like unto Ingorsoll, and Wooddury
about the same.
Tho Illinois convention of prohibi
tionists recently held at Springfield,
"set down on" Senator Logan's bill pro
viding for educating the children of tho
Nation by a tax on whisky,' by the fol
lowing resolution:
"liesolned, That tho effort now being
made in Congress, and through certain (
newspapers, to popularize tlio liquor '
traffic by using the tax on liquor to
foim a fund for educational purposes
we regard as a trick of the liquor traf
fic to still further llx the infamomt traf
fic in aicononc (irniKS on mo peopiu,
and. as the liquor traffic is totally de
structive of all the Hchools seek to
build ui), we will opposo this movo
ment with all the means in our power."
Tho offer to send for 25 cents, in
money or stamps, a box of Vegetable
Seeds! containing one packet each of
Sure-head Cabbage, Kgyptian Turnip
Beet, Trophy Tomato, Butter Lettuce,
French Breakfast Hadish, Excelsior
Watermelon, Model Cucumber, White
Hgg Turnip, for trial, should be taken
advantage of by every person who has
a garden. Tho eight varieties aro put
up in a neat hox,ffirf each packet in nil
size. This offer is made to introduce
our Seeds to now customers. Uuaran
tied to give satisfaction, or money re
funded. Illustrated catalogue sent free.
S. Y. Haines ft Co., 41 North Front St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
row A FCJT.
The Nursery portion of the Furnas
Fruit Farm, B.rowiiville. Nebraska,
wiU be cleaned out the coming spring,
tho ground being required for other
purposes. Jianaim can be had.
wholesale or retail. Those wisning
anything in tills line will make monoy
by seeing this stock before making ar
rangements olsewhero.
The subscription price of Tiik
Advkutirku is duo in advance If
we could induco paper manufacturers
to wait a year or two for their pay
wo would be willing to give our patrons
that much time, but as wo cannot we
insist on our pay in advance.
. i