NEBRASKA' ADVERTISER OLDE8T PAPER IN THE STATE1. A, a. w. rAiRBnoTHin, en. u. r. oandcrs. BY Q. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. Subscription, $2.00 Per 'Year. ONLY l.0O, IF PAID IN ADVANOE. --Snow Monil.ty light. A. W. Nickoll, tlio bookacllor. r- For first dais RiocericH call on T. L. June. Extra copies or tho Advkiithkk at A. W. KickeH'H. New supply of nico pies nt Anron Pnliiidr'n. cukos And Lumps, Lmitorna, quoonswnre Jml glauawure, at T. L. Jones.. Frosh Hrowl, pltH nnd xnkea at wyi ofa tinud nt A. Pnhnor'a. HouHehold . Sowing Machine for" anlo by T. F. Beaton, .corner flth and Mnin. Call in and my for Tub Advku Tiflim in advance and wo will make y,ou a piwenL of.Koiulull'a "TroatiHe Wtho Hoim llcmeinbor itjs only those who pay in advance that Ret our papor at $1.50 a year. Look at ho tag on pour paper ?uid aco when tho tlmo paid for is up. fJ F Soaton dealer in grocQrios comer Oth and Main Strqot, has for alo tho renowned White sewing inu chino, alao tho Ilounohohl Bowing ma chine, thoy are bothvry light running and almoatuolHolesH, warranted for five yours.' CaU-and sop them. - ' , It is reported. Gohld has his hnnn itutf surveying on tho B. '& F. K. It. Ti. If thia bo so--awl wo aro told by a re sponsible farmor wo may look for; an other road Into pur city.--Tcmmseh Torchlight. "It's a coming," euro. . V. z , ... ... I, f ' i r. f FOR A FaCJT. Tjip Nursery portion of tho Furnas Fruit Farm, Urownyillo, Nebrilska, wity bo cleaned out tho" coming spring, tluv ground being required for 'other purposes. ' Bargains ran be lad, wholesale or retail, Those wishing anything in this lino will make inpnoy by getting this stock before making ar ramjqmepls'elsowhere. f r ..- . Tho offer to Bond for 2.1 c(ut, In monoy or stamps, a' box of Vuftistablt' Soedn, containing ono packot eanh of 'Snre-hoad Oabblige, Egyptian Turnip '-Jlefifr, -Trophy "fonmto, UutVor Loftjit'o. French Breakfast Hadish, Excelsior i AVatennelon, Mocjol Cucumber, "Whito Kgg Turnip, for trial, should bo taken advantage of by every person who has a garden. Tho eight varieties aw? piu up in a neat hax,unrl eachpnuJcel in full size. This offer Is made to introduce; our Spoils tomrjw .ciistornors. itnaran tmKvp j1va dfitisfuctinn, or money ru funded. Illustrated catalogue sent. frco. S. Y;iIatiieH & Co., 41 North Front St., FhiladdlplriaPa. . -t-j, r , . ' , , Farmors' Institute. The following Is tho programmo-of tho Farmers' Institute,' t bo held ai tho, Union School House, near Clinton, (Howard) "Nemaha county, Neb., com moncing Tiiosday, February 7th, 18S2, at 10 o'clock a. m.1 e'acli topic to bo fol lowed by. discussion': .' t TiiesdayMO li. m.-Gattlo I'aisiijg, flhot't horn Durhams and tamo grasses, Clark FufforTIon. Win. Dally. P. if. Cattle feeding and marketing; hog Julius Gilbert, J. G. Ewan. 1 p. n). Co-operiUion of 'farmers, economy in farming, Hon. M. B.lioy- man, L'ror, 8. H. Thotripson. - Wednesday, 10 a.,m. Corn Talsiuc. wheat oultlvatlon. J. P. Price, A. P. Wilson. ' J V. M. Barley cultivation, homo ed ucation, mutdcnl edtictiltnn of farmors' children, Chas. Parker, Mls8,Mary Al drich, Miss Mary Starr. 7. p. m.-.-Librario8 for fanners, edu uitttion4of farmpra'boysIrs. F. Se'tz, . Prof.S. R.rhompso'n. v . Thursday, MO n, m. Apples Yarl fie:nnd cultivatlQn, location, plant lug, &c., topic to ho selected by Benton , Aid rich, -W. F. Wright, It. W.'Furiuw. 1. M. Uedges and fences, UoWcrw,' liomQwlotntnent.. H. V. Black-, Mrs. J. , iG. Kan, Mrs..l?: A. Stovoiis. . . . 7 p.m. Mistakes of farmors. forest urrowjng, ,Jo)ui II, Dundas, Prof. II.' .Cuiijortson. ' "'. Friday. 10 . ttuMilk productions',' ' Gutter," Scut, keeping 'farm accounts, , Mrs.1 B, ,Fnj!enhrg, Prof, S. -It. Thompson. P. M. Sheop husbandry, Horgliutu, J. B. Ellldtt. Prof: IL Culbovtson. 7 ivt mi-Fanning In olden time$, lrof. S. 1. Tljopipson, . ' Music at Intervals hy Charter 6aic Otee Qlub, in cli'orge ot h. M. Calvin, and Clinton: Gloo Clul), la chargo of Miss Mary Starr. ' Visiting-Btrangors will pleaso notify1 -vv. ;. wrigatt at ..lotmson. Nemaha 50unty, Nob , "by card, us early te Sat Mrday, Feb. 4th, or in person at thno of Institute, who will 'assign iill to places f ()rovmea. Accommoaations for all ivlio way desire to attend. Everylwdy cordially JnvJtwL Tho Sheridan 2W, last week ic fers, Witli evident gusto, to a business transaction between tho publishers of the Aovi!iiTi8Kii and Mr. Church IIowo, and giVcs a self-gratulatoii grunt in approval of its shrewdness in making tho discovery. Tho fact is how ever, thoro was no secret, nor attompt to make a secret, al.out the matter, and any who choso to Interest thomsolvcw about our business was welcomo to know about it, and had no occasion to go nosing around after tho news ac cording to tho usual mothods of tho I'ost. Since this business with Mi". IIowo will now doubtless bo made the occasion of tnttch talk nnd immonso lying amongst tho enemies of Mr. IIowo and tho Advkiiti.suk, it is probably beat1 for us 4o say something for tho styhifactiou of" our friends, with no hoio or tho lwkjt caro or desire, that our enemies shuH tell tho truth or bo jurit in what they think or Bay, know ing as we do how utterly Incapable thpy are of being, truthful, manly and fair.. ' , For many yoars, as is well known, the Advkktiskk was owned and pub lished by Fairbrother & Hacker, hast ivyinter in tho midst of tho strife over thcsneakershii) and senatorial donation. Mr. Hacker made a poremptory demand for a dissolution of partnership. The Advkhtihkii being compelled to identi fy itself with ono of the factions, choso tho sido of Mr. IIowo, and at that time Was makipj a vigorous light for him for' tho speakership. Upon tho demand of Mr. Hacker tho alternative present ed itself of buying his interest or sel ling out and letting tho paper go into tho hands pf the opposing faction. We hud not tho means at command to pur chase. So, neoding assistance wo of course went amongst our friends to ob tain it. Wo laid tho situation before Mr. Howe, giving him the opportunity tp retain tho olllco in his inteiest. lie had mi pecuniary, interest in tho paper, but ill tho generosity of his nature and appreciating tho'support we had un selllslily gLvou him, ho said "go on and buy Hacker out, pay what you can, and I'll soo you through wth it if vou need help." Taking our on, 0. W, F. jr. and son-in-law Ben. F. Sanders into partnership, wo made tho purchase, paid what wo could, and when Mr. Haekor'H last note became duo, bolng unable to meet it Mr. IIowo came to our rescue, saying tho Advkutjskk bad stood by him and 'ho proposed to stand by it. Wo went to a friend, for an accommodation, who had 'had our consclontiojis support, up to that time, 'and when wo did ijotowc liljn a dollar. In our dealing with Mr. Howe we have no crow prepared for us to eat. The other sldo h'ad not money onoughnovcr' will Have enough, to buy uur support ; add. noithcr lias .Mr'. Howe, or any other man, Our conscience nbr any of our rights arb bartered "away pever will be. Mr. "Howe knows us too well, to attempt to dictate to us.. No lino or word- of cpiivoiisntinn over passed be tweon us regarding our fiituru political course, as aco'ndition ot loaning us a little money. Ho knows that wo are candid, generous and fair, that wo hud supported him without promise of re ward In the'jmst, sjnd these things we're; suniciont.for,hinl to know. Aftjto hat our futuro coursowill he, ciruumstun ces will guide us, as in tho pasf. The AuvKKThsEit is Kopubliceii of the un deviating. unwavering breed; and we unhesitatingly declare that we-have no other thought now but tho defense and support of Mr. Howe, When he shall need them as a 'Htauhcji .Hepujdicdn. but not any stronger nor a -moment longer than wo would had wo no busi ness trunnaption with liini. Mr. Howe, wo have long, ben convinced, is the most able and energetic 'worker for tho interests of the"ppoplp in tho county. That is why .yo took up his banner, and that a wlLV WO will cumlnum tn hojd'H up, so long as wVentertain that opinion.- "Wo regret J,hat we are poor. urn wo arp noiasnameiioi-our ninyncsp transactions, banco this statement, that our friends mnyltnnw. ' Some tlmo ago some sneak thieves wont upon Mat. Alderman's premises, Kuieu a mvc or noes and stole the hon oy. Mat. Boomed much vexed about tho matter, and reported it to constable Japnon, ho proceeded to work Up tho, case, wincn no mwuiy did to his sutis- laction. ho that 'Ui that. was needed for him to lay his giip 'upon tho collars of mo tiueves; was tho necessary war rant from Alderman. But up to, this time tho latter has failed to call the, spoilers of hia. property to account. ia a special strong law for. t(ie protection of bee! in this State; and he who knowingly permits their malicious destroyers to'oscnpe tho 'penaltieof thp Jaw fails to perform a gravo duty to tho public, to say nothing or redressing his f - - Change of Locution. v Mr. 11. G. Nyjitttemoro's. frl'onds and Customers Will be Interested in learn- ing,thut ho has removed his stock of rocnea nun sowing macnines into tho Swan' building, south sido Main stieot, ursc ooor oascot Aicureory's drug store, whorb ho will bo glad to meet all. and nttoml to any wants in his ljnea of bus iness. Jiomomnor tho pl(co and pall. ' r ... . i . I, t.., Fur Sale. Mrs. Ilatchott's restaurant, only ono in town, Only ronton for polliiig is tile proprietor desliea tq go into otlior business. Wattled. A good reliable man nnd wifo to house work. work on farm and do Good wages' and steady work tho year round. Ciii'ium Howk a Son. PineGrooeries Jb"lour9 of all Grades , Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Dried nnd OrbuiiI Krlt In VarUtjr, Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of Cigars and 2'obucco, and a full stock of Candies at SJtDHSIMLAJN'S. A. "W. Nickoll, reliable druggist. Dr. Collins will be In his olllco in llrownvillo tlie llrst seven days in February. . Farm for Kent. Inquire of G. W. Fairbrother, Jr., Calvert, Nebraska. Goto Whlttcuiore's sewing machine emporium and grocery for anything yon want, cheap for cash. 1 A 00 por yi'iir t-ftii 1)0 cuslly iniirio at hiitiii) working fir 13. n. Hideout dc Co., 10 Hurcliiy Htroot, New York. Hond tor tholr OAtiiloKUti and full pnrtlmilnri. 11) ly Always Itcf ruNhlnff. A delicious odor is imparfed by Flor eston ColOgHo, which is always refresh ing, no matter how freely used. Whott liomt-H uiid i-jillle tiro nptrltlcR ornRKy unit foolilo Hioy in-cd treatitiont Willi Uriels .Mm'tt Condition Powder. II purlflcH tho hloiid, linpr vps tlio nppotltn CurvHcnlitnudd dNloihpprn, luvlgnrntCH tho wynte'ii nnd will keep tho nnlmnl In n hnlthy lnmdHomo ooliitltlon. Hold liy all DruKKlttH, Tho sirliscription price of The Advkhtibkk is duo in advance If wo could induce paper manufacturers to wait a year or two for their pay we would be willing to give our patrons that mtP'h time, but as wo cannot wo insist on our pay in advance. NOTICE. The undersjguo.l has rented and has full control of the Nemaha Valley Mills, formerly owned by F. E. Allen. The Mills have lately been repaired and aro capable of doing as good work as any in tho State. 30-4 w Wm. T). Bryant. Cuuse and Effect. The mauujause ot nervousness is in digestion,' juifrthat is cahst'd by weak ness of th'o sto'maeh. ' 'No ono can have sound ni'rvesiiiid good health without using IIop Bitters to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood and keep the liver and kidneys active, 'to carry ofi all thf poisonous1 and wasto matter of tlio system. See other column. Cash Paid for Wheat. The htyhent market price paid for (bod tvheat at Glen Hock Ml I ftf. JO. 11 UI) DA HT 0 CO. A Wrl to Mother.' , Mothers should remember it a a most, important duty at this season- to look aflei the health of their families ,and cleanse the malaria and impurities iroin men svsiems. ami mat not mm? will tone un tho stomach and liver. regunuo tnc noweis ana punry the .blood so perfectly as Parker's Ginger ..... . . . . . : i ionic, advertised in pur .columns. Post. See otlior column. Notice. Mrs. K. J. Mouahan, of Maryvillo, Mo., 'will bo 11 Brownvlllo on Fqb loth, and remain three days Call on her at tho Union House, whore she is prepared to treat all forms of eye dis eases successfully. Her treatmnnt. in u permanent cum for granulated eye lids imh un luiiiisui iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuu oi illy byea. Surgical operations will bo perform ed by Dr. I). C. Wilson, of Maryvillo. tyOTICJE. To whom it tuny concern: Tips ccilUles that II. W. Crano has speni iwoanu one-nan years in my of fice, as student and assistant, and that I have found hint to bo a careful and elllcient assistant. I would recom mend him to those desiring dental work, especially those desiring artifi cial teeth. He will do your work well and honostly. - G. II. Collins. H. W. Crane can bo found at the rooms'fOrmerH 'occluded bv..Tr. flni. llns, and wijl-bcploased to boh all who neeu any wprK inmo-nneoi Dentistry. LEGAL NOTICE. Snrah 11. Kwun.dofondunl. will take notloo thru on Uio2i)ih duy of JnnUHry, IHH'i, Lou In M.Hwnn, pluinlltr. herein flletl hln petition In live district onnrt of Nonmliu county, No hrAHkn, AKnlnnt mild defoudnnt, tho opjeot nnd pruver of which In to obtain a divorce frdtn defondnnt, on tin ground that defend- ......,.. ..,v. i .riiif.... ....... iiiiiii I'UMIlHir for more thnri threo yeiun Innl punt without any Just cuuno. l'lulntlfr pray for denrro thul Iih lio .1ltnrait frnm i1rii1nni vr.. rr required lo nnnwor naid petition on or before itio oth dny of Mnrcli, m. UMtHl.In.uuarr'iO, 1883. "w LOUIS U. 8WAN. lly tilt Mtornay, J. H.HrULL. NEMAHA CITY. Ono of tho twin babies of Mr. Dan iel Maxwell, residing near town, was found dead in bed Friday morning last. Doc. B. Boll Andrews has been vaccinating tho natives for somo time. Ho slapped it into 80 at a neignuonng school house last Friday. Titus A Williams' store ia crowded from dewy morn to rosy eve for that in headquarters wheio nearly every body got their groceries and clothing; glasswnro and quoenswaro, lamp chim neys and boots and shoos, clothes pins and ladies dress goods and trimmings in fact that is tho placo wlioro thoy get anything they want at bottom prices. Nemaha is well pleased with tho now postmaster. Philip Crother, who is eminently compotent, of quick business conception, and accommodating to a fault in explaining tho intricacies of Uncle Sams's postal system not really a fault, but a great tax on his time and pationco. -Call on tho Advkrtihkk to got your bills, postors, letter heads, bill heads, printed. Best job olllco in tho county and a good stock of paper al ways on hand. Birl Hoover is running tho best grocery store in town. Lots of splondid ice stored hero. T. & W. pay for their printer's ink. Titus & William best stock of groceries and general merchandiso in tlio oity. Theodore Hill of this city and Mrs. Persio Zook, of Brownvlllo. were united in marriage Wednesday. That cago is noarly roady, and it's a nico ono. dipt. J. S. Minick, Grand Worthy Chief Templar of Nebraska, and Philip Crother, Grand Worthy Secretary, aro always with us. Quito an honor to Nemaha. Upon their stalwart shoul ders rests an arduous work; and tho weal or woe of the order for tho year '82, depends to a great extent upon thoir management. They work solely for tho good of the order this year don't get a cent of remuneration. This sacriHce on their patt in order to free tho grand lodge from debt deirtnnds a great and generous appreciation from tlie subordinate lodges, who'should dis charge their duties promptly, and ener getically second overy effort of these grand officers to prosper the order and the cause of Temperance. Nemaha will excel all next sum mor in tho size, elegance, and cost- of buildings. Some of the othor towns will no doubt beat her in thp number of shanties they erect. ' Nemaha although It has ono sa loon, is quite an orderly town this winter. Thoro is a good (e,al in tin way a saloon is run nftor ,all, it sooms. John Crother will do flip, best thing for you in tlio way of ft new harness or mending your old ones Dr. Crim runs tho host boarding house. Call there and get dinner, Tlio Am-KUTiSKK gavo tho Nema ha City Mill a good notice last week. Tlie mill is making an excellent article of Hour now. LIVERY AMD FEED STABLE. Good oukkIos nnd 'hornes, oliHrnes rook onnblo. Ilest.of chro tftkon of trtuiHlont ntook .f,.Tf.f.f i'lTi", .Vv'. X i - m . ,. . - - , , i I.,, ft P. UFotiliexv BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndo nnd rppnlrod ns well ns enn ho done anywhere, on Hhort r.nllcp, nnd VF.h'Y REASONABLE TERMS. mty Hotel. LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR. NEMAHA OITY NEB., Centrally located; Good fare, nnd no trou ble spared to make guests comfortable, wood burn. for horses and 'Charffett lieasonable. ATTENTION. FARMERS! ' t For your Agricultural Implements, goto DAVID A. MORTON, Farm and HpiinK Wagons, Sulky Plows Htlrrlng "Mows, Corn Planter, Harrows ltoapers, Mowers, Cultlvutors, CornShellors and the lions Tonguelcss Cultivator. JOHN S. MINICK, General Merchandise. i Noinaha City, Nob. B. BELL ANDREWS, M.D., Physiciton 8f Surgeon. Nemaha Oity, Nebraska. Calls in the Country Promptly Attend ' fd, day or night. CiPEOIAI, ATTENTION ulven to suri:lra O dtseanes of women and surgical diseases of the eye. ML.Pnttonts from abroad can be furnlshod wltu pleasant rooms nnd accommodations. G0G2O. XL. gl-XOOK,- County Surveyor, HILLSDALE, NEBRASKA. Ktr All callnfor surveying promptly at tended to, 31 Harness Shop PERU, IVFHUANKA. A. J. Williams, Proprietor. Ho linn inddleA, bridle nd Imltorn to mitt, And Hint thoy nro all right no one will dig. ptilo. Ho lms Kood Irnrnets too, both slnglo nnd double. You can Inwo wlmt you wnnt without any trouble. Ho hnn cullnrn nnd hnrncts nnd whips and nil such, Ofcood hnrncBsoll he tins ever no much. Indeed ho keeps nil that portnlni to his line, In nil of whloh goodness'and quality com. utno. Ho works good material and does his worlc strong, And you nesd hnvo no fear that there's any thing wrong. For this Is a mnitor wo would havo mule stood, jf All that's inado in his shop Is warranted good. If your horses or muUf nre subject to fret, He can keep on" tho ales with n splendid fly not. And If they nro skittish and Inclined to do wrong, Ho has. lines that will hold them and bis bridles aro strong. If your harness needs mending you neod not get scared, nut bring thorn to him and hnvo them re paired. IIo'll make or he'll mond ns you may dvslrc, And do It an well un whero prices are higher. If you want anything mndo or mended coino here, About prices nnd styles yon havo nothing to fear. To do hlH work right he takes speolal cure, And wo are qullosure his prices are fair. Now to farmers and horsemen we hnvo this to say, Williams gives the full worth of nil that you pay. At some other places you may do pretty well. But you'll nnd at this shop they aro bonnd . to excel. CUSTOM EH. 81 DR.WMTTIEH C17 St CkarlM Street, St. Louli, JJ. A. rtolv KTu'duuU of int, Wilol OolUc., Iiu hm lUr 1 ! Una ur olktrl'hriicUa la Sl.LoaU.iui cOr pajwi thow.ant nil old rJdnt know. BrphlllA, Opnorrh, OUat. trletura, Orehltla. Xapf ura.aJB Urinary BrphlltUa or Marourlal AfficttOM a Throat, Skin or BoaTud, Priratalx. pmatorrta,Baxual Sabllltr aad Irapotanor u tag milto( Self-AbuM, laxnal uitim ia ataWfar XBr,oreTr Wralnwork, produlatarrowM,MBtla al tnlaaiana, dcbllilr, dbnatMOf tUht.dafacttTa -nrr. l'hjrUl d.r, araraioa iu ooafualaa of Idsu, Iom of aexual powar.alalii atuM.rtadarlas niur rUralmpropr,arDraaaaU7ara4. OoatoltaUMi atoffita or lir maU If and laTlt4. PamvkUt oa pkamp, Madlelnaa ..n Uj maU ar aiyrata, Oaraa i-raraaUgd. IVbara doabt axiaU H ia ffanklr tiaUa. MARRIAGE I f?SV -fWls. , I GUIDE! ThswboUatarr.wtll U Utrua toll, on tk fullonloa bj: TTka mx marrr, who aol. wbf. Manbood, Wocaaahood, PhnWal daoar. Th ibeCr" Blirrr I bow Ufa and happlatMaaabf ladraaaadiafwMa f ocubaar and xt. aad aaaar mora. Tkoaa airtUd ler itilaa 1 atlas atarriasaahaald raad It taaa kaaa aov. aarioaxana uur. Zf ots. njr mall ia moa.rirpoa-tatn.-aoallBn Oarraan Trfcnch raad and avoktu. CRPP PRESCRIPTION Tn'A I plL.ti Tfaakaaw. Lot Uaahood. Martoaaaaaa. BaMpOaafualoaaf Idaaa, Annlta to Hoalaijr .(ctire fl.Morr and Diaordera broacht an bj Abtue, AnrdraajeUthaathalnsTrdleata. St. Lanl CBratlrt Iaai'e.aR) Ut.Oharlea. at. LanU, Uo. Dr.JACQUES 70S Chesnut St, St. Louis, M oontlnus to euro BorrmntorrhtDa. I at aid aBea. rrmatorrhcea. Seminal WaaJc- ani. Irapoteacr.all forma of BypulUu,aonorrtaca. Olaat, Urinaxyor Jfladdardlaoaaea. I'.ecent ui anrad In a fawdar. Alltha diiaaaoi ratnltlne fren Mlf-abuta, sx.aiaaa or axpoaura ourud for Ufa nlUi (a madlolaa. Adrlaa fraa. CbaraMlow. Call or wrtta la ttrlat aalldaeoa. Brrjoptom Hook for two Uk M ARRIACE GUIDEVo1 GKLY ITERS Tht majority tftht Hit oftht hum body mvist from m Iranam.Hl th K.lYr, mfftetinff both IAiil.Kiak anrf u(. It mrir tfftei m mi-, U it Haa4Jart' rnitr tht taut. Irrfu Imr and 3luggi$h mrttan of tht Jtttttlt, n(t&achm,8iehni ut tht Stommch, 7aita lHthtJtmthmndZotnt,tU.,tndttmttthmt tht Ztvtr it at fault, anH thmt nmturt rt quirtt mttittmutt to fiiaibls (Ms trtmn to throut off inturitlM. PrIoklr Aali Mtternrtpillp tttnpoundtd for thitpurpott, Thty m- mild in thtir mttlon and tfftttint at at Mrs; art pltatant to tht tattt and taktn tattly by both thildren and adultt. Ta ktn attordinff to dirtetitnt, thoy art m taftandpltutant curt fornympepHla, Gmeral Debility, Habttttal Com. atlpatloH, DlMaaccfl Klattiejra, etc., etc. ii a Blood PHrlfler lsy art tuptrior to any othor tntdltint; tltantinf tht tytttm thoroughly, and imparting ttv lift and tntrgy to tht in valid. It it a matdiclue and uotan Intoxicating berug. Aid YOUR BltJlQItT HR CRIIXIY ASH itTTIM, utm taka o othar. J?aiCH, 1.00 par SatUa. MEYER BROS. CO., SILE PROPRIETei, I. lLomliaaJ T... '. v. Do nut noloct u Cott'li or Cold until It 1. too Into, try Ellert'a Ertrnot of Tar mr.d Wild Cherry, ws aro suro you will bo eon PRT & JLJL' BI Ylncodoflts merits, Chronlo CourIis, an. I eron ConsMmpttvss are cured by followlr.v. ths directions, overy bottlo Is warranted tit give satisfaction, K A