naxrmamtKxmmaBBKaa WBRXSB? NEBRASKA ADVERTISER OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. o. w. FAinnnoTHtH, an. u. f. banders. BY Q. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. W-f "''' .Nnhscrivtion. $2.00 Per ONLY 81. GO, IF PAID IN ADVANOE. Year. .School books at Nickoll'B. -Hiuidiiy was 11 damp disugruwililo day. ' -t- For llrnt (das.4 groceries cnll on T. L. Jont'H. Hxtrii uopiH of Dm AuVKimwut t A. W. NiiikoH'H. Now ntipply of nico cakci and pies at Aaron Palmer'H. Huy the Hutu Wag-on for Horvlco. Stkvknson & Crohh. and at Lamps, L.iiiteniH, Ui!ei)8vaic glasBWuro, at T. L. .Foncs. VvraU Hroad. Dies and cakes ways on hand at A. Falmor's. Hardware and groceries, largo tocHof each, by Slevuiinoii & Crow. IIouHu'hold Sowing Machine for nhlc by T. F. Seaton, corner (Jth and Main. Scrub hogs and high priced corn will break any farmer up. Huy a good HorkBhiro of SteveiiHon & Cross. Gole Whltttunore'H Hewing machine niiiporium and grocery lor anyumig yon want, cheap for cash. Call In and pay for Tins Aiivkh tibku in advance and wo will make you a present of KendaU'H "Treatise on the Horse." Our Now Officers, Tlio llnost selection and largest lino of cook and heating stoves to bo found, at ritovenson's rock prices. As Cross at bed --Another largo invoice of Now Vic tor Sowing machines, warranted a first class machine In every respect. Do not buv one until you examine tho Victor." Stkvknson & Qrom. Our now county olllcers are now In stalled into their respective positions, and tako hold of their duties as intelli gent business men. Mil. .Jok H. JJofiKUH, tho clerk, lias little to learn ah legarda Ids olllce, and lias the poise of a veteran, ho having served for several year as deputy over tho books and payors of which lie now lakes charge. Mr. Docker, ahvaya a pei feet and gonial gentleman, will al ways tako tlmo and a pleasuro in talk lug to tho people ho serveB, and give mcli information asked for as Is gener ally expected of n county clerk. With the assistance of Mr. Fort, Ids ofllcient deputy, we doubt not that general sat isfaction will be given In tho clerk's olllce for tho next two years. Mil. J. C Boi'hfikld takes tho keys to tho "money box" with gentlemanly modesty and dignity. These, with the Jeffersonian (jualilications will make him an elllcient and popular treasurer. Mr. Snyder, the efficient veteran depu ty still retains his position, in tho ofllco, and the business goes smoothly on. Mil. CI. V Tatk, the now sheriff, has entered upon the active discharge of Ids duties. He removed his family to town this week, and is now a citi zen of Hrownville. Upon acquaintance with our new sheriff, wo find him a diguilled, pleasant gentleman, with a demeanor and solid appoarant'o that will mako him friends, where hereto fore he has been but slightly known. Again wo say Sheriff Tjitu is a vast im provement on tho one just stepped down and out forever and if ho over lets prejudico for any social or political element so far overshadow his olllcial dignity and his oath to faithfully and impartially discharge Ids olllcial duties, then will we be much mistaken in our estimate of tho backbone of Sheriff Tate. ,J. S. .Stull, county judge, is not a new olllcial and needs no introduction to the people of Nemaha county. He is ut his olllce tho same old plae in the court house, attending dilligently and elllclently to his olllcial and legal business, as he has done in the past four years. People who want to got married will do well to call on Judge Stull before they go to keeping house. Mus. ICli.a T. Schick, superintend ent of schools, is industriously attend ing to her otllcial duties, and satisfa- FineGrooeries Flour, of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Dried and Canitrd Krnlta In Variety, Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of Ciyarx and Tobacco, and a full stock of Candles at SKKMAN'S. THIS MEANS YOU! If yuu owe us anything. Wo yunt our money. We liase bills to pay and you must pay us before we can pay our debts. We have nearly -81.000 due us on subscription, in sums ranging from 25 cents to &S.00, and we want the monoy. Tho sum due from each Is small, but in the aggregate amounts to a largo sum. Please call In and settle or sond the monoy by mail at once. Kendall's "Treatise on the Horse" free to every subscriber to Tiik Ad- VKKTISKlt. Tor Kent. Two good rooms opposite Post Olllce. Apply to Hkn. Uoadlky. LEGALADVKRTISKKJHTC'S. LEGAL NOTICE. Johh II. JIoMalns:-You tiro hereby notl lli-il Unit on tho lldduy of January, mi. 1m vlini J. McMuliih nietl her iictllloii In tho District Court In nnd for Nemaha county, Noimiakn, ugnlust you. Tho objeel ami prayer of said petition is to obtain n decree of divorce from you fur tho cuuko of you grossly, cruelly mid wontoiily neglecting, find refusing to provldn f r her, sultnbl maintenance and support. You will luiawe Mild petition on or beloro tho 13th day of ten "'"Sow, ' LAVINA J. MeMAINS. LEGAL NOTICE. John W. Johnson ofTexes will tnlco notlco that Kun n lo K. Johiuon of Numiihn county, Nebraska, did on tho Oth dny of jHnimry, A. 1). 1H82, lllo her ptftltlon In tho ulnce or tho Clerk of tho District Court within inn! for tho county of Netnuha. In wild Htnto of No braska, iiKiilnm tho Niild John W. Johnson, defouihint, sotting forth thutHho hns been n resident of soldr county fir tho ton years hmt pasf; that nbout the 17th dny of August, 1H7V, hIiowiih ninrrlcd todufrudnut; that she has conducted horsell toward dofcndimt ob r fiillhful wife: that about March 1. IHrii), do fondant, was guilty of extreme oruolty to ward hor; Mini defendant him cvor hIiico March 1, IHHI. grossly and wontonly refused and neglected to provide any innlntcnanco for her, and praying timt on the final henr lngof thin cause Hhe may be divorced from dnfondnut.nnd the mild John W. JoIiiihou U notllleil that he Im reiiulred to appear and answer snld petition on or boforo tho 2lth dav of February, A, I). 1HS2. Dated January 6. IMS.'. I'AtNJSiK b.,IUOflOUfi, Hy hor AttV, J. S. Stum.. JLJbU21.JU flUJLiUJb. In tho Comity Court of Nuumhn County, GEO. Xfc. SHOOK, Y County Surveyor, HILLSDALE, NEBRASKA. S- All mills for tended to. surveying promptly, nf- 3111 A Harness Shop PERU, IVUI1IIA8KA, A. J. Williams, Proprietor. N'ohrnka. In the mutter of tho adoption oi Clarence Itlco Thornton, a minor, by Kadoc r. Thornton ami Cutliarine Tiiormon. no tion Ik hereby K'ven that an application ban been iniido bv Hiild Zndoo I1 Thornton and Cnllmrliiii Thornton, to adopt wild minor, anil that February tlth, IHH'i, at IU o'clock a. in., at tho ntllco or tho county Juduo ot Nemaha county, Nolinwkn, In Hrownville, NebniHlui, liiiH been fixed by tho court an tho llinoaud place for thobcarlu of Mild matter, when and where all persons who may bo InteroHted In H'dd matter may appear and context tho mi mo. Dated January 0, I82. JOHN 8. STULL, County Judge. Farm for liCcnt. Inquire of O. W. Faltbrother, Calvert, Nebraska. dr., The M. P. road is now within six miles of Cui'Jou f'ily, in Xeniaha coun ty. Omaha Republican. The M. P. railroad is now in opera tion from Hiawatha Kansas, to tho now town of Stella, in Richardson county, Nebraska. The road will soon , bo llnlshed to Sheridan If the weather continues favorable. Coughs, colds, sore throat, nptlunr, 4tf ., bronchitis, and all diseases of tlitf lungs ?" audeheat, ate readily cured by Dr. MnrahalPri Lung Syrup, a remedy which novjr fails to give satisfaction. Price only twenty-live and llfty cents. -T. F. Seaton dealer In groceries v, corner dth and Main Street, litis for " sale tho renowned White sewing ma chine, ulao the Household sewing ma chine, they are both very light running und almost nolsless, warranted fov' live yoars. Call anil seo tiieui. Wo are glad to hear that Dr. Marsh al 1'b Lung Syrup gives imeh general satisfaction. " Our druggists say It sells, bettor than other preparation for uoughs, colds, etc. The linceistwenty five cents, large size fifty cents. Sold by all diuggists. Wo are Informed that Calvert And Sheridan will ere long bo' t-onsolidated, . both names be dropped anriboth towns be known by a new and single name. Thou the people will be called upon to move tho county seat from Hrownville and build a $'0,oi)r) court house. "Married, on-Wednesday Uth inst., in this city by Uov. Ksterbrook, Mr. Aaron Palmer and Miss Dellah Fur lough. Aaron set up the cigars, and ' we acknowledge cake received. Mr. and Airs. Palmer have our congratula 1 tloiis and best wishes for u happy married life. Dr. A. Opporman, accompanied by ' Itudolph Snyder, both of Sheridan, Ifmmleusa call on Thursday. The Dr. has lived in Nemaha County since 1809. and enjoys a luxurious practice. He has probably done more for the prosperity of Sheridan than any other N mm. Humboldt Advocate. Dr O. Is also county coroner, . anil for a .fact, Is one of tho pquarest men in Sheridan. torllv so far as wo have heard. Her examination of teachors will take place in Sheridan, Instead of Hrownville, as heretofore. O. R. Shook, the surveyor, responds promptly to cillls for olllcial work. Hia postolllce is Hillsdale. Dn. A. Oppkhman. the now coroner lives at Sheridan. He will Investigate deaths surrounded In mysterv. Tele graph him if you need his olllcial pros euee. J. II., re-elected county commissioner from tho third district, is an honest and impartial ollicer. lie will continue to economize for the peo ple, and conserve tho Interests of every locality. Col. Tom. Majors js now in Washing ton City asking to be admitted to a seat in Congress, on liis credentials ns a "eonilngent." lie has greater expecta tions froln this Congress than the former one from the fact that tho "Re publicans ar now In power. A dis patch says tho entire Nebraska delega tion Is pushing Ids claim to a seat, and the matter will doubtless bo considered more thoroughly .than it has been here tofore, and he will win if it is found legal and proper that he should. The Inter Ouan of the Nth gives the fol lowing editorial views upon Col. Ma jors,' case: Tho Hon. Thomas J. Majors, one of the ablest and most enterprising young men of a young state, is at Washington asking for a seat in Congress a a Rep resentative from Nebraska. Tho law allows Nebraska but one Representa tive, at present Mr. Valentino; but the people thought a state with 4.VJ.00O pop ulation wan entitled to at least another, si) they elected Mr. Majors and sent him to Washington to knock at the door for admission. While there are strong moral grounds for Mr. Majors' application, he has no legal title what ever. Nebraska has outgrown hersolf, but must wait with the other states for a i ('apportionment. and then she willjget hor dues. Rhode Island, with only a population of '270,000, has t wo Repre sentatives, and Vermont, with a popu lation of !I3'J,000, has throo, while Ne braska has to be contented with one. Hut that one Is competent to represent the Stato, and do it justice $1500 per year can bo easily mucin nt I homo wnrktUK for K. (. Itldoout it Co,, 10 I Application to Hen iiiuu. Hon. Wm. Daily of Nemaha coun ty bought a fow days since of Elder Young. the Hue two year old ahorthorn holfer Daisy, a pure rose of sharon and a valuable acquisition to Mr. Daily's already lino herd. Mr. K. J. Root of Nematia also bought of the same man a half sister to Daisy at one year old, also a very line animal. AVo. Farmer. Tho Omaha Rejmhlkan Bays: It is reported thaUeveral well defined cases of small pox have appeared in tho city. Is Hrownville, and Nemaha county, as well prepared for tho dreaded dis eaao as they may be? Everybody should bo vaccinated, and speedily, for the disoaso appears to be epedemie, Is al ready this far west, and may break out in our midst any day. Ilarclny Street. New Ymk. Hcnd lor their catalogue and full particulars. 11) ly Always BtvlrcHlilnK. A delicious odor is Imparted by Flor eston Cologne, which is always refresh ing, no matter how freely used. Whou liorsi-H and e.iltlo are spiritless Kcrastfy add fvehU ttioy need trratment with Undo H'Wii'k Condition Powder.- It purltlcH the? Iiliuxl, luipr voh tbo appellto CuroK coldM'and ilUtuiiipt'M, invigorates the nyMr'11 and will lteep the animal In u hallby Imntlxnine condition. Hold by nil DniKitlstH, Tho subscription price of Tiik Am'EUTihUK is due in advance. If we could induce pajier manufacturers to wait a year or two for their pay we would be willing to give our patrons that imiuli tune, nut as tvo cannot we insist on our pay in advance. CauNC and filled. The maiitcaiise of nervousness is in digestion, and that is caused by weak ness of tho stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bittern to strengthen the stomach, purify the blood and keim tho liver and kidneys active, to carry-off all tho poisonous and waste matter of the system. Seo other column. Cash Paid for Wheat. , The hi tj It est market priee paid for tjood wheat at Glen lioek Miffs. JO. IUDJ)AhVJV CO. A Word tu Mothers. Mothers should romoinber It is a most Important duty at this season to look after the health of their families and cleanse the umlarla and impurities from their systems, and that nothing will tend up the stomach and liver, regulate tho bowels and purify the blood so perfectly as Parkor's dinger Tonic, advertised in our columns. Pod. Seo other column. LEGAL NOTICE. In tho DUtilct Court of Nemaha county, Htateof NebraHka Lt.zlo J. Htlvern, uuardlan oi the pornou ami estate of I.IIIIh 11. SllvorH, u minor, vs. Llllio H StlverH. Order to nIiow cause. It appearing from tho petition In thonbovo entitled cause that It would bo bonetlclal to Mild ward that the lands In tho petition de scribed Kbould be moM as played In Mild pe tition. It Is thereloio oidered that said do li'ndant and her next of kin and all persons Interested In said estate appear before tbo nii'lei-iduned, Indue of said Court, at the ollloo ol the Cleric or the District Court of LanciiHlor county, NeiiritHlca, In Lincoln, In said county of Lancaster, on tho ltd day of February. A. D. I8W. at (our o'elocIV p. m , to nhow chuho. II any they have, why license should not bo (ranted snld guardian for tho HiileofNiild properly described In hmIiI peti tion, to-wit : The east bnir and tho north west (nmri'T of the noi thwest quarter ofneo lion mix pJ) In township six (il), north of rnngo tlfleeii lfl oust. In Nemaha county, Netinislca. and thai filH order bo published three sneresslvo weelH In tho Nkuuakka AnvmiTisf.K. .1 nonary 3, 1884. w 8. H. POUND, Juduo. J. II. UttoAnr. Att'y for Pl'ir. NEMAHA CITY. Holms saddles, bridles and hnltorn to null, And that thoynrs nil right no one will din- puto. Ho hiiH good harness too, both Hlnglo and double. You can hnvo whut you want without any trouble. HO huh collars and hnrncsK nnd whips and nil snob, Oft'ood harness oil ho tins over bo much. Indeed lie Keeps nil that noruiimt to tils line, In all of which goodness and quality com bine. Ho woi Us good nintorlnl nnd does his work strong. And you nood hnvo no fear that thoro'g any-, thing wrong. .A Forthls Is a mat tor wo would hnvo under stood, All that's made In his shop la warranted good. ir your horncsor mulsnroubJect to fret, Ho carrlccep oir the tiles with a splendid fly And If they nro skittish nnd inollncd to do wrong, Ho has lines that win notu tnem and bis bridles are strong. If your harness needs mending you need not get scared, But bring thotn to him and have thorn re paired. ' Ho'll make or ho'll mond as you may desire. And do It as well us whero prices are higher, ir you want anything tnndo or mended oomo here, About prloes and stylos you have nothing to fear. To do his work right ho takes special caro, And wearo qultesuro his prices are fnlr. Nov to isrmors nnd horsomon we have this tosuj . Williams gives the full worth of nil that you pay. At wtine other places you may do protty well. Hut you'll find at this shop they nro bound to excel. CUSTOMER. 31 DR.WHITTIEE 017 St. CkarlcM Street, St, Louis, M. A. racalar KT&duut of two Mmlleal OoIUzm. ha ba Unsr laaclad thm anr etkarl'tiriioika In Bi.IxiuIijm oltr I'Ijihi Bhow.anil all old rMidsnU know. Syphilis. Oonorrhoon, Qleat, Strlctura, Orchitis, Ropture.all Urinary Brphllltio or Mercurial Afftcttcms of Throat, Skin or Baits urtU Haflr. PriraUlr. Bperrnatorrhta.Bsxual ZMbllltr aad Impotmoy a tfcv malt of Half-Abtua, taxoal umom in matarar 5r,oroTr kmlnwork, roduclssDsrTonsnNi.Mnia- al emlMtani, ueblUtr, dunnMof lint,dfMttTo mra- .J. 15. IMSJEK, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Good buggies and horses, charges reus outtble. Bostlof care taken of transient etook IV o More Hard Times. If you will stop sending so much on line clothes, rich food and style, buv good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get more real and substantial tilings of life every way, and especially slop tho foolish habit of employing ex pensive, quack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust In that simple, pure romedy, Hop Hitters; that cures always at a trilling cost, and you will see good times and have good health. Seo another column. The new station located in Portor product, Richardson county, is named "Stella," after a daughter of Mr. Clark, tho owner of the laud upon which tho town is locat ed. It is said to bo getting ready to "boom." All new towns boom, you know, these tinu. Judge Cox, Saturday, decided that Gulteau should not bo permitted to de liver his speocii, which he has for some time been preparing, to tho jury. The .judge said: "I Bhould be loth in a cap ital case to deny any man. proper op portunity to be heard, even if he is rep resented by counsel, but in this case it is safe to assume thatythe prisoner will abuse tho privilege, as ho has done all through tho trial, and what he would say would bo highly Improper to go be fore tho jurv. 1 shall therefore deny him tho privilege. As I fluid yesterday, however, if hia counsel desires to read irom his manuscript anything which they deem proper to bo laid boforo tho jury they can do so." Gulteau protested that ho appeared aa his own counsel. He claimed the right as an Amorican citizen to he hoard in his own defense. Finding that Judgo Cox could not bo moved ho shouted, "Let tho record show that I appoar hero as my own counsel, and that I tako exception to your ruling, Judge Cox. I shall appeal to tho American people, and thoy will overrule you, and you will go down to future ages with a black stain upon your name." Judgo Cox made no reply to this tirade. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndo nnd repaired us well as can bo done anywhere, on short notice, and Villi Y REASON All LE TERMS. Cfity Hatei LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR. NEMAHA CITY NEB., Ceutnill. located; Good tare, and no trou ble soured to make gnosis eouilortublo. flood hitrn for hotses and Cli tiroes IteasoH able. ATTENTION. FARMERS! For your Agricultural Implements, goto DAVID A. MORTON, Farm and Spring Wagons, Sulky Plows Stirring l'lows, Corn Planters, Harrows Reapers, Mower, Cultivators, Corn Shelter and tho Rons Tonguele-H Cultivator. JOHN 8. MINICK, General Merchandise. NomaTia City. Nob. B.BELL ANDREWS. H. D., Physician Surgeon, Nemaha City, Nebraska. Calls In the Country Promptly Attend ed, day or night. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to surglca diseases of women and surgical dlscasea of tho eye. l.Piitlents from abroad can bo furnished wlm pleasant rooms nnd aocomtnodatlonti. LAUICQ (Flaw il.n.r Wfciu.l ,Llittm ' rrfc UarrU'raaishlatdllutnM It n.U.) tl.Ux ,.frUi fell Ra4r, t4 ik.wiu IU pJL.Uu.. Tlii p.nkll l.l. I. IU U iik, 'I, pbjrMoal dorar, iiTBmoa to Kxlitr eonfuuoa of Ideas, lot.", of Mxuuf power.nlehl fei ,adcrlny rnar- rlT(relmproj)r,r ueriaDulIroura. Uomaltauoa atol&te or br mall (ran and InTlUd. FampbUl on ataaip. MedlcluM sant b maU or iprota. Curaa naaraaUed. Whera doabt azlita H U frankly ttatad. MARRIAGE i rf2?i pftfia. I GUIDE,! The wholaatorr. wall told, aa U latraatolUa, on(b following tabjaetat VTb mar narrr, who not. whr. Uanbood, Womanhood, Phralaal deca. Wh. ahaui4 marrri how Ufa and happlaaaa raaba InoraaMd taCaota of oflllbaor and sxot, aad wanr mora. Tho siurlJ or eaatamplatlng taarriaoa thonld rand It than kap un dartoakand kor. 28 mall la nomjr or pn tana. Eawllsh Oanrnan yraoohraadancltrpolcan. Tor tba ipaadr ainai hMhh rncoumriiun .umofs.mi. I HlaWeaknaai, LoHUaBhood.Karroaaokm, , aCBfuaioa of Idaaa, Tarataa to Hocletr Defective Jleraorr snd I) too r dart broach t on bjr Balf Abuaa. AnrdraRlithaaUialaurilU. HuLouii. CuraMro Inat'a.tRlBt.Oharlpa. fit. IxinU, Uo. Dr.JACQUES aui kHio,iai r ' ' t -- 'III It,.. I r. MllaU lIMin M. IT lllll. ML 70S Chesnut 3t, St. Louis, Mp. l eld offloa, continues to anre Bpermatorrhcse,, Bamlnal Waak nan, Impotoncr.all forma of Byphllia.Qonorrhcna. Otaet, Urinary or Bloddor dlaaaaau. Itaeant or.v enrad la a fawdara. AJltha dlaaanai reuniting frora aalf-abaia, excaaaaior axpotnre oared for life with nun maairina. Aariee irae. uuariealow. (Jailor write lu ttrict eonAdatioa. Brmptom Book for two ctaruti MARK. AGE GUIDEV RIGKLY BI TTERS Th majority fth W of the human ftorfy nvli from Hrungmnt th L,lvcr, mffseilng both tht siomaHh and bewafs. In srdat ! gttt n aura, it it ttary to rsmt fi taut. Irrnu Imr nnd Sluggith artian fih Ttale, lltadneh,S(ehn$imtthMtmmeh,l'mtti. in th Hmch and Loin, i., itdlnt thmt th it at fault, nnd thatnalurtr quir altana to enakfa tAis rgan t throw ujfimyuriHet. Prickly Aatli Tlltteria arc yUUy mpoundd for thi purpi. Tirytr. mild in thtlr mtiton and fUv a a uri rpla$ant to th tat and tmhtn asl,by bth ehildrn and adult. T kn ardlnff t dlrttlnt, irtay are aaVattd ji(aiueur'orlapcpa)lla, GaMtBraii Debility, Ilnbltnal Com tlpatlou, Ulaeaaed Kldnajri, etc., etc. A a niood Pnrltler ihy ar ufrior t any thr mdiini laninm th tytttm thrumhly, and imparling nut Ufa uud nrgy I th In valid. It I a uiecllclne ajnal not llttOxlCHtlllat btvorag. kl TOUR DRIBOUT FDI MKKIY ASM IITTIM, ana Uka no other. xKXCX, 11.00 par Belli. MEYER IROI. I CO., SOLE PR0PRIET6M, M.lnliuiruM.''ii. vr. Do not nogleot a Cough or Cold until It In toolato, try EUert'e Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, ww aro sure you will be con vinced ot Its merits, Chronic Coughs, nnd eren Consumptives aro cured by following the directions, every bottlo In warranted to Klvoaiillsfnotlon.