Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 05, 1882, Image 4

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If you out iih anything. Wo want
our inonoy. Wo have IiIHh to )ay and
you muni pay uh boforo we can pay our
'dubtft. Wo Imvo nearly 81.000 duo us
on Hubscriptlon, iri huihh ranging from
M contH to 3S.00, and wo want the
nionoy. Tho hiiiii duo from ouch Ih
Htnall, but in the aggrogalo amounts to
a largo Hum.
Plo.'wo call in and Bottlo or Honil tho
inonoy by mail at once.
- KlcflHod will bo the man who
"HWoarH oil" now, and HtickH to it.
Mothur Shlpton wasn't much of
a prophot, after all. wo can Hafoly nny
An X on your paper, or tho wrap
per, moaiiH, "I'Ioiibo pay yotlr subacrlp-tion."
January iHtand 2d wero fair, only
pleasantly cool, river utill open, and
fitcatn ferryboat running.
Tho timo hue como again for you
to turn that name old leaf, to bo
turned back again in a Hhort timo. It
is getting well worn.
Now at tho beginning of tho now
yoar, don't forget tho printer. Call
and pay for your paper, if you owe,
and left) all live and lot live.
It is always very annoying to a con
gregation to have a person hacking and
coughing during services. Ono dose
of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup relieves
tho worst cases. Sold by druggists.
Vennor said Unit Decembor would
go out with a cold wave, and ho must
have the credit of guessing straight
that time, for whilo not very cold, is
tho coldost wave wo'vo had.
One of Goo. W. Brown's eolebratod
No. li coin planters will bo given to
any permm sending 40 now subscribers
to tho best practical Agricultural
Weekly in the West. For sample ud
dress The Homestead, Des Moineo,
ltomombor, those who pay up
arrearages are charged only $l.r0 in
advauco for tho next year. Those
Who do not pay in advance are ex
pected to pay ."32 a yoar. Wo profor
that all should pay in advance, as that
system is bettor for subscribers and
enables us to hotter meet claims on us
for labor and material.
Tho following item of local new
wo tl ml in the falls city Journal:
There was a mortgage recorded In
tho County Clerk's olllco last night on
tho Republican Valley It. It., which
states that said road runs from Ulue
Springs, in Gage county, to Table
Hock, thence on tho A. & N. track to
Dawson, thouco to Nemaha City.
When this road is built it will give
Dawson quite a boom.
Wo have sont out many subscrip
tion statements within tho last few
days, and hopo all will attend prompt
ly to our requet. Although tho
amounts standing alone are small, yet
there being many of them, tho aggro
gate makes a sum that would material
ly assist us. Remit without delay and
avail yourself of our reduced rates.
A buffalo overcoat may not look no
nice, hut there's coin fort in them.
Frlentlcille Telegraph.
Is tho comfort in the coat or in the
man. Tecumseh Chieftain,
" Wo should say tho comfort ie in tho
coat if tho man is In it. And now
that wo have settled that perplexing
conundrum, gontlemon, wo advise you
to tackle something that will not bo
diich a tax on your intellectual energies.
The Monroo doctrino or tho Chili
Peruvian tiuet. ion would bo good for
now beginners.
Wo notice that tho Northern In
dianian, published lit Warsaw, has
changed its form from a folio to a
quarto. While our old favorlto is not
now quite so imposing in appearance,
it 1b in better shape for its readers to
handlo and preserve than tho bed
spread it was, and thoreforo the chaugo
is an improvement. Hy tho way,
General lteub., permit us to congratu
late you on your political level headod
noss during the interesting events of
tho past year, which served so woll to
test editorial nerve, honesty, and com
mon sense. Because of our intimato
business relations in early life, the coin
nldonco of our paper and Yours always
being in harmony on important politi
cal questions, wo have thought was to
some extent remarkable, and certainly
a'Vory plcaaurablo ono to us,
Tho Hog-flycd Pettifogger of Sheridan,
Tho Sheridan Post, of last week be
ing refused admission to 'tho mails, by
postmaster Dundas, on account of its
smutty, lllthy contoutSf and not being
considered a newspaper, experienced
Boino dilliculty in reaching its intelli
gent and high-toned subscribers. A
copy of the sheet reached us on Sat
urday evening by tho kindness of a
friend. Mr. Taggart, liveryman, one
of tho authors of the fuul sheet, and
tho beast brother of Nosey, carrying
through a few copies in his pockot.
Wo llnd this publication printed on
ono Bido of a sheet of wrapping papor,
about tho color wo should think of the
grand paternal ancestor of tho editor
of tho sheet, that is to say 0. ,1. Stowoll,
tho hog-eyed pettifogger of Sheridan.
Taggart on arriving in town wont
diiectly to tho law olllco of W. T.
Itogors and L. L. Hulhurd, tho former
being a friend, and tho latter a son-in-law
of tho editor of tho Adveutiseh,
and dinplaing a copy of his publica
tion voluuteeted an elaborate explana
tion of its authorship. Ho said that
both ol tho editors of tho Post being
absent, one of them having gone east
and the other to tho western part of tho
state, Stowoll came to him and insisted
that an edition of the paper should be
printed, and that he, Stowell, would do
tho writing if Taggart would hunt up
a printer and superintend it. This be
ing agreed to, they could find no mws
print ill tho sickly and dilapidated in
stitution, but finally hunted up some
wrapping papor very suitable for the
scoundrelly use it was put to. and emi
nently tilting to disseminate the in
tellectual scintillations of a dirty pimp
llko Taggart and tho hog-eyed wretch
hereinboforo and hereinafter men
tioned. Taggart seemed anxious to lay all
the blamo onto Stowell, and taking a
pencil ho pointed out, and marked, to
ilogors and Ilulburd tho lying and
lllthy allusions mado to the editor of
tho Adveiitiseh and others. That
markod copy is now boforo us. The
purported communication from Nema
ha City was written by Stowell, so
Taggart savs; and also tho reference to
tho members of tho Brownvillo Temple
of Honor, which ho spenkrt of as "your
class of jacks, the Browmille Temple of
Honor" and many other scurrilous low
tlung allusions that we have not now
tho space to allude to. All the slander
and villiany of tho dirty sheet, Taggart
says, was written by Stowell.
Taggart gave Stowell completely
away, which fact knocks the wind out
of tho old saying, that "There is honor
amongst thieves." Taggart. after
placing tho authorship of the articles
belloved by him and Stowell to be
criminally slanderous or libelous on
Stowoll, wont on to say that Stowoll,
after tho matter for their publication
had all been put in typo completely
wilted, r.ntl insisted that the whole
thing should bo suppressed. Tho
cowardly wretch begged with all the
pathos of his miserable little soul, and
tears in his little hog-eyes, that Tagga. t
should not have it printed, saying he
had lied about tho editor of tho Ai-
vkutikkh, who had never injured'liim
or, said a harmful or disrespectful word
of him in any way, and that there was
good causo of action for slander in his
torged loiter purporting to bo from
Nemaha City, and in tho charge that
Fairbrothor had swindled a widow
whilo probate judge, etc., etc. Hut
Taggart said to tho whining puke
"No, sir I suppress nothing you have
written your d d stuff it's in type,
and by O d, sir, it's got to bo printed."
And they had a quarrel about It, and
Taggart being Stowell's superior inus
cularly, and Stowell being a physical
coward as well as a moral one, the
thing was printed.
Then Stowell. in his desperation and
m a last resort to keep his shameless
publication from the public, rushed in
fear and trepidation to tho postotllce
and warned postmaster Duiuhis not to
mail it, as it was obscene literature,
Tho pltablo w retch 1 and he claims,
wo understand, to bo a gentleman and
a lawyer. What a travesty what a
burlesque, on the honored profession
of tho law is Stowoll. He has been a
resident of this county but a year or
two, yet already has been guilty of
crooked practice, and conduct unbecom
ing a lawyer to an extent that would
disbar him, if any membor should set)
lit to crowd him to tho wall. Tho
sooner ho is kicked out of court tho
hotter it will bo for tho court and the
Taggart stated further to Ilogors and
Ilulburd that Stowell was shaking
in his boots w th guilty four that we
would bring suit against him for his
villainous lies. Hut ho need havo no
fears on that score, for there tiro in
Hurmountaljio reasons why wo would
neither shoot tho wretch nor bring suit
for slaudor. Ono is that wo havo no
desiro to bo put to t rouble for perfor
ating so mangy a dog skin as envelopes
Stowell. Tho other is that wo could
not conscientiously swear that any
thing however scandalous Stowell
might Bay would hurt tho reputation of
any ono. It might, it is true, for a
While with those who do not know
him, but wo oxpoct to edit tho Adveu
tiskk for sonio timo yet, and when wo
get through with Stowoll we promise
that ho will bo pretty well koown.
In conclusion wo apologize to our
readers for occupying so much space in
our paper showing up such a man as
Stowell. All can readily perceive tho
provocation a villainous, unprovoked,
Mour, of all Grades,
Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and
Choice Syrups and Molasses,
Dried and Gannad Frnlls Im VarUty,
Glass and Queensware,
Also, a complcto stock of Cigars and
Tobacco, and a full stock of Candies at
cold blooded attack upon our private
character. We never spoko to the man,
never mentioned his name before, edito
rially, except in an oecaaional4friondly
"personal" when wo have seen him in
Now wo call attention to tho unen
viable position in which Stowoll has
placed nlmself, according to tho testi
mony of Taggart, his partner. Ilo as
sumes editorial charge of one issue of a
paper. Instead of trjing to write some
thing that would be a credit to him, be
draws upon tho baseness of his in
stincts and concocts a column or two
of low tiling billingsgate, lies, scandal
ous vulgaraties about the private char
acter of a man who never in manner
had anything to do with him. When
this Irtish is in tvne. and his ardor lor
editorial airing has clooled a little, he
"squeals," ho wilts, ho dreads the hero
after, ho realizes that ho lias declared
himself in those types a liar and slan
derer; failing to suppress we sco him
endeavoring to atop his paper from
getting before the people by declaring
his own writings obscene literature.
Could a man a lawyer, you know,, get
himself into a more dastardly and hu
miliating tix.
The Sheridan postmaster did refuso
to send Stowell's tilth through tho
mails, but nevertheless those sheets
have become circulated, to some extent
at least; and learning tho inwardness
of the affair from one of tiie publishers
as we have, wo deemed it duo ourself.
"" " V" ? as wen, 10 uaiiusu urn
vlI sl,,iet "rt lts tliors.
Mr. Hroady, in his letter last week,
omitted ono important argument for
not withdrawing tho railroad suit;
which Wits tho fact Unit all, or substan
tially all, of the expenses attending the
suit had already been incurred. This
fact leaves the other side without a
single sensible reason for favoring
withdrawal, except that Dr. Converse
promises to reimburse tho county.
Converse promises to pay it back. And
what is Converse's promise worth, we
would like to know, in view of his
former perfidious dealings witli the
people of this county. Hut even if lie
should pay it hack, it would not even
approximate the advantage tho win
ning of the suit by tho county would
he to the county. The people should
remember that what are Dr. Converse's
interests, can in no manner be tho in
terests of Nemaha county.
Stowell. the hog-eyed pettifogger,
says the members of tho Hrownvill
Temple of Honor are a lot of jacks.
Now if Stowell can stand tho racket of
such unprovoked and uncalled for in
sults, certainly such gentlemen as 1).
M. Uailey, .Ino. L. Carson, .lames Ste
venson, Prof. Wightman, Hev. Ester
brook, A. II. (Jilinoro, George Crow,
.John S. Minick, and the hundred other
membeis of the Temple, will be able to
survive, tho remark coming from so
irresponsible and characterless a whelp
as Stowell.
Wo would respectfully inform the
l.vdioa of Brownvillo and vicinity that
we are prepared to do dressmaking nt
our residence, corner of llfth and At
lantic streets, (old Jim Dye residence.)
Solicit a shut oof your patronago, and
will take great prido in giving new
stylos and good work.
Mns. W. A. Cook.
Miss .Iosik Jokdan.
I.tYlllK W1WHI.
Tho hundreds of hearty, and healthy
looking men. womon and children, t.hnt
have been rescued from tho beds of
pain, sickness and woll nigh death by
Parker's Ginger Tonic tiro the beat
evidences in tho world of its sterling
merit and worth. You will tlnd such
in almost every community.
When homes and oattln nro spiritless,
scraKKy and fooliU tnoy need treatmont
with Unolo Ham's Condition Powder. It
purities tho blood, Impr ves tho appotltn.
Cures coldHttnd dUtnmpra, Invigorated tho
system and will keep the animal In a tmlthy
hundsomo condition. Hold by all Druggist,
Undo Sam's uervo and bona liniment Is
most efficient In rheumatism, brulsew, burnn
scratches and many 'other tils Inuldont to
man and boast. Sold hy druggists,
. i
Aauoranet Avalded.
Gray hairs nro honorablo but their
froraature appearauco is annoying,
'arkem's Hair Balsain prevents the
annoyance by promptly restoring tho
youthful color.
School books at Nickell'a.
- Ityo bread, baked daily, at Aaron
For first clasB groceries call on
lixtra copies of tho Atjveutibxk
at A. W. Nickoll's.
New supply of nlco cakes
pies at Aaron Palmer's.
A nlco lot
or Confections at
Newton and Studobakor wagons
for sale by David Campboll.
School books and all miscellan
eous books at Nickoll'tf drugstore.
Best bread in tho city at Aaron
Palmer's and don't you forget it.
Call at Rratton's West End
for fresh bread . U. Stkoiilk.
- Cranberries, maplo syrup
pickles, by Stovenson & Cross.
Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
A fine lot of musical instruments
and toya always on hand. Give mo a
call, B. Stiioulk.
--Largo stock of queensware and
glassware and prices very low, by Sto
vonBon & Cross.
Goto Whittemore's sewing machine
emporium and grocery for anything
yon want, cheap for cash.
Buy New Homo sowing machines.
Light running and noiseless
Stevenson & Cross.
81500 per year ciin bo easily nmde nt
homo working for K. Q. Hideout t Co., 10
IJurclny Slreet, 'ew York. Send for their
cAltiloKtto find full particulars. 10 ly
Cash Paid for Wheat.
The hi (test market price
paid for uood wheat at Glen
lioeh Mills.
I) mot neglect it Cough or Cold until tt Ih
too late, Iry Ellerl'H Extract of Titr and
Wild Cherry, w are sure yo will be con
vinced n ItH tnurlta, Chronic Coughs and
even Consumptives are cured by following
the direction, every bottle U warranted to
KlvoHiitlNlniiUon. .
Dr. Jnqueu' Gorman Worm Cukes stand
unrivaled us a worm medicine. Give them
atrial. Mold by all DiUKglstx.
Roy. II. O. Hoffman, pastor of tho
First. M. E. church 'of Rloomington,
III., has recently been charged by his
hired girl with being the aire of her
illegitimate child. Tho reverond gen
tleman indignantly denies the soft im
peachment, saying it is a foul canspira
cy and blackmail affair, and. demands a
trial. Mean timo Rloomington experien
ces a social cyclone, and scandal mon
gers a precious morsel.
Missouri always was a good state
for hangings. Neb. City News.
And rousing Democratic majorities.
AV sirn rfii'pivtnp liirce invoices of
furniture, stoves, and other goods in
our lino, quite often. If you need any
give us a call.
Stevenson & Cnoss.
III dect'itHtid. In tho County Court of No
iniilm county, Nebraska. In the matter or
allowing tho fliml administration account of
Ann Waterworih.ndinlnlHtratrlx of the es
tate of Itaujaruln Watorworth, deceased.
Notice Is hrreliy Klven that January 12th. A.
1). 188, at 10 o'clock a. in., at the ofllco of the
County JudgHOf Nemaha county, Nebnuka,
In llrownvllle, Nebraska, had bon fixed t.y
the court aw the time and place for examine
line and allowing said account, when and
whptenll persons Intt rested may appearand
contPHt tho same,
2(.wl JOHNS. HTUr.L.
County Judga.
Dated Decembor 9, 1R8I,
ocatatd. In the County Court of N'erna.
hu county. Nebraska. In tho matter of prov
ing tho will of mild Christian EuhLdtoensed.
Notice Ih hereby given that January 13th.
A. D. IKSJ. at 10 o'clock n. m at the office of
the County Judge of Namaha County, Ne
braNka, In llrownvllle, Nebraska, hns beeu
fixed by the court as tho time and "luce for
proving the will of said Christian Euhl, de
ceased, when and where all ooncerued may
nppear and contest the probate thereof.
2Sw4 County Judge.
Dated December 10, 1881.
John H. MoMalns:--You are hereby noti
fied that on the ad day of January. 1883. La
vlna J. McMalns tiled her petition In the
District Court In and for Nemaha county.
Nebraska, ognlnst you, Tho object and
prayerofsald petition Is to obtain a decree
of dlvorse from you for tho causo of you
grossly, crually and wontonly neglootlng
and rafuslng to provide for her. suitable
maintenance and support. You will answer
said petition on or before the Pith day of Feb
ruary, IRA'J.
You can makn money Imter at
wore ror us man at anyminr
tlin. Capital not naeded. We
will start you. Ill a day and up-
narait uiaae at name oy wis lu-
woman. boys and Rlrla wanted
eyerywhtre to work for us. Now Is the tlma. You
oan work
pare time onu or Klve tout whola
time to tne nusinevi. you can live ai nome ana
do the work. No other btnlneis will pay you nearly
aa well. No one can fall to make enormous pay
tir etitfatfinc at unco. Costly outfit and terms lra.
Money inula fait, aatly. and honorably. Addrt
Tai'a A Co., Augusta, Maine.
Tho boat restaurant best tablb fare In the
city by
First Hoor of Tub Advxrtiihh building,
across the street opposite Bhermnn Ilonsc.
Rcmsmbor the place when yon coma to
town nnd wnntn good tnenl nt any hour of
tho day or evening.
A 32-pukh pamphlet sent free to any address, gtv
In price or our premium watches and books; also
special terms to canvassing agents.
Sample copies of the Journal or Agriculture-
Urge Bpage 18-colutun Agricultural. Stock nod
Family paper, only 1 1.10 per year-Bent free to any
address. Agents Wauled, rriu Cntcw, Publish
er, 713 C'hontnut HI., Ht, Louis, Mo.
rpHOSE who nro n bo tit to have a salo will
l and ll to their Interest to consult
Terms reasonable,
In Hertford
Hits removed hln shop to the old Hank A
Armltnge building, opposite O'Pelt'n livery
ir Repairing neatly and promptly done.
Olvo hlm.ii trli
Rrtmitvillc. NehrftNkn.
and dealarln;
rMiieKnglishfFteuch, Scotch am) Fancy Cloths
Vsstlnirr,,, Kt.
Genera! Merchandise
Dry QnodH. Groceries, Ready Made Clothing,
Hoots, Shoes. Hats, CapM, antf n Gcuurnl As
sortment of Drugs and Patent Medicines.
Fcnca poU and wood always on hand for
priori pnld for butter and
The Revised
AGENTS WANTED to remember
that wo otror them tho LOWEST I' It ICES,
the greatest variety, nnd best tcrnm; out fit
only m contH, showing EIGHT dltrerent
styles nnd prices. Including new Parallel
Edition with both OLD AND NEW VEH
HIONS RIDE HY SIDE for comparison.
St. Louis, Mo.
By J. W. Bad.
tares of
tho Lives and Wonderful Advtn-
mil, lliiflhlo (till, Kit Cnrson, Cnpt
M. ..lie, lipi. tilll-lfc, 1 I'JK II H JIGHt
taillfornlu Joe,
And othor colobrated Indlnn Fighters. 8cotit..
hunterH nnd gulden. A book of thrllllnir nd
wtmureniiii the plains, Eights with Indlani!
Ornnd nuiriilohuntol Despcrato Adventures! Nar
row Kscapesl Wonderful Shooting nnd Midline!
V,,,.! ,.'.,,. ln tbo Var West! loo Illustrations!
Ill Full- Pone Colored Plates! The grand!,
book for AeoatH evur published. Positively out
Halls everything else. M8 pages. prices' 00. Ifyotl
know a pooii mina, act quick and to savo tlmr send
for aKcnfs complete outlit nnd hest serins. Outfit
and copy for $2.00 arrWrlle at once for nitoncy.
or terms nnd Illustrated clrculrrs. to DAN LINi
I1AN. itibllshers, .thnnd Washington Avenue, St.
Louis, Ho.
There is
Orow n
Sell at
Consult the Crop and Markot reports In
The Farmers' Review.
Up to Dec. 8(ilh yearly subscriptions will
be lecelved nt ONB DOLLAIl a year. Will
Vcnnor's Alninnac for 1882
for 10 contH extra (regular prlco !A ennts),
The Jitrmer' Tleview to Jan. 1. lSa, and
Vennor's Almanaoonly $1.10 tYyou remit
btfiire Dec. 80. 1881. N. B.-Aftor Deo. 30. 1881,
tho subscription price of tho Yirmer He
view will be $1.00 per year.
Send stnmp for satnplo copy. Liberal term
to canvasser.
rAUMKItS nKVIK W CO., Chicago.
Oreatchanco to make money.
Tnoiw who always take ad
vantagoof the good chancM
for making money that ar
offered, gtuierullr become
wealthy, while tnos who do
not Im.irov such chance remain in poverty. W
want many mn, women, boys and girls to work
for us in their own localities. Any one can do th
work properly Irom the lint start. The business
will pay more than ten times ordinary wages.
Expensive outfit furnlil ed free. No onu who en
g aires falls to make money rapidly. You cun da
vote your whole lime to the work, or onlv your
spare moments, Full Information aud all that Is
needed sent free. Addt ues Btinho.n A Co., Port
land, Maine.
a week In your own town. M outfit
free. No rUk. Evrrvttilnr now
Capital not reuulred. W will fur.
nlih you everything. Many are
making fortiiiitn. Ladles make a
much as men, an! boys and girls
make great par. Reader. If you want bmlno. .i
which you can mako great pay all the lima you
work, write for particulars to if. A Co.,
Portland, Maine.