Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 29, 1881, Image 4

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If you own lis n tiling. W want
our nionoy. Wo Imvn billH to pay and
you luiint pay iih hcforo whciiii pay our
iluhlH. W- Imvo iiwirly due iih
on subscription, in hiiips raiiBiiif? from
lift nrnts to 6M.00, and wo want thu
innuuy. Tho hiiiii duo from acli Is
small, but in tho uirgii'tfiilo amounts to
a lingo hiiiii.
I'lcaso call in and Kottlo or send tlio
inonoy by mail at mice.
School bookH at Nickoll'n.
Colory at Aaron Palmor's.
- Ityu bread, baked daily, at Aaron
Kor first class Kiocorlos call on
T. L, JoncH.
Kxtra copies of tho Ai.vkrt.her
at A. W. Nickoll's.
Now supply of nlco cakes
plea at Aaron I'alipor'n.
A nlcfl lot
of Confection nt
Lottor From Hou, J. H. Broady.
Newton and Studobakor wagons
foraalo by David Campboll.
-- School books and all miscflllnn-
oun books .it Nick oil' drugstore.
Host bread in tho city at Aaron
Paliner'B and don't you forgot it.
'Call at Bratton's -Vest Kml
for fresh bread. H. Stroiii.k.
- Cranberries, maplo syrup and
pickloH, by Stevenson & Cross.
"Fresh bread, cakes, pieB, ahvayH on
hnnd at the old roliablo City Hakery.
Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
A flpo lot of musical instruments
and toyB always on hand. Give mo a
call, U. St uoi i Mi.
Largo stock, of queonswaro and
glassware and prices very low. by Ste-
voiiflon & Cross.
CJoto Whlttomoro'H sowing machine
tiiiiporhun , and grocery for anything
yon want, cheap for cash.
Buy New Homo sowing inachinos.
Light running aifd noiseless
, Stkvknson & Cuoss.
The wlfo of I'rof.O. U. Palmer, of
Lincoln, formerly of Beatrice, and
publinhor of tho Nebraska Tmvher, is a
sister of Speaker Kolfer.
A rural correspondent of tho To
cumseh Ohictatn gives this informa
tion: To those who intend to build pas
tures oryards for stock, wo can prove
that fence posts painted with two or
three coats of coal tar will far outlast
others sot without any protection.
Especially is this true cl tho white or
swamp cedar sold in our markets.
Cover tho ond of tho post with tar,
sprinkle over with sand, lot it dry a
few days and then repeat tho operation.
1.i.ownvii.i.k, Nob.. Dec. U0, 188 J.
Killtor Nebraska Advertiser.
1 accodo to your request to mako a
written statement of the Brownvllle,
Port Kearney & Pacific Uallro.ul litiga
tion. Von request it because of tho
movement to influence the board of
commissioners to quit. On u former
occasion a similar scheme was organ
ized hi Jlruumvllle, and, but for tho rec
titude and good sense of tho commis
sioners, might have succeeded. On
that occasion I complied with the re
quest of tlio Uranyer for a full and
correct statement, where the same can
still bo found, making it unnecessary
to enter so much into detail now.
This inflamed activity to freeJ. N.
Converse & Co. from the toils of this
litigation, is to tlio body politic like tho
bad disease is said to bo to the natural
body-when healed up at ono spot, it
breaks out at another.
Aside from .1. N. Converse & Co.', tlio
interests in tin; B., Ft. K. & P. It. It.
aro as follows: The county has 310,000
bonds, Brownvillo precinct (including
Loudon) $100,000 bonds, and the city
of Brownvillo M!0,00() in tho enterprise,
and from ;$,000 to $6,000 money paid
in on individual subscriptions in this
countv. The county bonds wore put
in as a donation. Stock in H. it. Co.
was issued for tho precinct and city
bonds. This left tho control of tlio It.
11. Co. in the hands of the county com
missioiiois as trustees or guardians for
the precinct.
Thin was tho condition of tilings
when .1. N. Converse & Co. fraudulent
ly obtained control of tho K. It. Co.
and all its funds and property. Con
verso & Co. at onco issued to them
selves 1,200,000 stock of tho I.. H. Co.
and 1,600.000 in mortgage, and mort
gage bonds on the it. II., and then
claiming to be tho owners of the con
trolling inteiest, did as they pleased
with it; did some work on it, then'
abandoned it altogether; consolidated
it with tlio Midland Pacific, took up the
ties and iron and wero taking tho
bridges, when the injunction in this
litigation stopped them. On tho pait
of our people this litigation is to break i
that consolidation, cancel tliat frl,-
200,000 stocks, and 81,600,000 mortgage,
and restore the railroad to tho original
ownership, and compel .1. N. Converse
& Co. and tlio Midland Pacific railway
to put back the ties and iron and
bridges, or pay us tho value thereof.
Wo have beaten them everywhere this
side of Washington, where the lega
tion is now pending for trial in the Su
premo Court of tho Tinted States, and
wliero tliey ovmontij lliliiK mat tlieir
doom is only a question of time.
Converse is now like Peter walking
on tlio water, saying to tho "dear peo
ple" of Nemaha county, "save me or
1 perish." But, I think he has more
money ready tosljly slip into the the
pockets of the chief Priest of his dear
saviours, than Peter had.
I'ht' commissioner aro doubly in
terested. First. Ia aside from our
view the precinct altogether, and take
a look. The county put in $-10,000.
This it paid for expected advantages, if
the enterprise was carried on in good
faith. When tho bad faith was bo fla
grant, was it too small a thing for the
commissioners to uoiiceV The people
did not think so when the litigation
started, but on tho contrary talked of
blood, when they commenced taking
tlio bridge at Sheridan. Tlio county
has been exactly as well off, iw if it had
stock for the $10,000. Unless there be a
nope or iiivuieniis or sale oi siock,
Flour, of all Grades,
Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and
Choice Syrups and Molasses,
Dried aud Cattueit Fruits In Variety,
Glass and Queensware,
Also, a complete stock of (Jiyurs and
Tobacco, ami a full stock of Candies at
precinct can pay out of the property
of tho precinct.'
If a guardian, when thieves aro after
the property of his infant ward (who
has no capacity to transact its own
affairs, nor control its own, property
for its protection) should just lot the
thieves have it, because the jealous and
envious brothers and sisters of tho in
fant so requested, the County .Judge
would give him a robust discharge and
suit against him and his sureties on his
bond. .1. II. Bkoadv.
Bran at Aaron Palmer's.
Hardware and groceries, large
stock of ouch, by Stevenson & Cross.
Dr. Collins, Dentist, is absent from
his olllco in Urownville on I-ridays
The B. it M. boys presented tlieir
old chief. A. 1.. Touzalin, witli a gold
snow plow and silver engine as a
Christmas present.
An ex-eonviet lias sued Boss
Stout for 200.26, "back-pay," claiming
that he did more work while in prison
than the law rcquiicd.
Society llelles.
On account of its lemarkabiy deli
cate and lasting fragranco society
belles aio loud in tlieir praises of F lor
es tan colomie.
All knowing themselves to be in
debted to Thos. Iticliards, either by
book account or note, aro hereby
notified to come ui) to the scratch at
once, or costs will be ridded.
Thos. Kiciiards.
One Kxjm' Notice from Many.
"I Iniil been Hick anil miserable ho Iiiiik.
und IiuiI ciuimmI my hushum! no much trouble
mill expense, no tmo scumed to Know what
nl luil mo.tliutl wai completely illshrnrttmcd
mill dlscouniKeil. In thin Irumo of mind I
until liiittiiinl linn Hitlers and iislhI Hi. m un
known to mv family. I soon heenu in Im
prove unit guilt no nisi Unit my husband nod
family thought It sInuikh nnil unnatural,
put wlii'ii I tnlil tin-in wimt liml helped inn
llitiMild 'Ilurnili for J op Hitters ! loni tnuy
they prosper, lor they Imvo made, mother
well mul Hi Itiippv.'" rit mother.
Wo are still making and selling our
patent bed springs. They are superior
to any bed spring made, and will last a
Mra. E. J. Monahan, of Maryville,
is in Brownvillo and may be found
at the Union House, where sho is
prepared to treat all forms of eye dis
eases successfully . Her treatment is a
permanent cure for granulated oyo lids
and all forms of inflammation of tho
Fresh Bread, pios and cakes at
ways on hand at A. Palmer's.
I have just received a largo stock
of groceries and a fine lot of Califor
nia canned fruit. 1 will sell them at
bottom prices. U. Strohuc,
City Bakery.
The Illustrated Leisure Hoar.
We cull k tontlun of our readers to tho advertise
ment orthls excellent pnbllcntlon In Htiothw col
umn. We have made Arrangements to club tho
Illustrated Leisure Hour Monthly with the Ad
VKRTiMKit, and will send tho two publications t
IJ 85 per year. The December number oftbe Lcl
ure Hour wlli osunt freoto ill subscribers In De
Highest market price paid by I), h.
Douglas & Co.
Fresh oysters at Stroble's.
31500 per year out ho uiiHlly miule nt
home working for K. O. Hideout A Co., 10
Hardiiy Street. New York. Send for their
cRtuloKiio and full tmrtloulixr'n. ID ly
Ca sh Paid for Wheat.
The hi ah est market triee
paid for jood- wheat at Glen
Jtoek Mills.
JO. 11 UD DA HT & CO.
Pj coasod. In the County Court of Nema
ha County, Nobmskn. Notice Is herahy lr
un thut ftu replication has been inndo to th
County Court of mild County lb appoint
Mnrthn Miller admlnUtrntrlx of the astnte
ofWulker Miller, dcocnaed, mid thnt Decem
ber '2.5(1, A. I). 1HS1, at V o'olock a. m , at the
omen of the County Juu"kci of Nemnl.a Coun
ty, Nebmskn, In Urownville, Nebraska, line
been fixed by tho court an the time ana plnce
Tor tho hcnrlng thereof, when and where all
persona Interested mny nppoar and contest
thosfwno. JOHNS BTULL,
24wt ' County Judge.
Dntcd November 5B,JRB1.
To Wllllitm W. I'aKe, nou-rcBldent defend
ant: You uro hereby notified that on the
'JOth day of November, 1K8I, Sarah J. ltt
llled a petition against you In the District
Court of Nemaha County, Nobrask, the ob
ject and prayer of which la to obtain a di
vorce from you on tho ground : Thai yen
belnK (f sufllclent ability to provide a suita
ble iimlntanonco for hur, crouHly, woutonly
und cruelly rcfUHed ho to do. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
the Uth ilny of January, 1882.
By her att'y, L, t. IIuliiuhd.
deceased. In tho County Court of Ne
maha county, Nebruskn. In tho matter of
allowing thu Html administration account of
Ann NVaterworth, administratrix or tho es
tuto of Bonjamlu Walorworth, deoeaHcd.
Notice Is hereby given that January 12th. A.
D. 183 A nt 10 o'olock a. m., at the ofllce or the
County Jndgo of Nemaha county, Nebraska,
In Urownville, Nebraska, has been llxed ty
tliti court as the time and placo for oxantlne
lug and allowing said ncoount, whon and
where all person h Interested may appearand
contest thosatno,
County Judge.
Dated December 9, 1681,
E. L00MIS,
Hns removed hlHshop to the old Mauk ,t
Armltngo bullillng, opposite OTelt's livery
U- Repairing nentlj und promptly done.
Olvo him. u trial
Jacob Marohn,
Itrownvlllo. IVchrftNltu.
anil deslsrln
('IncKuullslt, Knmi-li, Scotch and Fnncr C'lsths
VfntlnifH, Ktc, Ktc.
11 cciiHud. In the County Court of Nema
ha county, Nohrnska. In tho matter of prov
ing the will of said Christian Euhl.decoHHcd,
Notice Is hereby given that January 12th,
A. D. 188'.'. nt 10 o'clock a.m., at tho office ol
tho County Judgo or Natnalm County. Na
lirnxka, In Urownville, Nebraska, tins boon
fixed by thooourt ah thu tlmo and nliico for
proving the will or said Christian Kuhl, do
erased, when and where all ooncerned may
appear and contest tho probate thereof.
28w4 County Judge.
Dated Docombor 10, 1881.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of mile Issued from tho Clerk's office
of tho Dlstrlot Court of Nemaha County, No
brnhka, upon n Judgment and dec roe of fore.
closure rendered In said court In favor of
Downlo D, Mulr as plalutln", and Robt. V
Mulr, Esther D, Mulr, Wm. McDonald,
Jninos I, MeQee, Uoorgo W. Harmon and
notiKon M. Bailey as defondants, I liavo
levied upon tho following described real es
tate an property of tho defendants, to-wit :
Tho W i nfH E X or H W orS V KA, c
1U, Two. fi. N Range IU East.
And thuS W K or H W Jol S W 4. Sec
19, Twp, ij, N Range 10 East, situated In
Nemaha county. Nebraska.
Also the following dohcrlhod lots In Nema
ha City, In said County and State, to-wlt :
Wo read a letter in tho Humboldt
Htmtlncl, of tlio liild of December, by
Hldor .1. J. Henry, in answer to the
scandalous charges rocaotly mado
against him by tlio Tecumseh Journal.
Ho denies each and ovory allegation.
Tho tirst charge is that ho was tho
cause of the separation of a husband
and wife. Ho says it is "made out of
whole cloth," that he never 1 1 card of it
before. Tlio second charge tiio Klder
answers as follows:
In reply to the second I will simply
stale that these three deacons, in my
opinion, are peddling a falsehood
knowingly and maliciously; that they
know, or could have known, that said
girl left Kansas on the night of
December ashid, '77; that in Kentucky,
on tho 'JUth day of J October, 1878, she
became a mother. That she swore its
authorship to one Newton Dalell;
that said case is upon the docket in
Carlisle, Nicholas County, Kentucky.
All this testimony is upon record, and
more, tlio church at Kast Union, same
county, in order to satisfy these three
deacons and for the purpose of exoner
ating me, met and granted me a letter
to that effect, and that too without pre
ferring a charge against me. Yet in
the face of all those facts and notwith
standing I am BiMtained by over half a
million of brethon, these throe deacons,
after a lapse of live or six yeais, will
cotno beroro a secular court with
We give tho above in justice to Klder
Henry. Wo do not profess to bo an
oxpert, and only Imve an opinion based
on our limited observation that tho
accident in Kentucky couldn't have
well been laid at tho Elder's door if lie
had nothing to do with the girl be
tween tlio 2Ud of December and the
I'lith of tho following October. Hut lie
might have written her a lottor lie's
not clear on that point.
all that stock can avail, is as ti lever
of control over the corporation. Any
man or body who can control tho ac
tions of the owners of a majority of tho
stock can control tho corporation as
much as if they themselves owned the
stock. Jay Could does not himself
own a majority of the stock in all the
railroads lie controls, but lie and his
crowd that ho controls, do; and in
their lights they have sense enough to
stand together and not tight each oilier.
If Hie county had in stock it
would lio alongside the precinct stock
in this light, both being under tho con
trol of the same men. Hut as it is, if
the Converse inteil'st is beaten, tho
commissioners control a majorit of
tho stock, and thereby guard the coun
ty investment just as effectually. It is
impossible for tho commissioners to
control tlio It. It. by means of the pre
cinct stock in tlio interest of tlio pre
cinct to the detriment of tho county;
and it is an insult to them to attempt
to convince them that there would be
any danger of their doing so if they
Now secondly, as to the precinct
stock, tho position of the commission
ers is analagous to the position of a
guardian to his infant ward. The pre
cinct, as a prooinot, has no capacity to
act; no power to submit a proposition;
no power to issue nonus; no power 10
levy tax to pay anything or to other
wise touch orhandloany of its own prop
erty. All such powers aro given to tho
hoard of county commissioners as its
guardians, which powers tho guardians
liavo exercised far enough to got the
debt fastened on tho precinct. It is
now contontled that they should not
stand by the inteiests of Uio precinct,
but should leave it helpless. In ihe face
of tho dangers to which it has been ex
posed by their. own acts; and that
thev should sacrillco it to the enemy
because of expense of litigation which
no one but themselves not oven the
A destructive prairie tire came with
in a few miles of Beatrice Friday eve
ning, sweeping up from tlio southwest
for a distance of perlia s twenty miles.
Tho piincipal losses wre in hay in tho
stack, many hundreds of tons being
burned. I... C. Newcomer, of this city,
lost 1W tons, and a half interest in 70
tons owned by himsolt ami Mr. Stono
braker. i,.i7v,v.v.
Alexander II. Hickey, marshal of
Nebraska City, in a drunken midnight
row, siiot and killed, .lames A. Mc
Ouire. This occurred some time last
fall, and Hickey has just begun to
sen o a term of six years in the peni
tentiary. Had he on that fateful
night not been drunk that shot would
not have been llred, and ho would bo
to-day a fiee, respected man with his
friends and family at homo.
I'urlfy the blood and regulate the bowels'
If you would have health. I'ht ro Is no rem
edy eimal to Prickly Ash Bitters ror this pur
poo. They net directly on tho otgaus con
cerned, going to the seat of discuses ami
driving It from tho Hystom. Nor do they
stop here, hutNircngtheu tho system, giving
It tone mill action, rendering It much more
capabloof resisting all future attacks.
Ketieir Your lrie.
Tliero aro times in every one's life
when cnorg. fails and a ipiserablo
feeling comes over them, mistaken for
laziness. Danger lurks in these
symptoms, as they arise from diseased
organs. Parker's (Singer Tonic will
restore perfect activity to the stomach,
Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood,
and renew your lotso of health and
comfort. Advocate,
IuBt of LottorB
Hoiualning in the postollice at Brown-
General Merchandise
Dry OooiIh, Orocorles, Ready Mado Clothing,
Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, and a General As
sortment of Drugs and I'atont Medicines.
Krnes posts und wood always on hand for
ftj- Highest priors paid ror butter atid
for week ending
Holmich, Adam.
.Jones, Miss M.
McDonald, Tom.
Melon, 1.
Itobinson, Walter.
Richards, I. S.
Scott, II. W.
Walker, Cora L.
Kitchen, S. A.
Leniker, John.
Lewis, S. C.
Robison. Walter.
villc, Nebraska,
Dec. 17th, 1881:
Bovelhiiner, 13. F.
Barnard, .lake.
Colin, A. Z. & Bro.
Ciaddock. C. K.
Chamberlain, Mat.
Clark, K.
C.larkins, Thos.
(iarrett, .lames.
Baggett Mr.
Caldwell. W. L. S.
Ciso, J. R. :i
Livingston, Dr.
Persons calling for any of the above
will please say adnrtked,
Olllco hours Ua. in. to 8 p. m. Sun
days, from l tti 10 a. in.
T. C. Hacki:u, 1 M.
The Revised
AGENTS WANTED to remombor
that vn niter them tho 1.UWUST PRICKS,
tho greatest variety, and best termn; outfit
only ftO cents, showing RIGHT dtirerunt
styles and prices, Including new I'urallel
Kdltlon with both DM) AND NKW VKR
SIONH KIDK 11V KlDK ror comparison.
HI. I,ou Is, Mo.
TI9E tftE!
WA.NTKO "J J- " "'"'I.
Kmhradnc tlio I.lri hiiiI Wonderful Ailvsn
tures of
Wild Hill, Ituflhlo Hill, Kit Carson, rapt.
l'n ue, dipt, .lack, Texas Jack,
i itllforulu Joe,
And other culebrnteil Indlnn Fighters. Scouts,
hunters mul kuUU-s. A IkmiIc of tbrlllliiK ml.
euturi'N mi the plains, Fight with Indians!
Oranil Itutfuln bunts! Desperate Adventures! Nur
row Uicnupfll Wonilerlut bbootltiK nud Hldlim!
Wild I, lie In the Kin- West! lou llliutratlontl
IU I'ull-l'aao Colored Plates! The Krnrtt
book lor Aleuts ever published. Ioltlvt'ly out
sullsevorythliiKelse. M8 pt;es, price J.oo, Uymi
JUioie a yooil thtnii, uct tilcA- unit to savu time send
rur itKcnt's complete outtlt mul best norms. Outnt
anil copy rr 2.oo. -Vrlln t once Tor imeney,
or terms ami lllustrnled clri'iilrrs, to DAN I.INA
RAN, I'ublUberi, 4th and Waildntftoii Avenue, St.
Imis, aio.
Iots U In Block II
" a and 3 , " " 16
" 10 " ' St
" ilfifiix 14 " " US
" U and 9 " 2
" 7 " " to
' h. G and " " II
' 15 and lrt " " ti
' i and 0 ' " SI
" I, 13 audio " " 54
" 0 " "
" 8 " ". Ik
, . , o
ii y fi
" IS and 14 " " 46
' 11 "l " 4(i
" I,rand9 "' " 4tf
" 1 and i! " " 60
" 1.11, Mam! 10 " " 61
" 1,11, 112 and 15 " " 61
" 1. 5, fl and 7 " " 60
' 16 " " 58
.. 5 .. .. 5B
" 16 and 10 " " CO
" 1 and a 61
It " " fi
t .i 6y
" 10 " " 70
" in mul vi " " 7is
IM .. -J
" I and s " " 7b
., j4 .. 8.6
.. B .. 9
" " " 00
i. 4 y
0 nnd 12 " " 5
" 5 and II " " V7
ToKother with all tho privilege! and im
provements thereto beionirliiK. and that on
.Saturday tho.'llHi day or December, 1HH1 at. 1
o'clock p. im I will proeeed to sell said prop
erly to satlsry said order or sale and conIk. at
no hi to auction, at the. door or thu Court
I lou so In Brownvllle, In said county, to the
highest and best bidder ror cash.
Nov.:w. 1881. Sherlir or Nemaha County.
he Pnrestuid BettHcdldBeerer madr
A OOmlJnAtlfm (if Ilitna. Tttirl.n- Vn.l.1r.
and Dandelion, with alfthe beat and roost cura
tUo iiiroprtle of all other Bitters makes tho m-oat-
est lllood Purifier, Liyer JtrmlBtor. and IJo
iuiu unaiui wmonne A cent oa earth.
C aTref.RT 1U nuth ean posslblr loriff extt I
.Mthnl.niniHHnn. " . I
Tntj fit! aaw Uf u4 rttr U a ml I. firm.
To i all hiM employinenta cause IrrctrularltTof
ths bowels or urinary onrans, or who requlro mi J
AppetUer, Tonlo and mUd Stimulant, Hop Wtter j
ara In vol ii a Kin ,. . a a a .. ' r 1
No matter what your feeling or symptoms are.
what tho disease or ailment U. una lion Hitters.
pon't wait uotU you are sick, but if you only froll
I. . . .. . " rf WM w... .
oiiormiseraMe,use the Hitters at onoe. It may I
m.ujuuiujo, ibuMBaTBuaunureoa,
, foOOwmbepaldforaeasetheywillnotenrporl
I1CIIIL IK) noIfllirrApnrtf.t vnnrrrlAnrtaautrtr l.llt. E
1., ..,.-. ...-.irr-.r" -.'" ...;:: i
mov uuu iutig uiein io use nop liiKera.
I Itemember.IIopBltterilsnoTtIe,drumred,drnnk.
sen nostrum, nut the ure-t and Best Medldne ever I
lunoni me "JnTalid'a Friend and Hope," and
uu irawu uj- a&miiy enouiu o wunoui menu
wet some thl day. KaKs
Hor Oocoa Coax la the iwoetest, eafeat and best.
ask i'nuareu.
ITie hop Pad for Stcmach, Urer and Kidney lefcn . E
i.. wnjiuiat.ii, L.ireaoyaoorpuon. AUCiinKUu E
D. I. a Is an absolute and irresistible cure for drunk
lumen, usu or opium, tobacco and narcotics
Koldbydnifjl,!.. lmIIHtr.MiV.Co.Ilixhttrr,lS Vv
S-nd for CurnUr.
There is
In it.
flrow a
Consult tho Crop and Markot reports In
Nell at
Iho Crop and Markot n
The Farmers' Review.
Up to Dee. JMlth yearly subscriptions will
bo received iUONIS DOlii.AIt a year. Will
Vcnnor'H Almunuc for 1HH2
for 10 cents extra (roKtilar price. 'ii cents);
The turners' AVt'fru to Jan. 1. 18S, and
Vonnor's Almanaoonly 1.10 if you remit
beftn-e Dec. :t), 1MI. N. H. AUer Deo. !10, 1H8I,
the subscription price or the Ntrmeri' lit
virtu will be 81.10 pr year,
Send stnmp ror sample copy. Liberal terms
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