aMOTMmwnmnmw SSWULl.S.WJIWJlJIUU-UM.JlliJLUUJ H1I-WU.I m ll.IIIJ.tlUH NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Bargains, A Rare Chance. ;OIH AT COST TO CLOSE OUT. LikIUjh ImtH, milliiiory, trimmings, (Irons gootlH, nuliutiH, l;ilius' and uliil drun'rt lino hIiooh, knit kooiIh, all kinds, cliolco lino of tidies, iimt.s, nitfrt, ot. UlKgoHt lino of, roo law ticH, lahlo damask, all kinds of iiovollius at for cnali. Huspi'ctfully, K. C. WlllTK. .School booknat Nickcll's. Colury at Aaron Palinor'H. - Kyo broad, baked dally, at Aaron I'alinor'a. Kor (lrst class Ki'uooriuB call on T. 1 1. Jones. Kxtru copies of tho Advkutihicu at. A. W. Nickell'rt. Now impjily of nlco cuken and pies at Aaron Palmer's. A nlco lot or Coiifocllons at Stroblo'rt. Newton and Stndubakor wagons forsalo by J)avld Campbell. who deslro to pay ns in wood will please do so now. School bookn and all miscellan eous books at Nickoll'H drugstore. Hest bread in tho city at Aaron Palmer's and don't you forget it. Call at Urattou'rt West Hud for fresh luead. H. Stiioiim:. Cranberries, maple syrup and liickles, by Stevenson & Cross. Kresh bread, cakes, pies, always on hand at the old reliable City Hakery. Want bnttor and eggs. Highest price paid by Stevenson & Cross. A line lot of musical Instruments and toys always on hand. Cilve mo a cull, J$. Stuoiilk. Largo stock of queonswaro and glassware and prices very low, by Ste venson & Cross. Goto Whlttemore's sowing machine emporium and grocery for anything yon want, cheap for cash. liny New Homo sewing machines. Light running and noiseless Stkvknson & Cross. Goods at Cost. MHS. WHITE. Stevenson & Cross havo a nlco stock of Majolica ware, China sots toys, anil lots of nice things for Chrint mas presents. The Nemaha Timis says stone is being hauled for the foundation of W. II. Hoover's brick block, to bo erected next spring; Everybody who wants tho best job printing done, and at tho lowest rates, comes to Tim Advi:ktisi:k of lice. Anothor largo invoice of New Vic tor Sowing machines, warranted a llrst class machine in every respect. Do not buy one until you examine the Victor. Stuvknhon a Cikjss. L'orsous traveling on tho ears during tho winter are subject to cold from the oft opened doors, which can be cured with a twonty-tlvo cent bottlo of Lung Syrup. Huy of your druggist. Mr. Joseph Curtis, owner now of tho Allen mill, Informs us that thoy have recently put in new boltingcloths. and otherwiso improved the mill, and havo a millet of thirty years experience making Hour. There soems to be war on high prices amongst thu meichauts of this city theso times, and they vie with each other in reducing prices on goods. Thoconseiiuenco is, they are selling goods right along, in immense quanti ties. Eld. J. J. Henry Is again niado tho subject of a few remarks by the Te cutnseh Journal. That paper claims to havo letters from doaconsof the church containing statements about tho Elder wlii'h if true. oiiL'lit to. and wilt miHlo his hash as a preacher and teacher in a respectable church. Tho locality whenco thoso letters emanated is not stated by tho Journal, but it says they camo "from a place where ho resided in 1870 ami 1S77, and aro signed by threo deacons of tho ohurch." Tho Journal aays "tho lettora aro too plain spoken to publish," but that "anyone interested in exposing this fraud can sec tho lottors" at tho Journal office. Tho docont portion of tho Christian church will look after tho matter of course, for thoy aro not inclined to har bor any devils in tho livery of heavon, oven could thoy afford to do so. HOLIDAY GOODS. A MmttNHi: STOCK. Hooka, albums, autograph albumn, fancy toilet boxes, toyH, vuhom, fancy cups and hiiihjuth, Majolica waro, dolls, drmns, pictnro frames, etc., etc. J will not be undersold. Call and gut prices. At Drug Sloro of W. II. Mo Cltl'.KItY. L. L. Ifulburd's olllco, for tho pres ent, Is with W. T. Ilogors. Oak cord wood is now being ship ped from this place to Lincoln. When Christmas comes on Sunday, Monday Is tho day generally observed as a holiday. Monday was another' damp cloudy day. No trost in thoground.aiid river still free of Ice. NiokolPs display of holiday goods is actually immense. Call and sec it's a delightful show. James Stevenson recently received a pair of very line I'oland-China pigs from Church Howe. If you want a variety of local and general news in jour homo paper, tako the Advkhtiskh. Tho "Fairmont Slynal of tho tilth says "a son was born to Mr. Body last week." Wo presume that was our old friend Charles, and we wish him anil Mrs. H." much joy. CSootl rrai Tor Sale. For sale cheap, a lino Mil) acre farm. Cood buildings, pasture and water, in a good neighborhood, everything com plete. J.S. Situ., 7i" Urmvnvillii. Neb. Hill --.-.... . . n , - - ,w Children cry for Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. It is tho most pleasant preparation for coughs and colds known, and perfectly harmless, I'rico twenty-llvo and (11 ty cents a bottle. Sold by druggists. Our saloons seem to be run with considerable euro for the respectability i of tho town these times; and an elli- cient marshal, we suspect, has much to do with tho suppression of exhibitions of drunkenness on the streets, and dis graceful, scenes incident thereto. Sheridan folks tell us that when Fellows of the Post gets a hard lick from tho Advicutiskii ho goes out and leans up against a hitching post and cries like a gal baby. Wo pity tho dirty dunce, and should think he would learn that "llttlo boats should keep near the shore." Nosey, of the Post, Is a sort of a one-horse lawyer.ho used to sweep out Schick's olllco and clean the spittoons) but with tho profession heio ho is re garded a cranky dead beat and a disgrace to tho profession. A lawyer who will betray a client for a dollar witness fee as Nosey did in the Tanner case, ought to go west and join tho cowboys in stead of trying to edit a newspaper in a respectable community. BROWN'S TWINS. Wo are still making ami selling our patent bed springs. They are superior to any bed spring made, ami will hist a lifetime. IX 15. 1)0 ro LAS & CO. I'ICTOUIAI' Jl.I.rSTKATIONS "The usefulness of pictures in a general way is seen by comparing the keenness of observation, the general intelligence, tho accuracy of knowledge exhibited by children brought up in tliq midst of an abun lance of wholesome Illustrated literature, with tho comparative dull ness of vision and narrowness of in formation shown by those who have not been so privileged." The forego ing, which we tako from tho "Canada tietool Journal," truthfully applies to the MOO illustrations in Webster's Tn abridged Dictionary, in which more than ,MU words and terms are illustra ted and defined under the following twelve words: Hoof, Holler, Castlo, Column, KyiS Horse, Moldings. Phren ology, Havelin, Ships, Steam Engines, Timbers, as may bo seen by examining tho Dictionary. Oflth YoQl Tho original and only, UUI ICdl tho favonto national family paper, tho Star Sftanyled Man ner, begins its 20th year January, ISS'J. Established in lbiw, tho Manner is tho oldest and most popular paper of Us class. Evory number containg 8 largo pages, 40 long columns, with many comic, humorous and attractive en gravings. It Is crowded full of the nest stories, pootrv, wit, humor, tun, making a paper to amuso and instruct old and young. It exposes frauds, swindlers and cheats and every lino is amusing, instructive, or entertaining. Everybody needs it, 00,000 now road it, and at only FIFTY CENTS a year it is by far tho best, cheapest, most popu lar paper printed. For 7fi cents, six line silver teaspoons aro sent with tho Manner oQ voar. Fiftv nilrr minnrh premiums. Send 10 cents for a months trial trip, with full prospectus, or r0 cents for tanner a whole year. Spec imens FREE. Send now. Address, Bannkh Pun'o Co., Hinsdale, N. H. FineGrooeries Monr, of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Dried ami ('tinned Frulta In Variety, Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of (Hydra and Tobacco, and a full stock of Candies at Jtllfl3MUVIV jta-j Fresh oysters at Stroble's. Bran at Aaron Palmer's. Hardware and groceries, largo stock of each, by Stevenson & Cross. Dr. Collins, Dentist, Is absent from his olllco in Brownvillo on Fridays only. Goods at Cost. MHS. WHITE. Whittemore will sell you Christ hum candies' cheaper than the cheapest. Try him. For men) Christmas nuts and candies, all of which are good to eat, call at Whitemore't. Scrub lion's and high priced corn will break any farmer up. Buy a good Berkshire of Stevenson & Cross. A brand new Singer sar in macliine at Seemcu's aroeenj Store. Tho best place in town to got a fasci nating Christinas shave, shampoo, and hair cut, is at tho tousoriul parlors of Witeherly & Hawkins. And don't you forgot it! Jieautiful tlass sets, Just the thina for a Christmas present at Seaman's. ItOTICK. All knowing themselves to bo in debted to Thos. Hiehaids, either by book account or note, aro hereby notilh'd to coiiio up to tho scratch at oner, or costs will bo 'iddetl. Tnos. IliriiAiintt. One K?x)rii!iicc from llany. "I liml boon xli'k mill mlscrnhlo m loin:, nml Imil r.iiiM'il my liiihliuiiil ho mui'h irnutilu mill i'XftiM no diii' si'wiut'il to lumiv whut mli'il iim. Hint 1 u u i'fni. ifti. Ij illHliriirti'iicil iiiki ilui iiiiutufil. In this Iriiinn of iiilnil 1 Kotii liottinot Mop llllli'iMiiHl tiM'il Hi. ui un known lo niv family. I soon Ihti'II to Im prove mill K'lln so fiiht t hut my hiMlmnil n.iil fmully II ulit It slrmiKri nml iiiiiiuluriil, j) lit win n I toM Ilicni wluit liml lii'lpt'd mo lliositlil lliirrnii tor llnp lllUeiK : ioii iriuy tlu-y r.iMnT, foi limy huvu iimilt molhur wull uiiil u iinpiiv-.' " , l'ln mnthur. Aotiou. Mrs. E. J. Moniihan. of Maryillo, is in Brownvillo and may bo found at the L'nion House, where she is prepared to treat all forms of eye dis eases successfully. Her treatment is a permanent euro for granulated eye lids and all forms of intlammaliou of the eyes. Seem an has autre nice canities titan, all the stores in. town, call and see. Our (lrnlhH mo kpUIiik Itu-o quantlt'cn ot Dr. Mmliull's I.itntc .Syrup for l-hukIih, ciililh nml pulmonm'.v fomplmuth uciicinlly. It tik'n tin- It'iiil ol nil coiikIi rum i'iI l's. Try It. Only twi'tivy-llviintul lllly ci-iitKu b ttilo. One of the most useful papers in the country to practical farmers is the lti meW Jit t'iein, a Kt-pago farm and family weekly, tho equal of any wo know of in style and contents, and tho only paper in the country presenting systematized crop reports from all tho northwest. Up to Dec. aoth, 1KM, wo will furnish the Farmers' liocieir and Tin-: Advkiitikkk from date of sub sctiption to Jan. I, 13s:i, for .?-.:!:,. A HAPPfcHRISTMAS. To all who go to tho select grocery of A. G. GATES to get their good things to eat: IIo has buckwheat Hour, maple molasses and honey; Michigan apples by the dozen, bushel or barrel ; nuts, figs, candies and California canned fruits; maple sugar and pickets, and every confection luxury to adorn a Holiday dinner. His goods aro war ranted pure, anil sold at bottom prices. His stock is porfect call and see. Tw (Iokoh of Dr. MurHtinll'H l.iitnj Syrup completely enrnil my ohllil of n nevere. imno of oroup. I liuve um-i! ii rert inmiy dlll'i rent uoittili mi'illetiii'N, but have never found liny so e indent hh Dr. Murslmll'n. J. YV. 81T.1.1.MAN, Klkhart, Intl. Clars by the box, for sale cheap at Seaman's. Purify the bloixlmui iH'Kiilitlo the liovveln, If you would have health. There It no mil pilyequnlto Prli'lcly Anil llltturs for thin pur pouo. They net tllrei'tly on thoorKunn eon earned, uoluu to Hut Kent of illhensCH mitt drtvlnt It from tho nyntent. Nor tlo they ntop here, butHtreimthen tho system, kIvIiik It tone mid notion, rendering It inueh more I'tipnuluorruhlHtliig all future attuelti. News. A dispatch just received from Santa Clans says he will make his headquar ters from now till January 1st at Nlckell's Drugstore. Frosh Bread, pies and cakes at ways on hand at A. Palmer's. J have just received a largo stock of groceries and a line lot of Califor nia canned fruit. I will sell them at bottom prices. 11. Stiioulk, City Uakery. Seaman, has Christmas fooffSf toys, motto cups, and saucers, nioustach caps of the nicest kind, and at lower jtrices than an other house In town. Goods at Cost. MHS. WHITE. Thn Illustrated I.rlnitro Ilnnr. We rill n tentliin of our reiulort to the artvertUe meiit of tlilit ficnllt'tit piiullcntlou In Knottier col umn. We Imve Hindu nrraiiKuieuti to club the Illiistrnted Li-Inure Hour Monthly with tho Al, mid will iend the two publications at '2 8C per year. Tho Orcemuer number oftho Leis ure Hour will keiiit fruuto oil mihscrlhors In De cember. 2wt Grain. Highest market price paid by D. E. Douglas & Co. 1.100 per year can bo easily mudo at homo wnrkltiK for K. O. Hideout tk Co., II) Hureliiy Stieet, Now York. .Send for their CHlaloKiio nnd full pnrtleular. IDIy Cash Paid for Wheat. The Ititjhest market price paid for aood wheat at Glen Hock Mills. jo. u (in da irr tC co. E. LOOMIS, BROWNVILLE, NEBR. Han removed ills shop to the old Mauk A ArutltuKc buUilliiK, opposlto O'l'elt'n livery Hluble. r HepulrltiK neatly hud promptly done. Ulvn lilm.a trial. Jacob Marohn, Hiouuvillc. tVobi'jiNlcsi. MERCHANT TAILOR, uiul denlerliC ('IiibKiikIIjIi. rionrli, Scotch nm! Tnurj Cloth. VsIIiii;h, Ktc Kir. MARLATT & KING, DKAI.KUS IN General Merchandise llry (Soods, Orocerlen, Heady Mado Olothlni;, HootH, Sliocs, HutH, C'aiM, and n (lenoral An Nortmeut of I)ruuH and Patent Medicines. Kcnt'8 posts nml wood alwayn on hand for sale. &. HlKliekt prlorH paid for butter and OKK. ASIMMWAI.!., NKDHASKA. IN CONSTANT DEMAND. A STAPLK AUTICLK.SKLLINU KOKEVIIR I.S Tke Revised NEW TESTAMENT. AGENTS V ANTED to remombor thai wo olter llioin Hie l.tAVKST I'UIOKS. tho uroutest variety, and best terms; outllt only oil eeiilH, nhowlim KlGlir dltlcrent Mtyli-H and itrlt-es, lui'lilillim now 1'arallel I'M It Ion with both OLD AND NKW VIOH SIONS SI DIC HV SIDK for fiimpariKon. Address Tiik KKVISIO.V PUIIMSIIKIIH, St. Iottls. lo. T83I3 (JKIHTKST SUCCI3SS OP THE 1I3! A(ji:xts I ron. HEROES of tlio PLAINS. WASTKII ") ' " ,,"t,, KmbriicliiK tho Lives mid Wiiiiclerful Ailveu turi'd of Wild Hill, llullalit Ulll. Kit Ciii'hiiii, Ciipt. l'n) ne, C'lipt. JiteU, TexiiN Jnrk, (jiililoi'iila Joe, And other reluhruleit Inttlitii KlKlitPn, Srouts, Imnlorn mid Kiildes, A bunk of thi'lllliiK ml. ventures mi the iiIiiIuh, KlKbt with IiuliMii! Uriinit iliitralo IiuiiIh! esivrnto Ailventiiri's! Nar row Ksciiiich! WoiuKtIuI ShootlliK d HIiIIiik! Wild I. lie In the Km- West! 100 Illuntrntlonal Hi l-'itll-l'iiKti Cnlored I'lutcdJ The Krandest book lor AKi'iitn ever publlslusl. Positlvulv out HullHovorythhiKelse. ftl pnut'B, price f. (M. lfyou XuDie (i (;ooil thinii, or ;iilf k uml to huvu tlnir nd for nKeiit'HCuinpietti outtlt oml best HoruiH. Outllt uml copy for 2.00. -Wrltn t oiicn for lucency, or ItTiiuuiHl llluitrtmsl clrculrrs, to UAN I.IXA II A.N, Puhllslien, nh ami Wuililnytim Avouuu.St. Units, Mo. There is In it. (j row n amm a I EW f" w H-n nt (IODI) I1B II GOOD Crop. P Prlcrv. CoiiRtilt tlio Crop und Market reports In The Farmers' Review. Up to Dec. 30ih yearly subscriptions will bo tecolved at ON1C DOI.i.AU a year. Will Latest BOO &SDoenanr Huua Vonnor's Almnnuc for 1SS2 for 10 conts extra (regular prlco2.oents). Tho FUrtners Revtrw to Jan. 1. 1883, nnd Vonnor's Almanac only $1.10 if you remit before Dec. ."lo. I8S1. N. H A Iter Deo. SO, 18SI, tho subscription price of tho Winners' Jie. view will be 91. ,V) par year, -iSentl stamp ftrsnmplo copy. I.lboral terms to canvassers. iFAIUIKKS' KICVIIfiW CO., Cblentfo. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 178TATK OF WALKKIl MILLKK. I)E 111 coasetl. In tho County Court of Nem. ha County, NebrnHkn. otlcls hereby iIt en that an Application ban boon mado o tho County Court of mild County to appoint Martha Mllicr ndmlnUtratrlx of tho it(te of Walker Miller, tlcociucd, and that Deoem bor 'lh, A. I). 1881, t 0 o'clock u. m . At tho ofllco of the County Judge of Neinab Coun ty, Nebraska, In Hrownvllle, Nebrank. bun been fixed by the court as tho time and pine for tho henrlng theroof, wliou and whern nil person Interested may appear und contort thooamo. JOHN H RTl'LI,, 2iw4 County Judee. Dated November 2.5, 1881 " LEGAL NOTICEr To William W. I'hk, noiiTenldent dofenrt nnt: You aro horoby notified that on the SflHIi day of November, 1881, Hnrab J. PhBo filed a petition against you In the District Court of Numaha County, Nebraik, tho oh Jeot and prayer of wblob In to obtain u ill vorco from you on tho ground : TbuV yu belnK ofHUMlclunt ability to provida a ult bio malntononco for bor, (jrosHly. woutonly and cruelly refused ho to do. You aro re quired 10 nwor said petition on or boforo tho Uth day of January, 1W52. 2lw4 HAHAII.I.PAQE. Hy her ntt'y, L. L. Ilui.nuni). E STATU OF" IlKNJAMIN WATKItWOItTII I deceased. In tho County Court of No mulia county, Nebrunka. In tbu matter of mIIowIiik tho final administration account of Ann Waterworth.pdtninlHtratrlx of tho en tato of lletijamlti Wntorwortb, deceased. Notice 1h hereby l von that January mil. A. D. 18S2, nt 10 o'clock a. m nt tho olllco of tho County JuiIko of Nemaha county, Nebrank l, In llrownvllle, Nebraska, him been llxed ty tho court us tho tlmo nnd plaoo for cxamlnti ln and nltowltiK Hiild account, when and where all persons Interested may appearand contest tho same. ViUwi JOHNS STUM,. County Judge. Dated December 0, 18.S1, rvSTATK OI-' CHHISTIAN EUIIL, DK 111 ceased. In tho County Court of Nema fia county, NobrasUa. In tho matter of prov ing tho will of snltl Christian Euhl, deceased. Notico Is hereby given that Jntitmry I'Jth. A. D. 18S2. at 1U o'clock a. in., ut tho omen of tho County Jmlgo of Nemiilm County, No braska, In llrownvllle, Nebruslta, has been llxed by tho court ns the time and nlaco for proving tho will of said Christian Euhl, do censed, when ami where all concerned may appearand aontcst the probate thereof, JOIINH.STIJU,, , 28wf. County Judgo. Dated Docombor 10, 1881. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby glvnn that by vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued from the Clerk's olllco of the District Court of Nemaha County, Ne braska, upon n Judgment nml decree of fore closure, rendered In said court In favor of Downle I), Mulr as plalntltr, and Itobt. V. Mulr, Esther D, Mulr, Win. McDonald, JmncH Ii McOee, (Joorgo W. Harmon and rtenson M linlley us (Ipfondnnts. I havo levied upon the following described real e. tato as property of tho defendants, to-wit: Tho W l of 8 K '4 of H W VA of H W ', -oc. 10. Twp. 6, N Kiiugii 10 Eust. AndtheSW V of H W i ot 8 W i. Rep II). Twp. 5. N Itiuigo 10 East, fclluated in Nemaha county. Nebraska. Also the following described lots In Nema ha City. In said County und Stutp. to-wlt -i.iin i-t " Viand 3 " 10 " l!5nnd 11 " C and U " 7 ' 6. 0 and 0 " 15 and 10 ' 4 uml tl " 1. 13 and 15 " 0 " 8 " 8 " U " 13 nnd 14 " 11 " I. fl and it " I and a " 1.11, Hand Ifl " 1.11. IL'nnil lo " 4.5,0 and 7 " Ifl ' 5 " 15 and 10 " 1 and 3 ' fi " 4 " 10 " 10 and 12 ' 13 In Iilock II lfl " 23 ii'i " " 20 . SO " " 31 Hi " US " 84 " " !6 " " X8 " i " 4'J " " IS " 45 " 4(1 " " 40 50 M to " 50 " " 5S " " .'. " " m 01 02 TO ,. r2 73 7 " ' M " " b'J " " 1)0 " 01 " Hi " 1 and 8 " 11 ' (I " " 4 " I) nnd 12 " 5 and I) TOL'OtllPr Willi nil tin, orlvllr..,.,. .....I I.... --... .... ,.au ..,,,vl, ...II, III," provements thereto belonging, uml Unit on Saturday the 31st day of December, 18S1 at 1 o clock p. m I will proceed to sell said prop erly to satisfy said order of sale and costs, nt public auction, ut tho door of tho Court House in llrownvllle, in said county, o tho highest and best bidder for cash. i.MWi JOHN M. KI.ECICNEK. Nov.30. 1S81. Shtrltr of Nemaha County. r?7yg ' " '13SgtSni.'!L;.tl?U!JJL!A!'Z5fr3??l Tltel' & ?r..,.!nn J5?J?Kt . .Mn.lrUc. Mir;;iV.""V,".' ii' ' i'.V' ""V""" most c -rn- i. 1V1 ji V. .-"" "fur luuurn mntos tho irront- ,. n " vtii ill, -wi!i?'Mn.?r ,U h(,alth ran PoBll r lonp exW iy jie nw lire nd Tljor U tie (d i,a Inflra. th bpwcU or urinary oreanii, or who nnulro on aro lnToluablo without lutoxlcotlni. """-" wh,t ofi'.nn.1 you.r, f0eti?8 or gyinptonn sre, wbat the dlsooM or allmontTs, uw Hcin Illttcm. n'HS 2X-tMtll y0UP0,l ra nr-..rrr. ""v.r l"H 'rs ai once, it may bftvoyourlUe. I thos saved uunilrcdn. """" holi n?lnI,W'1 forcaM thy " I" not cur., or ... ?: . not ."Uffer nor let your friends suUer. but uiie and uro thorn to uso Hop Illtteri ' Hemember.HopnittcralsnoTlle.dniCTrcd. drunk. no peksia or rlluld'SS wtut' 185S. "" uc pome tun day. HHKB nor Oouoit CcMlitho iwoetcat, afot and beat. amc Children. nor to all others. Cures bj absorption. AntrfniS h&3!'!& poli by arugBUu. I Ip Mil,,, m fir. Co. Ko.h..Ur. N . Y. SenJ for Clrmlir, yfi V- Aotivo Agont3 Making Millions, AT WOKIC FOH THE LEISURE HOUR MONTHLY. TUIUIH 8'Z 1M5R YKilt. 118 I'AQEM I'KIt MONTH. nou 13,000 to flO.(KK) rra ykah hhily JlONOnAIII.T UAtllC ANII NO UAi'iTAt, uiquiHrn. VK1) Wo tisve agents jiow at work for 111 who aro worth thnuiauds of dollars, and nil who nocnrp AKt-uclifH now whllo thu Held I now, can make handtome fortunes, Unu far' nntnhprs or the Illuntratod I.oUuro Hour Monthly contain j:i'J I,AU(JI I'AtJl'.jsi 1W piiKes of faihlfliis: 1:0 conipletn novels, ton short articles; gcotuplf tod contlnusd stories, and "M lino encraTlnns, Tho Deci'inbor inimbor sent yitKK to all sub crllieim In Deccmtier. Ai'iit' Couittilaslnn. 7J cents each on first lOsuWrlheni, W cents each on the noxt o. so cents each on nr it 350 H ecuu each on unit 750. '11.00 each on all thereafter. Outfit 2 cents-nn nampls copies froe. HUM) HII.VKK, H Is perfectly af, Addrss ' 2w m Winlilnitton at.. CIiIcul'o, 111 . .JliSl' g