Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 15, 1881, Image 3

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QIiullolus bulbs m.y bo kept
through tho winter in smut in tho cel
lar, or wherovor thoy will not froesso.
Applo-buttcr is mrulo by boiling
filicori niiplos, iirst pared nnd cored, in
sweet cider. Tho cidor is boiled down
to about ono-haU its bulk boforo tho ap
ples ate stowod in it. The butter is
jmekod in kegs, jurs or bottles, and wiN
keen a long titno. A largo quantity is
niailo for mo on sea-going vessels. Anv
kind of Havoring spice may bo usod, but
no sugar is required.
Vinegar Candy. Three cupfuls of
white sugar, and a cupful and a half of
dear vinegar; stir the sugar into tho
vinogar until thoroughly dissolved; heat
to a irentle boil, and slew uncovered un
til it ropes from the tip of tho spoon.
Turn out upon broad, well-buttorod
dishes, and coot; and. as soon as it can
be handled, pull. It can bo pulled
beautifully white and porous.
Pancakes. Boat up throe eggs
and a quart of milk; make it up into a
batter with Hour, a little salt, a spoon
ful of ground ginger, and a little grated
lemon peel; let it bo of a line thickiioss
and perfectly smooth. Clean your frv
ing pan thorouglih, and put into it a
good lump of dripping or butter; vhon
lUis hot pour in a cupful of batter, and
lot it run all over of an equal thickness;
shake the pan frequently that the bat
tor may not stick, and when you think
it is done on one side, toss it ovoi ; if
you cannot, turn it with a slice, And
when both aro of a nice light brown,
lay it on a dish boforo tho lire; strew
Mignrover it, and sodotho rest. Thov
should bo eaten directly, or they will
become heavy.
1?. D. Curtiss says, in an exchange,
in rogard to tho uso of buckwheat:
Four bushols of buckwheat will raako
100 pounds of Hour, loaving tho remain
der of tho four bushols (200) pounds in
bran, which is e.eollont food for milch
cows and young animals. A hundred
weight of Hour will average in price $2,
and buckwheat bran is estimatod in
valuo to bo half that of corn meal.
Buckwheat is variable in yield, yml
ranges from ten to fifty bushels por
acre. If tin straw is carefully staokod
it can bo made valuable in tho winter
for bedding, and also for feeding onco a
day. It is a good absorbont. I do not
beliovo in tho notion that it poisons the
ground, but tho straw should nevor be
usod for bodding pigs, as It causes au
irritation of their skin, but it novor
aH'ects otiior animals. Tho grain, how
ever, is excollont for pigs.
Tho London Farmer, spoaking of
tho destructive habits of weevils, states
that about 12,000 species havo been
described, and it is thought that there
are fully as many more yol to bo added
to tho list. The weevils, principally in
their lower stage, feed upon every part
of vegetable tissues anil on all forms of
plant life, from the ferns and mosses
up to tho largest forest trco. Buds,
bark, wood pith, and oven tho roots aro
equally -Iheir pro v. Tho adult
aro not in themselves, as a rule, injuri
ous, but tho lame in many cases aro
very destructive, not only to forests
'and orchards, but to seeds and cereals
stored in warehouses. They arc foot
less, cylindrical grubs, somewhat nar
rowed and curved behind. Some fow
species aro loaf-runners and havo
straight bodies, and tho lame of tho
Calandra group, so destructive to
grain, and to sugar and palm-treo plan
tations in the tropics, differ in being
Ilex-nous, instead of being simply curvoS
toward tho tail.
Dear (Jirls. lot mo entreat you novel
to form a luilrit of borrowing borrow
ing in season nnd out of season;
borowing dresses and wraps, ribbons
and pins, scissors and thread, dimes
and pencils, until your friends will ex
pect to hoar , ou say, "Please, may I
borrow," each time you look into thoir
rooms. Lending is a real kindness,
and betokens an obliging spirit; but
borrowing shows careless management
and no proper regard lor tho rights of
others. To bo sure, it is sometimes
necessary even with the best regnla'ed
household, wardrobe or work-box.
Mill 1 have a real rogard for thoso who
will deny themselves a pleasure or put
oil' a time of onjo merit rather than
borrow, But ot all things, never ask
tho loan of clothing! Some persons are
so sonsitivo that if thoy could allbrd it
thoy would rather throw away a gar
ment another had worn than appear in
it themselves. Although you may
think this foolish, you must boar in
mind that tho g.irnmnts bolong to your
Jriond, and by asking to boi row them,
you foico hor tochooso between pu-iish-ing
herself with complying or oft'eml
ing you with a denial.
l'orhaps tho girl readers aro not ad
dicted to this exasperating habit, and
do not need this talk. Thoio is, how
over, among my acquaintance a maiden
who makes herself one of my groatost
trials. She asks for my scarf to wear
to tho city, for my slmwl when sho
visits her aunt, for my hood when she
goes skating. Ono of my dressos iig
urod at her cousin's wedding; one of
my neektios is seen in hor photograph;
sho protects her hands with my mit
tens, walks dry-shod in my rubbers,
and warms hor lingers in my mull". Yet
she is so helpful, and sociable, and ami
able, and returns so readily and noatly
oacli article borrowed, that I seldom
ventuio a refusal, especially when I
rontomber that her wardrobo is scantily
furnished. Still I often take- myself
severely to task for allowing a girl with
hucii exooiioni traits to pass into wom
anhood with this disagreeable ono. Ho.
full of the hope that sho will soo this
talk, I send it on its mission, trusting it
will help some maiden to become i
more agreeable woman. "Aunt OU
va," in Lountry QcntLman.
11 Y uctunl merit tho famous nubstanco, St.
Jacobs Oil, has steadily won Its way until It
Is to-day tho National romedy for rheuma
tism. Lawyer?, physicians, clergymen all
Use It. Cincinnati (CA o) Daily Enquirer.
Somk one say that Hod Fellows are not
Masons, although approaching them Intholr
work. A. O. J'icaywe.
Tiik Pittsburg Sunday 'iir quotes: Mr.
Martin Ivan?. Silver Creok. Minn., rnrml a
badly wounded horso with St. Jacob Oil.
I -
Covkiis the ground Tho roof of a flour
! Ing mill.
' "lteeimic Sumul mill Well."
Hatciikii's .Station, On., March 27, 187C.
, li. V. 1'inuci:. M. D.: Dear Sir: My wlfo.
who had been 111 forever two years, and had
triotl many other medicines, became sound
and oil hv using your "Favorite Prescrip
tion." My nluco was also cured by Its use,
after xovend physicians hail failed to do hor
any good. Yours truly,
1 Thomas J. MirriiviN.
I IIi:kuhk marriage she was doar and ho
was hor treasure; but afterward sho becamo
i dearer and ho treasurer.
YotJXO MKN', and mlddlo aged ones, suf-
forlng from nervous debility and kindred
i weaknesses, send three stamps for Part VII
of Dime .Series Hooks. Address Woitl.D'.s
falo, N. Y.
SruAKiNn of a panthor Is catamount to
referring to a wild cat.
Sick and bilious headache, and all de
rangements of stomach and bowels, cured
by Dr. Piorco's " Pullet "or autl-blllous
granules. i!5 cents a vial. Xo.chcap boxes
, to allow waste of virtues. Hy druggists.
Tun proprietor of a cotton-mill put this
notice upon his factory gate: " No cigars or
, good-looking men admitted." In explain.
i tlouhesald: "Tho ono will sot n flamo go
ing among my cottons, and t'other among
tho gals. I won't admit such dangerous
things Into my establishment. The risk Is
too groat."
ICeaciiett Ami in Death.
William J. Uoughlan, of Somervlllo, Mass.,
nays: "In the fall of 1S70 I was taken with a
violent bltcdtnrof tfielimifs, followed by a severe
cough. 1 was admit ted to the City 'Hospital
While there the doctors said 1 hud a hole In my
leftlungasblirasahalf dollar. I gaveuphope,
but a friend told mu of Du. W.m. Bal
aam ron tiik Lunos. I got n bottle, when to
my surprise I commenced to feel bettor, and to
day I feel In better spirits than 1 have tho past
three years. I write this hopingthat every otic
afflicted with Diseased Lungs will take Du. Wm.
Hall's IUi.sam rou tiik Llnos, and be con
vinced that Consumption can hi: ccitim "
Also asuro remedy for Colds, toughs, and all
Chest and Lung Dfucascs. Sold by drugglbts.
Hkal merit, and satisfaction or no trade,
has made "Tanslll's Punch" uc. Cigar tho
moft popular oncarth. Do you iinoke thorny
Richmond has no street xprinklcrs, but
depends on Providence to send a shower
every three days to keep down tho dust.
Sho not only gets credit for faith, but also
aavos a heap of money. Detroit Free 1'revi.
SoMiiltoiiY wont to a muslu teacher's
room whilu lie was out and put a cat with
her tall in a teel trap. And of course tno
cat complained and everybody said:
"Goodness, ho must havo a girl In thoro
practicing a grand opora. ''Motion J'oit.
' Natijiik," says an exchange, "intend
ed that man should breathe through his
nostrils." Hut when Nature Invented tho
New England climate, she Intended that
man shouldn't have a chanco to brcatho
through thorn much more than half thu
At dinner the different dishes arc served
up as a matter of course. The ocean must
be a widow, or why should tho sad sea
waves put ou weeds? If a man swallowed a
plane hit aftor Mippcr, would it bo tool ato
for digestion? 1I7( ami Wisdom.
Dihi'Ussino a friend: "Oh, I grant vou
ho has somo good points, but he is so itw
fullv violent. Why, lie yesterday called his
uncle n brigand, a robber, and said ho would
end his days on tho scaffold." "Yes, but
ho wouldn't hae talked so about a stran
ger."," Fiijaro.
Somi: of the colored ladfos of Austin aro
beginning to bo excited about women's
rights. A large, fat, mahogany-colored
woman, accompanied by three or four chil
dren, applied at a residouco on Austin avo
nue for employment. "As a wash woman?"
''Noindocdy, as a boy to run errands."
Turn aifllui.
Says tho New York Commercial Advertiser'
"Our regular soldiers got more hard knocks
and less fun than any soldiers in tho world."
Very truo; but, inun allvol think of thoir
'opportunities for study, travel and pro
motion," not to speak of the kind treat
ment and medical attendance freo." homo
pcoplo are nover satislled. Mutton 1'ott.
If Ananias had lived In thoso davs ho
would have passed for a simple, guilolosi
old man. JJusUm I'ost.
Should seo tho
Il'HT Ol'T. ullleh Ih a num..! i.f In ant, .mil ..,i,.i,iif
o-u-i "lx hundit-d kulelir nntl liunrinila (
IM.rti ultM hiiiI (,'ciifi-il llliiMiiitnini itlHtmi; tu lliu in.. '
dlKtilumlnhed ll..i;:l.iilsls, Wiinlun, l.l, .t.
liiX'iilor., II Ion, N.'l.mllstx, ll.islrlinis.
liorUlN., I'iioI,, rtr r.n.1 Slides.
"!"'i ,,V,,.,.,"s 1 SI I nil- I "f HiK-ial unil llusi
a!ii ,,m Hill s Manua Ktfrj'i
f'uiitiilii'CltlTlirj.'ti'lU.irtuiMk't'i (!((. uitl) prilled nnd
Kfft li.. Nr-rr.-t ) will. Ii the inimt illxtilluiilie.l )i.'..
pie at nil time. bate ii tlii'lmutriMs lniuU ninif
lapldlj and ir. iitHuiu timkliiif 1 irm timflta lii.lHr.i, i..
eipial orvxciiiltlii' Mniiiml ' for i.-r.-..i ami .-..nii,,,.
iHiskiilrk, Kxclii m t rntoiy tivrii nnd Atfi'Mielioiil.l
pi iiiiiiiri ni'iiti iim 1'ii'ioiiiii firi'iilai-fi
IVL STANDARD BOOK CO., 103 State Bt., Chicago,
( tiiiHiiiniillrt' nml peoplo
who liavt! weuk ImicH fir with
ma blioultl uio I'isu h Cum for
Consumption. It linn rurcil
tlimiMnniN. It liu not Injur
ed one. It Is not lintl to take.
It N thn tirt avrtin
Bold. everywhere 'JSc.iSl.
HHilMPFRIfll Eli
ACE NT8 ! B B ""llllllfci tour uivk.v.
v luuifkK, wiiiiHuiinp
103 State-it, Chicago, 111, BlIVHBVWfll I
5, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES.
TOYH, XOTIONN, .tc. Caialogun rer.
CARY. FULTON & CO,. MO hummer'ntori, Mmi.
hill's Ai BOM
tintiH tint
not design
-Lr-rt-L. zr Mi to liulnco
12L. nttimpttliodii-
T,SMJ( , U,3 ' tllO IVfcMI
ilNMlll lnr uiiii'i.nn I..,.
IrL." miTi'lv tu tilfif.i. tin.
M renders of these pages
2 In possession of a means
of tioatmentof theinlnur
., , . . IKI'llRllin ... Li.iiiiiKiy 111
ll.nhn..nAl.Al,l n.1 k..l.l..l. ..1.I1., ....I .I.... ............
,v ii.i.iri.-iiwiii, ii I in ,viiiv;ii, in i v.- nut tiiinxi.'M)119
In themselves, aro exceedingly nnnoyl ng.
Hums, lirulses, nenlils, spialns. etc., nru prln
ilpal iiiiioiiK tlieeo troutilesonio nnd annoying
occurence", nnd demand Immediate tieatnnnt
with tho best means at hand In the kitchen,
the dlnlng-hall. tho nuiM'iy nnd the sitting
room thoy nro llalilo to liuppon, and, Instead of
fear and alarm itt the slghtof the cut or mushed
linger, or bruised or binned iirm, or scalded
surface, n cool and unlet manner should bo as
sumed, nnd after washing away the blood, (If
required), tuolrdiucd parts Bhoultl tie dressed
with that most nlimblo remedy St. .Iacoii.s
Oil. Itssurprlslnglytiuleli icllef. Its cleansing
properties, ltd tendency to tpileUly rcniovo nil
Inllanunntlon, nnd lis wonderful cllleaey In tho
above as well as In all muicular and other pnlns,
Mich ns rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache,
headache, stliTmw or tho joints, etc.. these
remit r St. .lAt'oimOii. pie-emlnently tho best
e.xteinal remedy now before tho people: which
claim Is fully substantiated by the stiongest
kind of testimony from nil elnses of people.
Tho vnluo of human llfo is so supieinely Impor
tant that anything that tends to its prolonga
tion is entitled to the highest consideration
Charles Nelson. I'i., proprietor Nelson Houe,
I'ort Huron, Mich . mys: " 1 sutMed so with
rheumatlim Unil mynrin wlthcicd. nud physi
cians eoultl not help me. I ws In despair of
my life, when some one ndvlsed me totrvST.
.Iacoiis Ou.. 1 did so. rind uslf bymiigle, I wna
instantly relieved, and by the continued uso of
tho Oil entirely cured. I thank heaven for
having ued this wonderful remedy, turittmiit
my lft. It also cured my wife."
1'nrtlrn tri eniitcmiititlv intr.iif Itirlf
llotltliii iiiircliiisvH u Cliltiiiio, trill
cmiNUlt thvlr httvrenlH ln vntllny iimii,
trrltiiii to, tli' ftiltiiirlnti Krju'eNt'ii
atlvv IIuhIiichh IIiidnm:
i IITH'ICIAI, blJIIIS iitiilIefiriull)- Apimntim
.1 Ml.irp A, Milllh. KM Knuilolpli Silitrt
A ll.SPAMII.Mi IMHS.,tisMiiiIIiinM Skim.
it. UlcjclrK, 'Iojh mid ll(.ll.l.i (iixkIh. l'rli lint froi
i ll. AIIIIOTTACO.. IITMnloStilit.
HOOK AHIIXT Write for ctieiilnix liefor.- mnkliiK
wliitiTiirriuig.'iiii'iitB lluliliind Unit , t lil. Hi-.
"Ill'Y tin1 New lltiliie St'Wlng Miu'lilnr. l.tlwriil Iitiiih
it to ngi'iilH IiiIiiiiiiii, Clark A'Co . M.inuf'n.Clilrngii
0. V
. mrXTIIKK'S CtXIMIS-I'iuvKt nnd II. t
luiimii throughout the Union. ;s MiuIImiii st
DI t.MO.VDS, Wntrhf. .Ifwelr), ftf. I.nrg l Mm k
In Clilciigu. S IImii.iii .V Co , hlnli'A MikIIhiiIi Mh
sii'diil uttt'iitloii paid to mull mid trh grupli iirdcm
IilIM-: l'OltTltVllS r.ilnti'd fmm Hiiiidl tliit)p'.
lilmltiH, Ar. Agents Wiinteil t'hli iuolivlng ( o
UAIU (KIOIKof nil klud. Whoh-'iili' mid U'luil
i:. lluriih mi, il htnle-il HiMid for price lUl
0VI,Y TKl'K l.tFKOF (I VIIKIIIMl. Agenin mu"
lit ft. A. H lliirnc'H t Co., ill uiulEt, Mii.1Ih.iii St
IV IV. KIMIIAIilr Miinim nnd ()rgai(
?l . Corner Sinn-mill Adinis StrcetH
Ami "AUT NOVmrii:.' sminhli- for lilrguat
I'rfHents LOW I'KK i:.s.
Can be replaced by an
iirtlllt'tnl one. Write to
DU W. (! I.K HOY. m t'lnrk rtiv. t. ( Mlfiigu, III.
73 MaillMOti Street.
KKi:i .Xi St).NH OICCAN- ,
l'rlcii, Sr.T l teller, . Ourn. w Mu iniuK
i gu. for issi knit nee ki:kh'h 'rusii
C MI'SIC, llll Hint,. N ii-i-t. lilfiig.
il I a
GO 0.000
Maps, Kamphlets and full information FREE,
Address Land Com'rB. & M.R.R.. Lincoln. Neb.
ARookof Rare Originality, entitled
The preat prulilcm .ulvrd, I n. ludit ..liiul carefully eon.
tldere.1 from tl.u iu of rfiponnb.Htv ii tu re
itjra to Education. Home, Society, Etiquette,
A .. ISAM ah rjkai I ..n Utl.rlrii.A r. . . '
ru in taucntion. Home, society, ttiquetl
Amusements, press. Lovo, MorrliiKo.Ru
neas.&G. Itiue tlrtiuUt.ntmtiret' ur llriutli'tutn
lio roluiit. ahnuiuli in itrikiuit il.ouplit, mm Informal
and uitui common triiie. 1'u'l imKeclor" J pUtneach
w. .. n ,,r.i
M. ABontB Wnnted Everywhere.
circular full 'l,rrlptl in trrnii Au., kdifret.
j. a Mvuim u r a. co ciirci, m.
send (or
KIi'i'iiiiiiiii'm I'uti'iil. Thn liput rend
ink l.aniii in thn world lluyn(in unleim
it lian Klufinaiin'sand roy nmnn on tho
chimney holder
l'ur H.iln hy thu tradn Am)
HO to JUI l'arU l'hitf,
fiend for Circular. Nkw Yoiik.
VWPITC ' CBnenwr. MllwauVre.Wls , forctrcu
Villi I C lam of yj'ENCT.niAN C'H.lhok.
m uui
mi j
ThU nlcndl.l nw collection of tlmbct P.crcl Roiim
of the day, wilt be imoil valuable addltloa to our
Ithrarlta, and la full of k mi
Aiiionft the authorj wc notice the namca of Onunod,
hullUan, Martini. Abt, Thonu. Hnmrt and IMniull,
nil there arr moro lhan thirty other of bo id rrpulf.
( ounod'a "rMn Hill KurAway.' Kau.-'a "Klra
llranche."atiil Ahfa "Almtithn Ala" Indicate the
tilKh rhMncicr of Ihc compoHtloun, which arc 53 In
IlUlIiiH i
I'rlce, 88.00 llnitrd .r0 Cloth.
Till fnp!rln(r Ittlo belong to new BOVO HOOK for
Pl'NDAY K'HOOI.S, Jut out It Uuy Aliliey U
kliineer, who niiiile ii decided aurccua In tlirlr lait
bonk, "Siiitk llniiKH," and who. In ihta new com
(illation, fiirutMi a iuiiiiNt of the twcttent melodic
nor placetl In a lollt'cttou of thn kind. 1() pkv, and
nlioutna many koiirk. many of them adapted to I ho
l'riocr MeeiinK. ai well aa In thu Uunday Ucliool
l'rltf, 11.1 cent.
LYON &. HEALY, Chlongo, III.
o. ii. niTS()
U Ilroadway, N Y
.1 i: 1HTHO.V A- CO.,
irHCheilnut Ht , l'hlhv.
and Ihelr Jlttri
thoultl nil aend
of thai wonder
fill tinner. Ilin
urlil unil Noldler, puhllMird nt WaMilnitlnii, I) U.
It con'iilti hturl. a of the Wnr, Cainp Life. 8rene
from the II title Held, and a thotmiid thliiK of Inlrr
est to onrcountr)'ailerendera It lathe ureal aoldlcrt'
imner It contain all the I aw nnd lii.tniettoiii re
Inline to l'cnidoii und lloutillea for itoldlcr nnd tlu-lr
helm lliery ex miMl r alioiiM enroll hla name under
the Wiii'lil unil Noldlri- l.niiii r it once. Huht
pint. , forty ciiliimiis wu-kly 1 u yenr Sample
lice Hind now lhl ihiIIit lrur npiiear nitnln,
AdilrcM l si,iir.if.
iiox r.MH, Wii.iiiiiitnin. n. v.
la commenced in tho ISovembernnuiborof
Arthur's Home Magazine.
All mnv Mibscrllwrs for lKsa will rucclvo
CDCC tlioNiivenihernnil DeeeniherNest.
B" tlEt )f this yiur.Tr.iiis.S2uycur;i!ctik'H; ;i foplcnVj. dcoplcsSO: 8 rum onu ex
tmSli a-l')rkiccliiion number, cotitiilnlng
flrnUhupters (if " Ilvnreeill"(.em. A f
T.H.AiailUlU'.fcON.l'llUadcltUlla. JC
ARE PAIDery aol.llpr rilmlilM bfcl
driiti.r othtrwlne. A OI'Mtnf .nr kln.1.
loMofflMKer, C.rnrryr, ltri'iTlti:, If lull
alirdit. Uiaenaa of I.iii.c er Yiirlto.n Vrlna
lvo a peuilon, t' r now law thoui.n.l, urs
entlttc.l to an Inrrrma of pcnilon. itlnwi
orplinna an t depfnilf nt falli. m or tnnthrri of
oldlrniiela p.mlnn. Send U.lni.i for copy
I'.nfllott and llounty Acti,,
P. II. FltlRprrtl'l A CO., ('lalmAirrnli.
Iii.lliiinpnli I ml. Itofer lo liel llnnkln' Co,
ud I'r.i'tCnutralllaukliotli of ludlaiiauotla.
-TWi" fiUCCH mxes
o i 'am err?
Isrr pen hour.
scmi ron ca tal ocuc
. w MnanaMA r.n
Ht i It!.Ioh lotalnllranlfl1,liiWntl(lper
VV llOl.OM- Kent CO I).,
I'rlie lint free TANHll.t.tVUo.,.ViStiilUHt.,ChlciiKU,
CY Qrl
m ifl mmn "'BiTaw j ivr ,rrjai til
s turai? m&$
r m ws3s$zvn&&&
mil JmrtrlltzZi
Mt3 ctrrj
vr;y jL
Dr. MTnTAUIt'S IIIlAIAriIK rrT.T.I etire moat wwntlerntlly In a vcry
nliort time lmtli HICK unit NI'.UVOIIH II1A1)ACIIK unil tvhllo iictlnir on
the iifntniM Hyutem, olfiuiHO the nUmiuch of cxocnit of lillo, jirotlucliiKu
regulur liviiltliy uelloiiof the bowels.
A full aire box of theno valuable I'XT.T.S, ivlth full tllrectlona for eotn
jileto cure, mnllml to any udilreNH on receipt of nine three-cent jioBtugo
tuiuiiH. lror sale hy all (IruglHtH at S5o. H1o I'roprlctora,
UltOWlf C1UEMIOAI. COan'ANY, llultlmoro, 3W.
-Sir OOITB'S it
Cures Whoro all Other Homedies Fail!
It Isnotu temporary alleviator, hutn thorouKh ernillmtoror Atliiua. ItserTertM nre Iniinedlatn.
II U etiiitlly elllrncloiiH ulth ioiiiiKir old Ntihject. Its oiicrutloiiN nrc ,'rerahle to delicate pittleiilH.
It In n roinlilnulliin tit' reiiiedliil aKCiitx never hiToro eiuployi'il In like imiuuer It In the rcNiiltol
orlk'Iniil lnretlt!tlonH into the cuiincn of Anlhma mill It k proner trentmrnt It Is a ccrtutri cure, II
thoillreitloMNhoperNeierliiKl) folloited. IT IK IN Tltt'Tll A CO.V(JUi:UOIt.
For a Vai "aih n Tiiimtisk ov Asthma Ann Kiniiurii Diibasks, I'urk ok Ciiakck, with 'I'ksti
moniai.soi' PI.H.M ANKNT CUKES, Auukkss all order jiuI ccjiuuiunicalions to
CONE ASTHMA CO., No i:ir, Wkst Foi kiii Stiibbt, CINCINNATI, OHIO.
Whoie cablntt or parlor orunna hne won iiioiikst iiunoiii! at kvkiiy onk urTiiK oiysAT woiu.H'a iniids
iiiiaL kxiiiiiii'ionh for kolkikkm ikaiin ilieliiKthe only Aim-rleim iiikuiih which lime been found worthy
.t hiii'Ii ut un) lime effectctl moiik und oiikatki; piiai rn i.i v vai.I'aiii.k imi'I'.ovi.mknis In lliefr
(irKitua In the lAHr ikaii than III uuy almllur iierlod alnce the ilrHt Intrtiduciion of thin limtruiiient by
tliein, twenty yeaiaolnce. nntl Hre now uffi rlnif oiuianh ok mtiiiKii k.xuki i kn k and KNLAitiiKiit'Ai'At'iTYj
alo popular nr.nn m and hmaI i.kii mm kb of impii.ivkii ut Al.m, und nt i.tiwr.u I'lili I'm ti. I'll, (.'!. Vn
and unwsrila A NKW IM.t'HTKATKlr ('ATAI.Ol'Ul h, !K W- Ho. I now niidy (Oeloher, 1KH), fully
de rllilnc and llluniiuilni; mon thun lie ntjlea of OrKHim Thla, with ikI privet, nud circular, ciintntiilnic
much Informutltui about .irifuim generally, which will In tiful lo ev rv one thinking of purchailiiu, will
hi a-nt. free and jiomIviiIiI M ANO.V AND It A M I.I N OUJ A.V CO.. Irtl Trciuunt Nt.,
Jl(JHT.Vl -1S liu.t 14th Nt., SIIW TUKlii or, MU laliii.h Ave. CHICAGO.
I will pay you to read my circulars. Send mo ono throo-ocat ututup to pay iiuhuiko anil
pricking, nntl I will return you by mail n doen ruwoiiod elegant chroma cortlt, or it not
of 5 gilt "MnrKuerlto" carda This t can luTonl on comlltlnn you will read the document J
Will encloBo with tho cardi). Should you wish both hoIh hcwI two tlireo-ccnt Btrunps. Addreea
W. JENNINGS DEMOEEST, 17 East 14th St., Now York.
L'nginoorinf; and Railroad News.
Publhlieil nt 7 Ilroatlirny, Netr York.
to. SO per unniim ,natirn tree.
85 to 850. How 1-iriro
rum nrc made from .until lie
viaimciua I'nrltfuhtm free.. , RO
Luzlneiuu Ac, New York.
TAl'AN I.HI, nntl oilier deilgna. plain and fancy aP
phalH'i. practical article, recipcn, 4c, In Haney'i
J.junialfor ralnter. monthly, Uicti, uycur. JliSBO
...... .a, w..,, ......inum,, il. ,
fall St. I
DiaCflVEIIRIt or
The Punitive Turo
for .11 thoac. Painful (Inmptnlnti nnd WenknraM.
iir.iuiiiiiiit (u our hot fiiuule puiiululloii.
It will euro entirely llto oiiit forniof rutmleCom.
IilnJnt", alloTirl.ntri.iililc,InIlnmiimtl.n und Ulcere.
Hon, 1'nllliitf and Ulnidacetiienta, nnd tho cnnnetiuonl
Hplnal Wi-nkneu, and It pnitlcuUrly adAptcd to tha
Clmiiite of Life.
It will dhuolrx nnd Mjiel tn mom from tho iitenia In
nn roj-ly M-iko ot doTclopmeiit. Tho tenilcncytocnn.
rvrnua hunioiT there la checked rery -tiocdlly tiy lli mo.
It remote fitlntne flatulency, ilentroyawll crfirlnif
'orattmuUnta, nnd rvlioTeaweaknetia of thn atomncli.
It cure Illoatlna-, Uendichea, Ncrroiu lYontrntlon,
(loner! Uchltlly, BUniplciwiitwa, Deprcaalon nud luUl
That feellns of bearing down, cnuttnir nln, wrlaht
nnd luicknclio, la nlwnya wniianrntly ctintl by lta uao.
It wll nt oil tlmci and under nil clrcutnsUncca act In
UnrmoiiT with Iholnwa that Kovcin thufrinnlnayatein.
Korthocuroof Kidney ConiplalnU of tltlivr raztlili
Coiniioiind la unmirpivwd.
I.YIH.V li l'l.NKHAM'H VK0r.TAIU.r, COM.
l'OUNDIi prepare.! at U33 nnd SM Weatem Areniie,
I.ynn, Mam. l'rleojl. HUliottleafor Bent by mall
In tho form of (illla, alio In tho form of lotcnirea, on
tvcclpt of price. 91 per box for either. Mm. l'lnkhant
freely nnwor all letter of Inquiry, (tunil for inple
let. Addrra aa nbore. Mention tht$ Vtijr.
No family fhoultl bo without LYDIA K. I'lNKHAU'f)
LIVKU 1'IIJal. Tliny euro contdipatlon, blUouimccw
and torpidity ot Uia liver. U ronU uor box.
Sold by 110RRIS0.Y, PLUUUEK k CO,, Chiugo, III
KOIt HA 1. 1 J ItY nitUOUISTN.
NOW 18 j (j
It cnnt.llu. h 1,11, ,lllllur,r ami l-ollllrul lllmxr.
l.f IkiIIi Aorlli mid Sunt I. .Imerlen. nll III .nrll.l.l'.
,ilinlain(n Hie lllouraihle of mrr WOO :!.
ttfnt ,i,if.rl tttm . 1 1 . 4 I rll.iir.l. that evei
lumped turr thl tiiuiilry 1 anion Will liemfl Drlimlon -A
llll Mn.imry I x.'il.ineMt, l ' Wehxter und llityna't
(Ileal llelmle 1llll,.,l., 4 lllit ( r rvrr H,.lr.
It lli...l,.us .,. I I. II IVnr lllixk I'
l' Knlnryllnili Viiiiiii"('niwle llrrrlx
.r l.lnl Hank of ('ullfornliil'iillurK l,miir of llel.
knap '.r,,n.l liu lion J no ll. I,i c mill thn Mount.
iilnMeailow MaH.nnio Hi' Tnnuer H Hunt. It eonlalriHull
Inieulloim HieMiHU'inNeythJi,IO.VI llin l-'l nlikllli Hloviv-.
I lie I'n.t Iron Plow Whllney'at'ottou llln Hleiimlxi.t.
lelephouounit I'lionoirnipli Himnelnl I'nul.4
ainlV'liva NOOTlIEIinuOKLIKKIT. .(-. .(..
AltdleM, fori'lleillillH, I lin I ultHru A A.wninn I'uli,
lll.luu '..., UN nlf.rinlltm, III....U. C'hlroua, IIL
Tn Vnnnrr UarwhowMiHi learn alcnm rnitl
neerliiit Hrnd your nume. wlth'J
" cfiitHtHiiii, Hi V KKri'V,cniltiei'i,IlrldKeport,Coiiii.
T CC A WKKK In your own town. Term, and
DUDtnoutlltfrmv Aildr'all.llnllcttAiUo 1'orHajid.Uo,
LHJUUlLO I rrrll.ry lvf. CnliiliiKU I'r...
r ILL!
mZoil ellliiK an it lesTn ihu world . I aiiiile fro,
M-'rWrtAddri:.. .lay ltrouauii, lietrult, MIcU.
IHnillfllal Moreliliie Ilnlill Cur. I in m
BfilfllBWffl to ') lu.y. .ii.vtill Ciii.mI.
U1 IUIW1 Dk. J. hiti'iitNN, lliaiion, Uhlo,
tr i. for, jicnluy nt home. Samples worthst.
IU )0 iZUfrea AiltliewiiiTINao.SaiUi., Portland, ito.
AREUTC Tolnnionev with lr.'ul.New
HUCII I O Kecelpt Hook. Newly rcvlaednnd en
mreed. uy mull, ti. Adda' Clia.u l'ub Co., Toledo, O.
(TnoA WKKK. f 12 a day at homo easily mads.
4)10 Costly outfit free. Athlr's Truo 4i(Jo, Auwuiits, itd.
A. N. K.
lllK.V U'ltlTiSa TO AUVKKTiHV.llS,
lifetiAe N(if ioii note to .UUerUnrmcnt
fit lliln pnjier.
U (W5 .-