. -.mm t n m num umiiii im 1 1. nm.U-rnm.'nrary.ajJkCT j T M, . J . ltt M i v ii' "I "to n' ,il: j ' a It wt ' ' I Ini ' It " Hir ESTABLISHED 1856. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DEO. 15, 1881. VOL. 26, NO. 26. 'Oldest Paper in tho Stnte UUllHHnMM mruujauuiuinii IEL ,,m il II III II Ill II ! -mill Ill Illl I IIIHIIMI1IIIMI II II I I ... - MHW BamHIWrow'ywt-iW'" mj --." . , , , -. - - -- in in. ,i i - - . 1 I BUSINESS OA555; II. HltOADY, Attorney Oounielor nt IW UrownvlJle.Neb S. S T U LL, ATTO11NI0VS AT IjAAV. Lorn co of Couuty Judge, Brownvillo, Nebraska. S. 110 LL AD AY, IMtyslalnn, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Graduated In 1851. Located In BrownviueiBM. lOlllce, II Main ntroot, Hrownviiie, eo. W.'OIBSOK, L.AOICSMITI1 ANU 1IOUSK Sliuwti Workdone to order nnd satisfaction guaranteed hriHt street, between Main and Atlantic, nrown llle.Neh. T. OinoiiN. Notary Public, O.W.Tavlou. OSItOlliV & TAYLOR, fcopnoys and Gounsollors at Law, Brownvillo, Nebraska. U ACTIOK In tho State and Foderal courts. HdopIhI nttuutlon t?tvon to collections mill mules of roivl OHtnto. AT CLINE, 1 VAHIIIONAIlkK " "ttr&i ll IIOOT.AKD JlJIOEbrA'KER i .iim'ivnt wnntr mn.lAtn arilar.nud fits nl way luaranteed. Uepalrlng neatly ana promptly uane Hiopr, No.27 Main stroot. Jirownvniefneo. , (Vm. 3feearre DKAlifelt JN . orn, Hay & Wood, gel Doer HMt of Den'i, ROAVNVILLE, NED. HlRiicst prlco. In oftsii.pftia ror poultry, uive iiim f can. M. BAILEY, : snirrBit and deai.hr in iTVB ST-OOE; ' hroynv'illkn)sbrXska V.'TiJi Fnrmors, please call nudgot ,priceft;ti f i lie Handle your siock. omce First National Bank. FESTABLISHED IN 1856. OLDEST want 4 .Real EstateAgency . IN IVJEBXtA-SICiV. i William H. Hooker. ' )' Does a Bonernl Itoftl EHtnte UuHlness. Sells Land on CommlsHlon, examines Titles, makes Deeds, MortKngrs, and all lnntru ments pertnlntng to the transfer of Real Es tate. Hasu Oomplete Abstraot of Titles U all Heal Estnto In Nomnlm County. O. IP. DDo-vclj DEALER IN Family Groceries. Always on Hand Flour, Teas and Coffee, With a full lino of Canned Goods & Confectionery. Also, tho very best Cigars and Tobaccos. -HraTwo Doors East of Postoflloo, Drown Tllle, Nebrarka. AITTIIOKIZKD UY TIIK 0. S. GOYEIINHEKT 4 First National Bank O F brow rsrviLiL, iu PaitT-np Capital, $50,000 Author Iftl " 500,000 II rUBrARttOTO TRANHACT A General Banking Busines. BUY AND SEIiIi COIN & OUKRENOY DRAFTS fciialltlieprlnclpalcltlea oftbo .United States and Europe MONEY LOANED 10 11 aniirnved security only. Time Drafts discount fed, ami special accommodations Kranted to depoilt trt, iipuiersin ciuvKitrMKNT jionum, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS llucelvPd ii&)'atleoudnmand.and INTKRKSTal owed on Uinucurtlllc&tos of deposit, DIUF.OTOHS.-Wjn.T. Di7n, II. M. Bailey, M.A Handlny. Frank K. Johnson, I.utlier Jloadley Win. Fralslier. ' .101IN L. CAUSOX, A. It. DA VIHON, Cashier. U.McNAUaUTON.Asst.CashU President NEMAHA CITY. J. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Good buRqlefl nnd horsos, chargea renn ounulo. Host;of euro tnkon of transient stock BOOTS, SHOES, ' AND HARNESS. Mndo nnd rcpnlrod n well a can bo done unywliore, on snort notice, nnd VERY REASONABLE TERMS. (Olty Hotel LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR. NEMAHA CITY NUB., d nln..ll ft tA. ftfcl A ht f fc a A fcm 1 ft . i U.A a . vsviitii.ij ii'vnvuui uiMKi iitroi nun niiirnii- bio snared to nmko kiiohIh comfortable, Good barn for horse nnd ' Charges licasontiblc. ATTENTION, FARMERS! y For your Agrloulturnl Iinplnmunts, goto -, DAVID A. MORTON, i y ,Farrn and Sprlny: WrtKons, Sulkv Plows Sllrrlmt Plows. L'orn Planter. Hnrrowi Reapers, Mowers, Cultlvutors, Corn Sliollers hurl Iia IlrtMM TlllfTllnln.u f'l 1 1 . I tf . i WOHN S. MINICK, General Merchandise. Nemaha City, Nob. B. BELMHDREWS. M. D.f ' Physician $ Stirceon, Nomnha City. NoLraslta. Calls in the Country Promptly Attend ed, day or niyht. SPECIAL ATTENTION lvon to surloa discuses of women nnd mimical dlscnses of tho eye. SPntlentH from abroad oan bo furnished with pleasant rooms and accommodations. LIVERY! W. E. O'PELT, Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. GOOD BIGS REASONABLE RATES. Spocial Accommodations for Commercial Men, AND- Driver Furnished when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. B. F. SA UDER, Manufacturer and Denier In TTAlNP "Si COLLARS, WlilpH, I.aHhcH, Curry CoiiiIih, RruNhCN, Etc., Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Agent for the Celebrated Carriage Topi, Key City : .r ,7 "t3 "CPBT SET NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Tho nanio of C. 1. Slociunb, of Kair btuy, author of tho presimt high lioonso liquor law, is favorably inontiuiicil as a gubernatorial candidatt1, to sticcowl tho projont governor. If tho Sentlml was asked to uamo tho man most lit ted for tho position, tho man who would at tract attontion nbroai', and bo a gov ornor among govornors, we would mention tho naino of Hon.r Church Howo of Nemaha County. Humboldt tientinel. Tho Omaha Telegram speaks of tho "pulling" of a "dive" in that city, and likens tho several young rural gentlo men, caught therein, to "foolish bees who had como to store thoir honey amid tho evil associations of city im morality." That was certainly a bad llx for those llgurativo two-legged bees to be in. Now if they luul deposited their honey amid tho good associations of city immorality, or tho city associa tions of evil immorality, tho thing would havo been bad enough, but hav ing found beo hives for tho deposit of thoir honey "amid tho ovil associations of city immorality," it was simply awful to think of. 1). McLean Shaw, a Now York law yer, testified in thaOuiteau trial, that ho heard tho prisoner say on ono occasion in New York, that ho was "bound to havo notoriety some way or other. Ho might kill some big man and imitate Wilkes IJooth." Shaw answered him by saying, "And got hanged for it," to which Ouiteuu said, "That's an after consideration." This testimony made tho assassin exceedingly angry, and In constantly interrupted "tho witness by calling him a liar, and other abusive language. About every place he lias ovor been holms jumped his board bill : and the accumulation and piling up of testimony that has been going on for a week, going to show that ho is mean, dishonest, dirty 'wretch, instei d of an insane ono, is fully aiiprociatoc'ivV him lit 1- 4 .....!. I.!'. :...' .--Tl! I.. and ' tends to mliko h wrathful and vicious. in exceedingly A largo share of the space in the O. 1). and . O. is devoted toahiiHO of Jim Hlaiuo, and Nebraska is always solid for Jilaino. Falb City Journal. The Journal has reference to tho (Hobe-Demoorat, of St. Louis, and the filter Uctan, of Chicago. We are only a casual reader of the foimer, but read it close enough to know that "a largo shaie of its space" is not deoicd to the abuse ot Jim Blaine. In fact we do not remember of that paper abusing him in any instance. As to tho . i) wo daily scan closely its editorial columns, and are sure the Journal misrepresents it. and cannot produce a single article abusing tho "Plumed Knight," not to mention "a largo share of its space." A fair criticism of tho actsof a public man, or to differ in opinion with him, we cannot conceive to bo abuse. Probably not so, however, with tho Journal; as with tho average lilaino woishippor to oven think differently from Hlaiuo is a sufliciont cause for tho ostracism of tho cuss daring such heresy. The Inttr Ocean is tho best paper published any where for tho west, and that is tho rea son it circulates so extensively in Ne braska and all over tho west. Every Itopublican should take it. Tho Granger's sneaking and ova sivo stylo of journalism is very con spicuous in his quarter column allu sion to our correspondent "Hli.zard," in making no denial of tho latters' nl le gations, and in attempting to divert tho attontion of its readers from thoso main points by discussing what tho Advkutisku said before tho election. Blizzard is tho fellow that's after you Mr. Moore, in this particular case, and tho position of tho editor of tho Ad vkutisku, bofoio or since tho election, doesn't in the least reliovo you from tho facts, 1. That you woro pretending to support two opposing candidates for clork at tiio same time. 2. That tho successful caudidato onco run you off tho street into your hole for lying about him. !1. That you aro now peddling tho pictures of Garfield, whom you denounced "beforo his olec tion" as a bribetaker and perjuror, leaving tho logical deduction that you woro a malicious liar then or a fawning hypocrite now. What we eaid boforo tho election wo still say; and tho Ad vkutisku was novor known to go lick spittling around trying to court favor with every party, as tho Orunyer al wavs does. Santa C1laiifS ! Have you Seen IiIh Headquarters at Nickel!1 s lie has tho largest variety of Holi day goods ever brought to Hrownviiie. His gifts are the most beautiful, and his stock is immense. Don't ft'nll to VlMlt NIckcU'N ttllN IV COll. His sales since Dec. 1st have been double those of any preceding yoaiyind ho wants you all to como and make your selections as early as possible, so ho can give you more attention, and you then get first choice. Ho will keep any goods you purchaso till you do siio them. Mr. Nickell purchased most of his goods this year in job lots and can give you a gieat deal lower prices than ever boforo. IT WIIX IMY YOU WSH.Ij for the trip to seo his wonderful as sortment, and you will bo astonished to see how little money it takes to inakoa child happ). A JuiiittMl Wax Doll, Willi mov able heart, only 1ft cents. and many things in the same ratio. Ho has never had such an immense stock of Hooks, Silverware, and Jewel ry . as this year. Tho most fastidious will bo well pleased when they" make their selections at Nickell's, and all will go away happy with tho money thev have saved. Hemember. Nickell's Drug Store is the place to seo Santa Glaus. Anothor From "Prudontia." fTIm following comtminlcntlnn wna ro ruot lvoil too lute lor our lnnt Ihhuo. Tho anthropophagus of tho Granger now calls mo cowaidly and gives as his reason therefor that 1 sign myself and am only known to him as "Prudontia," thus plainly indicating Unit in tho misty legions of his cranium, prudonco and cowardice aro synonymous tormB. This 1 am soiry to learn, as it discovers tho fact that his moral ideas aro in as highly a mixed up condition as his po litical conduct has been. And in like manner, perhaps, if put to tho test, would arguo that politics, principlo and policy mean tho same thing. Ho certainly feels the force of my commentary on his self-conceited edi torial, and like an onraged elephant with a proboscis full of dirty water, is hoizod with an insane desire tc sipiir. it all over somebody, but finding no opo in sight, becomes furious and can only recover his equanimity by relapsing in to his old habit of praising and exalting himself or trying to make out that ho has discovered some ono else doing so. I seo no valid reason why ho should bo so uneasy about my anonymity. Tho truth of my statements aro not affected by tho fact of my name being unknown to him. Had I assaulted his private character and signed an anonymous name, ho might with some reason havo called mv conduct in question on tho ground that a criminal has a constitu tional right to lie confronted with tho witnesses against hint. But it seems to mo thai in tho pres ent instance ho lias no cause to .call mo cowardly on this account, unless I have gone bevond tho limits of a fair criticism of his languago and conduct as a quasi public character. Ho will havo suflleient to employ himself with if ho confines his attention merely to tho truth of my strictures, without manifesting any undue desiro to dis cover tho author. I certainly havo no desire to slander his private character, for that might provo a task beyond tho scope of my Unite ability. Bro. Moore now states in his issue of Dec. lid, that I havo adopted the credit system and "havo given him moro credit than ho over thought of claiming, and more than I in tended to givo." Now I propose to show him that I do a cash business, and while in my senses shall lot no goods out on "tick" to custuiners of his class. All 1 wisti to givo mm credit for, is the fact that in plain languago ho claims as his own all that ho now says I havo given him credit for. Quoting from ids articlo Nov. 18: Firstly. "Tho Honubliean papers aro obnoxious to tho people, or tho Granger has moro influence than thoso four pa pers combined." Why? Because "tho candidates on tho people's ticket were supported by only ono paper, tho Granger, which worked without party organization, not oven a committee of any kind." Secondly, "tho victory was not so completo as we wished, but it will do for the present. Tho people alone aro to blamo for McKinnoy's de feat." And thirdly, "tho Granger will tight tho people's battles, asking in re turn only that the people who aro thus served will," in short, subscribe. What does Bro. Moore mean by all this languago? I hope I'm not unfair in saying that in tho first lie ho claims il in the county, four to one, as proved tho recent election. In tho second, that he has "licked" somebody and that ho would havo "cleaned tho platter" if tho dear peoolo hadn't "skipped a cog" in his machine. And thirdly, ho claims to bo tho chief pugilist and lighter for tho crowd of his imaginary backers, whom ho is pleased to dub "tho people." Ono can hardly help admiring tho sublimity and colossal proportions of this egotism; but Mooro is still unsatisllcd; his cup of joy is not yet full; tho rubicon is yet beyond and must, bo crossed. And how? Willie tho above quoted boast ings aro yot warm in his mind, and while in his imagination ho is still at the head of his phantom forces, ho breaks out in tho following strain: "Wo respectfully ask tho Hon. Church Howo if ho has heard who swept old Nemaha at the recent election ?" This is a rhetorical question, and tho rule is that it must bo answered to suit tho ploasuro of tho speaker, and hence if Mr. Howo should answer as Mooro wants him to. ho would, in tho light of tho above questions bo compelled to admit that it was tho editor of tho Granger "that did it with his little hatchet." It was this compulsory view of tho caso that led me, perhaps inad vertantly, to remark in substance, that in tho mind of Geo. B. Mooro, tho most prominent actors in the recent election were tho fighting editor in chief and Mr. Howe, and tho battle was waged between thorn. Whereupon said editor turns around and says I havo given him "credit for it," and seems to hold that becauso I havo quoted his lan guage, I havo thereby become a sub scriber to and a jutrticeiM vrlminis in his views concerning his own self-im-portnnco. I shall not complain, for such is tlio nalnio of genuine egotism, and more especially that of this editor. Like Sitting Bull, every time ho and his camp followers perpetrate a partic ularly mean trick, ho calls it "lighting battles," and nothing on earth can pro vent him from making a war dance in order to havo an opportunity to show Hp his paint and trophies and take oc casion to display in hideous contortions his nattual and intuitu ugliness. Ho now claims that wo acknowledge his smartness in running oil with tho people Instead of "leading them off." Bro. Mooro, that is your only alterna tive. If you should try to "head off" tho people, you would bo in tho fix of tho man who tried to muddle with a young calf belonging to a rather high tempered cow. Sho got right after him. Ho lit out. Sho gavo chase and waa industriously polishing her horns on tho setting down portion of his trow sors, whilo ho How up stroot, his legs looking liko tho spokes in a fly-wheol, anxiously yelling won't somebody "head us off." A man of your politi cal principles couldn't "head off" any thing, not ovon an old cow, becauso an empty sack cannot support itself unless it has a prop of some kind. And one who stands roady to sacrillco his party to gratify ovory temporary whim, hasn't tho stability necessary for a loader nor the (li mness and solf-abnega-tion essential to tho character of a martyr. With all duo regard I subscribe my self "PltUDKNTIA." The Union Hotel Is growing in public favor. Com mercial men aro learning that at tho Union is the best place to stop for good faro and cordial accommodations. The increasing custom and demand for (irst clasK faro, has made it necessary for tho Union to take an up grade stop. It has recently been refurnished and otherwise improved. Best table, host beds, best everything, and only S2.00 a day. Tho best and most convoiriont sample room in the city is now con nected with tho house. IVoflce. Is hereby given that I will examino all persons who may desiro to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the primary or common schools of this county, at tho Court IIouso, in Hrownviiie on tho lirst Saturday in each month Piiir.ii Cuothku, iil-tf Co. Suporintondont. Notice, Uarvoy Starry has purchased tho Control moat market of tho Jones Bros; and will furnish tho people of Brownvillo and vicinity with choico meats of ovory description Mr. S. has had a lifotimo experience in tho stock business and will givo his customers entire satisfaction. Call and seo him. Tho Granger speaks of "Speaker Kolfor of Iowa." Will some little school boy pleaso toll tho Granger man that the pr esent t - t u of representatives iB not an Iowa man, and also what State ho hails from. Bran at Aaron Palmer's. to havo tho most influential paper m,