Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 08, 1881, Image 1

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    fncvmsLrmnnea. infiivuonMtr:
Oldest Papor in tho Stuto.J
VOL. 26, NO. 25,
row uaiWBavjtuwTJCurtt'gMJ'.aa'.ajuu wwummm mxUTumwiw
ituuggaauuoii iJiwiij '
II. 1 It 0 A 1) Y .
Attorney and Oounnlr nt Ijnw,
9 ii .-III. -.!.
lircnTiiriiit "
t s. a t r l l ,
OIHceof CotiatyJiidire, llrownvllle, Nebraska.
il LMtyalotnn, Surgeon, Olwtrtrir Inn.
(tradimteil In 18M. IjiiciU"it In llrowuvlllelMS.
Oittce.ll M.Mn Hlruut.llrownvlllo, ZS'tb.
j wf a i b s o n ,
Workloiid toordar irut ifttlfiiHtlonKiiiriuiiret
PlrnMtreot, tiotwaan Main "d Atlantic. Ilrown
W. A. OinnitK, Notary Pnhllc, O.VV.TaYUik.
Attorneys and Gounaollors at Law,
; Brownvillo, Nouraaka.
JVtACTICr-2 Hi t'H' HUUu mid Koili-rnl conrtH,
Hpcclul attention given to oolh'otloimoid
fcnlo of run I cMtntt'.
p A T 0 L I N 15 ,
CUSTOM WO UK mntleto ontur, ami llts iilwjiy
SiinrHiitfcd. Hppulrlnu neatly unri prmiiptly dour
whim, Ko.37 Mnln "tract, liroivnvllle.Ktil).
"Wm.. lloiivcs.
DKAl.nit IN,
Corn, Hay & Wood,
il Door Kant ofnrn',,
pUOVNViniiii:.'NKDi;nilKhi"t price, in
1) cash, putd Tor poultry, (live lilm u cull
i- t ha ri;ir.Vrr T. ':" "Tl
SJliri'KH AKmiiKKl.tilt IN' ' AJ . fj
Farmers, pleads cull nndijoL prices; I wan
to luindlo your stock.
Omen First Niitlonul II-iiilc.
X. O. I3ovcl.
am-fy uroeerses.
AlwnyH ou Itniul -
Flotir, Teas and Coffee,
Willi n full II mo of
Canned Goods & Confectionery.
Alno, tin very ln-st
Cigars and .Tobaccos.
5,Tn''i DoorH ICiwt of PoNtotlli-u, lliown
rlllf, Nchrurltti.
Pahl-vp Capital, $r0, OOO
Authorised " 00,000
General Banking Busines.
n all the prlnttpnleltlri rth
United States and Eui'ope
O anorare locurttj anly. 'lime I)rru discount aaaotal aatorumadatiansrraatadtoiltipaiU
r. Dialeriln GOTItRMMNNT liOKlJh,
RlYrf aaratdr on damans' and IKTMKMHTal
ot tlvaeavrtlBaat rrjnlt.
iHmKrrom.-TTM.T. ub, j. u. biik. m.a
MtinitUy. Hraik R, Jakaica, ,oUnr Ka4lr
XTm. Pralihar.
. a. iMVitsev. ciair. rvdt
.O.S.MAtralTOK Aait Caiblur.
Physician Sf Surfeon,
Nomnha City. NoTirnsliit.
Calls in the Country Promptly Attend
ed, day or niyht.
iIIhoiihcs of women nnrt HiirKlciil llhfne
of tho py.
Tl.l'ntI('nts from nhrrmri cnn bo furnlKlied
with plimsant rooms unil iiucoiiiinodiitlonn.
NIIt Jfitnl.4 witf iiiiilcti mM
tf curt rrtf Uirr' lllwrsM4
rlBphUt lint (tl. ly ..
nxuKi euukt ou.,
M. 1 .Wll. MU.
.Mr. Willlums, of 'LMtus & WilHuuis,
wont down to St. .loo lust weok and
puic'liascd u l)i .stock of goods, oin
braoiiiK everything attmctivo and good,
for ladies and gentlemen.
The word in Nemaha is progress,
and now buildings are going up, im
provements going on all over town,
Nemaha merchants are all well
stocked up and having a good t ratio.
Theodore Hill's now residence is
ncaring completion. It will bo not.
largo, hut first class as to plan and
finish, in which respect it will excel
any residence in tho city.
.1. .S. Miniok is doing a good tiling
in having his two brick buildings on
the blulT repaired and titled lor occu
pancy. Titus & Williams havo the back
room of their building fitted for and
filled with ready made clothing. Stop
back and sec their splendid stock.
('rim's boarding house is tho best
one in town. And it is a good place to
get our dinner when in Noinaha.
Xcinaha has ono saloon now,
which hccuih to bo run witli as much
care for law and order as it is possible
for a saloon to be run.
Dr. C'riin will somi remove his
house from.tjt. Deroin to Nemaha, for
ItanHur. Mm-druggist, has n big
slock of 'nice holiday goods.
Dr. B. Bell Andrews may npw be
found by the sick and alllietod in his
sung rooms up stairs in C'rother's new
business house.
--Xenujha business houses should
consider the fact that ovory man, wom
an and child nearly in and about
the city reads tho Advkktiskii, making
it a good medium for advertising.
--Since the railroad reached Nemaha,
three years ago. its growth has not
been remarkable, or unnatural, but it
has been constant, healthy, and perma
nent. Nemaha Is it lixturo. and will
so continue to enlarge and grow with
such permanent improvements as the
town and country demand; and there
will be no stop to it. Its prospects are
certainly as good, if not better, than
are those of any town in tho county.
Several largo business blocks will lie
built hero next .summer.
Hon. John Sobieski lectured to a
gooft houso hero Saturday afternoon.
He is a very interesting speaker.
Born. Sunday night last, to Mr.
Daniel Maxwell, one set of twins a
boy and a girl. That's business.
John Crother and fJeorgo Sunders
harness makers, are doing a good busi
ness. The do good and honest work
and if you want a harness put up, those
are tho boys to do it.
Young married people who aro
getting their things together to keep
he use, will find just what they want at
Titus & Williams. They have red
flannel, candy, 1 attic boxes, and all
such things.
jr. ii. ii'ki-gmV
(loori IiukIcs mid ImrNH.i, (;hurKK ronn
onnhlo. Hcst;of citrp tiilton of I rmisloul Ktoclc
j, :p rot:
Miulo nii'l ropulrt'il iik well as can he iloun
Hiiywheri', on hhnrt notice, anil
Olfey XEQ-tel
Cuiitrtilly located; flood fur;, mid notrmi
bio spared to miiUe KiieHtH coiiifortiible.
Good iiitrn for home and
Charges Reasonable.
For your Agricultural Implement!), goto
Farm nnd Spring Wiiuonn, Hullty I'lows
StirrlitK Plows, L'oru I'luntern, Hurrowa
Hoiipnrn, Mowors, CultlvatorM, Corn Shollert
mid the HoHi ToiiKuele'H Cultlvntor.
Ncmalia City, Nob.
AVo aro getting cranky. 0j(fia fr
imblican, 0, no. You was born that way.
Secretry Folgor rojectsjall compro
mise in the Chicago whisk case, in
which tho revenue laws wero violated.
Dr. Jos. A, Begga, book keeper and
chemist of tho Alice furnace, Ironton,
Ohio, was murdered ou the 1st Inst.
The Omaha Hdpiihliwn insults the
people with tho proposition that a sub
scription he started "for" the purpose of
seeming for Mrs. (larlleld a life-size
portrait of that amusing' little gentle
man, tiuiteau." 'i
It is remarkable, hpw little interest
genuine lunatics take in the perform
ances of other lunatics. Omaha lit
pnUiatn. That doesn't hold gotylfso far as the
Republimii is concerned.
Sylvester Franklin Wjllson. who a
few yours ago afilictcd'itlie people of
Humboldt, Neb., was recently in Phila
delphia convicted of Arulhoad ticket
scalping and sentenced.: u one year in
jail and to pay a tine of tf.'oo.
President Vrthur acts" asthoiii'h the
newspapers were crazy to prilit his mes
sage. We will raise hini ten thousand
dollars among the newspaper boys if be
will burn the old thing Up and say no
more about i. Nobody wants to print
it. and nobody will road it but the
proof-readers, who have ia. Omaha
That slush is till because President
Ai thin has determined that the prac
tice of stealing Preddu$fti' messages
and publishing them bejoie they are
delivered shall not be practiced upon
him. No message was ever more gen
erally read than Arthurs will be.
Eiver Improvoinant.
The Missouri river iiiiproeiueut
convention which was hld in Si. Jo
seph last weok, eonsistcf1" of about l'Jo
delegates.1 The Stated" of 'Missotul,
Kansas. Iowa nnd Nebraska were rep
resented. Tho following pieamblo and
resolutions wero adopted:
We, the people of the Missouri Val
ley, in convention assembled, after a
careful and deliberate consultation,
hereby declare that the improvement
of the navigation of l lie Missouri river
is a matter of national interest and im
portance; that if the millions of fertile
acres that lie upon its hanks tiro afford
ed the advant.igcsof cheap water trans
portation, its breadstnlN and products
will cheapen the cost of living through
out the entire count r.v ; that in the dis
tribution of public iiioiics for the im
provement of tho navigable rivers of
tho country, the Mi.son.ri liver iias
been practically ignored; that the an
nual appropriation of a few thousand
dollars for the improvement of this or
that harbor, or tho protection of some
threatened noint is of no advantage or
benefit in promoting the general use
fulness of this waterway; therefore
Ra,ald, That we, the citizens of the
stales of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska
and Iowa, and the territories ot Dakota
and Montana, in convention assembled,
do hereby appeal to the congress of the
United States for the appropriation of
it Missouri river commission tocousiM
of seven members, three engineers and
four citizens, one from Missouri, one
from Kansas, one from Nebraska and
one from Iowa; that an adequate ap
propriation be made to be expended by
said commission for the general im
provement of the navigation of the
Missouri river.
Rettoliwtf, That we hereby instruct
our senators and representatives in the
congress of the United States, to use all
efforts to secure the necessary legisla
tion to accomplish these results.
Rt. wired, That the state delegations
in this convention shall appoint eiti
zons; three from Kansas, three from
Missouri, three from Iowa, three from
Nebraska, ono from Dakota, and one
from Molilalia, who shall form a com
mitted to niomoriali Congress, prepare
and present statist ic and In ovory le
gitimate manner aid our representa
tives in securing from congress ade
quate appropriat ions for tho improve
ment of the navigation of tho Missouri
river. Adopted.
Resolred, That the whole proceed
ings of this convention be published in
pamphlet form ami distributed general
ly among tho citizens of the Missouri
Valley and the senators ami represen
tatives in congress.
Resolred, That we aro in hearty ac
cord with the plan for the improvement
of tho Missouri river and its tributaries,
and urge upon tho attention of con
gress tho importance of making a lib
eral appropriation therefor.
Marion's hat store, Rochester, N. Y.
was destroyed by tiro.
The Atlanta Cotton Imposition
closes 1st of December.
At Cti'innell, Iowa, a Mrs. Whitney
was found drowned, In a cistern.
Kilpatrick's Iron foundry at St.
Louis has been destroyed by lire.
It, has been ascertained that Otirlleld's
estate amounts to about sM 00.000.
Mrs. Mary Peniile, of Chicago, a
drunk. .rd, recently died of "alcoholism."
Nine of the heaviest business houses
of Whitesboro, Texss, were burned
'-Mill tilt.
At (hidden, Ala.. Martin and Wil
li, uus fought with pistols' and both
were killed.
At Utopia. Brown County, Ohio,
John Clienc shot and mortally wound
ed Bill Crabb.
Another woman died in Chicago a
few days ago from drunkeness. She
was f0 years old.
Benjamin and John Dodrill have been
arrested at Ccntrevillc, Neb., as the
men who robbed (!lyn,
Fifty buildings embracing the entire
business portion of Augusta, Ark.,
wero destroyed, by fire last, weun.
At Sidney. Neb., '.'lib ult HtMiry
Coyne shot ami killed James Jameson.
Bo'lh "cow boys," and it wtiS a saloon
An iron ship, the Cii'lceau. while be
ing towed down the Uiver Clyde, Scot
land, was w re Ked, and .seventeen per
sons drowned.
Near Dlomoie. County Down, anoth
er farmer wa oealen to do. till by tho
friends of poor down-trodden Ireland.
He had paid his rent.
Ilenrv Jonsou was hung at Sumter
S.C., f rtho murder of John Davis,
lie confessed the crime, saying ho
killed Davis to get his wife.
Joe Harris, was hanged at Hogers
villo, Tciiu.. for the murder of two men
named Brown and Heck, whom ho
muulered in bed and then robbed.
Sherifl N. K. Martin and l.ouis Har
dy, were murdered near Bio (!r.iude
city. A huge sum of t.i money which
they had been collecting was taken.
The residence of J.J. 'furrow, three
miles from Wiuterset, Iowa, was burn
ed 'Jd inst., and bis three daughters,
aged J, l'J and 17 yens were burned to
At Deed in, Ala., in a riot among the
miners two negroes were shot and
killed by a policeman. The policeman
was arrested, and ovouorated of
Mrs. I.. '. Brand, of St. Joseph was
bitten bv a rat while asleep, on the ball
of the great toe. In a few days the
loot began to twell and pyttMiile set in,
lesiiltiug in death,
Ou their farm near
(in., tin s il'e and child
Thnmpsonvilli ,
of M. Oleiui
wiis murdered on Thanksgiving day
while the husband and father were
away from home.
Mrs. Henry Inliaiu, of Battle Creek,
Mich., who went fourteen months with
out food, has a fair chance for re
covery. Paralysis of the stomach oc
casioned this long fast.
f.oo. X. Kddy, a freight conductor on
the M. P. railroad, was killed on tho
.Md inst.. near Warrinsbiirg, Mo. lie
was struck by . i bridge while leaning
out of his car looking "back.
A man named II. O. Downs, of Lin
coln, wants tn know the whereabouts
of a woman with seven children by tho
name of Downs, supposed to bo some
where in this part of Neb.
Sang Armor, colored Wiis hanged at
Cr.iwfordvillc. (!a for tho murder of
Amos FJliugtou; and Bicli.ird James,
colored was hanged at Marion court
house for the murder of James Har
raue. Mrs. Emiline L. Meeker, of Mon! po
ller, VI., convicted of murdering her
child, hits been sentenced to conliue
ipenl in the state's prison till the last
Friday f March iss: last three
mouths solitary and then be hanged.
Dr. John II. Stevens, Stonewall
Jackson's principal surgeon In the late
war. was found dead in his office at
Dallas, Texas, "Friday evening, into
which lie hud gone after returning
from a pleasure ride.
Mr. Lorillard, tho tobacco man, who,
current rumor says, is to marry Annie
Louise Cary. lias lost his "dawg," a
black poodle, and offers tSfiOO reward
for its return. Mr. Lorillard evidently
has more money than dogs, not to men
tion brains.
At Columbia, Mo vvliilo some twon-ly-livo
or thirty boys und girls wore
skating on Samuels' pond, 24th ult.,
the ice suddenly broke, and John (.nth,
Theodoro Murphy, ami Maggie Btich
nor, till about 1(5 years old, and mem
bers of well-known families, wero
A large octopus, or devil-fish, wits
captured at Portugal Cove, Newfound
land. Nov. 10. The length of the body
is r feet 0 indies; of tho head, I foot !l
Inches, and the total length to the ex-
tremltv of the long tentacle is 'J8 feet.
It Is I feet (I inches around tho body,
and the fan-shaped tall Is about 15
inches wide.
At Detroit a man Hunt threw
himself under a train of curs and was
A man named Holland, charged with
murder, was hanged by a mob at Dar
deuell, Ark., 2(Uh ult.
Near Waterloo, Iowa, a willow
woman named Miller, lilsann. killed
her two children, ono aged throe years,
the other three mouths.
decent Iv four mon with a wagon
camped near Aberdeen, Miss. Next
day they wero found at the oitmp
covered up in quilts, all dead, with
their heads split open,
Mrs. Ffllo llaticoek, of Willtanrsport,
Texas,. was sentenced to tho penitenti
ary for life for poisoning her husband.
Dr. Ball, her aecothplloe. was also sen
tenced for life, but escaped.
Between San Antonio ami CorpiiH
Christie, Texas, the stau'e was slopped
'J.'dh till, by two masked men, who
rilled tho mail hugs, and got a small
amount of money from Vrank Ilanly,
the only isHoiiger.
II. W. Burton, the most notorious
stitge and ntaillxig robber of tho west,
was recently taken from Colorado, in
charge of tt U. S. Marshal to Detroit,
Mich., to be-Incarcerated In-tho govern
ment prison . I lis sentence is Oil yours.
Five yours ago Bin-ton Wus sentenced '
to life imprisonment in West Virginia,
hut President Hayes pardoned hilu '
after lie had served about threo years.
Attention wus called the other day
to an independent movement in tho ,
Doinocr.itic party of North Carolina,
similar to that led by Mahone liv Vir
ginia, Now it develops that tho
younger portion of the Democratic
parly in Arkansas is organizing a mu
tiny against the old Bourbon organlzi -Hon,
and there Is a probability that
they will unite with tho Kopublicuns
in supporting a fusion ticket tit the
next election. Thus Is the seed sown
in Virginia hearing fruit. -Inter Octan.
It turns out that nearly all the cele
brated newspaper extracts which are
said to have inllamed the mind of
(itiitouu, ami which have been so long
paraded as the expressions of "Stal
wart" papers, came from tho columns
of the Brooklyn Eajle, the leading
Democratic, journal of Now York.
Indianapolis Journal.
Among the items treasured by tho
assassin wero I hose showing the move
ments of tile President; when lie would
depart for Long Branch, and when re
turn. For some weeks Citiiteau, by his
own acknowledgments, was a sharp
detective, dogging tho slops ot the Pres
ident. If Blaine and (iarlleld had done
like (iouorul Logan, fired him out, the
disaster might havo boon averted. It
v.iti mistaken courtesy and leniency.
InUr Ocean.
The Stale Journal strikes the fol- -lowing
blow itt fuej monopolies. We
couldn't think of a heller way of keep
ing even wit It them:
While the want of fuel is tho great
est and tho expense of procuring it is
most severely felt, we desire to remind
our rural friends that the most severe
blow Unit can bedell the coal-carrying
railroads is the planting by each farm
er of a few thousand quick-growing
trees. It will pay, and do not allow
yourself to forgot it next spring when
the sun begins to shino out warm and
il is about the right time to sot out the
seedling tree.
The UnioiTTrotcl
Is growing in public favor. Com
mercial men aro learning Hint itt tho .
Union is the best place to stop for good
faro and cordial accoinmodations. Tho
increasing custom and demand for first
class fare, litis mado it necessary for tho
Union to take an tin grade stop. It
hits recently boon refurnished and
otherwise improved. Best table, best
beds, best everything, and only tf'j.OO a
day. The best and most convenient
sample room In the city is now con
nected with the house.
Is hereby given that I will examine
till persons who may tlesiro to offer
themselves as candidates for teachers
of the primary ot common schools of
this county, at the Court House, in
Brownvillo on the first Saturday In
each month Pmi.ii' Cito-mi'it,
!il-tf Co. Superintendent.
From ii litto Dead wood paper wo
learn that Dr. A. S. Stewart, formerly
of this city, has become part owner of
some hot springs, situated twenty-tivo
miles from Custer. The efficacy of tho
water Is highly spoken of and they
may prove a "bonanza" for the Doctor.
Anothor large invoice of New Vic
tor Sewing machines, warranted a first
class machine in ovory respect. Do
not buy one until you examine tho
Victor. STicvr.Nso.v &. Ckoss,