ntwiiMwiiiiiJii hum nnijitmmiinimji milium inumuwi i' r NEBRASKA ADVERTISER T - - - .- - - - - A nioo lino of Ktina just received at prices that will sell every time. Stkvknso.v it Chohs. Wo liavo had very 'lino weathor during tlio week up to Tuesday eve ning, when a disagreeable rain stonn sot in forming a sleet. Wo call attention of our readers to tlio big advertisement of Harry Dolon. He lias a superb stock, and invites all to call and test what be advertises. The ferry boat was brought out of its winter quarters on Saturday last, and has since been making ils usual daily trips. The river is free of ice. Horn, Sunday 27th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A. II. (iilmore.a girl baby. 'Phis is their first daughter we believe, and wo theroforo offer our congratulations. - Stevenson & Crois carry a line of goods that no other house in Nebraska carries always glad to see old custom ers and new. and prices will bo found as low as goods can possibly bo sold. i What is home without a baby? Many children have coughs and colds just now and should have tlio groatest caro, and a bottle of Dr. Marshall's I.ung Syrup. Price twenty-live and fifty conts a bottle. The Nebraska Supremo Court re cently decided that the liquor law was not mandatory in tlio matter of grant ing saloon license; and that it is dis cretionary with county and city au thorities whothor thoy issue licenso or not. -Dr. 11. Hell Andrews, Nemaha City has removed his olllco across the street on the second story of tlio now brick building of Mr. Grot her, where he has very elegant rooms fitted up ono especially as a ladies' consultation room, and another for gentlemen. Died in this city, at 5 a. in. on the 'JUth, inst., Mr. John McCreery, in his usth year. Tho deceased was tlio father of V. II. McCreery, druggist, of this it, and :i.-a. Tr. Lett, of L'-u In. lie was an estiniablo old gentleman. A befitting obituary will bo prepared lor publication. a Thanksgiving day was a very bright and beautiful one, and was very generally observed by our people. Tlio principal business houses wore closed during tho day. Union religious sor vice.1 were hold in tlio Presbyterian church, Eld. Howe, of the Christian de nomination proached tho sermon, which was an able and appropriate one. The Times says that a carriage load of the "Anonymous Troupe," on their way bacK home from this city, drove up in front of a saloon and one of tho young gentlemen went in; that ono of the young ladies became indig nant at so disgraceful a public exhibi tion of the outfit, commanded the dri ver to go ahead, which lie did, leaving the drv young man to wet up at his leisuro'and got to Falls City as host lie could. We say bully for that young lady. BniY MgNiuii thk Om Homi:. The latest song and chorus, by Will. L. Thompson. Since the deatli of President Garfiold the sentiment ex pressed in this beautiful song has be come universal. Tho melody is very pretty, and already tho piece has he mming a great favorite. We adviso all lovers of popular music to send :!.') cents to tho publishers and receive a copy by return mail. Publishod by W J.. Thompson & Co., East Liverpool Ohio. ' Tho "Anonymous Dramatic Troupe," of Falls City, as per announce ment appeared before an unusually largo audience in our opora house on Thanksgiving evening, in the drama "Among tlio Breakers." Thoy wor6 quito a pleasant appearing company of young ladies and gontlomen, had their parts woll learnod, and everybody agreed that thoy did excellently for amateurs. Wo dare say if thoy come again to this city with a good piny, they will again be cordially greeted. Wo find tho following statoment in tho Washington Star: Tho Nebraska republican association mot last ovoning, Walter M. Soely in tho chair. Mr. W. R. Davis was olect ed corresponding secretary. Messrs. J. W. F. Williams, Thomas C. Tipton and W. M. Sooly wore elected delegates to the republican central committee J. W. P. Williams, T. C. Tipton, Thomas Calvin and J. W. Mooro were appointed a committee expressing tho sympathy of tho association with Sen-..,i- ...,iitihi V'un WvLk in tho sad 111"' ! .''. . ..-.--- allliction brought upon them by the death of their t wo children. A. W. Nickell has returned from his extended trip oast, and ho says then- is following him tho largest and finest selected stock of holiday goods over in Brownvillo. Books of all tho lateBt authors, work-boxes, writing desks, perfumery cases, comb and brush sots, Japanese goods m ovory stylo, albums, pictures and pic ture frames, braokots, vasos and toilet sots, pocket books, portmoneys, hand bags and baskets. A full stock of "Rogor Bros, silverware, and a full line of jewolrv of tho latest styles. All tlio jibovo has 'been bought exceedingly low and will bo sold accordingly. LOCAL PERSONALS. W. D. Robertson, proprietor of the Lincoln Dyo Works, was in town last week. Arkwright is all right, and cosy as you please in bis new quarters next door to Shut.. Will Lett came down from "Lincoln lust Tlmrsiluv and reitmltu! until Saturday, the guest of John Rainoy . Hon. and Mrs. II. ( . Lett camo down from Lincoln Tuesday evening to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lett's father Mr. McCreery. Hon. Jno. L. Carson went down to St. Joseph Monday night to attend the river improvement convention which mot in that city on Tuesday. -J. A. Titus has resigned as post" master at Nemaha City, and Philip Crother has been appointed to fill tlio vacancy. A good appointment. C. E. Harris received a letter from Capt. Paul Boyton this week, announc ing his arrival in St. Louis on the 20th ult. The Captain sent his photograph, and regards to friends in Brownvillo. Col. Tom. Majors came down on tlio train Friday morning for Dr. Stewart to go and see his sick child, which has been sick, of some disease of the head, for some time, and now be lieved to be beyend the aid of of medi cal skill. Hon. Henry M. Atkinson and Miss Ada Irwin were joined in matrimony, at Lincoln, on the :i0th, at 11 :'M) a. in., tho Journal says they left at once for Washington, where they will spend a portion of the winter. Tho General and his bride are tendered tho tho host wishes of tho Aevkuthkii. -We had tho pleasure of mooting Hon. Church Howe in the city Tuesday. He has plenty of water on his farm, which is now principally monopolized by his hogs, hence hois having put up a huge wind pump to supply his four corrals of beef cattle. Church said he called in his pigs the other day for spaying and ensterating, and embracing the opportunity to count thorn, he counted until ho had got to about four hundred, when they stampeded, and he had to give up the job. Ho bought a thousand bushels of corn a fow days ago to 1)0 sure to have enough to carry him os-er to next corn Inmost. He was offored Si 5,000 for Walnut Grove farm the other day, cash, but refused. MARVELOTJs'oUHE. Mr. Thompson Was Blind, But Now Soes. I have been, for five years, unable to work, but will soon be able to go to work again. My eyes have been cured by Mrs. E. J. Monahan, who can cure any kind of eye diseases. Come and seo her, if you have any eyo trouble. G. W. Thompson. IBoiv to get Sick. Kxiiohf yourself day imhI uluti t. ent too UHiohwtthoiit oxorclHo; uorlcto hard with out rt'Ht; doctor nil ike lime; tukoull tho vllo noi rutin itrivortlHi'd, mid thou you will wiuii to know How to get Well. Which Is nnsworrd In throo word Tiikn Hop Hitter! Hoe another column. A dispatch just received from Santa Clans says ho will make his headquar ters from now till January 1st at Nickell's Drug store. Jackson's Common Sense Liniment is a positive cure for the following dis eases: Tender feet, colllii joint, lamo ness, sore breast, sore shoulder, con ti acted hoofs, scratches, rheumatism, sweeny, strains, bruises, barb wire in juries, and all other ailments requiring an oxtornal application. For sale by .1. II. Bauer. Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup takes the lead of all medicines for coughs, colds, asthma, sore throat and pulmo nary complaints generally. Call on your druggist ami try a bottle of it. Price only twonty-llvo and fifty cents. Sold by all druggists. Wo have just received tlio llnost, host and largest stock of heating. stoves that was ever brought to this country, at prices that will sell them. Come and make your selections early. Stkvun.son & Cuosh. A Panama despatch, 10th ult. says: Tho steamer Albion foundered in a gale oft" Point Burbacoas, and thirty two of the forty persons on board wero drowned. The vessel and cargo wero valued at SOO.000. For roi:rlCN and Produce call on T. F. Seaton, corner Glli and Main NtreetN, alNO the re nowned White Sewing ma chine for Hale. 21w8 "Wlno Is n mookor, nnd BtrotiK drink la rnKlnj?." Take 1'iucki.y Ash Hittrhh, It In not ft hoverftKO, hut n remedy for nil ill oireotoof nn oxcoMH of lntoxlontliiK Htlmu luntu. Don't take a drink before hreukfunt 'Jut to wnlte you up," bocauneyou fool ho ituptd and languid. You nro miro to fool worso as noon an tho oireot woarH olF, Take a half wlno laof I'kicki.y Ash Hittkrs. It will brlKlilon J'"" up for the whole day. Mothers nood not he keptnwako nlnhtby thiiluefSHantconKbtnK of tholr children, If they have Dr. MirhiiU'B Lunn Byrup ftt hand and Hive ono ;or two dose in noiuon. J l'rlce only twcntynv and fifty cents. Latest LEN! AT Dress Goods. Over three hundred diflcrcnt styles. Notions. The Largest and Newest Stock in town. Furnishing Goods. Men's and Women's a big stock. Trimmings. I have the Largest stock and Newest Styles in town. Flannels. Both Cotton and Woolen a big stock. Yarns. Gcrmantown, Saxony, Hcrlin, Zephyr, and common varn twice as much as any house in town. Boots and Shoes. A big stock. Furs. Over twelve dozen sets, varying in pi ice, from ?i 25 to 15 per set. Cloaks and Dolmans. Over 300 in stock and at prices to beat the lowest. Pi ice, and then come and buy of Dolcn. Nubias and Hoods. Three times as manv as any house in town, and will sell them lower than any one. Clothing. Men's and Hoys'. Over three hundred suits fiom $4.00 to $22,00 per suit. Overcoats. 300. Take your choice, at pri ces to suit the times. An Entire New Stock. Every thing fresh and new. Syrups. Oilcans, Sugar House, O K and Maple. Teas, Teas. Japan, Hyson, Gunpowder, Eng lish Breakfast. Fruits, Fruits. California Dried Apricots, peach es and plums. Flour, Flour. All leading brands. Wisconsin Buckwheat and King's Self-Raising. Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Peach Butter, Fa rine and Geletine. French Miwtard, White Onions and Pickles. Spi ces of all kinds, new and fresh at Dolen's. 12 Piece Decorated Chamber Sets at Do len's for $7.00. Call and see them. BLANKETS. All Wool Bed Blankets, Lap Robes, and Horse Blankets the largest stock in town. Call and Sec Dolen. He is offering Special Induce ments for the next sixty days. It will pay you to call at LOWMANS'S STAND! DO Lowis S i. Fine Groceries Flour, of nil Grndeti, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Dried itml ( nuneil I'rultn In Vnrlety, Glass and Queensware, Also, a coiuph'to .stock of Citars ami Tobmro, and a full stock ot Caudles at Congress nsbuniMi'd on tho nth inst. Fresh oystors at Aaron I'alinor's. Try tlte new kind of cur runt ut J. L. MeGee's nnd lou willhuue no other, Loavo all orders for oxprcus at A. I'alinor's. Socman has somo lino holiday Koods. Tioaa in need of boots will find bnrfafns ut J. Jj. M G v'.w. Our merchants are preparing for Christmas. L. H. DuHenherry, a carpenter at Omaha, suicided liSMi nil. liy culliiif,' his throat with his pocket luilfo. --ISiRhty in favor to fourteen against is tho way tho newspapers of Nebraska stand on tho women sulTrao question. At (5 rand Island, Neb., U8th ult., a hoy pushed a little ri rl named Ida Wear onto tho railroad track in front of an advancing train; and tho wheels crushed ono of her foot and cut off tlio other lotf below tho Unco. wanted!" Live chickens and turkeys at McGec & Moore's. XtttU'.v.. Mrs. H. ,1. Monahan, of Maryvillo, is in Brownvillo and may ho found at tho Union House, whore sho Is prepared to treat all forms of oyo dis eases successfully . I lor treatment is a permanent unie for granulated eyo lids and all 1'orui'i of iullammatiou of the eyes. 4t Out IJooml Tho pIoao coiiitmuniint of nil fiwtory work tflvex tln opomtlvcH pilllil fiu-oN, poor nppo Mte, liHikjiil(l,;iilN('nillo fooling, poor blooil, Itiiirtlvti llvor, kliliitiy ntul miliary troulilrn, ami nil iln pliyhlcluiiM ikicl iniMloliio In llm world rimiinl holp them iiiilt'tH tlicy Kit out ol door or iihii Hop Dlttom, llm puroMt nnd bust romedy, I'Kpfi'lully for ntiuli ohhch, liuv Imr iiliiindiiiH'i' of lipnlih, miimmIiIiio mid nmy uhiifkH in llitMii. Tin' 'Ht uutik trifle, 8u iinotlicr column. What $1.00 Will o. The Home Companion Pith. Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, will lMvo their eiuftt- )nij(' ilhiUnitrtl se mi-monthly paper, lircnltj'-foxir beautiful pictures llxl.") inches in size, and SO.OO worth of boots for only On BDoHur, Hainplo papor and a line picture of President (Jarhold and family sent free to all who write for them. The Omaha Rcnubliran uots wrathv if anyone has tlio temerity to question its theory as to tho manner of tho deatli of Watson IJ. Smith which amounts to about thin: Col. Smith shot biniHolf. shoved the pistol up his pant Iok, and then laid over and died. Tho licpubli mu should keep its shirt on if every body doesn't "tumble" to its ideas at once; enpeeially when tlmy have at least a piobablo theory upon which to base an opinion. Groceries of all kinds at Dolen's, in Low man's. List of Lottorn llonirtining in tho postolllco at Hrown ville, Nebraska, for week ondlng Nov. aiith, 1881: Akins, .lames. Itoo, William. Kick noil, Frank .1. Sohribor, Mary. Campbell, Hov.,1. A. Scura, Mrs. M.J. (Mark, McPhorsonG. Tharp, Tina, a Havens. Potor. Trant, Mrs. M. Hunt, W.J). POSTAL OAHDS. Argabritjlit, Win. Inskitf, Joseph. Cainpell, Uov.,1. A. Mobile, Charles. Clark, John W. Suluunp, P. C. or Hawley, Olonfjo. J). Olivor. Helton, James. Thomas, Will. Trant, William. Persons calling for any of tho abovo will please say advertised. Olllco hours (J a. in. to 8 p. in. Sun day,from l) to 10 a.m. T. G. Haokkk, P. M. "Win. "Lfccji.'vo DKAI.r.K IN Corn, Hay & Wood !lrt Dnnr HmI of Dott'i, B IIOWNVIM.E, NKII. llliclioii prlco. In ruth, puld for poultry, (live hint n cnll. MAIHjATT . HIKU, DKAI.KIt.l IN General Merchandise lry Ooodt, tlrnrnrli'N. Itomly Mntln OlottiliiK, HooIr, Hhot". HtklH, f'upx, mill 11 (lotipntt At Horlini'lit of Drown uTid 1'iitotil Modlclnon. Kenc poitnmnl wimd nlwnyii on hnuil or cnlr. ni. Illitlieit prlncH puld for hittlor nml AMIMIV-VVAI.1., NKIlltAHKA. PORTRAIT OF GARFIELD, Size orShout, 19x24, With IiIk Aiiloru)li, ncldiowlcdKud liy liltn Ht'lfto ho (tin tioit llkxttois In nxlHtuiu'u. $7.00 per Imiiilrail. HIiiKla coplci, MA cents. Copy of AutiiKNiph latttorKlviiM with encfi pli)tirt AddroxM, Sliolr At Ccniurrllle Ijtlho. (In., Ito MnnropHi., Chlmgo. 40,000 hold In ClilriiKo Innldu of IS hours, IN CONSTANT DEMAND. A MTAI'MC AltTlOl.i:, HKI.l.tNO KOIIRVKIt Ir The Revised NEW TESTAMENT. AGENTS WANTED to rommnlior thin wo oifnr thnin tlmlAlWKHT PlttCIvS, inn Krouitmi vurioiy, nnd Host tornia; ouini only W) ronlH, chowln5 EIOIIT dliniront ntyli'N nnd prlct'H. tnnliidlnit now I'nrnlltd Kdltlon with hoth OLD AND NKW VKH- HIONH .MIDI-: ltr HIDK for comrmrlHon. AiMr-N Thk RKVIBION PUHMBUNIW, Ht. Miltln, Mo. B. F. SA UDJEB, Moimfuoturer nnd Doiilor In OOLTjAIIJ- ' I lVlilpN, I.UNlicN, 11 try CJomliN, ItrtiNluvs, Klc, i:tc. BIKFAIIUIVX; A SriSGIAIrY. ARenl for Ilia Celebrated ICey City GurrlnK" Top. fUDI) HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN IMiUKTIUTKO WKKKLV10 I'AIIKS. HUITICIl TO HOYS AMI) UIUI.H OP KUOM H1X TOHIXTIJION YCAIlS OI'AOK. Vol. Ul commences Nov. 1, 1881. Not U the Time to Nuliioillie, Tlio Yoi'Nii 1'Knri.K luiu hoi-ii nun tlm firm mio-PMliii lipyiinil anUclpnttoii.-A. 1. Mvnlni luf . It Imi dlntlnut piirpnNi to which II Ntrmlliy ud licrin-tlml. Miiiiiidy, ofntiipliiiilliiKl)i vlrlom pa pi-rii for tlm xmii ullli u pniu-r moro ntlrnvtlvo. hi wnll a morn wliolrHimir. flititon Juuxrxil For iifivtni'KW, (ilfiruni'H of ciiKruvliiK, hikI poii IcntH Kcmiriillv.lt N iiimiiriH.'iil liy Hny publica tion of the kind yut liroiiKlit In our ii(itlri.-yvf huvfrh Uatcttr. IIm wi'fkly vliilU nr ciiKrly iMikud lor, uol imlv l tlio rlillilren.biit itMoliy puriMitH who art nxlniis to pruvliln purti lltrntnrt ftr Ihelr Klrln mid lioyn ('hrhllim iliimitr, lluirnlo, N. T. A Wfuklvpnpnr fnrrlillilri'ii wlitrh imrt'iifH need not frur to let thi'lr rlillrtrcn ri-ail ut tint fHinllr (IroililH Jim (fonl IHtUy Ttmn Jint tlm pnpi-r lotiiku UiiMiynHiid nroiirn thn nt tunllon of tlio IH1711 utid Klr). SjiUnpfltU Milon. IIAin'nil'H YOlINd lK01IiK,a. - For Ai-ur, l'ofitiiot) 1'ritinild, jai.ow. Hluglo NiuntiiTN four finit ineli. Tim Iioniid Vnliiiiin for Hh will bn rcudy irly III NflVfllllllllP PrtrtM illlrt. unul.ifi. .........1 Covi-r for Yiivnu I'Korl.lcfor IWtl,.l5cmit; iiiMtiiKC I.lrtinUiidilltlonnl. Ittiinltlitnrt'ii Hlioiild tin nutfln hy Pint-OIDcc Mmii'j Ordrror Drift, to nvolfl rhuncu rf loiw. t'rwtlujtr nrr nut In topy tM aitvrrtitrmul without thtrxjiri ii oitlrr of 1Iauim:k A Hkotuicuh. Addrewi IIAIU'KHA ItUOTIIKllH, NtW Yoiik. ;ao $05O A.3NTID XH3ES OMAHA WEEKLY REPUBLICAN OJVJC YKAIt FOIl $ X . O . Every Subscriber Receives a Pre mium. THE FOUR LEADING GRAND PREMIUMB In tlio Socond Anniml Dlstrlbiitlon, lccemlicr !S, IMH1, AMONUHUllSUHIIIKKH KOH THK OMAHA WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. A, lit I'Ke, 7J4 Column Pnpor, fall or OUotoe IlcBilIni; Matter, ir n follow I A ChlrRo IMtlB' Threnhlnic Mchlno .., wiiii urn-norm) power f r wi An l.iurity.Adre.Ni lirftHku Knrni 40) mi A WftttHr A.WumlHeir llladliiK Ifarvfitor... lis no A (iomTnliorOrii MO O" Agricultural Iiiipleiiieuta, IVmtohe, HewliiK Mnolilne, .. . 'wlry, Hllriir Plnlnl Wrr, Hook, Eto re the other I'retulanik. Hiibtorlptlnn I'rlcii. Including I'roinlum.ll.W) per auniiin. Smid for Aamplb copy nnd llliistrnlpil ?JSmi!!!5.!iH.W?rjKw.SSl w"u-. TILE U12P VJi LIC AN, Omuliu, iVcbiuNka. Dr. MarHlmll'itHyrun makes frlund of tin Ink, nnd enlinloM of oiliur pniatu modloIncM. It ouri'u, nnd utlium do iioi-koc tho polnf: DltlUKtHt HOlt It. 0 si ! -