'I III! I titiitf, .. i 4 W . L. . S STAB LI SHED 1856. I oat Pap or in tlio Stuto.J BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DEO, 1, 1881. VOL. 26, NO. 24. i . i .4 .1 BUSINESS CARDS. ' II. II IK A D Y , Attorney nil 0nnielr nt I.iw, Hrovrnvllle.Neb T 5. ST lTL L. J. ATTOIWKVS AT IjAW. omcoof Con ty Judge, llrownvllle, Nebrnakft. k S. IIO LIi AD AY, A.. lh'leln, Surgenni Obtetrlctn. UrduaUd In 18M. Uiaat'-d In ItrownvlUe I8. Oinc,4t Ma I n street, llrownvlllo, Neb. Tw7; 1 IJSO NT, BLACKSMITH AND IIOIISK MHOUll Workdono to order HndsntldfHCtlonnuftrnnteod Plmtitroot. botvroon Main and Atlantic, Hrown vlllo.Neb. St. A. OsnnitN, Notary I'ttbllc. O.W.Tayi.ou. OSIIOIIN & TAYLOR, Attorneys and Gounsollors at Law, Brownvillo, 'Nebraska. TIIACTICE In tlio State and Koderal courts, I Hneclalattoutlnti given to collections and stilos of roal estate. p A T C L L X E , ISASIIIONAIILK BOOT AM) SHOE MARK It CUSTOM WOHIC iimdrto urdcr, and fits alway guaranteed. ItepHlrlng neatly and irniiiitljr done hop, No. 27 Mnln street. Hrownvlllo.Neti. B. M. BAILEY, HlilffKIl AND IIRA T.Kit IN LIVE STOCK 7i no irxriLLK, nehiiaijka . Farmers, please call and got prices; 1 want io handle, your stock. Oftluc FlrHt National H.mk. MAKLATT & KH;, 1IKAI.EKS IN General Merchandise Dry Goods, Orncerles, Heady Mado Clothing, Hoots, Hhoes. Hats, Caps, nml u General Ah Hortmont of Drugs and Patent Medicines. Ji- Highest prloes paid for buttor and A.SP1NWAI.I., NKHIIASKA. ESTABLISHED IN 18t6. O L r IS S X A, Real Estate enGV IN NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. jooh general Kenl Estate HuslnesH. Sell Lands on Commission, examines Tltlt'H, make Deeds, Mortgages, arid nil Instni niontH pertaining to tlio transfer of Heal Es tate. Has u Oomplete Abstraot of Titles la all Iloal KHtiito In Nemaha County. . O. lovel, DEALER, IN Family Groceries. Always on Hand Flour, Teas and Coffee, Willi a full lino of Canned Goods & Confectionery. Also, tlio very bent Cigars and Tobaccos. t5.Two Door East of Postoflleo, Urown Tillo, Nebrarka. JUITIIOBIZKI) HY THK U. S. UOVKIIJiMK.NT First National Bank OF BROWNVILLE Paid-up Capital, $0,000 (Lutiorized " $00,000 IM PRJtrA.lJTO TRANSACT A General Banking Busines. BUY AND HKI.L OOIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS n all theprlntlpnl cities ftlia United States and Europe MONEY LOANED ! Oi pyrTed ismirlty only. Tltne Drifts discount Kl, al HBiielal accommtdaUens rranUd to depoilt ri. DtaWltn OOTnRVMJfMT BOKDri, STATE, COUNTY k CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS IUIt4 payable oudmfti,Md IMTBHBTal owe4 UnarUflatea f 4pll. omwcnroRii.-tTm.T. D, n. u. Riir. u.a" nnir. rrlc K. jabnita, l.illitr uMly Wbi Praliktr. J9HK L. CAHSOV, A.C.UlVIItk.Ctiklir. PrMat .(.UillVinriN, Aait.CMkkr. NEMAHA CITY. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Good buggies nml tiornon, clinrgoa roan onablo. l!i)Ht;f cure taken of transient Btooli 'BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mndi And ropatrcd iik well im can bo donv anywborc, on nliort notice, and VbUt Y It EA SON A Ji L U TERMS. mY Hotel, LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR. NEMAHA CITY NEB., Centrally located: Good faro, ami notrnii-bit- apart'd to tniiitt kiiohIh comiorlablt' Good barn for liorses and Ch urges h'cason a blv. ATTENTION"" FARMERS ! For your Agricultural Implement, oto DAVID A. MORTON, I t-artn and Hprln Wuijmiih, Sullty Ilow I Htlrrltiij IMown, corn I'lanterM. Harrows Hoaptirn, Moworn, CultlvatorN, CornSliullorM and tlio Homb ToiiKiielosM Cultivator. JOHNS. MI NICK, General Merchandise. Nemaha City, Nob. B.BELL ANDREWS. M.D Physician Surgeon, Noiimha City, Nobraska. Calls in the Country Promptly Attend ed, dag or night. SPECIAL ATTENTION' given tosurglei diseases of womoli and hurgleal dlNPiihes of tbo eye. U-l'atluiitH from abroad can bo furnltUied wiiu pleasant roomH ami aeeommodatloiiH LIVERY ! W.E.0 Opjio.siL LumluT Yard, Main St. C3-003D BIO-S AT REASONABLE RATES. Special AccominoUaliniis for Coniiiiercial Men, AX I) Driver Furinshed whtn (Icsirod. Horses lioanled ly the day or wook, and Faviners' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. E. LOOMIS, BROWNVILLE, NEBR. Huh removed bin ihop to tlio old flank Ac Armttugo building, opposite O'l'olt'n livery h table. tt Repairing tioutly hnd promptly done. QIvo him u trial Jacob Marohn '? llrownvllle, IVobraNka. MERCHANT TAILOR, and ilenlerln (1niBllli, Kiourli, Scotch and Fanrjr C'lothi YentliiKK, Ktc, YXc. B lFft'kl ' imMW "irk Uvevrha' laAUICiO (TI.m Alk.i.rtTkitM) k.Uw.dl. rrU. UrrU'raMkl4(lll.itriU4 kf riilMJ(llU(4lMr1r 'l' t.4 tkawUl IU ... rlM.a. Tk. p.akUl m TaJa.bU I. tij Uj to iei aU fc.lk, V.l.i . lkM..klT trif lit. I Ua.ln, .. iki, m... wirrM. HAIKU HMtn M. ST IQU1S, MST VAHTHD i' . iw Set r rut. rut B.tk, tmi IbUi, PW ft , Kl Cttnt, i (. ,t. Lnu. Mo. p PELT Boo&nin NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Emperor William is becoming very feeble. It is believed that Hon, Hntlm will assist Scovill in closing the (iiiitoan trial. At Lynn, Mass.. a m an named Dris eoll put a dose of laudanum in Conley's boor to quiet him because ho was too boisterous. Jt killed (.'onle. From tho ruinous rulu of a freo trado policy, or tliu oppression of mon arch more or less absolute, 07,1)2!) immi grants sought this land of freedom and protection during tho month of (Mobur. Inter Oram. Guiteau requests noWBpaper report era not to speak of him as "thy assas sin," as it grates harshly on his nerves. Ho would prefer to bo referred to as "Mr. (Jititeau, who romoved the Presi dent." Odd Fellowship appears to bo lloiirish ing in Indiana. At tho recent meeting of the (Jrand Lodge at Indianapolis, 700 delegates were present. During tlio past year 8-10,(100 were paid for relief of sick brothers. Tlio best and smartest of men make mistakes sometimes, (irant took Hel knap into his cabinet and (Jarlield took McVcagh. Tho former's wife sold a post tradorship, and the latter winked at tlio most enormous steal over perpe trated on the government treasury. mm i !! Tho announcement from Washing ton that "Jones was bailed out" is a n mindor that if ho had been bailed out before ho shot it might have prevented his making a national fool of himself. If there are any more Washington cranks they would do well to practice shooting awhile at barn doors and then be thoroughly bailed out before thoy tiro at (Suiteau. Inter Omni. Mine I'atti gave a concert in Now York for the benefit of thoso rendered homeless and destitute by tho terrible forest tires in Michigan this fall. The receipts of the concert amounted to about 810,000; but the sufferer. will got only 8."i,r0(), as Mio managers sa, the expenses are near 81.-100; and everything is so high n.tw, you know. Miss Clara Louisa Kellogg, the pr'ma donna, aged :w will ore lone lead to the hymonial alter, Mr. Klihha I). Whitney, aged -10, a beer brewer and son of a wealthy brewer of Philadelphia. From tho stories told in the eastern papers about some of Mr. Whitney's love affairs, be is an accomplished rake, not at all hard to lead into now and curious pastures. It is as much the duty of all good men to protect and defend the reputa tions of worthy public servants as to detect public rascals, -.lames A. (far- JMd. That certainly is a sentiment which all men who would bo true and just do indorse, and always have practiced, whether thoy be "good" or not. Fair minded, brave, candid men, were doubtless tho class embraced within tlio meaning of (Jarllold, for men are good only in legreo and bono absolute ly so. Jtov, Dr. Thomas, of Chicago, preach ed an able sermon on Thankfulness, from which we extract tho following as full of good common sense, and therefore good doctrine: Wo aro also to be thankful that the years which eomo now bring to nearly all homos greatly reformed statements of Christian doctrine. Had not tho pulpit begun some years ago to preach a more reasonable gospol, the masses of our community would now be scolllng infidels, perhaps such as once made Paris a slaughter house of tho innocent and tlio worthy. Thirty and forty years ago, when tho rights of married women to property wore discussed in an adjoining state, it was shown from scripture that women wore negatived by tho idea of man, and that marriage made hor poor as a slave; but within recont days tho same Christianity has mado tho wives in that state almost equal partners in tho properly accumu lated in tho married life. Tlio "revised Testamont" is an unimportant event compared with the revised creeds which have boon appearing far in advance of the improved vorsion of tho Bible. Wo aro thankful that the christian churches of this nation ate preaching a religion full of reason, full of simplici ty, full of good will from (Sod to man, and from man to man. ruconsciously or consciously all the denominations aro teaching ideas which not only eomo nearer being true than those hold by our ancestors, but which also apply to tho conduct of HTe, and help create morality and happiness. So perfectly iree ami Hold ts tho thought of nil per sons, old and young, of our day, that inoy win not accept a religion simply because it was held by their fathers. Thoy have become so accustomed to abandoning the old wooden plow, and tho old pack-horse, and tho old spinning-wheel, and the old mall car rier, and the old sickle, and the old lamp and caudle, and the old sail-ship, that thoy have become trained in the practice of parting with tlio old, and not longer will they worship at the al tar of an irrational and cruel Cod. That the nation is not a nation of mil dels comes from the fact that all tint churches have studied their doctrines, and have hastened to declare (Sod to be a loving father, and tho religion of .Jesus to be a study of righteousness. mtm 0m 1 1 Postmaster Ceueral .lames hits made his llrst annual report. Tho total expenditures for the year ending .Inly ;!, isi. were SJIDJfti, 7:i(l.4, the receipts 8;!n,7S;i.:i!)7.i7, leav ing a detleit to he supplied out ot the general treasury of $., IS1,1J1.:;., or 0.:5 per. cent ot tlio amount expended. The receipts for tho vear were 8:5. 4 (I'J.Dl 8.0:1, io.4 per cent, more than those of the preceding year, and 14.2 percent, moiothan tho estimate which was made two years ago, before tho present period of business prosperity hud fairly begun, to which tlio increase is in a large degree declared to be at tributable. Tho annual increase of the national postal business is estimated at S per cent., hence the dellcit. By careful reckoning, based upon an actual count mado in every postoilico in the t'nitetl States during the first week in December, INKO, it was ascer tained that the whole number of letters mailed in this country in the last fiscal year was 1.0ltl.l07,:tis. Tho number reaching the dead letter ollice during tlio sumo period as il.it'Jii.O'JI, or one in every ;!!.". Tho amount of money separated from dead letters for which no claimant could be found was $tt,M t. 40, which was deposited in the treasury. Tho number of domestic money orders issued during the year was 7,(10:5, 2:i'', of the aggregate value of 8lO."i.()7fi.7(l.:J.'. There were -nil arrests mado during thoyo.tr. The arrests are classified as follows; Postmasters, 42; assistant postmasters, II ; clerks in puslollicos, l((; postal clerks and route agents, li; letter-carriers, S; mail-curriers, 18; other employes, (I; highwaymen, :50; burglars, til ; all others, for various of lensf's, 22:1. The reduction of letter postage is recommended to two cents. Wo notice that some newspapers are pulling "William itulstou Balch's Life of (Jarlield." Many of them, doubtless, would b far fiom recommending that book had the read it. Three-font ths of its pages are devoted to political har angue intensely partisan in spirit ami full of misrepresentations, anil false hood. People who purchase a "Life of Cariield" want it for a fainiiv book, and free from partisan bias. At any rate thoy generally do not want a po litical document gotten up by a third rate author, such as Balch. Judging fiom thb literary reputation of Itov. itidpath, not yet having read his book, wo would think his to be the most carefully and conscientiously compiled life of the great and good President now inviting the attention of families of tho republic. At all events do not lay out jour money for Balch's book or you will find yourself swindled with a neatly bound lie. Jones, charged with assault on the assassin Cuitcau, with intent to kill him, has been indicted by the grand jury. Marshal Henry, of the District recently received the following mysterious letter from tho "Aonger League:" Wkstlun ItiiSKitvi: Pear Sir: Our lat attempt on our trieudCuiteau fail ed. Tho comrade missed his calcula tion a little. My effort comes next, and it cannot fail. My object in writing is this: Wo don't want to hurt anyone but tho miserable assas sin, and don't want to hurt a hair of anyone else, but Mr. Kdolin and others must not display so much zeal in the future, or thoy will got hurt. I had great dilliculty in keeping my squad from shooting Kdelin and driver last Saturday, as they were pursuing tho comrade. Had they shot him, neither Kdelin nor tho driver, nor any one of ii. i .. i.ii . i. tii ( tne crown, wuum nave reueneu inojau alive. A little less zeal on their paili John Dvmond s plantation at Bolair, will be better for them. Don't bother Plaquemines parish, La oxploded, that drunkon fitrmor. Ho is not tlio completely wrecking tho boiler limine man you want. Our man is in Ohio. and badly wounding Joseph Moinker, Your friontl. Martin Von Millor, Honry (Made, John Old FouTY-Sr.co.Ni) Ohio Avenukk; MoN'orton, Fdgar Hately, Charles Cree Lkaoite. (laud, and Xed Dunham. Tho Gohlon Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Mo bos M, Oouuor. Mod lent h! by tlielr daughter, Mr. V. L. ItUHNoll, CIriolniiiiUI, Ohio.) In ntitumu time, when all tlio bnrna worn: tilled With golden grain and fruttK of rerllln Im-n: Tbcn tliere anpeai d for one mont honored pair, A day of mieli a bright mid golden hnw An fow, however aged, live to en. A golden wcddlng-drty yeatM of loll, And fifty earn ot one eompiiuloiinhlp. And fifty .vmrnMillhnntiil tender lovo. Indued, (i (.del icetUUiw, Autuin n-llUo. Around them gathered are tha frullnor life,. The love of olilldren, the, reaped of moil, 'I'ber. vereiii't' ofllie eom in unity. a golden garland Nhould tm wrought for tlico Thou iinmi renpet)ted and beloved pair, Whle.li limn huth fought tlio bitter ftlrlfo. of life. You have been paretilM, children erownort your love. You liavn been pioneer. The lerl lie noil l'rueialmetli loud the zeal of busy haiulH. Now llfly yearn ol labor aro punned by, And like an autumn, golden and nuhllma, Tlieovetilng of It Io appearr to you. Muy, IlUn ilia glory of the autniniiN hits. Tlio future of your day be npent In puaee. And may the bllhx of lllm who rulen tho world, IUHt on you ltlco tb nun, which gltdH the earth With nplemlld Itmtre, when your day aro done, Alloutlonatoly to my dear pnreiilH. Mas. W. L. KimsKi.i.. A Domagoguo Exposod. FitiEM) FAiunuoTitint: -1 do not read thudranger, because I never look at it without becoming utterly disgust ed with the insincere and hypocritical stylo of its editorials. I positively be lieve that (!. B. M. is not callable of be ing candid, honest, manly, about any thing. J, ike the medical expert said of Uultoau, "if not deranged, he is cer laiuly very badly nangcd." That which provoked this article was a quo tation from thu Ui'angii" in tlio articie of "Prudoiuiu" in last week's Advkh Tisi'.u. as follows: "The U ranger will Jfght the. ptaile's battles "tt;. After the elect ion Moore pi ocialniH with a flourish of truinptits. and many false grimaces, and idiotic smirks, that ho did it. Be fore tho election he played a double and unmanly part. I speak now especially of the contest for clerk, as upon that matter 1 happen to know whereof I speak, and it is this: While Moore was professing to desire tho election of ,Ioo Docker, ho was at the same time under a promise to Dr. MctJrow to help him all ho could. I do not know to what extent he assisted MoGrow, but I do know of several annaront kindnesses done him which wore sufficient to con vince Mcdrew that Mooro was "solid" for him. Tlio matter with Mooro was ho was not sure which way tho cat would finally jump; but really believed with Wilcox and Docker both in tlio Held, that Met J row would squeeze through between thuin; and ho had to play the double game, so easy for him to play, so that lot the election go as it would, ho could claim especial friend ship with tho elect. There is another thing generally known, I believe, cor roborative of my charge. it is this: Mooro hates Docker a good deal worm than he does the devil, and lias over since an occasion a few years ago when thoy had a street quarrel, and Moore ran for his stairway with tho toe of .loo's ponderous boot in close prox imity to his coat tail. In connection with this which is still further cor roborativethe reader may lake a ret rospective view of the old days of gran gerism, when a tie of love and friend ship was formed between Mcdrowund Moore which time and its changes have never broken. And it is observable by readers of human nuturo that the two. have political characteristics which aro strikingly similar. Ah, "tho Granger will light the people's battiest" and its editor would "give them away" for a less money consideration than Judas betrayed bis Master for. Ho was not at heart with the people in tho last el ection. He pledged his support to tlio most obnoxious candidate over foisted on the Republican party, being at the Hiimo time a professed Democrat, a pro fessed mongrel, a professed anything, to bout the Uopuhliuu ticket. One thing moro about "Prudontia's" egregi ous, and we are done with him for tho present: I notice that Monro is ped dling to his subscribers the picture of a sainted man whom a year ago he de nounced in ovory issue of his miserable paper, as a brilwjtaker and erjuror. It was a standing charge in tlio Granger, asitsreadoi-s will well remember, dur ing tho presidential campaign, that (Jarfleld bad boon bribed by Oakos Ames and then swore to a lio in solf viudieation. Was Moore a self-conscious liar then, or is ho a domagoguo now, or both V Yours, &!., Bi,iy,,Aui. At Ashland, Ky tbostoamor (Jaylo collided with another steamer and im mediately sank. Mrs. Mead, tho cook was drowned. nil.-, l.ii ,. r ii . ' i no ooiiur oi 1110 sugar House on