Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 17, 1881, Image 8

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    rtwwau.LUjxx,MVTOJramrarJiviMini uhiwihihiiimiiiu i iwiiiwuhi uumunuajuumsmi
Ho Is AB8anflinatod in tho Oorriflor of tlio
Ouatoin ilouso in Omaha.
His Participation in tho Proscoution of Oer-
tuiu Liquor Doalurn Supposed to
bo tho Uau8o.
Keillor AriviTtlHor.
At threes n'oluuk liwlVriday nioniiiii,'
i lie nowH Hproiiil tibroiid in tlio city Unit
Hon. WiitHon 15. Smith, U. H. illH.riiil
(ilurk, luiri bucti found dead lylni; at tho
door of ltin olllco in Him corridor of tlio
jioMtolllcc ImildiiiK in tlilH city. Ho laid
left Ids Iioiih) tho proviniH ovening tul
litiK Ids inotlior ho would bo back short
ly, and that ho had hoiiio IiiihIiiohh to
utlond to at his ollico. Time piihhwI
and ho did not return. Ills mother be
came unoasy and .sent to tho residence
of Dr. Moore, near by, and re nested
him to telephone for him, or to Mr.
Kuliti at the drug store, corner of
Douglas and JMh streets. Tho doctor
did so. Mr. ICuhn wont directly to his
ollico, which is on tho third floor of the
custom house building; found the door
slightly open, as he could seo by the
moonlight rays, mid on groping ids
way through tho dark corridor he
stumbled upon something. 'Ho reached
down and caught hold of a cold hand.
Tho thought immediately struck him
that Col. .Smith was dead, and ho rush
ed down stairs and into the street in
search of help. Alter going a few
blocks ho met n policeman and tho
watchman of lloyd's opera house and
they together went to tho poHlollico.
A light wan procured which revealed
the lifeless body of Mr. Smith lying in
R'pool of blood. A largo :ii caliber re
volver lay at his foot; his keys were in
the door from tho outside (which was
partly closed); a role of mail consisting
of letters, papers, and postal cards, lay
;it, his feet as If it had boon suddenly
dropped; ho wore an overcoat and had
a large inulller about his neck; the
stick used for turning tho gas oil lay
on tho table as if it had been placed
thero after turning tho gas ofT, prepar
atory to goiiit' homo.
From these particulars it is inferred
Hint ho was In the act of shutting the
door, and that tho villain stood cIomi
to tho wall to his loft, and placing the
muzzle of the revolver close to the head
of tho victim, (lied, lulling him instant
ly, and in the excitement had thrown
the revolver to tho place where found
(between the feet of the dead man.)
Tho ball entered tho head just above
and behind die loft ear and passing out
to the front and above the right ear,
and was llattoned by striking tho stone
wall,. falling to tho lloor.
At the post niortom examination it
was discovered that tho skull had boon
broken in several pieces, evidently
caused by tho concussion, as tho rovoi
ver seems to have been placed against
tlio head. Thero is somo diversity of
opinion among tho doctors, as to wheth
er a blow was struck.
On .Saturday afternoon a meeting of
citizens was hold In tho Academy of
Music, at which resolutions of respect
to tho deceased wore passed, and sub
scriptions for rewards wore offered. At
the close of tho mooting tlio chairman
announced that sRr.oo had been sub
scribed, and that tho Governor had is
sued a proclamation offering his con
stitutional limit (SL'OO) and that Hon.
.1. H. Finch had offered a reward of
8201) in behalf of tho Grand Lodge of
Good Templars, for tho arrest and con
viction or tlio perpetrator of the crime.
Speeches woro mado by manv promi
nent citizens, and excitement was rifo
about tho city. The M. & M. Union
offers S.'iOO also. Tho funeral took
place Tuesday.
Col. Smith iiad several times received
threatening letters and postal cards
from unknown parties in tho city, who
woro supposed 10 bo Hijuor dealers in
the dons and slums. Mr. Smith had
been employed by the temperance peo
ple of tho city to prosecute violators of
tho Slocumb and Sunday laws. Several
persons had been prosecuted, but none
lately. Tho above is tho general opin
ion, although the respectablo (V) liquor
men have subscribed handsomoly (Sr.00)
for tho capture of the murderer. The
total reward amounts to tlfty-four
hundred dollars. (Jon. Hstabrook has
also boon threatened from tho sam
source for a like potriotio. position with
Col. Smith, and also other prominent
The question, then, would m.m.i t
recur: "is Omaha tho lurking placo of
biiii'viM .urn mnruorors v .
Yours truly,
n i xr 'UsQl'MAirx.
Oninha, Nov. 7, 1881.
Tho Christian Mystorics.
So prone are tlio minds of men, to
run into channels of thought, and to
go oft" into routines of notions, that the
correctness of thought, or the impor
tance of tho actions, is not alwavs well
considered; and tho christian idea and
the christian walk aro not ex'eeptioas
to this.
If it were asked, what aro tho distinguishing-features
of Christianity
in what does It differ from other sys
tems of religious faith? from other
rules of action? In what, is its pro-omi-nonco
over other theologies, other
schools of ethics? How many would
bo roady witli a correct answer, in an
xpression of words, or a witness in a
m ro life?
is Christianity a systom of theology
exclusively touching tho naturo of the
tnio God 'i The one God is indeed rep
nmonled in the christian system, but
that is not tlio peculiar revelation to
tlio soul.
Mahoiiimed taught tlio doctrine of
the Olio God, and has had millions of
followers, and perhaps they have not
had ii'oro correct views of the Infinite
One than tho Egyptian or Hindoo, witli
their thousands of gods. It is not so
much tho forms through which wo un
derstand the Creator, which is to bo de
sired as is tlio coriect views wo got of
While tlio classic and highly cultiva
ted heathen and pagan people had every
grove and and mountain and
starrv space and habitation of tho air
llllod'with divinities, powerful, beauti
ful and benign, or hideous and baleful,
overlooking, ovor-ruling the actions of
men, deciding their destinies. Yet
deep In tho hearts of tho "initiated"
was rooted the idea of one over-ruling
power, one universal presence, one
great arbiter of destiny. Tills wnstho
idea of God, held by those who had en
tered the "holy of holies," but" who
thought It not wine or safe to teacli
this to the "uninitiated" souls which
had not been illuminated with tho
mysteries learned in the temples of wis
dom. Wo see then that tho theology of one
(Sod is not peculiar to Christianity.
Is It a system of morals? "Do unto
other.H as you would have others do to
you," is tho highest standard of morals
man can reach. Hut that was t'uiglit
by Confucius, and Ituddah and Biiunuli,
long belore it was by .Jesus of Nazerolli
to his disciples, lie bid them observe
tin purest mural code known among
men. For the results of moral action
are i s uiichangu .bly llxo,', afaro tho de
crees of destiny. So ho taught love
one another, love your enemies, do no
evil, do good to all as yo have opportu
nity. Imp. that was not the revelation
of the gospel of Christ. "The mysterj
of (Sod hid i Christ .Jesus since the
world began," for good will to men, e
piossed In charitable, benevolent ac
tions has boon found to bo tho bottei
wav, through all tho ages of time.
Tho wise Kgyptinn. tlio learned Hin
doo, the classic Greek, the polished
Homan. tho profound Knglisiiinan, the
aspiring American -nil people, savage
and civilized, have learned that to
"cease- to do evil and learn to do well,"
is the bettor way, is tho only correct
way of securing peace and safety and
happy, social communion among num.
It is what, they have learned by expe
rience, not revelation.
What then is tho good tidings in the
gospel of the Christ? It is tho assur
ance of eternal life proceeding from
the All Father, manifested through the
Son by the spirit. The heavenly inllu
oncos of this sacred trinity comes to
tlio spirit of man and convinces him of
life immortal, lifoeternal ; when nature,
onrupt in dignified silence refuses an
answer to tho soul, when hungering
and thirsting after a response to this
most important of all questions. I'rouil
science retires Into her sanctuary and
deigns no roply to the anxious spirit
enquiry concerning the hereafter.
"Life and immortality are brought to
light, through the gospel." The voice
of tho elder llrothor comes to man in
his anxious questioning and says, "I
am ho who was dead, and am alive
forever more," and as sure as I am
allvo from the dead, so shall you live
from the dead.
In Adam, the first man, all men have
an inheritance of death. In Christ, the
second man, all men have an inheri
tance of life. So sure as all dio in
Adam, so sure shall all bo made alive
in Christ.
I.ifo beyond the gravo was the great
burden of tho Apostles' preaching, and
for which they suffered persecutions.
Paul says, "Of tho hope and resurrec
tion of the dead, 1 am called in ques
tion. Behold I show you a mvstery;
wo shall not all sleep, but wo shall all
be changed, In a moment, in tho twink
ling of an eye, at the last trump, for
the trump shall sound and the dead
shall bo raised, incorruptible." It is
tho incorruptible which is raised the
spirit. And it is to this incorruptible
comes tho i evolution ol eternal life, and
it. eagerly grasps lids truth; it is to it
the bread of heaven, the water of lite
to tho thirsting soul; it drank and is
inado partaker of the divine nature,
and this hoavonlv state of mind abhors
all evil doing. So I he christian morali
ty, which is of the highest order, is
reached by being made partaker of the
divine nature.
"Tlio gospel of glad tidings, of groat
joy, which is for all people," has lifted
the veil from the unseen world ami uw.
can look upon the condition of the do
parted souls one partaking of tlio joys
of a righteous life, tho other being in
torment because of evil doing; and
thoy hear the reason for their different
conditions "remember in thy life
time." It is a fact, confirmed by phi
losophy, by science, by reason and bv
revelations, "that what a man sows
that shall ho reap," that by his deeds'
dona in tho body, shall mab bo approved
or condemned. That charactor shall
decide destiny.
Well would it bo if wo could wninm.
ber that a record of our actions aro
made. A book of remembrance is kept
and that when we shall pass into the
world of spirits (and wo all will ere
long) then tlio books will bo oponed,
the records seen, and wo hoar "remem
ber in thy life time."
London, Nob.
A building fell down in Xow York
city the other day killing nine persons.
ilfc .. $
vritn2&iHUiS.JI Jt4 irWracYl
uiixxwc w ..7 . Ji T,irjaim
Opposlt Lumber Yard, Main St.
Special Accommodations for
Comniorcial Men,
Driver Furnished
when desired.
Horses boarded by the day or week,
and Farmers' teams fed and cared for
at fair rates.
AtBrownville, Nebraska.
Missouri "River.
Kates Low, Camps Shatl u,
lioailn (loud.
Indemnity Ample.
Connects with all Trains.
How Lost, How Restored!
JiihI (iiilillHlii'il, u c t'lllU'in ir r. fiilVorl"
wcII'h Ci'lolii-uli il I hii 'i tliormlicil '-nrn t.f
Sliorinutorrliilt'tiiir stialimi WdikinMs. Iiivulm
lury "-I'm. mil,(. luipiibiii-y. Mt'tilal anil
I'liy.lcnl 1 ii.-upti. Itv, Impcill-ni'iitH to umrrlHKO
tt'.i IllHO. I'uS'-l MVlil, I'il'II.KPsV HIHl Kl'IK. lu-
Iiic(m1Iij Nl.t-liiiliiiKiii('(xir hi'Mnul uxir.tviiKimro,
'I'liorolchm'iil niitlmr In tills lulnilriUilo Kny,
clcnrly iliiinoii-.irnli-s, fi-n.n a thirty y.-iirV Hiir
I'l'isiui pr uiluii. Mint tht' ii'iiriiiliiKfiiiiNciiiiiiiiRcsot
i'lt iilnnc in i) lie rui'lcii'-y curt-1: iuluiii mil
u imiilnof ruronf onrp. intiln,'i'rliiln, mul ollrel
iml.liy iiu'iih ol' wlncli i.v.ry snll'i-rpr. no ninttor
wlmi his i-oiiilltlnii inn do, limy euro lilniholf
clii'iiph .irlviili'ly.itml rml'oiilly.
it . I'lils I.ociiiri'Mniiilil holn Uiulininls ir ovory
youth and ovory iiiiin In tlio luiid.
....... .....I..m ....! 1 1..!. iinoiilitnn tn tint' fill.
VUl llllilt'l n, -i.i. in nivi" vn. vi.'i'i " .... .-
dreis. post-puld. on receipt oThIx cents, or two
piitnKo stiinips Wo Imvo iiUii u H'iro euro
lorTiiim Worm. Address
1 1 Ann St., Now Ynilt, N. V. P.O. llox..l,-Sll.
18 ly
Tko Revised
tlmt wo ortor tliom tliu l.OWKKT VliU Ks,
tlio eroatokt vniltv, and bfxt l(rnn: nrint
only 60 rants, MlOwlllK FIOHT illlloicnt
ivlo find price. Iiioliiillim now I'ninllol
I'ldttmn witli lioth oI,l AND NKW VKH
UIONB HIOB ItV HlUK for onnipuriMon
HI. I.otiln, Uo,
-.., .. . . -rrriWJWKTUi
$8? ..t fill u. ..k t4W "m" "f. W
A entLyt:wU.... W Jj.n.iulli.H
fMliitulniitunnil am
Hon Rltters. illllic fttoiil
...,. iit-iiinti. nfLlitf
..ilif u.nlf. t.i mi.
w6.t. uo Hop B.
.iilTnrlnr fromny ln
f fn nro younir n.ll
ill i-lJlli.ll r hliii'
h Llllil , ' ,.... r-..' ..!-
n .1 or .iiijm ... .r.j "..--.-,, V'L.
tatlll ri , - :
1 .ulMn i .k
.. inllU(iin ' " "v" "-
iuu. rviy oh llopwuuxorr.
wi,,..,nu t'Bu1. IliiiicnniH illi n.
l..'.iri .;,.... n .t;5 il that lillttlit
nerd. '""" ..' " 2)ia,oi,ouiioriitl
ti- Hop AvCtK "0P'0
'-" A?, u-zmmm
,.! MHu-y.-w. .' f-';n-A "I i, H.. abfdltltO
unit irretUta.
jt euro for
ilriuikeniioi, i ,
iiv of opium,
tnu'oco, or
rlsti. JealulfiiF
i,( Irculai-
ii oi- iitTruus
wi-a ro.,
l-4l ,l(Trtnitrt, Ool,
A cerUla euro for HorvotfS
Debility, Seminal Weak-
nnrtn. Imnntdnen. ntmr.
Th EnoifesKVdd lu r prfcctlea for ZiYttm
MnJanUlniaTnlcaVnoiofonpnpsa jlvlnc futt If
DE.T. WILLIAMS. -i3i i. wittr TBruUrlk.
':'!" .", :r s -,--, t
I II f l . ... . I I I 1 ( '
v-iu 'ill oi'l" n'TTrilll 3
c ,i. j.juim'.., if Lav
r.op tl..?-rtf - U I H.r
It r .'Km im- '', "' '
1.. .1....L.I 1,1. L l
It ' ' t -I , . .
,lfo ll ,MAIL ;l
The majority of tho ill of the human
body arlie from a derangement of the
Ilvcr, affecting ioth tho tomaeh and
bowel. In order to effect a eure, it i
neeeetary to remove the cans, Irregu-9
lar and Slugglih action of the Vowel,
Headache, Slchnei at the Stomach, Vain
the Hack and Jjolm, etc., indicate that
the Liver ie at fault, and that nature re
quire aitiitance to enable ihie organ to
throw offimpurltle.
I'rlcUly Anli lUllerti are especially
compounded for tht purpotc. They are
mild in their action and effetttve ae a
cure l are pltaiant to the facte and taken
caally by both children and adult. Ta
ken aceordtng to direction; they are a
a fe and plentiful cure for DynpcpalN,
Cuuwral lclIltty,IIalitunl Com.
Htlpntlon, nlMcnnca Kidney,
etc., etc. 1 a Klood I'urlHer they
are superior to any other medteinef
oleantlng the tutlem thoroughly, and
impartlitt new Ufa und energy to the in
valid. Jt In a iuuliclne and not
llltojclcxtllliy: bnverage.
and tUo no othor. THICK, ei.00 por Jlotll.
Ot. Loula X
it i;s i ;v s:ss
! TIY PAR tilt husl HiiHllUMji ami Hnplnl
i HiuhMIcm.I; pvcriHiblltlieil. Much
til" intpMt It tolls -.'ryiiuiy rfimplvli'ly
hfst wu. . U.iw l" bo V.ilir own l.uryi'r,
How in "lo llu-diif-n ourreistly and niioimsmIiiI
ly, li.nv t Act In society mul in uvory port
(ifliro. ami ooiititlnn u koIiI nitiiu of viirloil
I n formation tiiillHpeiiMililu to all oIhhhch for
PMMNtniit rcfereiipo. AGENTS WANT
ED for all or -.pure ilino. To know why
tin hook ot UKAIj value and attrautlmm
ihII tjctu-r tliiin any oilier, apply for tornm
toll. . SCAMMKLI.& CO.. 210 N. 3d Ht., rit
I.uiiIn, Mo. ,
JL a "
Every Subscriber Receives a Pre-
In tlio St'cotiil An mini Distribution,
OcucieilM'ti' 28, !SHl,
A l'i I'nKe, TA Column I'nper, full of
Choice JteiitUni; .Hot tor, nre
follotvn t
A ClilrnRo Pltti' ThrotlilnK Mitchlnn) .(.rj, -,.
Willi toii-liorKv jmwor V w
An KlKlity-AuioN' liniiki. rnrin 100 00
A Wulii-r A. Wood Milf-llindliiK Harvostur... 315 no
A Hem Tnlior Or;iMi 30o ou
Agricultural I mpleioli( m,
AVulrhm, SrvliiK AIuoIiIiion,
Iivli-y, Kltvir llneil Warn,
ItookN, Eu , nrti tlio oilier I'rriulmnH.
Siihicrlptlim Prl 'o. liiclndlin; PriMiilnin. 1 ro por
iiiimini. finl fur MiLiii I).,, i'iiuv unil llliiitriiloil
pro I'liiiu list S(nt Iri'ii on itppllcullon. Pull
prcniliiiii Hit, .o,oiX). Address,
tu e a i:p ub lica y,
IPmaliu, Nebraska.
Size or Sheot, 19x24,
With his AUtoi'raiili, 'icUiiowloitKod by hlm
nelfto he the hot lllconens In exlhtonoo.
S7.IM) per liuiidreil.
Kliif;la coplcn, !45 unit. .
Copy of Autograph l.ottor kIvuii with oneh
piuturo. Aiuiross,
Shoher it rripmvlll Ijltlio. Co.,
1 tU Monroe Ht.,Clilciii?o.
-10,0110 '.old In ( liloauo IiimIiIo ol'lS Iioui-h,
6l,0(0 XilCWVttO
For any oimo Illlnd, IHo.'dlnu. ItchlnK,
I'leeratod or Protru.llnu IMI.KS that lc
UIiik'h I'll, lti-nu'ily fnllH to cure, Pre
pared by J. I'. M.Her. M. I)., 016 Areh Street,
I'lilla., l'a None uonulno without his
HlKimtur. Hond fer circular. All drugglBtb
or uon.-ral Htoros have It or will not H for
von fll. Huh! In Itrownvllln bv A. W.
NJoholl, DruKKlnt. lniO
uiirlr ot i owik-r.
tils t5EGT Mill CHLHI'tUT
. t .UVH .'. .T--"
Tfl.i. .-.a. Tl.d. ..BU Id
In1,rl,.tir ltlltunvfirlll. II 18 UJ) btfnt
lAsinti It Hnnn nn num. I lit farm il
hlEhly ppllsheU ourfaco ovof tho
dirolng frlotion and liyhtonlnrr :tio draft.
It la tlw ohonpoot bccatiM) it ooits no trior
than Inforlor brando, and ono bor. yvlll do
GUARANTEED to contain noPptroIautn.
For tle by nil ruvt-oliuwi lioalcrfi. lETOiir '
Cyclop,JUt ef Thkxgi VTort Knowing mailed froa.
31 Michigan Avonim. Chloaco. IIMnola.
AniCD'111 ' traubl.4 "It !.tneorrlra
LMUICO (n..r Albuior ITkll.ii tkauld ,nj (or
1 . iiii .'r. llarrU'rumlilnidllaitritad
tT rliUi) ilvlut d.mtpuas ( tu riiiity, txl lUwur lu in.
rlxalioD. Tie aa,pkl.i it oluillt to tar iij lu iih.
ctc L.illh.Uliif cinilit.l In iln. oa tbia ilUuc
in ."i xtup
xno worij oi iwo or nny auicrHsifj '"P"
made. naiiHwerawiuaaly wwcllfor lii-.-yejlen,
MiU ilcarinir,ThrNtiliiar Machtm's.Ooni-l'UuUni,
CurrlnmM. liiiivlna .in Nn.r.i for Muronn. It U
Over all other Machines and
always givaa
Fur Dcscrlptlvo Circular anal
Catalogue aend to
2ES &. !220 State St., ChlcnRO.
Agents for tho UyJUAJlJ LS
Ti A W TVT 0r- IGIIT on tho
In till'! life, throiiKli tlio dnrk valloy, and In
tlicllfootortml; nn ncoii lntliotiovt ilioulitu
Att liiA.lliti mit htKB utiil uVirt,lt ri niiiniiir
t ll'llllK iiiiiiwi i fut ri inonin ituiiiii
whom are HlHhopH HtmpNon, Wiirrun, KoMor,
IIurHt, mul Four. .Tot.upli Coolc, IJeoohor. Tal
nmno, Dr. Cnrrlo, Dr. March, Dr. MrCnnh,
Dr. L'roHhy, Dr. Cnyler, Ooo. 1). I'rontlce,
I Iran .Stanley, Wlilttler, LoiiKfllov and
otlior.s. ThONiihJoot-a treated aro Death, Im
mortality, Millenium, and Second Advent,
tho ItcHiirrectlnn.Judcmcnt.thopunltmmont
of tho wloltod, nrid tho reward of the rlght
POiiK, A Ulch fount iitvnttH the render of this
hook. It cot taltm tho urandoHt'thouKhti of
tho world s c rent (-it iiuthorH, on mibjeots of
the most, protound lnteroNt tooveryono. Not
uloomy hut hrllllant. Thoro S not n dull
pni?o In tho hook. It In nlnnlitloly without
a rival. Kvoryhodv will rend It. Kohool
ToaohorM, Htudonts; Younj; M"i and I.adloM,
aotiiif? as iiKonts for this hook nro limiting
over 9KH) a month. Hell.s fast. One Aen
nolo 71 llrnt 15 iluyN, another -10 In 8 dayt. an
other 11 In onodav, another 15 and o hlhlos
In ! days, h lndy sold 0 In ton hours Secure.
torrltor qulolt. Aloo nnonts wanted fcr thi
host Illustrated 'Havlied Now Teslanietft,
and for the finest Family HlblcH ovor Hold by
iiKoiitK. Send for circulars.
P. W. ZIK.OI.KIt A. CO., 015 Areli
St. IMitliKleljinin l'a. 108, K. Ailniim St.
ChlcKgo, 111.
f ,r tW tSL irftr Jt. V ,B, f, yfr, U U &f
3AffltiraHC7B . K??
ForCoughs, Colds,
Asm coHtrtJMprios;,
Is the Beat of Tonics;
Cures Dyspepsia;
Restores thnAppetlta;
strwgUtu tlio by&toca;
Restores the weak
and Dctollitnted.
or Tari talc tie etbr.
Kjr ! 'i an tiruggwl.,
S U SMITH CB., Prop1
WMwortUOIltM-Ct-vvk A Co. 19
S$&& TTTCrgJ
vfni:aii.ri'. jjt uiTTma. num. .
017 St. CIiarlM Street, St. LonU-K.
A rjulnr cridunU ot W9 UsdtcM (3olUi, ku ba
U.r Icenled thtn liar nthtrl'bjrlcUa lm ti.Loal.u
oltf prert skcm.and nil old iwJdtntt kaow, ByTphllliL
Qociorrhosa, Qlitt, Otrlcturo, OrchlU. Kuptura.alf
Urinary BypUUltic or Ifcrourlal AJTactlona of
Throat, Skin or Bouts nred Bafalr, PrlTtUlr.
DDnBatorrha,Boxual Dfiblllty and Impotraor
M tlisrnaltof Half-Abu, iaal ! la aiaWrM
7r,ororw brilnwork, rodulacarToiumaa,MKla
al (MnlMlooa, dabllttr, dlmno(tabl,dtfcUT maca
'J, ptrtcal dcor, arartloa to aooUIr aoaraaton ot
Ideas, lot of aoxual pomr.alsht locsM.nadtrtni roar
r!tlmprcrpir,r Mrmnallrrd. UoaiallaUoa
atoSt o br mall fr-a aud lnrlud. Paaiphlil oaa
eUim. IladlelnM taat br nail or iru. Oare
anaruU4. Ithtrt doabt azltta It U franklj 4aU4.
MARRIAGE I j.?gfj,
rim. I GUI DEI
Tba whola 11017. well told, It la Wat to llfa, o tho
follonlaa abJaaM; tTho mir Hury, who aot. whr.
Manhood, Womanhood, I'hraUal daear. Who ahaaU
marrr . Iiow llfa and happtuaaa wajba laaraaaod , aaTaatH
of oallnaajr and sxoaai, aad nur mora. Thoaa aaarTlad
or aantomplatlas marrtaea tho aid raad It Ihaa kor mv
darloakaad kar. SB Otq, bj mail la moaax or poo
taa. Hngllah Oorman rraoch raad and apaktoi.
. Waakaaaa. Iai Uaahood. Mvimmiui.
a.... iN,0-mfu4oa of Ida, ATaralaa to HoolaV
UafaollTO Mamorraad DUordara hrnaahtaa h, R.K.
Abai. AnrdruMlithsa thaUiradlauU. SkLoaii
OonUra lart'i, UiUt.Uharlaa. 111. LoaU, Uo.
70GOhMinut 8t, St. Loulo, Mo. aid attoa,
ooatlaoM to ear ilrxrmatorrhcaa. Bamlnai Waa-k-nua.
Irupotaucy.all foraia of SjrpnllU.OoQorrhciia,
alcat, Urinary or Bladdor dlaaajaa. Kant cimm
oarad in a fawdaja. All tba dlaaaaaa raaalllng froaa
aalf-abnta, xeaaioraiporara oaradfor llfanlth tifa
madlalna. Adrlaa fraa. Otiarce low. Call or writ
In itrlot aoonilanoa. armptom Book for Iwo atajnp
TUB TUIUUPU THUHfl (."O, onr Iturtai
In from 10 H dayv, and nil) par (4 CM for a
Ktinttue ttioy en not ciin). Kan
1111 vie far Hook:
434 Howarjr, K. Y , or O Komh llth fHrt,
10 uu. v. t. 11. nuiintiAU, uoa'l Sia't.
a ui,auaiiniK, in., anu (re Ulirou.
fX rH
T WANTED K. u.. ..,'. . r",M
u) Sillior I..S. ...J IK., ..
raH 13 par el. Haaail CWn' Co., 11. Uuiv M.
in id n Kn
"J-'.U.l' ,.
JXv ijl3trr a trial of il will eror all
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