Kg hihwi mt tmm iiwmwrwTM MMIWmrtlMilUWII T X USEFUL AND NM5UESTIVE. Fresh lnrd Is better thun buttor to r prense ciiko-punp. Half a cup of vinegar in tho water will ninko an old fowl cook nearly us quick as a young one, and does not in jure tho ilavor in tho least. Alsiko givtts smaller crops than rod clover, but of bettor quality. It is highly recommended for soils liable to heaving by frost, and affords to bees excellent jmsturo ground. We formed a resolution when we began farming, not to plow a furrow more than wo could manure, and our sixty acres have inoroasod in product iveness under tho system, doubling its stock-keeping capacity in tho last twon ty years. Connecticut Farmer. Lemon buttor is oxcollent for tarts. It is made as follows: One pound pul verized wintu sugar, wiutus of six eggs and oiks of two, throe lemons, includ ing grated rind and juico. Cook twenty minutes over a slow lire, stir ring all tho while. Buns which are nice for breakfast or Ua are made thus: One pint of Hour, ono pint of sugar, one cup of "butter, on cup of sweet milk, ono tablespoon fill of cloves, ono of cinnamon, four eggs, twotoaspoonfuls of baking pow der. Hake in square tins and lrost, or you may omit the spico, and bake iu bread tins. Onion Vinegar. Chop six largo onions and sprinkle over them ono la blespooniul of salt, then sot away to stand six hours. Dissolve a tablcspoon ful of white biigar in ono quart of best cider vinegar, "scald and turn hot over the chopped onions. Cover the vessel and lot it stand two weeks, thou strain out the liquor and bottle for use. Compote of Sweet Potatoes. Se lect Hue, largo sweet potatoes, all as nearly of a si.o as possible. Uoil thorn well and then peel oil' the skins. Then lay the potatoes iu a largo baking dish, put some pieces of fresh buttor among them, and sprinkle thorn very freely with yowdered sugar. Hako thorn slow lv till tho butter and sugar form a crust, 'i'hoy should bo eaten alter tho meat and will bo found very good. This is a Carolina dish. Mango 5h a disease caused by the burrowing of a small insect under tho skin, or by tho growth of a vegetablo parasito on and in tho skin. It de stroys tho hair follicles, and tho hair falls off; tho skin is sometimes dry, and sometimes boconjes covered with small blisters tilled with watery serum, which dry and form scabs, nndtho skin some times cracks in places. Tho romudy that is most offoctivo is sulphur, applied outwardly, ground up into an ointment with lard, and given inwardly in one ounce doses. Every part of tho skin where tho hair falb off should bo drossod twice a day, and, if there are ' any scabs these should bo broken up to permit tho remedy to roach the insects. Atlojc a cure is effected, watch should be kept lest it may reappear from tho Jiatching of eggs or from infected harness or buildings. N. Y. Times. Jugged Rabbit. Skin, paunch and wash the rabbit, cut it into piecos, dredge them with Hour and fry in boil ing buttor. ilavo ready a pint and a half of gravy, mudo from a pound and a half ofgravy beef, and thickened with a little Hour. Put this into a jar, add the pieces of fried rabbit, an onion stuck with a few cloves, a lemon peeled and cut in half, and a good seasoning of pepper, cayenne, and salt; cover the jnr down tightly, put it up to tho neck in a stow pan of boiling water, and let it stew until tho rabbit is quite tender, taking care to keop the water boiling. When nearly done, add a few force-meat balls; those must be friend or baked in tlio ovon for a few minutes boforo thoy are put to the gravy; serve with currant jolly. This is a ' rather troub'esomo dish to prepare, but if carefully at tended to it will bo bound "to pay" twice over. Saving Secd-Corn. Husking-timo is the proper period to seouro a good supply of ripo, sound corn for planting next spring; and tho selection should not bo loft to the judg ment of boys, but if possible to men of experience. beveral points should bo clearly ob served in selecting seed oars: 1. Ho careful to notieo that tho kor nel is fully ripo, hard and glossy. "2. See that the ear is fully developod that is, that the rows of kernels are in a straight lino, and not set irregular ly on tho'cob, as is otten tho case. Also note that tho ear is covered with corn to the very end. .'I. Take particular notieo that tho oar is from a stalk which producod at least two sound ears. If three aro found on the stalk, all tho bettor. 1. it will bo found desirable to liavo the part between tho ear and husk quite small, that tho cur may bo tho more readily disengaged at husking time. 5. If tho quantity desirod is small, then leave all the husks on, simply ro , moving the silken portion at the end. Tie two or four of tho outer husks to gether, and hang up near tho roof iu tho barn or other out-building, out of tho reach of mice, and iu a perfectly dry place. Notice also tho remaining oars on tho stalk to see if they aro fully developod ami of good quality. Should they bo found inferior, it is boat to reject ail on that stalk, for tho chancos aro that seed from the sound ear will transmit tho defects ot tho deformed ono. By using judgment iu tho selection of seed-corn, many farmers improve their crop year by year, while othors who practice tho easy "hit or miss" method lind thoir corn crop rapidly deteriorat ing. Examiner and Chronicle. A (HrPs Story. I never shall forgot a Iobsou learned by my sister and mysolf in early girl hood. Wo were the elder of a largo family, and as father was not rich, mother did tho work for all of us. Sho was ono of thoso domestic burden bearers who never consider thoir bur den so heavy but that they can add another trillo, and, liko many another good and unsollish, but unwiso, mother, she allowed us our own wav, and spoiled us through indulgence; and, as we had often heard her say she would rathordo a thing herself tlmn tako tho troublo to teach us how, wo felt as if wo woro actually conferring a favor upon hor by lotting things alone. To bo sure wo could sweep, dust, wash dishes and make beds, and woro famil iar with some of tho minor details of cookery, but thoro our knowledge end ed; so that when, on one nevor-to-bo-forgotton occasion, mother was called from home for two or throo days, wo found ourselves facing a mountain of diflioultios. Oh, that weary, weary day! But only tho beginning of many similar ones that followed it. How wo longed for mother's skillful hands to straighten out the tangled threads our awkward lingers had managed to pro duce! There was something to bo done from early morn till lato at night; so that no sooner did we fancy our selves free for half an hour than some duty uud'-no would staro us in thefaco, or tho children would como in " starv ing" for dinner, and must be attended to at once. But our cup ran over when we discovered tho heaped-up mending basket; and then, for tho twentieth time since hordeparturo, wo wondered how our patient mother had managed it all. "She has almost worked herself to death," said my sister; "that is how sho managed it. She is an intellectual woman, with a mind capable of rare development. But how much timo do you suppose sho has had for reading and rellectiou beond the wants and necessities of her" largo family? And don't you know how olten we havo ex cused "ourselves from reading aloud to her, lotting hor sit digging away into this very basket, solitary and alono through "tho long evening hours? I fairly hate myself when I think of it. But that is all over now; henceforth wo will bo what wo should always havo been- her loving helpers -and sho shall do no more hard work unaided." And! has. am glad to say that sho never Tho Toronto Globe's correspondent with Lord Lorno gives this deserip.t'on of the costume of a Blackfoot belle: "Tho upper portion of hor face, includ ing forehead, eyes and cheeks, was painted m bright chrome yellow, tho lower portion of her face was scarlet, she woro a scarlet blanket thrown loosely over her shoulder, and under this was a long, loose blouse made out of a dark navy-bluo blanket and trimmed with pipings of scarlet and white. This blouse was fastenod at tho waist with a leatner bolt fully eight inches broad and literally covered with largo bosses of polished brass. On her neck was a string of brass beads as largo as cherries. One of her bracelets consisted of a coil of heavy brass wire that would weigh not loss than a pound and a half, while tho other, which was of nearly tho same weight, was made of large brass beads; several of hor lin- Eers wero nearly covorod witli coils of rass wire and beads." A new and malicious conundrum has been sprung upon tho world in a unexpected manner. It is to be stuffed and exhibited at tho next World's Fair, if an appropriate dopartment is mado far it. This latest bleeder of dire mischief runs thus: "If tho soldiers now lighting tho Indians should become x-drivers, why could thoy never turn their teams to tho right? Because they an not overcome tho haw-styles." When is a girl liko a music-book? When she is proud; because then she is full of airs. An Important gathering a boll. Somk wnir remarks truly when ho Hays tlint popularity in politics Is to .sen your I name in large typo posted to a fence. Some- ' boilv will inquire as to who you arc, and ' when tho lirst rain comes you will disap pear." I don't know why it is, Charlie," sho , remarked, pensively, "but whenever I look at your muiai'liu, it make mo think ot au tumn." It was apparently an innocent re mark, hut It cost Charlie one dollar and ilfty conts or a fresh bottle of hair dye. Tin: bashful young man who asked a lady on the bench " If ho could see her home" was much surprised to hear her roplv "that ho could go up and seo if ho wanted to, but r4io didn't think her father wanted to Bell;" then hho coolly walked off with tho man of hor choice. No man can toll another's feelings. A stalwart Irish laborer was one day begging from a gentleman, who requested a medical man present to examine the i-aid laborer. Tho laborer had enforced his plea with: " Yor banner, I can't work." " I can lind nothing the matter with you to prevent your working, my man," said the doctor. "Ah, that's thruo for you," replied Pat; "but then, yer banner can't tell how lazy I feel." A hamski. who lived In Dubuque, Wub ambitious to marry a duquo; Hut n none cauio to woo her, feho accepted a poohor Youn follow whoso tlrst nanio was Luquo. Tho brido was led up tho broad nlslo, Got up iu the must Killing stalslo, When asked If she'd bo A true wlfo to ho, Sbo promptly ropllod: "I should sinuJslo." " TiimtK's homo tlilntru as old as the iiil's, nnvhow," tald old Unclo Keubon. "What are thoy?" asked his niece. " They're tho valleys between 'em, child," solemnly an swered the old man. Lkrson'8 for young housekeepers "How can you tell a young fowl from an old one?" "JJy the tooth 1" " Hy the tenth I But fowlB have no teeth I" "I know thoy haven't, but Ihuvel" Tho man who was about to marry for tho sixth time, and who ropUod: "We've usually sot," when asked by the minister to stand up, has boon heard from again. He recently led No. 7 to the altar, and when asked for tho ring, replied: "Parson, Pvo hooked onto six of 'em without a ring, and 1 rock'n wo kin git along this timo. I'll try ami remember it in luturo, though." -"Tho lurid llantos shot thoir rod tongues of lire up toward the glowing heavens, as if they were, in their venge ful fury, endeavoring to sear the bright faces of tho twinklmj: stars!" It was only a iifty-dollar stable, containing twenty-livo dollars worth of hav, but tho reporter felt that way ami really couldn't help it. Detroit Free --Tho practice of cremation appoars to bo gaining ground in Hungary. Tho Municipal Council of Buda-Pesth has discussed tho question, and decided iu favor of cremation. Following this ox ample, several other Hungarian towns havo deereod that cremation may bo adopted by all those who desiro iL TllK Now York Ctlpjxr lately cited the caso of Captain Jacob Schmidt, of Tompklnsvlllo, Statcn Island, N. Y., who had been a great sufferer with rheumatism for many years. Ho used SU Jacobs Oil with splendid success. - "Why must an old-man-of-war's man who has lost a leg In tho service of his country bo como a retailor, should he go Into trado ? Because ho could not bo a wholo sailor. FllOM tho Atlanta (Ga.) Sunday J'hono graphi The editor of tho Pikes County AVics has been cured ot rhouuiatism by St. Ja cobs Oil. It Is somewhat paradoxical that tho man who worries most about his health is tho man who has none. - The Demi 1'iiitiiot hf ICaUnil, nor if your lungs arc badly wasted away can vou be cured by the use of Dr. Piorco's "Golden Medical Discovery," It N, how ever, unequaled as a tonic, alterative nnd nutritive, and readily cures tho most obsti nate cases of bronchitis, coughs, colds, and incipient consumption, far surpassing In clllcaey cod liver oil. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierce's pamphlet on Consumption and Kin Ured Affections. Address Woki.o'h Disi'KN hauy Mkdicai. Association-, Iiuffalo,N. Y. Many a man thinks It is priuciplo that keeps him from turning rascal, when It Is only a full stomach. Be grateful, and do not mistake potatoes for principle. " l'ciiuilt Complaint," Dr. It. V. Pnutci:, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir I write to tell you what your " Favor ite Prescription " has done for mo. 1 had been a groat sufferer from femalo com plaints, especially " dragglim-down," for over six years, during much of the time un ablo to work. 1 paid out hundreds of dol lars without any benellttlll 1 took three bot tles of tho "Favorite Proscription," nnd I never had anything to do mo o much good In my life.- I advise every sick lady to tako it. Mas. Emii.y KiiOAi)S,McIirides,Mieh. A St. Louis paper says: When a Chicago preacher wants a new church all his own. and a big congregation, ho bus himself convicted of heresy." - Younq and middle aged men suffering from nervous debility, premature old age, loss of memory, and kindred symptoms, should send thrco stamps for Part VII of pamnhlets issued hy World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. IIoiisk sausages are made and sold in England. John Hull always did love tho horse. Kocued IVom Dentil. William J. Couglilan, of Soinervlllc, Mass., Bays: "In tho fall of 170 I was taken with a violent bUcdtngof theluntt, followed by r severe cough. 1 was admitted to the City 'Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my leftlungasbl;uB ahalf dollar. I guveuphope, hut ii friend told me of I)u. Wm. IIamh Dau sam fou Tin: I.unqs. I got a bottle, when to my surpi Ise I commenced to feel belter, and to day I feel In better spirits th.iu I have the past three ycais. I write this hoingthat every one nflllcted with Diseased Lungs will take Dit. Wm. Uam.'h Hai-sam rem Tin: Linos, and he con vinced that COKSUMITIDN CAN IIK CUItlil) " Also asurcrcmedv for Colds, Coughs, and all Chest and Lung Diseases. Bold by druggists. - - Don't ilc In Hie limine. Ask Druggists for " Hough ou Hats." It clear out rats, mice, roaches, 11 es, bed-hugs, 15c Or.o smokers doclarc thatTansIll's Punch fie. Cigars aro better than mostten-conters. To uavis good brea I use National Yeast. Jlitt't'i Piviit U one oft lit but, chtnprit unit mmlrtHabU ""Itintlir.Woihl.undthmimntitfir 'hitlrm nrrminlrrtrn 1fi, l.U, .. Ittn'ttin ' nVAMlt'H iii;t. HIDOF.'S rOODrocriiotlin.iiiloriioinfntofplijfl cianxnf illKolinolKtlmwnrlilnvrr Inform of Mt-i'iiU, C3 cents J1 25 mul 1 75. liinpnetho ilpnntnmof W001,ItICU fc CO. ou every lulicl. WISCONSIN 600,000 Acres On thr lino of the WISCONSIN CBSTRAL II, R. ForfuU particulars, whtclt will be wax free, addreat CIIAKI.KH I.. COI.IIY, I.nnd CaramUatonrr, MllwuuUrc, Wit. ratalognts Sent Free, BLACKSMITHS, THIS TUYERE Saves BiJHhB Coal I l.W. MOUOAN fcCO. Iii(IluiiitiolU, lad. 5, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES. TOTS, XOTIONH, .fcc. CatalOKUO frcr. CAIIY, FULTON & CO,, HOburainurSt.Iioiton.MaM. AftCUTC cln mimfr with Dr. Chute' Nitvr AUCfl I 0 Itrcel,t llnk. Ki-whr rrvlird and en inrgvU. Uy Adda tuCUasul'ubV Co., Toledo, O. v 'x ?,;jb4n..:HBri A QUINTETTE OF NEW MUSIC BOOKS! Dltaon A: Co. hare rMiit for the FM Trade, nnd for the ut of .Wuic Tetchrr, Choir mul KlMifitip Chmt, the, fifc'l noma fmta, of iiihiu proachaWe crctllcnce In their upend if'partnietiM. Sri HERALD OF PRAISE.),.., Tho now Church Mnk II.)ok for 183MU3J. Bond ft lor 8ieUntn lop. Iimcrxon'n lUkALi I (T5ets.) Thonow nnd superior book for Mnuhn; Chic. Solid T. cts. for Specimen t'opi. oil"" I SONG BEI-LSJruets.tTho now, genial and beautiful collection of Sl'llOllI NltllUH. Send W cts. for Specimen t'opj. Trr I BEACON LIGIITJ & fillets.) All riulliiiit with beauty, and full of tho sweelost melody, fur Mtiuluj NcIuioIm. Send 30 cts. lor Spelm'n Cony. I LIGHT AND LIFE J K; (Wets) A large, well tilled, admirably bo leeted and composed, and evorj way dealr ntilo collection of Nuiiilit)- School mid :oNitl iMcdttiu Din ate Bend !15 cts. for Specimen Cinnj- I, YON .fc 1IK.VI, V('lilc.oo. OI.IVHIt IIITHOX .b CO., Itnitnn. CHAS, U. OITSON & CO.. J. E DlTSON I CO. , 813 Broadway, New York. 1223 Chtitnut St. rhlla. CORN SHELLER Popular S1IELLER Gilman Cylinder Shelter. UT Scud furdruutara. Mention thti paper KIM, HAMILTON a CO,, Ottawa, 111, 8000 AGENTS WANTED, TO BELL THE V.IFE OT PRESIDENT GARFIELD Complete, tncliiilliiic Ilia Dcutli and llurliil. rrofimrly Illuitrntnl. New Hlcrl 1'ortralt of UAIC 1MKI.1I, llin niicttt ever murte l'ortrnlta of hi Wife and MoDxt. Oullraii, the SiirKConn. the Cnlilnrt;Hcrno of the HiootliiKi the Sick Ctintnbrr. the Kiinrral !' crant, Ac Thr only complete nnd nultirnllc work. 'rhri'o la n 1'oiluno lor Affrnta flral In tha Sold Willi thla Hunk. Outfit fiOc. Speak (illclC IlUItllAlCD IIUOX,, CUlcuuo, III. ANOTHER BOOM FOR AQENT8. INEWBQQX l DIC1BIDLT THE BEST! "THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER." WlllauLtll ll hit phtIou, worki, nlonrri rou the lH chine f jour Ufa I mifcr montj rtplJlf (IM .uriiti will set prompt) and lecurt choice territory, ami wf alvl,p you to do ilit lime, OntSli now lthj gtnit ( nn for circular ami trrrni to U. N. lIINCKI.nV, Pulillalntr, 14 N. Ciliutl Nlrcrl, Chic-nun, III. GARFIELDifsl ARrnta Wonted fur Ufa of wariiriu a com llifnl lilnlory frtiin irnivr. Iiv the eml nerit blotiRiliiT, Col Couwrll llimkiiull read for dr-llr rrr An olt-Knlltly llhli'trule I vnhiiilf. Klidorord rditlon Liberal tvrina. AKcnlalnksonlera for from !0 tuMcoplei ilallr Oiitxelliany otherbixik tell tn ono Aicnt nerer nmilii liionrr ko rant. Tl.o bunk nelln lli-vlr Kiperlenen not lifccBmrv Vull 11 hi iliiknown. All in iU lluinnne iinillU. I'rltatefannafiiY. (IKO HriNHON.V CO . I'oitland.M AHCUTC make ii m'.lnkr If llirycio nut nell our KUCIilO ltllOXy.KO I'KOI'lI.r. CtHTof It Imi niiturul m life and pIU liko wlldllre, liecunaa It l hut what the people wnnt, Kenil for lllimtrKied cir cular and IrriiiB. or to invr tlnir, tend 81.00 for frninrd nampl" nnd cninmt nrr work ul once Addleaa roitslir.i: ,b McMAKIX, rinclnnutl, O. B A PiHIPil6 Conteited lnnd cnaca, prtvnto H Aft N va NirZ liiiulclulina.liinilprc-eiiipttiiii, ""' u vrlm anil liniiiL'Hiriul viMi'a, foraol Hera and their helm proaecnled befuri the Oeiienil Land OfJlcr, Dep.irlineiit of the Interior, and Supremo Court, anil nil i-lnaaca of clalnu liefure ihe Kxecnthn Hi parinu'iita. I.nnd warnintn. liiiincMeiula. nnd nil kind of lnnd ocrlpbniiKhtundiinlil I'A'I'KN'l'Niilio iiroeuredforlliventora N W KlT.tlKUAM) A; CO., Lund, l'L'imloii and 1'Htcnt I.nwjcm. WaaliliiKton, PC ill 11c Ecst and Most dmk. POWER ffiVNffl USE, iinneTUfnfl&B mukk a m8ii' f3-al'RTTT!T.Tl Dr. jnjTTAIIIl'H IIJSADACIIK VIIXS euro moot tromlcrftilly In n very abort timo both SICIC nnd NKUVOUH IIKADACIIi:; mul ivhilo acting on tlio norviiiiH HyHtttin, I'loinmo tlio Htxunuch of cxuubm of IjIIu, jiroiluuLn a rcyuiivr UowlUiy uctloit of tho IiowcIh. A foil alro box of tlioao viiliiulilo 1'U.l.S, with full tlirnctionn for n. com pluto curti, ninllnil to imy uililrusH ou rocolpt of nlno tliroo-cont jioKlugo Lamps, l'or auto by all ilnifCKlata lit "Oc. Koto I'loprliitors, MltO'WN CUianCAL C03UMNY, Bultlmoro, flia. w w .1 THE MASON & HAILII ORGAN CO. Whuse cabinet or parlor organ hnvn won hiihikst iionoiih at ktkiiv onk or tiik oki:at woki.ii'b i.viiu.i. tiuai. for rot'iiTKK." ykaiis ibelnKtho only Amerlcun orEatis which have been found worthy ot siien at any . nave enccted uniiK and oitKAl'Kr. wiai-I'H ai.i.v vai.iuiii.k iiiitiovkmk.s r u Hiefr (Jrtcaus in tlm i.Aar vkak than In any similar ierlod slnisi tho Unit Introduction (if thin Instrument by iliem, twenty jiurs since and arc now ofterlnr oikianh ok iiiiimkii kxcku.kxck and kmlaiiokik ai'ac'ity: siso popumr niuieM ana M'Yl.rn or IMfKorni (ilil.IT and upwards A NKW ILU'STItATKI) ( ATAI.OIHII'I., Uti p desertldnc und lllustratlnK more than IU) styles of Orfiins 'Ihls, with net prlcet, and circulars containing much Infonuntlou about organs Kenerally. which will he useful to ,-verv one thlnklm; nf iiurchnslnrr. will. .t11l!.r,f"."'iJ.""ll'"''t .Address SI HON A.VO IIA.MI.IN IIIttiA.V CO.. 1 At Vermont Ht.. UOH'l'ONl 4U u.t 14th Ht.. NliW YOItltl ur, I4U Wiilmah Ave. OIUUAUO. ' FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Heat In the World. Gel the sen u I lie. Jv cry ituckatun lis, one 'i'riiilr.iiuirk mul It Miurked I'rastr'i, bOI.U KVEItY WIIUUC. CT I 4 lO.Ioh Intalnlil.'aatil'l.ln.WaaHIISpfr 1MJ. IOI.W). sent C ) D.,fullyitiaranlci;d. 1'rlco Hit free Tansili. iC).,5irjlatukt.,Clilciu;o, S66 A WEEK In your own town. Terms ant Ifioutnttrea Addr'sILIUllottfcC'o loitland.U. UfRITC n C. Spencer, Milwaukee, Wl , forclrcu Willi I U lariof BrcNX'KRiAN HuatKicss CJf.Lr.fic JC . ?Ofl pcrday Rthotne. SatrtpleswortligS U iQ iCU (ico. AddroiMmih'iiON fcCo., l'ortlaua.ilu, WOMAN'S TRniDMlPnCl HBS. LYDIA E. FINKHAM, OF LYNN. HaS& Dtacovr.nEit or LYDIA E. PBMKHAMl'S VEaETABLB COMPOUND. Tlio lWMvn Cnrei for nil thcuo I'nlnrnl Coniptntnta rnd Vnbniair aofoimnon lo our beat reunite population. II will cur entirely tbi won.t t orni of I'uimlo Com. plalnta, all troubles, Inllniiuimtl in and Ulcera.. (Inn, IMMIntr ruid IMtplacnnenU, anil tlio rinixriicnt Hplnal Weaklier, and ia portlcvilnly adapted to thrt Change of Life. It wilt dlaor and rtpol tnniom from thniiternaini an larly aUco of development, Tha trndeiirjrto can terotia huinon thcif la cheeked rery ajxicdlljr by Ita mo. It remote futntnms flatulenoy, ilutniymill rruYlnif for atlinulanta, nnd rollovea weoVneaa of the. atomnch. It ciirea lllontlni;, Mendiichrvt, No.-rmu lYnrtrntlon, Urncral Debility, Klcoikti'iuu., Dcprtaaloit and IndV Kenllan. That fcellnr; of bearinir down, eniiflnit pnln, wclRht and baekaebo, la alwuya H'nimuenlly emrd by Ua uo. It will at all tlmea ruid under nil clreynnitaiirM aet In. harmnnv with tlio Inw that Rorcrn the f etnnlo ayrtem. Kortha en re of Kidney ConiplainU of olther tux thl.i CoiniKimul la unmriacd. I.1HA K. ri.NKIIAM'A VEOl'.TAIII.K COJI. roUMIIa pnarrd t IB ami lUi Wcatoni Aronuo, Lynn, Moan, rrlcojl. Kin bottler for CV Hont by mall In the form of pllla, ali In tho form of loxenfrea, on. receipt of U'v, l )ep box for cither. Mra. 1'lnkhani rrvulyanswuni all lettori of lniulry. . Hend for tuunplr lL Addrcra aa alor. itmtlnn tkl ihjier. No family ahotild bu without LYDIA K. 1'lNKlIAJI'a. LIVElt riU.R. They euro conatlpatlon, UllouaiMai and torptdltr o( tho liter. U cnt car box. Sold bj IIORRISOX, PLUUSEK k CO., Chicafio, 111 FOIl BAI.IO II Y IIUIKJOIHTM. NEBRASKA 00,000 ACRES FOR SALE BY THR B.&'H.C. Maps, Pamphlets and full information FR E. Address Land Com'rB. &M. R.R.. Lincoln, N eb.. A. 'X'-rVXJUilG I300IC AND- IMTROBUCTORY ARITHMETIC. UY I.Y III A NAH1I. Tills UtUn Hook tnkra tbn learner thimiKh rmic Ulrlv Ion. Italwicoiiiineiidi ll.ielf ns eniiecliilly uiorul totho. TKAOIIKItN of tlm Ilinmry Dep.irtiiiont In thino public achooUwhloh itn notptita I'llnmry ArlthmoUoi tiitotlio linndi of their pupils. Apply to tho author. NS llroad street. Kllzaboth, H. J. 1'rlce IB omitt. No eitr.i cliarno for iiialllnit 1RC1JTC Wanted for "lltrne nf Me. ria(nii" MUGn I O wilil Hill. Iluffnli. Hill, Kit fnnuin. (Mrl. Jack, Texan .luck, (,'allfurnlo Joe- a hook of thrilling, adventure Hy .1 W Hurl. IGcofitrrif iiUilen, HOIIIih tratlonm BW piieea; nnlyi2.(U. Aitenia .iiitllt, Wetn. Act quick. DAN LlNAIIAN.l'iilllahtT.bULoula.Mo. AftEUTC cniivnan for bonkii that ynu know wfl.. AUCn I O ten. "I.lfo or l'l-e.lileiit anillelil." "Heme. of the I'lnlua." "Ilnrder Oullawa." " Laws fUtulivcna." IHA WALDUON ACO.. SU Lou I a. MO. FREE! CARDS! FREE! AVe will aend free hy ui nil a imnpln act of our (,. l'n lull, KiikII'Ii and American tuiicy eiinlr., with a pf Ico lint of over it hundred dllTerVnt d 'ilunii. on receipt of a atnmp for pohiukp They am tint udvertUliiK card i, but IniKe. flnu plctiiiii chrnmo cards, on Ruid, silver nnd tinted kmiiuiU, forinliiL tin; llnest collection In tli'i world. Wo will nlso enclose, a conllil'iitlHl price list or our larKU and anmll cliromos, Aildrein , (Jf.KA MO.V .V. CO., IU Nil in in ci- Ht., Iluolun, Mua. MONTH-HGENTS WANTED 00 boat uiiiunrticleaintlinwnr ill Is I sample yvca. Idretii alay Ilronaon, Detroit. .Midi. am i i, niiu "I- i.iitvr.ii nuiKfli ti, v, 901, rati i !tti Tin ilii ! nnu' ntnrlt ifit,l- lilJlt )! -... rnr..- ,,i r. iiii nj n as 1 j Y, unil at I.OWKK rilKKH, f, l, ttl, iW PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS WK Illood, and will completely tlmiiiii; the blood tn the en lire s stem In three mouths. Any icrson who wliiukl 1 pill i aoh nlKht from 1 to IU wceka may be rcatoivil to sound health, If audi a thliiK bo liossllilo. Bold ev erywhere, or sent by mall for H letter atumpa. I. B. JoiinokA.Co.. Uoston. Muss., formerly Hanu'or.Ma. RIIRRIF9 ENTERPRISE CARRIAGE CO. "ciN'Tlio" UUUUILO "rrlliVJiiii. l'utlaguiil'ra.. ffno A WEEK. $12 a rtay at home easily mado. J) lb CoHtly outfit fiee. AddrsTrue At Co. Augusta. U. A. N. K. 85 R15 imm( mwiit -in:. wjtiTMya to AttrrcitrisKits, Iiief M(,y you no tho Attt'crtlnetittnit in thin imr.