Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 17, 1881, Image 1

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nwwmwwin iiiiiii i i in nm iTnirrmn mm irmnnmn iiiim m i'ttiii iiii iittii imii hi iiiii iiii iiiiiiiii hiiiimiwiwiiiiibi immi mnii wiiih i ii iiii iiiiihiiii ii i i i mini in ii in mi i irrTninnmiiiiiimi mpumi wipiiimhhiiiiihiihii h wiifiimi uimmjianiwmtiiwmipi h
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VOL, 26, NO, 22.
4 Oldest Pnpor in tho Stato
t -,
'Attarucy and Oannielar nt li.r
0 flic of County Jude. Hrownvlllo, Nebrik.
kWS. II 0 L L A D A 1 ,
Phyilclan, Surgeon, OlittotrlclftU.
Hrrtiitii In null. Located lii tiro nvlUo 18J.
OlBc. H Main Mreot, Hrownvlllo, Nb.
Qmpw.ll M.MliMreul.lirown
ijpfV- G 1 15 S 0. X ,
jKWorkdiitiu toordur Mid si
and AtlMitlo.Hrown
&Sk. Oihoun, Notury Public, O.W.Tayi.ou.
Kfcfcopnqys and Gounsollors at Law,
Brownville, Nobraska.
hT)UACNCK In the Htnto itnil Fodcrnl conriN.
SI' hdpcIhI nttoittlnn irlvon to oolleottotmnnd
IHUliw of ronl cstivto.
.'itviTOM wnitlf tiinilntn orilor. find fits nlwnr
rtiurantred. HopnlrliiK nently mid promptly done
sliop, 2io.ii jumii sired, iiruwnvmt', .u.
n no rxvijLK, nkiiraska .
0 iJlMFiinner.s, pleuse nail Midget prices; I want
ho liiuullo your Htock.
' Olllee Kind, Niitlorml llwili.
General Merchandise
Dry OooiIh, Ornrerlcn, Howly Mndo Clntlitiw,
UnntH. Shoe. Hats. Cans, mid u (Ipncnil Ah-
Burtmi'iit of Drug will I'ntont Medicines.
I 4tQ IIIglioHl priori pulil for butter mid
leal EstateAgency
William H.Hoover.
Doom general Real Eittnto HuRlnonft. HellH
IjaihIh on CoininlHslon, examines Titles,
tnnlf Deeds, Mortgages, and nil Instru
ments portioning to the trnnsfor of Kenl En
late, Has u
Complete Abstract of Titles
t all Heal I'Miito In Notnalm County.
O. DovcL
ramiiy urocenes.
Always on Hand
Flour, Teas and Coffee,
With, n full lino of
Canned Goods & Confectionery.
Also, tho very lioHt
Cigars and Tobaccos.
0-Two Doom East of I'oHtofllco, Brown
vlllo, Nobrurlui.
:irsi Nation
tah1-up Capital, $30,000
Authorized " 300,000
General Banking Busines.
n all the prtn.lpnl cities ofth.
United States and Europe
0 npprarrd security only. Time Drafti dlscoaut
ed, aud pelnl uroinmndttons rranttd tn denoH
rs. Detklemln OOTKRKMRNT B0WI)H,
lloVTd pAynbleondanwi.d.ftnd INTBR0T1
owi'don tlnioc,rtlienU of deposit,
OIIlKCrfORH.-Wm.TTDMi, n. M. RMI.T, M. A
W'm. PraUkar.
nsiKiier. rrAHic k, jounson, i.ntn.r u.aiy
.k. avis
Cftsklor. Pr.iU.Mt
a Bank
Tho Now York produce oxchango is
to lmvo a 82,000,000 building.
A imtioiml tariff convontion is in
session in Chicago this week.
Tho Democrats carried Mississippi by
a majority of from 15,000 to 20,000.
An Irish national convention has
boon called to meet in Chicago, Xov.
:U), for a three days session.
Mrs. Ditismoro, formerly wife of
C.uiteau, now residing at I.eadville, has
been summoned as a witness in his
Tho end must bo near, as old Virgin
ia has elected a Jtepubliean Governor.
And to add to tho bourbon discomfort
uro tho now legislature will also bo
Ko, ublican.
Tho general conference of tho Metho
dist Episcopal church on cliurch ex
tension has llxeci the amount which
eacli conference will bo asked to raise
The entire Hopublican ticket was
elected in Lancaster county, Neb.
Judge Maxwell's majority is 1,820, and
tho Republican Hegents about tho
same. Tho least majority for any
county olllcer was (MID.
In Connecticut, out of fourteen Sena
tors voted for, tho Republicans elected
ten, which gives them seventeenout of
twenty-four in tho Senate. Tho House
stands 140 Republicans to OS Demo
crats, a Democrat gain of eighteen ever
last year's election.
A woman ran in Richardson county
on the greenback ticket, for superinten
dent of schools, but made an exceeding
ly slow race. She succeeded however
in drawing enough Republican votes to
defeat a first-class Republican and
elect a second rate Democrat.
A telegram from Maploville, Michi
gan, 0th inst., says R. Kearney of that
place died of alcoholism, aged :58; and
that a year ago ho was a flourishing
banker and lumberman. What is that
"alcoholism" that breaks up business
men aud kills them prematurely?
We havo great faith in Arthur; have
not doubted in tho least that lie would
prove a wise ruler, and ho is acknowl
edged as the best organ ier in the
nation. Tie has healed tho broach in
tho Now York Republican camp; ho
lias called out the admiration of every
body by his firm, quiet assumption of
ollice. Town Falls Smttwl.
Ml tho Republican ticket of Now
York was elected except the seratcher
T lusted, who was badly scratched and
entirely busted in which (J. W. C. and
his reformer gang have found their
little boomorang. Scratching is a game
that two can play at, a fact that tho
Now York half breeds didn't seem to
know before.
. ii
Tho Herald says: "Mr. Rlaino has
expressed freely, in very recent con
versation, his views as to tho new
cabinet. For himself ho says that ho
will retire in December. The cabinet
ho says, will bo Grant from top to bot
tom after January 1st."
And now conies Mr. Rlaino and says
the Herald has lied that lie never said
any such tiling. What a disappoint
ment, Mr. Blaine, liavo you subjected
tho menagerie to lotting tho wind off
from such hyenas as tho Chicago
Tribune and such cayotes as Wolf of
tho Soward Jtejmrter, who wore just
swelling with a big idiotic howl.
Information was recently received
in Kansas City that Ed. Millor, one of
tho noted train robbers, has boon killed
in Southwestern Missouri by Jesse
James. Millor took part in the first
robbery of tho Chicago and Alton Rail
way, and at Winston, on tho Rock
Island, and was born and raised in
Jackson county. Tho row occurred
about a girl, Miller accusing .lames of
"fooling" with his girl, when the latter
drew a rovolvor and Bhothim dead, and
his body was left by tho roadside. An
other version is that Jesse James sided
with Cuininings about tho girl, which
displeased miller, who threatened to
loavo tho gang, and fortius Jesse killed
him. Tho details of tho killing aro
told by ex-bushwhackers and friends
of all parties from Clay and Jaekscn
counties, and aro authentic.
At Ouray, Col., Andy lliggers shot
and killed Abe Williams.
Tho wife of Cunt. Karhart, of Mari
etta, Ohio, suicided by hanging.
Myrtle green will bo tho fashionable
color for ladies' dresses this winter.
Tlioro aro 140 law firms conducted
entirely by women in this country.
A. H. Stern, of Chicago, killed his
wife, and pleads insanity to save his
Nelllo I'ayton, a courtesan, suicided
by taking laudanum, at Little Rock,
8th inst.
Tho United States and Canada have
shipped 88:1,07.") barrels of apples to
England this fall.
John S. Smarr, a grocer of Kansas
City, was murdered, 0th inst., by a ruf
fian named Russell.
The l'residont's only brother, a pay
master in tho army, will bo attached to
Gen. Hancock's staff.
Nino million feet of lumber belong
ing to Sisson ifc Lilly, Spring Lake, Mi
chigan, burned 10th inst.
Police olllcer, John Doran, of St.
Louis wan killed by John Shea, when
the olllcer tried to arrest him.
At Fieldville, X. J., J. 1'. Montrose
shot and killed Win. Sardaux. while
quarreling about the election.
James H. Kads, the jetties man, gave
the largest individual contribution to
tho Michigan sufferers 500.
At Aurora, Intl., an explosion oc
curred in a distillery, destroying the
concern and killing Hilly Fowler.
Mrs. Sarah Mosoly, who reeenllydied
at Madison. I ml., was 111 years old.
Her oldest child, Mrs. Ron!' ray is 87.
About President Garlield's grave are
to be planted a weeping beach, a pyra
midal oak, a buckeye, and a silver fir.
Lake Winnebago is out of its boun
daries and tho lower portions of Oslv
kosh and Fonddu Lac are under water.
Col. J. R. Powell of Silver City, Miss ,
killed James Robinson, tho manager of
his business, in a quarrel over a settle
ment. Tho oldest Senator is Mr. Morrill, of
Vermont, who is 71; the youngest is
Mr. Aldrich, of Rhode Island, who is
40 years old.
Tho Tunisian native forco numbers
50,000 men, and to meet thoin the
French army must traverse an un
known country.
A tenement house recently burned
in X. Y which contained l(l families.
A number of people perished in the
flames and smoke.
The Methodist Episcopal Conference
recently held in New York appropria
ted for foreign and domestic missions
the sum of 080,482.
A. 1). Van Horn, a prominent man of
Kansas City died from tho effects of a
dose of morphine, taken it is believed
with suicidal intent.
A report from Kansas City, 12, says,
Santa Fe trains were delayed by a
snow storm of :ttl hours duration. Eight
to 20 indies of snow.
J. Engle, a medical student at Lin
coln, Ills., being disappointed in love,
went to the front door of his beloved
and shot himself dead.
Emma Heckman. in Columbus, Ohio,
jumped from a iouith stor window,
receiving injuries believed to bo fatal.
She was from Warsaw, Ind.
TIenry Jenkins was hanged at Fay
ottville," W. Va., last Friday in pres
ence of 20,000 people. He murdered
and robbed inlield Sanders.
A negro named Hob Williams, has
been lynched in Greenville county,
S. (5., for an outrage upon a little white
girl. He confessed his guilt.
Iowa has 457 mines in operation,
employing 0,170 men, and has for the
current year mined ;i,50(),oi)0 tons of
coal, worth $7,000,000 on tho dump.
A merchant from Spanish Honduras
says five hundred lives were lost by tho
recent Hood there. The damaeo to
property is estimated at 20,000,000.
Felix Mifnshon. at Frederick, Md..
died on tho scaffold, nth inst., convict
ed of tho murder of J. T. Witsel. He
died died declaring that ho was inno
cont. Under tho inspiration of Mrs. Ballon,
tho evangelist, the authorities of North
Bennington, Vt., quietly raided seven
saloons, spilling all their liquors in tho
A Berlin dispatch says Bismarck has
brought action for slander against Von
Bunsen, a secessionist, arising from
a speecli of Von Bunsen to his con
stituents. Guiteau spoaks of his crime as "tho
removal of tho President." People bo-
gin again to show sumo restlessness
that tlioro is dilatoriness in another
The United States army numbers
21,000 men. Tho Inspector General
recommends tho recruiting of 1,000
men who shall bo placed In schools of
At Bollefontaino, Ohio, John Axtoll,
a young man, provoked a quarrel with
an old hunter named Seaman, and was
fatally stabbed by tho latter. Tho
affair occurred in a saloon.
Tho population of British India is,
according to tho census just completed,
24 t,:i77,008, Including 12:1,21 1,:!27 males
and 118,10(J,U71 females. Tho increase
In ton years was 12,788,505.
At Sedalia, Mo., Wash Hyde, while
crazy drunk resisted arrest by olllcer
McNally, when tho latter shotand kill
ed him. Public sympathy in against
tho olllcer, and ho is in jail.
A Chinese missionary student named
All Kim, at Marietta (Ohio) College,
committed suicide with a dose of chlo
ral or chloroform because a servant
girl had rejected his proffered love.
Among recent suicides in Chicago,
caused directly or otherwise by drink,
was that of Mrs. Melville, who was
found dead in her bed. It was stated
at tho inquest that she had not drawn
a sober breath since last Juno.
President Garfield, when he for the
last time entered the Washington Rail
way Station, carried a small hand-trunk
which lie bad parked himself. His
widow preserves it as he left it. ami
will not allow itlo bo unpacked.
"A lady friend of tho James boys"
recently told a Louisville reporter that
Jesse .lames said to her that he intend'
ed to kill Allen Finkerton before he
tiled, oven If he had to come to Chicago
to do it. Mr. Fiukerton should invite
him up.
Two cow bovs at Shakespeare, Ari
zona, named Bill Littleburn aud Sandy
King, after being placed in jail for
stealing cattle, the guard was over
powered by masked men ami tho cul
prits were bunged to a joist in tho jail
until dead.
Dr. Barnuin. of Schoolcraft, Mich.,
while laboring under a lit of temporary
insanity, Sunday, caiefully laid himself
on his dissecting table and suicided by
shooting himself through the head. Ho
was one of tho loading surgeons in that
part of the State.
Frank V. White, of Xew York, and
George lloldon, of England, light on
the Kith inst. for the feather-weigh
championship of America. The light
takes place on the classic ground of
Long Point, where Ileenen and Mor
risey smashed noses.
A country paper in Illinois says,
among its local items: "Xo word has
yet. been heard from Abraham Lever,
who went off two weeks ago with his
wife's red-headed hired girl. Until his
return his Sabbath-school class will be
in charge of the Rev. Mr. Perkins."
Dr. John M. Leonard, who has prac
ticed med'eiuo in Calhoun county, Mi
chigan, for 40 years, has been arrested
for making and circulating counterfeit
silver money. The ollicers found In a
trunk owned by him complete apparat
us for making coins from a nickel to a
dollar. He is 74 years old.
In Detroit a young man named Syl
vanus Howe attempted to cut his wife's
throat with a razor, inflicting a severe
but not fatal wound. He then took a
large dose of prussic acid and died in a
few minutes. All this was the result
of a long course of drinkiim. He was
strongly attached to his wife.
Lou. ami Ed. Williams, alias Max
well, wanted for some time in I'epin
county, Wis., to answer to the charge
of several murders, were recontly found
atafarmei's house a few miles from
Grand Island, Nob., by sheriff Killian
and his deputy, of that city. Tho olli
cers dropped in on tho outlaws while
they were in bed, but succeeded, aftor
a severe souffle and some shooting, in
securing only Ed. Lou. runaway.-
They some months ago killed the sher
iff of Pepin county while attempting
their arrest for murder.
Phillip E. Sullivan, alias Delaney,
one of tho youthful train robbers, re
cently sentenced to twelve years' im
prisonment in the penitentiary for rob
bing a train on the lion Mountain
road, died of homesickness. Tho de
ceased was aged 28. From his entrance
into tho prison ho appeared to be heart
broken. All efforts to revive him failed.
He was a young man of engaging man
ners and appearance, and of more than
ordinary intelligence. The realization
of. his crime and tho hopelessness of
any commutation of his long and dreary
sentenco crushed his spirit, and after a
brief illness ho breathed his last.
Tt is easy to begin a practico of bolt
ing or somi-bolting in a party, but it is
hard to stop it. Once lot it bo under
stood that tho minority in a convention
can rofuso to support a nominoo unless
ho shall lie such as pleases them, and
still retain their standing in tho party,
and tho whole theory of party organi
zation is untiermineu ami destroyed.
Packed conventions aro an ovi!. but
they are an evil that cannot exist if
ltepublicans do tholr duty and attend
tho primaries. Indeed thoy do not ox
ist oxcopt in isolated instances, but tho
cry is a convenient one to cover the do
feat of dissatisfied or defeated mon,
and is raised against tho fairest and
squarest gatherings that can bo brought
togethor. Inter Ocean,
Another Book by Jiulgo Tourgoo,
In his Preface to "A Jtoyul Gentle
man" which 1s to bo sold by subscript
ion, tho author says:" Tho trouble Is
that tho Northern man has made
up a South for himself, and, without
the least hesitation, criticises any de
parture from tho orignal of his own
imagination as untrue to life. After I
wont South, tho contrast between these
pro-notions and what I saw of tho life
around me, Impressed me keenly, ami
soon became a subject of engrossing hi
tares. .
"I saw, or thought I saw, that tho
conscious ovlls of slavery -tho cruel
lash, the impossible task, and whatover
of opportunity fur umlico the system
gave rise to had been disproportion
ately dwelt upon by tho anti-slavery
writers of tho North. At tho samo
time, the uneoiisrious evils of tho sys
tem -those which warped tho brain
and heart of tho master as well as
dwarfed the soul of tho slave -had
been allowed to drop out of sight. I
noticed, too, that these unconscious
evils were tho very ones which had left
their marks upon character, and that
every one who had been subuunltted
to their Inlluences were more or less
scarred by them especially tho master
race; and that these inlluences were a
part of slaveiy which could bo 'abol
ished.'" This book was written becauso Its in
cidents, in effect hud passedJieforo my
oyes with such vividness that I could
not but write; it is a picture of acts.
Farther, it does not go nor lead.
"A Fool's Errand ami Tho Invisiblo
Empire" depicts tho experience of a
Xorthern Settler in tho Southern States
during the period of Reconstruction.
"Bricks without Straw" pictures tho
conditions and difficulties under which
tho Freedmen is trying to struggle up
from darkness into light. And now
"A Uojul Gentleman" portrays, in a
novel ami graphic manner,, re rwwe
tcristie elements, never before so clearly
analyzed and treated, namely tho
Southern view of the Rebellion ; tho Au
tocratiaijluroholder, standing at the top
of the social scale; tho Poor WhiU,
then lying at the bottom, but now fast
climbing to the higher lovels; tho
typical Youny Southerner before, tin
ring, and since tho war, together with
his relations personal, social, and le
galwith tho typieal Stare tlirl of
beauty, Intelligence, and subsequent re
llnomont, whoso charms ami virtues aro
alike tainted by the faint and indis
tinguishable irace of slave blood in her
veins. It is a picturesque, vivid, and
passionate story, and there is that in
it which .will attract tho most cultiva
ted ami fastidious.
It is said that Judge Tourgois books
reached, within a year, tlie enormous
sale of :t50,000 copies, the most rapid
sale in tho history of book-publishing.
His host, of readers will, wo predict,
llutl 'VI Jioyal (enth.i'.u" the must
powentil and entertaining of 1 1 . scrios.
And those who have not yet had tho
pleasure of reading J utlgo Tourgeo's re
markable books will do well to com
mence with "A Jioyal llentlnnuu," his
torically the beyinninu of Hie scries.
The book is brilliantly illustrated.
Price .f2.00. Whore thero is no agent
for the work, it will be sent, post-paid,
on receipt of price. As-it is to be sold
by subscription only, Book Agents
should make a nolo of if. For particu
lars, address Weston Hulhcrt, !J18 Stato
street, Chicago, 111.
A Eandsorao Portrait of Oar Lato Prooidimt,
Jamos A. Garfiold, Iroo for Every
Tho Iowa Fanner Co., of Cedar Ttap
ids, Iowa, who aro tho publishers of
out) of tho very best farrn and stock'
journals in the west have, with com
mendable energy, decided to present an
elegant portrait, 10x24, of tho lato Gen.
.las. A. Garfield, to each aud every 0110
of their readers free of charge. Tho
price of tho Farmer is but one dollar
a year and well worth twice that
amount. Tho picture is a beautiful
one, tho original of which was pro
nounced by Garfield himself, tho best
he over saw; ami pictures inferior in
overy way aro being sold at 75c to 1.00
each. A copy of this one and the lou a
Farmer is sent a whole year by send
ing only one dollar to the Co., at Cedar
Rapids, Iowa.
To Makk Good Sausaoi:.-one-third
fat and one-third lean
and chop them, and to every twelve
pounds 01 meat ami twelve large spoon
fuls of powtloretl salt, nine of sifted
sago and six of sifted black poppor.
Keep them in a cool dry place. Kansas
- . nm -
Scald the moal at night, and when
cool, add a spoonful of yoast, two of
shortening, tho samo of molasses, a
littlo salt, stir well, and In tho morning
pour 011 a buttored tin ami biike.
'11 mm
Tho Treasury Department purchased
250,000 ounces of lino Bilvor for delivery
at the Philadelphia, Xow Orleans, and
San Francisco mints.
4 .
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