Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 10, 1881, Image 8

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    nwrMiruiHJiiJn.'Hi tntv
ftivor Iinprovomont Oonvoutlou.
Tim St. IjOhIh conveuilioii to consider
till! llll)l't)VOH!tlt Of HlO Mi.HShHippi 10-
ull.i'ei, in point of iiiiiiihurs and ivnv
Hiintutivy clmriiulur, tlui uxpui!lution.s of
lis frlisnelH. Over fioo duIcgatoH wiirei
picsonl, lopruHUMliiiK eivery Hlato in t ho
valloy, and tho (dashing of inlnn-stH
which in moiiio (iiiirlfi'H wiih anticipa
ted was happily nveiteiel. Jitwielo tlm
Information mil forth in tlKMtliloHpcccli
iw of tliOHU who addroHMcd the coinon
tion, Hh practical work 'connihtcd in
the adoption of a Hcricn of resolution,
and in uiiIIioitiiik um cuanitiau to ap
point a committee of twenty-one, to
collect HlatiKticsaud prepare a memori
al for codkichh. Tim resolutions which
thus hecamu tin; platform of the river
Improvement arc simple and to tin
point. The diMcrepancy between the
amount of government aid granted to
railroads and the appropriations made
for the Mississippi, is dwell upon, in
connection with the paramount impor
tance of the latter as a free highway
and a regulator of monopolies. It is
insisted, as a practical necessity and a
measure of true economy, that the
sums requisite for active prosecution
of tht) work should he set aside from
year to year Willi the assurance that
they shall not he discontinued until
the improvements are concluded. Thus
only Is If possible to avoid the waste
caused by the destruction of half lin
ished work, waiting for money to carry
it to completion. No assemblage of
representatives could be expected to
pass over the claims of such tributaries
as the Ohio and the Missouri; and a
.separate resolution declares that "the
scieulillc and comprehensive system of
river improvements by a competent
commission thus inaugurated should
'be applied to the complete and perma
nent improvement and maintenance of
all the navigable tributaries of the
great river." This wording implies a
recognition of the correct principle that
Llio lirst great object to secure is the
improvement of the Mississippi itself,
but that no rtiich work shall lie regard
ed as complete until extended to those
branches which are avenues of im
portant t raffle!. This, wiili a re
cognition of the value of the Mississippi
eioinuiisHion appointed by congress, anil
a reipitMt Unit, (lie system of lighting
tlio river shall be enlarged, embrace's
all tlie leading points of the nssedittions
adopted. iSV. Haul I'fanwr Hrcsx,
Eating Lomons.
A good deal has been said through
the papers about the lieiilthfulni.'ss el
lemons. The latest aelvice as to how to
use them so they will do the most good
runs as follows: Meist people know
the benefit of lemonade before break
fast, but few know how it is more than
doubled by taking another at night,
also. Tlio way to get the bet tea- of a
bilious system without blue pills or
tiuinine, is to take the juice of one,
two or three lemons, as the appetite
cr.ives, in as much ice water as maki't.
it pleasant to drink, without sugar, be
fore going to bed. In the morning on
rising, or at. least half an hour before
breakfast, take the juice of one lemon
in a goblet of water. This will clear
the system of humors and bile, with
mild ctllcacy, without any of the weak
ening effects of calomel or congress
water. People should not irritate tlie
stomach by eating lemons clear: the
powerful acid of the juice, which is al
most corrosive, infallibly produces in
tliunmat ion after awliile, but properly
diluted, so that it does not burn or
draw tjie throat, it does its full medi
cal work without harm, and when the
stomach is clear of food has abundant
opportunity to work on the svstem
Since David Davis got down off the
fence, ami, escorted by Hayard ami Lo
gan, seated himself in tlie vice presi
dent's chair, the Chicago Journal nolo
a plentiful lack of lh joking about the
top rail of the fence in the ilemocratic
newspapers. Omaha Jit-publican.
ro'll "sport em it" that D. 1). rides
that top rail just as gracefully as he
ever did.
J. II. Ilinkloy, station agent at
Franklin, on the Utah and Xorthen
railroad, was recently idiot down in
hisolllceby a party of masked men,
soino time, after night. Their object
was supposed to be robbery and the
shot premature, as they lied when the
pistol pointed at the agent was dis
cliargeel. Postmaster General .lames ae-cepls
his reappointment with the express
understanding that ho will be relieved
in December; as he then desires to
enter upon his duties as president of
the new bank, tlio "Lincoln Hank" in
Now York.
The independent candidal o lias
blossomed out all over Nebraska.
Take it back. Lancaster countv is an
honorable excoption. We Jiavo" no use
for the "Independent" here; not ovn
for a domoerutie candidate. Lincoln
V. A thirteen year old boy doad frenn
habitual drunkeuiness is one of tho
cheerful commentaries furnished by
Brooklyn upon tho habit of ovangoliz
ing tho romoto heathen at the expenso
of tho pagans at home 67.. m Uazttti
A Now Foaturo Adtlotl in tho Way of a
Reading Boom,
At the beginninge)f tlio plans for this t
depot, it waselecideeliu tlio mind ol the
general inauagcr, that there was to bo a
leading room for the benellt of the em
ployee of tlio road in the third story of
the building. This room is completed,
and was yesterday oponcel, and now any
employe of tlio 11. & M., when olf duty
in the city, can fltiel a hemic in this room,
whore will be found the various peri
odicals eii western cities and many
magazines, and soon there will bo added
a geiod supply of leading material in
the lorin of books.
This room is lce-alcil in the third Hteiry
of the building, ami occupies the whole
of the south transept, isrJx2l Icet.and
well lighted by nine windows. Tho fur
niture consists of a largo table littcd
with elrawers, upon winch iH writing
material and utensils, so that with the
exception of postage) stamps any M. &
M. employ may addii'ss his trie-mis
without e'xpenso. J Ins table will also
be used by conductors to make their re
ports of their trips, ami will undoubt
edly soon become the rendezvous oi the
I), it M. employes of all ranks.
Ili'sieles this table for writing there
are twe) more' extensive ones, holding
periodicals, among whie-h wo iioticcil
all our city dailies, tlie Omaha and
Council I full's uullie'S, tlie Chicago
77Hc.vaiid Tribiint; the Sclent ijln A nu rt
can, the Hallway Ayr, the Hail way
limit tc, Harper's Weekly and Monthly,
Scrilmei't,, the New York Ihrulil, ami
also various periodicals and tracts ol a
religious nature. Tlie loom will be
supplied the coining week as said abene
with books, including copies of tlie Re
vised N'ow Testament. The old stand
ard Uible will of course Unci a place on
the shelves alongside of Webster's elic
tionary. The chairs used are of a late pattern,
rattan bottom, some Willi side arms.
Plenty of settees and ample acceMiiino
dations for forty er filly employes are
provided, so that none of the many who
will reiielezvous hero will bo crowded
out. The door is covureel with cocoa
matting' ami a dozen or more cuspi
doivs are put in i-ouvenient place's.
This room, as all the rooms in the
building, is heated by steam, lighted by
gas and kept at an even temperature.
It will lie open during the day and
until to o'clock at night.
Through the efforts of the division
superintendent anil other employes in
the building, the walls have been e-ni-bellisheel
with some Hue picture's,
among which we particularize: Direct
ly in front upon coming into tlie door,
are two of tlie elegant Pullman designs
-Day anil Night. On the left is a pic
ture of a large ship, situated between
two pictures of Seward, which hotter
shows the growth of that city between
I87:i, tlie elate of the taking of the first,
and 1.S7D, when the .second was taken.
Passing round the room t the east
front there is an interior view of the
Windsor elining car on tlie ('., 1J. it Q.
Next is a photographic view of the
Plattsinouth hrielge, very line. Then
there is an old memento of the 11. it M.
employes on the Iowa division, which
is a half-shi'i't etarel gotten out by A. K.
Touzalin when he was general pas
senger agent of the 15. ,t M. in Iowa.
It bears the familiar name's of C. Per
kins, superintenilent uf the It. it M.,
A. IC. Touzalin, geneial passenger
agent, Uobort Karris, superintenilent of
the l . II. it ., and Sam Po.vell, pas
senger agent of the C. I?, it (.
In orelcr to make the' lino of picture's
compli'te, a line engraving of our late
martyied President occupies one panel
of the wall em the west side.
On the south side also is ICochV late
view of Lincoln.
llesides these there are maps of such
kinds as will be interesting to railway
employes, including a large map of the
United State's.
As has already been made known
through the prominent journals of the
United Slates, we are advised that Mr.
Toualin has been appointed first vice
president of the C. H. it Q.. with head
quarters in Huston; and the preparing
of this room under his direction seems
to be a fitting way in which to leave
a memento of the work done while
general manager of the line. And the
It. it M. boys will never forget it.
Neitwithstauiliug the sign over the
entrance' of this room, at the south end
of the hall, "For H. it M. employes
onlv," wo are deslreel to say that our
citizens must not understand that thev
are fully deprived from visiting the
room. Nothing would please the H. it
M. officials, and the men in ehargo of
the building, better than to seo maiiv
of our citizens- visit the room and seo
what a pleasant homo is furnished for
tho It. it M. bovs.
Viee Presielent Arthur has elemaneletl
Tyner's rosiKiiation. but this eleinanel
bus been eoiiiiterniaueleil by Presielent
ti rant, and Tynor seems to know who
is bosshitf tho niaehine.--iYt6ms7M
City News,
When tho Kews printed the nbove
n... - i .. , , ,
i vnor was uia unei ins suece'sor an-
pointeel and confirmed. Hut such is a
fair specimen of tlio truthfulness and
reliability of-tho average bourbor uows
pupor. Nebraska is undoubtedly tho best
sheep country in tho world. Kv. Yes,
tho best Is always tho sheopest. Oma
ha llvpublican. It elopends somowhat
on tho weather, owoknow.
Tht majority of the ilt of the iiiman
body nrlig from derangement nf tho
I.lYCT, affecting hath thit ttotnnth itnCL
bowtli. In order to effect a euro, it it
Mory to retnnre tho eituta. Irregu
lar find bluyylih netton of tho Jlau-tli,
in the lUtfJcauil l.olu,aic.p indicate that
tht Livtr it ut fault, and that nature re
quire atnittniiee In rmahta thit organ to
tltrow off impurities.
rriclcly Anli HiKerH'pHp
eomjinunded for thi purpose. They art
mild in their nction and effective. i a
cure; are ploumiul to tht fatten nd tnUen
entily hy both children imdudultt. Tit
ian according to direction, then " "
tafnandpleainnt rwrrr 3lyipnln,
Cciiernl 3icUUlty,jJnlilttitxl Cou
iHlpntlou, I!eii8cl Klditeyn,
etc., etc. Am n iZl'.toil E"enrinerfjtf
mm anparior ' nxj othir inndltiwti t
tteuning tht tgtntn thnrvughly, and
imparting iieir life and fttxrju thtin
viilld. It id n jui:tictiac iuU not m
Intoxicating '"'(.
and tako do otbor P2XC7., (1 00 far Uettlfc.
tit. XjOu.b ftt V fi
fh C (J fl fft B r s K ss
AN' I)
I" BY YtXfi, I''" ,,"' MiimIihmn urn! MmcIhi
(inl'li-ll'lll fiiiurl li'ii. i I'M t pilllil' lu'il, Midi
Hi- luii-Ht. U i I ryiimly .'mnii'i'lili
Iiuni wy. IIii i h 1'iiiri.uii fjitw, tr,
Hnw to iK ntisln lie ifi'i-i'tlj aixt 'li,fi)vrfm
ly ll.iw in Act Im siioi. -ty nat la cyiw; purl
nf life, fuel poiHiUiim u u'lltl iiiImm nf viiriinj
1 II fin liirt Hon 1 1 n It 1 1 1 1 1 - i . I I o In nil clunk's for
L'oriHiniii retVn-i.o. AGENTS WATJT
RJ for all or np.iro iiiik. I'd lctior why
tit Im Imolc olltKVI. villus mill itttriiiHtons
Ktillx liclti'r tliHn ,ni)- i.iiur. apply tor toriiiH
toll. 11. I'D.. aiON. 8iJ St.,Ht
I.utllH, Mo.
Every Subscriber Receives a Pre
mium. THK PO'j'R mm GaAND riSMI'JMS
In tho Socoiul Atiiiuul ON.rl'iuiIiui,
Mcrt'iubcr t2S, JlSSt.
A IX I'h KP, ?'i Colo inn I'aprr, rull
('liolcv Honitln flatter, nrr m.
fllllllM M I
A Chirm;.) I'lim" Thri-iliiiiK Murliliio)
Willi ii tun liursi' imrriT f
..jaw o
n Kluiiti-Ai-ii' N. IimxIi . 1'nrin im) oi'
A Waller A. W.....I self lliinllia; lUrvcMi-r .lift ikj
A lli'tnTrtlior Orunn 3wt Oi
A f;i'liMi It m-iil I iii pi ii iii en In,
IVulrlit-h, sriliiK .! ui'lil new,
.l- vlrj', Sllvor Plninl Wnrr.
IIooUh, Elu., ui-o llir nt tier l'frml iiiiih
SuliHirl)liiii I'rlcn. 1 1 1 ol I lit 1 u vr l'n-rnluiii. jl r.i) p.-r
aiiiiiiin. tor Nitnitiii) Kipy'iiinl liliisiinieii
(in- It) in mt seat rrt'u on uppl.i-ntluii. I'm
prriulmii Itit.Jji.vw. Ailtlri'sH,
Til is? Ii EP VB f. I( I N,
Ottialau, rVelirasliit.
Size orShoot, 19x21,
Willi UN Autii.'rapli, ui'Unovli'iliMl hy hint-
Hi'lfto hcthohnst llk'MKM In i-xiNiumv.
97.00 per Iiunilreil.
Klnlv coplrn, -4.ri ui-utH.
Copy or Am luriipii LutturKivun with imch
plcliui'. AililroiN,
yiinliri-di Cci-iiurv llle I.ltlio. Co..
Ill) Mniirot) HI., Chicago.
10,0110 Milil Iii i hlouuo Inside, of. Is iiiiii-h,
sirll, ItlOWAUD
Por any c.ic llUn.!, Itlui'illiix, ItuhliiK,
I'lrnnitoil or l'mtriidlni! ItI,lCi that !
IttiiK'M IMId Uiiu-1- fatlh lo .-iiri'. I'm
parnl hy .1. l. Millir. M. IV, Olo An-h Sin-ot.
IMtllu., fa. Nono i;i'iiiiliio without h.
slKiiiituro. soiul forolri'iilur. All ririiKKlNt
or Kunnrnl htoit'K huvo It or will not n fur
you. 31. Sold In llrownvllle liv A, W.
Multull. DriiKulst. lamfl
H l tho re milt of 80 t'c r.' ospcrlvufo
eiPfrlllH'Ullilli Rnu-lnr- Jncii. n It ,ua.,i.. .,
t'oupmnfi of ntl frmnt ftiJ jr.-rmi r.ttlw, r.o
nnt ''0!uiuin"ir"ontiluM"n' "J.ljiP.uiinCi
are. It avoids thr rfefeoto cf w'l (
if'.! I"" "' 'iJ' iwAH'irs - ! wrfrmoM. -It
U turpi, (;. nmniny, unutUt,, kaitdnntit a '
'"""''. " Ml nn'l iniil. TV'arritnln;! im.
f" if J mrpHirireniroyriii. i ircuuuw. j.
uiiaobtfrlphoii font froo on ixyiuot. Itli Biiroiy w
. AtrinUulrrovoH. Don't full to e I.
VTKT?rt?H ,m)'- AI ANoriOTuaun nv I'M atKM .i
XrVi'i')' t'O .Florf nco, Mam. t Wiioi icii.Ki i
OJX. 1'. 11KNT. bl n ' ' v -rV ).r . rhti uo
Si rt tT0klt4 wlrk l.arnrrV.
VH AlbUISr Wkltra, ...J I-
lrof. UarrU'l-unipWlutlllluilriU
Ili?i V.k Tk MpM ' luM to , UJ,
iHrr HAH t PtUim Oil.. IT. mint
n.-" tv"-v .Ti .'. irrii w TtK mi ?-.'t- w h. m n 1 1 l "ij?
WKXMBBL'B jrtto W. iSJQ :! ISK.'
1InTI-i .'t-Kt' .- .v.? V , uaAIJu
MA1IIS BtMtrr 63H ST. 108)1, bitT
695 and 1,337 Broadway, and 2,310 Third Aycnnc, New Tort
willi .a-im: "wilsohst.
5 . ra v
jjj Author, Lecturer,
- m ti . . i r
i'aiciucc ana
of the
Consultation at tho abovo designated Chambers with Mr.
WILSON or his qualified male or female Assistants,
without charge, from lO A. M. to 8 P. M.
TO THE INVALID PUllLlC.-How to Ket well when sick, and how to keep well when once in
health, are questions of the utmost Importance. Millions of dollars have been expended In building
college in which men might be instructed in the divine art of healing, and million of lives have been
cut on" prematurely, while other millions of sufferers have dragged through an existence of extreme
misery, through Ihe blundering and criminal experimenting of these creatures of the schools. Ii this
condition of things lo continue always !
Medical empirics may answer, Yes; and their unenlightened dupes, the great body of human
sufferers, may doubt and despair, but Nature and Applied Science answer, No. " Nature, as a Mis
tress, is gentle and holy; to Obey is to Live." Magnetism, her Prime Minister, has entered the fieW
gainst the learned quacks, and dise.ised and suffering mortals now have an opportunity to receive her
lentle ministrations.
Hy a hippy inspiration, Mr. WILSON, an accomplished Electrician, and a rtudent who had raadeA .
lUmseil thoroughly familiar with the entire range ofbelts and pads before devised for conveying electri
city, discovered the secret of imparting Electro-Magnetism by the mot natural, agreeable and cfficii.
wiPLJIm. . .V ?. caye thls Prac""1 demonstration and application In hs wonderful Invention, the
cVJvV;S.9?IA MAGNETIC CLOTHING The best attestation of this fact is the history " WIU
auiMIA has made in llrooklyn, New York and vicinity during the past few month's.
MR. WILSON is the Friend of the People but the Enemy of all
Poisonous Drugs.
N. B. If you suffer from any form of disease you have yourself or your doctors to blame: for
proof or which send for pamphlet containing thousands of testimonial obtained In llrooklyn and New
vork, amongst the people with whom I am doing my good work, and not like the venders of quack
ostrums, who send you to the ends of the earth for references.
" die "WILSONIA" MAGNETIC CLOTHING, and live healthful lives, and when you di
let your death N natural, not by druggiug.
Agents for the
LIGHT em the?
DAWN ",',
In tli Ik life. Mirnuuh tliu ilnrlt vullt-y, uml In
th-llfrii'loniril; (ii xci'ti In tlio hi'nt lliniit;ht4
if Ua'liiiK mitiiorn mill mhiIum ruining
whom urn Blshopi rttmpNnii, Wnri-nn,,
Huitit,nn! I''m, ,JMpli Tunic, ll"i'plicr, Tnl
nii, or. Currlo. Ir. Miiri'h, re. M 'Oinh,
It ('rn.shy. Dr. Cnjlcr, den. I). I'ri'ntli-c,
liHiii stiinh-y, Wlllltlnr. l.unitf -lln'v iml
fliorH. Tin1 MiNJ.'iUH tri'iituit nro ! ah, Im
i "rlnilty, Milliniliiin uiwl Mnml A'lvi -it,
(! Hesiirrci-ll'iii. .Iinliiiiii'iit.l tie pmi isM nt
of tlio u'lcltcil. uml the rmvunl nf I'ip Hii'it
'.ii, A Ulcli fi'iit mvfilt-4 tlie rt'inlor or tin
'milk. It oor liiltm tho vr'itlli'Mt tli.iinhti uf
tinj worhln cri'iitrHt iuitttirt. n ntihjo.ti
the most iirnfntitul Intoro-'t tm'vervniii . Not
Tlcinmy hut hrllllnnt. Tlmrc Ik uni n .ui
itko In tlif honk. It i iitwolutoly wtlmiit
' rlvnl. Kvcrylinilv will reivl It. o'mnl
IViictiiTM. StiuliMJlc; Yotini: Men iunl T.mlteis.
'M't'in; nv niMitH for HiIh lmnk nro niitktriic
iv(r 81H0 (i month. HkIIb funt. ()iin Atron
old 71 (l'-nl to ilnyH, nnnthiT ACi In Kiluy. in
lliprll In i. nc iluy, imnthcr 15 imM 5 hllilcn
in fi iliiyi, lmly nold II In ten limiw Mopitro
l(-rrttnr quick. Also ixuoutH wnnted for tho
hoxt IIIiiku-.iI.mI H.)vli-i-(l Now TcHlfiinnnt.
uml for tho (Ino-iT Fiinnlv Hlhles ovor wold hj
iKi'i'li. v;llr,,t f-,,. nlrcnlni'M.
P. W. '.IK, (41, Hit .St CO., l)ir Arcli
'(. IMilliul.ljiiilu, lu. 1I)H, IC. AUivniu St.
I'lilcujjfo, 111.
Send for cm
New Illustra
No. SO, 'r
lull and Wln-
ir of 1881. Free to.vij (on
;iiii3 full dfscription of all kinilt of gooilt
or jii-rsoiKil and family use. "We deai
directly with the consumer, and Fell ail
fronds in any quantity at wholesale nrji-es.
You can buy better mid cheaper tlin.11 at
227 and 229 WaUah Aveiiue.ChicaKO.llI.
If you nroumau
It you r
.I111 M..f.iV
oneil by tlie ctrcan of
tern tolllncoor mid
your uuurs htuiii
stlinulantKauil uid
UlUllf "! .- . '-
tniM lixinrirp.o ami
nlgnt wom, 10 rei-
Hop uittori.
iwwte, u HOD B.
If you are yount? ami M tiiircrinc from any ln
ill-, I or ("iile. "id ork jounir, mf
lioorbcvHlioi iaiu;ala)iujliu mi a
ik-s. reiy 011 H o pUJ aittorc.
Whoever youaii), ?. Tlious
Alirnover you tiri ,WII iiuaily f
llaillou or uiaiipaMtion, ir you ro innr
iluil or i"iile. nil art ouiiflr.murliifr from
i.oorlit.litlici iaiu;alalirllnj; mi a oou 01 biok-
icllHl In nn.
wliMiovcr you Iirl
iiunlly from ouie
r.i .1 or Kid noy
.... H.. H .V.lllll.
I..4V J"'.. I r.v...jB.
ji'-Ciln i'K-iieln(,'. tf,n- "!."
li-iiln(,'.ton-''!'iJU'aB t"nt ,n'Kbt
(tiinuiD'iti:;, MtSl ).roiceiniroi.ileU
.if 1- ittma. A'J by ft tlmoly uoof
take ri a a W5i f
;ko Hop ?&.lk HopBlttera
v,.u. fft.i.I.l Jy?& D. I. C.
I-11 nt, t'.I'.-'T'o
ol llio ..' iirr 1,
ii - 4, I. luo. I.
You I 1 1 0 c
I ,'.' I ills kii nbeoluts
nTi h "Od Irrentta
U I J H olouro f.r
.LJ A. .VjilnillknniiPSj ,
1 r'i
mi.J?t. v . ..1 luiii
it' tol)oco, or
Hop t2ivtjfa.j
1! .'O.-n'nn'm
Mold I vdnjp-
lrl '... h .Klf.,r
rr.VER 1 'firu
it 1 It nii-y ' .. .. Uerr.r.'siw B
tfJ..8r: ' 'A L 1
S- -fl f. -I ' ! KihMtw, I. T. "
' . m. N 1 . - A T cnr.. ,. . lul. A
'. -iVjiTrtSaMnSr
1 m .. ,t 1
02E5.oon:'e e
J51!W ' "uuyiio,viuiuo, 4
b uid buoi ui mnico; p
uurw uyspvpsin.; t
K8Qtor08 tuoAnnaf fo r
Stmriiiu the System;
netiores trie weak
ai DoiillltatCBi.
1 Irlal aU will n... .11 I
vta clitlm.AaV 7r irt iul I
far ftir... Owl... mffL. I
ui iiu-i i a elbar
Ter tftitf tj all Dnjjuu.
- rr. rwm, m niHV
rj - in n uw,, rup tl
aKSW JiYTilie. OHIO.
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Medical Electrician,
aoie xvianuiaciuror
. i . r t
it possiuocins
Over aU other Jiiitchincs and
always gives
For DcHcr!.t!vo C'JrcwIar tutl
CJitalo.utse kchiiI to
31S Si, 20 Sttilc St , Tlaii:ni,'o.
017 St. ChnrlM Street, St Lonli.KZo.
X regular radunt of tno Modlcal Ooll. baa ba
lon.r,r loaiwl than any thart'hjalolaa In 8t.IxU m
city papora Jow,and nil old rnJ.UoU know. HytihlLU
OoriorrhoB, Olf at. Btricturo, OrcliltU. JUiptur.Bl
Urinary ttyphUitio or Mercurial Affectlona of
ThroAt, OMn or Boses eared Safely. PrivaUly
Bpermatorrhen,8exual DeblUtr and ImpoUner
te the renltpf Bolf-AboM, Mxaal erct. U uatarer
ororprer bralnvrork. prodaelagBervoaeaeaa.Mrala
al euIwJon, debility, dlmneMof aUht.defeotlre rayji
try, pbyiical decoy, avaratoa to toolely oanfaiion of
l'Jaae, loie of eexual power.nUht loaiMM.renderlnir mar
rUplrnproper.arapernaneatly oared. UootultaUea
atoffleo or by maU rea and lnvltad. Pamphlet oa"
eWimp. Mudlclnee eeat by mall or eiproei. O.rie
rnarant.d. Where doubt erleta It U frankly atateiT
f.?im s flKr j msirt-
.-, "-' vt'" .. .u,n, i,iuii 10 iua, oitns
followlnic aabjaoMi TTho may marry, who not ; whr
UanUooa, Womanho-d. I'hr.iJu d.oVy. " Whc U
raarrr, ho- 1U and happlsoM mayb laoraatx . .." w
of otllbair anil iiomi, aad Kany mora. Tho mirri.
;r iinUnpliUii raarrlapj rlioald r..d It th.7ulo V.
tag". Encllah-Qennan-J'i-enehread amlnVC;
A w Imli. k.lW .Bttll IaM aa I. .. . ... . . "
Tor th ipvtuy
xc-JZ .."., "01 nDUaal
im m .va, jjjiaBaooa,arroro,
fn.7iRrriS:S'ioi? ?!. Idv ' to Hoei
ihr.. iT 1 ' ... '"irurB uroacnioa Or Hl(.
AbOM, Aay;lruMlitliMUilairlUnU. St. LoaU
CSrtflr!I0jt,.,tryat.Oharlt. HtLoufi!lf o U
(i5m,,l?2,n.V.t 8t LouL8 wo. .id tfflN)
m. BP."n-torrhcia. Seminal Weak
miii 1IPotncr.aUfori of By phllla.aonorrucea.
-i7Thla Uw d"'- A" " "" rltln from
:HTinl"' 'l0,"."' P?r our.d for llf. rrlih .f.
. -r- "" " .". 4....W3 WW. P
in rrom wkjj am, and will n.v i rV:.
n from M mi j it-. .7iii i..7. ,vrli'11
1. 1 sttiio
poriT Bnns?!TBPrp
,- 'Ty ir J' Mt j t T5jjr TKTTrKJ