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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1881)
wuu.&VMXwiiuiqijimnmmmwupwMtnn ui j j.i umwrwi n l jj'wcfj-l i Hwumrji'm JVJCl'li- LU'-'VIIJ' .1' I'-l rj-f intrf NEBRASKA ADVERTISER .1. 0. McHrlilo Iiuh liuon (jorifirined by Iho Senate, 1. M., at Lincoln. .. i i ww mm m i i .. Dins. W. Heat on, N. V., Miiweedn Wttlliur, na Kiiporintuiidunt of Uiu con- SUS. IFoiiry Wind needier linn retired from tliu odituriid niiumKOiiiuiil of thu UlirMlun 1 n fon. AbbolL J,uiitf, lii.s UnaociiilU, Biicri'cds III in. WAsiUNnrriN, Od. '21. In llio llial court to-day an order was pn-wcil allowing twonty witnusscHto Ijosiibpoi nuwl in buliitli' of (iiiituiiu, fniiM and co.-ilH of nurvlco to bo paid by Uiu gov ornniunt. Tlit) doxtrnetion of bicr going on all llio Limit is great, but tlieuinoiinl dc st royed at Anioia, ind oneniglit lant wuek, waHHomewlialubovo the average, when llio CroHcenl browary wui liiirn ed, and 20,000 ki-gn "perlahed in tliu llunioH." iludge I'ivranen, flint qoinplrollur of the treaHiiiey, hart decided thai wit nosBOH for Ciiiteaii, living inoro than, ono hundred mile oiiIhIoo Uiu Juris diction of the eomt, (l)inlricl of Col umbia) cannot bo paid by llio govern ment. Inside that rmliiw than thu ox ponsos can bo paid. Mrs. S. .1. HolineH, a ChriHlian lady of I'oloi'Hburg. V. Vit., not having room onongh In her own country tu'do good work, Weill an a iniHHionary to Uiehoalhon Chineo, leaving her little boy to llm lender mercies of his rela Uvoh. The boy, now a young man of nineteen, not long since, concluded he would seek bin mother, and alarted for the I'acillc ro;iMt. I lis mother nince his departure, has got bark home, and pining to see her buy, advertise.i for him with the hope of stopping hi trip to China. The last heard fioin him he was in MiKHoini. His naiiio is ,1. liOii drnmllolmes. If. I. Londnim sees this notice ho will please call and Huttlo the same, and Ihon skip for homo. Tho Jurisdiction Quostion. Washington, October 20. Scoville. Guitoau's coimsol, occasioned much sur liriHo to-day wlien ho declined to raise Uio point of jtirisiliction, llio argument on which had buen set. for tho :Joth iiiHl. Ilw stated, however, thai the point is only reserved su as to be ol .service to the accused. Should he be tried and be convicted a writ of luihuis corpus will be taken and llio plea ot want of jurisdiction thou raised. Should it then be decided that the dis trict court was without jurisdiction, Scoville has boon assured bv very lijgh legal authority that Ids client could not bo tiled in Now Jersey, that would bo to put him in peril of liis life a sec ond tinio for tho samo crime. Should the argument bo mudo before Hie trial, and Judge Cox decide that ho had no jurisdiction, llio life ofduiloau would bo lost. "Tho Groat est Horse in tho World." That is what Keono thinks of his horse, Foxhall. Foxhall and Lorillard's Troquois, both American horses, havo boon "cleaning out," Kuglisli, and oth or ICuropcau sportingmou ail suinmor, winning all tho big races in which they have run. Tho last race, won by Fox- nun, wan ior luo uuuuriiigtf shiro slakes. A cablegram gives this brief description of tho race: Tho raco for the Cambridgeshire stakes was won by K. Keeno's Koxhall; Glitters, second; Tristan third. Thir ty hormw started. When a little over a mile from homo, Lucy Glitters was leading by half a length before Fox hall and Tristan with Mistake close Upon the lower ground. This order was maintained past the red post. When drawing noar homo Foxhall closed up and going in won comfort ably, but by a head onlv before Lucy Glitters, with a neck betwouii her and Tristan. Hotting against Foxhall at tho start was toll to one. James K. Keono, owner of Foxhall, was warmly congratulated on his vie tory. Ho was asked if it was unex pected. Keono replied: "Well, I should say not, as L backed him very heavily to win the raco. Ho is the greatest horso in tho world to win. carrying tho inunenso penalty lie did m account of ids former victories, Great liund Or was unplaced at even weight, and Lucy Glitters, who lias proved herself a great racer, and car rying only niuty-ono pounds, were beaton by my horse, llo was ridden by a third-rate jockey, ho our Knglisii friends can hardly credit tho victory to the greal experieuco or ability of tho rider. I would not fear to start him against anything on four legs. His winning tho Cambridgeshire and thus making the most remarkable double victory, having previously lauded the Ciusarowiteh, is the most marvellous performance ever accomplished. How about the rumors of the match botiwum Iroquois and your colt? 1 would rather not express myself on inai noint, nut my opinion of Foxhall you know. If ho retains form 1 don't think any living horse can out Toot or outstay him. Walter, of tho St. James hotel, of this city, is now in England and won :? 1(10,000. A LwMon in Cooking MtoU. At the Iowa Agricultural College a class of young ladie ha of late been taking instruction in "Domestic Econ omy." This dopartuioiil im presided ocr by Mrs, May J J. Welch, the wife of the picsldenlof tin; institution. Tliu teach ing is of a practical, character, such as will 111 the young lady students for the euro of the homos over which thoy m destined sooner or later to preside. Thc.followtiig'il!ustralcsnuo of tho les sons in cooking meats: Ifwecuta piece of meat in three strips, and wash it in seoral waters, we shall discover that wo have left a bundle of almost colorlotis libers. Up on examining the waters in which it was washed, jou will lltiu the extract ive juices id' tho blood, llesh, and ail the materials soluble in cold Water. Wo therefore extract these by soaking the meal in cold water. Take now the in boil ing walei . It will contract and shrivel at the ends, and if left boiling long enough will shrink and toughen the whole length. Heat now tho water in which the meat was washed and, as it approaches the boiling point, a thick scum will be seen Hunting in the water or gathering on the surlaio. This is cliielly one loriu ol almimen. a most valualilo ingredient in the meat, ny this simple experiment ) on may learn several things. J. The juices of tho meat which give it f!aor, and add so much lo its niilritivo power, as uoll as givo It its peculiar color, a portion of tho albu men and such siiits as are soluble in cold water, havo been washed out. Meat thorHoiv soaked in cold water loses a large portion of that which gives il value as food. a. I'pon healing the water contain ing tho juices, etc., extracted fioin tho beef, ilio albumen it contains is hard ened or coagulated. a. Uy applylngthohoal to thu llbors they are made to contract and become hard and tough; but by leaving thorn in tho water something lower in tem perature than boiling they are solicited ami made teudei. All lids knowledge can bo directly applied in our methods of cooking meats, stock is simply a strong, high ly llavored extract o,f meat. IIuw shall wo prepare 11? Hy putting the meat, of course, into cold water and heating il very gradually to near ilio boiling point, Ihun allowing the water to reach every portion of llio liber which gives it shape. To do this most elfect- ually you should cut Urn meat into small pieces. Hrcak up tho bones also and add them to tho meat and cold water. The) will add something both op ll.ivr and actual value lo tho stock. If insUad of stock I desire to prepare a piece ol boiled moat lor the table, how should 1 proceed? Uy plunging the meat at once into boiling water. And why ? Heuauso by so doing tho ends ot tho llbors will contract, and tho albu men distributed over tho surface will coairulate. bolh sui'vimr to nritvent the escape, of the juices, and sealing them up in mo iiueiior oi ino meat. Miau I continue to boil tho meat ranidlv until thoroughly cooked? No, beemtso so groat a degree ot heat will shrivel the liber its entire length ami make the meat tough and leathery. It should therefore be subjected to a llorco heat and then simmer gently until done. Tho same philosophy applies to roast ing and broiling. A strong heat at llrst and then a more moderate temperature until tho process is completed; Whou meal is cooked lor llm ttililn in inn- method whatever, the whole aim should be to preserve tho juices in tho interior ol tho cut. and then lo uiwlv an een and gentle liea. until ready to serve. DcoisieiiK siiouid never bo pounded, since then the 11 tiers are so torn and lacerated as to afford ready escape to all llio juices. For 'the samo reason a roast whould not be skewered to keen it in shape, but lied rather. Never stick a folk into a roast, steak or boil'mii piece, if necessary to turn it use spoon or wooden ladle. Tho geueial tiieorv as to the cooking of meats is that all rod moatu should bo underdone or ravo and all while moats well done. nil have heel as an oxninn n in tin. first class'uiwl veal or pork in tliu sec ond. Gamo birds and game in general will, as a rule, come under the tiit clusa -domestic fowls under tho second. The fact should bo noted m italics that President Arthur has nominated as Consul at Hamburg ox-Congressman. John M. lialloy, of Now York, a violent and bitter opponent of o.v Sena tor Coukling. Hailey was appointed to this consulate by President Gartleld during the recess of Congress, but, in onler to earn out the wisiies of predecessor, (loneral Arthur has stowed an honor upon a nun whom he has neither personal Ins nor political regard. -it Ocean. Wlion Windom retired and Morgan declined, Assistant Secretary French was appointed acting Secretary of tho Treasury until that cabinet position could bo idled by a suitable appoint ment. Hx-Secrotary of tho Treasury, AVillltun Windom, was tdected rnit'od States Senator by tho Minnesota Legislature on the fliith. nit., on tho llrst ballot and by a nearly unauiinoiis vote. Ouiteau's trial has boon postponed to November nth. Seovillo said ho w ould not raise tho question of jurls die.tion. Ho will roly wholly on tho in Faulty plea, Tho yr.ul'f of the lll nfltr human hotly wife from it tlrvaugvmoit of thu IIviar, uffft'ltrj both tlm ttitnutrlt mill botrrlg. In i. filer lo fJVtit cure, tt uecwHuuy to rniiDfr the criitur. Jrreiu !' ttud kliifiiih artlnn of the linwrlx, lliMirtnrlirtMrkmninl thr Stomach, I'tliti. n the Hurl: ititt Lohm, rtr,, ludlrulu that tho I.ivnr lnt fault, mut that iinluri: v ftir amlntnnr to rimhlo thin ovyftu to throw of ltnpiivttlr. cum iiiiuiiiirtl fin- tin i)tir)o&r. Thoj arc tnthl in their action and effective u.i a curat arc plcatnnt to the in shut ml taken ttinlly tiff hoth chilttrt n anil mlaltn, 7'u hm accotiltnn to i' iv ctioim, they are n ufe !(.'. 'f")iif ri.'irWDjKpvpHln, Cenorul ZScJiUIiy, XiW!tttal Com- RtlpuUnil, XMSVrtUtMj IfUdMC.VH, CC, etc. Ata )t!o()U X'tirlfici' thru arc gnictler to any othor mciltoliin; ctrnithlin the frin t'mrvuuhlf, ami iniimvttrt" iimi" llfi-amt rnei'tU to the hi vallti. It li a litvtltcltte and not hh IlltoxlcitttHK ln-rirngc. ASK VOW tSUQCHT fCR TniERtY ASM BITTtRS, &nd tl(e uo cihjr. TKlCX, tl CO per Bottle. MEYER BROS .'. CO . - ViV:. PPOPRiETORS. to SUGC bob. r t zzr i'"i EJ V S B IV 12 SS AND Ik BY TTL ")' Iii'-Mt UuslneM iUJ SmMnl (iiiKli-ilint Hii i.1-lt..ikfVTulilj-linl. .Mu.'li lh' Intent It t.-'l r l.y fiiinii'ficlv HOW TUijO EVEKYTKIMtl 'i thV l-HMi wav. 11. t.. i. ..tir.iwn ,iHvtr, Mnw iniliiliii i ii ... i-nrrft'ilv milmn'Oi'SMfui Iv llovr to . :ln -.nci.'ty uml In o,.i)- pirt ofllf, , Old i-untillM t IT'll.l Itllllt) ilf Vrt'll'll tiitnriiKitloii 1 1 1 1 1 - i.-tt ,, I .. t,, ui) (inHS,.s f ,r (.msi.uiirefiT.ii.-... AGBNTS WANT KB inr nil or -.(mr.- Itinc To liii.itr wiiv ihl Ixmlc nl Kl-XM, villus nnd iiiiruuilnns K.-lNliciicr th-i. iiny i.ihor, imply lor lorni" toll. II. HCAMMKI.I.&l'U..'J10N. .1.1 St., si LolllH, Jill , 30 $B5() -A.3NTID TT-T-E OJsLJJHlJk. WEEKLY REPUBLICAN (INK YKAlt Oll S1.50. Eyery Sniisoriiier Rocoivcs a Pre miiiin. THE FOJR LEADINJ GSAHD PRSMFJM8 In Un -Sccona Amiii .1 liimrltiuiliin, trpcMiii!!ir 2S, IMSa, A.MONO KUIlscilillKKN Rill TME OMAHA WEEKLY HEPUBLICAN. .V It l'ltirr. Tl t'olotiiit Iiin.. full i.r I'ltljo, Ti I'ol.iniit lniirr. LUiiick IlrnHluu llmtor, two j.,;,, follow). I A C'lilnuto I'ltiv Tlir.'slnni; Ma.-lilmi) Willi ii i.'n lmrs- p.;wvr ,.fV.O O' aii i-.ii(iii- i-i.- iinvK.i I iiriu A Wiiiti-r A WiiimI Mcir liin.lliiK' II irvi-ut-r.. A (loin 1'hImii (irnnii A Krlc ii I ( ii ni I l in ii l r.n viii v. I.I I l. .tl.". IK. :i'M I.. Viil(ilirM', .-vlii; IIiMtlitnrrt, It-ivntry, Sllvi- I'lnleit IVni-i. IlonUs, E'-i " t II oilit-r IVciiiliiuis Huhscrlpliiiii I'rlco. Iiii'ln.liiii; Crciiini-ii. . ip. i niinuin. .., ( n,r u ipi,, ,.,,,v ,ti'l i i,iir.ii...i pro !um lUt H..,il !.. .in iipplirnil..ii. I'm premium Itst, wm ililr, TUK IHWriiUCAX, CEttJ;i5i i, KcStraMliii. PORTRAIT OF GARFIELD, Sizo or Sho-il, 19x24, With Ills ,iit.i.;ri.i.Hcl;i.u-lclK.-il liy liflr - Hi'lfto ho ti hovt tl;.... In i-lHt.-n.-t . $7.00 im-i- huiiili-i-il. shitrin oopii.H, :ir ui.iiiH. Popv ot n..irii,)li I.t-tii-r kIvvii n Itli oaoli ptutiirt. AiMrtws, Hluihftr to fiorquuvlllu r.ltho. Co., Ill Monroe HI., OlilPHKo. 1(1.0 (l -olil in i lih'tiuo Inslilf (if. is luu.r-4, 11, (( 12, tOWASJtJ l-'.ir iui i-nKf. Hllii.l. IIIp.'iIIdk. Iti-hlnk., t'locritnil or Prolru.HiiK IMI.IOS Ihut l. IlliiK" I'M.. U(!iii ily fulls to cure. 1'r. tmr.'il Uv I. I'. Milli-r. M. 0., l)iA.r.-li Strcut, i'lillu., l'u N'oil.' .-tniliu without hu Hlnniiltir... M.pii f'.r cin-iilu.". All .lrtiaNt oi u(ii..-ul ht ,riM liuvc II or ulli m-t u tor von. Ol. ,11 in lirownvllln hy A. V. Mulicll, Itrt-.KKiMl. I'Jinti 4"7Vir.,"TJ r(T-:T'.v!,Ll it U tho riult ff'20 t' Jtpcrf;i . . rxprrluMiUiii S.'wlni; l.4to. it,s..vrt.'j . tViOxi (Mllti 0 111 JViU-.Hl tut J .('! tf 1. ., II.. I vmt ff -w ..waa.-- .' - ... HOI N "il!.iiniM","0llUUl9ft". 1 li :v art ft m.vdiiI il, ilrfiv 1 i' a ) ' ii-u fcj 1 mIuuII. tvU'.rf4 ... 1 ' ti iki:i.i- It 1 'u, iy,,f.rwnbii, ni..., ' ' rn.trnl ,lu ,';, Ml'l lii-pl: l fVU 1. 1 r 'i H ( l.TPiJ'n GUIDE -"i with; y.-ii .. rviiKir iret' i. o yrnri. ( i.touih filllU- 1 !ii.Mitfnv'miiTi!.nL It it .i:r;,i l lv-t Mm) vrtlrnrOToU. IJon't rttlf u ro" Vi'forvj .ul.i.y. MAJtUrilTVJll.OW'l. I'M 'i.t.r'. M .AOlIl , I". ('h ,UKOii.r. J.vvf. , vrt.iot.v-u O . AEU. Y. HKJIT. 81 ' 1 w ' ' ' ' BwMUyl. KiO (H .A llm. or IVkil-i, iSouM itnj (or r"Tr""""" "'"" rf. WurrU'l'iiiupljIwdlluitril.! tr I lv.)tlilt(,rl tluu ( kn It.w.ii), i.J ,l.uwio Imp. fll4lisu. IL, rln)lhli 11 nJ.iblt Ij ny ,Jr bi AtU Cit h.cllti.Uibr . tlt.r..MLlv rct.Ml Irtiln.n tKii(ttjow, rn. HA83IS tSiltfTf CSh ST IUB15, U3, B A Sh II y. Irhn tr. 4G5 FULTON STREET, BROOKLYN and 1,337 Broadway, and 2.310 Third Ayenue, New York. "wtlxjIzm: "VT'iLsoisr, KEKSE2IZE1 Author, Lecturer, Patentee and of the ii Kit iftrrJI iJ WflLSOSA Consultation ot the obovo designated Chambers with Mr. WILSON or his qualified male or fomnle Assistants, without charge, from lO A. M. to 8 P. M. T9 '71E ,NVALID PUBLIC How to Ret well when sick, and how to keet well when once In henlth, are question of the utmost iinportntice. Millions of dollars have heen expended in bnildinR coUegrt in which men niiRlit be instructed in the divine art of healing, and millions of lives have been cut off prematurely, while other millions of sufferer have ilraggeU through an existence of extreme misery, through the blundering nd criminal experimenting of these creatures of the schools. Is tills condition of things to continue always? Medical empirics may answer, Yes; and their unenlightened dupes, the great body of human sufferer, may doubt and despair, but Nature and Applied Science answer, No. " Nature, as a Mis. tress, is uentie and holy; to Obey is to Live." Magnetism, her Prime Minister, has entered the field against tlic learned quacks, and diseased and suffering mortals uow have an opportunity to receivA her gentle ministrations. .. n,v, "'"I'py inspiration, Mr. WILSON, an accomolnhed Electrician, and a Mtident who had made nirnsB I thoroughly familiar with the entire raiur,e of belts and pads before devised for conveying electri city, Uncovered the secret of imparting Klectro-Maenetism by the mot natural, agreeable and cfTica- viitcntl. a'.V ?n.ayf.lhi practical demonstration and application in h s wonderful Invention, the ;ni ' S" NIA MAGNETIC CLOTHING The Iwst attestation of this fact is tne history " WlU aurtiA lias made in Ilrooklyn, New York and vicinity during tne few months. MR. WILSON is the Friend of the People but the Enemy of all Poisonous Drugs. -'J-If ' suffer from any form of disease you have yourself or your doctors to blame: for nrooi or which send for pamphlet containing thousands of testimonials obtained In Urooklyn and New YorK, amongst the people with whom 1 am doing my good work, and not like the venders or quack nostrums, who solid you to the ends of the eaith for references. TAKE MEDICINE AND DIE. Wear tie "WILSONIA" MAGNETIC CLOTHING, and live healthful lives, and when you aie let your death be natural, not by drugging. WAN'TKI) "1 Atiit. for the go:ldm?st FjAWW "''. UCIIT on tlic In Hits life, tiinmnh tlio ilmk vulloy, iriit in tlie llfn i-tprniil; ut Keen In tli-i lu-t ill unttitt of n-uilliii; imtliort nii'1 NolKiliirt immuiik ivbnin iiro HltiKipH si iiiptiin. ' irn-n, lVitfr, iiiirMt, unit h'.isH, .I.mi'pli I'll-ilt, Itt'po'iiir, Till iiihK", Dr..Oiirrl.', r. MnMi, Dr. Mcdith. In-. t'roHliy. Hr 'iiylr, io. D. I'ronlloc. Iiciiii Stmili'v, Will' Iter, (.nii-jf -llo'v' ii'pl 'ilhorH. t'hi NitiijfrTt iri-itt'd -ir. lu .tli, Im i mrtulltv. MlllciiliiiM uinl s(Ui.t V'liont. Il.n Iti'iiirrccilori, luillili'ilt,' M.' .un slimiMit (if t'u u-IcUimI. unit Mif rowur I o' li rlulii i'lillu, A Illcll foiiht uiV'iltrt til.' rr i Im nf Mil li mlt. It t'oi tultit thu trntiil"st ilirniv:iiH ,' tho ivnrl I r. ijri'iiiost niithi.rH, mi h 1 1 ' . ' nf the most profound Intcroxt toevcrv 'n No' ifloiitiiy Inn lirlPlant. T:i"n !k tint n dull ...m.-illl tln lunik. It It ulHnlil'cly WMIimtt i rlvnl. EviTylindv will rem! It ,hnnl Tcnohi'rt, 5htiliMit.; Yn inn Men and Luilli-s, Hi'tmu tH tiKctitH fur tMl lionlt lire i iiiitli over ?I0D a month. H.-IIh fust On.. Auwt oln 71 Mist l.r (l-iyM, nnottior 10 In s lu-t. mi other 11 In ntio ilnv, nt(Ltiir l." rml .1 hilili'x in li ilnyi. h Inilv sold 0 In ten hours Sopim' 1 1 i 1 1c. A Imo nu'i'iitt wiinicil for thf iint lllutt i-iiti'd Itovltnd New 'IVKtnm'nt, mil for lh" llnott. l-'iimilv lllhli't pvc-r sold li mn"tx. iti I for I'lrpiiKri. P. y. .tlin I.IOtl .t, ro., Ol.-i Arch i. l'lilliwl.-lpliln, I'd. 108, K. Aitiimt s,t Ctilcn;, IM. t-tf'A MFxrS. VowHImun. 1"." juu.niir tcdPricc-List No. :?n, for Pall ami Win- . t of l-l. Free to suiy ( 'on taiiis full (K'si'riiitiim of all knuh of ijoodt for jierKtmal and family use. Wo deal directly with the coiNntncr. and uell all pood i in any quantity at teW'v-iV pticcs. You can buy better and cheaper than at liuine. X0NTG0MEKY WART) & CO. 22! aud 22'J VtiUah Avuuiu.Chicafio.Ill. If yuii nui a moil rftykylf j-otl ai ' ri ieSj ofi.inmii.,wi lit Vtfcty mail ' i'v- a rnoil bv lln1 ktialu .if V??j ........ .i....... ...i.i vr.rj ,. r.filllflL'( ..i.i .n..i.n .......I Ftiiiiulaiitanil uiu msl.t ik tu ros. ,. ii .. hM?l .li liH...infiri Hop Bittern. irjoti am VKUtifr ni dlsoritioii or ui-slp,i ....I . r . it'll. ....I un w-uiit-, ii.u Hop B. Hiilfi rliic fiiini oi.v ln nun , if yu i kti- innr- . ... ..... Kii)rh"iltlit.i In i.iiltli iwria, lely oil Mop iiinirf, k'l I' i imk from llil a IxU of Blok- Blttflro. A hiwrfr you ni. , r, liinui-niiiKiuo nn. m ally i i ' in (.oiiio fn.- u 'tl Kldnnv vlii-iiBTer j on i .i IIUI y iMi r rji";.ii yj nivcis rii-Hiwn.i;. I'm. j, lilt; r itiiiiiilal.iiir, 'Un lIlVKI tlllt llllLTl.t by a timely iim of M . ijsisiFn.n ri IiuvIxioiii ii'ieiiuit takn Hop t -," . . V (rf f.',..krf V v,.w..u. u lif 1 lite IB. 7?f v ft llaraypiKfvi- i ..y-A Havn jv-.-.i a, kidn'y or in nap'ifms V.l I I I 7 lllltO & ii:a- pi I l.tfi...IVl t T it' It -. i nnvt your. li'.'.. I- jj .' "d I i. .1.. s i I .'iif stcr. N. T. I ! .. . . I ,1 - i lu .liit. -vff.:?,dHfip' Skfl- jiCk jutlt j&l jQShfii. Sa. j2. . X3-RL. 0HLC.OC-I'r3 era trs RI P."1 CrilliS THOUSANDS YKAUI.V. S A FOSITIVECURE '. ForCoughs.Co8,fx Is the Beat of Tonlco; ( Cures Dyspepsia; Restores theAmictlto! taSfd-ts.ti tho System: & 'T'TfRoctorea tho Woak .. and UetJllitatcil.rj ij A Iri.l ef il will prof ill i ." ntciftiki.iiii iwvi uruiFgui . ft '- rai ,-. TrullU' M'Tnc'l of Turi ink H ciiliar. h S H SMITH-CO., Prcp'f IIAYTtlh. UIIII). h mm m HLr 4 ZM t-.i -Ifcg-s-Bk-JA' I '1st .Vlnl. ..". -. h 'nil 1;. I 1 .Tit- nt. ..!.. ,. : OluodJ J M k J i V i l.Cl"'' Ur EH ,...-ornri4Jf h Aiu- l '"'ii" - , W ..... J hlu-' oi opium, ra .n will tu- '.Mr..rr.t ,L u.0,l)r ft ri.i.i "..uiu, ' Li.L' urcvtic.' ra irwiiMilm.' ".li-lW.j pMi,v,ln.(f. M ....... f ., k .nl ' 1 i i lulfur III or i iif r u iii-i. i - iivi i: r - ----- ... .---- I-I-..TI1 ft . n,' i r it r i,i; i r iWN n pkk OF 1 AHl n u h , - 'a..s V Krf.'' I . S..UIO. . V 1 -.-S8l a fcM&s J ffO-rCW.w O nii' ,'. " 2 OiACT NN.4fflliHiaB A'&m 1 1 WM'A .taco Medical Electrician, MWawyw ?&K Sole Manufacturer Wonderful 55 VKRTICAT. FEF.D T7 CSdi-- SEYflXG MACHIM IT POSBS03DEO Over all oihrr JIachttca and ahihiya gives PERFECT I cr,TSFftCT!ON For EJcstri.jtHc sTircut::r attti C':ii3iiloci' Kd'Rsl to DAVIS 8. M. CO. 2B At 2-2 Sintv i't . i ItWiipt). WBLWttm 017 St. r.tnrlcB tv.n Hi fniiln TUr. --- ...1M).'I. .IUUiI..J, A Krmluafo of two Meilicul (Vili(vu ban !n ion JrloontMilthnnimro-'iorl'liriUclauliiSt lnlr, -s oltj jm ii rs Uio ;r,iinil nil olil rHSKlonnkDoar. SyiihillB. CkMinrrhoja.01oet,Btrictur,Or. LitiB.Hui.turcBlf Urinary Hypnllitlo &r IJarcurlat Affoctiouu or cro'4t' nurBoHoacurwt Uiflx, PnvHtuly. Rjieni. irrh8n,Bosuil Dob Uty Ujuiesulti t holf-AliuMi, tnuM oico.,ejln nut.uor Ten-snroer hriilnwork, pmlaijiiifni'rvoiuuMi,uinlu -1 hinUstunf, dnbllltj, illiunBtsof ui!jt,ieftlT innai fry. t.."l. M 0iHi, i...riiin to socUty confunloii of i ', log-. f Mixunl nowi-r.nlrbt Iomb roniierinic mt 1 -?1,nwiPr.reiirini.ruiiiil)rouril. (!oniiltlifiri ni 'Wro or by ni ai frno nd invlUid. 1'umphUt ona vtuntji. Mttdtclnoa nt by m ill or nxprsas. ('nr..j r '-'Jt'-'"'1-- .L'yo doubt tuiitB It U fiaakly rtnad. LVJARRJAGE I p??a pemo. . I GUIDE in.wiioi .iry,weil'olu,Mlt Utrnei-n fn, ont:. II .ilmn.l. Womanhood, l'hrln rte .y. i, t, ,ui "i""rrif U'JW '""""d luijiplnosw may U lacmait hJ,u of .iiililiacy tinil bxoojs, anil rmnr m r. Thu.i mnrrii rirojutniii1.iitlniiunirlHi-tiouIilioitltlhoiiki)-iiin. ior iock nri.t Ky ZQ eta, by mnil lu monoy or .. t imo. BnrllBh-qarmm-yrrnch rood nnd poke E S Jko Un Wenknt t, Iwt Mnuliouil, SorTousniin, . I'lllfilul., , lit A u..ln. .A u : --.-m ( lllflHI .1 of l.lfiae, Avornlon to Hnrirty l.'j(i-cui) Mom iry i Abtixi. Any drii;sl. f'uratlrv tust'o, ll-Jt- i: i' lroU',tiion by hulf 'in tbfi iyrn(llnin St. LouU Chnrlei.Ht. I)nli Mo. BPoJAOQUES 705 Chosnot 0-, Ot. I.onlo, Mp. t nlJ ofatv,. jfiuou it... im Bio, luntoiThoofc. Seintiml Wrilc JV88! Impottiirv.nll form-of ByphlU.,Gonorrt.ii a, Oloi-t, Uricur,' oi- JlladcUr dlauuca-. Jln-nt ,..u.i cu" 'd l.i a fuw ! iy. Alltho iIiioiiuii ru'nnc I'., x D4lMibiuo, uu).orin)mr. ruruil for Ufa Kith ni lOMlU'lnn. A.1'100 fro. Uu.rijwi low. (l.l or wrr.a In au-lctcin.lilenrc Bvmutom UOulc fur two nt ,jin mmmmMmsmmm T IDSjITa TUB Tltll'lIPir TWI uc ... r. " In from M Vo tw days, und'w.u ,y i ,i '" ltupluro thuy cm not euro, h, .,U ,' f,r i,,r,2 tfuiii;ThTay;t.i.u,"re1Ui,r.rrt i4iu Bu- yfAHZ. !.r"" "." m BOYfflEOAVIS , v aV'4sSV- K r J . .'. ' JC( Wvi.j ; i.-i "V7 4BaKiig.'nw Rii!!!-t:v; y-.EsS a8E$$ J Www por JIT flnUBBiTBPrp S3 II LH I HtJilRiiJInDLd I;IiM ASENTS t-V a r i - f :iiTiK-ktjr - .gr j,T-nyy I rJwJ U xt tt. Ntlioail I'oUuh'j uo., . uJl "jj"