Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 03, 1881, Image 4

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S-h(iol hooks at JsMukuirs.
- Ilyc In cad, baked daily, at Anton
For Ural cTum groourios cull on
T. Ij. .Joiioh,
Kxlrn copies of tho Anvitit'rismt
at, A. W. Nlckull'u.
Fresh Ilroad, pica and oaken
ways on hand at A. 1'nlmor'H.
Tho Elognnt Light Running Whito Sow
ing Machine for wilo by T. 1 Soaton,
Hardware and groceries, large
Stock of each, by Stevenson & Cross.
School books and all miscellan
eous books at NickeU'sdrugstore.
K. M. rjppitthas been appointed
teacher of music at tho Stnto Normal
Forty-three new subscribers to
Tim AdvkrtIhicr last month. Plenty
of room yet.
Dr. Collins, Dentist, is absent from
his ollleo in Jhownvillo on Wednes
days and Fridays only.
For agood Cooking Stovo with the
most and best trimmings, call on Wil
ling iiroH. tt Jordon.
I). T. Smith will sell vou a Piano
or Organ as cheap as tho next one.
Call and get prices. 17-tf
Hest bread in Brownvillo at the
Bakery of Aaron Palmer always fiosh
and clean. Give him a trial.
The iron is laid for about four
miles on the new road between Pawnee
City and Table Hock. It is expected
to have the cars running on this line
some time in November. Johnson
County Journal.
Go to Willing Bros. & Jordan for
your hardware and fruit cans, powder
and shot, barb, wire, the Joliet, Baker
and Seutts make, nails, door lucks, corn
knives, and the best assortment of
guns at tlie lowest prices.
W. i. & J.
Tho Beaver City Times offered the
paper one year for tho biggest water
melon. It got a number of largo mel
ons by the game, and one weighing 44
pounds took the prize. Wo have quit
talking about our big melon.
Jackson's Common Sense Liniment
Ib a positive cure for tho following dis
eases: Tender feet, collin joint, lame
ness, sore breast, sore shoulder, con
tracted hoofs, scratches, rheumatism,
sweeny, strains, bruises, barb wire in
juries, and all other ailments requiring
an external application. For sale by
J. II. Bauer.
At the request of many citizens of
Nemalia county, I hereby announce
myself as an independent candidate for
County Clerk and respectfully ask the
votes of all the people, my only pledge
being to perform tho duties of the olllce.
if elected, to the best of my ability and
in the interest of tho people of Nemaha
county. Respectfully,
J. B. Doukkk.
Harvey Starry has purchased tho
Central meat market of the Jones
llros; and will furnish the people of
Brownvillo and vicinity with choice
meats of every description Mr. S. has
had a lifetime experience in tho stock
business and will give bis customers
entire satisfaction. Call and see him.
Now is your chance to buy stoves,
hardware, farm implements, cheap. Go
to .Thos. Richards' if you wish any
goods in tho line, at prices never be
fore heard of, as he contemplates mov
ing to .Nomuliu centei, and wishes to
reduco his stock in order to save
freighting the goods and adding addi
tional cost on them, will sell any goods
in tho lino at figures which will pay
any ono to call and get the benefit of
this offer. Tiios. Richards.
"We would respectfully inform tho
ladles of Brownvillo and vicinity that
we are prepared to do dressmaking at
our residence, corner of fifth and At
lantic streets, (old Jim Dye residence.)
Solicit n share of your patronage, and
will tako groat pride in giving now
atyloa and good work.
Mrs. W. A. Cook.
Miss Josik Joiuun.
Ry special request of my friends I
horoby anounco my self as an Indepen
dent candidate for County Clerk at tho
ensuing election promising if elected to
discharge tho duties of the olnco to tho
bent of my ability and lo have tho
work of tho ollleo done correctly and
for tho best Interests of tho citizens of
Noinahn County.
Very Respectfully Yours,
E. II. Wilcox.
(imwwuMHnwiiiM miHwinimHinn
MR, Atf D MH8, M. M, OOKNEK,
'Die Golden Wdddiag.
AccotdinK t cntilu istttutl, ami pro
vloiw iirrmiKciDunlH inndo by Uio
frlendH of .Mr. and Mrs. Conner, about 8
o'clock on th(! cvciiIiik of tho 2Sth of
fttt ntifit lUttl (i niuiwml nt ilri )rilillt'l1l V rif
,. ... , ,. , , r w . ,i ever, that $iiO wore received from llioir
the relatives and irionds of .Mr. audi "-", , " " ,, . ' , ,
,, .. ... , ami Jacob, of New Mexico, and $10
Mrs. Conner were gathered in Hie opera ' ., , , ,. , ., , ,.
house to witness, or participate in, the
proceedings of their Golden Wedding,
thin being the flOth anniversary of their
married lift!.
Tho marriage ceremony was preceded
by fifty gentle taps of a bell behind the
sj-eiiory, and from whence emerged the
groom, bride, minister, and several ac
companying old friends, immediately
upon the conclusion of the ringing of
tho bell. The bride and groom stand
ing in tho parquet, just in front of the
stage, attendant lady and gentlemen
friends on either side, the Hev. II. O.
Scott, of the Presbyterian church, step
ped to the front and delivered tho fol
lowing beautiful and appropriate cere
mony: One of the most solemn and interest
ing scenes that can bo vitnessed is the
joining of two lives in one; for when
two heaits beat in unison, the happi
ness that follows can only be surpassed
by that of the worlds above; but if they
he not in harmony, no real joy can be
experienced. Believing that during
half a century of wedded life you have
had abundant opportunities in health
and sickness, in labor and rest, in joy
and sorrow, for knowing tho strength
of your love for each other and your
ability to be true and faithful, I shall
ask you to join your right hands in
token of your desire to continue the
golden bonds and to make them even
"Do you, Moses, renew your covenant
vow to take this woman whom you
hold by your right hand to be the com
panion of your life? J)o you promise
to bestow upon her the same love and
care which has heretofore made you
happy in each others society? And as
you have, walked baud u hand with
her up tho llowery hillside in your
younger days, do you promise to still
cling to her, down the way strewn
with the leaves of autumn until at the
river tho angel boatman shall call to
tako one or tho other over?"
Mr Conner. "I do."
"Do you, Ann, renew your covenant
vows to take this man whom you hold
by your right hand to be the compan
ion of your life? Do you promise to
bestow upon him the same love and
euro which has heretofore made you
happy in each others society? Ami as
you have walked baud in hand with
him up the llowery hillside in your
younger days, do you promise to still
cling to him down tho way strewn
with tho leaves of autumn until at the
river the angel boatman shall call to
tako ono or the other over?"
Mrs. Conner. "I do."
You are a husband and a wife whose
lives have long since been made one,
by tho mutual plighting of your love,
by marriage vows, and by sympathy in
tho trials and labors of a long life.
May God's blessing rest upon you
through many happy days to come.
Allow me to congratulate you most
heartily upon growing old in each oth
ers love.
Then W. T. Rogers approached the
happily wedded, and in a few well
chosen words formally presented to
each of them a beautiful golu jewel,
received from Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Lett,
of Lincoln, Neb., a correct idea of the
workmanship and design of which will
be gathered from tho following accom
panying loiter:
Mil. AND Mils. CONNER.
"Wo send you two emblems, as a
faint expression of our esteem. The
one marked Mr. Conner, emblematical
of a banner with colon lloating, and
principles of fidelity, inscribed upon its
azure loins.
You for fifty long years as a husband
have lived with your banner of trut
deration manifest to tho world, your
fidelity inscribed in characters brighter
than gold. And may you when this
eartlilv tie is dissolved, havo an eternal
union with your dovoted wife In that
celestial land whero day Is one bright
morning, and tho sun never sets.
Tho second, marked Mrs. Connor, n
neck-yoko In two horse shoes. Tho
yoke, oinblomatical of the burden you
both havo borne so long. And tho
horse shoos, "Good Luck." As God
tempers tho wind to tho shorn lamb,
may ho causo tho yoke to rest easy and
make your burdens light in this world,
with "good luck," so that vour separa
tion may bo only mystic, and your reun
ion real, over tho rirer in tho Paradise
of God. Yours,
II. C. Lett and Wife.
Tlion wore called out Dr. Ilolladay,
ox-Senator Tipton, "V. T. Rogers, and
others who havo been friends and
noighbors of Mr, Conner for many
years, and with brevity referred happi
ly to things and happenings, and cus
toms and scenes of days long gone by.
Then thoro were more presentations,
principally in small gold coin. A flno
and much appreciated gift, however,
wo must not omit to mention, was
made by our old Jeweler Mr. Joseph
Sohulz, in the shape of a splendid pair
of gold framed spectnelo worth $12.
Healilea thy tilings mentioned, Air. and
Mrs. Connor received 6100.00 in gold
coin, tho donors of which wo would bo
pleased to personally name did onr
Himeo permit. We will mention liow-
from their daughter in Cincinnati.
After all the friend-, had taken the
joyous aged couple by I he hand, and'all
tho girls had kied 1'nclo Mose the
old gentleman blushed like a rose under
the trying ordeal the chairs were set
back, the fiddle tuned, nnd old and
young, whose conscience and church
discipline could at all be stretched to
grasp tho exhilarating amusement,
danced and danced until they tired.
For tho sake of history we note that
Mrs. Ilelleu Hohison, nte Ilolladay, had
the honor of dancing one set with the
groom, the only one that he could be
coaxed to participate in. The whole
affair was a happy success and made
our old friends feel young again.
I will offer to the highest bidder, at
Sheridan (Nixon's Pasture), on Thurs
day, November :td, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
:i:5 head of Cattle, consisting of Cows
and Calves, 1, 2 and a-yoar old
Steers and Heifers.
TKHMS: Six months time, without
interest; notes to be signed by two re
sponsible parties, payable at First Na
tional Bank when due.
Davidson Planters, Auctioneer.
Tho Union Hotol.
Is growing in public favor. Com
mercial men are learning that at the
Tnion is tho best place to stop for good
fare and cordial accommodations. The
increasing custom and demand for first
class fare, has made it necessary for the
Union to take an up grade step. It
lias recently been refurnished and
otherwise improved. Best table, best
beds, best over) tiling, and only $2.00 a
The boss fi our is made by
Henry tihifer at Uome
wood's. Call for Gold Coin.
How to get Sick.
Expose yourself day and nlulit, cat too
muchiwlthout exorcise; work to hard with
out rest; doctor all tbo tlnu; take all the vllo
iionlrniiiH advertised, and thou you will
want to know
Mow to get Well.
Which Is answered In three words Tako
Hop Bitters! Sco another colum.
Call for IJomewood's
lour. Try it, and you'll
use no other.
Is horoby given that I will oxamino
all persons who may desire lo offer
themselves as candidates for teachers
of tho primary or common schools of
this county, at tho Court House, in
Rrownville on tho first Saturday in
eacli month Philip Crotiier,
21-tf Co. Superintendent.
"Wlno lsa mookor, amLstroog drink Iw
raging." Taku l'lticici.Y iYhh Hittkhh It Ik
not a beverage, but n remedy for all 111
'ctlcols of an excess of Intoxication stlmu
bints. Don't taken drl ik before breakfast
'Just to wake yon up," because) on fuel ho
Htuptd and languid. You aro sure to feel
worse as soon aH tho ctfect wears oir. Take
a half wlno glass of Puicki.y Ash lirrrKita.
It will brighten yon up for the whole day.
Cash Paid for Wheat.
The liiyhest market price
paid for aood wheat at Glen
Hock MiilH.
Mrs. 13, ,T. Monahan, of Maryville,
Mo., will visit Rrownville Nov. 15th
and remain three days. She will stop
at tho Union IIouho whero she will be
prepared to treat all forms of oyo dis
eases successfully. Ilor treatment is a
pormanent cure for granulated eye lids
and all forms of inflammation of tho
Wo aro still making nnd soiling our
patent bed springs. They aro superior
to any bed spring made, and will last a
1). 13. DOUGLAS & CO.
School Furniture.
I hao received tho agency for A. II.
Andrew & Co.'s school furniture of all
kinds. Samples at my furniture store,
Rrownville, Neb.
W. A. Judkins.
Highest market price' paid by D. K.
Douglas & Co.
--Thoro never was a convention held
in Numalia county that was more abso
lutely run and controlled by the peo
ple, independent of rings and factional
combinations, than tho last Republican
Now it remains to be scon how well
the people will sustain at the polls
their own action.
'It was tho farmers, principally, of
Nemaha county that took the nomi
nating business in hundthoy united
against other combinations and by
nearly two to one named the men for
the ticket, and any charge that the
nominations were made by this or that
rb'gor faction, is utterly unfounded.
This was supposed to be a reforma
tion in conventions. How much of a
success is it going to bo? Tho Repub
lican farmers of Nemaha county will
answer at tho polls.
Two years ago tho factions had con
trol of tho convention, every delegate
belonged to either Daily, Majors or
Howe, a bitter light was waged; and
every eandidato nominated was easily
distinguished as belonging to some ono
of tho above named gentlemen. But
tho result at the polls was a grand suc
cess for tho whole ticket.
This year tho "leaders" stood back,
seeming to mako no special effort,
leaving the people to manage the mat
ter themselves.
If tho Republican people's ticket
next Tuesday ahull overwhelm the
mongrel hermaphrodite animal, then
will bo proved that conventions and
elections may bo conducted successful
ly independent of factions. Rut if oth
erwise, and tho Republican ticket
comes out by a meagro majority by
tho skin of tho teeth sis it were we
can but humbly call upon tho factional
leaders to put on thoir war paint and
tako charge of thoir battalions again,
as wo tho people aro not capable of
running tho machine ourselves.
Andy Skeen is making himself so
conspicuous in bis opposition to tiie
Republican nomineo for county clerk,
as to make it a personal matter desorv
ing attention from us as a faithful de
fender of our men and principles. Or
dinarily a private citizen's opinion or
preferences aro not subjects for per
sonal comment from tho Auvkiitiskii.
But Mr. Skeen has emerged from tho
ranks of tho private citizen and be
come a candidate for deputy clork, un
der Mr. Docker. This fact with his
frotful anxiety for Mr. Docker's suc
cess makes him fit game for an occa
sional shot from us. Andy goos around
traducing tho character of Dr. McGrow,
and expressing great pity and sympa
thy for Docker. Rut that is all hypo
critical, for thoro is no motive moving
Andy in this campaign but a puroly
sellisli ono. Andy will bo deeply chag
rined when he learns that ho is expos
ed, for he waB playing it very fine in
deed. Rut wo have it from an authen
tic sourco that Andy is promised tho
deputyship if Docker is elected. Rut
that crowd stands forty chances of bo
ing tit ruck by lightning to ono of
coining in possession of tho clerk's of
fice. i.o.ol
Tho Nemaha county district lodge
1. 0. G. T. will moot with Rrownville
lodge No. 60, on Saturday Nov. 12, '81,
at ton o'clock a. in. G. V. C. T., J. B.
Kinch, will bo with us at that timo;
lie will also meet with Rrownville
lodge on Friday evening. 11th. Let
there be a full attendance from each
lodge in tho county. Fraternally,
A. J. Skkkn,
State Deputy.
List of Lettore
Remaining in the postofllce at Rrown
ville, Nebraska, for week ending
October2t), 1881:
Gilmore, Thos. Nettloton, .1. V. 2
Hawley, A. F.
Ilayer, Jerry, Rico, W. II.
1'ersons culling for any of tho above
will please say advertised.
Ollleo hours (la. in. to 8 p. m. Sun
days, from 9 to 10 a. m.
T. C. Haokku, P. M.
Editor AnvKimsKit: Tho Uranger
is again playing its tricks of treachery.
Moore has no confidence in his mong
rels and is gtoing them away, and litis
promised help to somo of tho Republi
can candidates. Thisl know. Repub
licans, howevor, do not want his help,
nor his promises, for ho is a treacher
ous rascal, who would Judas like bo
tray Christ for money. Justick.
For Sale Cheap.
A good road team, harness and bug
gy. Ponies well matched and free
drivers. Perfectly sound and safe.
G. 11. Collins.
flood buggies and horses, charges rcas
oiiablo. Hest;of care taken of IranslcntHtouk
jsti.n.tu.i vir v;.
Made and repaired as well ns can bo done
anywhere, on short notice, and
i in
Centrally located: Good faro, and no trou
ble spared to mako gueiits comfortables
flood barn for horsca and
Ch a rges liaison able.
For your Agricultural Implement., to to
Farm and Spring Wnnn. Sulky Plows
HtlrrltiK Flows, Corn Planter, Harrows
Reapers, Mowern, Cultivator. Corn Hhellorn
and tho Host ToukuuIosh Cultivator.
Nomalia City, Nob.
Physician $ Surgeon,
Noruoho. City, Nobrnslca.
Calls in the Country Promptly Attend
ed, day or night.
dlcenKes of women and surgical (Mhciihuh
of the eye.
ttS-PailentH from abroad oan he fumlHhed
with pleasant roomn and accommodations.
Hl ceased. In tho County Court of Neuiu
ha county, NohraNka. In the ny.Uter of
proving the will ot said Luther Hoadlev, de
ceased. Notice Is hereby given that Novem
ber 7th. A. D. 10 o'clock a. m., at the
olllce of the County .Indue of Nemahacoun
ty, Nebraska, In Iirownvlllo Nebraska, has -K
been tlxed by the court as the timo and place
for proving the will of said Luther Hoadiey,
deceased, when and where all concerned nmy
appear and contest tho probate thereof,
uated Oct, 8, 18S1, JOIlv: S. H1ULL,
County J-udgo.
Vj In tho County Court or Nemaha County
Nebraska. In tho matter of allowing the
final administration account of HI mm O.
Mlntek, administrator of the estate ol Jacob
Uustln, deceased. Notice Is hereby given
that Novembor 28th, A. 1). 1MU, at Hi o'clock
a in., at tho olllce of tho County Judge of Ne
maha County Nebraska, In Iirownvlllo, Ne
braska, has been fixed by tho court as the
I lino and place lor examining nnd allowlnn
said account, when and where all persons
Interested may appear and contest the satno.
Dated October 28,1881. County Judge
Vol. Ill commences Nov. i, 1881.
Now Is tiifi Time to Subscribe.
The oi-no 1'koii,k 1ms been from the first
Hticesiliii beyond Mancipation.-.V. 1". totnUiu Jt,t
It liiiKix illntlnct purpose to which li steadily ud-bcrps-tbiit,
namely. ofstipplunttiiR the vicious na.
per" for the joung with a paper more attractlvo
an well as more whnlrsomc.-jWrm Journal. I.
J-or iieatnesK. pIprimicp nr engraving, and con
tents gcnerallv, It Is unstirpaswi'd by any publica
tion ol the kind yet brought to our notlco.-.fHj-buriih
Its weekly visits nro engerly looked or. not
o'llv b the children, but also by parents who are
anxious to provide pure literature for their clrls
and boys -ChrMltm Advocate . lliumiu, N. Y.
A weekly paper for children which parents need
not tear to let their children read ut the family
fireside -Jfat tnrit Dailv JYwor. '
Just the paper to take the eye nnd secure the at
tention of the boys and glrls.-.S7)rfn7lfM Union,
For 1 cur, I'ostnte Prepaid, JS1.3W.
Rltigle Numbers Four ( ents each.
The Hound Volume ftjr 1W1 will bo rendy enrlr
In ovember. Price flOO: posinge prepaid".
Cover for oitno PKOl-Mcfor 1881,33 cents; postage.
13 cents additional.
Remittances should be made by Pnnt-OIIIcn
Monej Order or Drift, to avoid chance of loss.
tfru'HMiprri rr not In copy thin atlrertlianeit
without the express orrirr of Uakvv.h .t IIikitukuh.
Nkw Yohk.
Mothers need not be kept awake nights by
tho Incessant coughing of their children, If
they hnvo Dr. Mamhnll's Lung Hyrup at
band and glvoono or two doses In season.
Price only twenty-live and Hfty cents.
The finest line of Mens
and Boys clothing, over
coats, etc., to be found at J.
L, McGee's.
' 1
1 J