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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1881)
iiiMJI'ElgrrnwrmrTTTriT i 1 1 1 1 1 n mrrrrT i tnuiiimjerniiiui.MaiiHm.Jn.B"Jwii.i immmuimii t.u'm. i'.iua.)i m.i'.mi iwiTnimijLiii'iiiM-uiiijjiiii iii.ii.ii.ii.i.i i ,j i " -wpn utiitr i.i 4 K I i i .nn.. xm J&. d!ir!lfflMHHHMK yC A ESTABLISHED 1850. I Olilnst Prvtinf In tho StlVtO.i EggMaegjvtLAjiiiww mnauasutvumxm BUSINESS CARDS. T II. 13 K 0 A D Y , J i Attorney iit Counselor rtl Unw, llrotfntim .Neb r S. S T U LL, J ATTOllXIflVH AT LAW. Olllco of County .lude. Jlrownvllle. NobrnHltft. a S. IT 0 I, L A 1) A Y , ! IMiyHloliin, !(urfiUf Olmtntrlolnn. (Jraduitted In 1851. T.ocnl -d Hi tlrowiivlllc MA. OMoq.II Main street, llrotvnvUlc.M'b. V wTg i liso x, UhAOICSMITII AH11 IIOItSK SIIOISK Vorlelotie to order and sittlsntelloiiKimriuitevd Klrsntreet.liotweeit Main mid Atliwitle.Urown vlllo.Nob. H. A. Osnon. Notary Public. Q.W. Tayi.ou. OSStOStlV & TAYLOR, Abbopneys and Counsellors at Law, Brownvillo, Nebraska. TJ'tACnrK in t'H-Hiivto nml Kodonil roiirts, J Hpeolol attention KlVI'II tOOOllOetlllllSlllHl siilos of runl ostuto. pAT CLINE, nil HOOT AM) SHOE .HAKER CUSTOM WO UK mint do order, find fitHiiltvnt aru'irntiteed. UepMrlnic neittly iind promimy done 5hop. No. 27 Muln street. nrovnvllle,.Seb. 1) M. BAILEY, HIIIIM'KU AND llKAI.lUlIN LIVE STOCK mtoww villi:, nihui.xska. Knrrners, please call nul sot prices; I to liiimllo your atopic. Olllce Klrst National H ink. MA HI, ATT & ECKXCS, DKAMUIS IN General Merchandise Dry OooiIh, (irneorlos, Kervly Made Clotlilnu. Hoots, .Shoes. Hats, ("a?-. ami u (Si'M.-rnl Ah sortmont of Drim anil Patent Meillelnes. tr). Highest prion paid fnr butter and t-'KKs. ASIUNWAIiIj, N Kllll A SIC A. Jacob itrotvii villi'. i'cias!ia. MERCHANT TAILOE, and dcalerln fluellusrllsli, Futiirh, Seotoh iind Fancy Clot lin YostliiRN, Ktc, l;tc. ESTABLISHED 1W I8&6, O L I K T w rsa 4 ra as tstateAKenc WijLiani "EL Hoover. Does a kciiiwiI Kstate Business. Hells Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Dcuils, Mortalities, and all instru ments pertaining lo tno transfor of Heal Kh tnte. Han a Complete Abstract of Titles to all Peal Kitnto In Nomalia County. Ai7Tiioitii:i v Tin: v. s. oovkiimiknt an 13 X O W NVILL 13 Ial4ni Capital, $r0,000 JLuthovlzvJl " 500,000 18 PUKPAKliO i'6 TRANSACT A General Banking Bnsines. IIUY AND HKI.I. OOIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS n all the principal cltlea of tha United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved Hetirlty onlv. Time Urnfe discount ed and siitvlftl Hcciitnniodntloin grunted to deposit rs. Dealer In OOVKIINMKNT HONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Ueoelved naynlileondemand.nnd INTRIlUSTnl lowudon tlmooBrtillcfttciofdopoilt. DIUWTOI-Wm TTTin. It. M. imiler. M.A Uandley. Krnnk K. Johnion, I.utliar Iloadlay Win. Fralshur. r.,r,,w JOHN L. CAKSON, A.U. DAVISON. CiiHlilor. President .1'. MpSAL'iIHTOS. AASt.CimbU'r. OME TREATMENT. A certain enro for NenOUG Debility, Comlnnl WeaU- TTia 11 tnn . . ..J .'. . .i '..-.yd.., frtr OSV.Wfl nnd nn illustrated hiW i iO l.aret jMas fu u ltitit.ifM'ol'irtiiiiiii'i t, .i- fVOO, Adiiaws fll J. icniod wirt ,UB , f .u f Kr ,f (Unit' llln.lrXM I mi 't icnl fr. .ht.k II VltKI RKUlftT ., Uauff IhtraliU, A Wnli.l is SUIarohn. First Nat onaB vtnrTT fJCvtfijf VEMtiir ItU-'AlliaLtyBXVWiaCTITTOlaiBMgJ-WCiagtiMaCTlBBnUIIIIII.I "i. O. Dovol DKA1.KU IN amisv uroceries. AhvayH on llntnl Flour, Teas and Coffee, Willi a full line of Canned Goods & Confectionery. Also, tho very best and Tobaccos. Cigars Twn Doom Knit ofl'ostonico, lltown-villi-, Nebrnrka. ()pio.sit LuinliiT Yaiil, Main St. OOOID BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. bjiocial Accuminodiilinn.s for Coznziieroxal Men, AXD Driver Furnished when desired. Horses lioardod liy thy day or wool?, and Fanners' tennis fed and cared for lit. fair .rates. How Lost, How Restored! Jint pttlilWInMl. n new edition of Dr. CiilVert m.'II'm Celeliintrd I'.miij on tlierndlrul cure i.l ." nor .semliml Wcuknt'in, IiivdIuh. tary "emtiiil I.iksi, Impiileiiev Montrtl mid l'liyleiil I in'iijiHcltj-, linpeitlinenti to nutrrhue tr i alio, c . .rut i'tio". l'l'ii.M'iv and Kith In-dnei-il bt sell liidulKenceoi sextuul e.xtrnviiifnnee, Ac. 'I lieeelpl)rutMl nutlior In tbls ndialrble p. say, eli'itrly diMnmi-lratii, froio n thirty years' rn'.--ee.iriil pr etlee, tlinftli" nliirinliiuT i-iiisepieneen of I'lr-wli.iiH hi 1) In- radleully enre.l: polnMin; out n modeof eiireut once ainiple.eertnln, nnd eHVoi mil. by iiieniHorwliIcli every sntrerer. no mutter ttimt bis iiiiidltlim antv ha. tnny euro himself ehcflplj ..ilviili'ly.aiid rni'.'''lly. tt"). I'hls I.eriiireihouid tieln the ImndH of every yoiuii mid I'Vi-rt limn In the Innd. "I'lit under ".Ml. In a plitln envoi. ipe, to nay ml diiss, por piild, 101 rieelpt ofl ceniv or two postnue stninps W c lnito aim 11 Hire cure for Tape Warm. Addiem TH3 CULVBRW2LL MEDICAL CO., II iinKi.iNi-u Varlj, V. Y. IMl. Hox, I5SII. Is ly STEEL BOILERPERBX mmi. C m k',r475 WjjliHlta lib m MHVkJ .i'.1Itsi ?WW ' mm AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING- ON THE Missouri "River. NEW BOA T. Jiatcs Loir, CampaShady, Ifoatla (ioorl, r)i(l'i)i)iiti Ample. Connects with all Trains. IN CONSTANT DEMAND! V blAl'I.K All! KM'. SPLIIMI I'OltKVKllH The Revised NSW TESTAMENT. AGENTS WANTED to reiiu-inlior that tvT- ..ii?r them tho miWRst l'ltlcrs, the i;ri'tttei,l variety, and best terms; ontllt only W) ernlH. uliotrlnc KIOHT diaeipnl tvlnh and tirlees. Itielmllnu new Parallel r.llttoti trltli OI, 1) AND N'ICW VK. KMiNB Hinn HV HIHK for coiniisrUoii. A,l,lr.. THK RKVIHION lUnMhiIP;H8, Hi. LoulHi Mo. a H a Baa a laa Qui u 5 BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 1881. , iiojuxvxiwiiia, .1-a.iwxvxA.a., iivn w, , I I ' lJWJMIILliMWUJtfTai:CSlW,IUMU EEPUBLIOAN STATE TICKET. Kor Assoolato Jnsttei-Stiproino ("onrl: SAMUKI. M AX W, oflJiiitKo County, For Ui'sniilHoftho Stato University: I j. H. FIl-'Il'il.!), ofUuiralufminty, If A AC l'UWKUH.of DaKnia County. - -, ,.mmn COUNTY TICKET. I'or neirosentatlve, V. P. PKAItuDY.of AKplttHiUI. Kor Ooiint v Troasiiror, J. C. ltOU.SKIKIil), of MrrJwnvIUu. KorOntnly Clerlt, H. W. MeGUKW.of Loudon. Kor County .IhiIkp, .1. s. HTUIjU of Urownvlllo. KorSherlir. JOHN' (MILP, of Nomnlin Clly. KorCguuly ComntlHloner, 1 ill.strlct, J. it. ponr.MAX. or Wa JtinKion. Kor Hnj'PiliitetiiWnt I'nlilHMliiHiriiolloii, KI.l.A T.MCUICIv.of I)0ttli., Ktit Coronor, A. OlM'KUMAN, of DotiKlTt, Kor Surveyor. (J. U. HltDOK.of AspliutfaU. Dr. B. W. McQrew, Ropubl&an Nominoo for County 01orkHi8 Hon1, JItulo During tho Tour Yww Ho was Oouaty Su- perinteiulont. Every putilio niaii mnfces a record, which beoonipsiitililie priori y, subject to inspection, Invest ifiiiiun and criti cism hy tho public, and upon which ho must stand or fall. Dr. Mi-tirew stands squarely upon his olllcial record, challenging scrutiny, and asking nothing niory to entitle him to the votes of tho party tint nomina ted him, than a full knowledge of the facts, and a fair consideration tif and judgment upon, tho fncU, and circuin stences connected with l!is four years' soi vico as NtMiialni county's first mi jwinlpntfent of m-Jionh, If ho sliall bo accorded this, in spite of tho malicious staleiunts of "Dock er's Dopuly" and the poiApunis innuen does and palpable lies of tho mongrel organ, wo doubt not nn&vui-whi)lming indorsement driilifriiy tht)'people"ai" the noils. At Dr. Mcdrew's request, we give, in detail, an abstract of each anil over bill atraiiist the countv. nrosfiitoil during the wholo timn he soi'vud as su perintendent, as appeal's of record in tho clerk's olllco: April 5, 1870. For services rendered in Xomuha county in the actual dis charge of ni) duty as county superin tendent, from Dec. (, 'ii to April .', '70, in all as days at ."3-1 per dav, l.'io.oi). Oft. 4, '70. To (l.'i days work as county superintendent, at 4, tf-jr.o.oo. duly ft. '70.71 (la.s at $-1, from Apiil ., '70, .L'si.oi). .Ian :l, '71. To ();! days at $4 per day. In fact I have euiploved ail my lime to tho furthernnco of tho cause of educa tion in our county for the quarter end ing July l, '71, ..Vj.oo. April ft. '71 . -Kor 70 .lays' services, from .Ian. 1, '71 to April ft, '71, at 8:3 pnr day, $210.00. duly 5. '71. For 7o d.ijs' actual ser ico, at $:) per dav, for qaai'tor ending July.,'71. ?21o.oi. Oct. :J, '7 1. To fto (lavs' work as county superintendent I'm quarter end ing Oct. 1, '71, tftfto.oi). .Ian. ii, '7:2. To ft() (lavs' work as county superintendent, at .?y per day, ui to Jan. 2. "it, $ April tf, '72. For 70 days'' services, at s:j 1 km- day for quarter ending April 1, '72. 6210.00. Julv 1, '72. For 7ft days' services, etc., from April 1 to. Inly l. '72, Oct 1, '72. - For 70 days at ?a per dav, to Oct 1, '72,1210.00. Jan. 1. '7:1 For 7ft dnyirfoi' quarter ending Jan. l, '7;J, "at )S3 por dav, $225.00. April 1, '73. -For 75 days at 83 per day, from Jan. I, 7a, to April l, '7a, $225.00. July 1, 73. -For 7ft days nt 83 per day, for quai'lor ending July 1, '7:;, $22ft.O0. Oct. 7, '73. For services as county superintendent of Xeiualia county up to Oct. 0, '73, in all fto days, at 3 pot day, 150,00. Jan. 7, '74. For services as county superintendent, otc, from Oct. J, '73, to Jan. 0, '74, in all 75 days, at $3 por day, S225.00. Wo havo porhaps not a reador in this county who has not heard the charge inndu upon Dr. Mcdrew, that ho had charged for moro days in a year than thero tiro days in that length of time. Of courso such a chargo is ab surd, yet thoro aro thoso who profess to bellovo it and busy themsolves in re tailing it. Tako your pencil and sum up tho days charged for In tho above ofllclal itemized account, ami that Ho will bo nailed. Wo llnd the first bill dating from Dec. 0, lili) and the last one Jan. tl, isill, making just four yours and one month, or forty-nine ino'nthfi, ovfonrtttii hundrul ami liinili ihiys, that Dr. .Mcflrew held tho olllco of superintendent of schools. This em braces ocry day, Sundays, holidays and all. from Dec. 0, 1 SCO, to Jan. 0, li7 1. Theio avo 52 Sundays in a vear: in tour years there aro 20S; in four years and one mouth there are 212. Thero aro four holidays in a year, making sixteen, in four years, The Sundays and holidays added together make 22H das, which we will subtract from 141)0. tho total number of days that Dr. McOrow held tho olllco, and we have 12(12 days outside of Sundays and holidays. Now how many days ban Dr. Mc flrow charged for? What do they foot up? Just. i0 thmimml tmlJhrl)t-ti"o, Xow take 1042, from the listw and wo havo tion htiwtwl unit tm-ut;; day, exclusive of Sundays and holi da.s, that Dr. Mo. might have charged for but did not. Any man can demonstrate in ten minutes thijt our statement is dub slant hilly correct. And now what becomes of the story that Andy Skeen, (Docker's deputy clerk!) and the mongrel organ are tel ling, viz: that Mcdrcw charged for Sundays and holidas. It is cry clear thai that story is a lie and slander. Figures will not lie, and they deinoii slrato that Dr. Mc had 220 dins left, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, that he did not charge lor. Dr. Mcdrcw was tho llrst regularly elected superintendent of public in struction of X( inaha county. 1'nder his supervision nearly the entire coun ty was distiicted into school districts, and the new system of education then inaugurated established. The work uas not done when the districts were made. In fact the perplexities and ar duous duties of the olllce were but be gun, then, fortlieie weio constant com plaints to listen lo, troubles amongst the districts to amicably adjust, dis tricts to change, school house s'ues to select amid tho clamor of contending factions, school houses to build, etc. Tho duties and responsibilities of tho olllce in those early days of the super intendent system of education were of such importance as lo lequ'no the whole time and attention of superin tendent in morit of Urn counliiwof, the Stale, and forlear thatsupc'rinleinlonl might, through laziness or a false no tion ol economy, neglect their duties. Mule Mipcriuicuuciii .McKenie, in Ins oilieiid icporl in 1S72, page 31, under the heading of "Salary," refers to the mattei as follows: "The laborer is worlhy of his hire. In counties that have moro than lllty healthy, enterprising districts, ft n-'iifn-s thv it'hoh lime of one man lo properly perform tho work necessaiylo be done, lo have elllclont, successful common schools. Cities thateinjlov lorty or lifty teachers in (heir schools, think a superintendent indispensable, and pay from Si.ftoo to salary, without once thinking ol Hie expense. Vet take a county superintendent that has the ovei sight of double that num ber of teachers in Nebraska, and i 1,000 is a frightful sum to pay. Again tako a man ically fitted I'or county superintendent and what can he usually make at other business ? It we tako u llrsl class man from his busi ness wo must expect to pay him some thing near what he can make 'at his laeiness. It is the only way wo can expictto gel "the right man in the right pluto." If a man, truly for county superintendent does his duty faithfully, ho earns all the law will al low. Hon. Nrwton Hatenian says, "No man more honestly earns his pay than a quulilled and faithful county super intendent of schools.''1 Tho State Superintendent's words put an elfectual quietus upon another hobby that Andy Skeen and the mon grel organ lay much stress upon, viz: that Dr. Mcdrow's charges were enor mous, oven extortionate. It was the judgment of the State Superintendent' in 1S72 that a countv "with lift y enter prising healthy districts" required the whole time of the county .superintend ent, nnd bis judgment and direction governed llio countv superintendents in days. Ho might not think so now, tho present educational system being long established has becomo sym metrical and smooth running, entirely freed from the perplexities unavoidable in thocominoncumontand inauguration of tho system. Hut how many districts had the Ne maha county superintendent to form under tho law and then superintend. Nemaha county has now seventy-six districts, and sprout j't wo of them were organized under thosupetiuleiideneynf Dr. Mcdrow. That tlioy were made "enterprising and healthy" I15 the elllcicncy of Dr. Mcdrow, Nemaha county s excellent schools now attest. Tho price per day was fixed by law; llrst at four dollars and afterward at Ihreo dollars. Dr, Mcdrow took what tho law allowed him ; alibis successors have dono tho samo. And if even the virtuous Andy Skeen or the mongrel editor should ever got ofllco nobody who knows them will doubt that I hoy VOL. 2G, NO. 20. Krarxwwi fflBJ5S252fi Lwould take the last cont tho law would allow, and put in every day ponsibio to mnken big bill Dr. Mcdrow had more to do, nnd did lyoro elllcient work for tho schort's than all the superintendents who have followed him. The State superintend ent required him to t'.uvotu ilia wholo time and attention, to his olllcial duties, the bifetnessof the olrice required it of him; and thus uuderntnnding his duties disuhni'gftd them faithfully and well. Yot there were 220 days that ho did not charge for, which he might havo done conscientioiitdy, U'eaune at tlinefl when not actually tnneling over tho country in tho interorit of tha schools established or being established, his mind and attention were engrossed by the business; and when at homo or abroad h was constantly besioued by thote who had grievances to lay before him, or who wanted InMnioliohri, or In formation in the law, and a thousand whims and notioiiH to onlUtt his time and attention, And what was the terrible price that Dr. Mcdrow clmrgcd for all the labor ho performed In four years and one month service? Header, you can add up for yourself tho ?u ins as above set forth. They amount to about $:t,;itK). How much was thitlta year? About $S40. . Ho was' paid in county warnints ' worth at that time about scventy llvo cents on tho dollar. Figure that up and you will have precisely what the immaculate Andy Nkoon and tho mongrel organ 111 e holding up before the people as iinparallolod extrava gance. At liist glance ;ft).3uo looka like a big sum. Hut be not'decoi.vcd bo roasonnlile, and remember that four year's Is a long time lo serve in such an office, and I hat after all, when cnl 011 luted by the month, and pay in coun ty wlirraiila that Mcdiew really re ceived only about .?ooa year. Not as miieh as some of the teachers he was superintending weie receiving as salary. Dr. Medrew could have lilildo more money teaching school, and much more by his profession. We have heard for years, those Htories of Dr. Mcdrew's exhorbilant charging, and that he was actually dis honest. Now that he is the Ilepubji djtn candidate for clerk we have inves tiiratcd tho matter thoiooublv wit.h ,foip foregoing results ami conclusions, we llnd that ho has been dofamad WW tthoqtcuugo. f'.rJ.! Somothing to llomronhor. .Married people would bo happier If homo trials were never told to their neighbors. If they would kiss and make up aller every quarrel. If their household oxpouscs wero proportioned to receipts. If they try to bo as agreeable us in' courtship days. If each would try and bo a comfort to each other. If each would remember that tho other was a human being, not an angel. If womon would boas kind to their husbands as they were to their Invors. If men wero as thoughtful of their wives as they woio of thoir sweet hearts. II there weru fewer silk and velvet street costumes, and more plain, tidy house dresses. President Arthur is iccuiving from tlie Xow York Hun a steady and hearty support. Concerning tho Piesidout's Yorktown address, tho S'; says that "like the immortal speech of Lincoln at the dedication of (he doltysburg battle-Held, it proceeded tho principal ora tion of the day, and like Lincoln's speech, its few words were llllcd with a true spirit of democracy;" and it adds: "President Arthur's words and deeds hince ho came to his present olllce hae been few, but they do not accord at all with the reputation given him by main of his present adinirejs, that of being a mere politician, skilled In nothing but politic.1l manipulations. lie bus thin far shown no lack of shrewdness in dealing with the questions before him. and what ho has said has been express ed iu a broad and generous spirit. 1 1 is administration uiuy besupported by all parties, and remain memorable as mi era of good feeling and prosperity." The fifth article of tho Act of Union between ( Britain and Ireland reads; "Tho continuance and preser vation of tho Established Church of Kngland and Ireland shall bo deemed an essential and fundamental part of the union." A writer in the Now York fiii'iuiii J'ost claims that when dhtd stone, in 1800, abolished tho Establish ed Church in Ireland he swept an "es sential condition" of tho union out of existence, and took the llrst step in tho logic of "homo rulo" for Ireland. Tho Citizens League, of Chicago, are making it very unpleasant for saloon keepers who sell liquor to minors. The League employs ellieieut men to hunt up these cases and bring tho offemkws beforo tho bar of justice. About 'jo of thoae potty criminals were lined in ono justico's court a few days ago. -fj t4t. t ' 1