(UTtt iwmiiiMiii'11 TIIU ADVERTISER, it. W. iMIIMIKOTllim .t:CO., 'nld'tfiivl rnprdl-ri A It II V At E OF Tin-: no AD. "J'wiih on ii W'wtorii rnllwiiy tnilti; N ii-tini mini wn there, Hut WostoruerH with liuiirlrioronk, I'or lilno'l who'llil not cure. Hnyi Kmiisus Tom to Texas .Mm: " I'm Htiirvln' for n uliool." " Drill on ymir mini," kiivh I'rnlrlo Miioks "I'll lltuMi tliuKiiloot.'' " I Iiovii'I killed u unci," Hitld Dluk, "No, nary one. lor nltflil." BnVH.Inok: "Mv weuiiins ready nro, 'I'm Hpilln for u llwlit." And tliiH thcv talked, l lico Kiilliml num. In pinto h, knlics- iitlltodi Tim women trt'iiilillimly looked on Tliey fmirnil wliilu they admired. Iltil look ! Hie door I burnt ul In, In lii'i'iikM a motli'.v orow. Knell IimiI-' xeittli -v not Texas .fuuk. Muck, ,11m mid Tommy, loo Hit! 'i ii gnngcr fimncr ImW, Tliov'io on a inurry Mprmt; Hut widul lurk : win-1- min thoy horo? Tlicv tnuideied nil will Ih. Till) dinner lids walk ilown tlio 11MI0, Hut Mnok l'irjet to lire; And Toxin .Iihjk draw not Ills knlTo, Dluk oflCM to rut Ire, " Up with vourlmmN!" Hie dinner cry; Ulllnk I'rilll'li' Muck olioyH; riiluiio l)li'l Inriri'ts 1 1 W nrins, I'or lldi bold TIioiiimh pruM. Tim fiirmorrt ruli tin liolploss fnlr, Who mitknu hiiiI ndo; IlutlioiivoiiHl limy rnlitlMi.il) WoHttirnurt), And tuko tliolr pl-tols, too! Itimlnn TntHnerlpI, .lAPANUSl', TANS. Thiit thdro Is ii comic element in tlio Japanese ohnractur is manifest in thoir designs upon llio common painted fans, Homo of which will bear a cloit oxiuiii liation. Tho most common art) tlio.su in which a lingo dragon wilh forinida l)lo tooth, i.s .scon in pursuit of a hiiiuII iioy wlto i.s running lor dear lifo; but lest the sympathies ot tlio publieshould he too strongly enlisted in liuliaif of llio soared boy, tlio lugs of ihumoii who opcrato the dragon nro msoii honcath tlio folds of thu cloth or paper upon which the dragon is painted. Another common scone is that of a number of old ami young puophi clustered closely under thu foliage of a largo troo. Thoy .seem to be well sheltered trom thu storm of wind and rain tltat i.s pouring down upon a drenched fellow whose umbrella is torn in tattur.s by thu wind, and who is making for the shelter of thotrcu; in thu ineantinioho is evident ly a subject for tin jest and laughter of tltosu who are watching his progress, thus illustrating human nature accord ing to ltuolinfoiicnuld. who say?, "that wo bear the misfortunes of otliers with much philosophy." In some of tlie.se sketches a few lines suggest a groat leal, and show art Nfujskilfthough tho nro rudely ami roughly drawn. For insianco, a thick, log at sea is ropro houtod by two or threo sails showing thick. log at sea is above thu fog, while the vessel and , ciuwiiracuiioeaiyu ueuciuu u; a scenu familiar to all who have been on our coast in tho early spring. Upon another fan a very fat fisher man is represented nearly up to his middle in water ami wielding a not lai'go enough to catch a porpoise or a rihark, whim ho drags behind him a little llshboat hardly largo ouough to hold a minnow; thu expression of Ids face is, however, comical and sufliciunt ly determined tor a shark. Tho most busy scene is that of thu mouso-mer- ' chants. Thoso aro grouped together ' in very natural positions. In tlio foro- I ground aro tho merchants looking over i the invoice of the goods, which is hand ed them by their chief clerk. Holdiid them aro tho laborers, who aro rolling bales of goods and piling them up some threo or four tiers high. On the ' ton of tho pilo sits a olorlc who, with a tablet in ids hand, is comparing the numbers and weights on each bale, ami : is calling tlioni oil to another clerk who j sits below on the ground tier, and who i is looking to tho clerk above to bo suro ' that he hoars correctly before ho puts them down on his own tablet. .In tlio Imok-grouiid is a weigher and a servant ' bringing roireshnionts. Thoy aro all clad In various colored coats and vests, ' but tho nuthur garments aro omitted in order to leave the tails troo to twist about in mouse fashion. The expression i of each mouse is, however, different, and well represents the age and grtnity of tlio merchants, tho dignity and im portance of the chief-clerk, the youth ful and jolly bearing of tho younger ones, ono of whom .seems to bo trying tlio patience and tho correctness ot tho account of tho others perhaps to cause mistake- which may result in his own promotion; a base lino of conduct that has been attribulud to officers high in civil and military lifo. Another scene is of a very different character, but still open to evil surmis es. A rich old lady is seated on the floor of a largo, apartment counting her treasures, either of money, or jewels, with her back to a largo window or opening, where two figures aro dimly Been dressed up as native or foreign devils and with masks on thoir faces. Siio is looking over her shoulder with much alarm and has loft oil counting her treasures, but withono hand placed over them, in order to conceal them from tho masked thhnos standing with out, and in llio vain hope to save them. Hut tho crowning and most comical econo is that of tho migration of a largo family, consisting-of father and mother with thirty-two children; perhaps thirty-throe can bo made out; probably the parents if questioned could not toll tho numbor themselves. Thoy aro cross ing tho ford of a shallow stream which apparently allows but two to cross abreast. In front is tho father, a very fat, good-natured follow, with a huge bud whi'h ho carries on lop of hid head. On this arc two of tho children, qitito eomfortnblo, and looking down with I'oinjihicency tipon their struggling wet brothers and sisters. Two more nro holding by the skirts of his scanty gar ments, but up to their knees in water. Next comes the wife, a diminutive per son compared wilh "paler fnmilias," but, as is natural witli such a family, she has a worried expression. She is carrying one child on her back, per haps a sick ono, with his logs in front of Iter which sho is holding. A long train is following alter her by couples, except two of the older boys, who are in deepor water and are" carrying a sick hrothet', and a bundle of provisions strung across a pole and borne on their shoulders. There is, howuvur, trottblo in llio camp; one littlu.'ullow hasslippud oil' into deeper water, and lie is ening with one list in his eye. ami the other held out for assistance, which is about lo be grasped in order to got him back. An older brother, who has apparently been crowded o.l', is biting the hinder part of the brother who did tho crowd ing. The last one in the procession is a ltttlo fellow, who i.s holding hack ami seems afraid of stopping into thu water at all, but he is encouraged by. those in trout, who tiro holding out hands to him. It would suein as if the father should compel ono of tho follows on the bed to I'haugu places with him. only a halt or any change of plan would throw the whole line into confusion. The fa ther scorns, however, wellsatislied with tho arriiMgomonts and i.s evidently proud of his family. He seems to bo in no wise disturbed as lo wa".sand means, or how he is to accommodate himself, wife ami thirty-three children on thu bed he carries, it is their sillair, to bo sine, but it i.s somewhat dillicult to ac count for tho, number of tho family, as none of them soein to be over ten. or twelve, and none under fivo or six years of age. It is to be hoped that thoy all got safely over the river and found a dry place in which lo denosit tlio bod and make the boys and girls comfort able. The one bci' would, however, .seem to be as inadequate for their com fort tis tho small package of provisions would bo for their appetites. In this inadequacy of means to ends thu humor probably consists. In animal life tlio .Japanese aro truo to nature. Often only a fow linus aro suHluient to delineate a fedi or a fowl, a stork, a humming-bird, a frog or a flounder. In landscape, and in dis tance, thoy have no idea of perspective. Ladies swing in the air, but how they over got into tho swing, or how thoy aro over to got out of it without break ing thoir nodes, it i.s dillicult to dis cover. Thu same thing i.s represented in pagodas and summer-houses, which aro perched up among trees, or over them; but there intitl be some way of getting down not perceptible to " bar barian" eyes, for tho ladies have a most sercno and placid expression, as if there was no diillculty in the matter, or uvea a necessity of folding their fans. This placidity .seems to bo ehara-torislio wherever they aro. In their domestic HmicSt vmi thovaro surrounded with beautiful fabrics and ca'led iiiioii to I make a choice of silks and satms not a particle of feminine enthusiasm i.s man U'ested, and tho elaborate dressing of ( tlio hair is loft to the servants, without 1 the requisition of a mirror to satisfy their vnuitv. In this respect tho i calm and lofty indifference, the per fect, "nonchalance" of the Japaueso ladies is equal to those of any "barba rian" lady of England, Franco or Amur , ica. Hut foreign fashions aro coming , in; tlio vices as woll sis the virtues of . civilization. Who will care to visit China or .Japan when cocked hats, 1 ohapeau bonnets, pull-back dresses aro worn by ladies, and "all aboard" called out by the native conductors'.1 Japan ese fans and sunshades will then bo , rarities, the mnuufacturo will cease, and they will bo preserved as curiosi ties ol past ages. Consider the time ' and trouble it must cost to make thoso ; articles, tho cost, of importation and I duties, and then the low price at whtah ! they aro sold in our markets. There is probably no machinery used in tho manufacture, or only wiiat is vorv sim ile; the work must bo done by hand; .jut when our scale of prices roach Chi na and Japan, and new openings lor labor aro supplied, fans cannot be sold for live cents which, if thoy could be made here at all, would cost ten times ten. The labor paid for one dav's work horo would support a .Japanese or a Chinese for one week.--A'. IVinslow, in vnwiiian i man. School Hours. Tho Joitrim' of JCdinutliou, basing its estimates upon 'tho number of hours given in various studies in eighteen loading public schools, calculates that the average number of hours a week in an English public school Is about twumy sl, -as against thirty-one in a gymnasi um, and mrty In a lycee. Reckoning tho hours of preparation, and taking into account tlo holidays, wluyh aro at least twice as long in Kngland as thov are on the Continent, it finds that the working hours of an English, Gorman and French boy in secondary schools aro in tho ratio of live, eight and cloven. As to tho subjects taught, though there aro now tow public sohpols in which science teaching is wholly ignored, classics still form the staple of our edu cation. An Knglish lower school boy givos fourteen hours a week, or more than half his time to classics', 'a Wench tycoon devotes twonty-oiglit hours a week, for his iirst three years, to his native tongue; ho does not begin Latin tin mo secoml period, or Urock till tlio third that is, till ho has been six years at school. Honts and tho necessaries of lifo are increasing in price in all tho largo cities. A Yellowstone Hear Slory. Tlio Fire Ilolo Jlotoi is located on tlio westsido of tho lower btc-in at the foot of the mountain, near a good spring of water, and from which cmi bo had a lino view of tlio valley. Marshall, tho proprietor, has a thirty cars' lease from the Government, and will add to Ids house as the business of the public demands. This is theon'y house in llio Park bu-ddu tho one at tho entrance. It is a wild and solitary place to spend tho winter, which M.ir-diall and his wife with a yuing lady compan ion did for th' first time last win ter, and in this connection ho told me a bear story. He said Unit after visit or ceased coming lo the I'ark last fall ho wont to Virginia Citv for his winter supplies, leaving his wife, children and the young woman in charge of thu place. Near the lion jo, in the rear, was situ ated a dug-out or root-house, where ho stored his potatoes, etc.. to keeptliem from freezing, and to ventilate which lie used a joititof -tovepine. One morn ing during his abseil -o his wife looked out of I ho window and saw a bear pull ing down thu pipe and Irving to dig in to tho ioot-houe, in which they had al so stored most ot their provisions. The women were at their wits1 end as to what course to pursue. They at lirst threw tin cans I mm the windows and managed to disturb Uruiii lor a fow moments, but in- soon returned, as ho had already sullied the good things of that ground cellar, and lie did not pro pose to bo scan-d oil' with tin cans. Airs. Marshall, brave euutigh to be loft alone, did not intend in have till o her provisions taken before her eyes, and proposed to load the rillo if her com panion would lire it at thu bear, which, being complied with, si good charge was soon placed in the gun, which was laid across tlio window-sill and dis charged tit his liearship, but the aim, not being accurate, did not strike him in a vital part, although his actions showed that ho was hit. Ho retreated to the hillside, sat upon his haunches, took a view of the situation, and then disappeared in the bushes, where ho remained. The women wure not salis lied, and thoy went after that bear--a very imprudent Hung, to say thu least; but nevertheless, they went, for (,as thoy ovpressud it) they were afraid he might come back again in the night, and, as they were Milisticd ho was wounded, thoy wanted to linisii him. Loading tho rifle again, thoy wont cautiously up the hillside, until they discovered the beir standing in a small clearing, when the women prepared lor action by laying the gun across a log and takingdelincrato aim, hitting tho animal behind the loreshouldcr, when he came rolling down the hill. Tho women did not slop to see whether the bear was rolling or running they im agined tlio latter -and both ran for dear lifo, dropping tho gun as thoy went for thu house, winch they reached before casting a glance in tho rear. When safe in the house they took a view of the situation, and could seo bruin doubled up and giving his last kick. He linally became quiet, and thoy ventured out and got possession of their gun, which was loaded, and a third charge put. into tho bear to make suro ho was not playing 'possum. When Marshall caino homo he weighed the bear, and lou.id it brought down tho beam to three hundred and lifty pounds, lie tells the .story of tho action of the brine women with a great deal of pride, and tlio young woman who did tho shooting lias become qeile a heroine. Letter, to Han Frnnri.-u-u HuHctin. Hringing Up Hoy.' " If I had a boy to bring up I wouldn't bring him up too .softly," be gan Hrot her Gardner, as the Limekiln Club was called to ordor and Samuel Shin linally quit, poking tlio lire. " Ebory day of my lifo I meut men who wore brung up soltly. As boys doy wore kissed an' pet'od an' stuffed will sweet-cake, an' cried obor. As young men doy had nullin' to do hut spend money, dross like monkeys. loaf on do streets an' look down on h.niost labor. As men de- am a lailuro. People who doan' hate 'em an' avoid 'om loci to pity 'em, an' dat's just as bad. When l soo a man whom oborybody dislikes 1 realize dat ho was brung up on do goody-good plan as a boy. " It i had a boy I'd rub him agin tho world. I'd put" responsibility on his shoulders. If he got sugar he'd aim it. If ho got time lor loatin' it would bo only arler his work was done. It ho was ugly or obstinate I'd tan it outer him instead of buviu' him oil". If 3011 want to iiiake'a,scllisli man, hunjoiCde whims of a hoy; if you want to make a coward, forbid your boy to defend his rights. I'd teach mv boy dat1 all bmn had rights, an' dat while ho had no business to trample on do rights of odder boys, no boy had do privilege ot takin' him b the nose. Las' night an old' man libin' up my way was turned out doors by his boy. Ho has" been tryin' do goody-good plan on dat youth fur do Ins' twenty v'ars, an' (lis am do legitimate result. 1,1 0 didn't want him to work, kaso work is hard, lie didn't want linn to dress plain, fur fear people would look down on him. Do boy am to-day a loafer, neither grateful fur what has bm done in do pas', nor earin' what happens in du fucher. Ten y'avs ago ho was cried obor, run art or 'an' coaxed an1 bought oil", an' his madder .libod to seo him a loafer an' his faddor has foun' him a ingrato." JJatroil Free J'rcgs. A sloonv nassongor. who allqwod w of 'the his hat to fall from tho window .smoking-car while a western express train was going at tho rate of forty miles an hour, near Hancock, Mil., pulled the boll-cord and stopped the train. Ho wanted the conductor to go back after his hat, and was indignant when ho met with a refusal. umwtLwutumMmm'iiMUMjiFaimaeuimittniajiiwuiiiwm FACTS AM) VIHrilES. Tho new Toy bridgu will be 10,000 feet long Twelve hundred words per minute is tlio capacity of tlio latest telegraph machine. A needle passes through the hands of eighty workmen before being ready to deliver to the trade. The A'orfA American Manufwlitrrr complains that American mechanics have not been taught to work Horn drawings. -Strips of very thin India rubber are i beifinninir to bo used as a bandage in grafting, instead of the wax commonly applied. It is .-t:itcd that benzine may be freed from till oll'onsivo odor by shaking it up woll with iiuioklimo, about three ounces to tho gallon. Pliny tells us that, Urcdalus invented tiio saw." The earliest saw-mill ot which wo have mention was built at Madeira in 1 1 -JO. In Vienna meat is prepared on a large sealo for the Paris and Loudon markets by exposure to cold and treat ment with powdered borax. -On fsle la Motte, Vt., the fruitcrop it! en Ini'irn tlitt Mtn1iia twin i-u ri ml ItlllflltJ are scatTcrcd'over the ground so plen- tifullv that bushels rot where th" fall. Tlio odorous matter of llowors is inllnmm thlc, and arises from an essen tial oil. Tlio traxinolla takes tiro in hot evenings by bringing a candle near its root. It is reported that a thick vein of substance ielding liftv per cent of pure paralline lias boon discovered at llawkes lav, New Zealand. 1 ho deposit is said io uu (ii greai. o.xioui, ami to uu wumi about Js'i'U'i ti ton. At the beginning of tho eighteenth century the English language was spoken by less than 8,00U,UU0 of peo ple; at tlio beginning of tho nineteenth by only UO.OUO.UUO. and now with one filth of the century yet before it in which to spread, it is the mother tongue of du.ouo.oo:). A lino body of coal, that by test lias been found to make coke equal to tho best Pennsylvania coke, has beer, discovered about fifteen miles south of Iron Springs, South Utah. Thu coal body is twelve feet thick and very ex tensive. Some very lino copper ores have also boon found in close proximity to thoso deposits of iron and coal. It is reported that a considerable deposit of specular iron ore lias lately been discos ored near Ackworth. Ga. Il is saidseientilic men pronounce it to bo of high grade, tree from phosphorus and sulphur, and strongly magnetic, wliilu lite bud is well located for treat ment of tho ore on thu premises, as well as convenient for shipment to market. WIT AND WISU03I. Almost ovorv country has its Na tional melody, but tho waltz is tlio music of t he whirled. Chronicle Herald. Emerson says "A man passes for what he is worth." No, he doesn't, ho passes for the sake of getting a new trump. Lowell Courier. --Oscar Wildu has boon invited to visit Hoston. Picture a man who dines on a glass of water and a lily sitting down to a dinner of pork and beans. tiiitf'dlo L'xjiress. Ho was a green dry-goods clerk, and when tlio lady asked him if the calico would wash, ho gravely an swered: "No, ma'am; when it becomes soiled you've got to wash it." Somcr villc Journal. Peaches aro high this year, but you can't expect to buy wool 'enough for a pair ot stoek.ngs, a good-sized 'pit,' with meat in it, and a litt'o something that tastos peachy, for nothing. Xciv llacen iictjistcr. Fogg said he never envied Mr. Vnudorbilt or Jay Gould till tho present week, lie supposes that neither of thoso fortunate ones thinks anything of buying two or threo school books every month or two. Iloston Transcript. Said tlio night watchman, when about dusk he was invited to drink a cup of coffee: " No, thank yor. ('olloo keeps mo awake all night." And then lie snw ids blunder and looked very embarrassed and tried to explain it. l.ut it was no use. Hoslun Pott. K is of no use trying to explain lo children that there is a dilVereino be tween canary birds and women. A lady who was visit inc- a neighbor's was askodto sing, and t-aid that sho really - could not'dosoundoranycireunistancos, when a little girl wont uu to hor and asked: "Please, is yott a-molting?" Providence S7a." "It may bo months, darling, bo fore we meet again," ho said, squeez ing her hand as if that grip were his last; mountains and rivers will divide us, forests and prairies, perhaps tlio river of death itself. Can I do anything more than 1 havo douo to make you cherish ni memory, and keep your love for me unchanged?" "Oil, yes," she exelainiod, choking down tho sobs, "buy 1110 a box of tortoise-shell' hair pins boloro you start." Jirookhn Eutjlc. "Can 1 drive him do you think?" Mr. Slowboy timidly aslunl tho livery man, as ho climbed into tlio buggy anil handled tho linos with somo misgiving. "Lftnd, yes;" said tho hostler, with hearty encouragement. "Anybody can drive him; a child can drive him; but," ho added, as tho horse wont down the street like a rocket, climbed over a hay wagon, shook Mr. Slowboy into the Mississippi Hivor, and loft the buggy hanging on the arm of a lamp-post, "it takes a railroad train to keep up with him,-.y;rwioM llawkajc. tUAT.mwMM.tn u.mm-u J iLjimmuuKumjH ui lie Was Devoted. It was his vacation, and thoy worp sealed under the branches of ti great aT ple tree, contented with each other s society and silently communing with nature. His arm had inathertuntly found its way about her slender form, and her head had gradually found a resting place upon his manlv padded shoulder. They wore dreaming of the happy days to conic, when together they should walk over the varied path way of life, when sho suddenly turned hor melting eyes upon him and half whispered: "Shall you always be so contented with my society, Addy?" (His name was Adolphus, and she called him Addy for short.) "Alwavs, darling." ho murmured, and tho pressure about her form in creased. " You will never, never grow tired of me, but constantly remain by mv side?" "Constantly, Angy,1' he said. (Hor name was Angelina.) "Homumber, Addy, dear, wo aro to be together for a lifetime. You arc suro .ou will not weary of my pres ence?" Sni';,11 ho whispered, fervently, as ho brushed a bug from her dress. " An gy, 1 will be always at your feet. Al ' Wlf 1(s lo J"r swuuL 0,," . aml l)ro,uct. !V --wire f,.n! U to guard io dan-. gers auu trials ot mis wicicou, uau world," and he looked volumes of love into her blue eves. "You will never, never desert me for another worn in; you will keep firm in your love, and remain faithful until death calls one or the otlio- of us to a better world?" she asked, switching a j , ', , ' ' ; 'N(( , lolps , - hl wm WQV lem thing that iy win over lemnt ou to desert my side?" "Nothing, nothing, Angy," lie said. "The whole world might rise up against you, but it would Imd mo still stead last in my lovo. Oceans may separate us, we niav be. parted for years, but neither time not" space shall iullucnce my devotion. I'm yours 'till death, '' ho said, passionately, as he grabbed a largo beetle that was slowly making its way up his leg. " Yes, yours till death, my pearl, bovon " "Horo, letup," she said, suddenly, edging away from liitn; "I don't know about thai." You aro altogether too constant. 1 never could stand so much devotion. I'm not ono of those girls who enjoy having a man knocking around under foot all tho time, and I'm afraid yon won't do," and she left him a crushed reed, broken by tho willlul ness of woman. Mroukliju Eaylc. Haying a Hig Herd of Cattle. Tim Foley, tho Leadvillo millionaire, who u.-ed to livo here, was considerable of a humorist in his way. He don't lay any great claim to hilarity in a literary way, but ho can tell you' thing- that have ocurrod to him personally that would mako vou roll over in tho tall grass and howl with mirth. 1 Some years ago Tim had a bunch of cattle up north, and learning that Frewon Hrothers had more money than they wanted, he decided to soil tothem. Tho Frowen Hrothers were just o for lrom Kngland at that time and hadn't learned the wild, peculiar ways of these uncouth people of the We.st. They came to Voming as civilier.s, so to speak, bringing with thorn the air of refinement and culture from their for eign homo. It looked odd to the old tinier hero in the mountains to i-eo a pair ot blooded cusses, with hollow, .esthetic chests, and pants that were too short. Nothing cmld seem more queer than two noblo sons of Albion, with eye-glasses anddispepsia, starting a cattle ranch on tlio frontier, and tlio boys had a good dual of inn over it. Foley found out that the Fro wens had about r-l.dOO on hand that they wanted to squander in bulls, so ho tackled them and told them that ho had about enough to make the sum an oeu thing for his herd. Tlio Frcwens wore taken out to tho baso of a big hill and stationed where the herd could bo driven by them while thoy tallied them. Foley lixud it so that a herd of a hun dred or so, by judiciously revolving it around that hill, counted up high enough to make 81,00-) worth of cattle, and then ho told the borders to drive them over the range K'hind the hill. This goes .o siiow that by using a .100- loot lull judiciously it can be worked 111 at a good price. Foley no doubt ill in at about ."?-. 000 and worKoii tutu nil it ilidu t cost him a cent either If wo could work off a range of sand hills at ' -" l!ltt!. 1 would ceas and make s attractive that rate, and get cash for them, wu use to write abstruso editorials some money in this new and attractive stvlo for two or three sum mors, and then go to F.uropo and visit tiie crowned heads. There tire people who do not boliovo tho above story, and, in lact, wo don't believe it cither, but wo give it for what it is worth. A'yc's IJooomcruny. Thoy have had a runaway .train in England, A train of eight carriages got loose near Sevonoaks ami started down the incline for London. Tele grams woro sent ahead and an into'li gont signalman switched it oil' at Nor cross and on to a "dead road," where 1 it mashed a tannery and a lot of ma chinery, besides two ot its cars, rive children in tho center carriago o-caped with a bad shaking. It is not wiso to go out into the early morning air beforo eating at least a few mouthfuls. Especially oiMit this precaution to bo strictly observed in malarial sections, and in seasons when much sickness is over tho coun try. Nothing can bo more unwise than to go into a sick-room fasting, and when the sickness is contagious tho re sult may bo dangerous if not fatal.