Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 27, 1881, Image 5

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    WW .
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THURSDAY, OCT. 20. ihi.
Buy the Bain Wagon for service.
Stkvknson & Citoss.
New supply of nico cakes and
pios at Aaron Palmer's.
Oil cloth, brussels and hemp car
pet, by Stovonson & Cross.
Newton ami Stndobakor wagons
for sale by David Campboll.
Berkshire hogs, highbred for sale
by Stevenson & Cross
No cough or oohl, howovrr obstinate, can
lnt tlio healing quuHtlos of Dr. Mitrsiinlt'H
LtuiK Syrup. It complotoly cure whim all
others full. Try it Only twenty-nvo conta n
battle; litrtjo hIzo ilfty cents.
Hardwaro and groceries, largo
stock of each, by Stevenson & Cross.
The (lomiinil for gold ISKrent, hut not equal
to tho demand for Dr. MiirnhiiM'H T.uiik
Syrnp, tho great remedy for cnughfl ntul
Ai-nlds. Try It. l'r!co twentyflvo imd fifty
ccntfl n bottle. Sold by nil drumtlxt).
Want butter and eggs. Highest
prico paid by Stevenson & Cross.
91,31)0 por year can bo easily ttrndo nt
homo working for E O. Hideout it Co., 10
Hnralny StrHot, Now York. Send for their
catalogue nnd full particulars. 19 ly
A few fruit jars loft. Will bo clos
ed out vory low.
Stkvknson & Citoss.
For agood Cooking Stove with tho
most and best trimmings, call on Wil
ling .Bros. & Jordon.
Go to Willing Bros. & Jordan for
your hardwaro and fruit cans, powder
and shot, barb wiro, tho Joliot, Baker
and Scutts make, nails, door lucks, corn
knives, and tho best assortment of
guns at tho lowest'prices.
W. B. & J.
Wo have just received tho finest,
best and largest stock of heating stoves
that was ever brought to this country,
at prices that will sell them. Come
and make your selections early.
Stevenson & Cnoss.
At the request of many citizens of
Nemaha county, I hereby announce
myself as an independent candidate for
County Clerk and respectfully ask the
votes of all tho people, my only pledge
being to perform tho duties of tho office,
if elected, to the best of my ability and
ifrthe interest of tho people of Nomaha
county. Respectfully,
J. B. Doukku.
Stevenson & Cross carry a lino of
goods that no other house in Nobraska
carries always glad to see old custom
ers and now, and prices will bo found
as low as goods can possibly bo sold.
Now is your chance to buy stoves,
hardware, farm implements, cheap. Go
to Thos. Richards' if you wish any
goods in tho lino, at prices nevor be
foro heard of, as he contemplates mov
ing to Nomaha center, and wishes to
reduco his stock in order to save
freighting the goods and adding addi
tional cost on thorn, will sell any goods
in tho lino at figures which will pay
any one to call and get tho benefit of
this offer. Tuos. Richahds.
For Sale.
A good second hand Hearso cheap
not wishing to keep but one.
Stevenson & Citoss.
"Wlno n n monitor, nnd strom? drink tu
niKliiK." Talto l'lticici.Y A.HII Hittkuh. I C In
not n beverage, hut n remedy for nil 111
oireotujof ft n oxcchh of Intoxicating ntlniu
bints. Don't take a drink before breakfast
'JumI to wuko you up," heciiune you fool ho J
fltupld nnd languid. You uro nuro to fool
worno oh soon an tho eirort woarn on. Tnko
n hnlf wine ulnmof Phicki.y Ahii Hittkks.
It will brighten you up for'tho whole day.
Hats, caps, nubias, knit
iackets, hoods, etc. Stacks
of them at J, L. McGec's.
Sheriff Kleckner, after his defeat
in tho Republican convention announc
ed himself as an independent candidate
He thon sought indorsement by tho
mongrels, and was defeated again.
Now, wo understand that a faint, in
tangible something, supposed to bo an
idoa, has penetrated tho Sheriff's brain,
to the effect that ho is not wanted for
Sheriff again right away, and that
thoroforo he is off tho track. Wo are
sorry It took him so long and through
such sad experiences to "catch on" to
that fact. Wo fear it will hurt his po
litical future. Yet, as ho made a fair
Sheriff so far as tho duties of tho office
wore concernod, ho may yet recover
somo lost ground by coming out liko a
a man and supporting tho whole Re
publican ticket, that tho convention of
which he was a delogato, nominated,
and especially tho nominee for sheriff,
who boat him so fairly, and whose
nomination was made unanimous up
on Mr. Klockner's motion.
UNDERTAKING .1 W. ... .iviici;f. J
"-( j' -" f-"-,r'TniTiiii.iL--mrxr
- Mrs. James Cochran is quite sick
this week.
Ted Iluddmt returned from Lin
coln Friday.
II. II. Dolen has been on the sick
list this week.
Col. Tom Majors is in tho city to
day, Wednesday.
M. L. Emery, of 1'odunk, was in
town Wednesday.
.ludgo O. B. Howit como down
from Hastings last Friday on a visit.
T. C. Hacker was elected school
director at tho meeting of the school
board this week.
Pete Ault and Davo Thompson
who have spent tho summer in Col
orado, havo returned to Nomaha Citv.
Wm. Bergor who has been for sev
eral weeks, at Lincoln on Hud dart's
street sprinkling force, got back homo
last Saturday.
J. A. Titus and Jerry Kettle, of
Nemaha City, after a two months visit
amongst friends in old Now Jersey, ar
rived at homo last Monday.
W. S. Clark, Nomaha City, who has
been with Ids precious mineral claims
at Pitkin, Colorado during tho sum
mer, arrived homo last Friday.
J. J. Mercer attended tho Grand
Lodge, I. O. O. V meeting at Lincoln
last week as a delegate from Browu-
villo lodge.
Bailey & Murr, having purchased
the large, handsome stock of furniture
of Mr. Judkins, for their furniture and
hardware house at Podunk, are engag
ed in removing the stock to that point.
Throe huge loads on hay racks started
out on Tuesday morning.
Wo owo an apology to Uncle Mose
Conner, his estimable wife, and manv
friends for failing last week to an
nounce tho event of their golden wed
ding. Tho mishap in our otllce, at
n&arly the usual hour of issuing our
papor, which required tho rosotting of
a vthole page of type, and in tho con
fusion of matter incident to such a
disaster, tho notice of tho golden wed
ding was loft out. That good aged
couple who have traveled hand in hand
for fifty years, nearly one-half of which
timo wo havo been intimately acquaint
ed with them, havo no better friend
than tho editor of this paper. Their
belief in tho present and tho eternal
futuro are so nearly tho same as to ce
ment their friendship, and tho inadvarr
tanct and treacherous memory caused
us many regrets. Tho young friends
of tho aged couple prepared to open tho
opera house on tho r.Oth anniversary of
their married life occurring on tho 26th
inst Wednesday evening this week,
and to make tho event as pleasant for
them and all who may attend every
body being invited as possible to do.
Our paper this week going to press be
fore tho reception, wo can give no ro
port of it. but doubt not that it will bo
a happy success.
Syrups by the keg
at Dolen's, cheap.
Sad Bereavement of Senator and Mrs Van
MiDDi.ETOWN. N. Y Oct. 24. Gen.
0. II. Van Wyck, United States senator
from Nebraska, and wife, buried to-day
at Milford, Pa., the former homo of
Mrs. Van Wyck, their only children,
two smart and interesting little girls,
who died at their homo near Nobraska
City, last week, of diphtheria. On ar
rival with their remains they first
learned of tho death of Mrs. Van
Wyck's father, Col. Jno. II. Broadhead,
of tho treasury department, Washing
ton, whoso romains were brought hero
and interred at tho same time with tho
Horse blankets,
cheap, at Dolens.
narvey Starry has purchased the
Contral meat markot of tho Jones
Bros; and will furnish the people of
Brownville and vicinity with choice
moats of every description Mr. S. has
had a lifetime oxporienco in tho stock
business and will glvo bis customers
entire satisfaction. Call and see him.
Buckwheat at Dol
en s.
For Halo Cheap.
A good road toam, harness and bug
gy. Ponies well matched aud free
drivers. Perfectly sound and safe
G. II. Collins. '
The Light Running New Victor
Sewing Machine by SUvonBon & Cross.
Host bread in tho city at Aaron
Palmer's and don't you forget it.
iiLJLavji.iw.' uiu'j-ij.iv,rui;i-Ji.i,UJxi i-j.jit,!jju ,w umjujuwmiAuu .
Fine Groceries
Flour, of all Grades,
Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and
Choice Syrups and Molasses,
Dried nn it CaiiiioiI Kraltn In Variety,
Glass and Queensware,
Also, a complete stock of Ciyars and
Tobacco and a full stock of Candies at
E. II. Wilcox announces himself
this week in our columns as an inde
pendent candidate for County Clerk.
Ho makes the same announcement in
all tho papers in the county. Mr. Wil
cox did not Ids name to be men
tioned in the mongrel farce. That was
eminently to his credit, and should
enhance his popularity with his Demo
cratic friends. Mr. W. did not consider
that convention as representing the
people. Tho pooplo were not there
either in person or by representation.
Neither people, parties or county wore
represented there. Mo was the first
independent candidate for Clerk that
was announced, and being in tho field
first, and in the field yut, as when an
nounced, ho says ho is "yoinr to stay,"
When Docker was indorsed by tho
mongrels, (. B. M. got anxious about
Eli, and ho was trotting around
like a lost dog to find someintluenco to
get Eli off the track. He said, "wo
must now got Wilcox to withdraw."
Tho latter however doesn't seem in a
humor to bo sot aside as a toy, and
doesn't withdraw worth a cent. Dock
er is in a stew at Eli's stubbornoss.
What if Eli was out first what if a
great many therefore think that Joseph
is the man that ought to get off and let
Eli give MoGrew u singlo handed race
that doesn't matter, for doesn't the
position belong to Joseph of course it
does, and the imiiudencoof Wilcox in
persisting when Joseph is on it, is ex-'
trnnii'lv nnhviirnoim Tiih Aiivkii. '
--...w- w..,..... .... -....
niTKit says, let 'om fight, and doesn't
care whether one or both runs Doc.
McGrewcan beat one or both, but both
easier than one, aud all wo fear is that
Joseph will withdraw in the interest
of patriotism and Wilcox. Then
the fight would be interesting; but if
both run or if Eli should draw
olT, in either case our candidate would
have a walk over. Mr. Docker will
draw a few votes and don't draw off
Mr. Docker you havo a right to run,
becauso you came out after Wilcox did,
and then tho mongrel arrangement in
dorsed you where all the precincts but
eight were represented. Stick to tho
track just to spite Wilcox if nothing
elso. Now, seriously, tliero isn't a hot
ter qualified man for clerk in Nomaha
county than E. II. Wilcox, and if wo
had to chose a Domocrat, we would
take Wilcox every time in proforonco
to Docker.
Tho best at
bottom prices, by the
Thos. Kiciiakds.
The Advkutiskh s loyalty to tho
Republican party will not permit it to
bo divertod from tho business of striv
ing to secure a victory for the Republi
can tickot now in tho liold. So the
Hon. Wm. Dailoy and his idiots of the
Sheridan Post will have to excuse us
from tho discusiion invited by that
"open letter" and Mr. Dailey's answer,
until after tho election. Somo timo,
when it will do the most good, tho Au
VKiiTisBit will pay such attention to
that lottor and those questions as the
matter deserves. Our business, and
that of every truo Republican now is a
victory, and a big ono, over the com
mon enemy.
Fur trimmings at
Agood Berkshire pig is abetter
investment than a wild town lot any-
timo. For sale cheap by btevonson
Worklngmanl look to yonr InUrciUand
nave doctor blllu, by uMng Or. Marshall'
Lun Syrup for all owes of ooukIin, colds
etc. l'rlooonly 35 nnd 50 own in n boltlo.
The finest line of Mens
and Boys clothing, over
coats, etc., to be found at J.
L, McGee's.
Buy New Homo sowing machines.
Light running and noiseless.
Stkvknson & Citoss.
Fur caps at Dol
en's. --A nice lino of guns just received
at prices that will sell every timo.
Stkvknson & Citoss.
Has received his immense fall and
winter stock, consisting of
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps,
ir-uxiivisniivcjj (jiooi)s9
Clothing for men and boys, and a
large line of overcoats, blank
ets, yarns, gloves, mit
tens, Ladies' Cloaks,
The handsomest line of Ladies' trim
mings ever brought to this market, and all
the latest novelties.
Dolen is determined to make it to the
interest of everyone in Nemaha county to
trade with him. He has also a full line of
roceri&s, Syrups, Oils,
Vinegar, etc. For bargains in any line
call and see Dolen. It will pay you.
Lafayotto Prociuot.
Partners aro busy gathering corn.
Tho yield is a little below tho average.
J.G. Ewau and two or throe more
of our farmers will feed a largo num
ber of cattle this winter.
Several serious cases of sickness in
this precinct.
Tho little town of Howard is on
joying quite a boom. Messrs. Bailey &,
Murr have their hardwaro ami furni
ture building completed' and aro open
ing h mammoth stock of oor thing in
their line. A largo hotel is nearly com
pleted, M. L. Emery is building a black
smith shop and others are getting ready
to build. Business is rushing.
J. M. Campbell, of Howard, is in
Chicago after auothor lot of goods. His
sales this fall aro immense, running
from two to seven hundred dollars per
The celebrated Henderson
boot and shoe at J. L. A.'c
Gce's. Is It I'o'MNlhle.
That n mmedy madoof mioli common, slin
pie plaritH uu Hop, Hiictiu, Mandrake, Dan
iloluln, a inuUt'M ho ninny nnil nuoli nnir
vi'Ioiih unit wonderful uurcHnx Hop Bitters
do? ItimiHthH, for uimn old and young,
rich and poor. Pastor nnd iJootor, I.awyiir
and I'dltor, all toltlfy to liavliiK lieun oil rod
by tliuin, wo must bollovt) nnd doubt no
toiiKor. Hon nnother column.
Fa?'??i of 240 acres, un
proved, for sale. Call on J.
L- JlfcGee.
A wagon bed full of nico looking
peachbow potatoes, raised within a few
miles of town, attracted attention on
our streets the other rtay. Tho weather
with plenty of rain during tho last two
months havo made a protty good crop,
of that staple root.
Cloaks a,nd Dolmans of
all grades at J. L. McGee's.
Tho following names wero omitted
from tho last roll of honor of Brown
ville bublic school:
Melissa Minick' Minnio Berger, Lil
llo Hoover, Minnio Seaton, Augusta
Moitz, Pearl Minick, Oscar Minick,
Eddio Lowranco.
Crowded daily with cus
tomers and goods, at J. L.
Mc Gee's.
How to gctHlcU.
Kxpone ynurxnir tiny nnd nlirlit, ent too
uiuclijwltliont exerolxn; work to hard with
out rent; dootor nil tUe time; tntcnall the vllo
jiottruma advortlBOd, nnd thon you will
want tohnow
How to get Weil.
Whloh Is ntiHvrnrod In throa words TnU&
Hop lUttorn! Hoo another colum.
New goods arrive daily
in order to supvly the de
mand, at J. L. McGee's
Boyd's Opora IIouso, Omaha, opened
on tho 24th, is claimed by tho Omaha
papors to oxcel In magnlllcont appoint
ments, any opora house this side of
I Dry Goods, Notions,
The Mississippi river at Burlington,
was higher than it lias been since 1857.
At Cincinnati Win. II. Luteins play
fully pointed a gun at tho head of
Erank Hopping, a saloon-keeper. Tho
gun was discharged and killed Hop
ping. Lukous attempted suicide and
Hum gave himself up.
Gon. Woir, IMainsvlllo, Ohio, died
from a stroke inllieted by his son James
in a tit of auger.
At St. Louis, lilth inst., John Ma
liouey, a br.ikoman, while drunk, shot
Tim Moran and Ed. Hardy, killing tho
former and seriously wounding tho lat
ttir. James Kinney, a wealthy farmer, of
Mo., about fifteen miles from St. .Joo,
was assassinated last Saturday night.
Ho was sitting at tho table eating his
supper when a load of buckshot was
llred through a window into the back
of his head, and ho foil from his cliair
San ford Noo, near Greenville, III...
killed his wife and child, '20th inst. He
gave himself up and is in jail.
Eight thousand cabbages woro re
cently shipped from Oldenburg, Ger
many to Baltimore
Tho Kansas papers havo como la
possession of and will soon publish,,
an oxposuroof a aocret anti-temperance'
society, said to bo a dangerous- institu
tion. Steam Uye Works.
Tho attention of tho people of No
braska is especially called to tho Lin
coln Dye Works, by W. 1). Robertson,
who has had many years experience at
tho business. He colors silk, woolen,
or cotton goods in any color aud es
pecially in all the new colors, aud
makes a specialty in silk, silk velvets,
merinos, alpacas, delaines, etc., and
guarantees satisfaction. I'laid shawls
or drosses of any kind can be dyed plaid
again, to look as woll as now. Tho
traveling agent will call at your resi
dence aud receive orders. All orders
will receive prompt attention. Goods
can bo sent by express and returned
soon. Remember the address: W. D.
Hobertson, O streot between 12th and
13th. Lincoln, Neb.
Rev. Dr. Burns, principal of tho
Wesloyan Fomalo College at Hamilton,
Ont., has written a lettor indorsing
Rev. Dr. Thomas, who was rocently ex
polled from tho Rock Rivor conforonco
for preaching heretic doctrines.
Goto Wittemoro'n sowing machine
emporium and grocery for anything
yon want.'ceap for cash.
For a nice buggy robe go
to J. L. McGee's.
The best cook stove, with tho
latPBt improvements, you can buy of
Stevenson & Cross.
School books, of
Nlckell's drugstore.
every kind at
Work has been commenced on tho
depot at Calvert.
Tho County ComMiisalonoers
in session.
"We are having
splendid October
WANTED tit Iht Utit .ud r
liter ritLtlLl ! tU llta. ttitm
CL Pftn.Mj rWMVf Co., M. UK M4.