Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 20, 1881, Image 1

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    1 fSSJS?"'!!1yt' LJi3Mn.maarrci,wi.v YjgtinnLmn.i.wiuu.mnjuji.1. mt
jugjit.1! r-inimi miujjmnKJumutjnuwi'i hiijp m 111 in numi mew iiijjjn6iOTiifmJwtmt,im.wn'i.-ijiiijiMiajjagu m,jwi m h tT.n.'.mjjf
JT f
Oldest Pnpor in tho Stuto.J
VOL, 26, NO, 18,
fL'JIVi ttursMBU min.'Hy-yflll y ji-'yrytyyrw
KMXMmei inn 1 1 ii ii i iw -urate wiwwtKjetgMtjjftii.'JHUwiat7iuuxi'Ma.TiMLaanrwgwTyfciifafatwii.i
ipnrwr-Ttji t.wmliuw iCTffTUjaar.irol
im : iks. m s? "uivMati
1A 10T Tuft "W tfi H & 55P MM
pi mi
fl&a ra si af h hut m m mi Li rau?' m
$ !W Ww i! I' ?
II. 11H0ADY,
Attorney nmt Omuisrlnr it I.ti-w,
Hrownvllli .Neb
T S. S T U L L ,
Ofltciinf CoiiMty Judge, Ilrownvllle, Xebrnikn.
A S. II 0 L L A D A Y ,
A Phy-ilcliiii, tf iti-goon, Olmtotrlclitn.
(IrBilimtci) In 1831. I.optil In IlrowtivlllulSfiS.
9 l!lct It Main atri'wt.llruwnvlllo, N'i'li.
Work lino tonr'tor aiulsntlsrftctlonnimriuiti'nl
r'lrnMtrcut.lietireoit Mnln niul AtlnntU'. Urowti
rlllu, Nob.
S. A. osnoiiN, Notary Public, O. W. Tayj.ou.
Attoi'nqys and Gounsollors at Law,
Brownvillo, Nebraska.
TVtACTIOK ItitnoSliitoiwiil Fedonil courts
.1 Special nttciittoii Klvon to uotluctluiiNitiiil
ialttH of roul estiito.
CUSTOM WOItfv innilnto nnliT. mul lltnikhvn
KimrdnWi'il. llepulrlni? neatly mid promptly dntif
shop.No.VI7 Main stri-ft. Ilrownvllle. Nib.
T M. HAfliHY.
Fanners, pleaso cull anil nut prices; I v.ui.
io Imntllo your stoi'lc.
Ofllce Flnt National 11-inlc.
General Merchants
Iirv Goods. Groceries. Roaily Made Clotlilnir
Unlit. SlKinv. Huts, Oipx, iwul ii fi'oticrul As
sort mnnt of DriiKn mid Patent MoiIIoIuoh
n Highest prlocH paid for butter nm'
I avIII tnnko MortpiKo Loans
appuovki) faum skci'uity, at
Z$L Annual Interest.
Atlornoy at Law
vfn riif'tn. A
SSi'Oivnvillo. VobrrtNiUi.
nm1 (leiilprtn
MiipCikIInIi, Kfoiii'li. Scotfli unil Kanej Clotlin
Vostlni:.s, Klc, Ktc.
O I-. I K W T
IN IVMlil-tiVHltA..
Wiliiaan H. Hoover.
Inii-H i KciioriU Heal Kstuto UuslnesK. Sell
f ittids on Cominlsslon, exuininps Titles,
kps IeedK, .Mortniigf'H, anil nil liistru
nuts portulnlnc to tno transfer of Hfal Eh-
Uii, Has a
Oompleto Abstraot of Titles
to nil ltiU RHlato lu Koinaha romity.
vrni()Hizi:i hv Tin: r. s. (iovi:it.iNT
First National Bank
() F
1$ rs O W N V I L1L, l-i
I a if'-up Capital,
t uthovhii'
General Banking: Busines.
AND S1(.M.
mi ull tho prlnrlpiil cltte-i ol Hip
United. States and Suropo
aprT0(l Mcurlt jr only 'llni Hrrt8 ilhoomu
A Hpvliilttoromraolitio!iKrik!i' -il todnposll
cul(TIn OOVnilMUP'.NT nON'Iirt.
v-1 i tynlloptirirand,na IMTUKUHTnl
Hti . uiwcfrnilcuWwmf Atpoiltt.
' ' lOK-i,-Wm.T".Dn, B. M. BaIUt, V.A
Ipy l rank K. Tohin, Lntlitr IIo.dU
a o. j rulsir.
.10IIN L. C1K80K,
t iAViri-'-,(lLiiiUr. imUm
MeXA V1 H .'N. AtiU.CuklBr.
13. O. Dovel
Always on Ilnud
Flour, Teas and Coffee,
With a full lino of
Canned Goods & Confectionery.
Also, tho very bpst
Cigars and Tobaccos.
n-TV) PnorH Taut of PnitoJllpo, Drown-vl'li-,
9 l1 '7 B r1
as rrs t
tjia a Zb' u uri uea iu
Opiosit Lumber Yanl, Main S(.
.Speeiiil Accoimnoilations for
Commercial M.:n,
Driver Furnished
when (lesirerl.
Horses boanleil by the day or week,
and Farmers' teams fed and eared for
at fair rates.
M tS
How Lost, How Rested!
Junt publttlipil. a iew I'rtltloti of Dr. ('nlVcrt
w'1I'h ('fli-liratpil Ivtmi on Hi.- r I'tlcnl c iin- iif
Sporitliitorrliilcn nr spinlnul Wonkni-si. Iiivnliin
mry t'lniiiiil I.ofses, IiiiiMtint) Xlcniiil mul
I'll) Mi nl Jin itput liy, linpi illiiifiits to intirrlai'
tc ; nlsu, I'riN-i'MiTioN I'i'iM i"v iiml I'll. In
duced bj Hcll-liiiliilKcnt'C oi sp.Miiul pxtrnvuKMH't),
TbopPlflirntpd author. In this nilnilrthlt l,"niy,
cli'iirlr rtiMiionstriiii'M, from u thirty vuirs' suo
(M'srnl pr .pttpp, tbiit tbo MiirmtiiecoiiMMiipiici'of
i-lf-iibiiic limy bi nullciilly onrpil: poliitliiK out
u mniliMif t'liri'ikl iiii'oslinpIi,i'iitiklii, nml
iiifini ci!' whlcli mm)' snlliTiT no matter
wlmt' bW I'oiulltloii mnv ho, inny euro lilunolf
olionpli irlikti'l,uui1 rnd'.rftlly.
rtV.I'hN I.pi'l'irpHlionlil boln thobnnilH nr ovory
youth mid PM'ry inun In the land.
rtciil iiiiiIit hi'iil.ln u pliiln iMivi'lopp. to ntiy ml
dri"H. pott p'tlil, on ri'Pclpt ofsU pouts, or two
tiostuktp Htainpi Vi Iiiivp iiIho n Huro I'urti
I'orTnpo Woi'in. Addross
II iiii .. Ni'W VnrU. N. V. I'.u. llox.l.SII.
11 ty
AtBrownville, Nebraska.
JVLissoriiTL Oliver.
Hairs Loir, Ca in j Shady,
Jioatls Good.
IndoiDH'ti A in pit:
Connects with all Trains.
A rVrAI'LK AU'IIi M. rtl-.MINo roilKVKIl Irt
The Revised
IfJENTS WANTF.U.. ."' jejjxMn nor
tinii vo oiri-r tiioui i"" i.owkst I'liii'Ks,
Family G
affitf Ra a&
9SS;m si u i pa y i a
i-aS'a.flK,1 '.VWtr-, ;TBCK
I BraV.' I'lniT
iy l in 'i '. '.
t?M -3 Fife 1 fip
til.- itrostoht vanoiy. nim "'".""n '"" i ftd their honest effort tosiuiKo him on lmvo a 'waiKawav.' I'll he consistent
L'K iiii "tic. iiii.iii.niiK nw v.rriM,.i ,n tho prosenco of tho suffering and ns a delegate aif.l vote lor nivself.
K.iuion wiiii iiotii omi an'o m.w vKit- ' ,. , f ,, making ton solid from Mrowiivllle, of
"."t1,, nWa o'puiiuriH bub' donth , , I' . wlinm I am 'boss' for shoriff. Mat tho
ffi".,ijo. RMI!3lo:s "I'lH"!'. uisHutiinicinnjostynsHortshissway. fnleful aoooml bnllot arrlvo3 wheu
l-'or Annoplnto .TustlpoHupri'inp Court:
RAMUKl. MAXWKI.ri.ofDoiluo County,
For Itt'iiKtilKiifthoMtntnlTiilvurMlly:
I.. II. IMKIKI.I), of lluinilo County,
ISAAC POWICUS, of PakolnCounly.
Kor llnprodPiitatlvo,
V. P. PIJAHODY.of AHplnwull.
For County Tronsuror,
J. C. HOUSFIKMI.of Hrow'tvllli).
For County Clerk,
S. W. MpOHKW, of Loniltfn.
For County .IuiIkp,
.1. S. STPM., of llrnwnvlllo.j,
ForMliPrlir, I
JOHN' CIII.P, of JCoiimhu City.
For County CouiiuIhI unr, M UlMrlet,
J. II.POHl.MAN'.of Wnslllligtoii.
I'or HuvcMlntiMuli'tit Ptihlld llittruotloii.
Hr.LA T.SCHIClv.of DmiKt'rtt.
For Coronor,
A. UPPP.HMAK, of IloiiKlnH,
For Surveyor.
0. II. SHOOK, of AHplitwnu;
fJoi). Ilobert, hitherto an iutliieiilial
Demoeral of Wisconsin, littt left that
party ami eomeoutsqiiaruly for Hupuh.
lieau principles.
Koster is eluded (Sovuriinr of Ohio
by from ten thousand to fifteen thou
sand majority; and Iltirluti is elected
(lovernor of Iowa by oO.OOO majority.
A platform of freo t ratio ami free
driiiKs was iudorst'tl by the recent
Nebraska Demoeratic (invention, and
W. II. Munger, of I'Voinont, was nom
inated for .T ud go of tho Supreme
Parties in Xew York are offeiins
2.ri0 per .31,000 for eon fedcGito bonds.
Homo think llayard'a accoislon to the
pro tern, presidency of tho Senate had
somethinp; to do with this cash value.
The incidents were simultaneous at
Tho firm of Washington Uuteheis'
Sons, dealers in produce, provisions.
Kmin, etc., l'hiladelphia. failed on the
10th insL LiubUitijdrf&lOOO.OOO.
Tlift lli'in'lias been runf iryfiiiccession.
in the Butchers family for over one
hundred years, and wa supposed to be
about as solid as linns jM to lie.
President Arthur' atfsieity as a im
litictil le.tdor is clearly isiblo in the
settlement of the Republican troubles
m Xew Yoric. He lui alsas been
tho shrewdest of Senator Conkluitf'fc
lieutenants, and the peuceltil solution
of what atone time threatened a hope
less disruption of the party in one of
tho benelieionl results of President
Arthur's exhausting efl'orts to settle
up his private business affairs in New
York. Philadelphia Times.
Huv. Dr. Thomas brought charges
against I to v. Parkhurst, Thomas' chief
peisecutor, firVdiUKierously lying about
him, and sustained the charges by two
respectable witnesses. 1'. had no tes
timony but his own. Of course the
conference acquitted lr. l'arkhurst, be
cause Dr. P. is not a heietic and pre
tends to believe that unrepentant liars
will suffer in eternal hell lire. It nia
bo a fortunate thing for Dr. Parkhurst
if Thomas' doctrine is true.
Mr. Payard's term as prosident of
the Senate was quite short long
enough, however. The new Senators
being admitted, Mr. Kdiniiuds, on the
i:jth, offered a reso'ution declaring
Senator David Davis, of Illinois, presi
dent of the Senate. Mr. Davis and Mr.
liayard not voting, the resolution was
adopted, by a vote ot :)7 to 83. It Is
declared that there was no bargain
whatever, or agreement of any kind,
between Mr. Davis and tho Hopubli
eans, as to how he would voto In the
future. Tho Republicans simply pre
ferred hlin because ho was less a par
tisan Democrat than Hayard or any
other Democratic Senator.
At Cambridge, Ohio, last Saturday, a
Democratic politician named Dtirrell
was making a speech, and said:
"You Republican have been en
gaged in the dirtv work of carting the
dead carcass of Jim fiarfiold about the
countrv, and tho Democrats don't like
to say rnvthing against it just now!"
I And what is stranger sun, mis
brutal remark was not resented by tho
audiouco of Democrats, although the
few Republicans present made a pro
i test. hittr O'-t'iit.
I Tho devil has a chattlo mortgago on
.. , ,.rllt -n0n...w.
inu jivui.ii: I'"" ' '""
Klcokuor, tho Boltor.
There Is something singularly ro
freshing to a student of human nature
in observing that Dickons, when he
portrayed the character of I'dali Deep,
created no myth. It crops out in tho
October Mlh number of the Uiamjvr,
a paper whose politics is like the re
ligion of its editor, in being of an ex
ceedingly accommodating character.
This editor having no political inllu.
once of his own, spends his tiipe like a
wolf or jackal, in prowling around the
outskirts of the other parties, and as
soon as he observes a tender footed
member straying irom the fold, ho sets
up uno of his irrepres.HHile howls of de
light. There Is unfortunately a class
of minds whose native element seems
to bo chaos and con fusion, with great
destructive powers, but totally incapa
ble ol tounding a sect, a school or a
purl j. To a man of this character our
worthy sherill now llees for lefuge. He
publishes a bolting card at the icqticsl
of many citizens, whom he is careful
not to name. Acting on this and also
most probabl) fioiu coin ers,il ion with
Kleckncr himself, the editor discharges
some of his llxcil ammunition which
has probably been some lime on hand,
as it has a musty smell.
If it be triiuthal "straws show which
way the wind blows," it would certain
ly be a matter of caulioii to note the
individuals to whom this bolting ol
Kleckuer gives most satisfaction. Who
are lhe V .lust those fellows who have
and aie lighting tho principles and best
interest of the Republican party by
their inllueiico ami votes, and whoaie
ever on tho alert to produce discord
and division therein, for the reason
that their private ends will be promo
ted thereby.
We all know that Kleckuer, like
Moses of old, is a lean slow of speech.
Hence ho appoints as his Aaron the
editor of the lirawjir, who is to speak
to the people and declare that I, Kleck
uer, am the meekest man in Nemaha
county, and must therefore be nomina
ted at all hazards for the olllce of sher
ill'. If not, I will pour out the vials of
my wrath on the party and by bolting
defeat tho nominee of tho party.
Now what is tin? position of Kleck
uer with regard to his parly V What
do his a'dfonfl vfrttffflJysnrto usV Do
they not sa toeach Republican, gentle
men, I desired at oiir hands the olllce
of slieiill; I claimed of ou the right
to the honor and profit of the olllce,
because I pledged invself to work with
.'iiul support the nominees ol tho pail. v.
as known hv them in solemn
convention. My appearing, not only
as a candidate, but also as a delegate in
that convention, I tacitly agreed to
abide by and work for its nominee for
sheriff, whoever be might be. And
this, for tho plain reason that I cannot
expect to have Hie benellts arising
from a contract without being willing
at tho same lime to suffer its foreseen
disadvantages. It is also then under
stood that in case another is chosen by
the convention, I will not only support
him with my vote, but with my voice,
ami this simply because I myself
should and have a rip lit to expect the
otos of others who perhaps VI) had as
much merit to till, and as much desire
to secure the olllce as myself. Ilenco,
heouiiRO I expected this of others,
therefore on the principle of the golden
rule 1 am held morally bound to do tho
same thing for others. Thin so far
was a fair square contract betwe'en Mr.
Kleckuer and his party at large.
Now he savs in effect: "(Sciitlemeii,
because you did not see lit to consider
my claim (o the olllce as a royal privi
lege, and my nomination a toreseen
conclusion, as fixed and unalterable as
the laws of the Modes and Persians;
because you failed to hold it as utleily
paramount to nil olheis; because joii
would not lake tho ground that there
was no other man in the party who
should be allowed to bo placed in suc
cessful opposition to myself, and be
cause voti caino short of recognizing
my transcendaut merit, and failed to
proclaim mo a giant among pigmies.
Therefore I, .1, M. kleckuer, intend
to opposo to the full extent of my pow
er tho election of tho man selected to
supplant mo. I belonged to the party
because it gave mo the spoils of olllce.
1 rented my farm for the coming two
years, in good faith, taking it for
granted that my pretensions, founded
( n a rock, and that there was 'none to
molest or make me afraid.' With fold
ed arms 1 sat in tho convention as dele
gate from Mrownvllle, every lineament
of my countenance expressive of the
strength ol my taith, and saying in the
sublimity of silence, yo do well to call
mo sheilff, who for two long years
have caged and fed every criminal the
brnnd empire of Nemaha could furnish.
Follow delegates, let me Inscribe Cesar's
rent, iiidi; ''', upon niv trampled ban
' . 1 . ' ' .' ' : .
ner, or io use a jocuev purnsn, ui. ih
pi'cUlo! a second Mrutus appears and
knocks mo out of time at the into of
over two to one. My fellow delegates
are Idiots and tools because they didn't
voto for mo, ami I'm a 'busted' man. I
won't stand it. I cry aloud In my grief.
I will acknowledge that I played tho
game, hoping to win. I had my chance
to succeed. I lost it fairly through
lack of attention to my hushics. Mi t
Pin going to cry loul ami say I'll huvo
tho stakes at all events, tegaidless of
tho rights of my antagonist, and if ho
don't Met up' I'll cut his political throat
with a (iiiingo-Deiuocratlc butcher
knife. That's tho kind of a man I an .
I therefore, like .Indus of old, go out
from the presence of my former party
ami its trieiids. I publish my card in
a paper openl and aowedly inimical
to its interests. I, by this conduct sub
orn this uiransn editor' to announce
that 'there N a general dissatisfaction
with the action of the recent Republi
can county convention,' and that they
(rottiriiiig I suppose to Kleckuer & Co!)
do not consider the action of that con
vention in any sense tho action of tho
Republican pnrl. ; 'that' Republicans
(Kleckuer Co.) are saying those
things eory day, and wo piosuino that
they (Kleekuor A; Co.) mean just what
they say."
Of course Klocknor's act of bolting
ratifies the aboo and makes him say
the same by his acts. Poihaps because
ho voted for himself in the convention
ho thinks those -18 delegates who, to all
outward appearances wore as wise as
himself, 'were deceived and overruled,'
although in chaiity ho is willing to
grant, through his I'lrainji'v spokesman,
that they 'wished to act honestly
and represent the people.' of which
perchance ho considers himself a full
majority. Can it bo possible that a
man's overweening desires can blind
his reason to all this sublime egotism,
of which we now have before us a
startling example? Can it he that be
cause Kleckuer was beaten in his own
convention to the tune of -18 to ii.'i,
that theie were only '2:1 sensible men
(of whom Kleckuer was one) in tho
convention, nm! tho rest were simple
tons, easily deceived and overruled in a
trade? Is it, can it, bo a fact thai tho
propoitiou id' simpletons in the Repub
lican party to the wise men is over two
to one. I am not surprised to have tho
super-critical editor of the (Iraiijfr say
so, lint it is a little harsh for a public
officer to go back on his party and al
alljuv .a smooth-bore editor to ride on
his shoulders and proefa'Infit. "
In conclusion. 1 do not wish to bo
understood as holding the position that
a man may not leave his party at any
time when his political views and prin
ciples become so radically opposed to
the accepted tenets of the paityasto
lender them abnoxioiis to him. Or.
that having lelt his former party at a,
proper time ami in a decent and respect
able maimer, ho may not put himself
before the people as an independent
candidate for any olllce ho may bo
pleased to seek. ' Rut I do sav that)
when a man goes into a convention as
a delegate or when he seeks. a nomina
tion for an olllce therein, ho has no
more right to bolt therefrom and at
the same election run as an independ
ent candidate than he has to violate
any other of his verbal or written con
tracts. And it seems to me that Sher
iff Kleckuer has, in tho language of
Junius, voluntarily put himself in an
odious situation, whole ho can neither
ictreatwith decency or persevere with
integilty. "Putdi:ntia."
l'arnoll, the great Irish agitator was
arrested on tho morning of H'.th, while
in lied, by the English authorities and
incarcerated lu jail. Dublin, and near
ly all Ireland, is in a terrible formont
over tho matter. In Dublin, when tho
news got abroad, business housos wore
closed and tho black ling thrown fro irk
many windows, l'arnoll was arrested
for urging the people to not pay tholr
land routs. It Is beliovcd that I2in,
land will take measures at once, how
over harsh those measures may bo, to
crush out of existence tho land loaguo,
Jos. P. Qulnit, Secretary of tho land
lougiw. on tho Rith sent tho following'
telegram to America:
Noon. -The condition of things at
this hour is awful. Tho wavo of in
dignation gathers force aa moments
Hv. and there is no telling when it may
break or what tho eoiiscquoncoK may
be. The land league is at Hits moment
sitting, with John Dillon In tho chair.
The worst is being prepared for. It 1s
rumored tho government will take
military possession of land leaguo head
quarters and proceed to the utmost
extremity of brute force to repress the-
I organization. Calm, but deliberate.
and decisive action, can be looked foi
from men at tho head. If tho mon in
America stand tlrinlv by us thoro need
ho no fears of tho ultiinato result.
"Mr. president, I movoto inakotlH
nomination of John Oci.p 111111111100118."'
SlwrfJ)' Klcoltner, in tho Jiopublltxm.