! J IttarMfcOUMMMTI IUIHHIIMI Iawwi USEFUL AM) Hl'MUKSTlVE. Common plustor of Paris figures yinay bo mailo to look liko iilnbiislur by simply dipping them into n strong solu tion of ilium water. A goo 1 mixture of grass lor pasture is six l.omids of tlmoLhv. twelve oounds ' of orchard grass, twelve pounds of blue i frnwa. iSvn twiniul j .f vi.llfiw mil. imi. Iivo pound of tall fescue. live pounds "J TVIIWIBaaiaiVS V-I -.' (. a m u J of rod top and live pounds of meadow fescue. This gives ii succession of feed, and makes a close sod. No one single grass will make a close, dense sod as a mixture will. Brazilian Tea-Dish. Taku some slices of bread about half an inch thick, cut oil" all crust, steep the bread in a little milk; when soakoil through cover each piece with beaten yelk of urr, and fry with butter a light brown; then and ' iirraiijrc the slices on a hot p'atr lay on each piece a tolerably thick cov ing of powdered sugar and cinnamon well mingled. A successful Boston llorist mrisi pys ! 1 ot starting , ilants. lii- i the following as his method slips oi rare and tender (turnout h the usual layer ot sanu in which the slips ure planted, and cover ing the bottom 01 the pot or box, he places a layer of oats, which, when soaked with moisture, exude a inueil agenous substance, acting as a stimu lant and feeder to the tender roots of the slip. By this method lie seldom fails to root his "slips. White Cake.- Five cups of Hour, three Mips of sugar, one and a half cups of butler, one cup of milk, eleven eggs (whites only), two teaspoonl'uls of cream tartar, one icaspooiiful of soda, half glass of rosewaior. Cream the butter and sugar; boat tho whites of the eggs to a froth: add a little at a time, beating well; add milk with soda dis solved in it; then Hour with the cream tartar well mixed in it; then roso water, or any other flavoring you prefer. Mangoes. Cut a small piece from the end ot a green musk melon, remove the seeds and mix thorn with mustard seed and slued garlic; slufl'tho melon full and replace tho cut pieco. Hind it up witli pack thread. Boil vinegar with popper, salt, giiger ami all '.no sweet spices, pour it boiling hoi over the mangoes dexing four successive days, and on tho last add to it Hour of mustard and scraped horse radish. Cover the mangoes well with this vine gar. Largo cucumbers may bo mado into mangoes if desired. Tomato Preserves.--Nice tomato preserves can bo mado in the following m inner. Select smooth, rino tomatoes, seaUl and remove tho skins and the hard part near" tho stem. Cut a gash in each lobe, and with tho thumb re move the seeds. Kins well in cold water, which will remove any stray seeds and the slime. To o cry pound of fruit thus prupurejj, allow half n pound of sugar, cook until clear, and just before taking from the lire add lemons cut in thin slices, in the propor tion of about one lemon to every pound of fruit. K.uop in air tight jars tho same as other truit. The Hu ai New-Yorker expresses astonishment that any one wlio.o busi ness it is to plow should not know how to attach a chain for the purpose of cov ering weeds. Hut as many do not, it gives the following expl ination of the process: The chain is looped around the plow beam at tho standard. It is made to trail so that it is just in ndvaneo of the falling fiuTowand barely escapes being covered. Tho other end is fast enoifto the double tree; or it may be fastened to a bar bolted to the beam (near the forward end) and braced. Thiu, it adds, should bo kuo'vn bj every one who handles a plow. The Fitfhl Against Chinch Bugs. Tho damage done to wheat Holds dur ing the current season by chinch bugs has been so widespread ami of such a serious nature as to necessitate con certed action among farmers in locali ties afllicted bv this pest. Farmers' clubs are discussini; ways and means of prevention, and in several neighbor hoods cultivators have pledgod them selves to abandon wheat culture until susli time as tiio post will have been subdued. Experience appears to have proven that gram on now soil is comparatively exempt from tho ravages of the chinch bugs; also that any soil fed liberally with fertilizers rich in nitrogen is liable to escape. Divcrsiliod , farming is gen erally considered to be tho sovereign remedy. To make this remedy, us in deed any oilier, ellective. farmers must work iu concert over tho section of country pervaded by these posts. As is well known, moisture has a ten dency to destroy chinch bugs, and when unco a Hold is overrun, irrigation is the only known moans ot saving tho grow ing crop. Dry weather being favorab'o to tlicse pests, there osists an unusual demand lor early and concerted action during the lull of 1831 uiiioiur fanners whoso crops have been visited by chinch bugs. Where in. gat ion is impossible, burning ovor tho infested Holds is ad vised by scientists who have invest i gatod the matter: also, carrying the ltery ordeal into all hiding-places in and about tho Holds. Small areas that can not for any reason with satoty bo sub jected to lire should be thoroughly and repeatedly drenched with water. Plow ing tho land for spring crops during tho autumn and rolling it ropoatcdh, after seeding is thought to possess advan tages. Clean culture bringing up of old hinds by a generous use of proper fer teili.ers and discarding grain crops for a time, if adopted as a rule, will not only very materially diminish the army of chinch bugs now abroad throughout the country, but diminish the number of oilier injurious insects against which farmers have to contend. xY. Y. World. A. Clever Capture. j By the patience and astuteness of a ' policeman in Paris, a band of very dim erous thieves has just been broken up. The gang consisted of eleven men mid throe women, the former bo'iiir attired i the uniform of commissionaires or porters belonging to the Messagorios, bv which means thoy wore enabled to stand about the streets in communica tion with each other without exciting suspicion. Their operations were car ried on in the business streets, such as the Hue des Jouucurs and tho Kuc do Soulier. During the last few weeks many complaints have been made of robberies from clerks and others engaged in carrying goods. The p 'lice agent in question, suspecting the plot, and noticing certain signs of recognition be tween the men and women, caused a u . ;il,t Wl'' somo l'1'18 f merchandise in li io uu unvuu io u imrucuiiir uousu; and, while the driver wont in for orders, he noticed that tho pretended porters closed up and each ot them abstracted a j)urcoii while tho women kept watch. .jjl(J ,,ttor were at once arrested, ho ult tlitsy could not give an alarm, and tho thieves were followed to a wine shop and taken red-handed. In their lodgings wore found largo quantities of goods which had been thus abstracted. Young Maloney do Smith, who ex terminates melody with a liddlo, to old Colonel Northebto " Colonel, you must be on hand to-night at the Do Smith mansion. 1 want you to hear somo really good music. 1 will give a few solos on the violin to a few invito' guests, and afterward, at eight o'clock, wo will have some refreshments oy.s tors, wine, cigars, you know." " M dear boy, I will bo on hand a littlo aft er oight. Uely on mo." It would bo supposed from Its popularity that only one substance is now known to the world for the relief of rheumatism, ami that Is St. .Jacobs Oil. St. Loins Mo.) Dhjxitch. Timt'i'Y-Tvo circusscs are bleeding this unhappy land. What a tough time of It those poor old Jokes are having ! J'urk. Mu. K. l'uitcr.i.l., Xo. 11 Ann street, Now York, used St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism with entire relief writes u New York Jour nal. Jlichmond ( III.) Christian Advocate. "When vou drink with a friend, should you innucutaU'ly retreat V" Yes, If you have tho jeiiso to do so. Philadelphia Vu. Goldks Mkdicai. Discovimv" (Trade mark rcgisteicd) is not only a sovereign remedy for consumption, but also for con bumpliv? niglit-oweats, bronchitis, coughs, hpltting of blood, weak hums, shortness of breath, and kindred affections of the throat and chest. Uy druggists. Tin: explosion of u can of baked beans re veals a shocking possibility of tho entire de struction of tho eilyof ilo.ilMii. Hlmlra Fret 1'rexi. lOntored from n Ilerllm. Neurit Um:Kcn, N. Y., April i, 18S0. Dlt. It. V. Pii'.KCK, Buffalo, N. Y.: D-ar ilir I feel It my duty to write and thank ou for what your "Golden Medical Discoviry" and ' Favorite Prescription" have done for my daughter. It is now live weeks since she began their use. .She is more fleshy, lias more color in her face, no headache, and Is in other ways greatly improved. Yours truly, Mits. Mauckm.a Mvr.us. Tiy: man who went to sec tho board fence', retired when ho heard tho fence rail and saw tho plank walk. Huston Transcript. I! runt I firm. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy checks and sparkling eyes with all tho cos metics of France, or beautillers of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength, bouyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. See another column. Tdeiraph. Tin: refined man doesn't call another a liar. Ho calls him a weather prophet. Hos ton Transcript. UNi.uci: other cathartic-, Dr. Tierce's " Pellets" do not render the bowels costive after operation, but, on tho contrary, estab lish u peiinanently healthy action. Bciwj entirely tetctaMi no particular caro Is requir ed while using tlnni. Hy druggists. It is easier for tho doctors to get a bulle tin than to get u bullot out. Texas Stfttnus. JVoil Mioillit Purify the blood by cleaning the system of foul humors, and by giving strength to the liver, kidneys and bowels, to perform their regular function-. Kidney-Wort will do it. This remedy 1- now prepared in liquid as well as in dry tonn.lnUr-Ouan. Kilt anil Mnfiiltnf. 15c. box "Kotujli on Hats" keeps a house freo from tiles, bed-bugs, roaches, rats, mice, &i Ir afflicted with Sore Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac Thompcon's Lye Water. Druggist6 sell it, !oc. ASIC Salve. Tub world. your druggist ior ucuuuur-s itussia Keep it iu house In ca.se of accidents. Frazer Axle Grease Is the best Iu tho Sold o vi" y where I'su it- OIIIOAG-O ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS S. W. Cor. Stato nnd Monroo Stu. Soliool of Drawing and Painting, Tin' Kail Ti rm will on'n Oct .1, after which 1'nplM miy i-nii-rut uiiy tluii- lumim dun It Rlt n n aiil.uly In Drawing from III' I'lut. tin Antique, nnl fiom ife, j'erwpirtlvr. t inyon .mil Olinrrnui linnvluK, Fifteen uiIiiiiip Skiti IiIiik. I'alinlmslii Oil and Water folura Artlxilr Aimtuini.ri'iiuiul Ink Ju-uwliiu, nnd Ktihlnj on CuiMx'r Tuition IVo, 935 for Three .Month. Blii'i'l.ilarruiiKi'liirniHfiirNliurlfrti'nni. Tln'tiililnnfco Iniluili muiy or nil tin- utnni branrlii , Mini al-ullie uo of i In- N liuol I.lliriir on Art 'I li.- tinrln r un Hkmiy I". Seur.Aii iirnl. I Koy KonpniRoN, I'rofcus or of Oruwlnt: ami I'lilndiiK, ,1 H. Vamikispoki., In structor n nrawlmji N. II. OtKrKMKit. IminirtoMn rctsiKctlve; W. M It. riiKM'ii. Dlri'i-mr nnd l.rnurur en Art lit tr Anatuiny; Miu. K. N. Ho.mi, '1 i-uUht of CIiIiih I'alndnK. Bend for Clrculnr to , W. M. It. ntKKCII, iccrctary CUlwso Academy of t'luv Arts, ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE in regard to tho groat curative proportion of DR. SCHICK'S EDICINES. UNDOUBTED CURES CONSUMPTION. Clear and Explicit Statements from well-known Pcrsons,vhich should ConvincG the Most Skeptical. No Medicines Have Ever Been Intro duced to the Publir. that can Show Such an Array of Evidence in their Favor. For other Certificates of Cures send for Dr. Sclicnck's Book on Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. It gives a full description of these diseases in their vari ous forms, also, valuable Information In regard to the (Hot and clothing of the sick: how nnd when exercise should be taken, &.c. This book Is the result or many years of experience in the treatment ot Lung Dis eases, and should tic mail not only by the afflicted, but by those who, from hereditary taint or other cause, supposo themselves liable to any affection of tho throat or lungs. IT IS SENT FREE- Post Paid to all Applicants. Address Dr. J. H. Schcnck & Son, 537 Aroh St., Philadelphia, Pa. Go and sec the people who write the fol lowing letters, if possible. 'onmiiitln Ciircri-llcnil till letter I'roni Mr. Illicit, l I.u I'ortc, Intl. Du. Sciiknck: In the year 187'2 I was Mifferiuj; with Con fiiiniUlon, niul had gotten o low that I hud no hopo of ever fjottliitf wi'll ujjaln. I waited for death to put an end to my HufferiuH. There was one of my frlriids who was jior hlnlently trying to hai' mi' use your Pul monic Syrup n ml Seaweed Tonie, hut I ut terly refused to net tinv more medicine. I wrusdixpuMrd with nieilieine. I had tried ho many different luedli'ities wit limit helm? helped hy any. r'lmllnu that I was not to he perrmaded, he houulil some of your Pul monic .s nip and Seaweed Tonie himself, and hrouht them to me. I at tlr.st refused to touch them. I didnm want to he exper imented on, hut tlnnlly consented to use them merely to sniWj'hhn, not that I ex pected they would do ine any jjo-ml. I com menced taking the Pulmonic .syrup and sea weed Tonic, and to iny Kteat surprise felt almost Iminediate relief, and was encouraged to continue using them. .My condition im proved under their uc, until, in time 1 grew perfectly well, no trace of tho dUeao remaining. My lungs had healed up and grew Htronger than oer. I was permanent ly cured, as 1 have had no trouble with my lungs since Unit time. I owe my life entirely to your medicines. Nothing else Mivcd me. 1 will hear cheerful testimony to tho great virtues possessed hy your medicines. 1 know of several other eases here where uuir medicines have been used with entire success. I am well known here, being one of the original (ierman set tlers lu La Porto Co., and having been iu the livery business for many vears. JOHN ITTICK. N. It. 1 can, and will, If necessary, swear before any .lustlee of the Peace, to all that 1 huvo said iu the above statement. JOHN JTTICK. La Torto, Jnd., Jan. 31, lbSl. From Cctlnr I'iiIIh, Iowii A NoveroCn oritloetlln li'oiii tho I.iingM Ciireil. J. II. Schknck A son, Philadelphia: Gentlemen About four years ago I wan attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs, ami bled profusely. A physician attended me, but in a short time I had another hemor rhage, and at one time I thought 1 would bleed to death before I could get any relief. 1 was adlsed to try your Pulmonic Syrup, which I did, and I am hippy to say that It saved my life. I took live or six bot tles of your Syrup, and I have not had a hemorrhago in the past two yearn, or since I uel your medicine, and I now consider imscir'n well man. I believe your medicines will do all you claim for them. Yours truly, II. P. NICLSOX. Cedar Falls Iowa, Nov. l.'l, 18SU. From a I'roiiiiiient Dry ;khIh iMcr cliu lit of .rakH I.nlic, ITIicltigiiU. Dis. .1. II. SniUNfK, .Philadelphia, Pa.: Dear .sir Some years ago I was told hy several of the best physicians of this county that 1 had Consumption, ami that I could live hut a short lime. I iiad all the symp toms: night sweats, a dry cough, with se vere pain iu my lungs at times, and I was Very short of breath with tho least exertion. My appetite was very poor, and I became so weak that I wa unable to attend to any busiuesH. I received no benefit from I lie remedies given me by my physicians, and I was at last induced to try your medicines by reading the certificates of cacs published hy vou. I at oncu began to improve, and they finally made a porfect cure. I tun now In perfect health, and In active business in lhl place, where I am well known by all. I have adied many others to uc )otir medicines, and can tell of some wonderful cure-, made hy them, to thoso who may be Interested. I belicw tint jour rcini'dic, will cure CoiiMiiiiptlon, men in Hi advanced xt.igc", as you claim. ourstruh, A. MIKLLV, Of the firm of Smith ,fc Shelly, dry goods merchuiitn, Or.iss Lake, Mich. October 1!7, 1&'J. FROM AKRON, OHIO. CONSUMPTION CURED! AMto.v, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1881. Dlt. J. II. Sciii:nck: Dear Sir Having been asked by many iu regard to your medicines, and tho benefit I had received from thorn, I have concluded to glvo you an account of my case. In tho winter of 187.'! I was pronounced an Incura ble Consumptive by every physician of tins place, as well in several in Cleveland. I had all t)ie symptoms cough, night sweats, great debility and loss of llesli. I was reduced in weight from one hundred and fifty pounds to eighty pounds. I had given up all hope of recovery, when I was told by Mr. .lames Seanlan that he had used your medicines with nwd effect, and he advised uiu to Klve tlioni n trial, although I do not think he be lieved they would cure me, for I was so sick nt this time that no one thought that I would ever get well. I thought, howovor, Ithnt they might glvo mo temporary roller, and with this object 1 commenced to use your Pulmonic Syrup. I had not taken It two days boforc I felt great relief, especially lu the soverlty of my cough. 1 then took tho Mandrake Pills and Seaweed Tonic, and in two weeks my appetite enine back, and 1 began to gain strength. 1 took your incdl clues for about three months. 1 was too sick to do anv kind of work for two years. Your inedlclnox made i jierfeet cure," anil I havo been iu good health ever since. I do not know Unit 1 can sav moic-than till, unless It be that I believe your ineillelues to be good, ami that they will' do all that vou av they will do. Yours very tmly, ,1. A. IttflLl.V. From Jlr. I'eler ( lirlntoplier, ol Paw nee, III. Dlt. .1. II. Sriii:NH, , Son, Philadelphia: Oentleinen IT you will excuse the liberty, I would like to state to jolt how your medi cines ha jellied me of what seemed a fatal case of Consumption. Three years ago I was taken sick, anil was told by my physicians who were many and from all tarts that 1 could not live three months. I took, besides all all their pie seiiptlous, at least beventy-flve Bottles of Cod-Llvcr Oil. At last, after ever.vtlilng else had proven ft unless, 1 wrote to you to send mo ten bot tles of our medicine, to which you replied, advising me, for the sake of economy, to get It of the nearest druggist, which I did; and after having taken two bottles, my cough, which had been very violent, became easier, mv friends, who had been di spond ent, became encouraged as I was, and I con tinued takiiur the medicine. 1 had coughed up Immense (ti:mt it les of , mood, ami was very niuen reutieeu, wcign Ing less than one hundred pounds. To-day I am well and hearty; mv weight has In creased to one hundred and eighty pounds. It is without doubt to your medicines that I owe my life. 1 havo no hesitation In de claring that they possess all the ipialltles you claim for them, and more, too. I am Rtill lining them In my family as a preven tive, for I have had no sickness for a long time. Yours respectively, PKTKU (IIKISTOPIIKIt. Pawnee, 111.,. June V, KS7.r. From tlic SUtcr of luti It) of St. Jo- ncpli'n IIoiimc, ICninilttnliliru;. ' .11 ii r)' I a ml. i Sehonek's Pulmonic Syrup has boon used in our institution for several years, and has , proved a very efllcaclous remedy iu tho nu merous cases In which It has been employed, by removing inllammatlou and otherwise ' relieving the patient. We keep a constant supply of this valuable remedy In the house, and confidently recommend Its use to all i who are subject to affections of the throat, and lungs. Tjik Sistiuis ok Ciiaiiity ok , St. .Iohi.imi's IIoihk. I KmmittMburg, Md., .lime 10, 1880. I A (iloiitlciilnll wcll-huown In V.alirr,- ! vlllc, Drcnricii aiul olioeton, wrltcx from I'okln, 111. l)u. J. II. Si-iiunck: Dear Sir In tho winter of 1ST! I was told by three prominent doctors that my wife had Consumption, and that she could not live until spring. Soon after this a friend, wlio lives lil Dayton, Ohio, recommended your medicines to her, but having been Iqld that she was incurable, we had no faith lu them. Her friend finally brought her a bot tle of your Pulmonic Syrup, and Insisted on her giving it a fair trial. She did so, and thank Cioil, hy its use her life was saved. She Is now entirely well. I am well-known here, as well as In Zanes villc, Dresden and Cohoeton, ami would re fer you Io tho druggists and others iu these towns who will remember my Wife's ease as a very bad one. I have recommended your medicines to a great many, and have never known them to fail iu making cures where they have been given a fair trial. 1 am in duced to scud you this by the thought that it will he of such great use to suffering hu manity. A. W. WHITE, Proprietor White House, Pckln, III. November lil, 187t. Two IiCttom from Ohio-Do Not Fall to ICimiiI 'I'licm. IIvnksvili.k, Miuiih Co., O., July 5, 1880, l)n. Scuknck: Dear Sir -I write this to glvo you an ac count of my case, ami to ask if your medi cines will do mo any good. I am forty-live years of age, ami before this sickness 1 was a strong, healthy man. I am six feet two inches high and broad shoul dered, my usual weight before my sickness being about one hundred ami eighty -six pounds. The first indication I had of any disease was a slight tickling in mv throat, which iu a week or so developed into a hack ing cough. Tills has continued for a long time and troubles mo so much that I cannot sleep at night. I have lost my appetite, and from' lack nf nourishment have grown so woak that I can walk but a short distance before I am completely exhausted ami obliged to lie down. 1 have a great deal of roaring and wlieeing In my breast, which leads me to think tnat the bronchial tubes are all stopped up. My bowels are unually costive, and I havo lost tidily or foity pounds of llesli. Please let me hear from you soon. Your medicines are not sold lu this neighborhood, lint if you advisu me to tisu thorn I will semi to (iallipolis for them. Yours truly, LKVI .JACKS. IIani-.pvim.i:, Mi:kihCd.,0., Fob. 21, 181. Dlt. Si iii:m'k: Dear Sir Please excuso mo for not writ ing to you before lids. You will remember that when I wrote to you last .July I was very low with Consumption. As soon as I received jour letter I sent for the niedieines you told inc to got, that Is, your M.mdiako Pills, Seaweed Tonio and Pulmonic syrup, and began to use them as directed. I soon saw a marked improvement iu all my sjmp toms, and after using them for some time, I was entirely cured. I am now free from all pain and trouble with my lungs, ami weigh more than I ever did in my life. 1 am very thankful Io you for your attention to my caso, and I do not believe that I should bo alive to-day but for tho tim Iv use of your medicines. Consumption is iu my family, mv father having died of it at tho age of forty ; as well as several other mem bers of my family. I adviso all who havo Consumption or uuy Lung trouble to use your remedies, as i 'beliovo them to be the best medicines in tiio woild. Since mv re covery, I havo been told by a doctor that ho did not know what was in your medicines, but that they had cured me of CoiiMiinption. Youm truly, J.KVI .JACKS. From Mr. John V.. Notliorucr, of Slut, hy, Ohio. Dk. J. II. Schknck, Philadelphia: Dear Sir In May, 1S7',i, I caught n heavy cold, which gradually settled on my lungs, causing great diillculty and pain In breath ing. I could not rest at night, being kopt awake u coughing. The loss of sleep and uppotlto at last reduced mo very much from 100 pouudH, my usual weight when In I UJ WMHffXWF'fcBiH JVJl UWJ g"CMU I "Mt tntBntUWtCTSJtMP'T; ' "WF3ft CM MPt health, to 13.1 pounds, I took the pres rlp tlons of physicians, hut thev did me no nood. One day while looking over the (leviliud llemhi. I noticed that your medicine had cured many eases that were at least as bud us mine, and so concluded to uso tliem. They were rather slow In their action at. first, but after I had used them for a couple of weeks, I saw Hint I was getting belter; my appetite Improved, the pain and dllll etilty lu breathing was relieved, and after using eight bottles I felt that I was restored to perfect health. I soon recovered my former weight, and I have been iiilto well ever iip. I am satistled that I owe my re covery entirely to your Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and Maiidnko PUN Truly yours. .lolIN U. NOTIIACKHIt, Willi 0. II. Asken.Mielbv, Iticliinond Co., 0. February HI, IWI. From iUr. Kotiert V. .louox, of London, Ohio. Dit. Sciihnck: Dear Sir About four years agi. I was taken sick with what my physlulau told me was Consumption of the Lungs. I had a bud cough, and was i educed very much lu mv weight. At different times l bad seven physicians of this place ami also one from llloomsbtirg, attending me, and allhoU"h they all thought they could help me, Igiovv worse very last uniler their ticatiuunt. 1 was compelled to give up nil business for two ) ears, and no one bellf veil, u r did I myself believe, that I shoti d ever gut Willi. One da.v 1 happened to call at Mi. Atibtliii Smith's drug stoic, In tins i l.uv, and picked up one of jour piim. lilets. lu r tiding the certificates of euroi., 1 louml one uisu so li.-.nt like my own tnat I at one c md d logive jour medicines a trial. I h. u,..t li.u Seaweed Tonie, Pulmonic Syrup ami .M drake Pills, and lagan their use nccoiiiliig to the tirlnted iliteeiions. and 1 can triliy' suv, that from the nr.st 1 saw a marked Im provement iu nil my symptoms. This nii cour.iged me to continue their uso until 1 was entirely well. I bavu had good health since my recovery, and 1 believe your medi cines saved no life. 1 know of several other peisotis iu this clt that have been ennui h jour lemcdies. Yours truly, UOllKUT W. JO.NKrf. London, O.do, Oct. II, 181. I'tT Ir. Noltoilt'U'n ,'ledleliiCM. s-m-moiilc Syrup, Sen weed Tonie and .llun tlroko 1'IIIm arc lor mile hy nil drii-i-ulsti, niul full dlicctloiiN for their iihc ii r printed on the wrapper of ov'i piM'Idixc. Ir. ScIiciicU'm Itmili on t'oi. Niimprloii Uncut free, pol pulit, oi o iillciitlou. Aiimi;srf DR. J. H. SCMENCK & SON, 537 Aioh St., Philadelphia, Pa. miiMMii THE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM Ah It U for nil (llnotmcn of tho KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It ctoatuion tiio wysjent of tho acrlil poison Hint cauacs tiio Uronrtful inifTcriiut wliloli only tiio vlctliuii of ItliciunaUnm oau ranlUo. THOUSANDS OF CASES of llio vvornt formd of this torrllilo illsoaoo hnvo beon cjulokly reliovod, in n ahort thuo PERFECTLY CURED. lm lin.1 uoii.lctTiil nui'cr, ami an Inimenno h salo In ovrryjinrtof llio Country In nun drortnof oaaodltlnuiourod -ntioroall oUa hiul fniloil. Itia mild, but omolont. tll'.UTAIN J IN 1TH ACTION, but harmlcai In ulloanoo. tvriloiriiiiira.niroiiBlurniaiiuftiTrsisrw 1,1 To to all tho iniiiortniitorirniiaor tho body Tho natural action of tiio Kidneys la roatored. Tiio liver iaoleanaodoralldiaciuo, and Urn llowoln movo freely and lio.iUlifully Iu tlili 1 vraytlio worst dlaoaaoa oro oradloated from uioayaiom. Aa It ban bean proved by tliounandn that fa Uio moat effectual romoily foroleanalne tiio LI yuiomui i.ii iiiuruiu unurviiouH. ibDuuumuu uavd in ovcry liouaohold aa a SPRING MEDICINE. (J J Always ourcs lllUOUSNEflil, I ONHTIPA- Xiuci.X'ii.cu auu an i.Ai.L. lyiHoiuivH. laputliplnllry Vrsrlalilnrorni, liitlnrana, a one packiLRe ot which makra ciiiai in medicine. AIko In I .! t, Irl ICfirm. vprr i'ltnrolitrntcdfor 1 tho convenience of tliirn wliiipnimutri ttdiiv pro- J inrelt. JtactawUhniiuiltJleieiicvmtillttrorm. GCT IT OK YOUR IlltUOUIHT. I'UIfE l.00 WIM.I.S. KICIIAItDSUN A Co.. l-iop". A ... ... j., i..n.. ...1,1 i iii tttii.Tnv vr li ill pcnti vun 'ii . 'v ....... . .-. smw7mi:?3ivwzx. 5Pi7&yyz?i -Kravfl mmm 1 JEoxr Olilllfa and ISPoror: AND ALL DISEASES Cuiiaed by Mnlmliil roUiiiilmr T the IllttniL A VAUKNTI3D OUUE. 1 J?rl', r 1 .OO. for talf by all I)riiKKtt. PAItSOHS' PURGATIVE PlttS !.' Illuud. niul wid i "in,ii. i lydiiuiu' lii I'M'.i'l In llr. h tt fin In ilir luuiiilei A. j ihi.h w h.i . I illl U( li iiIkI" tiuin 1 i I if a. k m.i li' p to cotiiiil lii'iilili tr ci mil iikIk iH.hi ryviliiic, oi nn Ijj imlll'ji H li'ii.ri inpH .Iuiin'in &. C lluni'.ii. M.ibH . tuiiii'il Hun.; LOVE 9 LITE. A iiii. u it t i lii aimni; and f nrli n, yi I tun ll r ll'l'l I tl I ' .' I II Hi HI ittltl i I et i tr mii'iti itttnfs tt II ui i-.. in' (. ii iii iuluiy mid 1 1. iMtiily lllus ira'i I '-ill r ' pi A.IMIO AOCNTN H.WTIiil! Write for lllua- tr it . hi it I ' i 'i 'in?' i ( urn' 1 1' Mmi Adilr 1,3 I v Li -i ll I i ii ( i . it Nuilli ( I (Ik t . I li i iiO. III. AitiiIh whbImI. tfi Ihir inailn i Hint; our M.W UIU wl.lKII.U AUIIt'I.I.Saii.l I'A.MII.VM AI.K, r mai Iii lut l.t0. JiUUka.ll SlALklU ,LlU(.IUU4U.O. I JlflvflP'pnts ' "" "l pi'Uiiiiii" nf i inplojliii'iil a.uungt:iii9w,,l ,, (i8,,i!irviiII,(4l'.,.llcii- Nkli-t mid Mim'Miik Kuppoi'loi'i.,1 u . A (iiiiiinnHjU liee Aiidr. hi tjuceii liy Siiicndci' 'u.,Ulu.. t). ANDRHCK nnti i inc MnrHifJFS i f .1 mi kinds of Wit. nmiuiu LOOMIS iL NYfflAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. Oiflrf!PNTH -AGENTS ViAHTED -) inH( nlii e'.'lxBar ' i"' tie World, luniili-)y AOK.VTS ' SOMFTHING Coo, Vonifo A tW ci). jxroa-w. st! i.ouu, mo. WANTK lilPMTQ ''oln.inoney with Or. Clni.' New HUCn I O ltc't-l,t ItooU. Ni-wly rcvlbi'd nnd I'll larci'd Uyinull.l.'. Aildruaa Ulmac l'ub'R Cu.,Tuli'du,0. A. N. K. B.V WO HAIR and ll'lyjnunt CO. D.anyvtliHrn. Whnlm.no and Hetail. l'rlce-llstr. (loxb gusirait tvvd. U,t'.bmi:uL,157 WaU:uUav,C'lUc. HamgKeiBBaEaiauH it.v rwt ij hhi.1 i rr.K.'r"j a i mikmz&iMfTi!! ww MhtPh him 1 ii) e A K K v. iilcU lln II Hliiiko ftup Ol nil c I H i.r.Mc. IfflliPf V7W M 4WB CB ra t I a