Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 13, 1881, Image 4

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    iigjiumuuw u
O. V. Fuirbrothor & Co.,
lMihllaliem & I'roprletftra.
Tuesday whs a lainy day.
Corn and oats at Aaron Palincr'n
food Hloro.
(rent salt! of lots at Sheridan by
llowo & Nixon, 20th lllHt.
"Mvory cloud hart a diver lining"
llrowiivillo'H in not an exception.
Heat Bread In the city at Aaron
1'ainier'ri and don't yon forgot it.
There in a groat dual corn, wheat,
barley, being brought into town them;
Dr. ColliiiH, Dentint, in absent from
his oillee in Urownvlllo on Wednes
days and Fridaynonly.
We have good news for Hrown
villo. Hold your grip iJrownvillo'a
second growl li is at hand.
I). T. Smith will sell you a I'iano
or Organ as cheap aa the next one
Call and get prices. 17-tf
if you have a lame horse or mule,
don't fail to get a bottle of Jackson's
Common Sense Liniment, at ,1. II.
"Miss Cora Gales and .Mrs. Belle
I iailoy, soloists." It's worth tiie money
just to hear those sweet singers. That's
a pair hard to heat.
Lost. A cheap leather (socket
book, in this city, containing .?!:.
Finder will please leave at either print
ing oillco and he rewarded.
Don't, get excited and break up
business when you aie doing well, for
ten to one, if you do, jou will eie long
wake up to to kco that you "went it
Dr. (J. C. Monoll, a citizen of Oma
ha since 1 8r, and father-in-law of the
late ox-Senator Hitchcock, departed
this life, recently at Detroit, Michigan,
iiged 0r years.
The woman suffragists held a con
vention at Beatrice last week. They
keep the ball hot out that way; but wo
fear a great deal of valuable ainiiiuni
tion is being wasted sit tots long a
It is rumored that the Sheridan
Post is thinking seriously of bolting ad
or a part of the Republican ticket. We
liopo Maj, Daily will see that his paper,
or rather his idiots thai run it, will do
no such thing.
The lair buildings at Nebraska
City were destroyed by lire last week;
and for that reason it is announced
that there will bo no Nebraska City
lair this season. The fair was to have
opened on Monday this week.
The "Vocal Concert," next Tuesday
evening will be the best entertainment
Brownvillo has had for a long time.
Ed. Lippett is director ami ho never
fails on tho best. It will be for the
benefit of the Christian church.
Last Saturday Brownvillo was lit
erally crowded with farmers, their
teams, wives and children, and the
leading stores of J. L. MeGeo, Stevon
son & Cross, McGoo & Moore, Dolen,
Itiohards, were thronged with custom
ers. , John Culp, nominee for shoriff, is
well known by tho citizens of Nemaha
precinct. Ho is an honest, hard work
ing man, and will make a splendid
sheriff. He will receive tho unanimous
vote of tliis precinct. A better man
for the oillco could not have been nom
inated. NcmalniTimcu.
Among tho now buildings now be
ing built in Neniahn City tiro tho fol
lowing residences: One for Mrs.
Hoover, one for Tlieo. Hill, one for C.
A. Spangler, a brick for Moses Hanks,
and a brick millinery shop for Mrs.
Finch and Mrs, Crother. Ilourv Carse,
S. A. Gilbert and W. T. Mooro will also
build this fall. Several more carpenters
are wanted immediately, as there aro
not enough for tho work on hand.
Nemaha Times.
Tho Aurora correspondent of tho
Lincoln Globe tolls tho following of a
correspondent of a "leading Omaha
paper" -tho Jiee no doubt:
A package was handed him with
tlioso words written after his namo:
"From tho health oillco, by request of
tho boys." On opening it ho beheld a
now white Bhirt. Tho boys say they
were anxious to do something, "and as
they could not give him a clean con
science, they would give him tho next
.thing to it.
Wr. glean from the proceedings of
the Republican State Convention: The
convention was callcdgto order by Hon.
,1. W. Diiwes, chairman of the State
central committee, at 4:.'(.)p..m. ois the
5th, in the opera house, Lincoln. On
motion of Hon. I'aul Vandcrvoort,
Hon. Ceo. II. Thummcl of Hall county
was made temporary chaiiman, with
out opposition; and upon motion of
Hon. Church Howe. .John I Manches
ter of Douglas, S. A . Ohborn of Nema
ha, ami (J. W. Collins of Buflaio vero
elected secretaries. After Hie commit
tee on credentials had reported, the
opera house had to be vacated to ac
commodate the theater, and tho con
vention adjourned until the perform
ance was over. At It p. in, the con
vention reassembled. The following
committee on resolutions were appoint
ed: I). C. Brooks, of Douglas; C. II.
Tanner, of Adanfs; .John Barsby, of
Filtnoro; ,1. A. IChrliaidl, of Stanton;
Church Howe, of Nemaha; Thos. Dar
uan, ol Howard; II. M. Wells, of Sa
line; T. 1 Kennard, of Lancaster; M.
WhitnioNer, of Platte. Judge Post, of
York, placed in nomination for Su
preme Judge the name of Judge Sam
uel M.ixwell. O. B. Hewett, of Adams
was placed in nomination and second
ed by lion. Church Howe. C. J. Dil
wortli and L'riah Brunei' were also
named for the position. The conven
tion voted n'rit cure, Judge Maxwell
was nominated upon first call, the
vote being sis follows:
Maxwell aftS1
Dilworth SU,C
Hewett ill)
Brunei' IS
For Regents, L. II. Filleld of the nth
district and Isaac Powers of tho Oth
were each nominated on tho first ballot.
There was a slight contest for chair
man of the State Central Committee.
Hon. Church Howe placed in nomina
tion Hon. J. W. Dawes forte-election.
A. W. Field presented the name of
Hon. ('has. (). Whodon for the position.
A vote resulted as follows: Dawes.
27S; Whedon. 1:5(1. Hon. .1 no. L. Car
son was rea, pointed to represent the
'Jd district on the Slate Central Com
mittee. I). C. Brooks of the committee
on resolutions, reported a paper paying
tribute 'to (iarfleld, expressing confi
dence in Arthur, calling for condign
punishment to bo visited on Cuilcau,
and closes thus: "And wo call upon
tho congress of the Tinted States to
enact a law making any violent assault
on the porsoii:,oMhe president or ice
president an act "of treason, punishable
with dentil."
Y.e are still making and selling our
patent bed springs. They are superior
to any lied spring made, ami will last a
Ishcroliy jiviMi Hint I Nvill examine
all persons who niny desire tu oiTor
themselves as candidate for tend icrs
of the primary or common schools of
this county, at tho Court House, in
HrowiiNillo on the llrst Saturday in
each month. Philip Crother,
-l-tf Co-Supi'i-intt'iidcnt.
Cash Paid for Wheat.
The hit test market ft r tee
paid for food wheat at (Hen
Hock Jlilts.
Mrs. 13. ,1. Monauan, of Maryvillo,
Mo., will visit Hiownvillo Oi't..l."ith
and remain throo days. She will stp
ai the Union House wlieie she will
ho prepared to treat nil forms of eve
diseases suueessfully. Her treatment isa
permanent cure for (Jranulated Eye
Lids and all forms of inllannuationof
tho oyes.
Call for Homewood's
flour. Try itand you'll
use no other.
"Wlnu Ivn mncknr, nnd HtroiiR drink 1r
niKliiK." Tuku 1'iiicki.y Ahii IIittkks. IUh
not ii bovornKu, but a remedy for nil 111
otreot:of an oxcons of Intoxicating Htltnu
lanta. Don't taken drink baforo brenkfast
"Juat to rnko you up," beeaiiHu you feel ho
Btupld and latiBiilil. You aro Hiiro to feel
worno aw Hoon iih tbo Direct wcarn oir. Tko
a half wlnriKlannof Tkicklv Ahii IIittkiim.
It will hrlKliton you up for tbo whotoduy.
Tho latest stylos of picture frames
at prices to suit tho times. Call at tho
Photograph Gallery, in Hrownvillo, and
ho convinced. Also get Tnnnar to
tnko your photographs and bo happy.
For Hulo Chcu.
A good rond teani.hurueHs and buggy.
Ponies well matched and freo drivers.
Perfectly sound und aafo.
G. II. Com.ins.
In form at I on Wanted.
Of Frank Paige, between 12 and lil
years of age, medium size, dressed in
dark gray suit, black soft hat and old
boots, lie left Mollis, Grundy county.
Illinois, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 2d,
issi; supposed to have gone west to
Iowa or Nebraska. The boy had been
hunting and accidentally wounded his
companion in tho arm and left from
fright. J lis distressed parents would
thank a sympathizing public to take
him in, care lor him and iniorm Fted
erick Paige, Morris, Illinois, by tele
graph, who will send for him and pay
all charges. Boy speaks German and
English. Fkhukkick Paiok,
Morris, Illinois.
The Sheridan J'ost says when it
tells the truth the Adveutikeu black
guards it. Tho trouble is tho Post is
such a notorious liar that one never
can tell when to believe it. If the J'ost
over did inadvertently get off ureal
truth, and we failed to recognize it, we
will apologize, if tho time and subject
is pointed out to us. Nothing would
please us more than to see a square
truth in the Post, and such a sign of
reformation would receive due atten
tion. Xotfce to Tax Puycm.
As I wish to hand over the tax books
to my successor free of delinquent lax,
1 hereby give notice that all delinquent
tax not paid by Oct. loth, will bo col
lected at once by process of law.
. Examine our receipts and see if you
are dclihqnent. and if you arc, come at
once to tiie Treasurer's olllce and settle.
All delinquent real estate will be
sold for tax on the llrst Monday in No
vember next. Please take notice and
govern yourselves accordingly.
JJrowiiville, Neb., Oct. Sth.
A. II. Gll.Moui:.
The bent at bottom prices, by the
"Hegulatoi." Titos. KicilAlU.
Oity Market.
The attention of the citizens of
Browuville and vicinity is called to the
meat market of
at Body's old stand. Everything per
taining to the shop is neat and clean;
meat is kept sweet and nice in tho ice
closet, cuts to suit customers are
handsomely mado by expert butchers,
and everybody is promptly waited upon.
The choicest beef and other meats al
ways on hand. Try the city meat
Tho Union Hotel.
Is growing in public favor. Com
nu'ifial men aro learning that at the
Union is tho best place to stop for good
fare and cordial accommodations. The
increasing custom and demand for first
class fare, has mado it necessary for the
Union to take an up grade stop. It
has recently been refurnished and
otheiwiso improved. I Jest table, best
beds, bust everything, mid only $2.00 a
.Jackson's Common Senso Liniment
is a positive cure for tho following dis
eases: Tender feet, collin joint, lame
ness, soro breast, sore shoulder, con
tracted hoofs, scratches, rheumatism,
sweeny, strains, bruises, barb wire in
juries, and all other ailments requiring
an external application. Tor sale by
.!. II. lhtuer.
The boss flour is made by
Henry Shijfer at JTonie
wood's. Call for Gold
Coin,. j
You've beard of tbo Miaku In the KniHH, my
Of the viper concealed In tho crasw
ilut now. sou must know,
Man'H dendlli'Ht foe
Isnmiako of a illireruut uIiish.
Alas I
'TIh tho viper that lurkHlu thogliiKN.
Go to Willing Hros. & Jordan for
your hardware and fruit cans, powder
and shot, barb wire, tho .loliot, linker
and Scutts make, nails, door locks, corn
knives, and tho host assortment of
guns at the lowest prices.
li. & J.
School Furniture.
I have received tho agency for A. II.
Andrews & Co. School furniture of all
kinds. . Samples at my furniture store,
Urownvlllo, Neb.
"V. A. .Judkins.
liest Bread in Hrownvillo at the
Hnkory of Aaron Palmer always
fresh nnd clean. Give him a trial.
1 Ugliest market price paid by D. 13,
Douglas & Co.
Courtlnml buggy and Harness for
sale by tho Hegulntor, T. KiciiAitns.
Stoves I lies!
Olif II
Sit A 1 In All
HOI JUlfflUn
lira Qs WQ wlBHI
The Center of
On Thursday, Oct. 20, at 12 o'clock m.
wo will offer at public sale two hundred
hmm Mk phi i wmi wh7jBBBI LSHHHBh9
Located between the depots of the Missouri
Pacific and Burlington & Missouri River
Railroads, on Howe & Nixon's addition to
the town of Sheridan.
Patented Oct. 15, 1872, by A. B. DRAKE, Oky Oeiiter, Kaa.
Letter A represents a post, which has tho Iron rod It Inserted nt Its
foot, unit tlii'tii'u extending perpendicularly downward to n mfllclent
length tu secure, a hold In the roiiial, where the hhIiI rod Is hem nt u
rltf'it anlo ninl Is extruded thence horizontally ui far as iieccssarry to
secure the required firmness, and then It 1m lienl upward ut tin acute
unis'lu too inn. 'tit with thu upper portion of the punt A, and forms a Un.i
lias" therewith, as shown tu the cut. If deemed neeossary, a stone or
hi !: of woud. or other sul-tance. may be placed upon Hie horizontal
I'irtliin or the ro 1, or uio
I'he pout hoi setting will
Which IhoHcvurn Frosts Will not cllVut In tho Irnfit,
Fence posts used In connection with thlH Improved settlnirrliay to
made much lighter than usual, and the Improvement Ih admirably
adapted to various other iish hoMilo fonchic.
Mnnufacturod nnd sold by NVMJIOKSHU,.
The followlnn named persons, Hiipnosed to,
no me owner ui.or eiaiiiianis 01 inicrcst 111
the respective tracts or parcels of land set
opposite their names, and all other prisons
having or eliilinlnu any rluht or Interest In
or to any of the following described liaels or
parcels of laud, are hereby noillled that tbo
route of the Missouri Tactile Hallway Com
pany of Nebraska has heeli duly located
through said tracts or parcels of land, Ivlu
nnd beliiK In the County of Nemaha, State
of Nebraska, described as follown, to-wlt:
S. T. It.
C. E. Iloblm. 1
It. L. Matthews,
i. W. Mumiord,
N V ' N W (jr
K V. N Wqr
G If i:i
(i II l.'I
II II i:t
0 i! i:i
I! if 111
h (I lit
S (1 i:i
S li l:i
H n i:t
K If l.f
17 it i:i
10 li i:t
lit 0 l:i
1.1 n i:i
'Si o in
'1 0 i:i
i (I i:i
:tl n li
3l (l li
Ml (i 1 1
r, ft II
o 5 it
! .1 H
j-t r, 1 1
i'u r, 1 1
: 5 1 1
:v 6 1 1
2 4 11
-11 I II
11 4 II
15 I II
W 4 II
'.7 I II
-7 4 II
i!7 4 14
2rt 4 II
.' 4 14
a.5 4 II
35 4 14
85 4 II
:t5 4 II
I. Clispers,
E. Ilechtel,
A. llubner,
.1. Medlord,
M, (t. Moore,
I). E. Doherty,
M. . Mooie,
1). E. Doherty
II. L. Ilurd,
A. Hauna,
P. Vllllmle,
A. U. Evans
A. Kelly
A, Kelly,
G. V. Norton
N S K ir
H ! H Kiir
K W ' .' S V cir
SiU N V fir
8 V Jf N Kiir
N K1 s W jr
N USHiir
N K'i N Knr
H W 1-1 N W nr
S V 1-lrt Kqr
S W 1-1 H Wcr
N W qr
SWI'IN 12 i
NjCSlOqr NVl-lSVor
.I.C. Kern
M. Slchoeslato NW 1-1 NV ur
HW l- NV(r
C. Fletcher Part NK 1-H NV jr
.1. A. Sexton HKnr
M, Ciales H W ur
H.Ii. Waylnnd I hot 11
John J. Taylor KUsWijr
Mncoln Land Co. E . N Wir
K. II. Keer E U S V or
Lincoln Land Co, N E I-IN V qr '1
H. lIunhc9,eHtate,SWr 1-4 NW (jrll
A. O. Evimti
NV 14 S NV qr
E. I). Keyen,
J. W, Clark
E KK K qr
Hlfl-IH Eqr
N E 1-1 S E or
S. I). HoskliiH E'CN E qr
M.U. l'ayno Hl:i-4BEqr
J. L. Lombord
U. j k;NV 1-1 a NV qr
J. NV. Chirk NV U N NV qr
E. 1). Scainmon, N NV 1-1 8 W qr
K. M. Ilulburd 1 N E 1-4 H NV qr
J. C. Duiiley
NV. N. NVest H E 1-4 S NV qr
I 8V 1-1 HKqr
All of said laud lyln oimt of the Sixth
Principal Meridian.
And each and all of mld purllcN, owners.or
clalmanlK of Intercut, are beretiy tiotltlcd
tonppenr before tbo County Judo of kuW
county at bis oillco In Urownvlllo, Nemaha
Counly, Nebraska. In wild tnnttor uocnrdtiiK
to law , on or beforo tbo 20tb dny of Oclobor,
Omaha, Sept. 20th. 1R81.
Tiik Missonui PAt'IFIO
IlAIIArAY Co. OK Nkii.
11V F. 1. lllKI.AM).
Gold Coin makes the
whitest and best bread. Try
Toll your neighbors, who borrow
The Adveutiseh to call and Btibucribe
for it. Toll them it is only 81.50 n
year, ahvays in advance.
If your head aches, you nro nation nnd
weary, you aro out of humor and oroiss bs a
bear, It In IiIkIi tlmo you wore buyltiB n hot
tleof l)r, MurHhall's Uromnlino.
IIlunt'N I'rcNN Drill, tho IionI,
for buIo by David Campbell.
Nemaha County.
excavation may nr paruy nneii witu cempm.
he found to stand with iimiMiiil limine and
mali:i City, IVt'b.
CV.S in tin- Country Promptly Atttit't
(l, tiny or illy lit.
QPECIAL ATTENTION ulven to surgical
diseases of woiiuui and surnlcal diseases
of tho eye.
SV- Patients from abroad ean be furnished
with pleasant rooms and accommodations.
City Hotels
Centrally located ; Good fare, and notrou.
Die spared to make K'lests comfortable
Uood barn for horses and
Charges Measoti able.
Nemaha City, Neb.,
X. 15. Xlli$9
Good btiKKloH nnd Uorsen, cbnrK reng
oiinble. IlCHtJof care thlcen of transient stock
JS'ii.n.iiu cit .villi.
For your Agricultural Implement!, goto
Farm nnd HnrILK NVnitonB. Snlkv Plnwc.
rrlnir Plown. Corn Planters. Hnrrnn-B.
rs. Mowers, Cultivators, Corn Hbollorn,
tno iioss i onKiioicuH cultivator.
Mndo nnd repalrea hh well ni onn be done
ih wiiuiti, aim m snort notice