as." fW imfiyilWIMMMIIIIWf ,BTT!rW1W - r""( ESTABLISHED 18.rjG. I Olilost P.tpor iu tho Jstato.J BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, 00T. 13, 1881, VOL. 26, NO. 17. u,prY-n7s'r"m r''"" jiM3ii-uv.ii'Hi'vMJiM.iiiH--iiii.JMU'.aiagy CTtcBKjrUT'suityju.Lvvlgiiwjstm.j.rBnLj,'kijij.j-rriifijuioiv't.i'tavuu lu; 11 i:r. nwn.vun.Muv ji.hji3i jwwiiJmiiittiJJwtJajuiaanamBMuiiax-3aM ummmmmmmimMt iMjSm..mjm1unmi.ujmmm,m,tMm mm iiiwMii..UCTjKirijnawtujMiM.jvM tf t i i W a A , BUSINESS CARDS. T II. li n 0 A D Y , i) Attorney unit Oniinaelnr nl 1AW Hrowiirllle.Keti T S. S T U L L , J. " A'i'TOllXKVS AT IiAW. Olllciinf County Judire, Urownvlllo. ypbrmOtn. A S. II 0 L L A 1) A Y , tt IMiyalolcm, Surgeon, Olmtrtrlotnn. (trwlunteit In 13V1. Located In IJrpwnvlllo ISM. Oilier, 11 M.sln strent. Ittownvlllo, Net). j w. c, ids o x , HLAOKS.Mini AM 1IOKSK SIIOKK Work done to ontor mid satisfaction mirnntopl First street, botwufln Main nntl Atlnntlc, llrown vllli. Nob. HTA7ominits, Notary IHitillf. Q.W. Tayi.oii. OSKOIIX & TAYLOR, Attorneys and Gounsollors at Law, Brownvillo, Nobraska. 1")HACTIOE til tho Htato and Federal eourtH, ; Hpeelal attention Klvcn to collection unl .sales of mil e.state. 1 ") A T C L I X 13 , I'ASIIIONAIM.i: HOOT AM) CUSTOM WORK innilpto order, anil (Its alwny ifusrnnteed. UepalrltiK neatly ami promptly dohf stiop. No. 27 Main street. llrownvllle.eti. B, M. BAILKY, Hlltl'l'KU AND DKAI.KIl IN LIVE STOCK JlliO W'XVILLK, XKIIllASKA. Farmers, please enll Midget prices; I wain to hntiitlo your stock. Olllce Flrt National Hank. AIAKLATT At KIXG, DKAI.HHH IN Genera! Merchandise Pry Onnds, Groceries. Heady Made Plotlilnu Boots, shoos. Hats, Caps, ami a dom-nil Ah NorttniMit of DriiKH anil Patent Medicines. tl"9 price paid for butter and 'UK. ASIMNWAI.l., NK1I11AHKA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I will nmko Mortgage Loans OXAI'l'HOVED FA KM SECl'KITY, AT Si S. Annual Interest. NO COMMISSION. l 0. J. STOWELL, Attorney at Law, NirrMnil, AV. a l 3 ecob Marohn, ;i oivjivillc. Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR, utiil dealer hi PhirKii'.'INIi, KiimicIi, Srnteli anil Fnnry Clnthn Vrstlims, Kits, lite. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. OLDEST Real EstafeAgency IIV NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover, Does a Konoral Heal Estnto HuslueHs, Hell Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortnes, and all lnstrti monts pertaining to tho transfer of Heal Eh tnto. Has a Complete Abstraot of Titles to all Heal Estato In Nomaha County. -A .irriioitixr.ii iiv Tin: u. s. oovkhnjiixt OK nUOWNVILLK Pairt-up Capital, $.O,000 Authorized " 800,000 18 PKKPAKh'JTO TKANKACT A General Banking Busines. 11UY AND SUM. COIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS an nil th principal cities or thn United States and Europe .MONEY LOANED On approved mpurlty only. Time Irnrtn illicoiml oil, anil Hpitrlal nronrainortatlnuiiKMiited to ilupoilt r. Iienlornln OOVKKNMKXT HONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES 'DEPOSITS llerlviM payable on dpmnnd and INTKHKHT 1 lowtsl on tlmiicnrtlllcutos of rtoponlt. IJIUKCrOItK.-Wm.TTiiTri, II. M. Pulley, M.A Hundley, Hrmilt JC. Jolmnoii, Luthur IlnmlUy W'ni. l'ralhr. .101IX L. CAKSOX, a. n. i)AVisor.ciiiHii(r. rlit .C.MNAUUHTO.V.AiM.Cblr. Firs! SMalionel Bank 13. O. Dovol, DEAI.EH IN Family Groceries. Always on Hnnd Flour, Teas and Coffee, With a full line of Canned Goods & Confectionery. Also, tho very best Cigars and Tobaccos. eTwo Poors East of istollli'o, llrown vllle, NehrarUa, ".tAl ViAjitNjf -..irirY assrf -Siiir.r mmmn$wwc F OTB vr&x h!a U n Opjiosit LuinliiT Yiinl, Main St. REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Mge, AND- Driver Fui'insliecl v1ipii (lt'sircil. Horses boanled by tin1 day or week, and Fanners' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. How Lost, How Restored! Just pnblMusl. .i now Million of )r. CnlWi't well'n (Vlflmitrri lssaj mi thormllcitl i-uro ol piriiiHtorrliilfii r si'inlmil Worikriis. Invi.litti tnry emliml I.nsn.s, Impoteiiry Mentiil kih! I'liyslcal Iiirnpuclty, IniPMlliiipntM to liKirrlm.- te.i alio. Ciin-i mitio , Ki'ii.t I'sy mill Tits, In ilnri'ilby si'lf-ltiilnlKiMU'o 01 Hcxtuul o.xtr.iMiKnni'u, A-e. Tlieei'li'brtiteil nuthor. In this mlialrabln Kvsa', flMitrly iluiiinnsimios, from n tlilrty .venrV sui -ci'uifnl prucilei', Unit On' iiluriiilnireiiiiiequpiiepsol "eir-nbiise amy be rnillcnlly euroil: pointing out it Hindi' (if euro nl'rliilii, mill iiieuiiHof winch eM-ry suirerer. no mutter ulmt his I'omlltlon may lie, may euro lilmself clii'iipli erlvatt ly.nnil rml'''tillj . l'Thl I.i'cliitesluiiild heln tbPlinuilH if every youth mill every mini In tin Intnl. Sent uinliT si'iil, In a plain envelope, to nny ail ilr'As, pent paiil, on loeilpl nl' lx ivnts. ir two posture stumps. V liini alio u Miirc euro tor Tape Worm. AiMri-ss TH3 0ULV33W3LL MEDICAL CO., II AmiM.i.Vi'iv Vm-li, N. Y. l'.n. liox. 15SJJ. is iy SEL BOILER PERRY. AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING OX THE Missouri River. N E W B 0 A T. J a tt'H Loir, Ca m ;.s Si arty, Jioarts Good, Imlvmnitu Ample, Connects with all Trains. IN CONSTANT DEMAM A HTAl'I.K AHTH r.r isl'M.INU KOHEVWl Is The Revised NEW TESTAMENT. AGENTS WANTED, I" fpmpinher ,..., ..... ,.tr..r tl.m.i ili I. IV1 ST I'll Ks Ltho ureatoM variety, ami best terms; outfit only .') ct'tiiK. niiowii k riuiii uiiii-reiii ntvli'H ami prlcPM, ItiolinlltiK new Parallel Edition wltli bolh OU AND NEW VEH KIONH SIDE HV stDF for p.unpiirlHoit. Address Till'. KKVISIuN VVnUMlKUH, fit. EoulH, Mo. v E n l.l uu jL vT dj w. !? jfn4swaao?itMra? mimmw NFBRASKA ADVERTISER KEPUBLIOAN STATE TICKET. I'or ANsoetato Just lee Huproino Court : HAMTKI. MAXWELL, of DoiIKo County, For ItctftiniM of tho Mtnto University: I.. A. Klr-MEI.n, of llullalo County. l.SAAC roWEHH, of Dakota County. OOUNrY TI0KE1 For Hepre.sptitatlvo, V. 1. l'EA HO liV, of Asplinvall. I'or County Treasurer, .1. C. llorsi'iEI.l). of Hrownvlllo. For County Clerk, H. V. MeOHEW, of I.otulon. I'or County .luilue, .1. M. HI'IM,!,, ofllrown vllle. ForSherlll', .lOll.V ClTI.l', of Nemaha City. For County CoiiiinNI.)iior;iW tllHtrlut, J. II. I'lUM.MAN.of ViisuliiB!iM. I'or Hupeilntfinletit Piilillo IiiHtrui'tlon, EI.I.A T.SCHlCIv.of I)ouIus. For Coronor, A. Ol'l'EHMAN, of DoilKliii), ForHtirveyor. U. H. SHOOIC.of AsplnwiiU. It is ropoi'tcd that Jienj. V, Sutler will assist Si-ovill hi tho .defense of Guitoau. It is said Unit, J 'kIko Toilt, of Ohio, will probably be called to President Arthur's cabinet. , The Democracy of Minnesota held their convention Uth inst., at .St. Paul, and nominated (Jen. H. W. .Johnson for ("iovornor, and K 1'. Hanium for I.t. (Jovernor. Hon. Nelson Aldrieh has heen chos son L'. S. Senator in Uhodo Island to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of Senator Ibirnsiile. Mr. Aldrieh is a young stalwart. Ifon. !!. IS. H. Kennedy, of Omaha has been appointed on the llsh com inisioii of Nebraska to till the vacancy occasioned by the deatli of Mr. Kaley. The couimisionersnow are Louis May, of Fremont; It. It. Livingston, of l'lattsmouth; and 13. 15. U. Kennedy, of Omaha. Mr. Ilalstead, who has taken some pains to be posted, says there is a mis understanding as to the President be ing the guest of Senator .Jones: It is the other way. The President has taken tho Jones residence until Decem ber, and when tho Senator is there h is tho guest of tho president. The now horso disease called "PiiiK oyo" is quite prevalent iu Chicago. The horses generally get over it if promptly and properly treated. The verterinary surgeon of the Chicago tiro department gives sjmptoms and remedy as follows: The lirst symptom of the disease is a running of tiie eyes or a swelling about the nose. Then tho legs swell, a high fcer sets in, the horse becomes very depressed and re fuses food. As soon as the fever is broken tho equine patients recover rapidly. Tho treatment is aconite, bella donna, arseniuni, and sweating the head and throat. The horse should bo en couraged to eat, by giving Mm bran, oats, corn ur anything that will tempt Mm to eat. Give cold water freely, and no warm food of any kind The disease lasts fiom three to ten das. Arthur is i'rosident now, and ho has jiist as much right to choose his cab inet ami make appointments its any other President ever had. Wo remem ber that gi eat stress was not long ago laid upon tho fact that tho President has tho right to appoint whomsoever ho pleases to ollloial positions, mid that it is nobody's business that nobody has any right to even object, unless, perhaps it be tho Senate, on continua tion, If that doctrine was good three months ago it is good yet, and any yawp from those who persisted in that view pf the matter, regarding what President Arthur does, will be exceed ingly cheeky and inconsistent. Yet, wo conclude, that decent journalists hnvo the right to indulge in criticisms, find the people who elect Presidents have the right to opinions, regarding President Arthur's administration or that of any other President who over served in tho past or may servo in tho future, ibis is a country where the people rule and where otlicials from President down to roid supervisor, are servants of tho people, subject, all alike, to their expressed approval or disapproval. W'hon it shall bo other wise then tho pcoplo will ho serfs, not masters. Lottor From Gov. rurnaa. HlVEHSlDi:,'OHNIA, Sept. 211, I.SSt. From Los Angeles, I visited San (iiibriol. San Hernardino. and regions thereabouts, along tho foot-hills of the Sierra Mountains, to this really, Para dise iu tiie desert. Tho "regions there abouts" refer to the old Spanish and Mexican grants, or ranches, known as San ltafel, San Pasqual, Santa Anita. San Krandsquito, La Merced, and Po trero (iiande, between the Sierras and Coast ltiinge. Los Angeles, San (labriel and San Hernardino Missions are points of interest and record, historic as grounds of military exploits by Kre niont, Kearney and Stockton, in early days. Tho general appearand of tho country, in its primitive condition, isJ similar to that ot the plains east of the Itocky mountains. The soil helm; composed of disintegrated rock, wash ed Iroin tho iiiouniains, is exceedingly fertilciind product ie, under irrigation. Where water is added, grow now thousands of acres ot iueyards, c.itrus fruits, and others of tropical character. To give an idea of what is being done in this direction, 1 extract from my note book, data obtained on tho ground, from personal view and observation. Stern & itose, near San (ialiriel, handled and manufactured, tsso, twelve millions pounds grapes, making four hundred thousand gallons wine, and one hundred thousand gallons brandy. The mill for crushing grapes, is of'ca paeity, one bundled tons per day. The process ol making wine is very simple, lirandy is made by distilling grapes. Tho Paldwin Itancho consists of six hundred acrA bearing vineyard, and lour hundred acre!, more planted, not jet bearing; two hundred and llfty acres in orange trees, principally beat ing; ten acres lemons; thirty acres al monds; forty acres peal's; six acres Lnglish walnuts, and twenty acres mis cellaneous fruits. Iu addition, on this farm, or rancho, are twenty-three thousand sheep, one thousand" hogs, one hundred blooded horses, and seventy-live blooded cattle. Also two thou sand acres iu wheat, six hundred iu barley, and one thousand tons hay made. Hoth for my own gratification, and to inform Dr. Ilolladay, and other turf fanciers, I visited the speed stables find pastures of Mr. Itiililwiu. who is an ex tensive deaier ill line horse llosh. lie owns somw of the best in the state, among others, the lamed race mare "Mollie McCarty." She is now on the retired list, used only for breeding. I found her luxuriating in rich alfalfa Ileitis, tilt as good gnus' and good care could make her. (!en. Sioneniaii, one of the horoes of "the late unpleasantness," iias a two hundred acre vineyard in full bearing, together with a multitude of other fruits incident to this soil and climate. I found him, literally "resting iu the shade of his own vine and tig tree." He is near San (labriel. These are samples of extensive farm ing in California and mind you -the fiuits of irrigation water applied to otherwise barren unproductive soil. A "grcrii spot in the desert," is the "Pasadena Colony" iu this same vicinity--neiir San (labriel. The pcoplo arc fill from the old eastern slides, and the ranches its they fire fill called arc iu small tracts of forty, twenty and ten acies. J I ere it was my good fortune to meet Prof. Carr ami his good lady. They are liom Hoston, Mast;., highly educated and intelligent people, as are nearly fill the colony. From them I obtained much valuable information. Mrs. Carr manages the place, giving it her undivided personal attention. She has foity acres, all planted, ami under it high state of cultivation. Her grounds partake largely of an experi mental character. About all the varie ties of trees- fruit ami forest vines, shrubs and vegetables grown anywhere tire found in greatest profusion find luxuriance. Strawberries, tho largest I ever saw, were served for lunch. 1 was informed they have them the year round not a day in tho year, but a "mess of berries" can be enjoyed. .Pas adena can boast of churches, school houses, lecture halls, good society, and all other evidences of a high order of civilization- until of recent date, rath er a scarce commodity iu this particu lar region. Riverside, is by far, the loveliest spot I have found in Southern Califor nia. The colony now numbers about sixteen bundled active and permanent residents all eastern people. Many more have purchased land, fire building ami arranging to enjoy tho luxuries in cident to this peculiar, en jo able and prolltahie section ol the state. It is situate eight or ten miles from San Uer darnino. on the Santa Ana Ulver, nestled in the mountains, with the best of soil and water abundant and con venient lor irrigating purposes. Al ready a complete system of irrigation is in existence, about thirty miles of canal, and over five hundred mllosof ditches, convoying water to every por- Hon of their hinds. The village is laid off in two and a half acre lots. Then follows a main avenue sixteen miles in length, double track, trees planted iu centre, and on both sides, the whole distance. Immediately on the avenue, are ten acre lots, next back, twenty acre lots, and back of that, forty aero tracts. Most of the ton acre lots are now improved in great perfection. Fine residences, mango, lemon, lime and apricot orchards mid vineyards. River side is a few miles off the now running railroad -Southern I'aclllc. The road from San Diego north to San Francisco is being surveyed and will soon be con structed, and running through the place. At Collon, the present railroad station, is located a fruit packing house, which l visited iu search of data, and found from an examination of their books, they had packed the past year: ii$ lb cans apricots. peaches. " " pwirs. ncctarliHS. 20,ooo " " tomatoes. K) tons dried fruits. 200 " honey. 15 " bees-wax. Jlesides these, a very largo business is being done making raisins. The main hvrc, no irliiv r braiuli. Hero I saw for tiie first time the process of milking raisins. ' It is simple. Drying in the open air, on boards, or travs. Then kept for a while, in what arc called "sweat boxes," and then packed in boxes as we receive I hem. No .sugar used, as many suppose. Simply the ilritd JliiM-nt iniw. Hero too, fire churches, school hous es and good society. Desirable laud heie, like all other portions of the slate I have visited, Is what wo would call high price. Lauds "under the ditch" that is irrigable range from sTf to 200 per acre--raw, unimproved lands. Hero the conditions however, sire .some what different from other localities. Kach acre of hind takes with it a water share, entitling the holder to stockhold er Interests. While these prices for land seem high, facts show more money reillized from an acre of ground, than anywhere else of which I have Knowl edge The rule iu California, is huge farms- largo land-holders. The moro shrewd, however, are seeing tho benelit of cutting up into small farms, or tracts. Where this ! practiced, there is more prosperity and advancement. At this place J met ft .lumber of old acquaintances. A Tims. W. Cover, who in ls.'id 7-8 resided at Sonoru.Mo., near Ibownvillo, and was well acquainted vvilli Dick llrown, Dr. lloliaday, find otner old settlers of that date. He has ii to aero orange orchani with other line improvements. Prof. 0. K. Uallev, formerly of our State rniversity, is here, manager of some mining interests near by. O. L. Smith, formerly of the Jonrnnl ollice, Lincoln, is located heie, publishing tho Press. Hero I met my old .school-boy associate apd neighbor, S. C. Fvnns. who I had not seen for forty-one years. From here I go up into the Sacra mento valley to visit some of tlioso ex tensive wheat farina, ami examine tho Debri question --the effect of hydraulic mining on adjacent farming lands. Dr. (.Menu fit Red Mluff has fifty thousand acres in wheat alone. (Sen. Hid well, fit Chico, has a twenty thousand acre di versified farm. Of these I may write after seeing them. Aftei this, I presume we will go Into Oregon find Washington, bfcforo tho cold and rainy season commences. Reing on the constant go, I have but little opportunity of hearing from home. Letters addressed care Prof. 13. W. Ililgiirtl, stato rniversity, Jlerkley, California, will, in time, reach me. Rout. W. Fuu.vas. A terrible disease lias broken out at Waldron, Plntto county, Mo. It was fit first thought to bo small pox, but is worso than tho most virulent typo of that disease Tho body becomes cover ed with horriblo soros and fairly rots with foster; and in death thellesli falls from the bones and tho bones crumble. Soino think it tho black scourgo which devastated the Fast in tho fourteenth contury. Rill Ryan, one who robbed tho train iu tho JJluo Cut, near Indopondonco, a few weeks ago hits been tried fit Inde pendence ami sentenced to 25 years in the penitentiary. Several moro of tho robbers are under arrest and will doubt less meot with a similar fate. A citizen of Texas warns tho poo ple through tho Inter Oman to bo care ful in purchasing Texas land certifi cates, as there are more certificates is sued from tiie goneral land ofllco than there is laud to take. Koenan, tho murderer of tho French Canadian Hensley, has boon sentoucoil to bo hanged in Chicago, Friday, Nov. 1H. John Hoyd, Chicago, died of hvdro phobla. He was bltton some time age by a spit', dog,