Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 06, 1881, Image 8

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amjrjtMuumimurjiiimwimnmammiajaMiiiU'iiii' mitiimmmuwummmuittinmx.iKiivf'iv r'j.j wimnuu"o"""'"'H'i'iaJi wna waii iiuiiihuhimiwji
Tho Loonl Paper.
Wo fiml tho lolloping flouting hi lliu
coliliiuirt of tlio re without credit.
It is kw)(1 and dcwrvliiK tlio fuvuruhlu
ooiiHidoralioii of ovury citizen:
Tlio column of a piiptjiunt tlio pub
liHlier'rt Htouk in trade, and tlio pur lion
who link tin to imct (hum for their hpedul
bunc'dt iniiHt nxM'it to ;iy for the
miiiiu, and wo hope that all particB will,
al'lur duo coiiHidtfrulroii, vmw thij iiml
tur in tlio pi (ipor light, Kvory public
Hpititcd cilicu ol a place Hhotild havo
pride in Ht'cnin Ihh town and the tiur
roundiiig country improve. ISvcry
now house or barn in tho .sin rounding
country; i-vory new fence, road or
Hhadotrcoj ovcry now man u facta ring
(lUanllMiinimt orcctcu; every new Ijiiii
inuwri opened, imhmictM the value of
. property in our inidnl. Hvery honent
rollecting mind Iuiowh to be true, and
you" should not lurget that the local
liuwttpupur addri iniieh to tho general
wealth and prosperity of tlio plueo
as well iih incicvsiig the reputation of
the town abroad. It benellts all who
have hiMiiiPrtH in the place, onhanceH
the value of property, bosidoH bring a
public convenience, oven if not con
ducted in the interest of the ruling po
litical power. If itn coliimiiH are not
tilled with brilliant editorials, .still it
benolltrt you in many wiivh. It in-
1 oreaHOH eautioiirt against iinpo
Hitloiiri, it saves you from loss, it warns
you of danger, it points out different
advantages and increases your prolits.
Now, if you want such a paper you
iiiiist support it by advertising y'oui
business in it; assist in increasing its
circulation by getting your neighbors
to subscribe with you for it. If you
want such a paper you must not con
sider it an act of charity to support it,
but us a means to increase your own
wealth as well as that or the place in
"Which yon live. The local press is the
power that moves tho pcoplo; thure
J'oro, support it by advertising and sub
HJi'ibiug and paying for it.
It striken us that tho following from
tlio State Journti! is to the point :
Thedetorminnlion of Omaha to keep
the state fair or kill it is guardedly al
luded toby the leading papers, but the
Timus speaks out openly that at which
tho other but hint. The Timus nays:
Ouiaha business mini threaten 'to
withdraw from the State fair associa
tion if it is removed from the city, and
give their money and inlluenco toward
the establishment of a permanent ox
position here, which would viituallv
kill the State Fair or consign it to in
land oblivion.
There Is no doubt but thouttondance
at the state fair was diminished no
little by reason of the reunion at Lin
coln last week. Thousands of farmers
who could not afford two wpoks time
and the expenditure of so much money
Htaid at home this week. Lincoln is to
blame for it all.
" Having converted the fair into a cir
cus of a third rate character and wit
less management, Omaha would fain
lcocp it or kill it. If she keeps it hIic
will kill it. and it might as well be
buried in "inland oblivion" as poisoned
to death by tho swindles of horse jock
eys, ihe parade of riding-habited Ama
zons, and the complete debasement of
ovory purpose for which it was origi
nally intended Of tho good features
of tlio fair in olden times, there is just
enough left now to serve as melan
choly evidence of tho wreck it has bo
come. Hov. Thomas, a very popular Chicago
minister of the .M. IC. church, has been
tried by the Hock Hiver conference, and
found guilty of. heresy. He was ac
knowledged by all to be a good man.
and a most brilliant preacher, but he
got to be too liberal on many estab
lished doctrinal points. Ho was sus
pended front tho ministry and stripped
of all rights ami privileges thereof
until the meeting of the general con
ference, to which ho appeals. During
this suspension ho adheres strictly to
the order of tho lower court, refusing
to perform any otllcial act. Tho .New
York Huu, refers to a noticeable fea
ture in tlio trial of Dr. Thomas as fol
lows: "Ono or two things aro especially
worth notice of. In tho llrst place,
though, all the charges against him
wore sustained, tho vote of tlio nine
clergymen who acted as jurors in tho
trial was not by any means unanimous.
His views upon tho atonement were
pronounced unorthodox bv a maioritv
of only one vote; tlio voto on inspira
tion was si to three, his tendency to
Vuivor.sausin alone had a nearly unan
imous condemnation eight to ono.
It appeared also from other indications
during tho trial that there were other
heretics of his kind among thu clergy
men in.the conference."
District Attorney Corkhill nays
(luiteau will bo tried and hanged
were ho did his dastardly work, and he
will tind the law for it.
A Onrfipld monument fund htta voj.
Htnrt -t ev '. Only C-1.00 from
each s d soriber will be oxpov-ted, nmre
' will-riot r ,u cit,
The South Park Tunaol.
When completed to Gunnison the
Denver fc youth I 'ark railroad will pru
rient iifow miles of railioad engineering
unsurpassed in the World. Tlio tunnel
which enters the mountain at Han
cock will be the llrst railioad tunnel to
penetrate the continental divide. Jlo
yond tlio range for several miles, ex
tending well nigh to J'itkin, the road
winds up the mountain side by so many
crooks and turns that it closely re
sembles a veritable serpent's tail, be
ing in places :Joo feet and almost per
pendicularly above the wagon road.
For a distance half a milo tho road bed
is constructed upon a solid embank
ment of stone, which numerous work
men have been engaged for months in
jiHing together. In one place tho rails
have been laid along the side of a cliff,
the place where the track now lies be
ing at llrst readied hv the wm-kinmi
only by means of rope bidders depend
ing from tlio overhanging rocks, in
some places two hundred feet. This is
only one of the many specimens of the
obstructions which enterprise has had
to overcome in building railroads in
the Hooky Mountains. I'onctnSii iiws
It appears to bo reported on good
authority that Secretary Ulaine has de
clared bis intention to withdraw from
the cabinet at an early day. The
duties of the position appear to bo too
arduous for his health, l'.laine doubt
less, however, believes his permanent
resignation would relievo tho Presi
dent of an embarrassment and make
him free to choose the bead of hU
cabinet from political fiiends who
have been more in accord with him in
politics than Hlaine has been, or may
be thought to be. Hlaine and the
President are good friends, however,
and if ho leaves tho cabinet, bo will
doubtless get some exalted position as
honorable and less laborious than tho
ono ho lays down.
Tho pnst mr.rrm of the deceased
President proed the judgment of Dr.
Hliss regarding the immediate cause of
tho death was sudden internal bleeding
in tho region of tho heart. A large
clot of blood was found in the heart,
ami nearly a pint of blood flooding that
organ. I'ho bullet was found encysted
immediately back of tlio heart, far
away from where tho doctors had be
lieved it to be and where Hell's electric
humbug had located it. The autopsy
shows very conclusively that deatn
was inevitable, lrom the instant the
President was shot; that life was pro
longed only by good care, and that Gui
teau is a murderer.
It now transpires that .lames A. Gar
field had hud. for eiirhtenn vi-su-m n mi..
sentiment that ho would die i n the
lwtnot boptembor. On that dav, in
lsiia, at the bloody battle of Cliick-
iniauga, under Kosecruns, he was, made
, ' ........,w 'i uii utilliu
11 major general. lie said then tint
that dav would be. in mo, , s . ., .. . '
that day would bo, in some September,
hivi mV vi inn uniiu,--of. Joe UUZtlte
(larlleld was made a Major-tJeneral
on the t-'Oth of September, and not on
A St. ,). GazUtt' correspondent at
Albany, Mo., gives his opinion of the
Q. M. & I railroad as follows:
In reference to the (.). M. & road,
there are as many speculations as
there-are speculators, and each specu
lator has the prospective road located
In his own direction. Vom- nnprn.,.
dent ventures this prediction (and it is
abseil on bretty good authority) that
we-1. m. iv r. win not be built bv the
atiastiany Lurthor west than Trenton.
Lo.-al coinnanies mav bit fonnmi i, .v.
tend it in any direction.
A mysterious disease has brokon out
amongst tho horses of Chicago. It is
called "pinkeye" for the want of a bet
ter name. The disease llrst makes its
appearance in a running at the eyes,
the horse feels dumpish and his logs
swell. A large per cent, aro cured, but
in many cases it proves fatal.
President Arthur makes his head
quarters at tho residence of . Senator
.lories, while the White House is un
dergoing renovation and repairs. The
Presidential! widower.
Tho Pitkin huhpeiuhut rejoices
that tho (iunnison county minerals at
the recent State fair at Denver were
awarded tirst premium, "and Pitkin
comes in for a share of it."
Agents in China have employed l.ouo
coolies to work upon railroads in Texas
and Now Mexico at 81.2ft per day and
Chicago is doing more building this
year than in any ywil. 8lu,0 tno on
which followed the great lire. Two
million brick per day are being laid.
Jowache s'wis awarded the gold
-medal m, tho H.nuiuja r., KnS'laid.
fair.'. - '
The disastrous iesults of tho bar
vestsjn Italy have caused the govern
ment to hasten forward in some dis
tricts plans for affording employment
on public works to the impoverished
agricultural class.
Elijah Van Auken, at Lincoln, Neb.,
was shot and killed a few days ago by
A. J. Meguiro. Van Auken was
drunk at the time, and trying to force
bis way into Meguire's house.
Of 21,:. -21 emigrants who left Liver
pool during the month of August, IH.
072 were to the Tnitcd States and 2,907
to Hritish North America.
Hy a land slip near tho village of
Kim, Switzerland, 200 persons were
killed and thirty houses destroyed.
The New York Mull asks: "What
is tlio precise difference between a 'cor
nel' andabignway robbery V"
A correspondent of tlio Inter Ocean
signs herself "Alyce Carlysle." She
makes us smyslc. Detroit Free Prtxs.
An oarthquakoon tlio Abrozzo, Italy,
destroyed and badly damaged more
than 1000 bouses.
There were (i.oirj immigrants landed
at Castle Garden. New York, last week.
'l'n M'll Dr. L'liiiNc'M Ui'clpi'c; nr Iiilormu
lion lor uvuryliotl). In i-v-r comity In tln
I'nlteil Slalt'H mid i'iuiii'Iun. hiilari'il by
lliu iuiIjIIhIium to His )mii'-. It contultis
ovi-r 2.0IU liounelii'M recipe, iitul In Milti-il
to nil rluisen iv l conditions of sodvly. A
wontliMful hook mill and n liou-.i-lioli tie
i'".Niy, U Hulls lit slt'lit. CJriMiti'dt lrnlm-i-nicniNi'vi'i-
ofrorm! to Imok iikciiIh. Hainpln
ooplcrt hHiit liy mill!, jiOHtpuUI, for ?.'.()(). Kx
t'ltiMvf territory Kit''" AicmIm nion- Hum
ilonlili tliHr motley. AiMn-sn Dr. Chase's
Hii-um Printing IIoum-. Aim Arhor, Mlchl
A Hl'AlT.K Mtl'K'l.l 'II.r.lNU I'()ltK Kit l-
Tke Revised
AGENTS WANTED to riiniMiiinM
that we ottur them tin- I,")WK.ST I'KICKs,
tilt' crenli'ht vurlt, Mil. I tiest tiM'llls; ullllll
only .")0 conls. .iir imr Kiniil illili-n-in
hl les anil prftt-H. I -! nIl iilc new raratlel
I'.MItlon willi hoiii ii,) AND NKW VKIl
U)NK HI UK HV SUM: for e.nnpiiriHon.
Address 'I III! Ki:VISK:J I'lTlJldSll KHS.
HI. Louis, Mo.
K r s i "v i: ss
A X I)
Is BY FAR me l'i"t IttiKlnixh and Hoelal
(iiinl. mi. I lliiiid-HnoIt cwr Hilillslicd. Much
the Intesl It tolls e.rliodv roinpleleh
HOW TOwO EVERYTHING in u.. il, . Iln lo in' ) utii oan Lawjer,
How to do llu-iti.'ss foi-rectlv inn sueivss't ill
ly How to Aet In Noelelv mid in eiy pari
of lite, and coin uiih a u'ld inlni) otvniletl
Infortiiatton linlNirii-',ll" lo nil classes f. a
eonstimt letcii-ncn. AGENiJ WANT-
TTl lor all nr kiiui.. iinu di triinvL tvln
!-! ' ! iki..u )nm ' Mini llllMR ' iwiP
"n'lslietlcr tlmn unv oilier, apply lor terms
!".. -.Hl'A MM1';'-1' ru- -'" -N- -. '
tills luii'U o UK A I. .ilu i ami ultiiic'i lii'
d liol 'S
Piano or Org;an.
Hy which any Ch'lrt r lVrson can plav any
oi the Popular Airs at, oiuv wliliout .VI" I'D Y
I'ltKVlul'-, iit wre i'K ... ........ m.. .....!
laleiit. 1 ho ComM. will l-'OUKIOIT i ikhi
If any Child ten .eiiir, old lulls to plav a'
llNK ! our Popular Times oh the I'fi
OiliiANor MKI.UDKUX ulihlu O.N'K liil,t;
alter recidvlt the Music an I Insti ucit.n,
piovldcd said child can eoiml, with Ilu- im
in n iMiwii- ii, j mi ii i in juu curicrm ,
7 Pieces of Mucio, with Instructinns.
Mailed to n ii v nildiess on receipt or -Mm
Knelosn on, -cent piislaKii slaiup for Cata
logue of Inii.-s. -Aki'iiN named Iii 4-vei
Statu and Cmnly In tlio I'nloii.
Edisosi Music Co.,
Jl.i k i'17 Walnut Htii-. i. 1'iiilada., i,,.
For any nlse Hllnd. ',h:,uUii. uuw
I Icer.ii,,! , iTolin.lliiK IMI.KS thm n,.':
HlnpN lMlr finis to cur- 1-r,.
pared hy .1. p. Miller. M. I) . -Ifi ,r. 1,'s t
1 III Ilk.. I'ii None ueiuniii. with in ,s
siKiitiiure send for n i.iivui,
or i!ciii-,il klow have It . ,r will e I ti i,,.
ou Si. Sill III llr I.- I.j V W
Meliei. IiriiuxiHl. ',,, '
It Ii th reiult mf20 jrin' exnrrlenre :i j
experlraonu In Sewlnff llac-htawj. It vi-Un.. .
good tMlt allprttmt and farmtr Mdtii, at ,1
iit " cut man 'ror M on IiU M iniwhlno. m ii i
IL: J' lJ tWe IertoHB r tlirr, aim ;s .
V " jil alwiI fcatuttvi and oiiyaloaiu.
11 II lro, UfhUruAning, iwUilni, kantttvmt, ivn.
,ll",Ji4f,ltfrainoat. ItUaurWrUir
;' A trial will yrova K. Don't fall i (an It
t0. 1'. HUNT, 81 Mill n Jackam St., Ubliv. - V.
g,.Vi,?:.,k.LV..7..v.II". r..v,: ;.: :-,-.-'
a on aaa a m eauaabi
17 lit. Charles Street, HL Lonl.,Mo.
A rrcalar srtnlunU of two Mallcal Oollai a, hM !
kuuar laaalwl than u otharl'hyflclaii In St I, nlMi
llr fpri ahnw.uid til ot't nildinU know, Sypbllli,
Urlnarr OTphlltlc or MrrcuriJ Afftctlona ot
Throat, flit In or Boim rart HtUlTi l'rlUIy
llprTnlorrba,Rxual DblUty and Lrai-jtancr
M MtrMnltufHMf-AIia,Miaal !(? In nattrtr
r.oroTr bralnwotk, prodalr.xnr0!uoi-,iala-
I fmlanlnru, dabllltr, illiniioMOf Icbt.dafK'tlTa !
ttrt, ia;aloal dacar, aiariloo to nxtltlr annfeaioa of
uutmm, iuuui ninil powor.nivDl ltnl,T9u jnri-ju uw
rlae-1 llnr rtnr.ara imrmanaatlretiraJ. Ooniultatloa
atofar or hr mall fra and Inrltod. I'ainptillt oca
in, Uadlflnoa mni b nnll or f. Carai
(uatanlAad. Whera doubt mlrtt It Uffanklr iti'aO.
pfWIs. 1 CO 3 DEI
'Ibawliolaitorr, wall told, iu II Utruata ic, on tba
fotlowlaa tnbjacUt TTho mitf tixurj, nJn nit, rhr.
Mantiood, Womanhooil, Pbritral d(" nj. Who ihouW
tuarrr . hnn Ufa auil liatiiilnraa raab lurraaaxl ifiMti
of uallbaor and aireaa, and manr mora. Til mrrll
cr ntiapla(iuK marrlaa aboaM mail U tha kaap
dar loak and kar. 25 Ota, b mall lo monir or pa.
ta, Xoallnh Oorrann Trench ruad and fipoaam.
ii 1 1 ft- 7 WtMiknoM. J -oat Manhi
Tor tba ipaadr
earn at (-Ulalcal
abood, NenonaM,
mi .in, n..i.,j.. 0f Uati, Araraton to lliicllr
Iuf'ctir llamorraod OliordtM bronsbton'7 flair
AhiiM, AnrdrayxUthaatlinlacraitlanU. HL Loaia
OnwUT loat'' iouli. Mo.
703 Chranut lit, St. Loula, Mo. at aid offl
oontloiea lo enra llnnrinKtorrhoia. Wti
caaa.IuipoUuc7.all forma of OjniblUa.Qonorrhcsa.
Olaat, Urinary or llliuldar dlsaajiad. Knnul aaan
cornd Ink fatrdara. .1,11 Out illaaaaaa mn lit; tram
ailfabaa, aicstaaaoraioauia ourail foe '!' wl- af
Biattklna. idrlafrna. (Aiareaa loir. Call or writ
La rtrlnt aoafidaooo. Symptom Book for t a tamp
Auents for the
Ti A WN ()r' I(!IIT on the
In thh. life. throitKh the ilarlt alley, anil In
the life denial; an seen In tin-ln-l IllounhtM
of IcihIIii authors anil Heholars imioiin
whom are lUsliops .Simpson, Warren, !'ottir,
IIiirHt.iiiul I'"inh, Ji)spi) Cook, Heeaher, Till
tiiuite. Dr. Currle, Dr. Mnieh, Dr. McCohIi,
In. I'loshy. Dr Cuyler, Geo. D. I'miitU'e,
Deun Stanley, Willi tier, I.onxMlov and
others. ThesuhJectH treated are ii sitri. Iln
l lortallty. Mllletiluin and .Second Advent,
the Ucmir reel Ion, .IiulKincnt.the tunlHlitiient
of tho wlrUnl, and tlio lewurd of tho rlnht
"Oiii, A Itleh fnist ii u'nlls the reader of thin
I' ink. It coi talliH the irrnndest tlwamlitn of
the world r. ureateHt aulhorx, on suhjeeis of
the most protoiiml Interest to evervone. Not
U oiiiny tint lirllllaut. .There Is not a dull
t-iiK" In the hook. II In nhsolutely without
a rival. Kveryhodv will read II. School
'I'e ichf rs, Ktudetitn; Vounif Men and I iiillew.
aetiiiK as nueiitM tor thlx hoolc are malili k
over SUiO a month. Hells fast. One Auen
fcold 71 llrst l,rj ilnyM, another Pi In S days, an-iitln-r
II In one dav, another Ifi and " hlhles
In ."i diiyn, n lady Hold II In ten hours Secure
fi rrttori (iilck. AIno iikciiIn wanli d fer the
hesl HltlKlrated Hi-vlsed NW Tesliiiiinnt,
and fur the finest ' mnlv Hlhles ever hold hy
nui-rils. Sup 1 for cl-'cn'nrw
I'. W. 7,IK;l,I.'.H .fc CO., (US Areli
St. IMitliiili Iphlu, I i. ION, IC. AiliUltH St.
Cliii-uo, 111.
Send for our
New Illustra-
tafiBSl Hfl tcdPricc-Libt
Wffl fMF No. 30, for
fiMSiia SmiJr Fall.indWiu-
roflRl. Free to any -ultlrcss. Con
tains full description of all kinch of gooib
for personal and family use. Wo deal
directly with thu consumer, and sell all
poods in any quantity at wholesale prices.
You can buy better aud cheaper than at
227 ami 229 Wabiah Avcnuc.Cliicago.IlL
It uiiM0iiiiiikaUriy,71f youar
f Ini'ilii .i.urtsric
ninil f lev
t hj I hu wtiftin fif
u.- IIUIII'B mnui
ki n.ulM'Ua'' il lliu
nuht woilc, tu rei.
3nrr iitiii tiomi'iuu
srn.ite. uo Hop B.
MOP UitturO.
Tf thu r vounar anil i
d'niiilioi) ' iri.!,iikttl'i" . If yiin Bioinar-
f UCtTIIIJC iriim auj iu
rtoJ or -III;,''. .1 ii' J" Jimili:, lllimruil, nil in
Himrlif iltb "i .i-'.-lWilAitiif on a bed of ilelf
lu.f, U'iy on i o P ji Oittors.
u,mr, tv'j Tiioiiwinuiiiio an. yoi fid , . J""" 1 r"," olil
tuut ji-isr rjit.-.i. k I fii'i it Kldno
n r.lclenill.;-,tn-vL'?..,,-h''"-" thilt llllKl
t-4t -r 'iii. i.i.i.iirf, ir-' "I n" '"'""i-'"-
,. . lutfi.' .-.iiinii?; ft!;,' hy u timely u
tnU.. HOP fa& OPBltl
1T..a mtl if Hit,
'J i w
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iirn--i i ywi i
xir.-CEJCfisi:') M '
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I. Jf IT. I !-r .
'r ,... B...i.i:.rl HOT
l.ii-gi-nwr'1 .-W.t.
i yii:i
tl:i an nluoluto
ml lrrrilttft-
'o cu re for
rji'lruiikniiiipss ,
I'l-'io of opium,
V I 1 1 n
, i.rni ' hm.iui-ii .
.), -..Lt--!':.
to imaco , or
nan' jiica.
i -i
-' ir,-' , ,
.ii i--i ...
field tiydrui;
i' . tciiilfur
roe birrKUrt
x r-i ro.,
i i
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1 1 . i
I'lMNfulcr.V. v.
- jj i I runt. . , im. h
TUB TUll'Vll'U THfWn ('O ouro Ilupturt
In from V t,i fO c!k, unfl will pay X uw for a
TtUlitun limy cn nut erst: Hernl IV for Hook
Id DR. V V. II HntSlUM, (3on I Hnp't,
JC-t Unfi-ry, X. Y , cr t Month llth Htraet,
PhllnUalplua, l'n-,and )m uurml
3021.. CROOEl'EI
ftWW8Pr m "T, M A tr r
t ui- IM
FerCoHBhaiColds, J
Is the Best of Tonics;
curat uys)0vtia;
Duftlni,!.. IkadniiftlllA.
iUS!LtRtrtirlliu I ha RvufpaT'
, Q .....-,... ...-,....,
vw.5rtASr "u'"' TV"" " "".
'.nif airr EraMtnrAa tho Wnab
tfsNr- aim ueoiiifaicB.
A lr(ai of it wi., proii a,.
wa'iiai Aik Taararajrfiil
rur nr. vraiiu'i TTIhs
af YKl'l taa aa alaii
rr 1 bj ah Ijfujgiiu.
S N SMITHS CO.. Pr..-r
LiTBrTjiirvjjjr ' "" 'JJ1 T 'rGr "I3e "W&
tiw aft
I '
IK fi.
S ft,
1 skt
t iewirtrpwnf S3
i -iPrtwi
1 WtiLwSlto
l3kZsrS, ?
Over all other Machine and
always gives
For DvNcriptivu lrcul:ir ial
CsitaloKiic send to
21S & 220 SI ac St., S'tiicauo.
The majority of the ilia of the human
body urine from tt tterangemtnt of thti
I.Ivcr, afftetlng both tlit ilomarh uml
botrili. In ordnr to effect n eure, It "
ntcottary to ntmove the eaute. Irregu
lar and SUigglih action of th TocU,
JIailahe,SleltnHB at the Stomach, 1'uin
n th Hack and Iioltm, etc., indicate that
the Liver is at fault, and tfutt nature rt
qulree anltttiiico to enable- this organ to
Ihrotc off impurities.
IrlcUly AHli THitcraareerpeelmlly
compounded for thin purpose. They are
mlVu in their action and effective a-e n
cure; are pleasant to the tatteand taken
eatlly by both children and adults. Ta
ken according to directions, they are a
safe and pleasatit cure for JUyHpcpnlu,
General IetilUy,Mulltun Con.
utlpatlon, Diseased Kidneys,
etc., etc. liulilooil Purifier they
are superior te any other medicine;
eltanslng the system thoroughly, and
imparting new life and energy to Ihx in
valid. It is a medicine niX not an
IntoatlcatitlST beverage.
and take so othar. 7RICS, 11.00 par Oottl.
MEO 8P.0S. fi CO., - SOLE PROPnlETOnS,
flt. tionta and Imi Mn
lllhrlratnr TiilhiiTirnrlii It i tiu. imn.
thn RPfJT and PtJI7AS. .'(. .'
tr!AllA it rinmii nnl ivilm hut 1.-r. it
hlfihly pbllahad ourfnoo ovwr th
duolnq; frlotlon Knit llaluotilni; tho Cuitt.
it in tlifl ohonpeot hrcaiX it cbst m more
than Inferior brands, and on ho1 will :o
tho work o. two of any othur Axi '- . faun
mnde. It onnwora equally HTi-.llf r 1. ..fitirii.
Mill Ucttrtnir, Tlironlilny MAclilnw. Toni-iiitorr,
CnrrlainMi, KuKiriM, oto , tc., u fir Wa,-on H U
OUArtANTEED tooontnln not'otro'oun'.
1-or lale hy all nrat-clars Cealeni Vtr l-i r I '.
Cvcloytti of ThlnQt Worth K.ouig lua! M ttm.
31 Mlohlgpn Avonuc, Chicago, lUlno'g. I
M. HI II bl WV . V IV - F 1
Ty tixssrssscxsxsszsi
11 F. af - VJ i a . i. r
SiUUIhdl.i7 it 12 H. GU RtmI, ST. L57I0, IW.
mriK rh;Uilim u ,hr( at Ikn 14 it ll him nii.
I Itlloa i, r.juUr cri.iiu u maiMi, uluirm Tun
"! KP!n ' " imlmitl it Cra Uhm. It?, amir
Ihur ilill tna ability .0 raura maarltr U Uti ( Ut . id.airr
.iiuuu.r, i.i i.j in, itaairta a ciliaail ninuiuu
nrottn IBair li aitmiaat r tMi.kli.aui ...
ISS&oWS&SteMmSMM ar.::
InilidiM ai l;akJlK (lounka7Ci, BU-U7 OrikiiU. aH
Iriairj TiTiublw akJ ;llltt tr Varaarial ilnuni al i'ii
thraal, alia or aanA, traalaJ with auarMi, aa afiaanla rur
clpi.i viibaul ncr llarcury ar olk.r ToiMaaui MWIm,.
Y O UNC M E H '"'": ,. " "'
amyfjg-.w,-SiCr.Tv4 Urltc fraai tla anrfti ar natrhwliir
rbra ar Aauilaal TfaaaaaM, lia raialt af hU tlvu la joi.ei
or asrtta la laattiral yaara, ar panaaatallj auraa, T)ia Ji,.
rata pradvtaaaawa af Ua fwllawtaf alTtaairfira, butc'ie,.
ditimrM, aamaaiaan, amaaai al njll, caaj a, irarinNun,
caaalifallao, aa.paaataiy, raafaalaa iaau utnui lo u. aftcTa aianarv, mail aikiutti.,, laralanr, . r i .
ri !, irar, wklak Bail, fa f lilia, fr kvil.M. , n.irr it,
lr.ontl o.luua u frtfarWi "bit a u FTLUX tit ,,, iJ
aa, Lial of aiaailaaa la ba aaawaraa h, aatuau daairiar,
Uiaat aailcl tnt la aay aiaraaaaa airatlaa
rntaa aalarUa Irta laaUra abaall ,- tla air lUraii V
a Mra aMala. M tkUr aaa.,(M. It I , ILV TilTA'
Pit. UUT
''"J ''ur aaalawlHI, aal i..u(J , .,7," t,V.
p8blllv, Xninai vx-
J aJjIdflC V e or Ir t ir
. miias . . " vM "'i;wi i
i dtrB
i TfTi ' - .. t ' '(' AA. -ai