Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 29, 1881, Image 8

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annmmtmnynrBtAiUMVBMX. t mmi jucob1;
ABriofSkotohoftbo Man Who Now Buc
coous to iJrcHulontiftl Honors.
(ion. OhoHtor A. Arthur, who, by the
1(!UU.'ih of I'roHlilotit (JHillold, become
Ohio!' MutfiHtiHto ol tlm I'nitod StutoH.
wiih burn in FraiiKlin county, Vermont,
on October ft, Ih;iu. Mo ia the 11chL
hoii of tliu late Hm. Dr. William
Arthur, a Haptmt clergyman, who cm
iKiutod to tliiH country from tlm Coun
ty Antrim, Iicland, in IiIh 18th year,
ami wh i was an eminent writer an well
an a pulpit orator, hi.s work on "Family
Names" liein iinivciHitlly regarded an
one of tliiMMiriosiiicrtol" KnirlLsli erudite
literature. IIIh other Hon is u p.ty
master in the jugular army, with the
rank of Major.
(Jen. Arthur was educatod at 1'nion
College, and graduated in the cla of
MO. After lea vim,' rulli'tfo ho tutlf.'liL a
country Hchool iltiriiiu two yeuin in
Vermont, and then, having manuKOil
liy fitful economy to nave about SftOO,
lie Htarted for New York and entered
the law olllce of Judge K. D. Culver an
a Htudeut. Alter being admitted to
the bar he formed a piittncr.ship with
Jleury D. (Jardiner, with the intention
of pracJcliiK in the Went, anil for
three months they roamed about in the
Western states in search of an eligible
site, but in the end returned to the
metropolis and at once entered upon a
prosperous career, (ion. Arthur soon
after married the daughter of Lieut.
Jlorndon, United .States navy, who was
lost at sea, and who calmly wont down
to death smoking a cigar. Congress
voted a gold medal to his widow in
recognition of the couspicious bravery
lie displayed on thai occasion. Mrs.
Arthur died a year or two ago.
In 1852 he especially distinguished
himself in giving practical illustra
tions of his Abolition sentiments.
Jonathan and Juliet l.emmou, Vir
ginian slaveholders, intending to emi
grate to Texas, came to Now York to
await the sidling of a steamer, bring
ing eight slaves with them. A writ
of habeas eorpus was obtained Irom
Judge I'aino to tests tin, question wheth
er tho slaves wore not freed by the act
of bringing them into free territory.
Judge Paine rendered a decision hold
ing that they were, and onloriug the
Lomon slaves to bo liberated. Henry
li. Clinton was one of the counsel for
the slaveholders. A howl of rage went
up from the South, and the Virginia
Legislature authorized the attorney
general f that State to assist in taking
an appeal. William M. ICvarls anil
Chester A. Arthur were omploved to
represent the people, and they '"won
their case; winch then wont to tho
.Supreme Court of tho United States.
Charles O'Connor hero espoused the
en u d(! ef tho slaveholders, but he, too.
was beaten by Messrs. Kvarts and Ar
thur, and a long step was taken toward
the emancipation of tho black race.
Another great nervice was rendered by
Con. Arthur in the same cause in 18(t(J.
Lizzio Jennings, a respectable colored
woman, was put oil a Fourth avenue
car, with violence, after she had paid
her faro. (Jen. Arthur sued on her be
half, and secured a verdict of SSOO
damages. The next day tho company
issued an order to permit colored per
sons to ride on their cars, and tho other
car companies quickly followed their
(icnoral Arthur was a delegate to
tho Saratoga convontion that founded
tho Republican party. 1'ievious to
tlio outbreak of the war he was judge
advocate of tho second brigade of tho
State militia, and fiov. Kdwin I). Mor
gan, soon u ft oi lus inauguration, se
lected him to till tho position of ongi-neor-ln-chlof
of his stuff. In 1801 he
hold tho position of inspector general,
and soon after was advanced to that of
quartermaster general, which he held
until tho expiration of Morgan's office.
No higher oneominiu can bo passed
upon him than the mention of the fact
that, although the war account of the
State of New Yortc waa at least ten
times larger than that of any other
State, yet it was the lirst audited and
allowed in Washington, and without
the deduction of a dollar: whilo tho
quurtermuHtwrs accounts from other
States were reduced from $ 1,000,000
to $10,000,000 each. During his torm
of olllce every present was immediately
At tho nxpiratiou of Gov. Morgan's
torm (Jen. Arthur returned to his law
practice, and business of tho most lu
crative character pourod In upon him,
his uniform success acquiring for him
a national roputntion. For a spaco ho
hold the position of counsol to the
board of tax commissioners of Now
Yorkat 10,000 n year. Gradually hw
was drawn into tho arena of actual
politics. Ho nominated and bv his
efforts elected Hon. Thomas Murphy
a Stato Senator, Whon the latter re
signed the colloctorahip of tho port, on
November 20, 1871, President Grant
nominated Gon. Arthur to tho vacancy,
and four years later, whon his term ex
pired, renominated him, an honor that
had never been Bhown to any provlous
collector in the history of tho port. Ho
vim removed by Presidont Hayes on
July 12, 1878. A petition for his re
tention was signed by ovory judge of
every court in tho city, by all tho
prominent mombors of tho bnr. and by
noarly every Importing merchant in
tho collection district; but this Gon
Ariuur minfloit suppressed
duced statistics to show that during
his term of over six years in olllce the
percentage of removals was only 2',j
against an annual avetage of 2H per
cent under three immediate predeces
sors, and an annual average of about
!M per cent since 1H."7. The reforms
which (Jen. Arthur instituted in the
methods of doing business in the cus
tom house were as numeromi as they
were grateful to tho merchaiitile com
munity. Afterwards ho resumed the practice
of law, and active participation in and
direction of Republican politics in
New York. lie was then chairman of
the Republican Slate committee. The
olllce of vice president came to him
entirely unsoughtby accident.
In person (Jen. Arthur is over six
feet in height, broad shouldered, ath
letic and handsome. He is u man of
exceeding culture, ript: experience,
with refined tastes and manners of the
utmost geniality.
Proceoclinga of tho Stato Normal Sohool
Kogard to tho Doath of Prcai
dont Garfiold.
Pi'.nr, Sept. uo, 1881.
Kdllor Artvprllwr.
As a tribute of respect for our la
mented President, the exercises of the
Normal School were suspended to-day,
and a meeting of the teachers, students,
and citizens of Peru, was called to as
semble at the Normal Hall at 2 o'clock.
The hall was draped in mourning, and
appropriate exorcises were prepared.
The meeting was well attended and
the audience was addressed by Rev.
J. C. Jordon, Hon. T. J. Majois, Prof.
MeKcnsio, and otheis. Resolutions of
respect and sympathy were adopted,
which I forward for publication.
.Ikssic Hksski.tini:.
Wiikkicis, It has pleased Almight
God to deprive the nation of its chic!
executive, in the death of President
James A. Garllcld, therefore,
Hesolcul, That we. the faculty and
students of tho State Normal School of
Nebraska, and the citizens of Peru,
unite with the people ot the nation in
u tribute of respect to his illustrious
memory, and mingle our tears Willi
his liereaved family.
Hcsolcul, That 'lie nation has lost in
death a wise, prudent, and ollicicnt
ltiialml, That wo recognize in tho
life and character of James A. Garfield
a litling model for the study and imi
tation of tho young men of our countr
for all time, in Ids indomitable energy
that raised him from obscurity, his
unselfish patriotism, his wise states
manship, his high scholarship, his
Christian manhood.
liemlcnl. That we request tho State
Journal, Omaha licniblirai), and the
Brown ville Aivkktim-:k to publish
these resolutions.
J. M. McKi:n.m:,
II. II. Nicholson,
Jkvi: Hisi:in.s'i:, . Com.
C. K. Oui).
A reunion of rebel soldiers is to be
held at Moberly, Mo., this week, and it
being entirely appropriate that Gen.
Grant should he abused on that occa
sion, Senator Vest has undei taken that
duty. Inter (hvaii.
As Vest is the most unscrupulous,
and most venomous of Missouri cop
perheadsa Jesse James sort of States
man he's just tho fellow to abusethe
greatest general of the age and laud
the meanest and moBt despicable cauwe
ever men engaged in. We presume all
the tram robbers will be thereto yell
for Vest and treason as against Grant
and the I'nion.
A lady has discovered a plan to keep
watermelons in their natural form and
llavor for an indefinite length of time.
Slip has successfully tried it in past
seasons, and. as a consequence, has
been able to treat hor family ton water
melon supper at Christmas time. Tho
plan is a simplo one and consists in
giving tho melon three or four coats of
varnish to oxcludo the air. Sho says
they not only keep from decay, but
the flavor and sweetness aro retained,
and when eaten at Christinas or New
Yours, the fruit seems to ho wonder
fully Improved In those particulars. -Uarrhburg
Tho Chicago Union Veteran Club
mot, adopted the following, and for
warded a copy to President Arthur:
"The Chicago Union Veteran Club
join with you in. tho great grief ovor
the death of our Into President, and
send an unanimous assurance of our
faith in your wisdom and patriotism
as his successor, and beg to tender our
hoartlost support to mako your admin
istration the distinguished success
which our people and party so earnestly
hopo and confidently oxpoct."
At tho primaries in Utiea, N. Y
the Coukllng stalwarts carried seven
of the twelve wards, anil in Homo, tho
other city of Onolda county, they car
ried throo out of tho flvo wards.
A correspondent writing from Ari
zona says that the Mormon settlers are
responsible for much of the demoraliz
ation of the Apache Indians, and that
thoy have instigated a great deal of tho
deviltry committed by them. If this
be true, it would bo well for the gov
ernment to chasten the Mormons and
lot the Indians alone. -Inttr Off an.
To chasten both Indians and Mor
mons would be the better thing to do,
Physicians i these days regard it as
a breach of etiquette to advertise their
names and places of business, but Dr.
Agnew began his career by "hanging
out his shingle" in a country town, and
advertising for custom, and he showed
good sense in doing it. Kvery other
profession does, and it is simply pru
dish and Hilly in the medical profes
sion to ignore such a sensible rule.
Inter Of tan.
The address of Senator Van Wyck
at the State Fair was very able and
appropriate: and we regret that our
limited space forbids its insertion into
our columns,
b.ivi: wji.vrs wiiVri-:i.
To Kfll Dr. i Imiso'm ItPdp1; or Inforinii
tlon for tii'ryiiMly. In evorv county In the
tMiltcil Htiili-M unit i'miiimImm. lMilurcil hy
tin ImiMIhIiltk to (UK pMKiM. It codIiiIiih
ovit "J.IHH) liouKclinlil reel pen, mid Im milted
to nil eliiMM'K m il coiidll Ioiih of Hoc'lt'ly. A
wonder fill hooU and mid u household lie
eexHliy. IlHpllNitt mIkIU. ClreutiKt Induee
nii'litK ever oirrrod to book hkimiIm. Humph
roplen kiMiI liy mull, poMpuld, for 3'J.ef). Kx
(liiHlve territory K'ven Attmitu more limn
double llielr money. Addrcsx Dr. OIiiiso'm
HUiiiii l'rlntliiK limine, Ann Arbor, Mlchl
HTAl'I.i: AltTI(i.K,.SHI.MN() KOKEVimi-.
Tlie Revised
thm we uirer lliem Ibe I.OWKST PKII'KH
I lie ureuteHt variety, end bent. terniN; mil lit
only SO rents. hIiuwIiik 1'IOIIT dltrerenl
M) len and prleen. Ineliidlnu new Parallel
Kdltlon wllli boti! ()I,D AND NKW VIOU
HIONH HIDK HY HIDK for e.iinparmon.
Aildri.4 'Im-. IIHVISIIIS IM'ltMM I KHM.
St. LoiiIm, Mo
it rs i x ess
im by FAR "i" bent JltiHlneHH mid Hoelal
Cluideand I limil-I took ever pnhllHtied. .Much
tie- Intent. It lellH e erj body completely
tient wa . Mow to lie Your own Lawyer,
How to do IIiikIih'kh eorreclly mulKiieeesntnl
ly How to Aetln Society and In evuiy part
ofltle, and eontulnn a u"ld mine of varied
Information indlHpensabte to all ulasen for
constant leferenre. AGENT'S WANT
ED for all or upare nine. To know why
tti Im book ot KKAI. value and atlraclloiiH
ells better than unv other, apply lor tenon
toll. It. HCAMMKLI.A CO.. WuN. ;ld Ht.,3t
l.nulrt, Mo
TO TH 10
Piano or Organ.
lly which any Child or Person can p!av any
ol the Popular Alrat once without STUDY,
nti'A iuus nirtnirK, or even Mtirdeal
Taleni. Th Company will FOIU-'KIT 91.000
If an) Child ten ear old fallw to play ANY
ONK of our Populur TiineN on the PIANO.
after recelvliu the Music and Instructions,
provided Kiild child run count, with the 11
urt'M hufnru It, finm 1 to KiO correctly.
7 Pieces of Music, with Instructions,
.Mailed to any addrcHs on receipt of 8I.(Hi.
KiicIohc one-cent postage Htamp for Cftla
loKUe of TuneH. 5j-AKontn wiiutud In ovory
Hiateand County In the Union.
Edison Music Co.,
'Jli A J17 Walnut Htreyl. Piilhida.. Va.
ittl.OOO UKWAim
ir anv eane IUlnd. Ulridlnu. Ituhtnu.
Ul'-eraled or ProtrtutluK 1'II.KS thul -
UlriK'n I'll. Krmrdy fnlln to curu. Pih
tiared - J. P. Miller. M. I)., III.') Arch Hireet.
Phlln.. Pa. None nenulno without hlK
HlKtittiire. Pond for circular. All druKulsts
or iteiiMral Mnren have It or will ct U for
you. 91. Hold lu llrownvllle by A. W.
Nlekull. DrUKKlot. . I'JmO
It U the result of 20 yoiirV oxncrlonce mi t
exjxsrlment In Sewing1 lliohUira. it eotUnu tA
goodiYoinH ef all prtttnX nml ormrr maXu, una !
not 6 " ono miui " or M onoldea " nuchlno, m oU;ut
tn. It rold the defect, of otl'rrn, nd p'
mm nev and ratuaUt foaturcs nnd couvMilencxo.
It It arg, Kaht-rvnnlnj, nolirUf, kandiomt, rm.
tmUnl, ifurMi, wul limpU. Wnrrautrd iiud
kept lurcpulrrrprforftypiir.. inrculkrwtij
fuUilf:rltiUonintfrooarjuwrt. Itli lUtJjrtln
lHt. A UU1 Du't Wl I" h
iwforaroulmr. UmnrAOTCBiuTrXonKNr.
o. 1. VENT.M H'1 M iV.'i Kt.,Chlrro. f
ArlieQ'''"1 treitl4 Itk LMMrrkaa
L.AUIK10 "( AUxtrWkiitii ikMUMkifor
'fr.r. IlarrU'raBiDWlMlllliilrtl
kr ritUl) f llf rtnit f kit RtmUj, lid hoiir k tp.
klMtli. Tk MiiykUl it klitkl I ur Uir U itu-
(U k,illk, kif tkrif kl? f txliot litili.a oi ikia iltti
DiiiRlny. Hpnubllcan. sncceodH Vrvn
ah mwer to &errotnry hliermun, re- In CoiiRreHH, from Maine, bvn majority
viowinR tlm work of one of tlm invoHM. L.f r iT-i. i i i , ",.
gating committoea, QV ArtUr Tro ' i u ' ? Uo,1,l,1,cl,M ,na'
,,r pro iorlty ever given in tho district.
Ir rittitl t
ST. Ill It. US.
WANTED tt rt. ..i t4 miM
i l.lllir ritlcntl RMki tJ IM.. rrtM
mwaHr"1- kwmiriU.1! tH. Limit, tia.
617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mo. 'I
A. regnlar RTadufttaof tno Mili ftl (Vllrrvil hu bc I
longer locAtod ttn nny othcrl'hjiiclA'i In Bt IjOdIs.hh .
m W .uuTfii jiinii inn iv niiviikn iiii" jf (iuui.i
Urlnnry UTphllltlo or Korcurlni Affection, of
Throat, Okin or Uo.tcaitil Hnttlr. l'rlraUlr.
Oinrmatorrbf n.Hnxual Dcbllltr and Impot.ncy
m th.rMultof Hrlf.Alnun, vnuilmcMMiln mat.rtr
7.r.i)roi.r lirulnnotk, pr(Kliiolni;nrroano,mln.
ul .nUiiooj, dntllltr, dlmneiui of nUht,rifctlTs mum
orr, phjtlcat ilecnr, avortion to sooletr ooofuilon of
tilsM, loMof teiutf poner,nU'lit lo'
jmrmnnHntlrciuvil. Uonanltitloa
KtoQlo. or tjr ranll fris nnj luvltoil. I'nmihUt on.
tamp. MtdlritiM ennt by mnll or riproia. Care
BtiiunlM(l. Whftrn (lonbt ntliM It U frank! tiM-d.
) P A C E H
fine ) Ainini?i
PLATES. , A tJ N W ECi ;
Tlm wiioUntorjr, well told.nn It Utrns tollfe, on tb.
followlnu ubjwti Who ranj mnr, who npt, nhr.
Mnnlnxxl, Woumuhootl, 1'hnlrnl ilnonr. WHTi thauld
nurrjilmrr llfnj h)lnlllunyt)Ollcr8atp,rtfot
of crl)CT nnil eiooit, nnd muQTmoro. Thine married
ercrlAmpitinit mairlaio? iheuM rrd It then kMpua.
tlar 1 "k arrl kor- 33 ots. hr mnll In monar or (.
tag.. ffvglUh Qorman - Frrnch rend find apoV.n.
9 B!lftt!Uaknwl )xit Mnnhood, NerrotmnaM,
H..II.H .. ""'"I"" -f Meu, Ateralon to Koclat
wufxiifii Mum ranil IMmrdrs tineighton lr Half
tiiite. AndiiiURlath . thi) InuiMll-nH. UI.XaiuU
(Sirnttra In5tV.6lli l)t.( harlna, Ht. IxiqU. llo.
703 Cheanut 3t, Bt. Louja, Mo. at wld offlrj),
oonllnnos to oaro tinormatorrheca. tlemlnal 'Weak-
nei, Itnpotnncy.rtll formi of 8Thlll,Oonorrhcaa,
Oleet, Urinary or Illaddor dliiuanua. lleoant cimi
cured In a fan day. All the dltnaaea reinlllng fron
nlf-ahnno, excMiornitoite cured for Ufa with aar
m.JIclne, AiItIoh frro, Chtirti-" low. Call or writ,
larttlot confldonce. Cymptom llook for two ttnmp
LIGHT on tlie
Auonts for the
T. A irT Or. UGH'
In this life, through the darlc valley, and lu
the life eternal; an Meeti In the bent thoughts
of lcadltm atithora and neholnm amotiK
whom are HtHhops HltnpHon, Warren, Kofter,
IIurHt, and I'ikh. .lonepli Coolc, Heecher. Tal
mne. Dr. Currle, Dr. March, Dr. MoConti,
Dr. CroHhy. Dr. Cnyler, (leo. 1). Prentice,
Dean Stanley, Willi tier, Loimf' Hov ii'irt
other. ThcMihJectH trented are In nth, Im
Mortality. Millenium, and Second Advent,
the Hesurrectlon, .ludKtueut.the ptinlHtitnent
of tho wlclted, and the rn'vnnl of the rlht
eotiK, A lllcli fcnrU a nllH the reader of lhi
hoolc. D cot talnH the straudeKt thought, of
the world n nreatet iiillhorH, on undJecVH of
the mint profound Inierent to everyone. Not
gloomy Inn hrllllnnt. There Sh not n dull
pnK) In the hook. It Ih atmnlutely without
i rival. Kveryhortv will read It. School
Teaeherh. Hludentu; YiutiK Mcti mid Lndles,
net i nis' as nuentH for tlilh bool; are inakltiK
over 81"n a month. Helln fnMt. One Aen
Mold 71 first 15 cliiyH, nnnther 411 In H iliiyi, an
other 11 In one day. another lfi and 5 hlhle
In ft day, n ladv sold t) in fen hourH Hecuro
tf-rrltorj ulck. Alf'o ncetitH wanted for the
iient IIIuhi rated Revised New TeHtnment,
and for the finest Family Illtilos ever Bold hy
anent. Se- t fir clrniilarH,
l. V. ZJK.OMOH , TO., 015 Arch
St. IMillnil lihtu Pit. 108, IC. AitniitM St.
ChlrnKo, III.
Send for out
New Illustra
ted Price-List
No. 30, for
Fall and Win-
.jroflSSl. Free to any address. Con
tains full description of all kinds of goods
for personal and family use. "We deal
directly with the consumer, and sell all
goods in any quantity at wholesale prices.
You can buy better and cheaper than at
227 and 229 "Wabash Aventie.Chicago.Ul.
KMKr&2wavAr:r?iXMi j
If yo-l moa tn.m wJflf " ?', " ff
oftm nuv.weal. WtSf mua f l-t- J
c-nwlbytliCftndnof VWy tirstollltwoverial'
nir iliuii'h nvoin
ntliimb'itHiiiiil uso
Hop Qittera.
If nn arejimns an I
(lUcutuii or (ii-fipa
HlmI er urn. ii . lit "
poorhtnUliol nrnUlt
iic-'f. ri-ly on H o t
Whoever yonn'o, n
llll'llt tllk tu ro-
tint' timin in". t and
Wftsti', Uk Hop B.
siiirorliinfroiiiniiy In
ttuti . If "i no mar
f'ouuH, Miifpmnr fiou.
ni; on n Ir'iI of eick-
, 1 'iiH'tliiiiille an
S i ,t MM.,,, o. ininiir.Kdn.oy.
iii'edHcIuoiiei.ti.n'VV :hf inlKlit
i wiiiioutfiWoWMiiiio, hl-'Ay t"i"'ly inoof
jti.o Hop A'J HopBlttrB
rs -c UnJHH
Ilnyo yon .(,-- J rfXr$M&$,
oriiniwrvoii' if" """
".".''.'.,1 V? ' t rT E
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-! i J -
D.i -8
D. I. C.
U nn ahaoluto
nnil IrrcBlsta
hlo euro for
ilri.iiKuincHH ,
im oi opium
tolinocn, or
uarcotlcH. .
rlsts hondfor
( .it ulai
H' rpt -tA
hoi- iinrxas
k'po ro.,
Cnlli.llM. . V.
1 1 1 '
w - . ' J A Tirnnln, lot.
-f. ' ' k v.vvTrff
' 'IAv.7
THIS TltlUMPH TKUHH CO. cur Uuptnrt
In from SO to ) dayt, and will pny 1 JC0 for a
llupturo thy cin not cure. .Hrnd -c. for Hook
to UK. C W. If IJUUNHAM. Ottn'I Hiip't,
JI34 Kowary, It. Y , or Houth Ulh btraat.
XtilltwlIptit. ra.,and bo ourea.
a-Jk.-fkjfl.jfc.jBa;f5 Arftf.jjat.
" -nnp rnTPic"BCii
rl dr., rrtf. Iuri4' IUmMW
r.o.l.l .t If t yH"''.
lull OliK A KartU v,
i affis?
ii ii iifiaTTiiin
m of TAR
ForCoughs, Colds,
im eowtraurxioK.
le tho Bent of Tnlo8;B
Curee Dyenepola; k.
.HflRtoros thsAnnnt Itr.W
JRriiftbm the Systotw;
H88ioreine weak
and Debilitated.
A trial of It will rrer. all
Claim. aik jaBrarnttiill
rer nr.VYonaa wiaal
or Tari taka a alkar.
Tor ) k; all Oruffuu.
S M.SMITH t CB fnt'tl
uattow, mmm.
Over all other Machines and
always gives
For Dcacrlptlvo Circular unit
Catalogue sund to
2IS &. 220 St ate St., Chicago.
The majorltu of the ills ofhhe human
ajorlty of
body arise from a derangement of the
Llvier, affecting both the stomach an it
boiesls. In order to effect a cure, It
necessary to remove the cause. Irregu
lar and Sluggish action of the Itowtls,
Htadaehe,Slehness at the Stomach, I'aln
in the Batk and Loins, etc., Indicate that
the Liver la at fault, and that nature re
quires assistance to enable this organ (
tAroir off impurities,
Prlcttly Anli nittcrrtnreofffy
oMyoMidedor this purpose. They are
mild in their action and effective as a
cure i are pleasant to the taste and taken
easily by both children and adults. Ta
ken according to directions, they are m
safe and pleasant cureor DyHpepftln,
General Uclitlity, Habitual Con
atlpatlon, DlBeanetl Kidneys,
etc., etc. ii a iilood Purifier tfti
are superior to any other medicine;
eleanslng the system thoroughly, and
imparting new Ufa and energy to the In
valid. It is a medicine and not an
Intoxicating beverage.
and taka ao othar. TV.ZCX, $1.00 par Bottle.
t. Lonla and In. '' . 'Un
larirtlr of iinlrr.
Mlra or fill Jom, Ii
IlltirirAtirTiiLlii. tnrhl. TtiiTtJinHnu
bcau It doo not Bum, but formo a
Iv nollshod aurfhoa over the nxlo.lrn-
Irts frlotlon and llghtanlnK the dt-Cft.
tlid ahAHtiail Lyicaiiao It nnatrt nn mnrni
than Inferior branda.nnd ono box win do
tho work of two of nhy other Axlo Crenoe
made. ItanirY(rsixiuiUlriHv.allinr llarToaten,
Mill Oearlna:, TbrMbiuif Machines, Oorn.l'lanW,
Oarrijwea, nuiraiN, etc. eta, m for Wavona. It 1
OU AR ANTEED to oontaln no Petroleum.
Kor taia by aUnrbt-cliuia dralera. tir- Our rcht
CytlopttHa of Thing I Worth Knowing njal'.el frue.
31 Mlohlgnn Avenue, Chlongo, lljlnolo.
DR. BUTTS' wmm
fcUWuMW it U H. 8U SUMt, ST. MUM, W.
mm rkyiiei.o. i ,ir. .r ihi, ou , r.ii k.. ii
I ! tt r.fultr (rUol,, i. aiia t4 i.ri.r, ,,n
Sf "rJ" lo ' " f Ckraalt IH.HW i?t m,i,
fttir rtUI u4 iblhlr m null lup.rl.r It Uit l Ik. trnicr
rllur, Itait li.y kit. t.qoi,, a atlKiil nnUUn
Ui.i Ik .it Ultimo! .r nalliiKil tun,
ttyr mm atVat Valiaa.i. Mt T.
kl ! laan mJ r.U,tl. ... W . ..
- i 2T ,u
rwc irM tf tanu tr mmau.
tk FMllt r lalftkll It vet
clUi, witkit ii-f MtTcwi
rti r iftrWartl ftiik.Mi
ar tmtt U atMr4 ara, art Mratitillr
MM r4lM MMt M Ul Ml.Wlif .r.lU .MiuiM. Lllk
dlii..M, unxum, alai.ti f n,,( , a,aal
W m,j tlrar watch Mil. (i ,1.1.. r.r kiln J, M iWri.TT
KAlim TITIftTiB ltfS
- -- , w. -VIM, Ml
. . m
.-A" B"o in i
A ecruJa ear fer Nwwuw
"Wi mpotentj- te.
rtctu m UTtmm
PMTM rlTtng fulTeT