Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 22, 1881, Image 7

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Pimplo3 on tho fnee denote an im
proper diet, too much grease, particu
larly pork and lard, or too much sugar
and salt, or too much pastry, and the
like; and perhaps too little out-door ex
ercise. Pickled Red Cabbage. Slice tho
cabbage, cover it with t.alt and lot it
stand two days. Then drain and put it
in a pan; cover with vinegar and spice
to your taste. Give it a scald and when
cold put in jars and tie up close.
Here is a recipe for a good and sim
ple pudding: One pint ot llour, half a
cup of sugar, three-quarters of a cup of
sweet milk, one tablespoon fid of butter,
two teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
Btiko for twenty minutes; servo with
any good pudding sauce.
Mr. Hollister says three times a
year is often enough to go to tho mill.
Tho Hour, if packed in paper sacks, will
grow better every day, and better Hour
is made from largo grists. Old Hour is
the best because the wator lias evap
orated and tho Hour has become dryer
and stronger. Cincinnati Commercial.
Scalloped Tomatoes. Pool and cut
the tomatoes 111 slices a quarter of an i
inch thick; make a force-meat of broad-
uiuuiuM, pu-iiiui, s;iu, uiiuur turn it miiu
white sugar; put this in a pudding-dish
with alternate layers ot tomatoes, hav
ing tlio tomatoes for tho top layer; put
a bit of butter upon ouch slice and dust
with salt, popper and a little sugar;
stew with dry breadcrumbs and bako,
covered, half an hour, roniovetho lid
ami bako brown.
Mustard owes its pungency to a
volatileacid oil which it contains. This
oil is bitter, and the bitterness of fresh
ly mixed mustard is very apparent un
less a certain quantity of salt is added
to it. This removes tho bitter llavor.
To every ounce or tablespoooful of dry
mustard add a teaspoonful of salt, and
mix with cold wator, adding vinegar in
which taragon, dill, or other desirable
flavoring herbs have been steeped. Tho
French and German mustards are thus
Pickled Onions. Peel tho onions
and let thorn lie in strong salt and wa
ter nine days, chaniring the water each
day; then put them into jars and pour
fresli salt and water on them, this timo
boiling hot: when it is cold take them
out and put them on a hair sieve to
drain, after which put them in wide
mouthed bottles and pour over them
vinegar prepared in tho following man
ner: Take white wine vinegar and boil
it with a blade of mace,
ginger hi it; when cool
some salt and
pour over tho
Dust-Rath for Fowls. Make a box
three or four feet square, ono foot high,
and fill two-thirds full of dry road dust
with a half pound of sulphur mixed in.
Keep a barrel or so of the dry dust on
hand to replenish the box with. Pour
a pan of -silted coal ashes, or wood ash
es without sifting, into the box occa
sionally. When the roads are dry, and
other work is not pressing, procure :i
supply of dust and store it under covor
for use next winter. Whore fowls have
access to one of these dust boxes they
are seldom troubled with lice i. c. if
you keep the fowl house reasonably
Contracted hoof is tho result of a
disease of the inner part of the foot and
absorption or wasting of the internal
tissues'. It can not be cured by outward
applications to the horn, ami only by
removal of tho inward trouble. Tho
usual troatniont is to remove the siioes,
pare the edges of the crust of the hoof,
and to cause the feet to stand in wet
clay puddle, or turn the horse into a
wet pasture for three or four weeks.
Uso a hoof dressing of glycerine and
water freely, and linally put on a flat,
thin shoe without any bevel and with
an even bearing over a solo of solo
leather which presses upon the frog.
Tho frog should not bo pared, but lelt
to bear uiion the ground. Ar. Y. Times.
--Years ago some one assorted that
oil of pennyroyal rubbed on tho hair of
horses or other animals would repel tho
altncks of all kinds of flics, but upon
trial we found it had no such cll'cct; In
fact, tho flies seemed to bo attracted by
the fragrance of the humble herb. Re
cently wo noticed that a cortain Dr.
Ridge, of London, Eng., recommended
carbolic acid and oil for tho same pur
pose, but upon trial during tho past
week we could not discover that the
flies were in the least disturbed by this
mixture. Carbolic acid and wator as
strong as it was safe to apply to tho
skin of a was tried, tho hair
being well soaked with it; but the flies
returned in less than a half minute, and,
if anything, in increased numbers. A
safe wasli for keeping flies from ani
mals is still wanted. Who will discover
it? A. '. Sun.
An old Scotch gentleman had, iu
the course of a long life, gained a groat
reputation for bravery. The shortest
way to his own homo" from the little
village club that ho nightly resorted to
lay through a church-yard, and it oc
curred to some would-be wags to trv if
he was impervious to fear of tho spirit
ual as well as the mortal world. One,
therefore, dressed up in tho orthodox
sheet, using a litt'o sulphur judiciously
here and there to mako it more ghastly,
just as tho old gentleman one dark
night readied tho loneliest part of tho
churclM ard, suddenly appeared to him.
Rut of the two tho ghost was most dis
concerted, for his intended victim,
quietlv finishing tho pinch of sniill' first
inai no was at thai moment anjoyiug,
addressed him in tho following concili
atory fashion: "Noo, my lad. would
ye just have tho kindness to toll 1110 arc
ye out for a saunter by voiirsel', or is it
the gonoral rising?"
A plan is on foot in Holgium for
ofl'ering a testimonial to Hondrik Con
soienco, tho novelist, on the appearance
of ids hundredth volumo.
Coal TnP on the Farm.
The attention of our readers has boon
frequently called to tho valuo of coal
tar on the farm, especially in tho pres
ervation of woods, and wo aro more
forcibly impressed with its valuo as our
experiments begin to assume the au
thority of a demonstration. Much has
been written of its adaptation to tho
ncods of tho farmer as a cheap paint
for out-buildings; without detracting
from its valuo for such purposes, we
are led to believe that this is one of tho
minor considerations in its practical
use, and that tho great purpose to
which it will bo applied will bo in tho
preservation of timber and tho conver
sion of woods, liable to demy from ex
posure, to material valuable for all pur
poses. That coal tar docs almost per
fectly preserve our soft woods h:is been
fully demonstrated, so that it docs not
belong to the speculative.
Last year, to test for Iowa the value
of our soft wood, when properly treated,
wo boiled posts of green bass-wood,
wator-elm, cuttou-wood, white willow
and oak, in coal tar, allowing them to
remain in the tank ten minutes ouch;
then they were drained and piled up,
ox.)og0ll to the
Wftl.(i t'lu.. wore
sun one month; after-
they were set in tho giound as
ordinary posts. At this date there is
no perceptible dill'ercnec in their dura
bility; all aro as sound as when sot.
What is more remarkable, the bass-wood
holds a nail annarctillv as well as tho
oak. In cutting a cross section, tho tar
seemed to penetrate quito a distance,
filling tho pores and hardening the
wooelfrom one-half to threo-miarters of
an inch deop, which was like cement and
impervious to water. Much depends,
doubtless, upon the method of prepara
tion. The wood should be green to ob
tain tho best results. Farmers aro fa
miliar with tho decided improvement in
the character of wood when cut green
and seasoned under shelter. Poplar,
cotton-wood and white willow thus pro
pared, niaKo excellent fuel. Recch and
other woods for mechanical purposes,
when the greatest solidity and tenacity
of fiber are required, aro "dressed green
and oiled, then arc dried under covor.
Tho charring of wood also adds materi
ally to its durability. Coal tar secures
all these conditions. When the green
post or board is placed in boiling tar
tho sap is expelled, and is replaced by
the tar to some extent; deeper portions
are affected as by rapid seasoning.
Tho vat for heating tho tar 111:13 '"'
made like an ordinary sap pan ami of
any length; put in a barrel of tar and
dip the whole post or as much as de
sired. The most particular part to bo
covered is that just above and below the
surface when set. Whore great dura
bility is desired tho post should bo
boiled thirty minutes or more; ton min
utes will answer for boards,
A barrel of coal tar, costing $!!, will
cover 150 posts, if boiled, or '201) if
dipped one-half length. The cost of
boiling lumber in tar is estimated at 5
per thousand foot, and thus prepared,
oven bass-wood is practically inde
structible. Treated with coal tar the
long, slim white willow poles,, so abund
ant in the Wost, become as valuable as
cedar and aro tho ready solution of the
question, what shall we do for fence
As a paint, ono coat of hot tar is
worth more than any known prepara
tion of oil for tho preservation of wood.
frof. S. A. Knapp, in Iowa Male lleifr.
Porterhouse Steak.
'This is tho porterhouse is it?"
asked tho sad passenger, sitting at tho
corner table in tho restaurant. " Yes,
sir," said the waiter, with tho weary air
of 11 man who was tired of having to tell
tho same lie a thousand times a day,
"porterhouse sicak, sir, same as you
ordered, sir." -'Do you cut porter
house steak from between tho horns
this yoar?" asked tho sad passenger,
with the intonation ota man who want
ed to know. "Sir?" said tho waiter.
"It seemed to be a trifle tenderer last
j ear, the sail passenger went on,
with tho air ot a tired
man indulging
in pleasant reminiscences of tho
past, "hut 1 remember now; it was
'hut 1 remember now; it
cut a trifle lower down then. Last
year you cut your porterhouse steaks
from the curl iu the forehead, ami the
sirloins lroin the shin. Hut i think
this comes from between tho horns. I
used to live in a boarding house where
they cut tho porterhouse between tho
horns, and this one reminds 1110 of
them. Animal dead this steak came
from'.'" " Dead," echoed the aston
ished waiter; "course, sir. Ho was
butchered, sir." " Rutclicrcd to inako
a Roman holidaj," sighed the sad
passenger. "Ho would bo more likely
to make a Roman swear. Well, it was
time he was killed. He hadn't many
more years to live on this earth. All,
here is the brass tip from 0110 of his
horns. Dropped into the steak, no
doubt, while you were slicing it oil'.
What do 3 ou do with these steaks when
the guests are through with them?"
Tho waiter looked puzzled. "Why,
sir," be said, "they ain't nothing loft
of 'em, 3ir." "Possible?" said tho sad
passenger; "what becomes of them?"
The waiter looked nervous. "What?"
he said; "the customers eat them up."
The sad passenger looked up with an
air of interest. "Incredible," ho ex
claimed; "cannot accept your state
ment without proof. Thoy 111:13' 'mlo
them under their chairs, 01 secrete
them in their napkins, or they may
carry them away in their pockets to
throw at burglars, but 1 cannot be
lieve they eat them. Here, let mo see
one of them eat this, and 1 will believe
3011. Trust 1110, good waiter, I "
Rut the waiter pointed to a placard
inscribed: " Positively no trust," and
wont to tho cashier's desk to toll the
Itoss to look out for that man at the
corner table, as he didn't seem to lie
satisfied with his steak an'd had asked
for ivuaUJJurliiKlon Uuiokcyc,
Shabby (Jcntlllly.
There is something almost pathotio
about the shabby gentility of people
who aro always trying to put the best
foot forward; who on very insutllcient
moans make a respectable appearand ;
who havo the old bonuet pressed into
the now fashion, or dyed to escape
neighborly recognition, and tho old
gown restored to look liko now; who
dam the old laces till thoy resemble
works of art; who preserve tho tradi
tions of oleganco ami plenty in the faco
of poverty and privation. Everybody
knows thoy aro iioor; thoy do not flat
ter themselves mat thoy deceive any
ono; but, shabby or splendid, gentility
is a blessing which their rich, vulgar
friends would pay luiiitlsoiuoly for pos
sessing. Their worn carpets; tlioir
failed hangings; tlioir cracked china;
their cheap' luxuries; their tables spread
and served with scrupulous nicety, but
with little elso; their efforts to keep up
to tho standard of good housekeeping
those things aro all subjects of mirth to
tho immature and unreflecting, who
boo iu tho pride and anxiety of such in
dividuals nothing greater than a silly
ambition; who seem to think that a
person who has nothing but penury as
her portion ought to give up tho con
test, and be content to eat her pottage
on tho kitchen table, to feel at homo
with bare floors and patches, rather
than demand that the table bo swopt
between tho spare coursiw, and the
Iiewler smartened to look liko silver;
nit this aptitudo for piecing out domes
tic short-comings, anil diffusing
an atmosphoro of gentility in the most
unpromising circumstances, morits
moro consideration than it deserves. If
it is a weakness, it is one that leans to
virtue's side; it shows at least a regard
for such refinements as aro within
reach; and if the sliabbv-goiiteel body
is provokingly particular sometimes
about her associates, if she reckons
certain non-essentials as the sinews of
respectability, do not even the mom
bers of the "best society' ' tho same,
and tho pcoplo who point tlioir wit
with her misfortunes? If Mrs. Grundy
is her fetich, to whom she sacrifices
ease and strength and time, before
whom she burns her drops of incense,
for whose approval she schemes, is slio
very different from the rest of woman
kind? Is the apostle of Mrs. Grundy
anv wiser or less absurd because her
silk is not shiny? because she does not
feel obliged to stint the lire or tho tablo
in order to compass a shabby gentility
in those particulars which aro most ex
posed to tho public? Tho woman of
wealth may wear her old clothes with
out fear of being suspected of having no
better; she may refuse a charity with
out being charged with anything moro
contemptible than meanness; she 111:13'
do her own work without being accused
of anything but eccentricity; but her
shabby-genteel neighbor cannot allord
to follow tho good example, but must
compromise her comfort ami peace of
mind in order to purchase an imaginary
position in society. Yuyi ryn Ikixur.
! it iitiiiip
that a. remedy niuilo of such eonininn, .sim
ple plants as Hop, Iltichu, Maudruko, Dan
dpllon, &u., make mi many anil Midi mar
velous and wonderful cures an Hop Bitten
do? It must be, for when old and youiii',
rich and poor, Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer
and Kdltor, nil testify to having been cured
by them, we inti-l believe and doubt no
longer. See other column. V W.
" I DNDKitsi'ANP Hiat your son Is a bach
elor of arts," said .Mrs. Ilrown to Mrs.
Homespun, whoe ion has just been gradu
ated at Harvard. " Well, yes," replied
Mrs. Homespun, "vcs. he's a bachelor but
he')j ciiKajjcd." Wo; 'frame rijit.
Tiiiciti" is scarcely a person to be found
who will not be greatly benelltcd by u thor
ough course of Kidiiev-Wort every spring.
If you cannot prepare the dry buy the liquid.
It has the same effect. J'aUadtum.
Don't IMr In the House.
Ask Drugget for " Hough on lUts." It dear
out rate, mice, roa-ihes, 11 en, bed-bugs, 15c.
Would not be without Keddlng's Kuala
Balve, Is the verdict of all who uso it.
Ask your grocer for National Ye tut
Tiikur is some corn In Michigan so pool
that it can't afford to wear silk. It will
have to return to its fodder. Detroit Fiee
A KisiiKit'HN's occupation ought to bo
the most profitable because ills oiulir gross
receipts are not prollts. A'kvatal Vii'vj
I'l 's all ver nice to read about tliv old
curfew bellsjbutoslut a man begin now-a-Uajs
to piuuddny)iilit out of an old bill at
sunset, and'the people would rally "ii bun
so ipilclv iljjjtaltpettir wouldn't bum-hint.
Dei roi t J'riepJJiix .
Oni: of thi'Tnn-t laughable things .-ver
been is a niosiiuilojilighthig 011 the cbecl. of
a Cleu'land repoiter, and straining himself
nil U pieces in a wild, desperate effort to
force its sling in. The disappointment of
thesjveetis very ludicrous. liontun w.
Ji.m Wuiisruu dropped iu on Uncle .Moso
during one of the holiest day" last week.
Old "lose suspeetid Jim was after a dram,
and sure enough, presently .Mm siys:
"L';ieleMosel feel berry debilitate; hain't
ycr got 110 refreshments." "Ycrwant refreshment-'r
Jess take dat cheer and -et in
the (lore whnr de biee.e kin strike er.
lleah's a palm-leaf fan." 'lua Sijtiwi'.
A Iron founder of Pittsburgh
has bought an island off the Alabama coat.
As ho Is known to be aillleted with agricult
ural weakiipssos, it 1- boUeed that he in
tends w fence it iu and run a farm for rais
ing steel cranes and breeding lfes-emcrpigs.
" Yov are a dhgnieo to your fitiiilh . sir;
I am a I moot ashamed to call you my son,"
said Mr. .Mnlthers to his offspring the other
da). "Say nothing, dad," leplicd the
young scapegrace; "I'm as much ashamed
of Has j ou tire. " W J'ait.
Tin: ecales used for weighing gold In the
asay olllees are so delicate that one glance
from a sijulu-.-eycd man will throw them off
Sana HmiNiiAUpr has drawn a plan for
her tomb. It does not, as might be Inferred,
re-omblo tho barrel of a shotgun or a joint
of gas pipe,
dikcovkuku or
Tim Positive Cure
for all those l'nlnrul Complaints anil WenVnesse
sueotnmou touurhest femule population.
It will euro outlrrly the worst f onn of Feuiala Con
plaints, nil ovarian troubles, liillammatton and Ulcera.
Hon, ''nlllnff ntul liplaeetiients, nniltlm consequent
Spinal Wenkne, and Ii pnrtlculAtly adapted to th
CliaiirfO ot Ufo.
It will dlssolro and expel tumors from tho uterus In
an carl? stage of development. Tlio tendrnrytocani
rvroiK liumorrUieroli cliit'lrd very upecdily liy tto nun.
It wnoTcs fftltitnrM, flatulency, drtroyaall rraTintf
for-tlmulanta, and rvllorcawcaknrM of ttia utmnncli.
It cure Moating, llefiiUclien, Nerrotu l"roiitrntlon,
(Icneral lability, SlteitlcurneFi, IH'jircmlou anil lndl
gratloti. That frfllng of bf aritiR donn, raining pain, weight
and barkarhp, la alvraya permanently ruttsl by lt uto.
It wilt t all timed and under nil elrctitnutanera act In
unrmonT with tliulawa that govern tlio frtimluiiytcm.
Korthecureof Kidney Complaints of either aeithU
Compound I unnuriuuuwd.
I'DUMMi prepared at za and SJ.1 Wentern Avenue,
I.vnu, Mum. l'rlco$l. Hli ImUloiifor $.. Hentbymali
Iu tho form of pllli, alto In tho form of loteiiKea, on
receipt of price. t perboi for either. Mrn. l'lnkham
freely amiwom all letter of iiHiiilry. Heml for pamph
lut. Addrem a abovw. Mention thli "(ijep.
No family should Ui without I.YDIA K. IMNKIIAM'0
UVCH 1'II.I.S. Thoy euro constipation, bUIouaoa
nd torpidity ot tha liver. CS cent Dor box.
Sold by MOIIIUSQX, PLUMMR 4 CO., Chingo, 111.
FOlt N.ll.K 11Y IMtt'OOINI'S.
'"or Urn Curo of Cousin, Cold-. llnnrccnrM, A'llima,
llruiif'hltlx, Crimp, lnlltii'iiii, niiiilm;Ciiiii:li. lneln.
tent Consumption, A.i I'rler oul) t renin u bottle
The Herald
of Praise.
bkni) on you it oiu)i:i:h kou hub
Now Book for Choirs, Oonvontions
and Singing Oladsos.
It Is tin work of I.. O llstKitsoN, nf tt ... preilom
hoiikH uf niiered murtle nliiiui hall a mi ruplm
IlilM' In en K11I1I. So flint Hie lusiie nf 11 i. ( hiirell
Miinlr llimk liy him Ih ii niilnlile ernt .In 1. 1 k liy
pre Iuiik experience, hh ninny us u liiinitn d n ikI
prrHuinture lo line ililn, the lust unit In m euinplu "ii,
1111' d fiuin coor id i'ovi r wlili in , fit'fcli, Inter, miuk,
liliirtliai liiu-lc mid wold '-peeltneu rupli k tmillcU
fur II. 01 The uiuul rediii'tliiit fur jiiait llltt-a.
In 11 eoinpnnliin honk to the
I In: M.t) oi' I'ltAiNy, and
In tiiteiidid fur Klni-liii?
i iiMwmHiiy. wan nu n Ter
ence to ehutr kIiikImk Ih niuleiit ate i-linlliir to
thorn' uf the excellent Hkuai.ii. hut iiialterH me cull-(It-iiKi'd,
ntul whatever Ih nut pirfeclly uppioprlntc fur
BIukIiik ClilHsen, In left nut
Specimen l,'tl'a Mulled fitvTti (Viit.
Tin iiKiial reduction fur iininttleH.
With (he Iiikai,, whli h Ik n mat real hook, ami tlio
IllCIIAl.llOK l'ltAIHK. which lx Hie lient pralxt liuulc,
ttncheiH and choir leaders will In fully iiiipped for a
suet ef ul mimical neatuii
CUAS. II. DITSON k CO., Sill HrosJivay, Xew York.
I.YO.V .V IIi:.I.V, Clilraifo.
itnhr 1 1 'mil is one oft hr Imt, rlmipnt iiml mmi rtlluhl
F'fkb iHthYirllantUhnwiiuihnfrlttlthrn tit .urrilf'rti
ym, hull, v It IH ' tho ' IWA l.ll'N III l"l.
UIDI.r S KOOI) receivesthe imtorHiiment of phjti
clans of all Hedonist I km or Id r IiieiinsofU'ieenU,
05 conts t 2.1 anil l 1!i. hi nnnirtho sicnnture of v. in, 1,11 every iiineii.
ar-oir C31xlll nnd 2J"ovor
Ouused liy Mnliirliil I'uUoiilnir if the llluod.
I?rIc--, l.OO. For sale by all IlruKfc-lnts.
itachtna tliut brut "'
Jllrd.rlls, .Moullor. Jr.,
slid lli Asliluuil tlotrr
Ilullers In a .cl.niino trlt
st tins roleilo, (I . Ksir Hrpt.
lith snJ Kith, IbfO, In lbs 00,00(1 K.rmfri
suit 1 ruiljcrutn of ir.t w. it.
Clmimillti't Ktrorl mullnl 'rre, SHI Ii l,,rs kolil hint eur.
atatt uhtrt bvu in uiriiiiiw?i HaKcrstown, Md.
PEMSIOMS DlJE ALL SOLDIERS o..,. ..iKi.ti. nsi.t. .i.
f failUlWllUllou It It liis..M I'., u ..I. . v.
VI, I limit, U.asn Peimlou Attiiine) llel i Mf nl enpalile
nnil encrm'tlo a ir liti iiiim ufthe Htilelet lntiift "
(apt Woodward Hajs 'Jiuluu Mi 'oimu k Is iiiort i in i
gitle iiutirlnir and tiimtwuitliy " Mi micii iv.najwn.i
Write hlin for ell cular Plko stis ta Illili;. I.11I1111..II.0.
Asents wanted. 15 h Dut msilo
sellluu our MINN' Illll'hI.IIOI.I
AKlTn.UHsnd CAM 1 1. V ft AM.'.
S trif l, up to ;. Ibi. .N. Il ul i,rp.
llOUks tIL Sdl.k. Co., Ciuimuali, 0.
. IIoiIkl-, tiu lilt burKMiii, St I.uiils, treats Piles,
XSupturv uud Fistula ft uli maveiu Mi Uiuknuu at.
I A F tPaaBasaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBasHBrWF SMI nH
THIS 13 yffo
THE J&&&&2
Aa It la for all of tha KIDNEYS,
It olaatiiM the aysttm of tha acrid poison
that oauita the dreadful lufTorlnB whloh
only the vlctlnia of IlhoumaUra can roallM,
1 of tho wont form of tuts tarrlblo dlfoM
have beon quIoVly relieved, la a ahort tlmt
has had wonderful ueeM, and nu lmmotuefc
sale In every partof tho Country. Iu hun
dredaofaaaaalthaaourod vthorooll else bad
failed. Uli mild, but niolotit, CKUTAINfc
IN 1TH AUTION, but uarinlem mall oaaca.
I.tfe to all tho Important organs of tliobody.
Tlio natural aotlon of tlio Kldnoyal restored.
The liver Is oWaneodor alldlioano.aml Uie
HoweU move freely and hoaltUfuUy. In Uila
J way the worst dtssaac are eradicated from
the system.
As It has been proved by thousand that
i Is tho moat effectual remedy for cleansing tho
system 01 aiimormu secretions. a siauuiuun
used In every liousohold os a
Always cures IUIJOUflUKfl.t, COHHTTPA.
TION.l'IL-KS and all rKMALE Disease.
lspntuplnllry Vffttable Form, In tin cans,
one package of which makes 'quarts medicine.
Also In Liquid Form, very Concentrated for
HIU Convenience OI lliupn niiui-niiiiuii-i.i7 iv
paralt, itaofirn.iiinl effltitiieuinttthtrorm.
OCT ITOrxuun liliuuiuar. riui;.., si.uv
.TVI.T.U Ut.'lllItl.KfIN' A Co.. Pron's.
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