LOOAL PERSONALS. Mi'H. Doit is visiting in Now Vork. Hon. T..J. Majors was in tho city Tuesday. Capt. .l.S. Miniok visited St. .loo last week, B. (J. Wiiittonioro is in Omaha this week. Andy Merger camo up from St. .Joe Tuesday. He v. 10. J. Willh is attending con ference this wook. .1. M. Campbell, of l'odunk, is in tlio city this wook. .. I I'ricoof Washington proeinot, is in tlin city this week. .Sam. Summers visited St. Joseph anil Chicago last wook. John Beach attended tlio soldiers' reunion at Lincoln last week. Hev. II. O.Scott returned from a visit to I'lattsinouth Monday. Jake Househkolb returned Satur day from Ids visit to Now Vork. Mr. and Mrs. 15. Strohle aro at tending the Slate fair at Omaha. V. T. lingers has opened his law olllco in tho room over the postollleo. Mr. B. Hammond started Tues day for Dead wood, I). T and the west. A. V. Nickel), wont to Kansas City Tuesday, to attend tho exposition. Andy Tynan, of Floweidale, Hichardson county, was in thu city tins week. Don Arnold and C'harlio Mc Laughlin aro taking in the Omaha fair this week. Hilly Hacker, who has heen quite sick for two or threo weeks, is able to out again. Charley Chatfleld ot St. Joe, visit ed his parents Sunday and returned in tlio evening. Mrs. Boss "Witchorly is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lottie Small, at Oina ha, and seeing the fair. Mr. .1.1). Yandervort, of Lafay etto precinct, gave us a pleasant call "Wedneseay. Come again. Mrs. Richard Hatchett and daugh ter ICato arrived homo Friday from a visit to f i lends in Wisconsin. Mrs. M. J. Loufhourrow, of I'e ru, called Wednesday to givo us some financial assistance. Thanks. Frank Wood, 2d Assistant Clerk of tho houso of Representatives last winter, was in the city Monday. -- Rev. Baird, of Plaltsinouth, for merly minister of the Presbyterian church, this city, filled the pulpit last Sunday in tlio absence of Rev. Scott. Those from abroad attending court are: S. H. Round, judge; O. A. Mullen, court reporter: JonnC. Wat son, prosecuting attorney; T. 1 Ste venson, and Frank Ransom, of Ne braska City. T. A. Bailoy, Dory Hacker, Theo. Hill, Rev. Scott, Sam Winters. Ned. O'polt. Ted. lluddart, Fred. August, Juo. Mercer, Dave Mercer and John Rainoy attended tho reunion, at Lincoln last week. Master Ted Docker gave a birth day party Monday afternoon of this week. About fifty of his little friends were present and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, playing games, etc., and an excellent supper in the exening. Tom Richards returned from the oast Saturday evening accompanied by his bettor half and the children, who had been visiting relatives in tlio east for some weeks. Alias May Pierce, a nieco of Mrs. Richards, accompanied them home. T.C. Hacker, postmaster of Brown villo, was a welcome caller at this office yesterday. "Dory," as he is familiarly known to his hosts of friends, is one of the pioneer printers of Nebraska, and as line a fellow as ever broke spaces. The porsonal friendship between him and a number of Journal folks is of twenty years' standing. State Journal. -- W. E. Wilson, well known as an educator in this State, has accepted the professorship of natural sciences in Coo College, Iowa. This college is under tho care of tho Presbyterian Synod of Iowa North. There is' a pre paratory department, and full classical and sciontillo courses. The grounds are within tho city plat of Cedar Rap ids, and are valued at $80,000. The building cost tf'JO.OOO. A boarding hall, twonlv-flvo rooms, for young women, is to lie opened in December. Mr. Wilson was married this summer to MissPlora Ramsdell of West Vir ginia. Lihrary JS'otes, It is pleasant-and it looks like nosH to walk through the big dry Is stores of Hrownville. J. L. Mc-' bus! goor (lee is slocked up equal to any prece dent. His stoic room is so full that there is scarcely standing room, and goods still arriving, and his house is daily thronged with customers. See his big ad. for particulars. Mcfleo & Moore, always carrying a big stock, have added, during the hist few days an immense amount of goods, and load upon load have heen hauled up from the depot, and the clerks aro as busy as they can be, opening, carry ing in, assorting, marking, placing in position, and attending to the wants of! customers that at all hours of the day and evening lino their counters. This week they also open a live thousand dollar slock of general nioichuudisc at Calvert, to 1, gin with, which will be eo'itiiiualiy augmenting as the trade de mands. See tho big ad. of McOeo & Moore. Stevenson it Cross, in their various lines are not excelled in south-eastern Nebraska, a section thioiigh a large partiou of which their trade extends. They now display, certainly the most excellent selections of stocs, especial ly heating stoves, for coal or wood, ev er brought to tliis market. They havo recently made queensware a notice able feature of their" businou. Dolen is fully up wiMi the times and the demands of tho trade. He is now opening many cases of his superb and tasty selections so attractive to the la dies. There is, after all, always some thing "new under the sun" being made for ladies apparel and decoration, and Dolen always has it. Read his new ad vertisement. Tom Richards, of the "Regulator," has just returned from the east with a large stock of goods hardware, stoves of all kinds and patterns, and every thing else for flic fall trade. Vo havo just received the finest, best and largest stock of heating stoves that wiib ever brought to this country, at prices that will sell them. Come and make your selections early. Stkvknson & Cross. Church Howe & Son, on Wednes day September uath, will have a public sale, at Walnut drove Stock Farm, Red ford precinct. The things to be sold consist of agricultural machinery' wagons, horses, cattle sixty-two head of cattle, '21 of whirh are milk cows; the balance, 2 year old and 1 year old steers and heifers, and steer and heifer calves. See misters for details. Stevenson & Cross curry a line of goods that no other house in Nebraska carries always glad to see old custom ers and new. and prices will be found as low as goods can possibly be sold. The concert of Miss Cora dates, with her music class, on the evening of the 'Jlith inst., piomises to be a very pleasant affair, and will npay all who attend. In addition to an otherwise splendid programme, a quartette from Lincoln, composed of four of the most charming singers of that city, promise to lie present and assist in the enter tainment. - We are doing a large trade in queensware ami glassware. If you need any get our prices. We will save you money. Stkvknson & Cuoss. - The grand jury of the present term of court is as follows: Wm. Delay, II. I). Ewan, Fritz Oostortnau. 11. M. Sto ver, Asa Day, .1. M. Campbell, Win. Milton, Moses Ranks, John Bright, D. S. Hacker, Win. Boatman, Jacob Cood, foreman; Paul Perkins, J as. Johnson, M.J. Fenu, Alfred Crane. - School books, of every kind at NiekolFs drugstore. An abcess has formed in the Pres ident's lungs, "not at all alarming." The parotid gland is real healthy. His original wound is "doing doing as well as could bo expected." Pulse U).r, temperature-00, respiration 20. Therefore ho is "improving wondorfully." - A nice lino of guns just received at pricos that will sell evory time. Stkvknson & Cuoss. der.nan l V"la on0 Kl,n .ot brick--120,000. Being a very superior article thoy command a higher price than anv brick we havo hoard of in this section of tho Slate. T N H 1 H A I TrAPF! f A LHJ VJ 1 JJJ1 IXJU flour, of alt Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee anil Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Dried nm! Cnuueil Krultu In Vrlty Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of Piijara and Tnlmtvft, and a full stock of Candies at 4B"l UCTS lTT'2. ETJAW&I&jL IZm fUTZXiS&KTiJ ZiSrazn Rest teeth $10, until Collins. Oct. 1'Jtli. Extra copies of the Advkktiukki . I A W VlnlN.H'o I i 4i. ... iiiisiwun. Oil cloth, brussels and hemp car pet, by Stevenson & Cross. Newton and Studehaker wagons for sale by David Campbell. Collins and furniture. a large stock of all styles by Stevenson fc Cross. School books and all miscellan eous books at Nickoll's drugstore. Want butter and eggs. Highest price paid by Stevenson & Cross. llliuil's 3reN Drill. Ill' best, for sal; by D;tvlI Campbell. Ruy New Home sewing machines. Light running and noiseless .Stkvknson & Cuoss. Hrownville has now and will con tinue to have Sunday mails at the usual hours, but only from tho K. C.St. Jo. & C. 11. road. for Sale. A good second hand Hoarse cheaji not wishing to keep but one. Stkvknson & Ckoss. "Wo are having JJvery pleasant weather now cool evenings and bright days, but no frost yet that wo have heard of. Courtland buggy and Harness for sale by the Regulator, T. HioiiAiuis. For a good Cooking Stove with the most and best trimmings, call on Wil ling Bros. & Jordon. Brownville Exposition open to all at Sam Sum mers' Fii'st Class store, as he has opened, the largest stock of dni goods, grocer ies, hats, raps, boots and, shoes that ever came to Drown ville- Call an d look. It dors not cost any tiling to look. The county commissioners met Monday this week and accepted and paid for the now bridge built by Mr. Wheeler near Jack Richardson's place. Sulky Plows, (he best made for the least money By Thos. Kiel, aids. The court proceedings in memory of the late T. L. Schick, Esq., being so lengthy and received by us at so late an hour, made necessary for us to print a "supplement" this week. If you want grapes for jell, can ning, putting up, leave your orderi at Stevenson & Cross. The Central Branch yard is full of material for the Missouri Pacific Oma ha line, and largo trains aro sent out daily. Fifty loaded cars remain in the yard. A tcjiison Champion. Gold, Coin makes the whitest and best bread. Try it. The latest stylos of picture frames at prices to suit the times. Call at tho Photograph (lallory, in Brownville, and be convinced. Also get Tannar to take your photographs and be happy. liiiiirulN for Hrownville. r !.. ..!. ...l c Air fii ., ner. received I first premiums and one .st.cond premium as awards for excel- Iimico on pictures exhibited at tho Otoe county fair. Brownville ia tho place to (it 'our Pictures. Furniture, large stock, low prioci. Stevenson A Cross. Coming- Look n H.lttieOtii. Titos. Richards, tho "Regulator," starts east to lay in a complete stock of hardware and stovs. Ho will givo the best figures. Remember, ho gives general uatiufaction. I The boss flour Is made by Henry Shiffer at Home wood's. Call for Gold Coin. The best cook stove, with tho latest improvements, you can buy of Stevenson & Cross. Call for Homewood's flour. Try it--and you'll use no other. - Co to Willing Bros. & Jordan for I vour hardware and fruit cans, powder and shot, barb wire, the Jolict, Baker and Scutts make, nails, door locks, corn knives, and the be.it assortment of guns' at the lowest prices. W. B. & J. Another far load of Bain wagons coming for Stevenson & Cross. Jill men that like to hunt will do well to call on S. M. Sumniers for their powder, shot, an d shell. And I. also keep the Baker gun, the best in the world, for wear and last. Call and see them. - Fruit Jars, low prices. Stkvknson fc Ckoss, School Furniture. I have receivod the agency for A. II. Andrews & Co. School furniture of all kinds. Samples at my furniture store, Brownville, Neb. W. A. J u DIONS. Farmers, you can't invest your money in anything that will pay you so well as a good Berkshire pig and why waste your feed on common stock or put it off when you can get tho very best cheap, of Stevenson & Cross. Come and look at them. Stkvknson & Cnoss. "Remember, Tine Advkktiskk is only 8l.ii() a year now to subscribers who pay in advance for one year. To any one sending us the names of seven new yearly subscribers in tho county wo will mail Tiik AdVKirriSKit one year in consideration therefor. Tho money must accompany the order, at the rate of $1.50 a vear. Bain wagons are selling very fast. Call on Steven.son & Cross if you want a number one wagon. tiik nitowrvviijMs mahkovs. Knllmvlni; tiro tint quntnttnriH nt noon on W'eiliu'Hilny, tlio tlmt if rhIhr to prnsH : LIVE STOCK. COmiKCTKI HY It. M. IIAII.KY, HTOOK DKAJ.hll AND MIIiri'KR. M'ts 5 Wlfiifi 75 rtttiPTH, fair to Pliolco ftl 73 Cowh, fill 2 00(12 50 OHAIS MAHKKT. COUNKCTKI) HY . K. DOUOl.AS, RltAIN DKAI.KK. Whom No. 2... .. .... l)5ft 100 Wheat No. ;) 80 00 Kyf (& 7.5 llnrloy iOCi 8S t'orn In tliao.ir (a 40 " uliHlled ja IS oardin Opposite the Sherman Mouse Hrownville, rVeb. E. J. HAWKINS, Proprietor. At thU nonrilliiR Mouftn, though not n hotel, Trtwelurs and lionrdtira aro tilurnya uted well; Tho proprietor mid Imly nre Jovial mmI ftlnil, Anil the waiter ohltsttifj; mi you'll com monly find. Thoy set n good tnble, with (jooil victual!) on It, Anil have n safo place for vour hat jnil your bonnet. Von can havo n ooil meal any time In tlio lay, And Ket tho full worth of all Hint you pay. If you aro fatinuod, thoy Imve neatu that will eftHO you; And If you are hungry, their victuals will plena you. If you think you'll do bettor ut Homo other plnco, You will find upon trial that thafB not tho oaso. And now at tho oIoho, permit me to my, If wsary or hungry, Jimt call round tlila way, And I am qulto biuo It will never humid, I am sorry I oiimeby any wlnq head, House.