1 1 UiWJI Ml MJ Lvai iTOrnngjitT.-qTirej:rTiirairtmrrimirTTm g-jarannmiii iii'mn iim upiwmnwjuinwg NEBRASKA ADVERTISER G. W. FairbroLhoi & Co., fnlillalirr A. fraprletnr. OFFICIAL LWIMJII.OFTHK COUNTY. fciHrrHPtawgriWfifinii iiMiinfflriififlririwTnfi!iM,irinrrT"" List of Lottora Homaining in the postoflleo at Brown villo, Nebraska, for week oiuIIiik Septoiuboi loth, li : Clark, '.loliti It. .lackmnn H. Donoll, Wm. Alwly, A.M. Gilo, Miss .1. M. M.ittcson, II. C. Ilurding.Wui. C. Walko, Mrs. Evil. I'OHTAI. C'AHD.S. Gordon, T.B. Foster, Mrs. Lucy Hiohards, A. L. Persons calling for any of the above will please say itdcertlsul. Olllcohoiirs On. in. to 8 p. nn Sun (Ihvii, from t) to 10 a.m. T. 0. IlACKKit, I M. School books at NiokoU's. Lincoln has 1'20 telephones. Berkshire hogs, highbred .for sub' by Stftvenmon fc Cross For first class groceries call on T. L. Jones. Our farmers are busily engaged with thoir fall plowing; Hardware and groceries, large stock of each, by Stevenson & Cross. Most Hread in the city at Aaron Palmer's and don't you forget it. A sure cure for diarrhoea and summer complaint at NickoU's.' r- It is now said Hint the. v,orld will come, to an end on November iMh. . When will the properly owners of the city be compelled to repair their old dilapidated sidewalks. Cambridge, Neb., in proud of a young womnn so innooent and pure minded that she remarked to her in tended the day previous to their mar riage: "Now mind! 1 won't havo a bady brought into the bouse." Too much caution cannot well be exorcised by our farmers this fall against prairie ilres, on account, of the mass of weeds and grass. Fires are liable to be fearfully destructive on account of tlio abundance of combusti ble material. "Wo are pleased to inaku a note of the fact that the UNION IIOTKL this city has acquired under the management of .1. G. Russell a popularity that it never had before. By the day it is only Sl.oO.yet its real substantial accomoda tions are liHt-clas comfortable rooms, good bods and excellent table fare with an agreeable landlord and land lady make those headquarters a pleas ant place for the average customer. Farmers, call and get your dinner "tor :i.r (Mints. J)iod in this city Monday Sept. 12th, at -1:15 a.m., Nannie It., daugh ter of ,1. II. and Jlottio Iloysc, aged 11 months and twenty days. The funer al services, conducted by He v. II. O. .Scott, took place at tlio residence on Tuesday 1:1th, 10 a. m To havo a little prattler severed from us, just learning to lisp the endearing "mama," "papa," is one of tlio saddest events experienced by loving parents. Only those who have passed the trying ordeal can know. Our neighbors and friends now called to put away in the silent, narrow resting place, their darling little daughter, forever, have the spontaneous heartfelt sympathy of the community. Monday evening this week was the time appointed for a meeting of the council to consider applications for saloon licenses, but there failed to bo a quorum present. Only two eouneil- men, Richards and Armstrong, and the Mayor and clerk, wore present. Mr. Broady was on hand as the attorney of the law and order portion of the com munity, with prepared protests against granting licenses to Fraker, Campbell or Kousehkolb on the petitions and bonds of these men, which failed in several essential matters of being in accordance with tlio law. There be ing no published time set now for a meeting of tlio council, the Mayor and clerk promised Mr. Brondy that they would notify him duly of the next time and placo of meeting and they will probably do so. The man that' Kinrl Heady killed was known here as ".Jim" Miller, but his real name appears to havo been Walker Miller. The parties lived near a little town called Smnrlville, a few miles west of Tecuinseh. Mrs. Miller, the wife of the murdered man, was in this city Thursday last, for the purpose, ro understand, of employing counsel to prosecute her brother foi killing her husband. .She was questioned regard ing the particulars of the tragical event that made her a widow. She said Kiiui, with her husband and herself, had been to Tecuinseh through the day, and went home together in the evening. Heady and Miller, each of them, had a revolver, and on the roajl homo they had them out shooting and handling them in a careless manner. The men had some unpleasant con troversy. Heady in some way got pos session of Miller's pistol, and refused to give it up when demanded; this led to further quarreling, and to a scullle, in which Heady hit Miller on the head with a bottle. Nothing serious occur red then however, and Miller and his wife went on to Ileady's hotisef where they were staying for the night, calculating to start tor ilrownville next morning. Heady remained outside the house, refusing to go in until 'Mrs. Miller went to the door and asked him to "come in,"thnt Walker was ail rigid now, not angry, and had gone to bed. Heady lefiHod.for awhile, but finally rushed into the house with a drawn pistol, boisterously cursing, threaten ing, and'llourishing his weapon. Mis. Miller threw her arms around him, begging him to desist and put away his pistol. Miller then got up,'a scullle ensued, Heady told his sister, who still had hold of him. to get out of the way for he was going to shoot. She seeing tlio danger sprang back, the pistol was fired at that instant.and Miller fell shot through the' body, and died within fif teen minutes. Heady, as soon as he had done his most blood work left the house and went over to Smartville. where the ollicers found anil arrested lia in. Miller told his wife, to go for a doctor, that he was going to die, and she iinmediarely started and went to Tecuinseh, told of the trouble, and had a warrant at once issued for her broth er's arrest." We stated last week that Heady killed Miller in defense of his sister. Wo had heard none of the particulars of the matter at that time and based our statement on a rumor and a prevailing belief amongst those best acquainted wi.h all the p-irties, that that was the cause of the homicide. This belief had a foundation. Some ten days ago Mil ler was in Iirownville, and while un der the intluencc of strong drink spoke pretty freely his mind onj a certain matter. He and the man who killed him but recently returned here from Dead wood, where they had been for probably two years.leaving their wives' in this neighborhood. Miller said to several of his acquaintances that he had evidence that his wife had played him false while ho was gone, and that lie intended to kill her. To one man hero he said: "When you go to Lincoln call at the penitentiary and see me, for I expect to be there or in hell before long." While there it not tlio least doubt that Miller talked in that way to sev eral of our citizens, who told us about it but a few days ago, it would seem from Mrs. Miller's story of the circum stances immediately connected with the tragedy, and her apparent determi nation to prosecute the slayer of her husband, brother though he is,, that everything was lovely between her and her huslmnd, or that she had at least as yet no great fear of him. It also appears from Miller's talk and threats at the time above stated that he had no love for the Heady boys, and that a bitter family lend existed amongst them, which needed only the stimulating iniluence of whisky to pre cipitate death and misery upon tlio participants. Heady did not try to escape, wo learn, and claims that he did the killing in self defenso. Hut his sister's testi mony will hang him or send him up for life, if she tells the same story in court that she does elsewhere. Tlio verdict of the coroner's jury was that the killing was premeditated and fel onious. The Courier and Post are strug. gllng manfully to get up a quarrol bo tweou Calvert and Sheridan. The main line of the 11. & M. will reach I'awneo City within 60 days. TROUBLE AHEAD! ww M Is now at a loss so know where to store the immense stock' at is arriving. This stock consists of all kinds of goods suitable tnat is arriving for the trade, and contains many Novelties in Dress G and owing to the short crop I am determined to make prices soj low that it will be to the interest of all to give me their trade By so doing I Guarantee to Sae Yon Money. We will take pleasure in showing goods and giving prices to all who will favor us with a call, that you may see and be con vinced. Very Truly Yours, 'Oity Market. The attention of the citizens of Ilrownville ami icinity is called to the meat market of .IONICS lmOTHKRS. at Body's old stand. Kverything per taining to the shop is neat and clean; meat is.kept sweet and nice in the ice closet, cuts to suit customers 'are Imudsdmclyiuadc by expert butchers, and everybody is promptly waited upon. The choicest beet and other meats al ways on hand. Try the city meat market. Xotic:. Mrs. K.J. Monaiian, of Maryville, Mo., will visit Ilrownville Sept. irth and remain three days. She will atop at the Union House wheie she will be prepared to treat all tonus of eye disease successfully. I lor treatment is a permanent cure for Granulated Kyo Lids and all forms of iullammatiouof the eyes. Notice Is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidate for teachers of the primary or common schools of this county, at the Court House, in Ilrownville on the llrst Saturday in each mouth. Philip Crothcr, '2 i-tf Co-Superintendeit. "WIhp lh ii mocker, mill Miong drink In rnnliiK." Tiikr l'uiciii.Y Asu Hittkkn. It Is not it t)tvcni;i'. luit a ii-mcly for all 111 olIi'otNof ltd excess of IntoxloutlllK Htlmil limlH, Don't taken drink liuforo break flint "Juki to wake you up," bpeuusp you feel ho stupid and languid. You aie sure to feel woi'M' us soon ns the ell'ect wears oil". Tiiku 11 Itllir Wino Kllissof 1'IIICKI.V Ahl! HlTTKItS. 1 1 will billllen yon up lor the whole day. s Paid for Wheat. The Jthjhest market price paid for j ami icicat at Glen Hock Mills. JO. UVDOAHTA CO, Now don't you forgot it. (iet alight i tinning Domestic And be glad ou have bought it. For sale at Wliittemore's, No 02, Main St., ilrownville, Neb. 'lti-'Jw. IV u ii tori. Jly a gentleman and wife, two or three good rooms, in house with anoth er family, with or without board. Ap ply at this oilice. A big new lot of tea, fresh from New York, just received at Nickell's Drug Store, and ho is soiling it very low. GRAIN ! Highest market price paid by D. M, Douglas & Co. Hest Hread in Hrownvillo at the Bakery of Aaron Palmer always fresh and clean. Give him a trial. Dr. Collins, Dentist, is absent from his oilice in Ilrownville on Wednes days and Fridays only. Fresh Bread, pies and cakes at ways on hand at A. Palmer's. The elegant White Sewing M tfiitit for sale by T. F. Seaton. New supply of nice cakoa and pies at Aaron l'alnior's. MGE oods and Trimmi I.EGJVL ADVERTISEMENTS. -v -V X I.ISTATK Ol' WYMAN KKNT drrenspd. Ill In tliii County Court of NpiiiuIih Ciitiie' ty Xehriiku. In Mm matter of ulliiwliig thu fltutl iiiliiiliiUlrutlon account of Jhiiipk K. Ni'iil tidniliilntriitor of Hie t-ntate of Wyman Kent deceased. Notice li hereby cl on llmt ipmlier Ullli, A. I).. 18X1, M la o'clock A. M.,it llieotllcu of the County Judue of N'u inaba County, Nebraska, In Iliownvlllo. Nebraska, lifts been axed In the- ciiuit nn Hip 1 1 tno nnd place for exiuiiintiibr and allowing mild account, when and wIiptp nil persons Intorusted May appear nnd contrst Hip same. DiittMl August 18th, 1881. .JOHNH.STrr.Ti. County JudgP. Notice of I'i-o hi ClitiiitK. I 7 STAT K of WnllPf Welch, deceased. In 1j the County Court of Npiniilm County, Nebraska, Notice Is hpri'liy iIvpi thatSpp tPtnber I7th, October Uth, 18S1, and April Hth IHVj.ui, 10 o'clock u. in., of each day, at the olllcp of tlio countyJuilKP of Nemaha county, Nebraska, In Ilrownville. Nebraska, huve been llxed by the court iisthe time nnd place when and wherp all persons who have I'lalniK.iind demands against said deceased can ha p the same examined, adjusted, and allowed. All claims not present ud at the Insi mentioned date will bo foru'ver Imrrod, by order of thn coutt , Dated August l!L'tld, 88l, 10-lw JOHNS. 81 IM,U County JiidteP. LEGAL NOTICE. Ni:maiia Co. XKiutAaiCA, Aug., 118,1831. To 1). Nell Heirs: You are hoipiiy untitled thftt tho following described real estatn viz: " I he southwest quarter of thn southwftst Uarter ot section thirty-one IttlJ town four 1 1 not tb of rnnwe seventeen I7J cant, poii iiinilug Inrty acres" situated III XrinnliH County Nebraska taxed In tho nauipof thn Npir Hplrs nnd was on tho 8th day of November, 1.S7U sold for the delinquent tnxea ol lh"8 auiountliiK to tlirre and (H liM) dollars also lot t ixes paid tor the year 187U amount 1 ni; to seven dollars and that tho tlmu lor the tcdpinptloi of thn inlil properly I above described from such tux sale will hx I pile at the end of threo months from tho i scrvlco of this notice. FIIANCIS M. DAIUEY. Owner of said ceitlllciHe, oy agent, S. A. Oshorn. NOTICM. NOTIOK Is hprohy Kivon ttint liliU will I ip reeel veil up to noon of Tuesday, tho Ith day of October, 1881, for the publication of tlip'proeiedlui;s and leal nottcen of tltu Count Commissioners court. Hy order of tho board, August 'iud, 1RS1. The liokknl leserves Hip rlnht to reject joijr or ull bid. HA.MUKh CUU1EKTHON. U-4w Co. dork. Bain wagons are selling very fast. Call on Stevenson & Cross if you want a number one wagon. 21 III 111 IV;, 2 3 ,gSsx2re-"? Bum nil Iff-; ISs-isiN S1" -S 2 ICS3b5- CD m ' r -s 3 ra eS ft- w . 'H s isa." s 3 . ., . , H a .zaT,ZQ " Q " ' -- ai-s2-?3 S &" i ft JO. O,. Dovcl. DHAIjEH IX y Groceries. Always on Hand Flour, Teas and Coffee,! Willi n full lino of. Canned Goods & Confectionery. Also, tlio very bebt Cigars and Tobaccos.; i Sunt of Pontofllco, Iirnwtw i).Twn Doors I vine, xoiirnrkii -y NEMAHA CITY.; B. BELL ANDREWS, M. D.f ( & lVcmalia City, IVcb. CuIIk in the Country Promptly Altcnd- ed, ddi or niijht. QIM5CIAL ATTENTION kIvpii to Mirftlpftli 011pimik of wointin mid Nurtpnl (llseasfH if tlip e. p. f. 7r l'HtluntH from itlirond nn bo furiilslietl with iilcuMunt rooms nnd nccoinmudiillons. iy H'Ot-cl LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, WKMAHA CITY NEB., f CoutrikUy lncatoil ; Good furo, mid no trim. I tilo npuipd to miikp Kiiosts oonilortuble Good burn for liorseM mid Charges Hcasoiiahln. IQMM 8 MIJVI&M GENERAL MERCHANDI i; Nemaha City, Nob., 1 .J. 13. XlliJES, LIVERY AND FEED SATBLE. ' Good btiBKloH nnd horses, clmrgpu reus- j otmblo. llPHt of enre taken of triinslpnt stoclc .vjv.T.fAi nrr, v:, ATTENTION, FARMERS! l'or your Agricultural ImplemontH, goto DAVID A. MORTON, Htl Houp una i- nfit-4 Tb jvl a in ' i- m Ji Wt3MM.2&r & BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Madoand ropolrod k well ni can bo done iw'iy whom, and alHliort tiollou AXJ) rXKY JiJlASOyUIiLX TJSJiMS, PHYim SURGEON Pnrm and Hprlus WRuons. Snlkv 1'inwu rrliiK 1'lown. Corn riimteru. Hurroui. iers, MownrH, CultlvutorH, Corn SliellerH me ijohs Toni?uptcks uuiliviuor.