Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 15, 1881, Image 2
Fertility or American Soils. Tho tonii fertility, as now generally tisotl by writers on agriculture, oxprois oh llio nnioiint of plant food that is pres ent in tlie .soil in a form to bo taken up by (ho growing crops. Thin fertility is bost measured by the crops which "the soil will produce, but owing to ho many modifying causes, it is safe to judge of tho stale of fertility of any soil onlv after throe or more- crops have been grown. A soil may bo rich, but for Home oilier reason produce, for o.xam pie, only a hiiiiiII crop of corn this year, owing, it may bo, to excessive dryness or the reverse, to poor seed and other modifying causes. It is a natural question to ask whence this fertility oonies.sind in what chemic al elements and compounds it consists. In answering this question, the features of an infertile or barren, or as it inmost frequently called, an exhausted ho, will bo brought forward as the natural op posite or fertility. A fertile soil, one I hut is capable under favorable circum stances of producing a paying crop, must contain all of those elements of food that agricultural plants derive from tlio soil, and, as before staled, in avail able form. This last clause is of groat importance, for the noil may contain a full complement of food elements, but have one or more locked up in some insoluble form, in which state it is of very little use. A soil that has ail these elements of plant food, without tlioir having boon added bj lite hand of man, may bo tunned naturally fortilo soil one that ot itself will produco good crops of grain, roots, etc. Such are tiio rich virgin soil of all now countries, as tho vast areas of the Mississippi Valloy, when they wore firpt broken by tho plow, and much of tho far West that is now noma brought into cultivation. A soil that is naturally poor or infertile may be made to produce paying crops, by adding tho elements of plant food in the form of barnyard manure, or its equivalent in commercial fertilizers. In the same way, a soil that was once naturally fertile, but has become poor or exhausted by constant cropping, may be restored to its original virgin fertil ity or kept in a sullioiontly fortilo stalo to produce good crops. This last is tho work of tho farmer in all old countries; tho keeping up of tho fertility of the Hoil is the problem, often porploxing and dilliciilt. that all farmers upon old land have to work out during tlioir whole lives. Willi tlioin tho soil is a 'machine," or perhaps more evidently, n "factory,11 in which tho plants work, and out of the crude muloriifls supplied to the soil, together with those fur nished by tlie air, thoy make tho sub stance of their stem, loaf, fruit and grain. In this sense a largo farm may oo a thoiisund-uoro "factory" whoro grains and "fruits, loaf and wool, are made from tho crude materials, which must in good part be supplied by tho farmer to t lie soil. Allot t lie farming in the countries of tho old world and much of that in tlie older-settled parts of tho now is of this "factoiy" kind, whoro the most successful farmer is ho who knows bust how much of tho raw material to put into the "factory," and how and whou it is bost to do'it. Ho is also tho one who runs the grain and loaf-producing "mill" with tliegreatest economy with tho least wear ami tear upon tho machinery, so to speak, and soils his goods at tho right timo and place.andtlioroforoattliogreatcstprotit. There is another stylo of farming which is more largely practiced in America than anywlioro olsoj namoly, the farming upon now and rich soil a soil that has a virgin fertility sutliciont to grow largo crops, and no addition of fertilizers of any kind is needed. The faot that wo have such land ami such farming is felt tho world over, and gives tlie American virgin-soil farmer certain important advantages over all who must food tlioir soil be fore a crop can bo raisod with success. It is simply a process of taking oil' from tho soil witli no corresponding return, and for a time tho products ot grain, beef, etc., can bo sold moro oiioaply than tho same can be grown whoro an expenditure must bo made in food for the soil. Hut as fertility is so largely dependent upon tho amount of nitrogen in tlie soil, and this is stored up only by previous generations of plants, any se" voro cropping in which more nitrogen is removed from the soil in tho crop than is formed and stored up in the soil during tho same porioil will soon er or later bring tho most fortilo soil to a state of exhaustion. Thoro is, therefore, an end, though it may be many yours henco, to tlio virgin-soil farming in America. Whou th's conies, all will engage in tho "give and take" system, or supply and demand" prac tloef that is, supp'ly tho soil with its quota of food, and demand in return a fair compensation for the expenditure, in the shape of a paying crop. When this timo comes, tlto competition be tween tho farmers upon tho now ami the old lands will bo moro hoalthful, and our system of agriculture will be come ovidont, bocauso common to all. Cor. Country Uenllcmun. How to Tack a Trunk. Tho art of packing is by no moans a common accomplishment, and the comic pictures which represent the girl ot the poriod despairingly sitting on her trunk, while tho maid-of-all-work vainly endeavors to look it anil tho ex pressman clamors at tho door, are scarcely as much exaggerated as ouo might suppose It is always disagree able and dillieult to paok in a hurry , thoroforo, it is wiso to begin in season, way at loast a day before it sooms at all nocessary to do so. Soo that your trunksuro in order, and allow ample time for any repairs which are to bo made, for mechanics, as many of us know to our sorrow, tiro moro apt to wuko fair promises than to keep them. Aftor tho trunks aro ready, got every thing together which is to be puoscd, and then go quietly and systematically to work. Very largo truns aro an abomination over which expressmen groan and swoar not altogether w thout reason. Still, short ones are ineotiveni cnt, except for short joiirnoH. and multiply expense, as the oxprcssago is lor each piece, be it Saratoga trunk or 1 smtul valise, without regard to size. j Hut whatever tho size of tho trunk, it j should be tilled, or at least packed full enough to prevent the contents from ! tossing about, if you aro compelled to lake a trunk which is too large for what you need to pack in it, fill it with I crumpled papor, rather than leave it half empty. Even experienced travel ers have only a partial idea ol the rough usage to which bnggago is subjected or how remorselessly trunks aro pitched about. Tlio train stops for two min utes, perhaps, and your new Saratoga is thrown- not lifted from the bag gage car down on tlio platform, and j then knocked around, pitched lirst on one end ami tlicn on another, until it would seem as though every fastening must bo wrenched out of place. In this condition of allairs, unless the trunk is closely packed tlio contents will bo lit erally churned up and down, and tho clothes, which you have carefully fold ed, wdl bo tumbled to a degree, even if nothing worse comes to them. Thoro aro expressmen, and express men, and it once happened to the writer to fall in with an accom modating one in a moment of ex tremity. At tho last minute it was discovered that the key of a trunk was missing, having mysteriously disap peared from the lock, and to this hour it has never boon found. (Jot a stout rope, inarm?" One was produced, and lie proceeded to tie up the trunk across each way, knotting tho cord scientific ally. "There, now, that'll hold. You see it's bolter to have tlio ropo both ways, so as the top can't come oil". A trunk strap's pretty good but a ropo's better, 'cause it goes both ways." In England baggage is always corded for long journeys. Nothing heavy, like books, otc, should over bo put in tlie top of a trunk, since the moro heavily it is woiglitod the moro likely tlto hinges aro to break. Drossss should bo carolully folded, with the tlounces laid smooth and drawing strings let out, tho waist folded but once the wrong sldo out, with tlto sloovos laid over tlio back and tlio fronts over all. Thou, if absolutely necessary, the basque may bo loldcd again down the middle seam of tho back but never across. Packing trunks for ball drosses como with soveral trays, one above tlie other, each capable of holding one dress and its accessories. At tho Parisian modis tes', whoro professional packers aro em ployed, the art of dross-packing is carried to perfection. Tito dross is taken, and if it is separate from tho corsage, it can bo laid m tho truv with only a slight fold at the top of the skirt. The train is spread out first; then every putt or fold is kept up by sott wads of yellow tissue-paper, white having been loiuul to darken white and dolicatoly tintod satins. This is to prevent tlio ereas ng or crushing to which velvet and satin aro particularly liable. Largo shoots of tho papor aro then placed over the whole. The wa st is next taken and laid out Hal. like a hat, upon tho papor covored skirt. The sloovos are filled with papor so as to retain the shapo made by tlio arms; every button is cov ered with paper, and under bond fringes, etc., aro laid pieces of papor to prevent discoloration or cutting Ovor tlio whole is then placed a final layor. When tho top tray is reached, and, perhaps, tho next ono also besido tlio papor a shoot of the finest cotton bat ting, such as llorists use, is placed over it, and, in turn, over this a layer of oil silk. This is a precaution against the penetration of dampness or dust. A clover American notion is that of adjustable trays which may bo lilted to any trunk, 'lliese aro merely tray bot toms formed of frames, with tin o lattice-work, and aro litlod in, whon do sired, by moans of adjustable end pieces, which hold them iirmly in place. Philadelphia I'rcss. Sell by Weight. Progress in somo tilings is slow M 'ny years ago nearly everything wuA sold by measure by tho bushol, quart, gallon, otc. Kilty jours ago salt was measured in a half bushel, and so was ilour. Hut thoro has been groat prog ress made in many articles. Hut there is a reform demanded in others. Thoro is groat injustice done to both buyer anil seller to sell eggs bv tlto dozen. Tlio eggs of the improved breeds of hens aro twlco as heavy as aro tho product of tho common scrub stock. There aro constant frauds in tho q.iart or fruit boxes of small fruits. Thoro tiro shortages, stealings and leakings in every box. Honest scales will not thus cheat. Hosides boxes, packages or measuros which aro professedly put up for a bushel, barrel, gallon, quart or pint, and which fall short, aro a fraud en the public, and should bo avoided by changing tho rule to testing every thing b' standard measures or scales. There is as much certainty in soiling wool by tho llooco at a standard for all lloeeoj, as to sell eggs by the dozen, or hay by the load. I no o'nlv right way of soiling all farm products is by weight. Justice can bo done in no other way. This is the bost st mdard tor so ling potatoes, tomatoes, whot.t, barley, oats, apples, berries, eggs, but ter, cliioko'ls. turkeys, hogs and beeves. Lot us have no exceptions. At present tho oxcoptions aro whoro tho groatost frauds aro perpetrated. Lot us have an opportunity of ordering by telephone from our grocer ton pounds of oggs,- Iowa btutv Jtcgistcr. Summer Housekeeping. It is in tlio dog-days that tlie souls of houekoopers aro most severely tried. Appetites aro capricious; dishes heartily ea en ono day and sent away untaste'd the next, wlilio tlio praiseworthy economy pra -tiend at King Arthur's Court, where " what thoy could not cut that day, the (juuen next morning fried," becomes an impossibility. Cook" ed moats will not keep long, even in tlio refrigerator, while cooked vegetables sour out of tho ice-cliest, or, it kept in it, become "flat, stalo. and un profitable." In this state of allairs it is well to fol low tho example of dwellers in hot climates, who livo principally on fruits and fresh vegetables. Dates and bread form the chief diet of the desert Arab, and tho hardy Kust Indian coolie sub sists almost ontirelv- on rice. Houillon, that is, lignt soup, fresh fruit, a salad, and coll'eo is tlio lioiiehmun's bill of faro for the hot weather. Indeed, nature in this respect as in others, is a law unto herself, and he who eats much meat in hot weather is apt to pay tho ponaltv for it in a ologgod brain and feeling of genoral heaviness. Hroakfast. especial ly, should in warm wether bo a light moal. Milk and oatmeal or cracked wheat, .soft-boiled eggs, bread, which however, need not ho stale, fresh butter and fruit aro far more refreshing and healthy dot with tlie tliormomotor up among tiio nineties than hot cakes and fried meat, washed down with hot coll'eo. Tho athletes in training for tlio Grook gamos were restricted to a diet of bread and milk and fruit, and in our own day the prospective pri.c-lighter is strictly limited in his supply of animal food. Dio Lewis gives it in his opinion that meats, except lambs and chicken, should be eschewed in hot weather, but then Dio Lewis would make oatmeal the stall' of life, and ascribes mostot tlio ills that flesh is heir to to intemporance in eat ing Yet, wliilo "ono man's meat is another man's poison," tho fact remains mat in warm weather much less animal food is nocessary than in cold, when tlio fires, so to speak, need to bo- kept up and an excess of carbon is required to keep us warm. In this state of af fairs it is a matter of congratulation Unit Nature provides us with so many dainty dishes, all ready to be oaten. Strawberries, raspberries, bluoberrios, blackberries and peaches may all como to tho table without the smell of liro having passed upon them, and, eaten with fresh country cream, aro " a dainty dish to sot before a King." Tomatoes', eaten raw, aro a sovereign remedy for biliousness. In tho country, whoro fruit and milk are abundant, ico-croani, that most de licious of hot-wont her dishes, oots but very little. Given a live minute freezer and a pailful of ice, the rich milk, or, 3till bolter, cream, has but to bo mixed with the crushed fruit, sweetened, and loft to freeze itself. Covered with an old blanket or pioco of carpeting, tlio process of congealing will go on slowly but surelj', with small aid from you, oven if jour freezer bo but a tin buckot, only in that case you must cut up tho cream two or three times from tho bot tom with a knifo while freezing, in or der to prevent the formation of crystals of ice in tho froeer. A popular fallacy condemns soup as too hot for warm woathor. On tlio contrary, it is one of tlio best of sum mer dishes, hi a woll made soup tlio process of digostion is half accom plished, and nothing else, excopt beef tea, containing as much nourishment can bo oaton with so little ollort. Veg etable soups tiro easily made, ami well mado a:o delicious. Against Hies, that plague of summer, two weapons aro powerful cleanliness and darkness. Tlio table should bo cleaned as soon as meals aro ovor and all crumbs carefully brushed up from table and floor. Tlie dining-room should bo kept dark botween meals; ' but it will not do simply to shut up the room. shuttingthotliesinit. Close every I door and window but ono and drive tlio flios out through that. This is by no , moans so dillieult as it appears upon papor, and praetieo enables one to bo- i como quite an export at tho task. I Air all sleeping rooms thoroughly every morning, and if possiblo sun tho mattresses occasionally. Often at night, when the heat is unbearable, a Vet i olotli strotohoil over the window blind will cool tho room as though a shower had fallen, and every ono knows how I watering tho pavement in front of tlio , door will freshon tlio hot, dry air. This principle of tlio reduction of tho torn- i poraturo by evaporation is capable of , much practical application. In India imd other tropical countries, whoro ieo J is almost unknown, tho uativos cool tlioir walor for drinking by suspending tlioir water-bottles, which aro of porous oarthonware, in a brisk current of air, I caused by tho punkahs or largo fans of i tho country, which process is said to aool it rapidly and thoroughly. Hut abovo all, tho groat secret of doing housowork with comfort in warm weather is to do it as much as possiblo in tlio oarly morning, rosting in tho middloof tho Any. Philadelphia Press. Tlio First Discoverers or Petroleum. It sooms to bo now protty conclusive ly established that long before tho dis covery of petroleum in this country 6tartod tlio onormous speculation in oil wells which culminatoil ton or fifteon years ago. minoral oil had boon ob tainod in Galioia, and its value as an il luminating agont do monstratod. Though wo woro tlio first to bring it prom inently boforo the world, and to intro duce it into gonoral use, wo must sur render to Galioia tho honor of having first found out that mineral oil could bo made to supply fuel for lamps. An Austrian mining engineer, Horr lloiurioh Walter, has lately contributed to a scientific publication of his court try two papers, in which lie presents proofs gathered with tlio most patient industry, and mado so complete that we cannot disregard them, to .show that so far back as tho early part of this century petroleum was obtained by two miners of Galicia, distilled, and success fully employed for il.uminating pur poses. Thoy woro Josef Hooker and Johann Mitis. and thov found tlio min eral oil between 1810 and 1817 in thu neighborhood of Truscovich, where thoy woro working sulphur and lead ore. Tlio first mention of distilled pe troleum occurs in the report of a law suit which took plat'o in tho latter year. In the same year "naphtha and mineral oil," probably distilled and raw petro leum, woro formally tested by a com mission organized by tlio Mayor of Prague. Tlie account of the trial in the municipal records declares that "naphtha possesses great advantages, both as regards economy and intensity of light." Accordingly tlio Mayor or dered a supply of tho oil of Hooker, to bo delivered within a specified time, but tho material came too lato and was refused. Nothiir moro was heard nf nntrnlnum until las;, when it, is mentioned as a mineral product in tho account of a mining notion at Starunia, and in tlio sumo year it was decided that the oil camo under tho classification of miner als subiect to a Stato royalty. Little revenue, however, was received from that source, tho product of tiio wells being used for wagon groaso only. Pe troleum was thus neglected until 1853 or 185-1, when a man named Schroinor accidentally discovered its value as an illuminating agont, and as such it be gan to attract scientific attention in Austria. Hut before it had boon brought into any use othcrwiso than experimentally, tho discovery of pe troleum in this country occurred. Then tlio product, which had boon neglected in Galicia for nearly half a century, was speedily mado known to tiio wliolo world as a cheap and admirablo illumi nating agont, ami it soon uocamo ono of tho most important articles of com morce. Moreover, it was an Amorican or an Americanized German, named Tocli, who gavo tho lirst impetus to tlie petroleum trade of Austria. Ho had learned his business at our oil wells, and, arriving at Vienna, at once taught the roliners at Horgsluw how to make their industry profitable. Hence, oven if wo must givo to Ga licia tho credit of priority in tho discov ery of petroleum, wo shall allow it only an empty honor, for wo were tlio lirst to bring tiio product thoy neglected, and with whoso value they failed to ac quaint themselves, into" general use as an illuminating agent, and to make it ono of tho staple articles of com merce. It was from us, too, throu"-li Toeh, that Austria learned how to util ize tho oil of tlio Galician refiners. Tlio question of lirst discovery is according ly moro interesting than important. N. 1'. Sun. New York Elevators. The din of Hroadway lias become so doatoning that tho higher up in tho air an oflico is the quieter and moro prefer able it becomes. Of tho scores of oflico buildings now going up or nearly fin ished there is only one tho Stock Ex change which is 'less than twelve sto ries high. The Stock Exchange is only four stories high, for tho reason that if it had been carried higher and the up por floors routot1 to brokers thu compe tition wou'd have boon so great for those oltices that ill-feeling would have been engendered. To find a down-town building with no olevator raises indig nation in any ono who lias to run up its stairs, and tho art of climbing long Uights will soon bo forgotten. At pres out it is wholly impossible to let an of fice on tlio fifth floor of a building not provided with an elevator. It is nUo to bo said that tho elevators of tho present aro far suporior to those of tho past. Tho rato at which thoso in tlio now and splendid twelve-story building at Hroad ivay and Wall stroot go up and down almost makes ono dizzy, but tho movement can scarcely bo felt. This afternoon I had occasion to make a dozen business calls, re quiring about iwo hours1 work in all. and out of curiosity I kept a record of tlio height traveled in elevators. lor cloven or tho twolvo calls 1 had to enter tin elevator, and twice I rotraced my stops, finding my man out tho lirst time. Adding up the numbor of stories 1 was lifted, 1 find that I wont up sixty two stories, or a total height of 806 feet, allowing an a vertigo of thirteen feet to oaeli story a very small average. This is nearly twico tlio height of tho great pyramid of Egypt, and any traveler who goos to tho top of tho great pyra mid in loss than half an hour on a hot day will bo ablo to estimate tho saving in strength c floated by our New York olevators. If all our elovators woro to break down at onco business would como to si stand-still. N. Y. Letter. To a protty young girl Sydnoy Smith onco said: "Do you" ovor reflect how you pass your HfoP If you livo to bohovonty-two, which I liopo you may, your life is spent in tlio following man ner: An hour a day is threo years; this makes twonty-sovou years sleeping, nine years dressing, nine years at table, six years playing with children, nine years drawing, walking and visiting, six years shopping ami throe years quarreling." -"What is your ago?" asked a friend of Mmo. do C. tho other evening. "Thirtv-ono promptly replied the fair Sappliira. "Oh, whbro do expect to go whon you dio?" gasps another lady. "I am thirty-four, and you told mo last winter, with your own lips, that you wero just my ago, my love." "I know I did, dourest, but it was only to console youl" French Wit, Who I Who I Who i3 ho that soos his own faulty oloaror than thoso of his neighbors? ' Who is hotter tempered at homo iu tho bosom of his family than away from it? Who is he that teacho3 his own chil dren to smoke? Who is tho man that realizes how his own boys know as much, if not more, i wickedness than he did at their ago? ) Who is tlio man that boliovos our present Fourth of .Inly celebrations as nveiy as tno fourtii or duiy ot our Dads P Who ovor thought thoy should ever got over it when the last girl shook 'cm? Wiio ovor thought they'd get over it so soon whon tho next ono came alontr? Who ever saw a woman that would admit her corsots to bo too tiglitP Who doesn't boliovo in buying clioap and selling dear? Who ever broko a bud habit off short and never picked it up again? Who ovor kept tlio good resolutions mao on tlio 1st of January solid up to tho 1st of February? Who hasn't a remedy for a common cold? Who contends that real good sense should bo called "common," when it is so uncommon? Who ever heard a nowly-graduato.d colloginn pick out the shortest words to express himself in? Who is working on tlio ilying-mu-chinc which is to bo successful in 11)00? Who gets up without a headache at morn utter twenty-live rounds of beer ovor night? Who now looks out for No. 2 boforo looking out for No: 1? Who wouldn't like to be rich for twenty-four hours? Who feels in a condition of blissful ease with a boy and a loaded dollar sevon-shooter seven foot oil? Who is ready to deny thut u cut or a dog thinks in their fashion as woll as we do in ours? Who would like to livo always "dead broko i" Who is now "dead gone" on tlie woman lie was head over heels in love with twenty-fivo years ago? Who won't walk a mile or two before stopping to take tlie little but trouble some pebble out of his shoes? Who smiles serenely on getting to the wharf just as tho boat is ton feet off? Who ever knew of a bald head ro nowed of hair by barbers' prescriptions? Who loves to pull off a wet shirt? Who would hire ono of tho Concord philosophers to market for a family-dinner? Who cares to live the same old life all ovor again up to tlie present timo? Who is the man that lovos snakes and won't kill them? Who thinks it did Methuselah good to livo 900 years? any Who is the man so considorato of his wife's comfort as to refuse to air his potty troubles before her? Who is tlio man that will refuse a railroad pass on principle? Who will kiss yon tramp for his mother? Who likes to write home from a "sense of duty?" Who? Who? N. 1'. Graphic. A Temperance Drink. Anions? tho thirstv nnn vosinmim. hunting up and down Woodward avenue for something to quench thirst was a man in rustv black, who iiit.,i ., drug-store and softly inquired: iiuvo you a temperance drink?" "Two or tliruo of 'nm. Will ,-,, take soda-water or ginger ale?" "Woll. now. Olir SOCmt.V linos tint. i-. gurd either of those us a strictly tem perance drink. Hoth are associated with strong liquors." " How would root boor answer?" " Suspicious suspicious," was the whispered reply. "Ah! I've got it now!" "Ah!" "I can give you a straight totn pcrauco drink as cool as ice, but it comes high." "How much?" " Ton cents a glass." " Very well," said tlio old man. as lie put down his dime. Tlio druggist was absent only a min ute and then returned and placed ughiss of liquid boforo him. Tho old man drank half of, smacked his lips and asked: "May I ask what you call it?" " Cortainly; it is called water. 1 just drew it from tho hydrant." Tlio excursionist sot tlio glass down much harder than ho needed to, but toned his coat, and, with a glance meant to reduce the druggist's weight to l'JO pounds in livo seconds, marched out as stiff as a bean-pole, and crossed the street after a lemonade flavored with peppermint essence. Detroit Froe Press. A dealor in suusugo told a reporter of a Now York paper, in u conversa tion concerning tho manufacture of that mystorious compound, that u manufac turer of thatcitj', who onjovs a wide reputation for the flavor of his goods, could take anything in the shapo of moat and turn out a good article. Ho explained that by the uso of chemicals tmti-soptics, so called rancid moats, veal that has "sort'or gin out," bull beef, etc., all can bo ground in good shape, seasoned, cooked and smoked; in fact, bull-beef is eagorly sought for, on account of its peculiar llavor, 0119 tomors agreeing that sausages of this description are "bully." Said Miss A. to ono of her littlo girls at Sunday-school, "What' the moaning of good tidings?'1 "Thov'ro the things hung ovor tlio backs of rock ing chairs, ma'am," ropliod tlio four. year-Ola. Boston Post, 4 )