Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 15, 1881, Image 1

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    'XJt s.iX -jti, i tt M"ttr.wr.or:
VOL, 26, NO. 13. '
Uiaoit Jf apOl' 1U thO SttitO. J iwv i . .... i J. u i.iJJJ.ii., - w v.a.-v. 7 iw. . ...v, .Vwa.t I Will UU
tT.r ,-n--P-rTv..rr.rrrit iMTjvgcitKru T:iiUAm.wirnrett'mtrwrtaw r-Uv irrtwmmuMiwij.-.a'.rfj'tr.u
f i3zraamunMTTBjmDMiviaaKmv.mmMiMirtaaBi.i ir.JS.
5I fiflilJ ll jlf
T II. II 0 A D Y ,
V Attorucy nml Counselor nt Ijiiw,
llrowiivlllt .Ncli
r s. s t r LL,
OillcBof County Juilh'c, Ilrownvllto. Nebraska.
A S. IF 0 L li A I) A Y,
il t IMiynlclan, Surgeon, Oltfltotrlnlait.
(iraduntiMl In 1851. Located III nrownvllle 18M.
Olllce, II M.'iln street, llrownvlllc, Neb.
Work iloiio to order and satisfaction tfitaranteed
Klrst street, between Main and Atlantic, llrowi
S. Ai OMioltN, Notary I'ulillc, O.W.TAYI.Olt.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Browuville, Nebraska.
1")H ACTICK In tlio Htnto nml Ffilernl court.
MpeMul nttuntlnn given to colleotloiiHntnl
union of real natrtto.
p A T C L 1 X E ,
CUSTOM WOUIC madoto urder, and Ills nlway
Ki'iirivntccd. ItepatrltiK neatly and promptly done
Shop. No. 'JT Main street. llrownvllle.Neb.
Kunner.s, please call nml got prlce.8; I want
10 handle your stock.
Olllce First National Hunk.
General Merchandise
Iiry Goods, Groceries, llend.v Made dothlni:,
Hoots, Hlioex. Huts, I'npx. nml it OoihtiiI As
sortment of DriigH utul Patent Medicines.
xttj. lllghoHt paid for luittor and
I will make Mortgage Loans
8' S. Annual Interest.
. Attorney at Law,
ShrrMau, AV. '2m'.)
Jacob SVSarohn
Strowiivlilo. :V'lr:ilta.
nnd doalerln
FiiipKimllsh. Ktoiifli, Srotrli nml r'linry Clot li
Vest In.s, lite, Ktr.
William H.Hoo srer.
Does n general Ileal Kstate llusinoss. Sell
I.amls on Commission, examines Titles,
makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru
ments pertaining to tnu transfer of Ileal F.s
tutu. It as a
Complete Abstract of Titles
to all 1'hhI Estate In Nomnlm County.
1 Arnioiiizi;i) hy tiik r. s. uovkhnjiknt
First laiiona! Ban
Paid-up Capital, $o(),000
Authorized " 500,000
General Banking Busines.
an all the principal cltlei of the
United States and Europe
On approved nerurlty only. Time Drafts discount
ed. Mid special accommodations granted to deposit
rs. Dealursln OOVKItNMKNT llONDH.
HeceWed pRjmblu on demand, and INTKIIKKT nl
Uwi-Jon tlmtccrUtlcattRofdrposlt.
DIHKOTOnH.-Wm.'rTTien, a. M. Ilalley, M.A
llMidloy. Kruk K. JoIihioii, Luther Hoadley
Wm. Kratstier. , . ..,,,.
A.H. PAVIKON. Cashier. Prnddt
,O.McNAUaHTON.Asst.Clkbltr. .
C. L. Burroughs, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
onic in a. w. n kkll s nitro 'htohi:.
.,.."" 77".. i , . ,.
All calls promptly nttoiiiled lnv or nlglit
sp.'c.iiiniioiitioii to MTitdKKY.
(.'an bo fmiml nluhts at Mrs. I'iiscoo'n resi
lience, wimI oi Pioshyterhui Church.
1 nest uinriiiiie mil one eniiroiy now, one
liciti In use two years, wlilcli I will sell
cheap tor cash or on time. Aleo,
Two Farms for Sale,
In the Immediate vicinity of llrownvlllo.
Oooii tiearlng orchard op each, ami plenty
of wood iiihI waier.
jt7& eusiwnnY'i' Z-Zrir ""jf"
A-riSfWrtt'tK- vt;ft. jj"-
eh 5 vn if3 "I
w. t
i rt )i
u a una "i'J S
Opposit I. umber Yard, M.iin St.
AT - -
Special Accommodations fop
Driver Furnished
when desired.
Horses boarded by the day or week,
and Fanners' teams fed and cared for
at fair rat'es.
How Lost, How Restcred!
.lust pnlillsle d n i'v dltl'in of I Jr. CulVcrt
wi'II'h Celehrnti d I'miij on the r idle) cine i.l
Sierinatorrliileiioi- seminal Weakness. Ii.vuliin
tuiv einliiiil I'x-ei. Iitiii(.ti-w 'Meiilul and
l'hyilciil lnciiimi Itv, Iiiipeiiiinenls to imirrluijo
if : aisii. ..n-i Me i iiin. r.i'ii y est ami ins, in-
tr hi until iittif
.hicMll. H.II ln.l..lK.'i..-.., Mutual extr,vKam,..
T'liocelehra' In this iiilnitratile K-Miy.
clearlv deriioiiHtriiics. from n thirty wars' mi.. -
cessful pmcileo, thai the nlarmlinrcoiiM'iinenei-so!
sell nhiis" nmj Im rndlCrtlly cured; polii'liiK out
a mode of cure at .. nee KliiipUM'i'Ctnln. and elllct-
mil. hy menus i.l'wlilrli ( very snirerer. no matter . hi- eoiidlilon innv tie. may cure 1 self' t.rll'iit. It unit f.nllr'.ill V
!.'l his I. eel ore slum Id he In the hands of every
yiuith and every mini In the land.
Sent undersenl.lii h plain envelope, to anv ml
ilri.u niwi .niilil. un n.iw.ltit ol'rilv cents or two
niistnKc stiiiiip- Ve have ulso u sire cure i
for Tn pc Worm. Address j
II niist.. New Voi'U, N. Y. P.O Hot. .15S. I
IS ly
-'3'vs3Efri2EEBM73SA( '
i tq-i ,KT'L..-1
At BrOWnVUle, IN eDraSJKa.
()N. T!ii..
ATiocirmri "RivPl1
lYllSO 1 1 I i l-J v i. .
tt r-i nr n f A T
!U W D U a J ,
Kates Low,
J to a ls Good,
Tudcniuitii Ample.
Connects with all Trains.
LDICiv5 'I ' ill"-""- WHImi .bo.IJM.4tnf
who irt Imoll.l with l.eerr.M
i y i.h. Alhi..ArWblt.iahri.H...rf fr
Prr. lUrrlt'PsniplilMdlluitratii
k I'liln) rl.lur Jricrilie tl !" ntmtc,,ml ihowuc it.
..!........ Tk. .imh..t .. i.ljlfct. tO IE llJff I. dmli
..It bdllb, .!( illrii.rl, mule.1 IrraliiiM.
ki.i rr... HARM: IttUESf UH ST. 10UU, M8.
" tMkirvl. VMAKlYfO I. ... .it 1.3 full
Pi M ft J ' irif .1 lf,"r"1 " rJ " '" rri
lm ,.ru.j m M .i. Nifcii ru..'t Ci,Ki. itK tu.
fit wti? iH m f M H "
, &&&VHJi&&vm
E5Z& ni 'TI.7b.J
&I&. 1
3 vT fy a W 1 Yf w tVf esn m in
s-r..,v.''r!BKM- 1 1
"' -41L' -H -4 l
7?l SwflSa? " ,P"nT"r,IlLl- ilIi' nceessity, however, of now calling
i-. i. I lTrT-r.Trmrrrr.T-ifji-JSSSKr4 " " n..,,. t !,, ri,. l,-,.ui,!i.tit M'be ''ovei'll-
tfvlLw F ilSlMiS KL , ".ent can get along w.ll enough until
VV?H:ualair the meeting of Congress, as there is no
3S& ' 3mkm&-- "'orossity tl.ut the Vice President
4.AA.V?fflr2iSfe?WRV.-t'-rt slioiilil net until inst about that time.
Arch Hishop llcnni, of Milwaukee,
died on the sth iust.
I Hustings, Midi., with a imputation
of a.tmo, lias over ifiu oases of tliptlieria
inud nearlv all eases aro fatal. Filthy
'streets and impure water are the causes
Hon. Hruno Tzsehuck. ox -Secretary
of btatt", has liuon recommended by
hoth of our Senators to llll the vacancy
occasioned by the death of Hon. K. II.
Holers, as consul to Vera Cruz.
Travelers are, as far as possible,
avoiding Missouri these times, and
will continue to do so until they can
be better assured of protection to life
and property from train robbers,
i Some New Yoikers recently were so
I crliel as to hanjj (iuiteau inetlh;y. Now
we could stand and see the wretch
scalped, or choked till Ids tongue would
loll out a foot, but to Iiuiik him in
ellitry! its too horrible.
rtejiurdliitf the method of disposing
of (Iuiteau, the wounded and sulTcring
President made one of the greatest
utterances of his life. And it was
this: "This Nation is too great to look
for mere revenge Hut for security
for the future I would do everything."
During the trip to Long Su
perintendent Kly entered the presi
dent's car and told the .surgeons that
they had gone the last seven miles in
live minutes. .Some one. then asked
the President if he thought they were
going too fast, and he answered : "Oh,
no; let her go!"
(leneral Xoyes, late .Minister to
France, says: "American financial
prosperity is a marvel to Kuropeans."
Ha run Iiotlisehild said to him recently:
"The llnancial prosperity of the United
States is without a parallel in the his
lory of the world, .you are drawing
froin till the t reasurrra of the old world
to llll your own."
(Sen. (Srant recently gave the follow
ing sensible opinion to an luti'i' Orrtni
man regarding the disability of the
President and the duty of the Vice
President in the situation:
"Regarding the inability clause in
the Constitution. Do von deem that
- ..... . . ' ... ....
chnmo miii il Will ilc to ii.'ir ier.1 s case ."
,t n(lloll,,t t,,ilt ,lt (.OIlitioH
( aHail'S CXistS tO-dilV I'etltlirillg tllC
I ',""" . ' . ".
ice President to act, o'tt 1 11111 tllt'ie
; iii'Mviiim in t lie Cilimt it 111 iilll nor
i IS " piOMSIOll 11) lilt ' iMISUl llliun, inn
has ailV (tll'ort been made bv COIlgl'C.SS
,,' ul, .:,, i...... .i, (iiUI1liili.
ty shall be declared. While such a
state of affairs existe.l. it would be
wholly inappropriate for the Vice
President unasked to make a move
' toward assuming the duties of the
) presidential chair. I supposo realty
, what should be done in a case of this
I kind if anything a ere done at all,
land I don tt'hiuk it N necessary would
1 be for the attending plivsicians to cer
Itify to the Cabinet that in their opin
Mon the president is tin.ible to perform
i t hei nt cs rcmiirwl o him. rlmn lie
('abinet.asa whole, might consider the
certilicate of the plisii,ians, and for
ward it to the Vice President with a
rciiest that he come forward to act as
president during the disability of the
(resident. There is not lung legal
about it, but I don't 'e that there
could be anv other wav in which it
could be doiie. I don't think there is
u :u ,.,. ,.,.!,i.. ,,,. tlm. (lie I'rcsi-
dent can hardly be in a condition by
i the convening of congress to make it
j safe for him to have the trouble and
mspmiHibilities of the ollico on his
hands." ,
I "(Jeneral. whvisit thata lowof the
! papers throughout the country attack
i Vho nj,,,!,,, Arthm in such an un-
seciulv and unciillei
11- iii'i i I l nil '
n uimiii i
..,... !
.111 ifcli. itllVIUIv. -
''riii.v.'irr. but :i few of your excel-
rfnntS!ififhi.leuirf) l'0(ml w" ll li , "" "" ,lt
tlm 1 inn. Im V!is noiuillilted sucii men,
for instance, as Medill.cditorof a sheet
called the Tribune, and his faithful
follower, a man by the namo of Shu
man. These men hae attacked Mr.
Arthur until some people who do not
Uiwiw him have reallv been convinced
that he is what they have represented
him to be I think it is a misfortune
that von have got such men as those
attached to dailv newspapers in a world
made up of such peoplo as this is.
Still, we will survive this misfortune
as we have survived other misfor-
' tunes "
Rivor Injprovomont Oonvoution,
The executive committee- of the- SI,
liouis Merchants exchange have called
a meeting of those interested in Mis
sissippi river improvement, to bo held
in that city on October lie. The con
vention will be composed of delegates
from the states and territories in the
Mississippi valley, governors being au
thorized and requested to appoint ten
from each hoard of trade or cotton ex
change, two delegates for each one
hundred members, these bodies to be
entitled to at least two dolegatt s.
From corporate cities of Mississippi
valley where no boards or exchanges
exist, two delegates from each to be
appointed by the mayor of such city.
In the otllciat call issued for the meet
ing, II is stated that within the urea of
states and territories drained by the
Mississippi and its navigable tributar
ies is produced ninety percent of the
corn, seventv-three per cent of the
wheat, eighty-three per cent of the
oats, sixty-four per cent of the tobacco,
sevonly-.soveii of cotton and sixty-six
percent of the value of the live hogs
of the whole country. In ad lition to
the vast supply of food and textile pro
ducts, the abundance of coal, iron and
timber mark it as the seat of manu
facturing industries, thegieat and un
questioned source of American pro
duction and national leveuuc. lOven
in the present imperfect condition ol
navigation one-seventh of the amount
of his vast production which enters
into the export trade if the country,
goes to the ocean by way of the Mis
sissippi river at a of less than one
Ihird at which it can be carried by any
other route. i'.vriiiHin.
Hrownville is entitled to two dole
gates in the above mentioned conven
tion, and we presume Mayor Handheld
will make the appointments in duo
time, and appoint gentlemen who will
probably go if appointed.
Oucvod Pitohiiig.
Tho Providence (It. I.) ,onnwl thus
settled an important matter:
"The question of curved pitching has
attracted the attention of scientific and gentlemen for (lie past
two years. a"d there have been those
who stoutly alarmed that it was an
utter impossibility for a pitcher to
curve the sphere in the manner no oftun
described in the reports of ball games.
A special committee of the Proudencc
Franklin Society, appointed to investi
gate the question in relation to alleged
curves in balls thrown by skillful
hands, made a report to the society at
a meeting to the ellect 'that after three
stakes were placed in a direct line, at a
distance of about thirty feet apart , the
ball was thrown by a person standing
behind the Hist stake ill such a man
ner that it passed to the right of the
lirst stake, to the left of the second,
and to the right of the third. The
ball was then sothrown that it passed
to the left of the first stake, the right
of the second and the left of the third,
thtisdemonstrating the fact that the
pitcher has the power to cause the ball
to curve to the rightor left tit pleasure'
The committee gives a scientific ex
planation of the curvi-linear motion.
The society .should receive the thanks
of the fraternity for 11ms intelligently
solving tho mystery, and am'ateur ball
lossers can practice with a fair pros
pect of success if tho rules aro fol
lowed." Ifthis full's campaign is carried on
as Hro. Moore, of the Xemaha (irunwr
suggests, without holding any county
con'ventioin if will be extremely neces
sary that you announce yourselves.
nhi-i'ltlun I'nsr.
The Post, although it but a few
months ago, claimed to be the "leading
Itepubllcan paper of the county" has
not a word of condemnation of the
Uniii'fr'ti suggested plan to beat the
party. That's t lie kind of a Hoimblicun
organ the Post is. The preponderance of
the mercenary feature of that sloppy
sheet, over party ami principle, is very
apparent in its bid for tho announce
ment of independent candidates. A
true Republican paper would not make
such a contemptible exhibit of itself,
but from a higher standpoint would be
found advocating harmony and solidity
in the party, and discouraging inde
pendent cand'idates rather than invit
ing them into the field. The Post, we
infer from its own words, would give
tho party away for three dollars. And
yet that bastard is constantly whining
because the county ofllcers refuse to
give It the county printing.
Traits of character which you seek
to conceal you had bettor seek to re
form. Proud hearts and
are always barren,
lofty mountains
fiuileau wan Mi years old on tlm 8th
Two daughters of Unhurt Williams,
atWhltmiU, Vu cut oir their father's
head with an axe, and then lied.
Win. Hoherts was killed at Omaha
in a brick yard by a slido of earth.
Aged '21 years.
In the recent train robbery near In
dependence, Mo., the Kxpiuss cmnpany
lost only about griGO.
Southern California wantj to1 Hpccilo
and assume." the duties of n sovereign
and Indcpfindeiit Slide.
There are is,it ui Christian converLs
in China, and tint gain during the last
three yearthauliean at tho rate of an
pur cent, '. .
India hnsu population, according to
the centum just completed, of Jfta.mio,-
Five hundred and fifty Mormon con
vi'i'lH, 'hvistly from Switzerland ami
(Sermany, are en route for Ptah.
At PateiMon, N. J., a man named
Shori;och was killed by being struck in
the stomach ny a base ball. Jle lin
gered but a few minutes.
On n recent Sunday at Xiobrara, Nob.,
a saloon keeper named Sohumukor shot
and killed Win. (Selkirk, ll years old.
on Home slight provocation.
In some respects the gentler sex far
surpass us. No man, for instance, can
deliver a lecture with a dozen pins in
his mouth.
While Cliiia. Dotoniuu was mowing
recently near ("Sraml Island, his little
uireoeai old sou ran in front of the
machine and before it could be stopped
one of the child's feet was cut off near
the ankle.
Iti is estimated that 'Hie loss of life by
theinish fires in Michigan will approx
imate '2nd. An appeal hits been made
to the whole country for help for the
lioi.H'less sufferers.
Active rcorujying to llll vacancies in
lite (United Stales army is going on in
WaSilugion, and recruits and olllcers'
...... fli.l ....I .1 I,. ..!........
li iiriiij; ui inn I'll iu ,iii.wiiii, i- (.
The Chicago and Alton HailroaUf
.minorities do not believe that tin
James brothers had anything' to do'
with Hie Cilendnlo robbery. They be
lievv the offenders to he 'tlm residents
of till neighborhood, who aro a despoi1
ato ifnd lawless gang. ' ' "'
J -Wr.-.Tumeri , Kuonn is
have lost si,ro(),ouu fooling with Han
nilt.'.l and Si. Joe stock.
The Iowa Melhndists in conference
assembled, declare the use of tobacco
sinful in Hie sight of (Sod.
loliu It. Douglas, i a farmer near Col
umbia City, Ind., suicided recently by
hanging himself iu his barn.
Iletwoen the Apaches and the Mis
souri savages, railroad traveling is bo
coming decidedly perilous.
Marshall Hoherts, near Annil, 111,,
recently murdered a man named
Adams. Mrs. H. was at the bottom
of it.
A box left as security witli a Phil
adelphia hotel keeper by C. Hunston.
now in tlie Maryland penitentiary, was
opened by police and found to contain
a valuable diamond ring and Tinted
States bonds of the value of Slw.OOO.
(lovernor Crittenden lias issued a
a proclamation calling upon the(pcoplu
to rise en and cxtci initiate tho
train robbers. He litis gone to Kansas
City to consult with the authorities of
.Jackson county, regarding the appre
hension of tho robbers. Fully 1,000
men are organized into posses from
Kansris City, .Jackson, Lafayette, Clay,
Hay, Clinton, and Salina counties, and
are now in the Held under command of
sheriffs and marshals.
Tho Hcornitfrnir Sorvico,
Washington, Sept. 8. Owing to
the number of recruits required to llll
the army to the required strength, tho
standard for artillery and infantry is
fixed at ft feet 1 inches and upward;
weight l'f) to UK). "For cavalry, 5 feet
I inches to ( feet 10 inches, weight not
to exceed Hir pounds. Hecruits jind
ofllcers tiro being ordered to Arizona.
A Mississippi farmer dashes cold
water into the ears of choking cattle.
This causes the animal to shako ita
head violently, and tho muscular action
dislodges the obstruction.
Wisdom is better than riches. "Wis
doin guards thee, but thou must guard
thy riches. Uiches diminish in tho
using; but wisdom increases in the use
of it.
The campaign is too one-sided in
Ohio for any fini. Foster is walking
over the track. Inter Ocean.
Tho waters of Illinois tiro being
slocked with carp fish.