Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 08, 1881, Image 8

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    wiwimiiiwiamiHiHiuimjuHmniujmigmin umnMmjmummtiwr.oivmjMiHiviMimitiimiiun)iurim.iuiiMnm wmiMid
Wlmta Oomot Did,
In 17 Iii, WhiHton, an oeeciitiic Mil
lciiiiiiaii diviiiu and atilroiiuiiit.-.', who
MHTud as ili'jiuty to Hir Ihimiu Ncwtmi
wlion I'rolVrtflor of Mathoinalit'H at
CamlnidKc, Kiik., juodictttd Unit, sit-nin-ot
would iipK!ur at nouii on Wednesday
Ort. II, and that the world would lie
destroyed by lli'o on Ihu following Fri
day. Tin1 comet eanie and had an ex
traordinary elfect. Moio than one
huinlroil (dcjKvmen waitiul on the pri
mate on the Wednesday to request thai
proper prayers mitflit la; iirepared, and
thousands o(' men, who believed that
the end of the world was coming on
Thursday married women with whom
they had been living. Many people
embarked on the water, thinking that
safer when the lire came, and Sir (iil
bert Heatheote, chief director of the
bank of Kii'land, issued instructions
to the lire officers to keep a sharp look
out on the bank, on which there was a
prodigious run, presumably by those
who thought that, though they brought
nothing into the world, they might he
able to take something out. The cap
tain of a Dutch ship in tlm Thames
threw all his powder into the rher.
Whlstou is onlv remembered now by
his translation of .losephus.
Cincinnati Is about to inaugurate a
' new and Important rule in I he common
schools, vi.: Abolishing grammar and
its senseless rules, anil substituting
therefor elementary lessons in the
best Knglish. Cincinnati educators de
servo an acknowledgment of. thanks.
Many of the best teachers in the land
have for years practiced this. You
nun just as easily leacli a noy to he a
mechanic by showing him theories, or
teach him to swim before going into
the water, as you can teach him to use
elegant English by a set of rules and
exceptions learned parrot-liko. Years
of the life of every boy and girl are
thrown away in pushing them into ab
struse sciences, when they should be
learning to spell and storing the mind
with valuable and practical facts id
of historv. geography, etc. A gram
mar should not. hi; placed in the hands
of a child until he is well advanced
and the mind in a fair sense matuied.
Inter Orcati. I
The Now York ICn niii; ' Post, al
though formerly very abusive of Vice
President Arthur, has changed its tune
sulllelently to say:
(Jeneral Arthur is as difforunt from
Andrew .Johnson in temperament and
training as the circi instances of the
country are different from those of
Andrew Johnson's time. He is a man
of education as well as of all'airs, of an
amiable and yielding disposition, and
hence more likely to be imp essed with
tho responsibilities of his new station
and the fatality through which it fell
to his lot than a person of narrow
mind and headstrong tomner would be.
The duty of the people "to him in the
event of President (5ar '.eld's death wili
be no less imperative and binding Hum
his dutyto thorn. He will be entitled
to the forbearance and conlldenco due
to one who has neither souglit nor ex
' peeled the Presidential otllce. but who
assumes it in obedience to law anu
under very trying eircuiiHtauees.
There has been drouth in Pennsyl
vania, too. A Philadelphia telegram
says: Great damages over the .State
aro reported from tho long, drouth.
Hivers aro lower than over before.
Springs and wells ate almost dried up.
Tho corn crop is injured beyond re
covery. There will be bandy half a
crop of wheat. Nearly .all grist mills
in the lumber regions liijvo been com
pelled to stop. Cioneral alarm is set
tang in throughout tho valley. ''
State Senator I. oren 15. Sessions, oi
the lato Xow York Legislature, who
tried to bribe Hepresentative Uradle
to vote against Coukling, hart "gone to
grass." His district has shelved him
and nominated auotlier man in his
place. This was a very proper thing
to do. The Hepublicans caijnnt afford
to indorse confessed rascals such as
(Jovoriior Hawkins, of TennoKsee
otters a reward of $20,000 for the ar
rest of members of mobs who have re
cently boon engaged in lynching people
to death. That's a stop in the right
'direction. Moba are composed of
murderers, Uniially.
- t mm
(Jonoral Pope, iir command of the
Department of tho Missouri, shows his
respect for the Kansas prohibitory law
by an order thai no alcoholic liquors
shall bo sold to any citizen within Kan
sas military reservations.
it is reported that Dr. Tanner, tho
faster, recently, at Frankfort-on-tlio-Main,
foil down a (light of stairs, re
ceiving injuries that caused his death.
Half of tho gralu In tho United States
will have been bought and sold on
'Change in Chicago during tho last' ten
days of AugtiHt. Inter Ocean,
o ii i
Murphy, the American temperance
lecturer, was heartily welcomed in
London, Kngland.
Exterminate the Bad Insects,
A Wonona correspondent writes to
the Chicago Inter (haw as follows:
"IMeaso notify all the farmers and
gardeners, now these dark nighu, to
gat her all tho old straw and hay into
long rows around their oichuidx,
potato and cabbage patches, and set
lire to one end to burn against the
wind all night, ami they wili burn up
millions and millions every night of
the male insects that lly, and bugs of
all kinds and descriptions, such as
destroy the trees and potatoes and all
the cabbage, and the canker-worms on
the apple trees. They will lly right
into Hit! blaze and burn their wings off,
and drop into the lire. I told a man
to do that who said the ground in his
potaloe patch was crawling alive with
potatoo bugs. He plowed a ditch
around and llllod it with straw, and he
raised a big, crop of potatoes. Tho
prairie tires in former yeais use to
burn them all up. Do this and you
will soon be rid of tho whole miller
tribe of insects."
A writor about law and order in the
Indian Territory says:
The Indian Territory has in it eighty-
seven thousand led men and women.
.speaking thirty-two languages, and be
longing to thiity-seven tribes. It has
In it churches and school houses; it
has In it no tramps and no saloons;
and it has a thorough-going, iron-clad
prohibitory law. It has somothing
belter still back of it, and that is a
mounted police of Indians, witli the
1'nitcd Males uniform and gun on
shoulder, outafter the man who dales
infringe their law.
Did we not lead of so much crime in
the I. T. we'd think, from tho above
that it was a sort of paradise.
The Lincoln thimni-rat, although the
bitterest opponent of prohibition,
wants tho pteseuL liquol laws eiifoiced.
1 1 say s :
Those men who violate, the Sloeumb
law, now that if is pronounced con
stitutional, are the woi'st enemies of
the liquor trallle, and will make it
necessary to enforce the law at all
hazard?.. "Free whisky or free beer"
should not be tolerated ;a decent liceiiho
is the best regulator of decency iu
saloons, and the best mode to riot
drunkeness. License does not make
wine, beer or whisky any higher to the
consumer than no license: but license
regulates, while no license, i prohibi
tion, disorganizes. We ' want the
Sloeumb enforced, because it is law,
and because there is no appeal from it
except through Hie next legislature.
The low rum shops are murdeious hell
holes to the body and soul, and we aie
apposed to them ; we favor respectable
saloons and reasonable licenses alone
can secure them. Those who iolate
the Sloeumb law are not better than
Finch himself; they become his allies
by disorganizing the trade and enabling
liim to continue Ids crusade; they are
playing into his hands and against
their own interests.
It is well known that many Ameri
can cattle aro sent abroad, but it is not
so well known that tho hides are sent
back to America to be tanned. Tun.
ing bark is growing scarcer every yeai
iu Kurope, and costs from : to tto a
ton in Kngland, while-American hem
lock bark is worth in this countrv ouh
.-?: to $: per ton. .Foi many" yeais
American hemlock-tanned sole leather
has been exported to European coun
tries, and the exports now reach $10. The exports of live cattle
from Xew York wore 'j-J.oOO in lsTti.
70,(H)o in 1S77, in 1K7S, :,:!,'2'.i; in
IS7D, and si.ioil in isso. Inter On-un.
Of Major Daniel, the Uoiirbon candi
date for (iovernor of Virginia, the
(!reeiihboro(X. C.) North State says
that he "is the same man who made' a
speech in the Court House iu (ireens
boro last year, and advised the young
ladies to ostracise all voting He'publi- IT.. ....I.I. ..!... .'. ....!.. . .
. ....r.. in-num. wmi i go in rumen
Willi them; don't go riding with them;
do not Do seen many public plnce wiil
them; they are not
lit associates foi
The Wabash Hailroad Company are
being sued by the Magill Dros.. of Clin
ton, 111., for damages to a largo ship
ment of wool which was caught dur
ing the Hood at Toledo. Tho company
refuse payment on the ground that
the Hood was the act of (5od. ami the
aro therefore not responsible. Many
other eases, amounting to near
$ 1,000,000, will depend on tho decision
in Ibis case.
During the rocont session of. tho in
ternational law conforenco at Cologne,
.David Dudley Field, 0f the
United States, offered a resolution,
wjiich was unanimously adopted, pro
viding that neither assassihat'ion nor
attempted assassination, as a means of
redressing griovances.sliould bo deemed
a more political within tho
meaning of the treaty, and that the
privilege of asylum should bo do
nied the- perpetrators of such crime.
That should have been tho law long
ago, beyond doubt or quibble,
A Young Scotchman Bilked Out of all His
Onmlifi Deo,
Yesterday a young man was made
the victim of a coulldence gamo by a
couple of men at the l'. P. depot. Tho
young man, whose namu is Alexander
McQueen, nrrhed at Omaha yesterday
fioin 'Scotland. This atternoon ho
went down to the depot to look alter
his baggage and wlulo there was ac
costed by a well dressed man with a
red lace and about six feet tall. The
man asked young McQueen where lie
was going and he replied that he was
looking for v oik. The conlidence man
said Ids father was a Scotchman ami
was looking for a young man of his
nationality to take care of his horses.
After soniy talk the conlidence fellow
engaged MoQcon lo go to work for his
lather. At this juncture another in
dividual appealed, who presented what
purported to be a bill for freight
against the lir.t conlidence man. The
man last appealing baid he had left
them at the freight depot and would
mil haul them up town until he had
got his money that he had advanced
for freight charges. Tin- liist man
said lie hud a check for a large amount,
but no cash. He asked young Mc
Queen whether he had any cash, and be
ing answered in tho allirmative, pre
sented a checK on Caldwell, Hamilton
& Co.'s bank, drawn in faor of (Jtorge
X. Hamilton for $7 "JO and signed by
Howaid itSon. The oung man ad
vanced the money on it, to the amount
of trUO, all the money he had on earth.
After the men went away he began to
suspect that all was not' light, so lie
went up to the I'. P. olliceaiid asked a
person that was there if it was. The
man saw that the young man had been
duped, and telephoned to the bank
about it. The bank replied thai the
check was a foigery. Thejoung man
rushed up town and got ollicer McCune
to his assistance. The ollicer is look
ing for the man.
(Irand Island will probably have six
more saloons running next week, and
tho school fund of this city will be
nuguuionted to the extent of !?:5,ot)0.
dm ikI Islam! Times.
jaonii."iro-.iiE rarrrcar3inji mrtrnnsatr
llj .!. AV. ItlTKI,.
Tin- New. AutlK'iitli ioi.I lltrlllliif: HIMoin
nt tin. Liven iiml W'liiiilcifiil Aihi ntiiu'H nt
A ini'i Icji'.s Krcal iil IuVvh,
'1'lic Younger Hi' ttlicrs,
B-'ratili. :tii(! Jessie .Sauics.
Ami their tmtids nt liluliwiij men, down to
tin' nii'Sftit mntui'iit. Mori- than It) Hits
Iniiloiis, Into I'lirtnilts of tin' prln olptil
elmriirtiTH, IiicIiiiUiik Krntilc .liini, m-ri
heloropuhltHlli'it.iiml 12 I'M MO tDI.IIKKI)
Pl.ATKS. Inlet views titnl li-ltt rs trnm
Colo Youiwr Sim lllliK KrvfUiinii-.. All
about tin- Uliiclc l-'liiu, tt" llliick Oath, tin
Si'i'ri'l Cave, anil limiilivdr. of oilier wonder
lul lltlnu. Must I'XcttltlK iHiolc i-Vi-l pllhllsli
i'il. ttaV-Knll lilHtorv of tint In lo roliln-iy ami
llollllle mllllllT III Wlllhtoll. .Mil., Willi K-
irntlotiH. (l),(KHl copli'N miIiI in .. months.
Notlilni; lllto It !-hi'iiiN ever-th Inn! Iln
linens, prion 51.10. AmitM c inviissiii-; out
lit, .10 cents, Write tmuivvliiiU'ly lor full
mitlcuIiirK to
BAN r.lNAHAN, l'uhllsher.
Cor.ltliniid Windilnxiini Av.,S . I .mils. Mo.
agents; i?o
Heroes of the Plains
WANTED, ii-.i. w. iiuki,.
KiiiIii'iu'Iiik tho Lives ami Wonderful Ad
veti tin i-' nt
wmi Dim, Bfiifiuio mil. Kin
Csii'Noii, (J:tl. B'aj ne, tapl.
Jack. Tcxiin .ItucSi., 'Ual-
iioi'ii!;i Joe,
And other celehrateil Imlinn llnhter'.. scouts
hunters, anil ifiitili'i, A lik of Titrlllliif;
Ail vi'iilui it, on 111)' I'IiiIhn. l-'luhts Willi
Indians! (irand Itiltfalo huuN! Desperate
Adventures! Narrow Ix-upcs ! Wonderful
-liootlnu mid Illilluu! Wild I. Ifi- In the
fnrivi'Htt I. 'II lll'istratloiis! Mi Cut I-iuk-lolonil
iMutrMl Tho urniiilest hook for
uelits evi'i' luihllshed Positively outsells
I'Ver-IIiIhk i lse, .IIS panes, ?.' mi. Auenfn
eomplelo nutili W) cents Jut lit and (.op
Inr al!.lH) MVilt( at onee fur aiz. nrv. or
leiniH and Ululrated elreuhUN. to DAN
I.INAHAN, IMilillsher, 1th and WiinIiIiikIom
vi-nue SI l.ouls, Mo.
It U Uio rrault of 20 yeiri cxiierlonco nnil
cxixTruneiita lu HowIdk MachUicd. It combinei (A.
gooil poinli of all jirftnt ami forvrr mobi, nd la
not a " one man " or " ono Idea " iiuclilne, na ptliora
vro. It uvoliU tlicdofcrtn of otlu-ri,, ami po.
ffwiea nut and rnluabU foaturou wul countjiIiMicw.
It la large. Iitlh(.runt(ng. noitrUu, kahrftomr. eat-
vtnitnt, durable, and tlmplo. WurrRlltrd nnd
Wrpt Iniopulrlrcpforayriirn. OlrculuraMltU
lull uuHcrliiUou aent f roo on rvqucat. It la aurtJ y Die
a mai win itoo n. iuii'l lull ii. vna ii
rmihnv XitMtiriOTrnKniiT Kr.OlJI'KilV
M auiiine eo.,riorcno9. Mnea. j wiiommai.ui rr
OEO. V. DENT. 81 Mill W JacVaon at., OUlrro. III.
DAVID LAHDbetH & B0N5, Philadelphia. Pa,
, 'I'lllJ TUll'Ml'U TKl'SS X) curr Ituptur
In from 30 to jw daya, nud will pnv II wu for a
ltuiniiro tlioy rnn not imiio. fjpnd iv, for Hook
to I) It l- V H. IIUUMIAM, (Ihii'I Hiip't,
m?.J J'I'W' N' v '."r H,"," " Street,
l'iilld)phla, I'm, and bo cured.
017 St. Chnrles Street, St. Louis, Mo.
A regular graduate of two Mmllcal OollrcM, hat lwm
longtir locaUvl than nnr otlierl'liralclaa la
It papnra aliow.and all old rnl'lFiitt know, Byphllli,
Oonorrhcna.OlPot, Stricture, OrrhltU,llUptur,all
urinary Bruhllltlo or Alnrcurl&l
Throat, flk In nrJlrmnriiril Hafalr. I'rlTatali
Bpsnnatorrhoa.Sexurd Dobllltr find Iunxstener
a tha riultof Helf-Aliuno, Kfinal icroi In rnaturcr
7Bri,oroTr lirnlnnork, prcKjuclnirnirTi)unr,emln
al amlailom, dalillltr, dliunM of Ulit.defeotOn mam
"jr. pbratcal dncar, arnralon to aoclatr eonfuilon of
rlafrnltnpropor.nrs tinrmnnqDtlrcured ('onmltntlon
atoflle or tir mall frM nnd lnItod. rAmpblot ona
tamp. ModMnca annt j mall or oipresa. ('urea
ruarnntAsd. Wlmm donlit xltta It la frank lr atatod.
.noun, iwvaui wiia.ii Kwor,niRnL jnasas.rnnucrinff mar
mc i also.
P I N p ) r4 n p r P- ir
rliniriolnatoi7,rell told, m tt In truot iiifn, oaths
fnllniTlaa pulijuutas Whi nil m urr, win not, why
Manhood, Womiinhood, l'h)'cnl iH-.-7. W Iln p.hnuM
rnarrri ho? Ufa nnd happinrta tun ho lacroaand .rffocta
of colllmcr and nicean, and mnnr mor. Thosa raarriail
or cantmplattiiK innrrlagn should rnad It then knep on
dor look and Uny, 23 Ota. h mall la rnonejr or pot
taBo. KriHllon Ocrinfin -rrpnch roid nntlBnoken.
1 M fc Srt )V ertUnot, Iot Manhood, NerToumM,
it)n .i Confusion of Id'na, Arerslou to Knclrtj
Oioctive Memorj and UhutrdTS lirourhtou hr f-'nlf.
Ahuao. Anydriifalathaathotnurr'dlent'. SU Louia
OnratlroInat'e.Cl'JHt.Ohnrlm.Ht. IaiuIi.MOj
70S Choonut St, St. Loulo, Wo. nt old enro,
contlmioa Uicnro Spennntorrhoin, Bimiiiinl Vc ;k
nosa. Impotoiicy.all forma or Byphllls.Oonurrbum,
aiotit.UrinnryorJllailderdlHorxapa. llncimt vnvt
cured In i fnw cloys. All tho dlttiiiana reanltlnit from
telf-iilmio, oxcv ore tpourn rnrod fori ifu itb aafa
mxll'-lno. AiItIoh frnit. Chnrsnalow. (Jull or urlts
In strlrt confl'lnncci. Oymptom Book for two r- tim
5fJl An entirety New ind poiitivtljr ctTeetir
- ' "UL- I Himedjr (or the ipreJy nj pcrmintnt
cure of Seminal KmlBsiorvi and Impotcncy tr tbe only
ITM tf , Til , ini-tvl Ai(4MtOn 10 tt prt1pft V4I (if ID ITIMtM. Tfi
bM ef lb Tiroiij it wtLd'J with no ttun m tnrnrBeoc. and iImi
UUrftrt wlita lbfrHtawy firiuiu of lif, TWj nxl f irtattit hu
tol lb tn In ver hiiti iuh, ni 1$ now prvnouDMd iucccm Ttr
tt bo t.9tittM Lbaul thit pttpfcrttioi. l'rtVTKtU cl mt? ation tMbUi u to
ttltinl pranti tbll ll will rit prfrel 4UfictiM. II ii ma
ccdil by tm Mtdie&l 1'roftiiioi to It tU moH rfctiontt mnii jt diMtt
ttl cf rttwLii j ltd unnf thU trj prtT&Jrit trnuliU. TL iUo1 it
MlpllMtlbkiet,r tkrMM. K. 1 (lautinf mtXitV fit H. 2 (61vMt U
0 Tla(tMei rtj kaUcM let . ). i, , 1 (laatt ( r IhrtM BttXdka,
iM f timmi aed tMUri got Hi lt. vajnt ). T Ba by ntil, U4 m
tlft rtvyr. Tall 4 IweH.ewni tut Mieaf mpaf Ma !
(tend rr ft DMrtvtW PknpkUl f1-t AnUmetl 4a.maUM whirl) wRI.
vim Ik MI trwl taftl tliar In t4 U frftt pianko'!, , Sl L
uA tot Ik JafaM mt lira, Mftta tf har tffatlal. Boat aaalaH t ttaup. J
Market nnd Btli trtrcoM. Hi'. LOU1B. MO.
t'ltnoltcitrd tofitltnotti In the Kfllraru f
1''af. Ilnrrln' Seminal J'ttstllfex, tulttftt
from J,rtlcvn rrrcliicil frnttt 1'dtronnt
Indiaaa, April llth, ISTO. The remrtly If vrorklnj perfectljr.
Had tpllcjilf from weaknen. fr eiehl yean palt.
Chlciro. An;. II, 15791 am thoroufhlj' cured and feel lip
lop. Tlie younic nun In the country la (re Hint teller.
Mlnourl, Sept. IP, IR79. 1 received in much benefit from Ida
me of your rrmediea that I want to try them in another rate.
Tbll ii of long itandiny. and wil need aometliing very ilroiig.
Mich., Jan 25, IE79. I have uied up your packare of
cine! lend me another at tonn at pombte. That packare
atopil all apparent troutlr, hut there it a weknen yet, aui
1 with you would prepnre ttna lot for the cure of that.
Inwi, Oct. 10th. 1879. t am ahnoit aurprlird at your Taa.
Illlei. Ihry hate worked like a charm on i.e. I am jur
Irrice ai much of i man ai I wal hefare takinr. I wai on tli
verce of the frravf. 1 thnuelit, anl there vrai bo cure for rue,
but now I am in enn 1 hopei of a cure.
Wnt irr,inla, Aur 2S, 1S70. I received our medicine, an 1
1 tielieve it bai cured me. for which I am very thankful. In
elated pleate find , for nlucli pleaie lend me anniher to a
(No. 2) for a friend, lou have done a great thiue; for Die. I
will lend you all the order. I cm.
Fa-oiii ff f'izNfrnii rnf .s"iifrri.
Mlatouri. JuneCth, 170 rieaiefnrward meal once another
tot of the raitillei. The patient on whom I tine utrd moitof
one hoi. In addition tn a aamide hut, It fait recovering, auJ I
think another will a. t Inni nil right.
IVoiii l ltvutuiiftt.
Maryland, "Sept 2, IS79. Ijit January we tot frnm you a
box of your remedy, for ore of nur cuitomera, and it tiai niaJe
a rerfect cure of him. We have another cuitomer now antler
to in the tame way, and with by return mail one No, 3 box.
A lirf, tirw inJ crtniilcte Ciuide to WcJ
lock, containing, with mioy dthpri, the foi
luwnrchiririi A Com re tent Worainhood.
HaBHCa Selection oi Wife. Tenipcratntnti(cnipitib!
ti'I tw.cuini'iULie, Slrrilitr in WonUn, ctusr and trtatment,
AJ.icft to mlJerroom, Advice to Huitiudi. Advice to Wivet.
I'roititutlon, iti :iuie. CHibicr tnd Slal-rimony cotipureJ,
Cnjuftl ttitUl,Ceut.nttaail. ai n CourliMp, lropaiilmtBtf to Ntf
Hai, bcicort of lUvdueUont 8iQU lift coaiidiTad, Law of Mmitf t J
Iitnrc, ateg&l rtghu of uiftrrtt-1 omg, t.( lot. tiding Iimim ptiuriu
U VSountu. thtif ckUMlto 4 trtitentttt. A lock ftr prif avtt tol eoniMtrtv.
rfftaiAf, oraia pMt iiin iuii ' nrTiDi. ttj taw, it a.WJciniJ,
un jruaijiB, uoDorrncea, uieei, ocnoiuro.
uypuilla, Uonorrlicoa. Uleet, atrloturo, Varioo
lo. Sic, alio on Hpormmorrhcoa, Bexual Pcblllty.
t lmpoteuoy, from Self Abuts and Kicr.oi. canting
uIdiI kuiMlom.NarTouiD.u, ArrilOBto8)ilJ. 11i;ilol pMij.Pln-
a nj
DdMofbiibl, DffllTt Mttnorf. IxitrfB.iu.1 Towtr, !., niklni nir.
n. irapropir ortutaippr. giving ire.trafnt.tnilt grtilDttii?Lli.blar
I, ii for lb. cur. cf alt print, dlu tim SSI rMi, .v.r &J pl.t, l, 60 iau,
'MidIcilATlt,'Lectar6:nynkecitWeauh3si. 10s.
FOR ONE DOLLAR wai.n alllhr.. of It...
fciiSiii'iianiii" rBiwi iiiliiiliiiiftVI totivcrib,i fcooki.uiM.
Iv bvuiij iu lulutnr, ruuiaiuioji &3G paci. and over 100
llluitratinm. The comblnrd volume Ii poilliccl, tbe n.o.l
popular Medical Iliioa publiahed. The author Ii aa tipcri
cac.d phjiloian of many Jfart practice. ( ll well known),
and th. ad til. and rulia fir u-iattninl Uid d.a. will b. f..ud .f
trial , alu. lo ttio. .utr.rlnr from ivipurltW of lb. cyitim, vatl .rrirl.
i.t ic". or an, of lb. Ireublri .omlac und.r lb. biad of " PPIVATl
r -'ClIKOMC'1 dliiaiia, rctag. iiamp. taaio lo pa.raaal forbokl.
Y KilablnheJ
LmIii 117. turn
'rom Impura iriual aoincialions, lelf.abuie or ariuit eicettri.
ratr.nli treated br mall and eipreu. Where pemhle, per.
idtial coaiultallnn Ii preferred, which Ii free and innltJ. I)uei.
Iiona lo be aniwered by patient deiirlnjr treatment mailed free
'O an, adJrcli eu aprhcatinn. Tor bnnkt or treatment aJdreia
IIt. HUTTH, IS North HUi HU. HI. Loula, Mo.
noiiic diieaaeo and romiincaled cairi. and diiraiei ram tine
y . . rrMiar tuuAMiiUi
Si4 ff 3 j:i "Hill Jen -jii.jI . i Ji
"JJff P"0H n-i- t. -ill ftV i.1i".uvu
tlf'ln 'II'"" .'um'm i u .i .,i it. ,i -.yiii..ii ii,;j.i
i'-VllSr U'lJUa aiiji.iaM j,in. on lon.eniiiiftV'ra
'iiPfv SfIaar-c''?' -m.-qj iioiM an piiors
NX-UMi"J JO unfci.M nil pin; ;,ini (IU.
(IK3I1U kH'li"KI 8il : opual jjas .itii.ina
lnII p u oVO,, "t 9IU V"l iinuiioit u.irtuup
pcaaiup 'b(a t" 't JJUHI ''"II '.io(uinui.i)l
a (ton etnoj ,u'"'' oain pin-Mn inr ,;nu
ptiUj jitofjauoY i,'U"" ln rt "tIoi j i ma
jou u "am bjoj pnlc(iii 00C8
tlJJpllll pOAVkH'WIll '.' l.ii ax tu
ojiio q iiiui toinn'oinvda1 "it .1.1 pi Xo
i0" ;i jii'i j(jt oJYnojf inmniwAi j.uon .!
1IIIrto n.u h juAoiQLirwjc ir.nipomivia04
uiuiniHja jo B3u;iav,'j Jiioii .i.ijpnuoij
-XOIUI lnOllllM'oinii'h lrAiMBIlOlliIlni
'ju-KinuiDHMluipau oinoir. "nnldv inminib
ai on! jo 'tun3jo i4ann ioanqfirtj;o
,jinljjJi Bmi3ajn3iuoduiBi .oi. uno.,
BUBsiptptScctSjipBrojwUa" 8d3qi
JiarriMTHWjjod pnparjvvoc'iio," "''niii
aoudotM t-u aiiojiiqretoain:'V'"T''ipofj
arrijowoii t)r-) puoo;nPn,JOu',,a8M
'iinita BeaaeeaBa
joait 'iciiiincj pootn in,uaoui
''jaunt ji'n a ; ifiJ'ii! iioiinun&9cota
pan)oqairi(iMllOopUUa puoO)Udp
uuAi -iiiiuiih -uuu jo HonviipiuiJ
apK JA3 oii9poi( -js.itl puu X.MII,
flfcjtV ft. JS. A. .ft, Jl t. JM. -y yy
- w aa..-, jaw' T
WINE of im
ForCoughs.Colds, f
AJ CCSJ3U1!P7:0K. ?
Is the BeotofTonios; 5
Cures Dyspepsia; .
Restores theAppetlte;
iStrregtheai tho System; J
nostorc8 tno weak i.
.ind Debilitated.
A trial nf . I l .,,- . h lab fi......... .. I
fur Ii. :: ooU'a Win, k
or rnri lake aa other.
!r tali- l ail Druf gnu. L
i J a n.4Biiirl&co.,Prop'rr
I T1 dLflti. fi"ereloOllertroLlo. J
J aiZs&KSGaBP HAY-TUN, (iiiio. ,
,-aV aVF7r--Vc1Or'nrXPrW
r.Rv i.fnt,i nnh itir.MKi ne.1e
ef cum rr.f tlirrii'
tiaphlel i.ul fr.e .. arrlHohOfc
li.Miuit. ururnv t-u
Ba.ft (krial.u, kra a Kirk at tuM
BU Loala, lie.
Over all other Machines and
alwaijo gives
JFor ItcMcrJptivc Circular and
fitalouo mcikI to
2!S & 220 SI ate St., Chicapro.
The majority of the lllaoftlir ntmtni
hoily iii-lte from u ilrrnntemrnt of thei
I.Ivcr, affectlny both thrntomitrh nnil
bowfln. In onlcr to effect a cure, it it
neceatmry to remove tho catise. Irregu
lar nnd Slilffffhh tiettau of the Jlnteelnf
Jleiitlnehe,Slehneiiit the Stomach, Pain
in the Hitek ami I.oi)ix,rte., indicate that
the Jjiver in at fault, and that nature re
i litres assistance to enable this oraan to
throw offlmpurltie.
lrl?lly Asia ItitterH are espec tally
comjiounded for this purpose. They art
vitld in their action and effective as a
cure; are pleasant to the tasteand taken
easily by both children and adults. Ta
ken accordlny to directions, they are a
sa feaud pleasant cure for DyBIKipslfl,
General lclUit.v,IBalituaI Con
Htlputlou, Dluuusecl ICfilucyH,
utc, etc. As a Etluotl I'urlilor they
are superior to any other medicine;
cleansing the system thorouahly, and
imparttnn ucie life and cneryy to the In
valid, It is a metllcllic imi( itutmt
ItltoxScntillJJ Iweeraye.
and tatto no otlior. PHICi:, II 00 par Bottle.
lit Louia and IU ci.
.nrc' ot . ir-
M h c r f . i . .. la
lllllpt.'ntir ill llif.wrnrlil It in I T n
un r.P'.Tnivi nHrr- . -.-r
uecnupo u aooa not Kum, uui rorma a
highly ppllahod gurfrtai over tho
diicln friction and Uphtoninr; ths diufi.
it U tlit) ohoupeat W'cau- ,t cafctc na r-cc
than Inferior brands, and ono tcx v,m tin
tho work of two oT any other Axla C.tnto
made. Itimn.oirio(iiittliyn.n,-oll r 'UiK,
Mill licurlnir, ThrctilunK MnrU:'itf.C ru rinn.r,
C-nrria-fM, Hn-r-rton, etc, etc., r.-j for Siri m I; n
GUARANTEED to ooptf.ln no Potroleum.
ior bills by all Arut-clusa Uci.l, ru. t 'JT Our kit
Vyelojitiliu oj Thlxgt H'cn-.'.i Knuuinj na 'i : rv).
31 fellohlB-nn Avantia. C!!ct--;o, lli'na'o.
dr. butts' mmm
rstiUIibei 1347 t IS N. 8th t:s;t, 3T. L0UI3, UO.
TUT. m ekarc er tin oil anJ well kanne luifi.
tuliou are regular niulaiei m mrticme atj turrcr. eare
or Caper If me id lb. treatmc.t oi laronle IX.eaaei lair ruade
tbur inJ ability w nucli lupirii.r le toil uf ih nrditarj
tractitwuer. thai laejr la,, .tquiieJ a bitie-ut riiiutaUso
tnro.ih Ih.irtieatmret of cnmi.licat( J ta,i.
nmiatwemrimrxnitiMai-fivai-awt-ki mi iuci
uial.'i.i ai k;ililll., banorrkeb, Cleel, Mrlilure, aJt
Crl.arj Treuble. a. J Rilillllle or Mereurlal .Siciimii ft it. or aoies IreateJ wlta lurceit, o acieatiic pria
eie'ci without unnr Mercurr or otter rniioa.ui M.dlci.ei.
YOUNC MFN '"Jltio-eef ni'dle ace wlia are luf.
-TTTTiyTlaTi1i-aMii-Via lrmr from the eflicti ef Sp.i-M.l.p.
rt.a r tt.MluaJ, Itie reiull el iilfituic lo tout,
or itM la matured eari, are r1rn.iBi.U7 c.riJ, Tlili dU.
ene -iroduco. loiae of Ibc follonitt etTocti imimoii, bleu im,
ttiiiiaeti, nereouiaeia, dlrareit f aj'hi ceur, lad ,ili,o.
conitioatlOD deiuoade-ieT. raifualon of ila.i. avamo. 1. ..
eietr, drfeetiee inoiaorT, i.iuil eihai,ill.., lr.poi.arr er Uia
of ianle i if or, fte eictmif r bwuer.iei a.amiio.
'M lien IO I rCt.f I CLI ""onaaa a-lfrrn,
fcTdaaaaaaitiiilfiaar iiaaraaB.riiai-UTjRTi tat wirri a..nKi..
r-m.oil ce.iwltaiion ii fiet.rr.d, wbict it THl'M a.' i.i-
... MiiisHi.,i i. r .rr.a j paneall Uliirlnr IraaU
Mint uailid U to injr taireia ea art. lit otlea .
n Aaifi1tolBr5nra !br Nervous
cr-v "wrvj
If ! ' .Mvfc.a"" eJVilL.V
Oil IJLklvid
Ztf KiZSf;rrr.o.-;,,.,,-,HP,,r,Mv
mA lr Methlot la Uolr .iuUi, n . ,,t , ,,.,,'f
CeaiM.uiealinui tlrirltr toaiJultaJ, a.d ik.a i , .lI,..J
Bit. 11U1TS, It-Sana, 8th St.. Su Uuli, jui?
jae iJecines ct.rl n iy rtctteo for naY..
i? T Vrrr - r . , s r' ' OO, AunrTtlfl
Ji. T. fIUUMi, i.i -J, , ltilial6t. V.B.
rr. . -. nai-.o, iiiirjciflnRn. rttet