Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 08, 1881, Image 4

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aw i. Mum :ai
irjnmwrwwaw 'i'J'ijm ' r?WTVjjjiimv;J ljh m ujjjimi-.wujwiiiiiwiinuiimjl.i,nl
'jLimiiiinmiM iniiniTur iiinwiTnirTT"
r. - -
d. W. Faii'broUior & Co.,
ublltir Jt, Proprietor.
laaaacfflDBi&Mnisi wmninnuttinmnuieiaaitrmn
- For Ili-Ht cliibB tfi'uum-ion call on
T. L. .Jonurt,
Com rtstailrt in Jlrowiivillu at M
cent" a I)iihIrI.
l'ror. GulavoJUlitur,tlie(iutinaii
liaiiitor, is dead.
Now supply n() wikcH ami
pica at Aaron I'lilmor's.
Call at thin oilHio and get a copy of
the Statu Kali pieiniuiii liHt.
Call ul thin olllco for all kinds of
job work, at l-uaaonablu rattw.
The elegant Whito Sowing Ma
. thine lor Halo by T. F. Soaton.
Krwili Hroad, pica and cakes at
wnyb on band at A. 1'ulinor'n.
Tho lalo niiiiH will pnttbo noil in
good condition for fall plowing.
)v. CoIliriH,, in absent from
bin olllco in JJrownvllIo on Wwlnos
dayfjand liVIUays only.
-- Uain wagons aru HolliiiK very faf.
Call on Stovonwm tte Ci-ohh if you want
,' a inuiibor ono wat,ron.
HohI Jhoad in Hrownvillo at lbo
Hakory of Aaron L'almor always
' frosh and cloan. (Jivo liini a trial.
MiniHlcr.s, lawyorH and all thoso
"doing clerical work should lino Dr.
MarflhaU's Broinolino, it is a grout in
1 vlgoidtor. All druggists soil it. Prico
fifty conts.
Thin locality, and wo understand
Noinaha county entire, was. blussod
with a bountiful, Mplond'd rain Wednes
day night of last yeolc, and anothor on
Friday night. '
- Tho latest stylos of picture frames
at prices to suit (hotlines. Call at tho
Photograph (lullury, in Brown ville, and
be convinced. Also got Tanner to
take your photographs and bo happy.
The .Missouri I'acilio proposes to
use engines between Omaha and M.
l.ouis that have nix drive wheels, and
oars that will carry "on bushels of corn,
thus reducing operating expenses to
tho lowest notch. Jliaundha Dhpau-.h'..
, Tho county coininissiouoru of
. .Itiohardson county have called an elec
tion in Kails City precinct to vote on
"a proposition to givo tho M. P. railroad
, $0,000 in bonds to pay for right of way
. through imid pneinet and depot
grounds at Kalis City.
" Wo sent him (Al. K.) to Mr. Wert,
who presented a bill forir.n.j for tho
supper. The question now before tho,
public mind is, who is the joko on?
Culvert Courier.
It's on tlo man who got up tho sup-
per, wo should think about $lfl.05
'Thousands and thousands of tons
. of'most npleudid prairie hay lias al-
ready boon slacked in this county, and
in the best condition, gioen and fra
grant. There being an abundant corn
crop in connection with (his, will in-
dueo stock feeders to eomo hero to
"winter over."
Ueiuember, Tim Advkutisku is
only a year now to subscribers
who pay in advance for one year. To
any one sending us tho names of seven
new yearly subscribers in the county
wo will mail Tin: Advmrnsi'.u one
year in consideration therefor. The
money must accompany the order, at
the rate Of $1.50 a voar.
Stato Journal; Urownville, form
erly the third most important citv in
the State, and been for a long time
flippantly spoken of as a dead town,
shows healthy signs of revival. In a
few moments' conversation with Capt.
John u Carson, lie informed us that
Iirownville, notwithstanding the up
roar and confusion about new railroads
and now towns, was doing a largo and
healthy trade. There is good ground
for expecting tho early completion of
tho long delayed Q. M. & 1'. road, and
with it will cornea geuuino boom for
JJrownville with all that tho word im
plies. Wo are pleased to make a note of
tho fact that the
this city has acquired under the
management of .1. CI. Hussell
a popularity that it never had
before. By tho day it is only
Sl.ftO.yet its real substantial accomoda
tions are first-ehus comfortable rooms,
good bods and excellent table faro
with an agreeable landlord and land
lady makes tlioio headquarters it pleas
ant place for tho average customer.
Farmers, call and get your dinner for
30 cents.
To The Republican Ooutral Ooiumittoo.
Tho Republican Central Committee
of Neinalia county is hereby called to
meet in Iirownville, in tho district
court room, at one o'clock p. in. on
Saturday, 17th inst., for tho purpose of
designating a time and place for hold
ing a county convention, and to trans
act Biich other business as may properly
eomo before the committee. Tho
names of the members of the com
mittee are as follows:
J). B. Shields, N. MoArllmr..
H. II. Boberts, Win, Bridge.
m.KS nocic.
Thomas Buitchs, Jos. Lash.
David Wllkie. W. II.Talcott.
Jiio. I'ohlman, II. K. J'rtlmer.
Wm. II. 'mini ford, Win, Crandall.
S. W. Kennady, (J. S. MoGrow.
C. K.Stewart, B. B. Thompson.
Seymour Howe, .1. K. Drain.
0. It. Shook, T. C. Kergusou.
13. Al. Baker, Frank Hunt.
J. S. Church, J. W. Huntington.
II. Steiuman, Win. Windsheille.
A full representation from each pre
cinct is desirable.
C. F.STKWAUT, Ch'u Com.
B. B. Tiiomi'hon, Sce'y,
A dihease called unthru.t) has re
cently prevailed amongst some of the
herds in the vicinity of Lincoln, kill
ing a Urge number of cows. The State
Journal says the disease is supposed
to bo "caused by a virulent poison
which causes tho formation of immense
tumors or carbuncles, and seldom fails
to prove fatal The disease runs its
course in a few hours; cows affected
in tho forenoon seldom live until night.
Tho brute suffers from a violent fever,
tho How of mill; at onco stops, thirst is
intense." It is thought tho disease is
caused by local unhealthy causes, par
ticularly foul water, having become so
by dead and rotting animals.
Stato Journal: Mr. Touzalin is
acciwsablo to reason. Whatever will
bone-fit Nebraska and the men who
saved the Union, if he lias the power
he will do. In response I o solicitation
by ono of the ui'Mnhcrs of the reunion
committee, he hanonleied that the low
rate tickets which were offered the vis
itors to the leuuion from all tho sta
tions on tho B. vr M., and good for onlv
two days, shall bo sold to all old sol
diers and their families, and at Lincoln
those who do not desire to return to
their'hoines on the following dav, can
have their tickets extended" and" made
good to return any day during the
Heroes of tho Plains.
Is the charming titlo of a now book
just issued by Dan Linalian, publisher,
of Saint 1,01ns, Mo. It embraces tho
lives and advonMires of Wild Bill,
Buffalo Bill. Kit Carson, Capt. L'avue,
Capt. Jilek, Texas Jack. California joe,
and other celebrated Indian lighters,
scouts, hunters and guides and is doubt
less a book well worth having. There
are not many people in this great land
of ours who do not feel an interest in
Dm romantic deeds of the gallant
plainsmen. Seo advertisement else
where. Oity Market.
Tho attontton of the citizens of
JJrownvllIo and vicinity is called to the
meat market of
at Body's old stand. Even-thing per
taining to tho shop is neat "and clean;
meat is kept sweet and nice in the ice
closet, cuts to suit customers aro
handsomely made by expert butchers,
and everybody is promptly waited upon.
The choicest beef and other meats al
ways on hand. Try the city moat
Mrs. K.J. Monahan, of Maryvillo,
Mo., will visit Urownvillo Sept. loth
and remain three days. She will stop
at tho Union House whore alio will
bo prepared to treat all forms of eve
diseases successfully. Her treatment is a
permanent cure for Granulated Kyo
Lids and all forms of inllamiuatioiiof
the eyes.
We wish every person to trv a big
fifty cent bottle of Dr. Marshall's
Uromolino for liver complaints and
general debility. It is good. nmK.
gists all sell it. h
.Highest market price paid bv 1).
Douglas & Co.
Mr. J. IT. Dundas, in the Post,
says This Adtisutiskk occasionally
makes a thrust at Sheridan. Our
thrusts consist in giving the latest
news or rumors prevailing at tho hour
wo go to press, irrespective of likes or
dislikes, and we leinember that during
tho last past eight weeks these have
been some times favorable to Sheridan
and at other limes otherwise. The
thrusts of Tin: Aiivkiitiski!, regarding
tho probable location of an M. I', depot,
has been as varying as tho news, and
as the hopes and fears which have al
ternated in tho tho hearts of tho avei
age Sheridunite and Calvortlto up to
date, and will ever be thus, natural and
unavoidable until tho question is set
tled. Wo have no prejudice or ill will
against any of our towns present or
prospective, and make no thrusts un
less it please. people to construe facts
as thrusts. As to Mr. Dundas' opinion
of us. or what wo write, it certainly
concerns us as little, where ho is
Known, as any man wo know of. Ho
refers to tho example of Washington
on tolling the truth, which ho would do
well to follow, for his long winded
article is remarkable only in the mani
fest labored effort the writer makes to
misrepresent the situation.
Dr. JJ. JJell Andrews has recently had
two operations to perform for strangu
lated hernia. One was on Mr. D. U.
James, living in Bichardson county.
In this case Mr. James was alllicled
with a rupture of eleven years' stand
ing, and which had been operated upon
once by l)v. Bishop, of St. Joe, without
success. This time Mr. Jainesallowed
some forty hours to elapse before call
ing on Dr. Andrews, and although tho
doctor operated ano relieved the man,
part of tho iutcstin had become gan
grened, and eventt ally caused his
death. Tho other case was that of a
lailroad sub-contractor from itiehard
son county. ho was sent to Dr. An
drews by Dr. Hock well, of tho said
county. Both Dr. lluntor, of Falls
City, and Dr. Kockwll had attempted
to put back tho intestine, but came to
the conclusion that only an operation
could save him. He was brought to
Johnson's hotel, and Dr. Owen tried
for two hours to replace the intestine
before Dr. Andrews operated upon
him.. J)r Andrews, assisted by Dr.
Crim, then operated and the man is
now nearly recovered. Nemaha Times.
Burners' Alliance.
At a 'ailed mooting of tho London
Farmers' Alliance, No. 101, tho fol
lowing business was transacted.
Decided Unit the regular meetings of
tho Alliance Hliali bo held at Loudon,
in tho Methodist church. I lie first and
third Saturday evenings of each month.
All Farmers aro requested to bo in
attendance at our next meeting, Satur
day evening, Sept. 17th. as important
business will cumo'bofore them at that
Tho subject for ' discussion at tho
next meeting reads as follows:
Jti.suli't'tl, That three consecutive
terms of office should not bo allowed
undor any circumstances, and that tho
uso of money to eeuro nominations
and elections would' not bo counten
anced but resisted under all circum
stance. Gkq:S.McGkew.
The St. Louis Republican, in re
ference to the Quincy, M. & I rail
road says :
Steps are now in progress with a
view to letting tho contract for tho
grading on tho extension of tho Quincy,
Missouri and Payillc briiuc.h of the
Wabash fiom its present terminus at
Trenton. Missouri, lo a junction with
the Omaha division of the same road.
Three lines have been surveyed for tho
extension, and the cliiot engineer if
tho Wabash and an assistant are out
maiviiig an examination of the surveys
for tho purpose of determining which
of the three will be tho most alvan
tageous to build upon. As soon as this
can be decided bids will bo advertised
for to do the work. It is hoped the
letting can be made by tho first of Oc
tober. Wo would llko to seo an election
held in Nemaha county ?thout a
nominating convention. Urunyer.
Not the least duubj; of it. There
could hardly be another possiblo way
suggested by which home Homocrat
would slide into an olllco on a minority
of votes. That homeless and friend
less concoin has laid awake of nights
for years to devise ways and means to
divide and split up ami defeat tho Be
publican party in Nemaha. But Ne
maha Bepublicaus are solid and always
ready to roll up four to liyo hundred
majority for good nominees.
Mr. O. M. Druso has become solo
proprietor of tho Nebraska Farimr.
Tho Farmer may become universally
estt-oined if tho now management shall
diop the political partisan features
which have hitherto too often marred
its othorw iso bright and useful pages.
Nemaha is steadily improving.
A number one baker could do
well in Nemaha.
Mrs. Stewart, wife of one of Capt.
Minick's clerks, after a protracted vis
it to her old Ivontucky home, returned
Friday last.
School opened hero Monday last,
Ben Loranco, principal. It is believed
ho will givo general satisfaction, and
bo equal to the task of managing tho
truants and other fast boys of which
there are a number in town.
Theodore Hill is having stone
hauled preparatory to erecting a nice
residence. And anybody may guess
pretty closely what Unit means.
Tho JJ. & M. will be finished to
Calvert, or nearly so, litis week.
An old gentleman named Sim
mons died of consumption hove last
Esquire Crother went down to
St. Joo Tuesday, to take in the expo
sition. Dr. Keeling who lias been here
for a couple of months, had a nice
house built on his farm, started for his
old -homo at Sulphur Hill, Ind, on
Tuesday. Wo believe it to bo the in
tention of tho Ur. to return at some
time in the near future, with his fam
ily to make this his permanent homo.
We and many other friends hope he
will do so.
Our hopes of a 15. & M. transfer
boat this fall if not so flattering as it
We learn that tho Johnson Hotel
is for sale, Mr. Johnson desiring to go
ootof Hie business. It is a good stand
i' a good location, and would pay well
any one adapted to the business of run
ning a hotel.
The Nemaha horsemen aro hav
ing a splmidid circular half mile raco
track made north of town.
dims boarding house is pretty
well crowded with boarders now. and
all the boarding houses are doing well.
lYs'iniafia Cliy, rVeb. 4
Calln in the Country Promptly Attend
ed, day or niyit.
QI'KOIAIi ATTKNTION kIvoii to Rtinrlrnl
ITiiJIhi'hm'n (if wommi mid tmrKleul dlsriibos
of th t'j i.
Ct- I'littentK from i.liroml cun ho furnished
with piiMiN.tnl rooms ninl nccominoilatloiih.
at y Hotel,'-
Coiiinilly localci j (ioml !hi. tout noltoii.
hit) KiiMifit in iniiki? iuMx coiiifortHlilo
Oooil ii it n for Imrsc-N nl
Charges MeiKitibl.
SW & l
Ifmaha City, jtfab..
Clood bunion and horsoH, clmrgem rent
onablo. Hest.ol care tnln n of trimnl(nt stock
Koryour Agricultural ImplementR, goto
I-'ium and Mprll.g Wiikoiib, Hulky I'lows.
Htlrrlng I'owf,, (V,n Planter,., Ilnrrowi.
Henpeiu, Moweis.CultlvalorH, Corn Khellers
and tho Hoss Tonguelcs.s (.Tultlvator.
Made uml repairer! as well as can bo done
aiiyvvhero.aud at short nottee
wiMwmwwn i i wmtmauuMg
........ .iiKnuio aecoinii, w inn and where all
th7Sc.,,l0r,,SU,1 I,,uy a,U,'mr 'l 'nitl
Dated AuuuHt lSih, Iffil.
County Judge.,.. ..i.. ....;.'" r '".' "-ninl.
Hi fTil: .VK WVMA.V IftNT .Ineeased.
iVv1 u"? Comity Court of N.-maha Coun-
NohriiHku. In the matter of uliowltiK tho
linn iidininlsinitloii account of James k
aladmlnlslraor of tho estate of Wvmaii
Iviit deceased. Notice H hereby KU ii
Kpte.n ber lilth. A. D., lNSt. nt lu o!oln"k V
-M.,ilt tl.Holllci, ortheCounly Judne of N,.-'
maha County. Nobni.lci., In Hn wuvllln
Ni.hnii.lcii. has been tlx.-d bv tho ,, ' J
the t nio ami tiln..., fn .'V1 ".
c arm
LKTITIA A. JOHNHON, of tbo .Stntc or
lown, will tuko notice Unit Cyrun r
JoIiiihihi, of Nomulm county, NcOra-Otii. did
mi Hie Ottidny of AukuM, 1881, lllu IiIh !.,.t.
tlon In thu OlHtrlct Court within mm f()r
Nomulm county, NeoriiHltu, ngnliiRt tlio nid
Lotltlit A. .JohtiHon.defundiiiit, Hotting forth
Unit Cyrus C. .folimum 1ms been iv roMucm of
Xfimnlin county, NebrimUu, for thri-o ytnrs
Inst tmnt. UmtMiiy 10th, ISoO, Cyrus C. John,
no 11 wits murrlod to Maid Lt'tltlit A. Johnsim
tlint ho Iihh over Rluco oonduoted hlnmpif
Inward dofotidutit im u faithful hiHlmiul
tho Mild dofcinlunt, dlsrc'toirdttiK hor dutlcd
as n wife, linn bct'ii nbhunt from pliilntlff
for more tlmn threo your, without Jimt
cnuHe, and prayltiK that ho may ho divorced
from nalil defendant, and tho mild I.ntlttn
A, Johnson 1m nutllk-d that nho 1h required
to appear and answer Mild petition, on or
before tin-1'Jth day of Hnptombor, A. 1). ijji
Dated August 0th, ISSl.
lly J. H. HruLi., hlw Att'y.
No. 12T.7.
O Notice 1h hereby nlvon that by virtue of
nn order of snlo lnsuod out of the Dltdrlct
Court of Netnnim County Nebraska, and to
me directed uh Hliorlll' of mild county upon
a deeree and Judgment rendered by mild
Court In iii'iihu wherein James ft. lturns im
AdmlulHtriilor of I'hiubii llurtiH, deceased,
was plalntlir, and Joshua 1'. Ilurdlck and
Deborah Ilurdlck weio defendants, I will of
fer for sale, at public miction, at tho door of
the Court House In IJrownvlllo, In hum
i county, on
.s.Murnny, Mcpiemnor lutn, a. ii inti,
at ' o'clock 1. M.. U following described
lands, In Nemaha County. Nobruki, to-wlt:
Lots lOc'iMll flvo 51 and si (I) In block Mx.
ty.twn it). Jini'l lot lour 4 In block one hun
dred iindhfS'ontcun 117 In tho town of IVru,
Nebraska, together with all thu Improve
ments and prlViJcH'" thereto belonging.
Taken on huIiI ouler of Hale as the property
of.Iushun P. Hurdles, and Deborah Murdlcli.
TurtiiHof nalc, cash.
Dated, thlsOUi day of August. lWl.
8wj .SheilfT.
Notice ctf H'rovin ClnlniN.
17IHTATK of Wnltpv Welch, deceived. In
lit tho County Court of Nematm County,
Nebraska, Notice Is i.'creby given that Sep
tember 17th, October Gth, IrtSl, and April Uth
18S2, nt 10 o'clock ii. m., o.' each day, at tho
olllco of the county JikIkoo 'Nemaha county,
Nebraska, lu iluiwiivlllg, "Nebraska, have
been fixed by the court as the time and place
when and where all porsoi'u who Imvo
claims and demands against t-ld decenned
can have the same examined, an 'listed, and
allowed. All claims not presented tt the last
mentioned date will ho forovor b.MTtd, by
ordor of tho court,
Dated August l!Jnd, 1881,
10 Iw JOHNS. HTUM'i,
County Judgi.
Notice or Sale.
Duo and leal nollee Is herebv given that
on the lt day or l-'ebruary ISSl, Thos. J.
Campoell i'xecute.1 and delivered to John
M. kli-ckner, who has assigned to V. T.
Rogers, a Chatli-1 Mortgage wine t was dulv
tlbil for record on tho Urst, daj or robruarv,
ISM, atfi o'clock p. in,
.ihl Chattel Mortgago was given on tho
following described property, to-wlt:
Oho Ilrunswlclc Hllllurd Table, now In the
store room occupied by Dr. Heaves as a
gloci-ry store and olllee.
And there Is now duo on said mortgago
tin Mimofthlm six andtf'-lco dollars, with
Interest at ten per cent from February 1st.
ISsl. to date.
Said sale to take place In HrawnvIc IfVm
aha count v. Nebraska, at the nbovr men
tinned store room on the 12th day of Hoptem
bcrissi. Dated Aug. UJrd 1881.
10-lw OstioitN A Tati.ou.
Atfys for plalntlir.
NlSMAHA Co. NHDUA8KA, Aug., '20, 1HS1.
To D. Niir Heirs:
You are hereby untitled that tho following
described real estate viz:
"I he southwest quartor of the southwest
Quarter of Motion thlrty-ono f:!l town four
H north of range seventeen 17J cast, con
taining forty iicros" Mutated In Nemaha
County Nebraska taxed In tho name of tho
Neir Heirs and was on the 8th day of
Noveml er. 1711 sold for the delinquent taxes
of 1878 amounting to three and (IV 100 dollars
also for t.xes paid for the year 18.7H amount
ing toseven dollars and that tho timt
for the ledemptlo of tho said properly
above described from sin h tax sale will ex
plre at the end or three months from tho
service or this notice.
Owner of said certificate, by agent, S. A.
Ii Notice is hereby given that tho undor
signed, Sherlll ol Nemaha court tv, will, by
virtue ot an execution Issued by tho County
Cmnt of said County, In favor of v.
Hackney, and against A. W. Harper, and to
him dlii-ctfd. at 1 o'cloo p. m. on tho 17th
day oiSepiimber. A. 1).. Issi.ut tho door of
the Court House In Miownvlllo, In said
t ount.,oirpr fur salo at public auction, tho
following goods mid chattels, to-wlt: Ono of mares, oin- bay nmro about U ye.ns
old.ono Mirrei nbout 0 years old and one suck
ing mule colt, and one not of double harness.
1 alien on said execution as tho property
of A. V. Harper.
I'alid this ilh day ofKeptemher. A. D. 1881.
1".VU Kill V , t t it. ......
VTOTICK is horoby given thnt bids will t
jL he received up to noon or Tuesday, iho r
HI duy or October, 18SI, for tho publication
!.. . I,"I0,,',,"KH and legal notices of tho
County Commissioners court.
Ily order or the board. August anil. 1881.
or nil' bhi"'" rt'NU,V1" ""'rlKht t reject any
,1"lw" Co. Clerk.
A(mts for t,o GOLDE N
"DAWN 0r' 1-lttIIT on tho
-lxx u r (n:AT fi-'I'L'KK.
in this life, iluough tho dark valley, and In
till' lllll clirm, l. ., . ...... i.. ...... . '.'. .....
nt i... ii. ' ! """ hi uie oei. iioiignis
or lea.llngauihoi ,id scholars among
ii..; . "i ""IMlmpson. warren. FoMor,
in ,.?.' '!'J,."',H','Kw,Hl"' e"lf. Heecher. Tal-
urBn', V- (J"rr'. " Maich, Dr. .McCosh,
;' ""., Ur Cnylcr. Cleo. D. Prentice
,.i fi- Nl.!.,,",ey'. WlilitliT, Longfellow and
rt?M,.I,M,,!t,J(i(,,H tn'ftH-'l 'ire Death, Im-
ti , i? ,J, i1..: ' 'J k',,1J1,l '" Second Advent.
..VVi .. ' l' '""Illl'"U'nt,the punishment
, ,,c ,t;l,V't.,'.,M'11 t roward of tho right-
i. , ?." i. tlcl). 'V"Rt "wnltN Iho reader of this
h ,. iV,H,,,l,l.,,,l,w grandest thoughts of
"orld !, greatest authors, on subjeots of
I ill IlliiRt nrniMinil l..i . . t
r .,.,;....'.. ..','." ""'resi loevoryono. rot
nl, t !.t.',rJ '''"J1'. T,,oro lR "ot " ,lul1
?k i ''V'""1': DIs absolutely without
M',.w.i. I" JV0'y''Odv will read It. School
. .Vt in ,f,: i:,,,,,l;"'h: Young Men and Ladles,
ver i " for this book aro making
Jni 17 i Hnth. RelU fhf. ono Agent
' " ' 'InvH. another -PI In H days, an-
u. ,, . '" "M?o;.nolhnr IB and fi bibles
rrilnri Vmlnll" "'i1 '" ,fm ,,OHr" S,'t,,,r0
best in ,k ...iLVi lVl,o.nK0l,,K "''tiitod for tho
ii m f. r h .' c". Uov""'l Now Testament,
woiiu 4 , 'rni ' n,l,,,U IUI,,0S over HO,,, b-v
agonis. send roP circulars.
s, Pimi'.,rf'?,'KM fiO., 01.1 Arch
Olu'tlX M,'.,,h,U. PU- ,08' M-A.Im- S.
tloi nfth 'l ),UlV,'l,lt,f "'l0lO, CONHtlp
lr T",; Hfr fired by llrni
Cl .' Ij 'H,.61 t'c Hlood und Ltv
Line, Ai)t your druggist for It,
ft 3k