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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1881)
iui'-'ul""MI'JI'"'J""J'' "-- i-"virrTV"-?r-'i -,'-- y ii.uimiufwjwmiwj.mMuMnenj tjWMmwMiuijiiiiiiiifwiwinujui'KwijiitWii(tuWw.wwjiiMjwMai i MV 8F ESTABLISHED 185G. I OldoBt Paper in tho State. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1881, VOL. 26, NO, 12. r iiiiiiiMiiiiin BfeT dit ff -9 f lM lfrlriJKB9l C7"zwk m 'iiyfrt JiaK.5ii. IMPWk 'h M t u . v T tit BUSINESS CA11DS. r H. HBOADY. U t Attorney nml Counselor il l,mi, HI eovcrStnte lluiik.llrownvlllt .Neb. r S. STULL, 0 ATTOIlKKi'8 AT LAW. ontcanf County Judge. llrownvlllo. Nebraska. 4 S. II 0 L L A 1) A Y , tt Physician, SnrKeoii, Olxteti-lclnn. Graduated In 1851. Located In Urownvllle KM. Olllce, II Main struct, llrownvlllu, Neb. j AV. G I K S 0 N , IILACKSMITIl AM) IIOHSK SIlOKlt Work done to order unit intHnii'tlon Ktmrmitoed Pint -itrcot, between Mutu iuuI Atlnntlc, llrown vllle.Nob. S. A. OsnniiN. Notary Public, O.Vv". T.wl.bH. OSIIOKV & TOMHt, t Attorneys and Gounsollops at Lav:, Brownvillo, Nobraska. T)HAOTICK In thi' atiito nnd I'eili-ml co.irtu, J Hpeclnl attention kHoii toriiUuCtliiiiHiuiil sides of real estate. p A T C L I X 13 , PAHIIIUNAltl.K HOOT AM)SHOEMAICKU CUSTOM WORK mnilcto nrdcr.nml Ms nlwny cunrnnteed. UcpnlrliiK neatly and promptly dour Hhop, No. 27 Main street, llrownvlllu. Null. ) M. BAILEY, SllII'l'KK AND UKAMlit IN LIVE STOOEL JlliO WNV1LLK, XF.llltASKA . FarmcrH, please cull anil gut prices; I wmil to handle your stock. Ollloe First National Hunk. MAKLATT At KING, UKAI.I'.HH IN General Merchandise Pry Goods, Groceries, Kcndy Made Olothlne;, Hoots, Shoes, lints, Capo, and n General As sortiiiont of DniKH and Patent Medicines B- Highest prions paid for butter and ckijs. ASP1N1VAM., NK1IKASICA. EIGHT 1 PER CENT. I will make. Mortgage. Loans ON APPROVED FAHM SK0U1UTY, AT i cS. Annual Interest. NO COMMISSION. 0. J. STOWELL, Attorney at Law, y. Sheridan, Neb. m Jacob Marohn, aii oivnvillc. iVebi'iisKa, MERCHANT TAILOR, anil danlerln FtnoKnillsli , Kionrli, Scotch and Fancy ('In Mix YiiHtluirs, KIc, Ktc. ESTABLISHED IN 18&6, O L r 12 S T Real EstateAgency IN NEBRASKA. William H.Hoover. Does a general Heal Estate Huslness. Soils Lauds on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to the transfer of lloal Es tate. Has a Complete Abstraot of Titlos to all Peal Estate In Nemaha County. AlTIIOltlZi:!) 11V TIIK U. S. (lOVKIINJUM First Notional or Ti Vt O W NVULX. iiS Paid-up Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 500,000 18 PRKPARKOTO TRANSACT A General Banking Busines.. nuv AND HLLL COIN & OUREENCY DRAFTS mi nil the principal cities of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved aocurlty only. Time Drafts discount rd.ttiid spcxlal accommodations granted to deposit n. Dealers In OOVKHNMKNT IIOND.S, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Received prblw)ndnMHl. and INTI-REBTnl I.nedon tlm.chrtlllcatus of deposit. DIRECTORH.-Wm.T. Dob, fi. M. hnlley, M. A Hnndluy, Frank K. Johnnun, Luther Hondley Woi, FraUli.r. JOHN 1j. GARSO.V, A. R. DAVISON, Cnihler. Prenldaat .C.McNAOGUTON. Asst. Cashier. Book C. L. Burroughs, IYI. D.,' Physician and Surgeon. OIMceln A. W.N. KELLS DRUG STORE. All calls promptly attended day or night tipec'iii uueuiion 10 Mim.iii.iii . f4.i.i I... fitlili.l lilf.litu nl M.u U..L I., ...til .ltll .... I'Miiiu ...h.. ... .lir, i icm.h - I tjl- I donee, west of I'reshytirlAn Ciiurch. i Leeu In use two jeats. which I i heap lor cash or on time. AUo, win sell Two Farms for Sale, In the Immediate vicinity of Urownvllle. (idinl (kmuIiik orchard or each, and plent) of wood and water. IC. S. IIIXX VtFOJU). jB rJ& ;v. -r"K . ;? ii .-azzit- vt'.?" Opposit Liiinber Yaui, Main St. GKDOID "RIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, AND- Driver Furnished when desired. Horses boarded by the day and Farmers' teams fed and at fair' rates. or week, cared tor mMhMMMl How Lost, How Restored! Just piibllihid u i pw dltl u of Dr. CiilVerl uell'n Cc Ichrnlt'il 1.-.NU) mi tn radical cure nl SiiorinntnrrlHli'ucir scmliiiil Woiiknens. Invohin ' tury v-4'liiliiui Liimkiih, I mpi.tfiifj Mental and I'liyxical Incnpiii Ity. Iuipi dlincins lo marrlaKc U ; aHi) i'iin-i mitiiiv Im-ii i I'xv and I'us, ln duct'dl) Hi'lt IndulKi'iicH or vxliiul cxtravaKaiu e. .c. TlincolelinitHlaiitliur, In this mlmlr.iblo -.shrv, clearly itt'iiiiiiiHiinifs, Irom a thirty cars' nr cfssriil prm'tli'c, lliat tin iilaniihiKconst'niit'iiecsnf self abuse nriy lie radically cured; polntlim nut a iimde nl' -in e af once simple, cei tain, and clfect iml.liy ineaiis nt whlcti every sufferer, no matter what Ills condition may oe, may cure himself clieaplv, privuleh .and rnillciilly. HI. rids I.'clure lioiild lie In tlioliimds of every youth and every iiiii In the laud. Sent under seal, in n plain euveloio. to any nil drexs. post-paid, on receipt or six (ent.s. or two postage stamps. 'v have nhii u sure cure for Tape Worm. AddreHn THE CtfLVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 1 1 Ann t., Ncvf Y iii-U, N. Y. I'.O. llox. .lASlt. is ij STEEL BOILER FREY. wwfr-jwjttKfaaki t5tiiAttii P AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING- ON THE .Missouri River. NEWBOAT, Hates Low, Camps Shady, Jtoads Good, Indemnity Ample, Connects with all Trains. LLJlICO (Hum Albuicr WhitM) ibo.ld laid fcr " " lrf. lUrrl.'I'mupWMdlluitrn.d T I'liUOfMur diKilptiia el hi. Retard;, if) it,oi.r jui. plltttio., It. p.rnpblll 1 ftlw.blr ! u; lijy , ,),(,. I it. bullb, lour 1 Ikur.orilj prirtir.l lieilur Hindu.,,. ... r. UAIMS CtlAZBY CC. ST. IDUIS. HO. ' fil flffPJ75 WANTED I" i'. .t.ii ..j ffjX rriiS) prct. N.nfci t.lliih'j to., t. 1,om. lo. $ I ft t 1 hero is a patriotic limner in IVoria M v n 1 P B.flPn oou,,l.v. whosl' name should be onrolloii j $AJ UlluUUi amonu those who have, when occasion UAVFnVODEMARSOltum-M MILLS, "lJ" ".. M""" ' 1'iesilK'Ilt. A lnit liinctilliii out iim iii.w hum Mi, U 111. iMoUlinilKl Mail (MIL'IlLU'll - 7- - -r I "-- ill - I A'DEI T J Lh i 9 .J3HLS t. -". -. i-mvc &mammrim . ti (NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Tlu lied Cloud (Nob.) Artits speaks of Holds of corn in that section that nro I claimed will yield from fto to so bush- ' ''J8 U) tll i.-r. TllO flirillPM all over i Nobraska mo certainly in cood shane to live, and to Invito immigration. A telegram to tllOVHfW OiYHrellltos tho f6llowingof an Illinois farmer tliraslioLs to thrash his grain. One of these was heard to remark that ho wished (larllold would die. Mr. Mc. Donald immediately ordered this man off his premise.", innohineiiiul all. The man was oiiliged to go, notwitlistand- hig ins apologies lor what he had said 1 Kverybody that knows anything 'about tho South knows that it is as loyal as tho North. 67. JocUnzUk: Kwrybody that knows anything about tho South everybody who has spent any time in tho south, or has i access to Southern newspapers, and roads of con federate gatherings, con federate ro-unions, and confederate harangues, keeping alive tho fires of treason, intensifying tho already bitter latrodof tho union and those who beat 'down the treasonable hosts of tho south and perpetuated the Union, knows that the Gazdlv's assorUon is untrue. The North l'latto Tohjjntpfi sjieak ing of Sessions, the infamous linlf breed leader in New York, says: As a model Republican he ought to bo leturned to olllce, and no doubt will should his party prevail at the polls. The Teh'pruph knows lio to ap preciate merit- from a Democratic standpoint. lint tho Republicans' have smashed tho model. He was not liked as a Republican model. Ho ought to go South where stu-h models are in de mand; ami ho.wottJUPrs?jj get into, tho Senate or Congress, amongst the bal ance from that section who are beauti ful Democratic models holding their scats through fraud and the various rascalities practiced to s wintllo the popular will. The Lincoln Drmocnit learnine that there is a probability of Chas. D. Slo cumb, the author of tho obnoxious liquor law of this State being appointed consul to Cheinnit., (iermany, pounces upon him with that enthusiasm which only a Frenchman can carry into a light. Trliiiujii makes common cause with the Detnorrat m playing that a brainless and grncele.v scamp such as Sloeumb is may not he elevated to so important a position as the consulship at Chemnitz. Narlft I'latta 'J'fhtrtijtfi. Sloeumb has more soul and honest blood in his little too than the editors of tho Deninrrat and 'J'ehimpt have in both their miserable carcasses in a lump. And Sloeumb is a decent man while those other fellows make no pre tensions in that way. as wo should judge from their journalism. We find tlio following amongst the White House news of last week: Dr. Rovnton said tliattno bulletins had not always told the truth about the degree of the President's rest at night. Hesaid the lact was the doc tors who made the bulletins went to .sleep about midnight, and nothing more was seen of them unless they were called in case of an emergency, until 0 o'clock in the morning. In tho meantime lie was with the patient, lie declared that up to two or three days ago for nights the same scone was gone through within tho sick room. The President would dn-am and talk in his sloop all the time. Ho usually thought ho was holding cabinet meet ings. He would talk on matters of a public character chiefly witli Rlaine, and would keep this up for hours, witli only a few intervals. Finally, about throe o'clock, lie would say, "(Jood morning; wo will adjourn tho nicotine; for to-day. and the door-keeper will close tho doors." Tho doctor would get up, walk around I he room and say : "M r. President, the dooi sure closed." Ho would then say, "I will now tako n lit tle sleep," and would lest well until about 0 o'clock. At this time the doc tors would appear, and finding him in a good condition and sleeping well, would announce that he had slept well and had passed a comfortable night, when in fact they wore only predicat-! ing their opinion on the appearance of the patient at tho time they saw him. I i A Oard. Urownvllle Advertiser: I hereby brand tho infamous con st ruction put upon the report concern ing the attempted assassination of my self, in Tocumsoh, on tho eleventh of tho present month, as slanderers, mum, low, perlldeous, and as false as sin itself. I mean that part in which it is said "a woman" is in U. I brand the author of that aitlclo sent to tho .S7uf Democrat 119 a falsifier and aslaudeier and a fiend. 1 chal lenge the State to point to one Imnioial act upon my past. I challenge the State of Nebraska or Illinois to ibid one charge- that has ever been piofcrred against me, sineo 1 pt cached my ilrst iiM'oiirse. I commenced preaching in Rainier, Christian county, 111., Here was my membership. Resides this there are persons lhing in Nemaha and Johnson counties who have been personally acquainted with mo for fif teen years, Mr. Kli Porter, near Table Rock; Mr. Day, 111 Tecuinseliaiid olh ers. My present membership Is at (ilen Rock. Again, I would refer those who are desirous to get the fuels, lo the Turri li'llit containing my tatoinont. Also to Kid. R. C. Harrow's aiticle in the .State and some of the county papers. gain: 1 hereby challenge any lady lo say if I was oor guilty of immoral or unchristian conduct before her. We don't want "they say." Wo want facts: we want some 0110 who knows of one immoral act. I have always boon treated well by tho people of Nebraska. Have had no trouble with an individual in the State. Resides this I did not know whore brother llobbins lived. Had never been there before. J. J. Henry. Call for Republican Stato OCnvoutiou, Tho Republican electors of the State of Nebraska are hereby called to send delegates from the several counties, to meet in State convention at Lincoln on Tuesday, October 5th. IHSI, at :$::)() o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the fol lowing named olllces, viz.: Ono Judge of theSiipienio Court. Two Regents of thoState University. And to transact such other business as may properly come before the con vention. The sevoral counties are entitled to representation in the State convention as follows, based upon the vote cast lor Oeorgo W.Collins lor Presidential elec tor, giving one delegate to each one hundred and fifty (1 ."()) votes, and ono for tho fraction of seventy-five (7") voles or over. Also one delegate at large for each organized county. ilnmln, Volfi. fliilri. C)untlrt. Toct. imlix Adams 1,-117 II .lelli-iHon I.U.t) X Antelope fi77 h .L.hllson J.OtiS H limine Ii71 5 ICeaincy 0.r.n ." Ihillnlo I.IH'i ! Keith 'i I Hurl I.IIIU S Knox .Viii 5 llntler llVi 7 Lancaster .'I..W7 "Jl Cuss iMil n Lincoln :i-7 I Ccdiil- UIK -J Madlsnn 1170 ft Uheycnne lirj ; Merrlclc sill (I Cla-, I.ftl7 11 Nemnha 1.17.1 11 Coltnx (IS.') it Nuckolls .Mil ft ('huso 1 Niim-e III!) '.' "i!iiiln ft!H r. ,(lioe I.1IIS II Ciislcr iflii) II I Pawnee I, ltd II Da kola II'JS !l 'Pheljis Ml I Daw-nil U17 .'! 'Plcice 7(1 J linvly . 1! Pintle .. . Kril 7 Dixon Iftl) I .Polk Ill.t 7 Undue I, IUII II llted Willow . i!KI :i Donulns U.'.mo it Itlclmr son... 1.7(1 1 IK KJllmore J.4H1 1(1 Saline l.sil 1:1 Eraiiklln ftS.ri ft Sarpy I'.ll I Kioiillnr i:tl 2 iHi Icis. .1,717 12 Kllinns dim ft (Howard I.JHl 10 (iiiKe 172ii l.'J .shi-iinnn ins a fiospcr Iftil 2 iHlonv 2 (In-cloy 1M 2 iHtnnlon 1H0 2 Hall 1,150 1) Thnycr HII 7 Unjes 2 Valley ;U I llnmllton Wl7 S WashliiKton..lllH) 0 Iliirlmi 117?. (( Wheeler 2 Illlohcock Mi 2 Wayne 118 2 Unwind at7 ft Wehstcr I0OII h Holt nil .' York Mil 11 Total Ill It is recommended First: That no proxies be admitted to the convention except such as are held by persons re siding in the counties from which the proxies are given. j, Second, That no delegate shall rep resent an absent member of his delega tion unless ho be clothed with author ity from the county convention or is in possession of proxies from regularly elected delegates thereof. Ry order of Republican Stato Central Committee. JAMFSW. D.AAVES, Ch'n. F. J. Hlndkiisiiot, Sec. protein. Lincoln, Nob., Aug. l, 1881. Scratch a "reformer" says tho Boston Herald, and you'll find a "sorehead." Yes, and scratch a Massachusetts Re publican and you will find a Virginia repudiator. S7. Jon Uazette. Why, aro Massachusetts Republicans and Virginia Democrats so much alike as that? In a few days the street Bprinkling workHwill be in operation. Mr. Hud dart is hero and has ready four carts, each containing fourteen banols. His pump from .St. Louis and the largo tank from (rote aro oxpected every day to arrive bore. The tank has a capacity of 000 barrels. Everything is in readiness and awaiting tho arrival of the pump and tank. Lincoln Globe, r"". Ji'.::.i,.UT,iuuiiiLi i ainuwivsrxj MISCELLANEOUS, Dr. Ostrandcr, of West Pittston, Pa., recently suicided. Me previously be came deranged, the doctois said, by ex cessive smoking of very stiong looacoo. A convention of deaf and dumb peo ple was hejd at HnrriHbnrg. Pa., last week to form anoignnir.utinn for their advancement. . The proceedings wero not boisterous. Heavy rains in Fugland and Ireland have done great damage to the wheat and potatoo crops. The Delawaie peach crop is this year a failure. At the Berlin Chess Congiess recent ly, Mason, of Now York, defeated Blackburn, of London. The Carson Apju al AoQimy affirms that a Nevada florist has a sunflower which is fifteen inches in diameter, or nearly four leet in circumference. Tlnee hundred and fifty thousand tioiiars woi in 01 rerciieron noises aro en unite to Illinois. Caues cut from tho battlefields of Chicamauga and Mission Ridge will soon ho offered for sale at $1 each, to raise funds for tho election of a !?10, 000 Methodlstchuioh in Chattanooga. The Pope has appro veil a series of text books to be introduced into tho United Slates. A younginaii of iiS has married his aunt aged J18, in Buiralo, N. Y. New York City, in the season, con sumes t. j.uoo.OOO oysters per day. The recent discovery of1 a spring in Arkansas which runs apple luaiidy gives the Democratic party a now lease upon Unit state which will only ond when the spring runs dry. Mrs. Vandeibilt is said to sport sixty bonnets stud as many trunks at Saratoga. But as Mr. V. owns several "trunk linos" its all right. John Treddy of the linn of Treddy & Miller, Valparaiso, hid., was recent ly killed by a runaway team. A fatal accident occurred near Maroa, Ills., by the explosion of a can of gasoline in a cellar. Uriah .lames and wife wore so badly burned that tho woman died in gieat agony, and Mr. James is not expected to survive. William Reed, a farmer, living tlireo miles from (ireenville, Ohio, was goied to death by his owji bull. Whilc-ncigh-boisjlrove tho bull away, Mrs. Reed drugged her husbands dead body out of tho barn-yard. A blacksmith named Coition, of blackstoiio, 111., was run over by cars anil killed. A tornado, very di struetive to property and life, recently visited Savannah. Near ion buildings were unroofed or blown down, and many people were crushed to death by falling timbers and trees. Ciow Dog, the Indian wiio murdered Spotted Tail has boon taken to Dead wood to be tried foi uiuider. A man named Tobin, of Chlcago.who most brutally kicked and stamped his lo year old daughter to death, some mouths ago. while drunk, lias bee'u sentenced lo imprisonment for life. Hog cholera is raging in Charles City and vicinity. So far KOO head have died. K Rullalo.N. Y dispatch says : "The drouth is verp severe. Crops are abort and poor. All stock in trade but hogs aio overstocked. Tho market is flooded with half fat cattle and light, thin lambs." A dispatch from Trenton. N. Y., says: "Crops and cattlo are suffer ing from drought, which extends all over tho State. The liluo Mountains aro blazing for miles. Tho largo convent at Silver Lake, Wisconsin, was recently struck by lightning and burned down. About 80 people in the building escaped without injury. A Miss (iraiit, of Lancaster county,. Neb., was killed during a lecent thun der storm by a stroke of lightning. Miss Una Farley, of Rloomington, 111., who sued Mr. Gridley, of that city, for breach of promise of marriage, com promised on 80,000 yesterday. Last mouth was tho hottest August for ten years, and had the smallest rain fall for tho decade. m . - Hon. Henry S. Kaloy, or Red Cloud, Neb., died at his homo in that place on the 'Joth ult. Mr. Kaloy was a prominent, useful, and highly honored citizen of tho Stato. Ho was aged .'58 years. Ho was a mom of the last legislature; was appointed U.S. Consul to Chemnitz, Germany, by President Garfield, but has boon sick most of tho time since his appointment was made; was president of tho State board of education and a member of tho Stato Board of fish commissioners. Two hotels each to coBt 8100,000 are now under way of construction in Omaha. pr