IV wuimamL'i-im.im.jniiir , ,,, BM7rT yumir-Mrareronawiutu,. ni.uimwum .x.n j., ....mw m im i Jumni n ;nuwm 1- M' ' ., - i mmmmmtmtmtttte- ! f $w. .U jn rl lilt ft ir tt& Pt .ESTABLISHED 1856. 1 Oldost Paper in tho State J -"graggMraraaffa BUSINESS CARDS. T II. H H 0 A I) Y, f' Atlniiio)' nutt tintitiaelor At l.Rtr, Olllce vir Statu Ifonk.llrowiivlllii.Koti. S. a. o s n onx, ATTOHNBV AT LAW. Olllce, N'o. 81 Miilh triPt. Ilrownvlln. NfM T S. S T 17 h T, , x AT'J'OHMCYH AT LiAWi Olllcoof Cmty Jiidicr. llrotvlivllto, Ncbmokiv. A S. IT A, IMiyalo S. IT 0 L L A I) A Y I fin, Murireoii, Otmtulrlclnn. . (rrttiHt(Ml hi 1851. I.ticnt-il In HrnwnvUlu !()&. Uliloi',11 .M-Un itrect, Ilrowtivtltn. Nib. J W. ( I J SO N, . ttl?AGIHiTITII AM) MOItSK HTIOHIt WorktlmiB loonier unit 'OtttfliotlfinetiArnntPpO -N-'Irst iti-pot, bflUreiMi Main und Atlantl. Ilrimti Title.. Nil ll. p.VT CLINK, CASIIIONAUI.R HOOT AMISHOti'MAKKIt JC rUHTOSt WQ.KK mmteto or.lnr.Htul IUh ithviiy gl'nf nntpotl. Unpulrtntf ni-ntly nnij promptly rlntif .Sliop. tiu.V Main itrcut. HrnivnvIlltvNob. D M. iRAILEY, Hllll'l'I'.Il A Nil DKAMiK JN LIVE STOCK f HO WXV1LUC, XMRA.Vi'A. Knnner, )loMrte cull mill Kitpri(!c; I wain to liimillo yrtur stoolc. Oilier Klrst Nutloiml Umlc. Ill A BIB, ATT &. KlXft, UKAI.KIIH IN General Merchandise Dry UnoilH. Orrti'erlCN.Hnnily Mink' Clntlilnu, HontH, Mlioi-x, ITiith, Cii"), mid n Cioiioriit An sortmont of Dnms nntl I'ntent Mllci nt'H. ftju Illli0ht prior pnld for liuttur mill ASPINWAI.Ij, A'RHItASICA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I will mulct.' Morii;iii;t Loan ON AIM'UOVEl) KAUM SKCUUITY, AT 8 J- CS. Annual Interest. ". NO COMMISSION. -0. J. STOWELL, Attorney at Law, Khrrtrhni, Neh. titn'.l arahn, UUM Ui ait ovmvHI, ':lriKli:i. MERCHANT TAILOR, unci (lealbrln f'inpi:iit,'llili. Kipitcli, Scotclt .iml Kiiney Clotlix VnstluN, Mir., Kc. AVKDD1XCJ SIMTS A SPKClAJrY. ESTABLISaBi) IN 186, BOP 1 RealEsfaleAgency William S.Hoovor. Hoes ft Kcnornl UchI IMtuto HurIiicmh. hoIIh f.nnds on CominlsIon, oxfinilnoH Titles, lnukos iiooiIh, MortnefH, nnd all litHtru inentH pi'itnlnliiB to too truiufor of Heal Kh late. Ifnsii Oomplste Abstract of Titles il, to nil H-k1 KHtnto In Xoinaliu County. VI TII(MMZi:i IIY TIIK I". S. tlOYKItXMr.M First National Bonk O Y i i own virt hi Pif(-Ht Capital, $S0,000 500,000 Aathovtetid t IS I'UKI'ARhOTO TRANSACT X General Banking Busines. nut AND SUM. COIN & CURRENCY. DRAFI'S n nil the principal cltloi ofthe United States and Europe MONEY LOAN EH On approved security only. Time Drafts dlicomit nit , liiul ipeijlul aot-nmmoiliitloiii fcrantqd to, dupoilt cm, ncnlorsln OOVKIINMKNT JIONUS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS UfcelvHd payable nn dcniiuid nud INTKUKHTbI lowed on UweourUilipuU- ordftpolt, DlHKCrrOUH.-Wm.T. l)7i, li. M. Rnlloy, M.a" Hundley, Krurik K, Jqliion, I.ultmr Jlondluy .10II.V h. CAUSO.V, A. R. 1A VIPON'.CiiBhlor. I'rlilttt J. C.McNi-UO JITON. Ant.CaUIr. C. L. Burroughs, IYI. D., Physician- and Surgeon. Oinrnln A. V. N. JCliLI.a DIll'G'HTOUK. All oitllH priimy'lly ultoiVtlpil ihiv of tilnht H''C al attention to MMIORHY. Can do found iiIkIiIh itt Ms. Pincyn's rcM- Un(H, wn.1t of I'rctljyti-rluh C'.'iurcli. Sale Gheap f H.VVKTWODBMAUHWlUlllfM .Mll.I,.S. 1 licHt muoliliic tuif hiti nntlniy n-w. on t'liuiip lor ntsli or o;i time. AIm, Ttiin Cni'tvir 4rtv Crl- I WU raMIIO 111! OfJ K. - - . W J In tho lmtirtltnto vicinity of Hrownvlllf, i Goo I liMiiliu iirtllmril on encli, unit ploilty of wood und will or, It. S. I31. t! KS. U'rr' -..',-, ,-.-7 n- 1 JflrWn Opjtosit Lumber Yard, IMiiiii St. O-OOD BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Spi'eial Acconiiuodiitioiis for Coinmercial Men, -AXD- Drivcr Furinslied when desired. Horses boardyd by the day or week, und Pannurs' teams fed and cared for at fair' rate's.' n ESWWWiWfei:, How Lost, How Restored! Jllit pilblHIll'll II l I'W IMtltl'lll Of I)'. dllVci'l- wi'II'h Ccli'litiiti it I.nmiij on tlii'Milicul imiii, i, Siiriiiiitiirrinli'iiiir stiiiiiml Wfukiii's. Iiiv.iIiim tury iiiiiiiui 1,o.,.h, Iiiipnipiir-y. Menial uinl riiyslciii in, nimclty, Iinieil(iiinMl.H Id nnirrlHk'c ti.i iiNd i nNi'Mi'i ion . Ki'ji.ki'yiv iinU Kris, In ilnct'tl lynt-ll-liiiliiiK'iii'o it si'xtiml i'.lniaiiin'.i, Ac. Tlii'oli'briiti'il iiutbor. In this mlinlniblc J',M.say, cleiirly (li'innnitiiiip, friitii u thirty ypurs sup. cihhIiii irii!tk'', Hint tin" iilnrinlii;,' coiiHcijUt'iiccsof slr iiImimi in.iy bo railii'ully phtpiI; (hiIiiiIiiu out it moiluiif iMirHitl iiiipHinpi',pprtiiln, anil I'lli-ct-uul. li.v ini'iiiis ol whicli evi-ry niiflun'r. nti nuiltpr wliiil IiIm piiuilliluii limy i)i, limy euro IiIiuhuM ciiinh, tirlvntiily.iiiiil riulli'.tlly. KH.I hi l.tTltirt'ihotilil belli Ilii) ImiuU of uvitv ynutii und uvitj nmn in tin Irnul. Sent uiulPrHi'iil, In a philn unvolopp, to anv nil ilroM, post pnlil, on reculpt ofHlx cpiits. or two pimtiiKi- mumps. Wo Imvo iiImi ii n ii'o eurp lorTupp Worm. Address THE 0ULVSIIV73LL MEDICAL CO., 1 1' Ann St., Now Vorh, . V. V. O. IU.. I5SII. l ly STEEL BOILER FERRY. mrimjj mii' 1 C-i"A' . - Sti Wt'f??S.T''3l-i."S- . XV i1WUI3KU,aji' ntjs3rafli uzs rAii- AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST OHOSSING ON Till? Missouri River. NEW BOAT, Rates Low, Camps Shady', Jtoaris Good, In dem n itfi A injde. Connects with all Trains. I Af"IErCwhl " IrooMtl with LtnterrlxM fc r ImJ ICQ Oluoi Altu.u; VMf,i !inuljndfu L. PI. ...l. !-.... ..I.. l. ...fk.. ...... .J. '. ,,,'-V"'i j-rui. iiurria l'Mlllilll' (llluitrit uilrittd lettloa. Tlii DtnmbWl Yllulblr Is inV t.i. I, aZIZ til, belb,bnj llirnutVir pricii,cnli,iiMaii,d,,,M- 1 .Kr Harris remedy co.'l$t. Louis, mo. WANTED I' Hi' n.,t ai..i rmu I Salute I if I 'fill nook, ai.J llUtv I'ric, For W.E BTF a Uaka WWhsSi& . -i . i i j rr- y : ', . , . ?llTrj!? --tezptys BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPT, 1, 1881, I NEBRASKA ADVERTISER t u iviMMit hull llulit at MurHoillt.'s, L7 pt'i-soiis worn killed mill almut D00 I hurt uioiti or h'.ss. I Our wcstorii,r'clliiiiKl,,jlcronprnHv urn lpjojciiiB over wiiui. mo ;mi ram lias ;Uolio for tlit crotis " : ' ' ! Ttl said (hat a Galwsfnn astrono i intr has (liHcovciit'd a (joiuot iu "Mho , dipper," viHiblu only , tHl'ouBh a tclo- ,8t,nl", ..... . - r. rflll. - 1 , t.'J. i - . , Ail i "i ii- Hoiuiers vetiiijiHi iu .l.liK.'om. eommeiKMis Mondiiv. September fth'nd lantH durii)(r the week. "It pioinlnefl1 6 I 111 ! frrnml -aT;v i 1. ..w .. ( , "Mr.s. Caviled is r.t)e(iivh)f,', hundred.-! ' ol' letters expressive of Hvinpathv. (and itinnv eu'itainitiLr ailviee ami rveipMro- KiirtliiiKthc President's iimt'ss, fi(onria is to havn a l.nnn.ooo (jnoi iol. Lid' run old .loo Ihown for vice, president in '8-1 . .S7. .Inn (fovltr. It's old .Ion. wo holiove, who still holds so many colored pontile in shiv ery. Of coursi' he would ho just the man for tho (tmrtte; The Omaha Ti'h'fram av, reunnl ua tho drinking quest inn in Omaha : A irreat nianv falk.of oruanizini' soeial elulw. wliieh is a' .well Unown manner of avoiding the strinwnt liquor laws, and ono whiHi nronerlv n-irried out will undouhtedlv defeat tho Slorutnb in somu of its main pro visions Tho bosl nrenaration for elnnnin" pi'ture frames and rentorintr furniture, marred or erateliod, is a mixture of three parts litmeod oil. and one part spirits of turpentine. It not onlv env oi's tho disllirnred surfjiee. but restores wood to its original eolor, nnd loaves -i lustre upon the surfaeo. Tut on wiH a woolen eloth, and when dry rub with woolfin. T)r. Smith Townsend, health otlleer of tlHMlistrieL of.ColuT'fintxive;-its us his opinion that the Trosidoiit has been since first wounded suffpriiifr from pvaemia, and having heeonm so rodiieed. will survive but a short time 'dm.oro. onuor. ryaoinia is (leiinetl ;as a is '(lisoaso""pri)duee(l by the ininjjlinn of the pnisonouH matter of pus' with tlm blood. Dr. Townsend says the patient's relapses are periodi cal, and that he will have another thin week to which tho vital powers will succumb. The I.ewistown. 111.. Qitr.vlU', con tains the following: "Kvery paper iu tho United States onulii occasionally to keep tho fact before ils reatiers that burnt corn is a certain and, speedy euro for hog cholera. The host way is to make a pile of corn on the cobs. elVect ually, scorch, and then give the all'eet od hogs free access to it. This remedy was discovered bv K. I'.. Lock, at the time his distillcn v;is burnt in this county, together with a lame lot of store corn, wliieh was so much injured as to be unlit for use, mid greedily oat en by the hogs, several of which were dying dailv. After the second dav not a single hog was lost, and tho disease entirelv disappeared. The remedy, has been tried in a number of curoh since and has never failed." It was tho charcoal that did it and not because it was burnt corn. Any other kind of charcoal isfjust as good, and is tho best preventive of disease ever led to hogs. firiitor A1.) Tho St. doe (lazettp starts off a story with tho head of "f'riniinal Impudence," and then produces the miserable Dem ocratic H recently promulgated bv Much unscrupulous sheets as the Gazette that a conference of Iiopublicnns was recently held in New York, at wliieh fion. Grant was present, and advised Vice President Arthur to proceed to "Washington and assume tho Presiden tial olllce. The truth is, as the (luzvtte well knows, that no such n meeting was held, and that Gen. Grant nor any other ouo of Gen. Arthur's friends has advised any such eouran for him, or who believes he ought to take finch a course.' Thoy believe ejctly. Urn ru verse. The Uuzdtc's "criminal impu dence," therefore, is simply a criminal iu, invented, by ono whose, hatred of J f',.,i n,nnf .l-ltiu frnlll flO t'lllin tlm (Ull . . .ti mum General humbled I.ee; -nriMk; and tho confederacy. how down vi-perism. i r,)?7'rrn'Pnn:!i':"r",iEr3w BBLEOT TELEGRAMS A UO.MI'MMr.NT-TO AMK1t!('. V.wifi, AuuMisf 21. -Tim prelect of iN'ino nas iiiMiriueii .Morton, lulled States minister, in a letter Which is VeiV complimentary t hlin' and Americans, thai placVi do Mtoho. where his otHcial residence is situated, has beennanred Phiee ties KtilUTnls, Tti'r. nuot'T;, iN,icr..N',Tr.vKY. JiiKJVTOM'N, K.V., August 'il. iTliuivji!iril)eeu,m min for two month JiPthis vicinity, hut Wen yet vain would help corn. Witter is" gelling very si-arce. Many lurmot'H drive Ktuek four miles. The itdvanee In corn scares distillers,' wlin liosilnto wlietlier tu oporate.tlilU'rpll. Jf the present price or ciSrn is luliintain'ed the product of dbtilleries Will inH be half thiit of last yeiu'. ' '' ' ;:it't.Mi; in t'kxas. ; ;SnHi,A., 'IltlNUS, A.UKUHt 2-Hll. News of ii mosfhoirihle iiifnir in Cook cwumty has beep received. .Sometime Mince IJen lilaiitop, ex-sherill' of (look cpunty, a desperado, met flames Todd, uiio had henna witness against him in a l.iw suit, iibiiHcd and insulted him iu uii outrageous manner. They separated, each vowing to meet tho oilier Inr ii final settlement. They met. to-ilny, when both drew weapons and llrt.'d. Todd was shot through the heart and in the breast; the top of Wanton's head was blown oil'. Moth men were lying dead when discovered. The St. .loo iazrttc has a corres pondent hanging, around the whisky shops of Topeka. Kansas, for the special purpose, we infer, of writing leinpoianeo and temperance laws down and .saloons and, drunkard making up. ln.stead of giving tho whole truth regarding the prohibition experiment iu that Stale, as a true journalist should, he gives but one Hide, and tlmtth information he gathers from the circle in which he doubtless circulates among I lie liquor dealers and the saloon pimps. Ho is a pritly bright writer, and would be a credit to the paper for which he writes if he would get his news from a decent ami lelinble Kource, and then write the Truth. TluvfoJJow is doubt less, however, doing precisely what he is paid for doing. The following should-serve as a warning ' to ' people who visit the metropolis, against the hack timers of Omaha. Iletter walk up in to town titan to fall into the hands of tliost villianous sharks. Thy Triryruin says: 01110 of the hack drivers about town need looking after. Uooontly one of them charged a lady two dollars lor bringing her from the depot to the cent nil part of the city. There are also complaints that 'bus drivers hac pretended they could not tind tin si roots and numbers given them, and have taken passengers to hotels in stead of home., or to their friends. The following clipped from an ex change, is valuable if true: Iu building a chimuoy.putn quantity of salt in the. mortar with which the inner course of bricks am to be laid. The effect will be that there never will be any accumulation of soot in the chimney. The philosophy is thus stated: Tho salt in tho portion of mortar which is exposed absorbs mois ture from the atmosphere every damp day. 'I'lic soot thus becoming damp, falls down to the lire place. This ap pears to bean Knglisii discovery. It is used with success in Canada. The Calvert ConrU'i' "heartily com mends tho notion of the city council" of Hrownvillo in closing the saloons. To keep a true record of transpiring events it is uooossury for us to say thai the city council took no action what ever toward closing tho saloons, and tho whole mponnibility for the en forcement of the law in that matter, belongs to gentlemen not bound by an oath to support Mm constitution and laws of the Statu. ifm i ii Some one wiole to Moj-jco Greeley inquiring if guano was good to put on potatoes. Me said it might do for those whoso tastes hud booomo vitiated with tobacco and rum, but he preferred gravy and butter. The H. & M. laud department is send ing thousands of posters oast, to adver tise ami get up excursions to the re union. (Unliii, ' 1 - a ii ' i Mrs. Khivans. of Pllzen. Saunders county, Nebraska, gave birtlito tliroo bouncing children on tho'nth inst. I i ., .! Twenty-live settlers were killed near Nutts Station, Arizona, by Apacho Indians. VOL. 26, NO, 11. MISCELLANEOUS. The Treasury have ordered $,07:i .'MO woilh of gold bullion from tin New Vuik assav olllce to Phllailelnhl.. to bo coined Into eagles and half eaglet,. Queen Victoria has given hei'nssent to Mm. Irish laud bill, which now be comes a law. Mrs. Mayes' portrait, presented bv the women or the I'niled Slates, cos't $:i,0(o. It was painted by Daniel Huntington, of New York. A man named Matcher was killed bv another named House at Kansas City. Moth were teanislers. Near Murrre.sboro, Tumi., Aldrian l'itts, a wealthy and respected farmer, was shot and instantly killed while in his melon patch. Six buckshot wine taken from his head. The shot was tired by an unknown parly, 'V. Lautou, Xew Yolk, recently sold his wife to 1 .lansen for one dollar cash dowu.and thought frotn.tho former intimacy of , lansen and Ids wife that he made a good ale. : Tile will of the widow of ox-President I-'illmoK leaves public bequests to tho amount, of .$r.n,ooo. among which is $2(1.1)110 to tho unhorsit of Rochester. in l-algelleld county, S. C., u light with shotguns occurred hot ween J. V. .1.' V. was killed Unpaid and son ilud Timiiiorinan. The latter and the formei woulidol. probably fatally Highl negroes were lynched at Orange. Texas, one day last week for an alleged attempt to Kill the sherilV. The leader being a wliitu man was put in jail. dipt. .Nihil Poineroy, an old printer and lake caplaiu .suicided at Chicago. A dispatch from Siler City says: OnohuiHliid people have been killed during the past fortnight by a band of Indians iu the socoro and adjoining vallevs. Soldiers ami citizens iu pursuit. Citizens of Henson, Arizouia, seized the occupants of a gambling saloon, buriied,tho furniture, and ordered the whole party to leave by the next train on pain of being the principal figures in u necktie party. Deputy SlierilV Me diums was shot iu the thigh during an altercation with two members of the gang. On tiiu 2iUli pit., al SJlverlon, CM,, I. t. Ogfilniig, city iiihi-mJuiI, : nill ed by two roughs, Hai t Williamson and Dyson Eskridgo. The whole town was aroused and the muiderers .will bohnohed if captuted. Kskridge is a notorious desperado and large rewards are ollered for his other crimen. A comet is now visible, to the milied eye, of evenings iu the northwest. (,'has. J5. Wright, casliierof the Lan cashire insurance company, is another icuin oi gamiiiing. Mo is under arrest for embezzling a large sum 'of money; and confesses tho charge, .say ing lie became addietod to patronizing gambling hells, whicli led him to tht- misuse of monev not his own, " . Two colored men at M,ouroe, J,., acciihod of murder, were huig by a mob. a few days ago. At SI. Petersburg among recent ii i rests was that of u general who was engaged iu hot raying I he plans of the authorities to Hie Nihilists. The Hiilcjgh Journal now llguros out a majority in Xorth Caiolina for anti- ' prohibition of l i':,.v(l. Four cimntics voted for prohibition. ' Tlie Isduml of Cyprus is overrun with goats. It is estimated Mutt Micro aiu aan.omi of these tiiiiiujils. on the island, and planting is almost useless on account uf their ravugos. Near Toronto, looenllv an oaglo attacked u child and attempted to My away with it, but the child's clothing being of light texture would not sup. port its weight.aid was torn into strips in mi' wiionsoj me savage bird. Tlio licpublicau Valley is liappy. The JCnlerjii it says: Tho soaking rain of Wcdnesdav night and Thursday changed the as pect f affairs in the entire iteimblicau valley. Kvni at this late dav tliere was a largo aeroago of corn thiit just coininoiiced tassoling. The rain had u benollcial ofloct upon It and nothing can pit-vent it maturing and making good corn. Grass that was rapidly drying up again resumed a green ap pcuancoby the rainfall, and a much laiger tonnage of hay will lie put up than would have Ijoou hut for it Ground Is h) good condition for fall plowing, and inanv hoiva of sod will be turned over while it s in good order. Tho condition of fanners is vastly hu proved, tm.l new life is inAwd into ' them, they realize Mint with a.balf croo of wheat and corn they are in better circumstances than u majoritv of farm ers in Iowa, nili.oK Iniir,uii;MluHuuri, and other eastern States. , Anralrio ihe iiear Tecumseh a k few days ago bv ut up a large amount of hay. rJcd 33 ir cL .Ntlioml TUulitL'.-ca., M. Ijuh, M. W.