1 FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. "V7". A. .TXJ13Iv.XjN KT IUJUUUU1UJM NEBRASKA ADVERTISER ruuRSD.vY Auorsr 2.-,, issi. The sick folks aro till recovering, slowly. Herkshiro hogs, highbred for sale by Stpvcnson & Cross Hxtra copies of the Advkhtiskk at. A. W. Xickell's. Oil cloth, brussols and hemp car pot, by Stevenson & Cross. Newton, Sehuttler, and Studohaker sprinj? and farm wagons at David Campbell's. Collins and furniture, a large stock of all styles bv Stevenson fc Cross. For agood Cooking Stovo with tho most and best trimmings, call on Wil ling llros. & Jordon. Elder M. M. Ooode, of St. Joseph, -Mo., will preach in the Christian church this (Wednesday) evening. Mixed spice, composed of 17 dif ferent kinds of spices, just the thing lor pickles, kept, by Stevonson & Cross. It is desirable that every member of tho Temple of Honor should bo at tho Temple meeting next Monday livening. Hardware and groceries, large stock of each, by Stovooson & Cross. (Jo to Willing Hros. & Jordan for your hardware and fruit cans, powder and shot, barb wire, the Joliet, Maker and Scutts make, nails, door locks, corn knives, and the be.it assortment of guns at the lowest prices. W. H. & J. The best cook stove, with the latest improvements, you can buy of Stevenson & Cross. - Homeinber, Tiik Aivkhtisi:k is only $1.50 a year now to subscribers who pay in advance for one year. To anv one sending us the names of seven new yearly subscribers in the county wo will mail Tiik AiIvhktisku one year in consideration therefor. Tho money must accompany the order, at tho rate of 81.. 10 a vear. -Wnnt butter and eggs Highest price paid bv Stevenson & Cross. - .. . Lots of bargains in all lines of goods at J. L. A c- tlee's. The two saloons in this city one by l'hil. Frakor and one by Jako Kauhchkolb closed their doors on the thirsty public, at noon on the 2.id inst. They were selling under license from the city council given last. May in ac cordance with tho old liquor law. They each paid sf.100 license and gave bond in 0110 thousand dollars. They hoped that theSlocumb law would bo declared unconstitutional, and had a strong, un shaken faith in what their lavcr told them, that if it wore not so declared, a license under tho old law, before the new law became operative, would hold good the year for which taken. All this has proved a delusion. The recent decision of the Supreme Court lias done what Tun Aivkhtim-:k tried but failed to do demonstrate that liquor selling under the old law was a con tinuous offence against tho Stato, sub jecting those engaged in it to tho pains and penalties of the real law. Those saloons, however, have been patiently tolerated, notwithstanding the coulliet waged between temporanco and drunk ard making, until the pending decision of the highest authority could bo had. "When that was made- known it was expected that the saloons would close tt once, and until they could open under tho Slncumb law. After wait ing a reasonable length of time for them to dose, and it appearing that un less somo action was taken to closo them they would continue to break and defy the law, somo of the leading men of tho city resolved to take immediate steps to have tho law respected and en forced in this regard, and to this end eniployed.I. II. Hroady, Ksq. While there might bo any number of Unable cases brought against tho saloon keep ers, who have been heaping offense upon ofi'onsosineo the first day of June, Mr. Hroady was instructed to notify them that if they would stop now, and continue closed until they can open their saloons according to tho only law there is regulating their business, tho employers of Mr. Hroady will institute no arrests or suits for paRt violations, letting by-gones bo by-goues. So as stated, our saloons are' closed, and Tin: AnvKKTisKK hopes tho compact will bo honorably kept, so that there may bo no occasion for strife, bitterness, arrests and linos. Hay Hakes, Cofllns and Laco Cur tains, by Stevenson &, Cross. One more lady made happy by talcing one of the Crown Sewing Machines at J. L. Mc Gee's. - If you want grapes for jell, call fling, putting up, leave your orders at Stevenson & Cross. LOCAL PERSONALS. J. L. Mcfico is in St. Joe this week. Lou. .Jones is able to bo out again after a short spell of sickness. Mr. J. Hauschkolb, of the Hocr Hallo, started to Now York Monday last. Wash. "Hacker sends us a speci men ear of his corn ten inches in length. Alf. Hurnette, of Hrownrillo, pur chased a beautiful residence lot Tues day. ( 'alci-ii Courier. P. J. Hitte, Ksq., started last Thursday on a visit to Martinsville, Ind., to bo gono several weeks. Miss Celia Furnas who has been spending a month past with hor sister at Osceola, returned last week. Nov. II. O. Scott, who has been enjoying a vacation at his old homo in Pennsylvania, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Weeber and the baby are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Hobt. W. Furnas of this city. Mrs. AV. S. Clark and baby, and master Charley, of Xemaha, were in the city Friday last having baby's pic ture taken. Misses Kate and Sallie Cox, of Humboldt, Neb., and Miss Pratt, of Jacksonville, 111., are visiting with the the family of D. 0. Cross. Mr. J. Clark Odoll. ono of the best carpenters in tho State, is now getting out the wood work for a One brick house for the farm of Mr. Win. Mcln incli. (iraudma McCoinas, who has been on the invalid list for the past four or live weeks.by reason of a badly snrained foot, we aro glad to know, is able to bo around again. Mr. M. L. Kniery, of Podunk, was in the city Monday night this week. He brought us some specimen ears of corn grown on the farm of Simon Hob inson, one of which was a foot long and perfectly grained. Plenty of corn in this county. JohnS. Hughes old settlers of this vicinity, Nemaha, Hedford, and Henton, will remember with kindly feelings, "Undo John." as he was call ed. Levi Hughes informs us that the old gentleman departed this life at Dayton, Yamhill county, Oregon, on tho '2-2(1 of July, 188 j, uued SI years. Mr. George Herlin, having pur chased Mr. Hooch's interest in tho bar bershop of Herlin & Heecli, is again the solo proprietor of that splendid shop. Mr. Herlin informs us that within a day or so ho will have in his employ now first class workmen that will, he hopes, give perfect satisfaction to the public. G. "W. Taylor, one of the legal lights of Hrownville, spent last night in the city, the guest of ye printers. Mr. T. came out for the purpose of as sisting A. F. Fwan. Ksq. in the prose cution af the case of Harms vs Hoyle. sustaining his reputation as an able lawyer. Mr. Taylor was a former practitioner of Sidney, Iowa, and his good name there has followed him to this county. Culnrt Courier. AVe stato from reliable authority that Win. T. Rogers, Ksq., who removed from this plnce last fall to Sherman, Texas, will be a citizen of Nemaha county again within tho next :() days. William is most thoroughly and per manently disgusted with Texas. And there is no place liko "The Garden County." His old friends will give him and his good family a most cordial greeting. - Fruit Jars, low prices. Stkvk.vson & Ciioss, Mahwki); In this city, on Sun day, August 21st, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Elder Howe, Mr. D. C. Dovki. and Miss Makv Sohantz. Wo wish Mr. and Mrs. I), a long, prosperous and happy married life. Stevenson & Cross carry a line of goods that no other house in Nebraska carries always glad to see old custom ers and new, and prices will bo found as low as goods can possibly bo sold. Farm for rent, joining Nemaha City tW acres under cultivation. In quiro at this olllce. "Wo aro doing a largo trade in queonswaro and glassware. If you need any got our prices. Wo will savo you money. Stkvk.vson & Citoss. The boo m lias struck Dolen. Ho is soiling lots of goods. If you lmvo fever and aguo, (Unordered llvor.dynpopsla, general debility, try Dr. Marshall') Hrntnnliiin, the Ulg Wood anil Mvor Cure;only fifty cents n bottle Fine Groceries Flour, of all Grades, Selectdd Teas, Pure Coffee anil Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Ilrlril mill ('muted Fruits In Variety, Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of c;,,,iS untl Tobueeo, and a full stock of '".indies at aaaiHnaaiaaMmannmnsMBBaBm TIIK HHOW'rVVIIililC JIAIlKKl'g, Following lire Mi quotations at noun on Wednesday, tho t lni nf going to prum : LIVE STOCK. COKUKCTKI) HY . M. IIAII.KY, MTot'K IIKAI.KR AMI Hllll'I'KK. HOKH h WlOfih ill rflt'ors. fiilrlo choice uti ." Cow, lut i iHltpJ S artAl.V MAHKRT. couiir.crKii nv u. v.. doooi.ax. ukain I) KA I.Kit. Whom No. '- . .. .... IhM us Wheal No. ;) (,p ,vi Uyo (fi TO Hurley IUV. T'i CornIn lluoiir w le " shelled '. (ai in Young men, Dolen has a line lino of clothing. When want ing a suit, call and price. -- llain wagons are selling ver fast. Call on Stevenson & Cross if ou want a number one wagon. Champion Ilea per Mower AND NEW CORD BINDER, For sale hy David Camnuxi.,. Univordity of Nebraska. The fall term opens Sept. l:ilh, ISSI. Tuition free to all. No charge toi in cidental expenses. Hoard costs from 2 to ?:!. Those entering I he prepara tory class must he prepaied for exami nation in Orthography, Heading, (!e ography, Common School Arithmetic, English (irnuimar and lr. S. History. A teacher's certificate is accepted in lieu of the examination. Further in formation may he obtained by sending for catalogue. " F. 15. F.ini"u:u, l);iw Chancellor. The boss flour is made by Henry Sliiffer at flome luood's. Call for Gold. Coin. IVo DIospItal XchmIciI. No jmlliitlul hospital iii-odcil for Mop Hitters piitlcntN, nor Inr"' salaried Inli'iitt'd pillTcrs to tell wlmt Hop IllUnrx will do or cure, us they tell Iholr own Mory liy their certain and 'iitioluo ciirr-sat home. Jind still they come. .Hals, rats, H'a.bH, cheap, at J. L, j o Gee's. Cured orDt'luklliff. "A yomiK friend of mine was enrkd of an lnsatlahle thirst for liquor, which had xo prostrated him that he was unable to do any business. He was entirely cured hy tho useot Hop Miters. It alla r"1 all that luirn liiK thlihi; It took away the apnitlt' lor liquor; made lilv nerves nNimIv. and he has remained a miller and steady twin Inr more than two years, and has no desire lo return to his cups. I know of a nmiiher of otlers that have lytsn cured of drlnklim hy It." l'roin u loiulltx,' H. H. (Jlllclal, Chicago, Ills. New prints just in. J.L.MoGUtt. - A nice line of guns just received at prices that will sell everv time. Sti:vknm it Cnoss. Earthenware, Q a e e n s ware,avd Glassware, cheap at J. L. McGee's. Kor? blllousneHN or co.stlveiio.sH, or jiny llror uomplulnts, huy Dr. MarHlmll'H llrom ollne, the llln Klfiy-Cent Blood .Medlolne. DniHKlsts well It. Dolen has the boss stock. (Joining Look w Mlv Out. Tlios. Hieiiards, tho "Hegulator." starts east to lay in a complete stock of hardware and stoves. II" will give the best figures. Homembor, he gives general satisfaction. The 5th line of lace rem nants j asl ai rived at J. L. A c Gee's. Furniture, largo stock, low prices. Stevenson & Cross. FOR BARGAINS in Clothing, Hoots, shoes, (Irocrries and Millinory Woods go to .John MeNoal. Lowman's stand I FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. Xlli.TCflS LITTLE GIANT POST, Patcutod Oct. 15, 1072, by A. B. DRAKE, Olay Oontor, Kas. Letter A repreHoiitH n post, whloh has tho Iron rod II Inserted nt I In foot, and thence extending perpeuillculnrly downward to n siifllclent leiiKth to secure a hold In the Kroiuid. whetr the said rod Is hem ai a rltfht miulo and Is extended tluMiee liorlxotitiillv uh far as ncfcusiirrf in Wan Kl 0 secure the required limine, and then it Is hetit upward at an i.cuto nnittH tocouiieol with tho upper portion of tho pout A, anil forms a tlrm hase therewith, as shown Inlhecut. If deemed necessary, a stone or hlock of wood, or other siihstanre, inuy ho placed upon the horizontal portion of the rod, or the excavation uiuv he pnrlly tilled with cement. Tho posisor setting will he found toAtnuil with unusual firmness mul permanence, Which the never I'niMi Will lint nrTnot In the leit. Fence posts mod In oonnoctlon with IhU Improved miiUIiik may ho made much lighter than ndapted lo various other .Malilt t facto rod and sold Last Sunday we wore hustled in to a wagon with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sanders, (5. W. F. jr. wife and hahies, and were soon carried twelve miles away when we found ourholves at tho much talked uhout town of Calvert. This was our llrst visit to that piece of heautiful prarie laud since it has been chosen as the spot upon which to build a city that idiall overshadow rivals and competitors. It is the child of the H. & M. laud Com puny, and is at present being fostered with jealous care by the inllueuce and money of that strong combination. At the conception id' Calvert it had no expectations for nourishment beyond that furnished by the H. & M. railroad, and no dread of a rivul inteiior town. Hut since that event the seienitv and confidence of the new town has been interrupted, and its greatness' threatened, by the en croachments of tho H. .& M's most lormidable ri.al corporation. At once it was plain thatif the M. 1. should run by Calvert without giving it a denot and trive the denot to Sheridan. ...ivMHimi-t. .listnurn nir. the latter I town would have at least an equal chance with Calvert and therefore bo a perpetual check to its growth. This being tho situation for the past mouth a desperate struggle has been going on between Calvert and Sheridan for that depot. At this writing, the title of success seems with Calvert. In fact wo may say that our information is such as to warrant us in saying that the M. 1'. will lake the Long Hranch route, which means that Calvert will have the M. 1. depot. That will give it two depots of the two ntroiigo.it rail roads in existence, and that will insure Calvert a greater future than were een (beamed if by its founders in their most sanguine moments. Calvert is only about two months old, yet we found some 2r or :io very res pectable buildings erected; some of them liuished and painted, while others are under way of completion. The residences are neat, and the business houses substantial all much better than lirst buildings usually are in a new town. We may in somo fut lire article ment ion some of the buildings and other features of the enterprise of Calvert, that especially attracted our notice -have not time now. We enjoyed our ride to the "center" very much, for there are beautiful lauds, farms, residences, orchards, all along the road to delight the beholder. The corn crops generally that we saw, are better than we expected to see. Occasionally a Held very late and very poorly planted will yield little beside bidder, but such Ileitis are only a few exceptions to the general rule of 40 to .10 bushels to the acre. Ladies, Dolen has tho biggest and best line of shoes in the city. Call and see. The law enacted by tho last legisla ture, known as tho Slocumb's high license bill, lias been pronounced con stitutional and valid by the state su premo court. From this decision there can be no appeal. While some of tho features of this law aro unreasonable and obnoxious, it becomes tho duty of tho law olllcors and courts to onforco its provisions as far as they can prac tically be enforced, until the law making power shall either repeal or modify it. Thobest way to got rid of a bad law is to enforce it. -Omnha Ike, Don't forget to take in some of those fine teas and tea canisters at J. L. Mc Gee's. lie Wine mill I!nppy If you will stop all your extravagant and wroriK notloiiK In doctoring yourself and families with oxpontdvo (UkHojh ot humhug duro.allH, that do harm always, and usu on ly nature' Hlmph) remedies lor all your ailments, you will ho wise, wnll and happy, and iwo great expenmi. Tho greatest remedy for this, tho great, wlso and good will tell you, 1h Hop lUUorh roly on It, Hoo nnotli. wr culutnn, usual, and the Improvement Is admirably uch hmldn.s feticliiR, hy W.M. UUHHKt.L. Fairs iu Nubraska. The Stall Fair will be held at Omaha, beginning Scptnuibtr lilth and ending' l"i h. Seward count v, at Seward, Sept. UDtli and Sloth. " . Furnas County, Heaver City, Sept ' 7tli anil 8th. ' i .Johnson county, Toouni.ieh, 'J 1st to 24 th. Otoe county, Nebraska City. August. 2Mb to Sept. Ud. Pawnee county, Table Hock, Sept. '27th to :ioth. Hall county, (Irani! Island. Septem ber 7th to nth. Fillmore county, fionova, September 27th to'JDth. York county, York, September liOth to tirtd. Ashland District Fair, September ! 2()th to 22d. Cass county, IMattsniouth, September 7th to Dth. Lancaster, Lincoln, September 0th to , 'Dth. Kearney county, Mindon, September 7th to Uth. Central Nebraska District Hastings Sept. lDth to 2:ld, fair, Since our last issue President (larlleld has been, as we construe the bulletins, constantly sinking, and the people may lie prepared to hear of his deatli at any moment, His pulse has for days stood at or near 100 and ' ottener above than below that mark, thus indicating a stage of fever that no mortal man can long endure. His. stalwart physique of over two hun dred pounds iu health has become so. emaciated t lint ho would scarcely weigli, 120. The parotid glands are swolleu and he can scarcely open his moiitli.. He has not the strength to turn him self iu his bed. That "chance" which, the brave man said "we will take," is. about gono. Words, prayers, skill,, science, a Nation's love, all seem v.aln mockery against tho natural resuvts of (itiiteau's bullet. Cnilerdate of July sth, CJovernor St. .John writes to a friend, iu answer to an enquiry, as follows it is impossible for me to take the time to refute all the falsehoods that aro put in circulation hy the whiskey riugiu relation to the working of the prohibition law iu this state; sulllce it to.sa once for all, that prohibition in Kansas as a whole is a grand success; in fact prohibition is ahsoltitcoxccpf iu a few of the larger cities and it will not be long until the backbone of tho whisky rebellion iu these places will be broken. Yon need have no fear of tho llnal result of prohibition in Kansas, Immediately upon tho announce ment of the I'ax'ti that the SI'octimblaw had been declared constitutional, every saloon in town closed its doors. Those of the saloon keepers who had some time ago taken steps toward taking out a license, proceeded at once to com ply with all the requirements of the law, and on Monday eening three, of the twenty iu our city, wore running at full blast again, and well patronized. Several others are at present engaged in procuring petitions and bondsmen, and in duo time will open up again. Llranri Island Times. The Secretary of tho Interior and'tho Sioux and I'onca chiefs now iu Wash ington, have agreed that each I'onca family shall have iHO acres of land and that each I'onca without a family shall have 00 acres. Red Cloud did the talking at the conference: and when he asked about Sitting Hull, Secretary Kirk wood said S. H. is still in ehargo of tho war department, and tho In terior has nothing to do with him yet. All who visit CalYert express sur prise at its rapid growth. Hut it is not to be wondered at when the fact is considered that wealth is at the bot tom of every enterprise that has been undertaken. it takes money and en ergy id carry a project of any import ance through, anil of these requisites Calveri possesses the necessary amount. Cowier. Hrownville isn't howling about pros pective railroads because she hasn't anything particular to howl about. Hut her timo mill come, and don't you forget it.Ai)VKHTisKit. The same hero brother, and when it does, will join you on tho chorus and our noise can bo heard from afar off. Roek Port Journal