mwmi.iin hi "'" ' ' ...u.wmiriMmnH W tern utoai iMilwru iiwiji v wtime IWWPIHIJMIMW NEBRASKA ADVERTISER a. W. Ffiirbrothor & Co., I'nlitUhar A; I'mprletorN. Sabccrlptlon, 2,00 Ptr Year in Advanco official lwi'Kit ok tiii: county. miiiLicnTaiiii.u'i'immMM Xow linker ul Anient Palmer'. For Ural dint groeeiioi call on T. It. .Joueri. A car of New ton wagons arriv ed at David ('aiiipltoH'H. Call at this olllee for all kinds of job work, at reiiMeiuiililn rates. Call at this Olllco and gold copy of tlio Statu Fail premium list. The oleum it While Saiolitu Ma chine lor Halo by T. J' Sealou. A hiiio cniru for (liiiirliooa and aiiininor complaint at NIoIcoIPh, Coiirtland buggy and Ilaiiibss for Hdloby the Jenlator, T. KicilAKDS. Dr. Collins, Dentist, is abaunt from Ills olllco in llrownvillo on Wednes days and KrleliiyHonly. Host lb end in Hrownvilltj nt the "liauery of ' Aaron Palmer always flush and doan. (live him ft trial. A big now lot or lea, fresh from Xow' York, just, receivoel at Nickoll's "Drue Store, and liu is soiling it very low. A car of tliuewM reliable StuelalmUer wagons on the way and will bo here this wook. Come and see them. David Ca.mimiki.i.. Aaron Palmer's baker arrival this wook and lie is now prepared to servo his custoinoru with anything in ids lino, (live hiina trial. Dr. It. 0. Ilanua, tine of tho oM strangers iua strange laud, when sick settlors of Falls City, died a few ejaysl iie'KS and want overtemk them, spi'nk 'ago. The olel gentleman was found sitting in his chair. Tho 8th annual fair of the Oleic county Agricultural ami Mechanical Assooiatiem will lie lie'lel at Syracuse September Utli. 7th, 8th, and 0th, .! alius Bent, Tcoumsoh, was prob ably fatally injured last, week by a liorso falling with him which lie was running on tho fair ground track. Wo are selling the llrst class New Homo Sewing Machine that gives entiiu "satisfaction In every way. Call and see tho elllfoieiit styles. Stdvdnson it Cuosx. Tho latest styles eif picture frames at prices U) suit the time's. Call at tho Photograph Cillery, in lirownville.und 1)0 oouvince'd. Also get Taunur to take your photeigraphs and bo happy. Whittemoro has removed opposite Dolons, where he is renely to lurnisli olel anil new eustennors with anvthing in tho gieicory or sewing macliine lino, cheap feir cash. All gemds class and fresh. l)-tv Quoenawiwul Quoonswavo! I Do not buy any until you get our prices. The imiuensn steiek that we have just original package's from Hngland, will convinco ou Hint we can save you money bv liuying of us. Stkvnxson Cite)ss. D. C. Devel has purcliased tho gro c ry store of O. P. Dovel, and removed it across tho street, inte) the Boy build ing. Delias a idee stocked' groceries, Hour, tejis, candies, nuts, etc., and the finest stock of cuiaus in town. Give him a call. The lxiss watermehin was pre sented to this olllco on Tuesday by John Knobbs. It weighed Uis lbs., aiulmaele) a elelicieuis feast for the entire force.-Snvurii lipjiinii'i: You call such a el wan" a "boss?" Wo wade-il inte) one tho either day that weighcel tltirty-eiyht pounds What do you think o,f that, Thomas? Stov onson & Cross have a wagon lewd, now lving at their deior that will pull down from 120 to W peiuuels. And we have tho best ceuii in the stato ilown hero. School coinniencos Monday, Sept. fitli, Vrof. A. It. Wighttnun, puiielpal; Miss JCinnia Morgan, assistant; Mrs. T. 11. De;y, grammar department; -Miss Kninia Scliantv.. iiigher intermediate; Miss Anna McDonald, (list interim1 diate; Miss .Kninia Clark. Secondary; .Mrs. F. J. Fbright, Piimary; Mrs, Carolino Johnson. Primary. Prof. "Wight man is reputed an elllcient ueluuatur, ami tho corps of teachers llrsf-class. Wo congratulato Urown villo in again securing tho services of Mrs. Ubrigbt for tho Primary elopart-inout. LONDON. Wortlhcr pooling down somewhat. Wo hnvo lnen rooeiving for a number of weeks the Creenleaf Jour nal. It is a lively little paper, and the editor, .1 W. Wins, a man well known about, this neighborhood, ho is a peeullar oeceiitrie piece of humanity. Therein geneially much good, ami sometimes ovil in such people.. His leading thought is "just let everybody mind their own business and ho will mind his." Thai is rigid, brother Miss, but it is tlio hardest matter in the world to malm peoplo see it. Wo wisli him success with his paper. Mrs. Warner, of Hcd Cloud, is visiting her sister, Mrs. .John Winters of London. A little son and daughter aru with iter. -- Mrs. Joseph Hoot starts noon for a visit to her friends in Iowa. May she have a pleasant visit. -- Mr. Jasper, and Mrs. Alieo Mo Iu'iinoy are holh very sick, with fever. Mr. and Mrs. Kacomire, buried their little boy Saturday, Aug uoth. In this sevoio trial may those young parents be comforted with the assur ance, they will again moot their darling. Inlant child of Warron and Sallie Manning is very sick. Uaskel meeting at Christian Church next Sunday. Those items woro intended for last week, but woro received too into for publication.! A lino rain fall last Saturday and Sunday was so cool and pleasant. Notwithstanding the cold, wet spiing anil hot dry summer, Lho corn looks very well and tho prospect is a line yield. Mo.t of the London sick people are getting heller. Thomas Miles is now very sick. Littlo Murry lJucon is sick. Sain. Winters lias eoino from Hiownvllle to the residence of his mother unci is sick. However some may not like the political career of Hon. Church Howe, all must admit ids kindness to the alllieted, and the aid given to those I W'CiW liitn (111 Vnu Sili.ilr rijlimirii "I low shines n good deed in a naughty '" ' "! n .i, k'lnim.i iimiii world." Willis Ilodgkinsou is very siek. Wonotiro by the SHiayler Citizen publisheil at Bushville, Illinois, that the.' violators ol tho liepior law are be ing "'put through" in a very commend able manner; unel throe or lour elrug glsts who hoi d high positions in soedety and some of them leading members of inu ciiurcu, nave come to gi iui aim ens grace1. Ouo ef the latter seeing m escape, pleael guilty to sl.vlet n counts of an indictment, which cost him, costs included, about fcuoo. ,11c was plae-eel under bonels not te) repeat the offense. Another plead guilty on ten counts; another on live counts; another linn of three persons one a doctor and the other twe) druggists were (iach lined $!i0 and custs, and sentenced te JO days in jail. Another was lined tffio and given i!0 days in jail. All have their place's of business eleised until heavy bonds aro given to not repeat tho offense. There are parties in Browuvillo who aro well acepiainteel with these illicit whisky selle-rs. and know them to have been e) the cry highest social standing. Thoyhuo a goenl liquor law in Illinois ami at Bush ville they have the nerve, it seems, te) enforce it, irrespective of the wealth or tlio epiality of the cloth or the cost ol tho church pow of the transgiessors. Nerve is what is wanted to enforce law, unel e'onscionlious judges, juries and olllcials who aro no icspccter of persons. -Tho Vhiituin pleaches tho fol letwing sermon for tho guoel of Tccum seh ministers: The best, and must lilting phln for ministets, is to pursue tho ".straight and nairetw way, which leadeth untei the life eternal." A conscience void of offence ag.iinst Coel anel man, is a lilting jewel in tho lifo anil conduct ot a minister of the Gospel. Ami eeliteus giving advice to preach ers sbenvs the fitness of things. State, loitriml: "A minister of the gospel, residing at Tecmnseh, is at the bottom of a lug scandal sensatieni in that berg. Thi'ro is a woman in the ease, and the woman's husband got after the dhine with a elouble-barreh'd mountain howit'er. and the divine tied te the valley, whore ho hid himself in the brush. Seeral trips into the country during the past week have ce)n inceil us the talk about a poor crop of cern is greatly exaggerated. Many Holds will go fifty bushels per acre, while others are not so gouel..-lwwjoo (Furnas Counti) Pioneer . IUiun: Sunelay evening, Aug.2lst, to Mr. and Airs. L. L. I1iillinril.ii Iuiiiiw. ' '" lug Poy baby. Pa and" mn doing well. Dr. .Stewart attending physician. I)iki:- Friday Aug. 1. IHKI, Bay M')M), infant seui ol C. It. and M. F. Facernire. But two sheut summers hail passed over tho head of tho littlo one, when the icy hum! of Death grasped the frail body, and the little lips just learning to lis) the naiiic of papa and mamma, woie closed fejroor. "I'lilm on tlio Ikimiiii of Mi) Oexl, Yiiiiiik Kplrlt. n-t tie-t now. liven ulilli- with in thy footKtcpH Irod, UN Hfitl wiiHnti thy liroxv. DiiHt to im mirror.' Ikmim' hciicntli. Soul, lolts piitroon IiIk'i. TIm'V tlmt liuMNcci) thy look In ilonlti, No niorn tnnj font todli. I.onc arc Hip piitliH mill wetl llm tiow'rs, WhuiiPi' thv .wiM-t Minllii Ih koiii'J Hut Oli. ii hrtiiiT lioinu tlimi our.i, In hi'itvun In now thlno own. K. 50,000 brick for sale by H, . Dolcn. Wo are ple.isoel to make a note of the fact tliat the f.NieiX iioTiih this city lias ace'iiired under tho mauagoment of J. (. liussell a popularity that it never Intel before. By the day it is only ."fl.oO.yet its leal substantial accomotla tions are lirst-class comfortablo rooms, good beds and excellent table faro with an agreeable lanellord anel land lady makes those hoaeleitiartors a pleas ant place for tin averagu customer. Farmers, call and get yenir dinner for !!.i cents. Tho best place in town to trade is at Dolen's. Oity Mavkot. The attention of tho citizens of Browuvillo ami vicinity is called to the me-at market of JONBS BBOT1IKBS, at Body's old stand, everything per taining to the shop is neat and clean; meat is kept sweet anel nice m the ice idoset, cuts to suit customers, are hanelsoiuely made by expert butchers, and overybeel is promptly waited upon. The- cheiicest beet and other meats al ways em hand. Try tlio city moat market. There is not one chicken this year to where theie we're ten formerly. They should he left alone for aimther j ear. SiVcV Journal. If tho Journal's premise is eonect its conclusion is nooel. And if true of prairie chicken it is certainly moie so of (instil. XoTicic. I have sold my interest in tlio linn of Kurinau iV Palmer, and elesiro to return my sincere thanks to the- poople of this city and vicinity for their patronage in the past. YV. B. I'YltMAN. PiKhliiifr, a constitutional law in the courts will pruc about as tostly a juh for the offenders as for the county. Somebody forgot that when they wanted t'he license put at $100,000. Til I'H ram. S. C. Winters, Justice of the Peace, has opened an olllco over the postdillcu the room formerly occupied ly T. I.. Schick. ' lOtf - We have received a copy of the neat premium list of tho Furnas coun ty fair to bo held September 7th and stli. Notice Is hereby given that all stock ruu iiiiiK' at large within the cit limits, on ami after Aug. ISth. IS81, will be taken up, according to law. Hknuy Bovm:, City .Marshal. Fresh Bread, pies and cakes at ways em hand at A. Palmer's. Xew supply of nice cakes and pies at Aaron Palmer's. Uest Bread in the city at Aaron Palmei's -and don't on forget it. Cash Paid for Wheat. Tlw hitltest iimrh'H jtrice ptt id J'or (ood iricat tt (Hen Hock Mills. JO. 11UDDAHT& CO, Sulky IMown. iho best made lor the least money lly Thus. Bicl.arels. Wlcki'il for Clri'i; iiifii. "1 ticllt'vutt In be nil wroiiK mid even wicked for clot k. inon or other public men to be led Into itlvlna testimonial to quack dociots or vile xtutls called medicines, hut when a lenlly meritorious mllcle, made of valuable iimhsIIcs known to nil, that nil physicians usoiiud tiusi In dallv, weshnuld Ireely commend It. I thercloiecheei fully I 'ml lieartl y oointnei i op mie in no irnnil uiiiy luiVU noil" io nun my irmieis tlniilv iifliievlnu they have no email lor liiauly iihu. I will not lie without them.'' Kkv. . NViiHhlnston, I). C, Brick! Brick! Win. Alderman has just opened a kiln of now brick, near tho olel brick yard at Browuvillo. These biick aro eif an excellent quality, and aro fen sale in huge or small quantities at reasonable rate's. If you want brick call and see Alderman's, and ascertain prices before you purchase. Gold Colli mrtlces the whitest and best bread. Try it. Notice Mrs. F.J. Monahan, of Maryville, Mei., will visit Browuvillo Simt. loth and remain throo days. She will stop at tho Union House whe-ro sho will bo prepared to treat all forms of ejo disease's successfully. I lor treatment is a permanent euro for Granulateel Fy Llels anil all forms of inflammation of tho eyes. Call for Nomewood's Hoar. Try it and you 11 ase no other. Wanted. Iy September IM flO COU HSut WftOI), suitable for burttiiitr brick. Deli creel on bonrtl e::u'sat ninlui t'ity euCftkert, ieb. Apply to BilititibobK, eb. School Furniture. 1 have receiveel the agi'iicy for A. II. Andrews it Co. School furniture of all kinds. Samples at my furniture store, Browuvillo, Nob. W. A. Judkixs. Notice Is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire' to effer themselves as candidaj.0 for teachers eif tho primary or comnmn schools of this county, at the Court Tloiise, in Browuvillo on the first Salunl.iy in each month. Philip Creilhcr. 'j l-tf Co-SuperiuteneU'iil. GRAIN ! Highest market price paid by J). K. Douglas S: Co. oaroin 5 vUt 0)I0!il tllV MtOI'IllSlIt BIocisc Itroit nvillc, .lj. E. J. HAWKINS, Proprietor. At this UonidliiK llnuxe, thouub not a lintel, Traveleis and boanlciM mo always used well; Tho proprietor and lady are jovial and kind, And the wnlleru obllulnj; as you'll com monly find. Thoy set a good tnhlo, with nood vlotnnU on It. And have n safe placo for vour hnt nml your bnn net. You can hnvo a ood mcnl any tlmo In the day, And Kott lie full worthofnll thntyonpay. If you aro faliKtied, they hnvo Fouls Unit will case you; And If you aro hungry, their victuals will please you. If you think you'll do bettor at Homo other place, You will llnd upon tilnl that that's not the case. And now at tho close, permit tne tonny, If weary or huiitfty. Just cull round (his wny, And I am qul'n sure It will nover Ip until, I am sorry I came by any wls-o head. Kaf?3xjsssv!xc3risajzxaxiainmssa NEMAHA CITY. B. BELL ANDREWS, M. D T2SICI1R & SUBfiEQ Aciu.'ilia CKj, IV'c'b. Call.s in tin Country Promptly Attend etl, day or ntyhl. QPKCIAI. ATTENTION Riven to Kiirelrtil diseases of women and surgical cllsonsuM ot the e e. 4- Patients from abroad oin be furnlsheil with pleasant rooms and nevoniuiodiitlons. City Motels LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, NEMAHA CITY NEB., Centrally located; Uoml laie, and not run. Dlo spareii t make uue.its coaitortnblc Ciood barn for hornet and Charges ilvasonubU'. 3T.i CoikeiN BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. ., . . ., . . ,, M ll.lrt .....I .Ami x.... ilk U'4,11 11V iMlll llA llnllft IIMIU lltlll rllllll)l lin ..... ... ... .. K'iJ( ll-J. any wnoie, ami uibuon nonce Asa ;iir ju:AiMXAm.E minis, GENERAL r MERCHANDISE J Ilosnalia City, Nob., LIVERY AND FEED SATBLE. Clooil IiiikkIch ami hore chirt'K reus oimblo. Jent;of rnri tiilton of trniiNlcnt stock JS'lUU.IU.i V1T JS'IUt. ATTENTION, FARMERS! For your Auflculturiil Itnpluinonts, noto DAVID A. MORTON, Kiirm onil Hprll.K WanoiiH, guilty l'lows, Stirring 1'lowv, Corn I'liuiU'in, ltnrrou'K, UoajH'rn, Mmvcrn, ("ultlvatorn, I'orn HImjIIctk, atid lliti lloss Toiikiii'Ii'hh Cultivator. ,,..-:, .. . n. .iyT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. X LEGAL NOTICE. I KTITIA A. JUHNHU.V, of tho Stivto of 1J lowii, will tnko iintlcu that. Cyrus C Johnson, of Ni'inulm county, NoI)runkii, did in th Dtliduy of AtiKiiNt, JSSl, flln his peti tion in tlii' District Court within and tor Ni'inulni county. NubrnsUa, nyiuliHt thusiUd I.ftltlii A. Johnson, diifundmit, hcttltiK forth runt e'ru C. .Inhnson hits (icon a resident of Viitnnliii county, Nebraska, for threo vcars last past that May liitli, lf-fiO, Cyrus C. .lolin Koii was uiurrlud to snld I.otltla A. .Johnson, that be has ever mIiico conducted hlniHClf towaid deltndant as a laltblul hiislmnd. tho Niild ilcfeii'Jant, dlsreiiardlnK bur duties as u wife, Iiiik hcen iilmcut liom plaint 111 for more thiiu three yours, without Just cause, nml pniyliiK that ho may ho divorced from said delendaiit, and the said I.elltlit A. Johnson Is untitled that sho 1m requlied to appear mid answer snld petition, on or beforo tlml'Jth day of Soptomhor, A. U. Ib31. Dated August Utb. lhSl. I'YItUS C .TOIINHON. lly J. K. H1UM-, bis Att'y. No. 12.-.7. SHERIFF'S SALE. OJ police Is berebj ulvon that by vlrtuoof an order ol sale Issued out of tho District Court or Neinnha t'ountj Nebraska, nncl to me directed us Hheilll' of said county upon n decrco and JiiilKiueiit rendered by said C'Uirl In 'i case wherein James H. Uurns ns Ailnilnl-tnitor ot l'lnebu Hllins, deceased, was phunilir. and .loshua 1. Ilurdlck find Detioiiili Ilurdlck wimh defendants, I will of. fer for sale, at public auction, at the door of the Court llouso in Hiownvllle, In bald eruinl v. on .Milunliij, Si'ilf iiilier 10th, A. 1) ISSI, .it 1 o'clock 1'. M the following described landti, in Nemiilm County, Nobrnsku, to-w-lt: Lots four (4 1 II vo f.'ij and six fell In block sixty-1 wo 102 and lot tour 4 In block one hun dred and. seventeen 117 In the town ot Peru, Nebraska. Inu'cther with all the Improve ments ami privileges thereto lielonnlnn. Taken on said order of sale as I ho property or.Iishim P Ilurdlck and Deborah Hurdlek. Terms o sui(. cash. Dated, thlsUtti ilnv of AucilHt. lsS. JOHN M. ICLKCKNKlfc.. w;, HHfrltr. ifto'.Kl ioiico For II:iii:ikcs. To nil whom It nuiv concorn: The uom tulssiunor appoluled to locate a road, com inencliiK at the South Hast corner ol the' West half of Hie Nnrth West iiunrter pji, Section one Tow nslilp four North of Kuime' llfteen Must, mi'I til tin inn thetico West lii.(H) chains, then olMeitnu South M links, thence West 'Jiioo chains, then otl'sotlnu North i!.i links, thence West -lu.00 chiilus, to IbeSouth West corner of the North West iiunrter of Section two Township four N'-rtli of limine lllleen Kimt. And also coin nencing nt a stuke two tods Knsl uud two lods South of the east end of the lion UrldKO on the Mttle Neinnbn Itlver known as tho Dennett l)rldi;o mid run nl in; thenoe Ntirth 'J7.01 c.'inl us to the South line ot the North Went iimiter of Section two Touru ship fmif North of limine fifteen Fust, 1ms reported In Invor of theestabllshmeni ol said road mnl the vacation ol a road commenc ing at the South West corner of thn North West iiiarterof Sec, '.'Town I Hange l' Kast and rttnnliiK South to the Mule Nomulin Itlver, then down said MtllcNeniahn Hlver to the Hrldue known as the Hennutt MiIiIl'p, All ohlectliins thereto or claims (or ilmnwi: n niUM4bo lllcd In the Count v Clerk's olllco on or bcloie noon of thclMd day ofSeptein Wr, A Dlsl or such roads will bo establish ed n nd vacated without retetentu thorato. Dated Ibis Hill (lav of Julv lsSl .SAMUKI.CTMir.UTPOX. County Clorlc. I.STATK OF W Y.MAN ICMNT decenspd. IIj In tb. e'niintv Court ol NnnuihnCoun tv Nebruskn. In tho Jiuitter of nllowlim tho final niliiilnlsinition account of Jmnes l2. Neal udmlnlsfrntor of the estati! ol Wyiunii Kent ileceasei. Notice Is hereby nlvon Hint "septenibqr Kith, A. 10 o'clock A. M , at the ofllco ot the County Juduo ol Ne innbn i'ount, Nehrnslta, In ltrovnvllle, Nui'riisltn, lias beon Uxed bv tho court ns I be t iin nnd place lor exmnlnlim and allowing snld account, when nnd where nil persons Interested may appear nnd contest thosnuie. . Dnlcd AURUst Ihth.lKSl. L JOHNH.STlTIJi, '' County .IikIkr. 'oir? of Proving- Claims. . STATP. of Walter Welch, deceased. In the Count Court of Nemulm County, Nebraska, Notice Is hereby Hlven thntSep. teniber l.tli. October (Jih.lssl, and April elth iss.'.ut 10 o'clock a. in., of each day, nt tho olllce of the county Juilize of Neinnbn county, Nebraska, tn Urounvllle, Nebrnslin, have b-en ii.nciI by the court ns the time mid plnco when nnd whero all persons who have claim-, and demands nalnst snld deceased can ha o tlii'Miimn exntulned, adjusteil, and alluued. All claims not presented at tho Inst mentioned dnte will bo forever hnrrml, by order of tho court, Dnted August :Wnil, 1S.S1, lU-lw JOHNS. STUD Tt, County Judge. Notice of .Sale. Due and k'iml notice Is horebv given thnt on the 1st dny of February 1SS1, Titos, J. I'auiiiii.n esecuted and delivered to John M. Kleukner. who bus assigned to W. T, Hoi;ei, u Chattel MorlKnge which wnsdulv tiled for record on thn first day of February, HnI, iiti o'clock p. m, snld Chni tel Mortgago was glvnu on tlio following described property, to-wlt: one Hiuimwlek MUllnrd Tuble, now In the store room occupied by Dr. Ilravo? as a grocery store and otllec, Ami there Is now due on snld niortgago the sum of thirty six and (HMCO dollars, with Interest at ten per cent from Fobrunry 1st, 18 1 to date. Hntd sale to take plnco In Hrownvllle Norn ahn county. Nobraskn, at tho above) tnoa- I tlopnd stororoonion tiiei'.'th dny i) .Soploin l .i.l Dnifd Aug. SJrtl 1681. 10-lW OSllOHNAT.SVI.01l, AtfyHforplalnUlJ'.