Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 18, 1881, Image 1
' I v sijrt Iv f "-M -V - I c firVrMsY Puriiiioaov tVPeW, " " fc W v '.- a -Ai .. . .. . . .. . . r . Allf ferlriBllWfr ' 51 2k xi ii ci'Miiri - t l f c 4R WWP& W WW) "7 B V " us-.,. X ESTA1ILX SHED 1850. I Oldest Paper la the Stato. BUSINESS CARDS. - .. W .. - -H, T II. B110ADY. O i Attorney Bd Counselor at Law. Oflloeorerfttate flank, UrownvilU.Neb. C A. OS HORN, J ATTOIINKV ATIiAW. omc,No.8l Main street, lrownvll,Xeb T S. STULL, 0 . ATTOIUVKVS AT IjAW. .Ofllosof County lodge, nrownvllle, Nebraska. A S. II OL LAD AY, a.. Pfeyatelan, garsrean, Obstetrician. Graduated In 1SJ1. Located In nrownvllle 16il. OMoe,4l Mtn street, Brownvllle, Neb. JW. GIBSON, " UbACKSMITII AND IIOHBK SIIOKU Work done to order and satisfaction guaranteed PlrsMtreet, between Main and Atlantis, Drown vltle.rieb. pAT CLINE, ITAHIIIONAniiR -. BOOT AM) SHOE XAKEK p CUSTOM WORK madeto erder, and (Its alwey guaranteed, nepaltlng neatly and promptly done Shop, No. U7 Main street. Urownvlll, Neb. D M. BAILEY, SIliri'RH AND DRAMtK i LIVE STOCK JillOWNVlLLS, NKIiRASKA. Farmers, please cull and got prices; I wftnl 10 liiwulle your stook. Offloe-First Natlonnl Dnnk. MAULATT &. KING, K A 1,15118 IW General Merchandise Dry Goods, Groceries, Unfitly MimIo Clottilnif, Hoots, Shoe. Huts, Ciipx, and nQunprul As sortment of DritK nnd I'ntont Medicines. IltKhest priors paid for butter and eggs. ASPlICIVAIili, KBDIIA8KA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I will make Mortgage Loans ON APPROVED KAHM SEOUUITV, AT . 82 cSt. Annual Interest a NO COMMISSION. 0. J. STQWELL, Attorney at Law, Sheridan, Neb. '2m'.l 1 lacob Marohn, Ilrownvlllc, RJclirnskn. MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealarln . FlneKnffllnh, Krmieh, Scotch and Fancy Cloth Yt tt sgs, Etc., Ktc. WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED INT 1856. o l r e s x Real EstateAgency IN NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Does n gonornl Kenl Estate Hustness.' Hells Lands on Commission, oxnmlnes Titles, in ult on Deeds, Mortgages, and nil Instru ments pertaining to tno transfer of Ileal Es tnto. Has n Complete Abstract of Titles to all Heal Estato in Nemaha County. A AI1TJI0IUZK0 BV THE V. H. OOVKIIMMIMT First National Bank OF BUOWNVILLK Paid-up Capital, $50,000 Authorised 500,000 18 PIIKPAUKDTO TIIANHACT A General Banking Busines. BUY AND BELL COIN fe OUEEENOY DEAFTS n all tlis principal cities of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On upproved security only. Time Drafts dUcount ed, and special accommodations urantpd to en. Dealers In QOVKIINMENT I10NDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Ile4lYd parsbloondemaud.and INTIJHKBTal lowudon ttmorttflcatesofdpoilt, DIUECTOnH.-Wm.T. Den, tt. M. Halley, M.A Handle?, Frank B. Jbhnton, l.utlmr Iloadley Wo, J'ral.her. JOHN h. CABSON, A. n.DAVIHOW.Cuhl.r. Prvildsnt J. C.Uctf AUQUTOR, Aiit.CasUUr. C. L. Burroughs, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. OITlcoln A. W. NICKELL'S DHUO'STOKE. All oill promptly attended ,dy or night Speo'al attention to bUHOKRY. Can bo found nights at Mrs. Pwsooe's real. dence, west of I'rosby terlan Church. For Sale Cheap. T IIArETWODEMARSOnOHUM MILLS, 1 nest umchlno out ono entirely nw, one bepn In use two years, whlah I will soli cheap lor cash or on time. Also, Two Farms for Sale, In the Immediate vicinity of Brownvlllo. Good bourlmt orchard on each, nnd plenty of wood nnd wntor. R. 8. IIAWAFOHD. LIVERY ! W. E. O'PELT, Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. G-OOD RIGS REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AXD- Driver Furinshed wlien desired. Horaes boardod bf tlio day or week, anck-trmers' teams tea nna' carea ior at fair rates. How Lost, How Restored! Ju.t psbll.tiod, a new edition of Dr. CulVerf well's fXclirntrd Kutnr " HiPradlcal cure ot Hperuiatorrluleaor Heratnal Weakness, I.ivolun tury Seminal Lun.vs, Inipotnncy, Mental and l'hHlcal Incapacity. IiniiPdlinents to inarrlauc tc: ulso, CoNniiMi'Tios.EriLfi'sY and Kits, In rtticfdby BL-IMnilnlHfnco or suzttml oitrnviiKRinc, dtc. Th celobratwl author. In this admtrnble K-iiy, claarly domonitratei, from n thirty yru' sue-ct-Mfiil nmctlCH, that the a!annlnKcnnn(iiifnct!tof elf-abuK mny bo radically cured: pointing out a modeof cure at oncealuiplp.cnrtnln, and etrect means of which every infTerer. no mutter whut hl condition mar tin, may cure himself cheaply. prlvtely,and radically. ttT)iH Leciurpshould betn the hands or every youtli and every limn In the land. Sent under tal, In a plain onvelupo, to any ml droM, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two poitaKo stampn. We have alio u i'ir cure far Tape Worm. Addre.s THE CULVSSWELL MEDICAL CO., 11 Ann St.. Now York, N. Y. P.O. Hox..3S0. 18 ty STEEL BOILERPERRY. AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSINGS ON THE Missouri River. NEWBOAT. Rates Low, Camps Sh tidy, Jtoads Good, Indemnity Ample. Connects with all Trains. mfUf ICO triiioi Mlu, or WhHi ,u.mZi7 !ii.H?r' Ji?rru''"uP'l (ltlmlr.1.4 AGENTS Oft Jn rtluctd S3 jt ci WANTED for it i,n .tt r.n.rt III.; nnortil Hook, inj Ilfclo., J"rlc4 Jrcl. tllODtl I'utli.b'fLo., kl. 1mm, Ho. Ji i ygWjL tJAI Jjsr,!-3 i?' irf1 'rfJt br FllL.1) rl.ln. A... " ' NAIIIt RtMIlT CO.. JT, 10UII, MQ. BROWNYILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1881. (NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Tlio Pennsylvania, Democratic Stato committco will meet at Williamsport, Sept. 'J5tli. Tlio Mexican Vctontn Central Asso elation of the Stato of Missouri will assemblo at tlio court lionso in the city of Sedalia, at 11 o'clock a, in., on Thurs day, the 22nd of September, 1881. Threshers tell us that wheat turns out all tlio way from live to twenty bushels per aero. As a general thing tho yield will bo moro than was ex pectod threo weeks ngo.tiewitrii Jllade. "Wo hope to double tuo another year has passed, and wo have no doubt it may bo done. Post. Try a green watermelon and Home more candy and wo think you may make it. Wo'ro not used to livinir in a hoir pen nor do we proposo to try and get used to it. Post. Is that sol Why, wo thought you belonged to the breed that could take tho second row of potatoes through the crack of a rail fence Wo are not running the Post alone for money, though it is extremely necessary that we have enough to pay our board and paper bills. Post. Glory, and the good of tlio race is all that fellow" wants. Ho ought to board around with the scholars, and so lighten, as much as possible, his inflic tion on tho community. Tho Saloon-keepers' Association of Hloomington have taken action that deserves acknowledgment, because it is to the effect that they will no longer sell liquor to minors, nor to habitual drunkards, nor to men who are in the habit of beating their wives. They have issued a circular inviting relatives to furnish them with photographs of such persons as belong to those classes, and with them as guides will endeavor to carry out tho now nijd commendable plan. Inter Omin. ,!. so uorman larmers to their saving and economical way of living; and while that may be true to some extent, it is moro true that their success-is tho re sult of pushing their farm work in proper time, and never allowing it or tho weeds to push them. Not with standing tho dry weather, many of thorn are already plowing, anil thereby will destroy bushels of weed seed that is not yet ripe. Success is sure to crown good fanning. tittite Journal. Down about Calvert tho politicians as the Courier informs us, are unusual ly quiet this year. This is propably to be accounted for by tho fact that the railroad building in that locality com pletely monopolizes tho attention of the Nemaha people thereabouts. A busy people have but littlo time for active politics. The people of Calvert, and tho country about, are having an immense boom just now, and they do woll to givo there whole attention to tlio upbuilding of their town and county. Llhwl) i Globe. Kditor Taggart's explanation in tlio Post, of his own card to George Herlin, in Tun Advkkti.shk of tho 4th inst., is simply such an cruet ion as might bo expected from one end or the other of a long cared animal with a shaved tail, upon receiving a kick in tho region of the diaphragm, with a number twelvo boot. And, by the way Uorlln has ono of tho beBt barber shops in tho stato, and is one of tho bcbt barbers j and lie says ho did not ask any pulling at tho hands of Tag gurt that when he wants his shop notlcod in print, ho will go to some paper that has a rcspuctablo circula tion, iKnd whose editor has sonso enough to wrlto an intelligblo item. Mayor Harrison of Chicago, on a recent Sunday, attended a beer garden, and being called out harangued 'the guzzling bloated crowd, m a manner to suit them, amid their leers andchoors. Amongst his many illogical and un truthful utterances ho said: "Standby beer; but let it stand by you, and do not lie down by it. God Almighty has given men boor because thoir systems demand a stimulant." "What A consummate ass Chicago keeps for a Mayor. "God Almighty has given men beer because their sys tems domand a stimulant!" is tho les son which tho head of half million people gives his young men. And Chicago is already notorious for her crimes, committed daily nnd nightly, and especially on Sunday nights. Tho Art of Composition. In still another branch havo the Ger mans succeeded. American teachers know to thoir sorrow tho ditllculty en countered in vducating scholars to bo oasy writers- that is to writo what is generally Known 10 us as essays or compositions. Tho fault lies hero just whero it does in all our other higher studios it is not begun oarly enough. Wo wait until wo think that thoir minds are a tritlo mature, and then come upon thorn with a wild rush of rhetoric, history, and all tho frightful curriculum. German girls begin to writo essays when they are about l years, and con tinue to do it onco a month or twice a quarter, but every week of tho school year until they are 10 or 18 vears of age. For tho llrst year it takes tho form meroly of a dictation with an occasional original essay. Twelvo German poems are learned during the year, and may also bo used as material for compositions in prose. Kntoring tho class abovo this, 1 found a method in progress, certainly very strange to tho most American schools. Tho teaci.or was a gentleman; tho girls were ten years old on an Iiveruge. .-Manning oui uerore mo emus, lie began to tell them the fable of the woman whoso hen laid her daily a golden egg a story told so .simply, every word of it weighed so carefully, every idea ox pressed with the acme of precision and all in a voice so low ami distinct the class set hushed as he spoke, and moved not a muscle till ho finished. He then began it again, imusiinr this vtiinoattlio end of every sentence to talk it over with the school, asking what nouns, what verbs, what adjec tives they had noticed as he talked. In this manner he carried them through tlio faille to tho end. Finally ho called upon ono little girl to repeat what she could of it. Whero she failed others came in to help her. Then another girl took up tho story and told It better, until, aftor many times told, the fable had entered nil these Httlo minds and become a (lxed mental possession, and when tho master asked : "Now, do you know it quite well?" "Doch!" "Doch!" Ma, ja! gewissl" went up in a shout from all parts of tho room. . "Well, write all you know about it and bring it to mo Monday." Cor. Jios- State Normal School. Htnto Jourtml : We have just recolvod a circular of this popular institution from which the following is condensed: The schol astic year just closed has been one of tho most prosperous in the history of this institution. Tho catalogue ol 1880 shows an attendance of 'J70 stu dents, all preparing to teach, and the catalogue of 1881 will show a much larger number. On last ment day forty students were graduat ed, six in the higher and thirty-four in tho elementary course, representing in all twenty counties of the State. This is an average of the numbers graduated annually for several years, but in tho meantime the school has risen to a higher piano in point of well directed ert'ort, moral tone, general ciii turo,aml professional enthusiasm, and Us prospects for the coming 3 ear aie brighter than ever before. In addition to the regular classes of tho elementary course, special review classes, composed of practical teachers who have been over tho course and others having tho requisite age. schol arship, and experience, aro formed at the beginning of the fall term, with a view to graduation in the elementary course at the end of tho spring term. Students found competent to enter these classes olHain.iu connection with their professional instruction and train ing, complete out lino reviews of all the branches of the elementary course within the period of one scholastic year. All persons wishing to entei these classes should bo present at the opening of the fall teim. Tuition in tho regular courso and the use of the library and reading room aro freo and thero aro no in cidental expenses. The scholastic year opens the first day of September, at which time all students wishing to enter for tho fall term should bo present. Among tho many advantages which this institution affords, may bo enum erated its healthful location, conven ient buildings, cheap boarding, freo tuition, experienced teachers, good library nnd earnest students. It . Miss Minnio Williams, aged 22, daughter of A. I). Williams editor of tho Hastings Nebraskan, drowned hersolf In Salt Creek, Lincoln, a few days ago whllo on n visit to that city. Sho graduated last Juno at the State University, and was in all resnects an estimable young lady. Sho for some tlmo was tiireatened with blindness, which weighed heavily on her mind, and this Is given as the only known possible reason why she chose death rather than prolonged life in this world. Tho Laughlin nail mills at Martin's Ferry wore destroyed by tiro last weolc. VOL 26, NO. 9. ananNmanmiwBniaaaaaanvEnei Prohibition Dofondod, Lx- Governor Dingley, of Maine, in a speech recently at the teniperanco meeting at Lako Maranocook, made an able defence or prohibition liquor laws. In summing up tho good results of pro hibition in Maine, ho says that prohilj itorV law bus closed ovorv illHtllli.rv it. has reduced the number of dram shops In Maine from ono to every 22"i inhabi tants in 183:1 to less than ono secret groggery to overy 1,000 of population in 1880; it has made the sales of tho secret dram shops less than one-fourth what would bo sold by the flame under a license system; it has reduced tho consumption of intoxicants, tlio most of which aro brought into tho Stato by oxpross companies to private parties, to ft per inhabitant, while tho averago In the United States is 610 per inhabi tant; it has reduced tho arrestH for drunkenness in cities where the law Is onforced to one-fourth of tho averago of cities whero the license system is in operation. In the courso of his speech Mr. Dlngloy took occasion to refute tho ehnrge that thero is more crimo in Maine than in othor States.and to provo that it is groundless, gives the number of convicts in the State prisons of sev eral States in ooniiedion with the pop ulation, as ioiiows: Maine. !(!, ono to .1,000 Inhabitants. It Is claimed that a number of convicts sentenced to jail moro than one year in lieu of Stato prison should bo addol. If this be done, then wo shall havo ono convict t& 2,700 inhabitants. Alabama, 87U, one to 1,-100 inhabi tants. California, 1, :t 18, ono to 000 inhabi- lanis. Connecticut, 278, one to 2,100 inhabi tants. Massachusetts, 757, ono to 2,200 in habitants. New Hampshire. 180, ono to 1,000 inhabitants. New York, .'1,488, one to 1,400 inhabi tants. Vermont, 170, ono to 1,800 inhabi tants. A Singular Oocurrauce. Lai'outi:, lnd.,Aug. 8. A most sin gular circumstance or occurrence has just taken place here. This morning tor wore found covered with dead llsli, both large and small, and in large quai. tities, the work of a single night. Such a thing has never happened before, ami no satisfactory reason can bo given. Tho lake is largo and the water deep, small steamers and sail boats plying thereon, so that it cannot bo a lack of water. The ilsh seem to have been poisoned, thoir bodies being swollen and eyes distonded, Tho other ad jacent lakes, soveral In number, show no such phenomenon, and tho question askod by tho crowds of people rushing to see tlio dead Ilsh is," What has caused it?" Tho health of our people being in danger, tho city marshal and a largo force of men commenced digging trenches this morning, wheeling the fish into them and burying them. Thero are so 11111113', it will take two or three days to dlsposo of them, as It will tako miles of trenches to encircle tho lake. Gen. McUride, secretary of tho board of managers of the coming Stato fair, is in Omaha, and, with other members of the board, is working energetically to insure one of tho grandest successes in the exhibition line that this Stato or any other has ever seen. Tho lino of exhibits will bo vory much larger than was ever hoped the ontrles.which are rapidly coming in, indicate. Tho 0110 great attraction, the electric light to illumiuato tho grounds, is an assured fact and doubtless will bo a brilliant success. A teleXram was re ceived by Gen. MeHrido from tho Hrush electric light company last night stating that the machinery is now ready for shipment. Accordingly this morning ho was limiting arrangements for the ereotioii of a tall mast on which six of tho lights will be hoisted. Four extra lights have been ordered, making twonty in all. Of these, thirteen will be placed on the race track and five in tho main hall, using tho other two for lighting othor buildings. This is tho first and only time that tho electric light has evor been used at an exhibi tion of this character. Omaha Teh ijram. Tho Hastings Nebraskan vory truly says : We shall by and by begin to roalizo that Mr. Conkllng is ono of the best abused mon In the country. Ho stands bofore tho country as tho Impersona tion of "spoils!" And yet, In tho Now Arrt- lluiMil rtfO!! miit. ...I.I...I. i X1MIV UIIIVU, UTUI lllt;i IUA fight arose, there aro only threo per sons owing their appointment to him while Blaine has eight, Schurx twelve' Goorgo William Curtis (tho anti "spoils" man, par oxcolonco.) about seventy-five, ox-Vico Frosidont Wheol- iir i lurim iiiimlwit ntwl Cn.t.ti.. . thony, Hnrnside, Edmunds, Cameron and Sherman, havo each moro than Conkllng.